Punch Club
Punch Club

Punch Club

Release Date: 08/01/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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8.49 € + VAT


Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

Sobre o jogo

Seu pai foi assassinado brutalmente diante dos seus olhos. Agora você deve treinar com tudo, comer frango, dar um cacete numa galera pra conquistar seu lugar na classificação do Punch Club e descobrir quem matou seu pai.

Punch Club é um sistema de gestão de carreira de boxe com múltiplas possibilidades de enredo. Seu objetivo é claro, mas como você chega lá depende de você. Seja trilhando o caminho do bom moço, dentro da lei, ou pegando a duvidosa estrada sombria.

Durante seu caminho, vai ser uma boa você se concentrar nos seus talentos. Será que você vai seguir o Estilo do Tigre, o Estilo da Tartaruga ou o Estilo do Urso? Força, precisão ou agilidade. Listras, casco ou garras? Tudo depende do estilo que guiar o seu caminho.

E cada decisão vai ter um peso, principalmente na sua vida social. Viva num malabarismo constante de vida amorosa, trabalho, tempo de lazer, relacionamentos e, se bobear, até o estrelato. Tudo junto e misturado, enquanto você treina na academia e luta contra jacarés. Puxar ferro não é tudo na vida, viu?

- Simulador de gestão de carreira de boxe com elementos de RPG
- Descubra quem matou seu pai e, se bobear, descubra algo sobre si enquanto faz isso
- Jogabilidade com foco no enredo, com importantes repercussões no desenvolvimento da narrativa e múltiplos finais
- Suba seus atributos e otimize suas técnicas na árvore de talentos do jeito que quiser
- Gráficos pixelados incríveis, com referências nostálgicas dos anos 80 e 90 por todos os cantos

Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

Относно играта

Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

  • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
  • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
  • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
  • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
  • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
  • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

    To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

    O hře

    Tvého otce brutálně zavraždili přímo před tvýma očima. Teď musíš tvrdě trénovat, jíst kuřecí a mlátit cizí chlápky do obličeje, abys získal respekt v Punch Clubu a objevil, kdo je zodpovědný za smrt tvého otce.

    Punch Club je boxerský manažerský simulátor s rozvětvenými příběhovými linkami. Tvůj cíl je jasný, ale jak se k němu dobereš, záleží na tom, zda zvolíš legální způsob a propracuješ se postupně vzhůru po žebříčku, nebo zda si vybereš nebezpečnější, temnou cestu.

    Během svého dobrodružství si budeš volit směr, kterým zaměříš svě schopnosti. Zvolíš cestu Draka, cestu Želvy nebo snad cestu [jinou cestu?]? Tvá síla, přesnost a hbitost závisí na cestě, která se stane tvou volbou. Tak co, máš na zádech pruhy nebo místo rukou ploutve?

    A každé tvé rozhodnutí hraje roli, obzvlášť v osobním životě. Budeš se snažit balancovat mezi přáteli, láskou, prací, oddechem, dalšími vztahy a možnou hvězdnou slávou, to vše spolu s tvrdým tréninkem v tělocvičně a bojem s aligátory. Život není jen posilovna, chápeš?

    - Bojový manažerský simulátor s prvky RPG a tycoon her
    - Najdi vraha svého otce a při hledání možná objevíš i něco o sobě
    - Silná příběhová linie s mnoha odbočkami a různými konci čeká na odhalení
    - Ponoř se do statistik a najdi si vlastní styl v rozsáhlých dovednostních stromech
    - Nádherná pixelová grafika s odkazy na 80.-90. léta, nostalgie tryskající ze všech pórů

    Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

    To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

    Om spillet

    Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

    Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

    Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

    And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

    • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
    • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
    • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
    • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
    • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
    • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

      To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

      Info over het spel

      Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

      Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

      Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

      And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

      • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
      • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
      • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
      • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
      • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
      • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

        To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

        About the Game

        Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

        Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

        Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

        And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

        • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
        • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
        • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
        • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
        • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
        • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

          To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

          Tietoja pelistä

          Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

          Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

          Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

          And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

          • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
          • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
          • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
          • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
          • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
          • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

            To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

            À propos du jeu

            Votre père a été brutalement assassiné sous vos yeux alors que vous n'étiez qu'un enfant. Aujourd'hui, vous n'avez plus qu'une idée en tête : vous entraîner, avaler des protéines et mériter votre place au sein du Punch Club à coup de pains dans la tronche, dans l'espoir de découvrir l'identité de l'assassin.
            Punch Club est un jeu de gestion de carrière de boxeur, avec de nombreux embranchements scénaristiques vous permettant de construire votre propre histoire. Votre objectif est clair, mais c'est à vous de décider comment l'atteindre. Chercherez-vous à grimper dans les classements à force d'efforts et de travail, ou cèderez-vous à aux propositions louches de types peu fréquentables ?
            D'une manière ou d'une autre, vous devrez exploiter au mieux vos points forts. Suivez la Voie du Tigre, la Voie de la Tortue ou la Voie de l'Ours : votre force, votre endurance et votre agilité dépendront du chemin que vous emprunterez.
            Chaque décision comptera et influencera aussi votre vie privée. Vous devrez jongler entre amitié, vie amoureuse, travail, loisirs, réputation, et peut-être même célébrité, tout en trouvant assez de temps pour vous entraîner et combattre des alligators. Soulever de la fonte ne suffit pas !

            • Un jeu de gestion de carrière de boxeur, agrémenté d'éléments de jeu de rôle.
            • Découvrez qui a tué votre père et apprenez-en plus sur vous-même au cours de votre quête.
            • Un scénario prenant, proposant de nombreux embranchements narratifs et de multiples fins.
            • Focalisez-vous sur vos statistiques préférées et construisez votre propre style à travers des arbres de compétences très riches.
            • De superbes graphismes en pixel-art, bourrés de références aux années 80-90 et débordants de nostalgie.
            • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

              To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

              Über das Spiel

              Dein Vater wurde vor deinen Augen brutal ermordet. Jetzt musst du hart trainieren, Hühnchen essen und Typen ins Gesicht hauen, um deinen Platz im Punch Club zu verdienen und den Mörder deines Vaters zu finden.

              Punch Club ist ein Box-Managementspiel mit verzweigenden Handlungssträngen. Dein Ziel ist eindeutig, aber wie du dorthin gelangst hängt davon ab, ob du ganz normal auf der Rangliste aufsteigst oder eine moralisch verwerfliche, zwielichtige Route einschlägst.

              Auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft wirst du dich für verschiedene Talente entscheiden müssen. Nimmst du den Weg des Tigers, den Weg der Schildkröte, oder den Weg des Bären? Deine Stärke, dein Geschick und deine Ausdauer hängen davon ab, welcher dieser Wege deinen Pfad bestimmt. Hast du Streifen oder Flossen?

              Und jede Entscheidung ist wichtig, vor allem in deinem Sozialleben. Du wirst Freundschaften, dein Liebesleben, die Arbeit, Freizeit und vielleicht sogar Ruhm und Anerkennung jonglieren müssen und nebenbei noch hart trainieren und Krokodile bekämpfen. Das Athletenleben spielt sich nicht nur in der Muckibude ab, weißt du?

              • Box-Managementsimulation mit Rollenspiel- und Tycoon-Elementen
              • Finde heraus, wer deinen Vater getötet hat und lerne dabei etwas über dich selbst
              • Fokus auf Handlung, mit verschiedenen Handlungssträngen und Spielenden
              • Detailliertes Fertigkeitensystem mit umfangreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
              • Wunderschöne Pixelgrafik mit zahlreichen nostalgischen Anspielungen auf die 80er und 90er
              • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                  To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                  A játékról: 

                  Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                  Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                  Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                  And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                  • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                  • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                  • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                  • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                  • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                  • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                    To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                    Informazioni sul gioco

                    Tuo padre è stato brutalmente assassinato davanti ai tuoi occhi. Ora devi allenarti duramente, mangiare pollo e prendere a pugni in faccia un sacco di ceffi per conquistarti un posto di diritto nelle classifiche del Punch Club e scoprire chi ha ucciso tuo padre.

                    Punch Club è un gioco Tycoon di gestione di pugili con tantissime trame diverse. Il tuo obiettivo è chiaro, ma il modo in cui lo raggiungerai dipende dal fatto che si voglia scalare legittimamente la classifica o prendere la strada più ridicola e disonesta.

                    Lungo il percorso dovrai concentrarti sui tuoi talenti. Sceglierai la Via della Tigre, la Via della Tartaruga, o la Via di [quell'altro?]? La tua forza, accuratezza e agilità dipendono tutte dalla Via che riuscirà a illuminarti il cammino. Sei a strisce o hai le pinne?

                    Ogni decisione conta, specialmente nella tua vita sociale. Dovrai gestire amicizie, vita amorosa, lavoro, tempo libero, relazioni e magari anche la fama, tutto mentre trascorri tempo in palestra e a combattere gli alligatori. Non passerai tutto il santo giorno a sollevare pesi, sai?

                    - Sim di gestione di combattenti con elementi RPG tycoon
                    - Scopri chi ha ucciso tuo padre, e magari impara qualcosa su te stesso lungo il cammino
                    - Fortemente incentrato sulla storia, con vari rami narrativi e finali di gioco diversi da scoprire
                    - Analizza le statistiche scendendo nel dettaglio quanto desideri e naviga tra i grafici ad albero estesi delle abilità
                    - Splendidi effetti visivi pixellati con citazioni anni '80-'90 e nostalgia a gogò

                    Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                    To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!


                    「Punch Club」のランキングを昇り、目の前で殺された父の仇の正体を突き止めるため、トリ肉をかっくらい、トレーニングに打ち込んで、他の野郎の顔面をぶん殴れ。

                    「Punch Club」はストーリー選択方式のボクシング王者育成ゲーム。正統派らしく実力でランキングを昇りつめるか、それとも怪しくバカげた道を辿るか。目指すべき目的は同じだが、そこへと至る道はキミ次第だ。



                    - RPG と育成要素を含んだファイター管理シミュレーター
                    - 父を殺した犯人を探し出せ。その過程でキミ自身のことも分かるかも…?
                    - ストーリー重視。いくつにも枝分かれしたストーリーの流れとエンディングをその目で確かめろ
                    - 気の向くままに能力値をイジり倒して、多種多様なスキルツリーを通じて進むべきを見つけ出せ
                    - 80~90年代ネタや懐かしさ溢れる、美麗なピクセルグラフィック

                    Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                    To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                    게임 정보

                    Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                    Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                    Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                    And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                    • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                    • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                    • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                    • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                    • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                    • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                      To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                      Om spillet

                      Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                      Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                      Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                      And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                      • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                      • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                      • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                      • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                      • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                      • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                        To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                        Informacje o grze

                        Twój ojciec został zamordowany na twoich własnych oczach. Przyjdzie ci robić masę, jeść kurczaka i skuć gęby przeciwnikom, aby dołączyć w szeregi Punch Club i odkryć tajemnicę śmierci twojego staruszka.

                        Punch Club to menadżer bokserski z niezliczonymi rozwidlającymi się wątkami fabularnymi. Twój cel jest wiadomy, ale wybór wiodącej doń ścieżki zależy od ciebie samego – czy będziesz wspinał się po drabinie rankingowej, czy dotrzesz tam na skróty?

                        Po drodze zechcesz skupić się na rozwijaniu własnego stylu walki. Czy obierzesz Drogę Tygrysa, Żółwia czy Niedźwiedzia? Twoja siła, zręczność i wytrzymałość zależą od tego, którą sztukę walki zechcesz zgłębić.

                        Każda podjęta przez ciebie decyzja odniesie inny skutek, zwłaszcza w twoim życiu osobistym. Morderczy trening będziesz przeplatać przyjaźnią, miłością, pracą i walką ze zmutowanymi aligatorami. Wszak życie to nie tylko przerzucanie żelastwa.

                        - Menadżer walk z elementami RPG i symulatora życia
                        - Poznaj tożsamość zabójcy twego ojca i dowiedz się czegoś o sobie samym
                        - Bogata fabuła z wieloma rozwidlającymi się wątkami i zakończeniami
                        - Wgryź się w statystyki i stwórz swojego wyjątkowego fajtera, zgłębiając olbrzymie drzewka umiejętności
                        - Przepiękna szata graficzna w stylu retro z mnóstwem nawiązań do popkultury lat 80. i 90. oraz nostalgicznym klimatem

                        Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                        To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                        Acerca do Jogo

                        Seu pai foi assassinado brutalmente diante dos seus olhos. Agora você deve treinar com tudo, comer frango, dar um cacete numa galera pra conquistar seu lugar na classificação do Punch Club e descobrir quem matou seu pai.

                        Punch Club é um sistema de gestão de carreira de boxe com múltiplas possibilidades de enredo. Seu objetivo é claro, mas como você chega lá depende de você. Seja trilhando o caminho do bom moço, dentro da lei, ou pegando a duvidosa estrada sombria.

                        Durante seu caminho, vai ser uma boa você se concentrar nos seus talentos. Será que você vai seguir o Estilo do Tigre, o Estilo da Tartaruga ou o Estilo do Urso? Força, precisão ou agilidade. Listras, casco ou garras? Tudo depende do estilo que guiar o seu caminho.

                        E cada decisão vai ter um peso, principalmente na sua vida social. Viva num malabarismo constante de vida amorosa, trabalho, tempo de lazer, relacionamentos e, se bobear, até o estrelato. Tudo junto e misturado, enquanto você treina na academia e luta contra jacarés. Puxar ferro não é tudo na vida, viu?

                        - Simulador de gestão de carreira de boxe com elementos de RPG
                        - Descubra quem matou seu pai e, se bobear, descubra algo sobre si enquanto faz isso
                        - Jogabilidade com foco no enredo, com importantes repercussões no desenvolvimento da narrativa e múltiplos finais
                        - Suba seus atributos e otimize suas técnicas na árvore de talentos do jeito que quiser
                        - Gráficos pixelados incríveis, com referências nostálgicas dos anos 80 e 90 por todos os cantos

                        Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                        To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                        Despre joc

                        Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                        Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                        Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                        And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                        • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                        • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                        • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                        • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                        • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                        • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                          To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                          Об игре

                          В детстве ты стал свидетелем кровавого убийства своего отца и был разлучен с братом. Ты пообещал умирающему отцу, что сможешь постоять за себя! Теперь тебе придется усиленно тренироваться, есть стейки и прокладывать своими кулаками себе путь на вершину бойцовской карьеры. Ну и конечно, найти убийцу отца и отомстить.

                          Punch Club - это менеджер уличного бойца, в которым ты сам выбираешь путь, по которому придешь к своей заветной цели. По ходу дела открывая для себя все перипетии сюжета в лучших традициях боевиков 80-90х годов.

                          Только от тебя зависит, какой стиль боя и тактику ты возьмешь на вооружение. Будешь ли ты следовать Пути Тигра или отправишься в долгий путь последователя Стиля Черепахи, а может, решишь комбинировать все возможные школы. Выбор за тобой. Но не забывай, что боец - это не только стиль боя, но и прекрасная физическая форма. Бегай, жми штанги, работай с грушей и, конечно же, не забудь вовремя подкрепиться!

                          Любое решение будет иметь последствия. Быть хорошим парнем или плохим? Купить стейк или пиццу? Пойти отрабатывать левый в голову или побездельничать с другом? Побить ниндзя крокодилов или сняться в фильме про инопланетян? Решать тебе! И не забудь, что хорошо бы уделить время своей девушке...

                          - Менеджмент/сим уличного бойца с элементами RPG и тайкуна
                          - Найди убийцу своего отца, а может быть даже узнай о себе что-то новое
                          - Глубокий сюжет с несколькими развилками и несколькими концовками
                          - Качай статы, изучай новые приемы и изучай 4 ветки скиллов
                          - Крутой пиксельарт с большим количеством отсылок к фильмам и играм 80-90х гг.

                          Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                          To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!


                          你父亲在你眼前被残忍杀害。现在,你必须刻苦训练,猛吃鸡肉并用拳头攻击对面的家伙来提高你在 Punch Club 中的排名,找出杀死你父亲的人。

                          Punch Club 是一款具备多条故事线索的拳击大亨管理游戏。你的目标非常明确,但实现方式取决于你希望正当地提高游戏排名还是选择更荒谬、阴险的方式。



                          - 拳击手管理模拟,具备角色扮演和大亨元素
                          - 查出杀害你父亲的凶手,并不断了解自己
                          - 由故事推动,可以选择不同的情节和探索不同的游戏结局
                          - 深入了解统计数据,通过大量的技能树确定自己的道路
                          - 华丽的画面,所有地方均体现出上世纪 80、90 年代的风格,流露出浓浓的复古风情

                          Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                          To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                          Acerca del juego

                          Tu padre ha sido brutalmente asesinado ante tus ojos. Ahora tendrás que entrenar a fondo, comer pollo y partirle la cara a todos los rivales que te hagan frente. Tu objetivo: entrar en el Club del Puño y descubrir quién ha matado a tu padre.

                          Punch Club es un juego de gestión ambientado en el mundo del boxeo, con una historia repleta de ramificaciones y posibilidades. Tienes muy claro cuál es tu meta, pero para llegar hasta ella tendrás que subir hasta lo más alto de las clasificaciones... o bien optar por otras rutas más oscuras.

                          También tendrás que centrarte en pulir tus talentos. ¿Seguirás la Senda del Tigre, la Senda de la Tortuga o la Senda del Oso? Tu fuerza, precisión y agilidad dependerán de la senda que elijas.

