Edição digital de luxo

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Sobre o jogo
Em Prey, você acorda abordo de Talos I, uma estação espacial orbitando a lua no ano de 2032. Você é o elemento chave de um experimento destinado a alterar a humanidade para sempre, mas algo deu terrivelmente errado. A estação espacial foi tomada por alienígenas hostis e agora você está sendo caçado. Enquanto procura pelos segredos terríveis da Talos I e de seu próprio passado, você precisa sobreviver usando as ferramentas que encontrar na estação, sua astúcia, armas e habilidades alucinantes. O destino da Talos I e de todos a bordo está nas suas mãos.
Thriller de ficção científica
Nada é o que parece a bordo da Talos I. Como Morgan Yu, você tem a missão de decifrar as pistas que deixou para trás e desvendar a verdade sobre o seu passado. Que papel você terá nos planos da TranStar e na misteriosa ameaça que assola a estação?
Cenário único
A estação espacial Talos I, que orbita ao redor da lua, simboliza o ponto máximo da iniciativa espacial privada. Explore uma suntuosa nave projetada para refletir o luxo corporativo dos anos 60 e navegar interconectada por caminhos não lineares construídos para esconder inúmeros segredos.
Ameaça inimaginável
A presença extraterrestre sombria infestando a Talos I é uma ecologia viva voltada para a aniquilação de sua presa. Cabe a você, um dos últimos sobreviventes que resta a bordo da estação, dar um fim ao ataque mortal desses predadores assombrosos.
Personalize a jogabilidade e ajuste a dificuldade para viver uma aventura sob medida. Você pode deixar a experiência mais desafiadora (ou mais fácil) alterando uma infinidade de parâmetros relacionados à furtividade, à movimentação e ao combate.
Jogue do seu jeito
Ganhe habilidades alienígenas para desenvolver uma combinação de poderes distintos e melhorar suas habilidades únicas. Crie objetos cada vez mais úteis com projetos, dispositivos e ferramentas a bordo da estação para superar os perigosos obstáculos no seu caminho. Sobreviva a ameaças nunca vistas com sua astúcia e capacidade de improvisar.
Reserve Prey e receba o Pacote Escopeta de Cosmonauta, que inclui a incomparável escopeta Margrave, herança da família Yu, e ferramentas úteis para lidar com as ameaças na Talos I: três neuromods que você pode usar para obter novas habilidades, dois kits médicos, uma planta de construção para criar munição de escopeta e um kit inicial para construir ferramentas, armas e munições adicionais.
Луксозно дигитално издание

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Относно играта
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digitální luxusní edice

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
O hře
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Om spillet
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Luxe digitale editie

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Info over het spel
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
About the Game
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Tietoja pelistä
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Édition numérique de luxe

La version Digital Deluxe du jeu inclut le jeu de base Prey ainsi que l'extension, Prey: Mooncrash.
À propos du jeu
Dans Prey, vous vous réveillez au cours de l'année 2032, à bord de Talos I, une station spatiale en orbite autour de la Lune. Vous êtes le sujet clef d'une expérience censée altérer l'humanité à jamais, mais la situation s'est transformée en cauchemar. La station spatiale a été envahie par des extraterrestres hostiles et vous êtes désormais une proie. À mesure que vous explorerez les obscurs secrets de Talos I et ceux de votre passé, il vous faudra survivre grâce aux outils trouvés dans la station, votre perspicacité et des armes et compétences hallucinantes. Le destin de Talos I et de tous ses occupants repose entre vos mains.
Caractéristiques principales
Thriller de science-fiction
Les apparences sont trompeuses à bord de Talos I. Vous êtes le scientifique Morgan Yu, bien décidé à découvrir la vérité sur cette station et sur votre passé. Quel rôle allez-vous jouer dans les plans de TranStar, et quel sera celui de la mystérieuse menace qui ravage la station ?
Un cadre unique
En orbite autour de la Lune, la station spatiale Talos I symbolise l'apogée de la conquête spatiale par le secteur privé. Explorez un somptueux appareil conçu pour refléter le luxe des affaires dans les années 1960. Naviguez sans interruption dans des environnements interconnectés et non linéaires qui dissimulent d'innombrables secrets.
Une menace inimaginable
La troublante présence extraterrestre qui infeste Talos I est un écosystème vivant, déterminé à vous annihiler. C'est à vous, l'un des derniers survivants restant à bord de la station, qu'il incombe de mettre fin à l'attaque meurtrière de ces terrifiants prédateurs.
Un véritable défi
Personnalisez vos options de jeu et vos paramètres de difficulté afin de créer votre propre aventure. Rendez votre partie plus difficile (ou plus facile) en modifiant de nombreux paramètres concernant la furtivité, les déplacements, ou le combat.
Jouez à votre façon
Découvrez, améliorez et combinez des pouvoirs extraterrestres variés. Fabriquez des objets de plus en plus ingénieux avec les plans, les gadgets et les outils que vous trouverez à bord de la station pour surmonter les dangereux obstacles qui se mettent en travers de votre chemin. Survivez à des menaces sans précédent grâce à votre intelligence et votre talent pour l'improvisation.
Précommandez Prey pour recevoir le Pack Fusil du cosmonaute en exclusivité, incluant le fusil à pompe Margrave – un legs de la famille Yu, et des outils pour survivre sur Talos I : 3 neuromods débloquant de nouvelles capacités, 2 kits de secours, un plan de fabrication pour munitions de fusil, un kit pour fabriquer outils et armes, ainsi qu'une amélioration unique pour économiser vos ressources.
Digitale Deluxe-Edition

Die Digital Deluxe Edition von Prey enthält sowohl das Hauptspiel als auch die brandneue Erweiterung Mooncrash.
Über das Spiel
Die Geschichte
In Prey erwachen Sie an Bord der Raumstation Talos I, die im Jahr 2032 um den Mond kreist. Sie sind der Hauptproband eines Experiments, das die Menschheit für immer verändern soll – aber etwas läuft fürchterlich schief. Die Raumstation wurde von feindseligen Außerirdischen überrannt und nun werden Sie gejagt. Während Sie sich den dunklen Geheimnissen der Talos I und Ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit stellen, müssen Sie vor allem eines: überleben! Dabei können Sie nur die Werkzeuge nutzen, die Sie auf der Station finden. Darüber hinaus helfen Ihnen nur Ihr Verstand, Ihre Waffen und bewusstseinsverändernde Fähigkeiten. Das Schicksal der Talos I und allen an Bord liegt in Ihren Händen.
Auf der Talos I ist nichts so, wie es scheint. Als Morgan Yu machen Sie sich auf, Hinweise zu entschlüsseln, die Sie sich selbst hinterlassen haben, um damit die Wahrheit über Ihre Vergangenheit herauszufinden. Welche Rolle werden Sie in den Plänen von TranStar, der Organisation, die die Talos I gebaut hat, spielen und wie werden Sie mit der geheimnisvollen Bedrohung umgehen, die die Station verwüstet?
Einzigartige Kulisse
Die Raumstation Talos I im Orbit um den Mond ist das Vorzeigeobjekt privater Weltraum-Unternehmen. Erforschen Sie eine luxuriöse Station, die vom Konzern-Chic der 1960er Jahre inspiriert wurde, und finden Sie Ihren Weg durch miteinander verbundene und verschlungene Pfade, die unzählige Geheimnisse verbergen.
Unvorstellbare Bedrohung
Die schattenhafte außerirdische Präsenz, die die Talos I befallen hat, ist ein lebendiges Ökosystem, das auf die Vernichtung seiner Beute aus ist. Es liegt nun an Ihnen, einem der letzten Überlebenden auf der Station, dem tödlichen Angriff dieser furchteinflößenden Jäger Einhalt zu gebieten.
Die ultimative Herausforderung
Individualisieren Sie Ihr Spielerlebnis anhand von anpassbaren Spieleinstellungen und Schwierigkeitsgraden. Verstellen Sie nach Belieben eine Vielzahl von Parametern für Schleichen, Bewegung und Kampf, um das Abenteuer für Sie herausfordernder (oder einfacher) zu gestalten.
Spielen Sie nach Ihren eigenen Vorstellungen
Erlangen Sie die Fähigkeiten der Außerirdischen, um ein ganz persönliches Arsenal von Kräften aufzubauen und Ihre einzigartigen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Erschaffen Sie mithilfe von Blaupausen, Geräten und Werkzeugen, die Sie an Bord der Station finden, immer nützlichere Gegenstände, um die gefährlichen Hindernisse auf der Talos I zu überwinden. Überleben Sie die noch nie dagewesenen Bedrohungen allein mit Ihrem Verstand und Ihrem Improvisationstalent!
Bestellen Sie Prey für das exklusive Schrotflinte-des-Kosmonauten-Starterpaket vor. Es enthält die Margrave-Schrotflinte und Gegenstände für Ihr Überleben auf der Talos I: drei Neuromods zum Erwerben neuer Fähigkeiten, zwei Medkits, einen Fabrikator-Plan für Schrotflintenmunition, ein Starterkit für zusätzliche Werkzeuge und Waffen sowie eine einzigartige Verbesserung, um Ressourcen zu sparen.
Ψηφιακή πολυτελής έκδοση

