Quake IV
Quake IV

Quake IV

Release Date: 17/10/2005 | WORLDWIDE
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9.49 € + VAT


Een wanhopige oorlog voor het voortbestaan van de aarde tegen een genadeloze vijand. De enige manier om ze te verslaan is om een van ze te worden. Gewapend met geavanceerde wapens en voertuigen en ondersteund door een elite troep mariniers, neem jij het gevecht tegen het hart van de Strogg-planeet aan en wordt jij de enige hoop voor overwinning.

Belangrijkste kenmerken:

  • Gebouwd op id Tech 4 (de Doom 3-engine)
  • Vervolg op het verhaal van Quake 2
  • Vecht buiten met tanks en walkers
  • Vecht met ondersteuning van een elite troep
  • Snelle arena-achtige multiplayer die helemaal online is

In a desperate war for Earth’s survival, against an unrelenting enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become earth’s only hope for victory.

Key features:

  • Built on id Tech 4 (the Doom 3 engine)
  • Sequel to the Quake 2 storyline
  • Battle outdoors using tanks and walkers
  • Fight with the support of an elite squad
  • Compete online in fast action, arena-style multiplayer

In a desperate war for Earth’s survival, against an unrelenting enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become earth’s only hope for victory.

Key features:

  • Built on id Tech 4 (the Doom 3 engine)
  • Sequel to the Quake 2 storyline
  • Battle outdoors using tanks and walkers
  • Fight with the support of an elite squad
  • Compete online in fast action, arena-style multiplayer

Dans une lutte désespérée pour la survie de la Terre attaquée par un ennemi implacable, la seule voie de la victoire passe par l'adaptation aux méthodes de l'ennemi. Armé avec un système sophistiqué et épaulé par une escouade de marines, projetez la bataille au cœur du monde des Strogg et devenez l'ultime espoir pour l'humanité.

Comprend :

  • Utilise le moteur id Tech 4 (celui de Doom 3)
  • Suite de l'histoire de Quake 2
  • Combattez à l'extérieur avec des tanks et des robots
  • Combattez avec l'appui d'une unité d'élite
  • Combattez en ligne en mode arène en multijoueur

In einem verzweifelten Kampf um das Überleben der Menschheit gegen einen unerbittlichen Feind können Sie nur siegen, wenn Sie selber einer von ihnen werden. Ausgerüstet mit modernsten Waffen und Fahrzeugen und unterstützt durch eine Elitetruppe Marines tragen Sie den Kampf bis ins Herz des Heimatplaneten der Strogg und werden zur einzigen Hoffnung der Erde auf den Sieg.


  • Basiert auf id Tech 4 (die Doom 3-Engine)
  • Knüpft an die Handlung von Quake 2 an
  • Kämpfen Sie im Freien mithilfe von Panzern und Walkern
  • Bestreiten Sie Ihre Feinde mit der Unterstützung einer Elitetruppe
  • Messen Sie sich in schnellen und actiongeladenen Mehrspieler-Gefechten im Arena-Stil

In a desperate war for Earth’s survival, against an unrelenting enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become earth’s only hope for victory.

Key features:

  • Built on id Tech 4 (the Doom 3 engine)
  • Sequel to the Quake 2 storyline
  • Battle outdoors using tanks and walkers
  • Fight with the support of an elite squad
  • Compete online in fast action, arena-style multiplayer

La sopravvivenza della Terra è gravemente minacciata: a quanto pare, l'unica strada rimasta da tentare per contrastare gli implacabili nemici che minacciano il pianeta, in un ultimo disperato tentativo di resistenza, è diventare uno di loro. Potendo disporre dell'armamentario e dei veicoli più avanzati, guidato da una squadra di marine d'élite, porterai la battaglia fin nel cuore del pianeta d'origine degli Strogg, divenendo l'unica speranza di vittoria per la Terra.

Caratteristiche Principali:

  • Basato su id Tech 4 (il motore di 'Doom 3')
  • Prosecuzione della storia di 'Quake 2'
  • Combatti all'aperto usando carri armati e walker
  • Combatti con il supporto di una squadra d'élite
  • Competi online nella modalità multiplayer in stile arena, straripante di azione frenetica

In a desperate war for Earth’s survival, against an unrelenting enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become earth’s only hope for victory.

Key features:

  • Built on id Tech 4 (the Doom 3 engine)
  • Sequel to the Quake 2 storyline
  • Battle outdoors using tanks and walkers
  • Fight with the support of an elite squad
  • Compete online in fast action, arena-style multiplayer

In a desperate war for Earth’s survival, against an unrelenting enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become earth’s only hope for victory.

Key features:

  • Built on id Tech 4 (the Doom 3 engine)
  • Sequel to the Quake 2 storyline
  • Battle outdoors using tanks and walkers
  • Fight with the support of an elite squad
  • Compete online in fast action, arena-style multiplayer

In a desperate war for Earth’s survival, against an unrelenting enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become earth’s only hope for victory.

Key features:

  • Built on id Tech 4 (the Doom 3 engine)
  • Sequel to the Quake 2 storyline
  • Battle outdoors using tanks and walkers
  • Fight with the support of an elite squad
  • Compete online in fast action, arena-style multiplayer

В отчаянной войне за спасение Земли против безжалостных врагов единственный путь к победе — стать одним из них. Снабженный передовым оружием и поддерживаемый элитным отрядом морской пехоты, вы отправляетесь на сражение в самое сердце родной планеты Строггов и становитесь единственной надежной Земли на победу.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Игра разработана на движке id Tech 4 (движок игры Doom 3)
  • Продолжение сюжета игры Quake 2
  • Битвы на открытом воздухе с использованием танков и шагоходов
  • Бои с поддержкой элитного отряда
  • Противостояния в скоростном многопользовательском режиме аренного типа

En una desesperada guerra por la supervivencia de la Tierra contra unos enemigos imparables, la única forma de detenerlos es convertirse en un uno de ellos. Equipado con armamento y vehículos avanzados y con la ayuda de un pelotón de marines de élite, llevas la batalla al corazón del planeta natal Strogg y te conviertes en la única esperanza de la Tierra para conseguir la victoria.

Características principales:

  • Construido sobre id Tech 4 (el motor de Doom 3)
  • Secuela de la historia de Quake 2
  • Combate en exteriores con tanques y caminantes
  • Lucha con el apoyo de un pelotón de élite
  • Compite online en un modo multijugador tipo arena lleno de acción frenética

System Requirements


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