The biohazard threat has not ended: Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil had been destroyed, along comes a new terror to send shivers down player’s spines. Chris Redfield, returning Resident Evil hero, has followed the path of the evil literally around the globe. After joining a new organization, Chris heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is literally transforming the people and animals of the city into mindless, maddened creatures. He is joined by a new partner, Sheva Alomar, who lends her strength, intelligence and sharp-shooting skills to the mission. In order to survive, Chris and Sheva must work together to take on the challenges of discovering the truth behind this evil plot. Utilising a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, players will be able to assume control of either Chris or Sheva and experience Resident Evil in new ways. In Resident Evil 5, Capcom will have players fearing the daylight as much as they have feared shadow in previous games.
Co-producers and series veterans Jun Takeuchi (Lost Planet) and Masachicka Kawata (Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles) unleash an unprecedented level of fear for the next generation in Resident Evil 5, the sequel to one of the highest-rated videogames in history, according to and Promising to revolutionise the series by delivering an unbelievable level of detail, realism and control, Resident Evil 5 is certain to bring new fans to the series. New technology developed specifically for the game, as well as incredible changes to both the gameplay and world of Resident Evil will make this a must-have game for gamers across the globe.
Content Description
- Resident Evil 5
- Lost in Nightmares - What happened that night? That night when Chris thought he lost his partner… Now you can find out what happened during that mission when Chris and Jill visited the infamous Spencer mansion. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, just mystery…the story that wasn’t included in Resident Evil 5 reborn, the nightmare you cannot forget…
- Desperate Escape – Safe but exhausted, Jill has collapsed. Awoken by BSAA agent Josh Stone, play through their desperate escape from the Tricell facility, fighting off unrelenting waves of enemies in heart-pumping blockbuster action as they race to assist Chris and Sheva in their final showdown with Albert Wesker.
- The Mercenaries Reunion – this new mode brings 8 new playable characters and weapon load outs into the fray, providing players with additional challenges as they aim to shoot down as many enemies as they can within a limited time. Play as one of the unsung heroes of the original RESIDENT EVIL, Barry Burton, take control of one of the stars of RESIDENT EVIL 0, Rebecca Chambers, step into the designer-made high heels of one of villains, Excella Gionne, or take on the role of Delta Team's commander, Josh Stone. Chain together your kills, extend your time and rack up points. Featuring the most extreme weapon selections, The Mercenaries Reunion provides hours of new strategy-induced kill sprees.
- Versus Mode - Control Chris, Sheva and other RE5 favorites in online battles of up to 4 players! Compete for points by defeating Majini in SLAYERS or take down other players in SURVIVORS. Fight alone or in a team for a total of 4 exciting variations!
- Extra Figures - Unlock items in Extra Figures. You will be able to add figures like Barry and Rebecca to your collection.
- Additional Costumes – check out Chris' completely new take on tactical field armor with Heavy Metal, and add a bit of elfin fantasy to Sheva with Fairy Tale. These costumes can also be used in The Mercenaries Reunion in addition to the main story.
- Russian, Polish, and Czech languages are supported in Resident Evil 5's main game, but are not supported in this DLC.
Une nouvelle terreur naît dans les cendres d'anciens conflits. La multinationale Umbrella et ses nombreux virus mortels ont été neutralisés et détruits. Pourtant, un danger encore plus grave vient de faire son apparition. Il y a bien des années, Chris Redfield a survécu aux incidents de Raccoon City. Désormais, il intervient dans le monde entier pout lutter contre la prolifération des armes bio-organiques. Chris appartient au BSAA (Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance). Il est envoyé en Afrique pour enquêter sur un composé biologique qui transforme les habitants d'une région en créatures agressives et monstrueuses. Épaulé par Sheva Alomar, une collègue du BSSA basée dans la région, Chris devra élucider ce mystère afin de comprendre ces incidents sinistres. Proposant une jouabilité en coopération, à la fois inédite et révolutionnaire, Resident Evil 5 vous permettra d'affronter la peur à deux. Ce renfort ne sera pas superflu car cette fois, la terreur ne vous attend plus uniquement tapie dans l'ombre : elle vous attaque au grand jour !
Comprend les contenus suivants :
- Resident Evil 5
- Affrontement
- Perdu dans les cauchemars
- Une fuite désespérée
- La réunion des Mercenaires
- Figurines exclusives
- Costumes Heavy Metal (Chris) et Conte de fées (Sheva)
Attention !
- Le mode multijoueur est accessible en ligne uniquement. Vous ne pouvez pas jouer en écran splitté.
- Le russe, le polonais et le tchèque sont disponibles dans le jeu principal Resident Evil 5
Aus der Asche alter Konflikte steigen neue Schrecken auf. Die Umbrella Corporation und ihre tödlichen Viren wurden zerstört. Doch aus den Trümmern kommt eine neue und noch gefährlichere Bedrohung zum Vorschein. In den Jahren nach den Ereignissen in Raccoon City hat Chris Redfield die Geißel bio-organischer Waffen an allen Orten der Welt bekämpft. Mittlerweile ist er Mitglied der „Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance“ (BSAA), die ihn nach Afrika schickt, um einen biologischen Wirkstoff zu untersuchen, der die Bevölkerung in aggressive Bestien verwandelt hat. Zusammen mit seiner BSAA-Kollegin Sheva Alomar muss er die Wahrheit ans Licht bringen, die hinter den beunruhigenden Ereignissen steckt. Im revolutionären Kooperationsmodus können die Spieler die Schrecken in „Resident Evil 5“ die Schrecken gemeinsam durchstehen.
Chris Redfield, die Hauptfigur aus dem Originalspiel „Resident Evil“ sowie „Resident Evil: Code Veronica“, kehrt zurück und wird von der neuen, spielbaren Figur Sheva Alomar unterstützt, einer afrikanischen BSAA-Agentin, die die Epidemie untersuchen soll. Das neue Gameplay mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Kooperationsmodus revolutioniert das Spielerlebnis von „Resident Evil“, denn die Spieler können den Horror gemeinsam meistern. „Resident Evil 5“ unterstützt alle Formen des Koop-Gameplay, einschließlich des Online- und System Link-Modus und des Modus mit geteiltem Bildschirm.
- Resident Evil 5
- Versus
- In Albträumen verloren
- Eine verzweifelte Flucht
- Das Söldnertreffen
- Exklusive Figuren
- Vollmetall (Chris) und Märchen (Sheva) Outfits
- Der Mehrspieler-Modus funktioniert über Online-Matching – spielen per geteiltem Bildschirm wird also nicht unterstützt.
- Russisch, Polnisch und Tschechisch werden vom Hauptspiel Resident Evil 5
La saga del biohazard non è finita! Proprio quando la minaccia di Resident Evil sembrava sconfitta, ecco giungere un nuovo terrore che farà correre i brividi lungo la schiena al giocatore. Chris Redfield, veste nuovamente i panni dell’eroe di Resident Evil, dopo aver letteralmente inseguito le trace del virus lungo l’intero globo terrestre. Unitosi ad una nuova organizzazione, Chris si dirige verso l’Africa dove la minaccia bioterrorista sta trasformando le persone e gli animali in pazze creature senza controllo. Viene affiancato da una nuova partner, Sheva Alomar, che presta la sua forza, la sua intelligenza e le sue ottime doti da tiratrice alla missione. Per sopravvivere Chris e Sheva devono collaborare per smascherare il complotto che si cela dietro questa diabolico avvenimento. Utilizzando un nuova rivoluzionaria modalità di gioco cooperativa, i giocatori potranno assumere il controllo sia di Chris che di Sheva e giocare a Resident Evil (ora anche in versione Platinum) come mai fatto prima.
Comprende i seguenti contenuti:
- Resident Evil 5
- Versus
- Incubo senza uscita
- Una fuga disperata
- Mercenari a raccolta
- Modellini esclusivi
- Costumi Heavy Metal (Chris) e Fiaba (Sheva)
- La modalità multigiocatore è disponibile solo tramite matchmaking online. La modalità a schermo condiviso locale non è supportata.
- Russo, polacco e ceco sono supportati nel gioco di base Resident Evil 5
The biohazard threat has not ended: Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil had been destroyed, along comes a new terror to send shivers down player’s spines. Chris Redfield, returning Resident Evil hero, has followed the path of the evil literally around the globe. After joining a new organization, Chris heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is literally transforming the people and animals of the city into mindless, maddened creatures. He is joined by a new partner, Sheva Alomar, who lends her strength, intelligence and sharp-shooting skills to the mission. In order to survive, Chris and Sheva must work together to take on the challenges of discovering the truth behind this evil plot. Utilising a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, players will be able to assume control of either Chris or Sheva and experience Resident Evil in new ways. In Resident Evil 5, Capcom will have players fearing the daylight as much as they have feared shadow in previous games.
Co-producers and series veterans Jun Takeuchi (Lost Planet) and Masachicka Kawata (Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles) unleash an unprecedented level of fear for the next generation in Resident Evil 5, the sequel to one of the highest-rated videogames in history, according to and Promising to revolutionise the series by delivering an unbelievable level of detail, realism and control, Resident Evil 5 is certain to bring new fans to the series. New technology developed specifically for the game, as well as incredible changes to both the gameplay and world of Resident Evil will make this a must-have game for gamers across the globe.
Content Description
- Resident Evil 5
- Lost in Nightmares - What happened that night? That night when Chris thought he lost his partner… Now you can find out what happened during that mission when Chris and Jill visited the infamous Spencer mansion. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, just mystery…the story that wasn’t included in Resident Evil 5 reborn, the nightmare you cannot forget…
- Desperate Escape – Safe but exhausted, Jill has collapsed. Awoken by BSAA agent Josh Stone, play through their desperate escape from the Tricell facility, fighting off unrelenting waves of enemies in heart-pumping blockbuster action as they race to assist Chris and Sheva in their final showdown with Albert Wesker.
- The Mercenaries Reunion – this new mode brings 8 new playable characters and weapon load outs into the fray, providing players with additional challenges as they aim to shoot down as many enemies as they can within a limited time. Play as one of the unsung heroes of the original RESIDENT EVIL, Barry Burton, take control of one of the stars of RESIDENT EVIL 0, Rebecca Chambers, step into the designer-made high heels of one of villains, