PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)

PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion (DLC)

Release Date: 04/08/2020 | WORLDWIDE
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6.49 € + VAT


Seja o herói oculto de toda equipe de e-sports: o suporte técnico! Comece com uma equipe humilde e avance nas classificações, equilibrando exigências dos jogadores, dos patrocinadores e do dono da equipe. Administre o orçamento da equipe para equipamentos, instale as peças certas do patrocinador nas montagens e tente manter a calma quando alguma coisa essencial der errado no dia da partida!

A oficina

Passe a semana na oficina preparando os PCs da sua equipe. Observe seu celular e e-mail a todo momento, porque podem surgir pedidos de vários lugares. Faça trabalhos paralelos para os jogadores e para o dono para ganhar um dinheirinho a mais. Mas não perca o foco no que é mais importante: deixar as máquinas da equipe no ponto para o dia da competição.


Ajuste e aperfeiçoe os PCs da equipe nos bastidores. Tente equilibrar exigências de última hora de jogadores exigentes e deixar os patrocinadores contentes com a imagem dos produtos deles. Trabalhe rápido para completar tarefas de última hora antes que a competição comece.

A arena

Caminhe pelo túnel até a arena, sempre verificando as mensagens no WhazzUp antes de montar os PCs da sua equipe no palco. Você não vai querer colocar dois jogadores brigões um do lado do outro!

A partida

Tome um café nos bastidores enquanto assiste ao desenrolar da partida. Mas não dá para relaxar completamente! As coisas podem dar errado no meio da partida. Entrar em ação na hora do intervalo pode salvar sua equipe.

Trabalhe com equipamentos de ponta de patrocinadores reais

A história da Expansão E-sports inclui patrocinadores reais – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek e Razer.

Desenvolva sua reputação

Faça sua equipe vencer partidas para fazer chover curtidas pelo LikedIn. Continue sempre fazendo um bom trabalho para receber ofertas de promoção, pedidos para trabalhar com jogadores mais famosos e acesso a maiores orçamentos, além de uma belíssima oficina nova. Se os resultados forem bons para seus jogadores, logo você vai receber ofertas de equipes rivais.

Montar PCs ficou ainda mais emocionante!

A Expansão E-sports é uma nova maneira de jogar PC Building Simulator. Venha jogar hoje mesmo, e lembre-se: sua equipe só é tão forte quanto os PCs que você montar para ela.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.
Devenez le héros méconnu de chaque équipe d'esports – l'assistance technique ! Démarrez avec une équipe modeste, puis hissez-vous dans les classements en jonglant avec les demandes des joueurs, des sponsors et du chef d'équipe. Gérez le budget technique de l'équipe, installez dans vos créations les composants de sponsor adaptés et tentez de garder votre calme quand un élément essentiel tombe en panne les jours de match !


Passez la semaine dans l'atelier à préparer les PC de votre équipe. Surveillez constamment votre téléphone et vos e-mails, car les demandes proviennent maintenant d'endroits multiples. Gagnez de l'argent supplémentaire en accomplissant des tâches secondaires pour des joueurs et votre manager. Mais ne perdez pas de vue l'objectif le plus important, vérifier que les ordinateurs de l'équipe sont opérationnels à 200 % pour le jour du match.

Les coulisses

Préparez et fignolez les PC de l'équipe dans les coulisses, en gérant les demandes de dernière minute de joueurs difficiles et en satisfaisant les sponsors soucieux de leur image. Travaillez vite pour effectuer des tâches de dernière minute avant l'ouverture des portes de l'arène et le début du match.


Empruntez le tunnel jusqu'à l'arène, vérifiez vos messages WhazzUp avant d'installer les PC de votre équipe sur scène, et évitez de placer deux joueurs rivaux l'un à côté de l'autre !

Le match

Traînez dans les coulisses avec un café à la main en attendant la fin du match. Mais ne vous détendez pas trop – la situation peut dégénérer en milieu de match et une réaction rapide à la mi-temps peut vous sauver la mise, à vous et votre équipe.

Travaillez avec du matériel supérieur de véritables sponsors

L'intrigue de l'Extension Esports vous propose de vrais sponsors : AMD, ASUS/Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek et Razer.

Bâtissez votre réputation

Donnez la victoire à votre équipe et les Likes afflueront via LikedIn. Poursuivez sur votre lancée et vous profiterez d'une promotion en accompagnant de meilleurs joueurs, en accédant à des budgets plus élevés et à un nouvel atelier de luxe. Si vos joueurs continuent d'obtenir des résultats, vous recevrez même des offres d'équipes rivales.

PC Building s'améliore encore !

L'Extension Esports propose une toute nouvelle façon de jouer au jeu à succès PC Building. N'attendez pas et jouez dès maintenant. Et n'oubliez pas : votre équipe n'est que le reflet de ses PC.
Sei der stille Held jedes E-Sport-Teams, der die technische Unterstützung übernimmt. Beginne mit einem bescheidenen Team und steige zu wahrer Größe auf, indem du dich um die Wünsche von Spielern, Sponsoren und Teamchefs kümmerst. Verwalte das Technikbudget des Teams, baue die richtigen Teile der Sponsoren in deine Konstruktionen ein und versuche, ganz ruhig zu bleiben, wenn knapp vor dem Spieltag mal wieder etwas nicht funktionieren will!

Die Werkstatt

Verbringe die Woche in der Werkstatt und mache die PCs deines Teams einsatzbereit. Achte mit Adleraugen auf Telefonanrufe und E-Mails, denn Anfragen kommen von vielen Seiten herein. Verdiene dir ein Zubrot mit kleinen Nebenjobs für Spieler und Teamchef. Aber verliere das Wichtigste nicht aus den Augen: Die Computer des Teams müssen zum Spieltag perfekt in Ordnung sein!

Hinter der Bühne

Richte die PCs des Teams hinter der Bühne ein und nimm Einstellungen nach den Wünschen nervöser Spieler in letzter Minute vor, aber berücksichtige auch die Wünsche der Sponsoren nach werbeträchtigen Bildern. Arbeite schnell an diesen Jobs in letzter Minute, bevor sich der Vorhang hebt und das Spiel beginnt.

Die Arena

Begib dich durch den Tunnel in die Arena, aber nicht ohne noch mal deine WhazzUp-Nachrichten durchzugehen, bevor du die PCs deines Teams auf der Bühne einrichtest – schließlich möchtest du nicht, dass Spieler nebeneinander sitzen, die sich nicht ausstehen können.

Das Match

Schlürfe hinter der Bühne einen Kaffee, während du darauf wartest, wie sich das Spiel entwickelt. Aber entspanne dich nicht zu sehr! Manchmal geht mitten im Spiel etwas schief und schnelles Eingreifen in der Halbzeitpause könnte dir und deinem Team den Tag retten.

Mit der Hardware der echten Sponsoren arbeiten

Die Story der Esports Expansion bietet die echten Sponsoren auf: AMD, ASUS/Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek und Razer.

Schaffe dir einen Ruf

Sorge dafür, dass dein Team Matches gewinnt und die Likes über LikedIn purzeln nur so herein. Nur weiter so, dann wirst du garantiert befördert, unterstützt hochrangigere Spieler, schöpst aus höheren Budgets und bekommst eine richtig schicke neue Werkstatt. Wenn deine Spieler weiter siegen, bekommst du bald auch Offerten rivalisierender Teams.

Der Bau von PCs wurde gerade noch eine Stufe herausfordernder!

Die Esports Expansion bietet eine ganz neue Art, mit dem Spielehit PC Building Spaß zu haben. Also lege gleich los und spiele noch heute! Vergiss nicht: Dein Team ist nur so gut wie die PCs, die du den Spielern baust.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.










Eスポーツ拡張のストーリーラインは実在のスポンサーをフィーチャー:AMD、ASUS / Republic of Gamers、ASRock、COLORFUL、CORSAIR、EVGA、G.SKILL、HyperX、MSI、NVIDIA、NZXT、Raijintek、Razer。




모든 E스포츠 팀의 눈에 보이지 않는 영웅, 기술 지원팀이 되어 보세요! 소박한 팀으로 시작해서 선수와 스폰서, 팀 매니저의 각종 요청을 빠르게 처리해 주면서 순위를 높여 보세요. 팀의 기술 예산을 관리하고, 적절한 스폰서의 부품을 장비에 설치하세요. 경기 당일에 뭔가 치명적인 문제가 발생하더라도 최대한 냉철함을 유지해야 합니다!


주말 동안 작업장에서 팀의 PC를 준비합니다. 수시로 여러 사람의 요청이 전달되니, 매의 눈으로 휴대전화와 이메일을 확인해야 합니다. 선수와 매니저에게 의뢰 받는 부업도 완료하면 추가 수입도 올릴 수 있지요. 하지만 가장 중요한 업무는 경기에 사용할 팀의 장비를 완벽하게 제작하는 것이니, 이를 소홀히 하지는 마세요.


백스테이지에서 팀의 PC를 설치하고 조정합니다. 까칠한 선수들이 경기 직전에 요구하는 사항들을 솜씨 좋게 처리하면서 이미지를 중시하는 스폰서도 만족시켜야 하지요. 스테이지의 문이 열리고 경기가 시작되기 전까지 마지막 요청 사항 하나까지 빠르고 완벽하게 처리해 보세요.


터널을 통과하여 경기장에 들어섭니다. 팀의 PC를 스테이지에 설치하기 전에 WhazzUp 메시지를 한 번 더 확인하는 건 필수지요. 앙숙인 선수들을 서로의 옆자리에 앉히기라도 하면 큰일 납니다!


경기가 진행되는 동안 백스테이지에서 커피 한 잔의 여유를 즐길 수 있습니다. 하지만 긴장을 풀 수는 없죠. 경기 중에도 어떤 문제가 발생할지 모릅니다. 그럴 경우, 하프 타임에 빠르게 문제를 처리하면 당신과 팀의 위기를 극복할 수도 있습니다.

현실의 스폰서가 제공하는 최고의 하드웨어를 사용합니다

E스포츠 확장팩의 스토리에는 실존하는 스폰서로 AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek, Razer 등이 등장합니다.

명성을 쌓으세요

팀이 연승가도를 달리면 LikedIn을 통해 좋아요가 쏟아져 들어올 겁니다. 계속 멋진 활약을 펼치다 보면 승진을 거듭하며 인기 선수를 지원할 수 있고, 더욱 넉넉한 예산과 멋진 새 작업장도 이용할 수 있습니다. 지원하는 선수의 성적이 계속 상위권을 유지한다면 조만간 라이벌 팀에서 스카우트 제의가 들어올 겁니다.

PC 제작의 수준이 한 차원 높아졌습니다!

E스포츠 확장팩과 함께 폭발적인 인기를 얻고 있는 PC 제작 게임을 전혀 새로운 방식으로 즐길 수 있습니다. 지금 바로 시작하세요. 당신이 제작하는 PC가 팀의 성적을 결정한다는 사실에 주목하면서 말이지요.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.
Станьте невоспетым героем каждой киберспортивной команды — работником техподдержки! Начните со скромной команды и поднимитесь по карьерной лестнице, балансируя между требованиями игроков, спонсоров и менеджера команды. Распоряжайтесь техбюджетом команды, включайте в свои сборки нужные спонсорские детали и старайтесь не терять самообладание, если что-то крайне важное накроется в день матча!


Проведите неделю в мастерской и подготовьте ПК вашей команды. Не спускайте глаз с телефона и электронной почты, ведь теперь запросы поступают отовсюду. Зарабатывайте больше денег, беря подработки от игроков и вашего менеджера. Но не забывайте о своей главной задаче — ко дню матча ПК команды должны быть в идеальном состоянии.

За сценой

Соберите и настройте ПК команды за сценой, успевая выполнять срочные требования привередливых игроков и угождать спонсорам, заботящимся о своем имидже. Работайте быстро, чтобы успеть разобраться со всеми проблемами, возникшими в последнюю минуту, прежде чем откроется служебный вход и начнется игра.


Проходите через тоннель на арену, перепроверяя сообщения в WhazzUp перед тем, как решать, в каком порядке установить ПК команды на сцене — не стоит садить двух враждующих игроков рядом!


Ждите окончания матча за сценой, попивая кофе. Но не слишком расслабляйтесь — все может пойти наперекосяк во время игры, и только оперативные действия в перерыве смогут спасти вас и вашу команду.

Работайте с лучшими комплектующими от реальных спонсоров

В сюжете дополнения Esports представлены реальные спонсоры: AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek и Razer.

Сделайте себе имя

Помогайте своей команде побеждать в матчах — и лайки в вашем LikedIn польются рекой. Продолжайте в том же духе и получите повышение — а вместе с ним и более авторитетных игроков, доступ к более крупным бюджетам и роскошную новую мастерскую. Если ваша команда будет делать успехи, вы быстро начнете получать предложения от команд соперников.

Сборка ПК вышла на новый уровень!

Дополнение Esports предлагает совершенно новый взгляд на уже знакомый вам симулятор сборки ПК. Присоединяйтесь к игре сегодня и помните: ваша команда хороша ровно настолько, насколько хороши ПК, которые вы для них собрали.










电竞扩展的故事情节涉及现实中的赞助商——AMD、ASUS/Republic of Gamers、ASRock、COLORFUL、CORSAIR、EVGA、G.SKILL、HyperX、MSI、NVIDIA、NZXT、Raijintek和Razer。




Conviértete en el héroe olvidado de todos los equipos de deportes electrónicos: ¡el servicio técnico! Empieza con un equipo humilde y sube en el escalafón haciendo malabares con las exigencias de los jugadores, los patrocinadores y el director del equipo. Gestiona el presupuesto para tecnología del equipo, pon en tus PC las piezas adecuadas de los patrocinadores ¡e intenta mantener la calma cuando algo crucial falle el día del enfrentamiento!

El taller

Pasa la semana en el taller preparando los PC de tu equipo. Vigila tu teléfono y tu email como un halcón, ya que ahora las peticiones llegan de varios lugares. Gana dinero extra completando encargos secundarios para los jugadores y tu director. Pero no dejes de concentrarte en la tarea más importante: asegurarte de que los ordenadores del equipo estén perfectos para el día del enfrentamiento.

Entre bastidores

Prepara y afina los ordenadores del equipo entre bastidores, haciendo malabares con las exigencias de última hora de jugadores irascibles, al tiempo que contentas a los patrocinadores, preocupados sobre todo por su imagen. Trabaja a toda prisa para completar los trabajos de última hora antes de que se abra la puerta del escenario y sea casi la hora de jugar.

La arena

Atraviesa el túnel hasta la arena, repasando tus mensajes de WhazzUp antes de colocar los ordenadores de tu equipo en el escenario. ¡No querrás sentar juntos a dos jugadores que están peleados!

El enfrentamiento

Quédate entre bastidores tomando un café mientras esperas que termine el enfrentamiento. Pero no te relajes demasiado: algo puede ir mal en pleno juego, y una actuación rápida en el descanso puede salvar la situación para ti y para tu equipo.

Trabaja con el mejor hardware de patrocinadores reales

La trama de la expansión Esports incluye patrocinadores reales: AMD, ASUS/Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek y Razer.

Construye tu reputación

Consigue que tu equipo gane enfrentamientos y empezarán a llover los «likes» por LikedIn. Sigue así y te ofrecerán un ascenso, trabajar con jugadores de nivel superior, acceder a presupuestos mayores y un nuevo y flipante taller. Si tus jugadores consiguen resultados, no tardarás en recibir ofertas de equipos rivales.

¡El montaje de ordenadores sube de nivel!

La expansión Esports ofrece una forma totalmente nueva de jugar al exitoso juego de montaje de ordenadores. Lánzate de cabeza, empieza a jugar hoy mismo y recuerda: tu equipo es tan bueno como los PC que montes para ellos.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.
Be the unsung hero of every Esports team – the tech support! Start with a humble team, and rise up the ranks as you juggle demands from players, sponsors and the team manager. Manage the team’s tech budget, put the right sponsor parts in your builds, and try to remain calm when something crucial fails on match day!

The Workshop

Spend the week in the workshop getting your team's PCs ready. Watch your phone and email like a hawk, as requests now come from multiple places. Earn extra money by completing side jobs for players and your manager. But don't lose focus on the most important task – making sure the team's rigs are perfect for match day.


Set up and tweak the team's PCs in the backstage area, juggling last minute demands from tetchy players while keeping image-conscious sponsors happy. Work fast to complete any last-minute jobs before the stage door opens and it's almost game-time.

The Arena

Head through the tunnel into the arena, double checking your WhazzUp messages before you set up your team's PCs on stage – you don't want to sit two feuding players right next to each other!

The Match

Hang backstage with a coffee while you wait for the match to play out. But don't relax too much – things can go wrong mid-game, and swift action at half time could save the day for you and your team.

Work with top hardware from real sponsors

The Esports Expansion's storyline features real sponsors – AMD, ASUS / Republic of Gamers, ASRock, COLORFUL, CORSAIR, EVGA, G.SKILL, HyperX, MSI, NVIDIA, NZXT, Raijintek and Razer.

Build your Reputation

Get your team winning matches and Likes will pour in via LikedIn. Keep it up, and you'll be offered a promotion, supporting higher profile players, gaining access to bigger budgets and a fancy new workshop. If your players keep getting results, you'll soon be getting offers from rival teams.

PC Building just went up a notch!

Esports Expansion is a whole new way to play the hit PC Building game. So jump in and play today, and remember: your team is only as good as the PCs you build for them.

System Requirements


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