Pumpkin Jack é um jogo de plataforma 3D medonho e horripilante em que você encarna Jack, o Mítico Lorde Abóbora! Entre de cabeça em uma aventura épica por cenários sobrenaturais e ajude o Mal a aniquilar o Bem!

- Cenário colorido de desenho: viaje por lugares fantásticos em fases com ambientes deslumbrantes, cada qual criada com paletas de cores vibrantes e efeitos de iluminação de alta qualidade
- Lute pela sua vida: com criaturas desafiadoras à espreita por todos os cantos, os jogadores precisam dominar a arte dos combos de ataques, esquiva e timing para sobreviver a batalhas dinâmicas em tempo real! Também é necessário desbloquear armas e escolher bem qual usar, a fim de eliminar todos aqueles que estão contra Jack
- Não perca a cabeça: solucione enigmas que utilizam física, gravidade e reflexo como Jack, ou dispense o traje e simplesmente use sua cabeça em chamas para queimar livros, martelar algumas toupeiras, criar caminhos para esferas mágicas e muito mais, já que cada fase apresenta desafios novos e empolgantes
- Encontre amigos para lutarem ao se lado: há companheiros prestativos para ajudar Jack na sua jornada, incluindo uma coruja cheia de soberba para guiar seu caminho e um corvo louco sarcástico para ajudar com ataques à distância
Entre de cabeça em uma aventura épica e ajude o Mal a aniquilar o Bem!

Obedeça a vontade do próprio Diabo e mate sua nêmesis em uma missão épica que levará você em uma jornada pelo Boredom Kingdom, um reino mítico devastado pela Maldição. Você vai fazer amigos pelo caminho, de uma coruja arrogante a um corvo sarcástico!
Descubra ambientes impressionantes em um reino colorido, medonho e horripilante

Viaje por cenários épicos e dramáticos, em que cada fase tem seu próprio ambiente sinistro. Com uma paleta de cores vibrantes e efeitos de iluminação de alta qualidade, Pumpkin Jack inventa seu próprio universo cartunizado, inspirado no estilo gráfico clássico do PS2.
Salte, corra e escale para criar seu próprio caminho em fases únicas

Antes de mais nada, Pumpkin Jack é um jogo clássico de plataforma 3D! Cada fase vai desafiar você com várias plataformas temáticas, todas com novas provações para superar.
Lute pela sua vida contra Criaturas do Mal usando armas desbloqueáveis incríveis

Você terá que dominar as artes da esquiva, timing e movimento para derrotar os inimigos de Jack. Durante as batalhas dinâmicas em tempo real, escolha qual arma quer usar e ataque no momento certo!
Encare desafios de tirar o fôlego e descubra jogabilidades originais

Resolva enigmas que utilizam física, gravidade e reflexo. Habite uma cabeça de abóbora e queime livros, martele algumas toupeiras, crie caminhos para esferas mágicas… mas não é só isso! Em cada fase, você será confrontado com uma sequência de ação usando uma nova jogabilidade exclusiva!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!

Duik in een episch avontuur en help het kwaad het goede te vernietigen!

Volg de wil van de duivel en dood je vijanden in een epische zoektocht die je meeneemt op een reis in het Boredom Kingdom, een mythisch rijk verbrijzeld door de vloek. Onderweg ontmoet je vrienden, van een hooghartige uil tot een cynische kraai!
Ontdek prachtige taferelen in een kleurrijk maar griezelig eng koninkrijk

Reis door epische en dramatische omgevingen, waarbij elk niveau zijn eigen griezelige sfeer heeft. Met een evenwichtig samengesteld kleurenpallet en hoogwaardige lichteffecten vindt Pumpkin Jack zijn eigen unieke cartoon universum uit, geïnspireerd op de klassieke grafische PS2-stijl.
Spring, ren en klim om je eigen weg te banen in unieke levels

Pumpkin Jack is boven alles een klassieke 3D-platformer! Elk level, met zijn eigen thema, geeft je allerhande nieuwe proeven om te voltooien. Je gamer capaciteiten zullen creatief worden uitgedaagd!
Vecht voor je leven tegen enge monsters door geweldige ontgrendelbare wapens te gebruiken

Je moet de kunst van ontwijken, timing en beweging beheersen om Jack's vijanden te verslaan. Kies tijdens de dynamische realtime gevechten welk wapen je wilt gebruiken en sla toe op het kritieke moment!
Bereid je voor op adembenemende uitdagingen en ontdek talloze originele activiteiten

Los puzzels op die zich richten op fysica, zwaartekracht en reflectie. Bewoon een pompoen kop en verbrand boeken, hamer mollen, creëer een pad voor magische bollen en meer… !
In elk niveau wordt je geconfronteerd met een actie sequentie met nieuwe exclusieve gameplay!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!

Pumpkin Jack est un jeu de plateforme 3D amusant et effrayant dans lequel vous incarnez Jack, le mythique seigneur à tête de citrouille ! Plongez au cœur d'une aventure épique à travers différents paysages fantastiques et aidez le Mal à triompher du Bien !

- Un univers cartoon et coloré : Explorez des mondes chatoyants et traversez des niveaux à l'atmosphère chaleureuse, tous conçus avec des palettes de couleurs vives et des effets de lumière de haute qualité.
- Luttez pour votre survie : Avec de puissantes créatures rôdant à chaque tournant, les joueurs devront maîtriser l'art des attaques combo, de l'esquive et du timing pour survivre à ces combats en temps réel ! Les joueurs doivent déverrouiller des armes et les choisir judicieusement afin d'éliminer tous ceux qui oseront s'opposer à eux.
- Essayez de ne pas perdre la tête : Résolvez des puzzles mêlant physique, gravité et réflexion avec Jack, ou laissez tomber votre enveloppe corporelle et servez-vous de votre tête enflammée pour brûler des livres, écraser des taupes, créer des chemins pour des sphères magiques, et bien plus encore à mesure que les niveaux proposent de nouveaux défis à relever.
- Trouvez des amis avec qui combattre : De précieux compagnons viendront aider Jack dans son périple, comme un hibou hautain qui viendra le guider et un corbeau narquois ne demandant qu'à l'épauler avec ses attaques à distance.
Plongez au cœur d'une aventure épique et aidez le Mal à triompher du Bien !

Accomplissez la volonté du Diable en personne et terrassez votre némésis dans une quête épique qui vous mènera jusqu'au Boredom Kingdom, un royaume mythique bouleversé par le Fléau. Vous rencontrerez des amis en chemin, comme un hibou hautain et un corbeau narquois !
Découvrez d'incroyables atmosphères au cœur d'un royaume aussi coloré qu'effrayant

Traversez des paysages épiques et dramatiques dont chacun des niveaux possède sa propre atmosphère envoûtante. Grâce à ses palettes de couleurs vives et ses effets de lumière de haute qualité, Pumpkin Jack invente son propre univers cartoon, inspiré du style graphique classique des jeux de la PS2.
Sautez, courez et grimpez pour trouver votre propre voie dans des niveaux uniques

Pumpkin Jack est un jeu de plateforme 3D classique avant tout ! Chaque niveau vous mettra à l'épreuve avec ses différentes plateformes à thème, vous proposant à chaque fois de nouveaux défis à surmonter.
Luttez pour votre survie contre des monstres démoniaques grâce à d'incroyables armes déverrouillables

Vous devrez maîtriser l'art de l'esquive, du timing et des attaques pour vaincre les ennemis de Jack. Pendant les combats dynamiques en temps réel, choisissez l'arme à utiliser et frappez au moment critique !
Relevez d'invraisemblables défis et découvrez des tonnes de gameplays différents

Résolvez des puzzles mêlant physique, gravité et réflexion. Prenez le contrôle de votre tête de citrouille et brûlez des livres, écrasez des taupes, créez des chemins pour des sphères magiques… et bien plus encore ! Dans chaque niveau, vous aurez à réaliser une séquence d'action utilisant un nouveau gameplay exclusif !

Pumpkin Jack ist ein gruseliges 3D-Plattformspiel, in dem du Jack den sagenumwobenen Kürbislord verkörperst! Begib dich auf ein episches Abenteuer durch mystische Landschaften und hilf dem Bösen, das Gute zu besiegen!

- Knallbunte Cartoon-Kulisse: Erlebe phänomenale Schauplätze in schaurig-schönen Leveln, die mit leuchtenden Farben und erstklassigen Lichteffekten gestaltet wurden
- Kämpfe um dein Leben: An jeder Ecke lauern herausfordernde Bestien und du musst die Kunst der Combo-Angriffe, des Ausweichens und des Timings beherrschen, um dynamische Echtzeitkämpfe zu überleben! Schalte Waffen frei und setze sie klug ein, um alle deine Gegner zu vernichten
- Bloß nicht den Kopf verlieren: Löse in der Rolle von Jack Rätsel rund um Physik, Schwerkraft und Reflexion, oder nutze allein deinen lodernden Kürbiskopf, um Bücher zu verbrennen, Maulwürfe zu verdreschen, Wege für magische Kugeln zu schaffen und mehr – in jedem Level erwarten dich neue, spannende Herausforderungen
- Finde Freunde, die an deiner Seite kämpfen: Auf seiner Reise wird Jack durch seine treuen Gefährten unterstützt, darunter eine hochmütige Eule, die ihm den Weg weist, sowie eine scharfzüngige Krähe, die ihm bei Fernangriffen zur Seite steht
Begib dich auf ein episches Abenteuer und hilf dem Bösen, das Gute zu besiegen!

Folge dem Willen des Teufels höchstpersönlich und vernichte deinen Erzfeind auf einer abenteuerlichen Reise durch Boredom Kingdom, einem mythischen Königreich, das durch den Fluch zerstört wurde. Unterwegs lernst du neue Freunde kennen, darunter eine hochmütige Eule und eine scharfzüngige Krähe!
Entdecke atemberaubende Schauplätze in einem bunten und zugleich gruseligen Königreich

Bahne dir deinen Weg durch epische, dramatische Kulissen. Jedes Level hat seine eigene unheimliche Atmosphäre. Mit lebendigen Farben und erstklassigen Lichteffekten schafft Pumpkin Jack eine unverwechselbare Cartoon-Welt, die durch den klassischen PS2-Grafikstil inspiriert wurde.
Bahne dir durch Springen, Rennen und Klettern deinen Weg durch einzigartige Level

Pumpkin Jack ist in erster Linie ein klassisches 3D-Plattformspiel! In jedem Level musst du mehrere thematisch gestaltete Plattformen meistern und immer wieder neue Prüfungen bestehen.
Kämpfe mit coolen freischaltbaren Waffen gegen böse Bestien um dein Leben

Du musst die Kunst des Ausweichens, des Timings und der Bewegung beherrschen, um Jacks Feinde zu besiegen. Wähle während der dynamischen Echtzeitkämpfe deine Waffe und schlage im entscheidenden Moment zu!
Stelle dich atemberaubenden Herausforderungen und entdecke unzählige originelle Gameplay-Elemente

Löse Rätsel rund um Physik, Schwerkraft und Reflexion. Spiele als Kürbiskopf und verbrenne Bücher, schlage Maulwürfe und schaffe einen Weg für magische Kugeln. Aber das ist noch längst nicht alles! In jedem Level erwartet dich eine Actionsequenz mit neuem, exklusivem Gameplay!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!

Pumpkin Jack è un terrificante gioco platform in 3D nel quale vestirai i pumpkin di Jack, il mitico Signore delle zucche! Lanciati in un'avventura agghiacciante attraverso lugubri paesaggi e aiuta il male a trionfare sul bene!

- Coloratissime atmosfere cartoonistiche: Vai alla scoperta di orridi luoghi dall'atmosfera intrigante, ognuno disegnato con colorazioni vivide ed effetti luce di altissima qualità
- Combatti, se vuoi vivere: Per sopravvivere alle creature che popolano i livelli, dovrai padroneggiare l'arte delle combo d'attacco; schivare e coordinarsi è necessario negli scontri all'ultimo sangue! Sblocca nuove armi e scegli quella appropriata da usare a seconda del nemico da sconfiggere
- Non perdere la zucca: Risolvi rompicapi basati su fisica, gravità e riflessione, oppure molla il travestimento e usa la testa fiammeggiante per bruciare libri, colpire qualche talpa, creare sentieri per sfere magiche e tanto altro man mano che affronti nuove sfide a ogni livello
- Incontra nuovi compagni di battaglia: Utili compagni saranno pronti ad assistere Jack nel corso della sua avventura: un inquietante gufo gufante che gli indicherà il cammino, e un corvo scorbutico abile negli attacchi a distanza
Comincia un'avventura epica e aiuta il male a trionfare sul bene!

Segui le orme del Diavolo in corna e ossa e sconfiggi la tua nemesi in un'impresa epica che ti condurrà attraverso il Boredom Kingdom, un regno mitico devastato dalla Maledizione. Incontra nuovi amici nel corso del cammino: un gufo gufante e un corvo scorbutico!
Scopri le fantastiche atmosfere di un inquietante ma coloratissimo regno del terrore

Attraversa paesaggi epici e intensi, e livelli dalle atmosfere uniche. Con le sue colorazioni vivide ed effetti di luce di altissima qualità, Pumpkin Jack crea un nuovo e unico universo cartoonistico ispirato allo stile grafico dei grandi classici per PS2.
Salta, corri e arrampicati per farti strada tra livelli unici

Pumpkin Jack è, prima di tutto, un classico gioco platform in 3D! Ogni livello rappresenta una sfida a tema con nuove prove da superare.
Combatti contro bestie maligne usando fantasmagoriche armi sbloccabili

Dovrai padroneggiare l'arte delle combo d'attacco, schivate e tempismo per annientare i nemici di Jack. Durante gli scontri all'ultimo sangue, dovrai scegliere l'arma da usare per colpire al momento giusto!
Affronta sfide mozzafiato e scopri una marea di stili di gioco unici

Risolvi rompicapo basati su fisica, gravità e riflessione. Indossa la zucca e brucia libri, colpisci talpe, crea sentieri per sfere magiche e tanto altro ancora! In ogni livello dovrai attraversare nuove sequenze d'azione facendo affidamento su nuovi ed esclusivi stili di gioco!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!

Pumpkin Jack — это дикая, но симпатичная 3D-игра, в которой вы перевоплощаетесь в Джека, фантастического Повелителя Тыкв! Начните чудовищное приключение в землях иного мира и помогите Злу победить Добро!

- Красочные мультяшные пейзажи: путешествуйте по завораживающим уровням, любуясь грозными пейзажами, пышными красками и восхитительными световыми эффектами.
- Боритесь за жизнь: за каждым поворотом подстерегают опасные твари, поэтому вам нужно освоить искусство комбо-атак: уклонение и точный расчет помогут уцелеть в динамичных сражениях в режиме реального времени! Игрокам нужно добывать оружие и грамотно выбирать его, выходя на бой.
- Не теряйте голову: вы можете решать физические задачки из области гравитации и оптики, а можете найти голове Джека другое применение: забивать ею кротов обратно в норы, пылающим разумом жечь книги, прокладывать пути для магических сфер... На каждом уровне вас ждет множество захватывающих испытаний!
- Ищите друзей, которые будут сражаться вместе с вами: у Джека есть верные соратники — надменная сова будет направлять его, а язвительная ворона поможет с атаками в дальнем бою.
Отправляйтесь в чудовищное приключение и помогите Злу победить Добро!

исполняя волю самого дьявола, убейте своего заклятого врага и начните странствия по мистическим проклятым землям Королевства Скуки (Boredom Kingdom). По пути вам будут встречаться друзья — от надменной совы до язвительной вороны!
Оцените потрясающий колорит дикого, но симпатичного Королевства призраков

вас встретят грандиозные пейзажи! Атмосфера игры зловещая — и на каждом уровне своя. Используя яркую палитру и восхитительные световые эффекты, Pumpkin Jack изобретает собственную уникальную вселенную в классическом стиле графики PS2.
Прыгайте, бегайте, лазайте по вертикали — прокладывайте собственные пути на уникальных уровнях

Pumpkin Jack — это в первую очередь классический 3D-платформер! На каждом уровне вы будете проходить несколько тематических платформ, где вас ждут испытания.
Добудьте мощное оружие и сразитесь за свою жизнь со злобными тварями

Чтобы одолеть всех врагов Джека, придется постичь искусство уклонения, расчета и движения. Выберите оружие для динамичных битв в реальном времени, поймайте момент и нанесите решающий удар!
Проходите захватывающие испытания и открывайте новые способы прохождения

Решайте физические задачки из области гравитации и оптики. Жгите книги пылающей тыквой, забивайте кротов обратно в норы, прокладывайте пути для магических сфер... Для вас найдется еще много разных занятий! На каждом уровне вас ждут динамичные сцены с уникальным способом прохождения!

¡Pumpkin Jack es un escalofriante juego de plataformas 3D en el que encarnas a Jack, el mítico señor de la calabaza! ¡Sumérgete en una aventura épica a través de paisajes sobrenaturales y ayuda al mal a aniquilar el bien!

- Un colorido escenario de dibujos: viaja por niveles con paisajes espeluznantes y ambientes fascinantes que han sido diseñados con una paleta de colores vivos y unos efectos de luz de alta calidad.
- Lucha por tu vida: con desafiantes bestias acechando a la vuelta de cada esquina, deberás dominar el arte de realizar combos de ataque, esquivar y calcular tus movimientos para sobrevivir a las dinámicas batallas en tiempo real. Además, tendrás que desbloquear armas y escoger bien cuáles utilizar para derrotar a todos aquellos que se opongan a ti.
- No pierdas la cabeza: resuelve acertijos centrados en la física, la gravedad y la reflexión como Jack o abandona tu cuerpo y usa tu llameante cabeza para quemar libros, machacar algunos topos, crear caminos para las esferas mágicas y mucho más, ya que cada nivel incluye nuevos y emocionante desafíos.
- Encuentra amigos que luchen a tu lado: Jack cuenta con serviciales compañeros que lo ayudarán en su viaje, entre los que se encuentran un búho arrogante que ejerce de guía y un cuervo impertinente que está deseando facilitar los ataques a larga distancia.
¡Sumérgete en una aventura épica y ayuda al mal a aniquilar el bien!

Obedece las órdenes del mismísimo diablo y acaba con tu archienemigo en una aventura épica que te llevará a Boredom Kingdom, un reino mítico destruido por la Maldición. ¡Harás amigos por el camino, desde un búho arrogante hasta un cuervo impertinente!
Descubre ambientes espectaculares en un reino colorido pero espeluznante

Viaja por escenarios épicos y dramáticos en los que cada nivel tendrá su propio ambiente escalofriante. Pumpkin Jack, que usa una paleta de colores vivos y unos efectos de luz de alta calidad, crea un universo de dibujos único inspirado en los gráficos clásicos de la PlayStation 2.
Salta, corre y escala para abrirte paso por niveles únicos

¡Ante todo, Pumpkin Jack es un juego de plataformas 3D! Cada nivel dispondrá de nuevos desafíos que completar y te pondrá a prueba mediante varias plataformas temáticas.
Lucha por tu vida contra bestias malignas con increíbles armas desbloqueables

Deberás dominar el arte de esquivar y calcular tus movimientos para derrotar a los enemigos de Jack. Durante las dinámicas batallas en tiempo real, ¡elige qué arma quieres utilizar y dispara en el momento justo!
Afronta desafíos impresionantes y descubre un montón de mecánicas de juego originales

Resuelve acertijos centrados en la física, la gravedad y la reflexión. Controla una cabeza de calabaza y quema libros, machaca algunos topos, crea un camino para las esferas mágicas y... ¡mucho más! ¡En cada nivel te enfrentarás a una secuencia de acción utilizando una nueva mecánica de juego exclusiva!
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky scary 3D platformer in which you embody Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord! Dive into an epic adventure through otherworldly landscapes and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

- Colorful Cartoon Setting: Travel through lurid landscapes in levels featuring alluring atmospheres, each crafted with vibrant color palettes, and high-quality lighting effects
- Fight For Your Life: With challenging beasts lurking around every corner, players must master the art of combo attacks; dodging, and timing to survive dynamic real-time battles! Players must unlock weapons and choose wisely in order to strike down all who oppose them
- Don't Lose Your Head: Solve puzzles that focus on physics; gravity, and reflection as Jack, or ditch the skinsuit and just use your flaming head to burn books; hammer some moles, create paths for magic spheres; and more as each level introduces new and exciting challenges
- Find Friends to Fight at Your Side: Helpful companions are there to assist Jack on his journey, including a haughty hooty owl to guide him along; and a snarky crow, itching to assist with long-range attacks
Dive into an epic adventure and help the Evil annihilate the Good!