                          Cada decisión será importante, sobre todo para tu vida social. Tendrás que compaginar amistades, vida amorosa, trabajo, tiempo libre, relaciones y la posible fama con las horas de gimnasio y los enfrentamientos contra cocodrilos. No todo iba a ser hacer pesas, ¿verdad?

                          - Simulador de combate con elementos de gestión y de rol.
                          - Descubre quién mató a tu padre y puede que descubras también algo sobre ti mismo.
                          - Completa historia, con múltiples ramificaciones narrativas y diversos finales por descubrir.
                          - Vuélcate tanto como quieras en perfeccionar tus características y encuentra tu camino gracias a los completos árboles de habilidades.
                          - Impresionantes gráficos de estilo píxel, con infinidad de referencias a los años 80 y 90.

                          Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                          To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                          Om spelet

                          Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                          Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                          Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                          And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                          • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                          • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                          • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                          • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                          • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                          • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                            To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!


                            Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                            Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                            Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                            And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                            • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                            • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                            • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                            • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                            • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                            • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                              To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!


                              Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                              Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                              Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                              And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                              • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                              • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                              • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                              • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                              • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place
                              • Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                                To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                                Oyun Açıklaması

                                Babanı gözlerinin önünde acımasızca öldürdüler. Şimdi Punch Club sıralamalarında yerini kazanmak ve babanın hayatına kimin son verdiğini bulmak için sıkı çalışmalı, tavuk yemeli ve insanların yüzüne yüzüne vurmalısın.

                                Punch Club birçok hikaye kolu olan bir boksör yönetme oyunudur. Hedefin belli fakat hedefine ulaşma şeklin sana bağlı, düzgün bir şekilde sıralamalarda yerini almak mı istiyorsun yoksa daha kötü, gizli yolu mu seçeceksin?

                                Bu yolda yeteneklerine odaklanmak isteyeceksin. Kaplanın Yolu'nu mu, Kaplumbağanın Yolu'nu mu yoksa başka bir yolu mu seçeceksin? Gücün, isabet oranın ve çevikliğin tamamen hangi yoldan gittiğine göre şekillenir. Koşacak mısın yoksa yüzecek misin?

                                Her seçiminin bir önemi vardır, özellikle de sosyal hayatında. Spor yaptığın ve timsahlarla dövüştüğün zaman bir yana; dostluklarını, aşk hayatını, işini, dinlenme zamanını, ilişkilerini ve vakti geldiğinde ünlü hayatını dengede tutmak zorunda kalacaksın. Ağırlık çalışmakla bitmiyor yani.

                                - RPG ve tycoon unsurlarıyla dolu dövüşçü yönetme simulatörü
                                - Babanı kimin öldürdüğünü bul, belki de bu yolda kendinle ilgili bir şey öğrenebilirsin
                                - Aşırı derecede hikaye bazlı, farklı konuşma tercihleri ve keşfedilecek oyun sonları
                                - İstediğin karakteristiklerde uzmanlaş ve geniş çaplı yetenek ağaçlarında kendi yolunu bul
                                - 80'ler ve 90'lar göndermeleriyle ve nostaljiyle dolu mükemmel ötesi piksel görüntüler

                                Punch Club The Dark Fist Expansion

                                To thank the fans of Punch Club for being awesome, we have added a brand new, free expansion that adds 3 hours of new content. Enjoy!

                                Про гру

                                Your father was brutally murdered before your eyes. Now you must train hard, eat chicken and punch dudes in the face to earn your place in the Punch Club ranks, and discover who ended your father's life.

                                Punch Club is a boxing tycoon management game with multiple branching story lines. Your goal is clear, but how you get there depends on whether you want to legitimately climb the rankings, or take the more ridiculous, shady route.

                                Along the way you'll want to focus your talents. Will you take the Way of the Tiger, the Way of the Turtle, or the Way of the Bear? Your strength, accuracy and agility all depends on whichever Way enlightens your path. Do you have stripes, or flippers?

                                And every decision will matter, especially in your social life. You'll be juggling friendships, love life, work, recreational time, relationships, and possible stardom, all alongside your gym time and fighting aligators. It's not all just pumping iron, you know.

                                • Fighter management sim with RPG and tycoon elements
                                • Find out who killed your father, and maybe learn something about yourself along the way
                                • Heavily story-driven, with multiple different narrative branches and game endings to discover
                                • Get as deep with stats as you like, and find your own way through extensive skill trees
                                • Gorgeous pixel visuals with 80-90s references and nostalgia all over the place

                                System Requirements