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe kiadás

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
A játékról:
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Edizione deluxe digitale

La Digital Deluxe di Prey include Prey e la nuova espansione Prey: Mooncrash.
Informazioni sul gioco
In Prey, vi risveglierete a bordo di Talos I, una stazione spaziale che orbita intorno alla Luna nell'anno 2032. Indosserete i panni dell'oggetto di un esperimento destinato a cambiare per sempre l’umanità, ma le cose sono andate terribilmente storte. La stazione spaziale è stata invasa da alieni ostili, che vi daranno la caccia. Mentre vi addentrerete negli oscuri segreti di Talos I e del vostro stesso passato, dovrete sopravvivere usando gli strumenti trovati sulla stazione, la vostra intelligenza, le armi e abilità incredibili. Il destino di Talos I e di tutto l'equipaggio è nelle vostre mani.
Thriller fantascientifico
A bordo di Talos I, niente è come sembra. Nei panni di Morgan Yu, seguite gli indizi che avete disseminato e scoprite la verità sul vostro passato. Quale sarà il vostro ruolo nei piani della TranStar e nella misteriosa minaccia che ha sconvolto la stazione spaziale?
Ambientazione particolare
In orbita intorno alla Luna, la stazione spaziale Talos I simboleggia il culmine dell’impresa spaziale privata. Esplorate un'elegante stazione, studiata per riflettere il lusso aziendale degli anni '60, e percorrete strade interconnesse e non-lineari, create per celare innumerevoli segreti.
Minaccia inimmaginabile
L'oscura presenza extraterrestre che infesta Talos I è un ecosistema vivente, votato ad annientare la propria preda. Nei panni di uno degli ultimi superstiti rimasti sulla stazione, starà a voi porre fine al letale attacco di questi pericolosi predatori.
Personalizzate le opzioni di gioco e la difficoltà per adattare l'avventura ai vostri gusti. Potrete rendere l'esperienza di gioco più impegnativa (o più facile) modificando svariati parametri legati a furtività, movimento e combattimento.
Giocate come preferite
Ottenete abilità aliene per sviluppare varie combinazioni di poteri e potenziare le vostre abilità particolari. Create oggetti sempre più utili con progetti, gadget e strumenti a bordo della stazione spaziale, in modo da superare i pericolosi ostacoli sul vostro cammino. Sopravvivete a minacce mai viste prima grazie al vostro ingegno e alla capacità d'improvvisazione.
Prenotate Prey per ricevere il Pacchetto Fucile Cosmonauta, comprendente il fucile a pompa della famiglia Yu, il Margrave, e altri strumenti per affrontare le minacce di Talos I: tre neuromod per acquisire nuove abilità, due kit medici, un progetto di assemblaggio per creare munizioni per fucile a pompa, un kit iniziale per creare strumenti e armi, e un potenziamento per risparmiare risorse.