Follow the will of the Devil himself and slay your nemesis in an epic quest that will take you on a journey in the Boredom Kingdom, a mythical realm shattered by the curse. You will meet friends along the way, from a haughty owl to a snarky crow!
Discover Stunning atmospheres in a Colorful yet Spooky Scary Kingdom

Travel through epic and dramatic settings, with each level having its own eerie atmosphere. Using a vibrant palette and high quality lighting effects, Pumpkin Jack invents its own unique cartoon universe inspired by the classic PS2 graphic style.
Jump, Run & Climb to carve your own way in Unique Levels

Pumpkin Jack is a classic 3D Platformer before anything else! Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete.
Fight for your life against Evil Beasts by using awesome Unlockable Weapons

You will have to master the arts of dodging, timing and movement to vanquish Jack's foes. During the dynamic real time battles, choose which weapon you want to use and strike at the critical moment!
Face Breathtaking Challenges and discover tons of Original Gameplays

Solve puzzles that focus on physics, gravity and reflection. Inhabit a pumpkin head and burn books, hammer some moles, create a path for magic spheres… But also more! In each level, you will be faced with an action sequence using a new exclusive gameplay!

Pumpkin Jack, Balkabağı lordu olan Jack'i kontrol edip zaten yozlaşmış olan topraklara içimizdeki korkuyu sonuna kadar aşıladığımız bir oyundur! Klasik "iyi & kötü" masallarının aksine, kötülüğün hakim olması için uğraştığımız bu oyunda iyiler her zaman kaybediyor!

- Çizgi Filmleri Andıran Renkli Atmosfer - Yüksek kalitede ışıklandırma ile oluşturulan, birbirinden güzel atmosfere sahip bölümlerin birini bitirip, diğerine başla!
- Hayatın İçin Savaş! - Her türlü kötülüğün kol gezdiği bu diyarda hayatta kalmak için her silahta ustalaşman, her komboyu eksiksiz yapman ve tüm bunları yaparken düşmanın hareketlerine de dikkat etmen gerekecek!
- Aman Kafaya Dikkat! - Yeri geldiğinde "Bir elin nesi var iki elin sesi var." atasözünden yola çıkarak, balkabağı kafanı kullanıp çeşitli bulmacaları çöz ve yolculuğuna farklı bir lezzet kat!
- Yanındaki Dostlarına Güven - Yolculuğun boyunca asla yalnız kalmayacaksın. Seni her zaman takip eden ‘uzun menzilli’ bir karga ve akıl hocan olan baykuş sana her zaman yardımcı olacak.
Bu Amansız Mücadeleye Katılarak Kötülüğün İyiliği Ezmesine Yardımcı Ol!

İblis'in bizzat kendisinden gelen bir emirle Bunaltı Krallığı'nda bir maceraya atılarak, benliklerini kaybetmiş yaratıklara karşı koyarken, yoldaşlarının yardımıyla kötülüğü her köşeye bulaştır! Huysuz bir Baykuş ve kasvetli bir Karga ile arkadaşlık et!
Bu Korku Krallığında Dolanırken Ürkütücü Ancak Bir O Kadar da Etkileyici Yerleri Keşfet!

Her bölümün kendine has parlak ve renkli atmosferiyle birlikte maceraya kendini kaptır. Pumpkin Jack'in klasik PS2 grafiklerinden ilham alarak oluşturduğu çizgi film evreninde eğlenmene bak!
Birbirinden Farklı Bölümlerde Özgürce Atla, Koş ve Tırman!

vet Pumpkin Jack kötülük adına yapılmış bir oyun; ancak her şeyden önce bir platform oyunu! Her bölüm için ayrı ayrı hazırlanmış olan kısımlar, yeteneklerinizi zorlayacak!
Kullanılabilir Harikulade Silahlarla Yoluna Çıkan Canavarları Hakla!

Önüne çıkan düşmanları alt etmek için her silahın kombosunu ve hasarını iyi planlaman gerekecek! Doğru zamanda doğru silahla saldırmak çatışmadan canlı çıkmanın anahtarı!
Nefes Kesen Bölümler İçinde Tamamen Orijinal Kısımlara Şahit Ol!

Yansımalara, dengelemeye ve düşünmeye dayanan bulmacaları çöz ve yeri geldiğinde bir arabaya atla ve gaza bas, o da yetmezse balkabağı kafanı kullanarak kafasını çıkaranı patakla, yeni sihirli yollar aç! Her bölümde apayrı etkinlikler seni bekliyor!