『PREY Digital Deluxe』には、『PREY』本編および新規拡張パック『PREY: Mooncrash』を収録。
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
디지털 디럭스 에디션

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
게임 정보
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe-utgave

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Om spillet
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Informacje o grze
W Prey budzisz się na pokładzie Talosa I, stacji kosmicznej orbitującej w 2032 roku wokół Księżyca. Jesteś kluczowym obiektem doświadczalnym w eksperymencie, który na zawsze ma odmienić oblicze ludzkości. Sprawy jednak potoczyły się bardzo źle - stacja została opanowana przez wrogo nastawionych obcych, a ciebie obrali za ofiarę. Musisz zapoznać się z mrocznymi tajemnicami Talosa I oraz własnej przeszłości, a jednocześnie przetrwać, wykorzystując znalezione na stacji narzędzia, własny spryt, broń i umiejętności parapsychiczne. Losy Talosa I i wszystkich na pokładzie są w twoich rękach.
Thriller Sci-Fi
Nic nie jest takie, jak się wydaje na pokładzie Talosa I. Jako Morgan Yu wyrusz w podróż w celu odkrycia prawdy o swojej przeszłości. Znajduj i wykorzystuj pozostawione przez siebie wskazówki. Jaka rola przypadła ci w planach TranStaru i co sieje spustoszenie na stacji?
Jedno miejsce
Talos I - stacja kosmiczna latająca na orbicie Księżyca - symbolizuje prywatny sektor przemysłu kosmicznego. Zwiedzaj ekskluzywny prom kosmiczny urządzony w stylu korporacyjnych lat 60. i odkrywaj połączone ze sobą ścieżki zbudowane, aby pomieścić niezliczone sekrety.
Niewyobrażalne zagrożenie
Cieniste pozaziemskie istoty roją się na Talosie I, polując na swoją zdobycz. Twoim zadaniem, jako jednego z ostatnich żyjących pasażerów stacji, jest powstrzymać zabójcze ataki tych drapieżników.
Dostosuj opcje rozgrywki i ustawienia trudności, by stworzyć idealną grę dla siebie. Możesz uczynić ją bardziej wymagającą (lub łatwiejszą), modyfikując wybrane spośród mnóstwa parametrów związanych ze skradaniem się, ruchem i walką.
Graj po swojemu
Uzyskaj moce obcych, aby rozwinąć niezwykłą mieszankę talentów i usprawnić swoje umiejętności. Twórz coraz bardziej użyteczne przedmioty za pomocą planów, gadżetów oraz narzędzi na pokładzie stacji, i używaj ich, aby pokonać niebezpieczne przeszkody na twojej drodze. Przetrwaj niespotykane zagrożenia dzięki swojemu sprytowi i umiejętności improwizowania.
Zamów Prey w przedsprzedaży, by otrzymać ekskluzywny pakiet ze strzelbą kosmonauty zawierający dziedzictwo rodziny Yu – strzelbę Margrave – oraz narzędzia pomocne w zwalczaniu zagrożeń na Talosie I: 3 neuromody odblokowujące zdolności, 2 apteczki, projekt fabrykacyjny amunicji do strzelby, pakiet startowy umożliwiający budowę narzędzi i broni oraz wyjątkowe ulepszenie pomagające oszczędzać zasoby.
Edição Deluxe digital

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Acerca do Jogo
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Ediţia Digital Deluxe

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Despre joc
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Издание Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Об игре
Действие Prey происходит в 2032 году. Вы обнаруживаете себя на лунной орбите, на борту космической станции «Талос-1». Эксперимент, в котором вы участвовали, должен был навсегда изменить человеческую расу, но привел к катастрофическим последствиям. Станцию захватили враждебные пришельцы, которые теперь ведут на вас охоту. Раскрывая мрачные тайны «Талоса» и собственного прошлого, вам предстоит выживать, полагаясь на подручные средства, собственную смекалку, оружие и сверхспособности. Судьба «Талоса-1» и всех, кто находится на борту, — в ваших руках.
Научно-фантастический триллер
«Талос-1» полон секретов. Вам предстоит искать подсказки, которые протагонист, Морган Ю, оставил для себя — только так вы поможете главному герою пролить свет на собственное прошлое. Какую роль вы сыграете в планах корпорации «Транстар» и таинственных существ, разрушающих орбитальную станцию? Решать вам.
Неповторимая игровая вселенная
Станция «Талос-1», расположенная на орбите Луны, — величайшее достижение частной космонавтики. Исследуйте ее роскошные интерьеры, находите новые пути и раскрывайте бесчисленные секреты.
Невообразимая опасность
Загадочные инопланетные твари, оккупировавшие «Талос-1», — это совершенные хищники. Только вам, одному из последних выживших на станции, под силу остановить их.
Настраивайте сложность игры, как вам заблагорассудится. Регулируя множество параметров, отвечающих за передвижение, скрытность и открытое противостояние врагам, вы сможете облегчить себе прохождение, или сделать его настоящим испытанием.
Играйте по-своему
Охотьтесь на пришельцев, чтобы получать и развивать сверхспособности. Создавайте все более полезные предметы, используя чертежи, устройства и инструменты, найденные на борту станции. Но прежде всего — импровизируйте! Ваше главное оружие в борьбе с беспрецедентной угрозой — собственная изобретательность.
Предзакажите Prey и получите набор «Космонавт-стрелок», содержащий реликвию семьи Ю — дробовик «Маркграф» — и предметы, которые помогут вам выжить: нейромоды, аптечки, чип для костюма и кое-что еще!

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Acerca del juego
En Prey te despertarás a bordo de la Talos I, una estación espacial en órbita alrededor de la Luna en el año 2032. Eres el sujeto clave de un experimento que espera cambiar la humanidad para siempre... pero las cosas se han complicado de forma terrible. La estación espacial ha sido invadida por alienígenas hostiles que quieren darte caza. Mientras investigas los oscuros secretos de la Talos I y de tu propio pasado, tendrás que sobrevivir gracias a las herramientas que encuentres en la estación, así como a tu ingenio, armas e increíbles habilidades. El destino de Talos I y de todos los que están a bordo se encuentra en tus manos.
Thriller de ciencia ficción
Nada es lo que parece a bordo de la Talos I. En el papel de Morgan Yu, tienes la misión de descifrar las pistas que te has dejado y desvelar la verdad sobre tu pasado. ¿Qué papel desempeñarás en los planes de TranStar y en la misteriosa amenaza que causa estragos en la estación?
Un escenario singular
La estación espacial Talos I, que orbita alrededor de la Luna, representa la culminación de la iniciativa espacial privada. Explora una espléndida nave diseñada para reflejar el lujo corporativo de los años 60 y recorre caminos interconectados y no lineales, construidos para ocultar innumerables secretos.
Una amenaza inimaginable
La tenebrosa presencia extraterrestre que infesta la Talos I es una ecología viviente volcada en la aniquilación de su presa. De ti, en el papel de uno de los últimos supervivientes a bordo de la estación, depende poner fin al mortífero ataque de estos inquietantes depredadores.
Personaliza las opciones de juego y los ajustes de dificultad para conseguir una aventura incluso más a tu medida. Puedes lograr que la experiencia ofrezca un desafío mayor (o que sea más fácil) si cambias los múltiples parámetros relacionados con el sigilo, el movimiento y el combate.
Juega a tu manera
Obtén habilidades alienígenas para desarrollar una combinación de poderes inconfundible y mejora tus habilidades únicas. Crea objetos cada vez más útiles con los planos, dispositivos y herramientas a bordo de la estación para superar los peligrosos obstáculos que se interpondrán en tu camino. Sobrevive a amenazas sin precedentes recurriendo a tu astucia y capacidad de improvisación.
Reserva Prey para recibir el exclusivo Pack de escopeta del cosmonauta, con la escopeta Margrave, una reliquia de la familia Yu, y más medios contra las amenazas a bordo de la Talos I: 3 neuromods para adquirir nuevas habilidades, 2 kits médicos, un diseño de fabricación de munición de escopeta, un kit inicial de fabricación de herramientas y armas, y una mejora única para conservar recursos.
Digital delux-utgåva

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Om spelet
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Digital Deluxe Edition

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Dijital Lüks Paket

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Oyun Açıklaması
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.
Видання «Digital Deluxe»

Prey Digital Deluxe includes Prey, Prey: Mooncrash, and Prey: Typhon Hunter- the brand new multiplayer update.
Про гру
In Prey, you awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station -- your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.
Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you've left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStar’s plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?
Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.
Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. It’s up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.
Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.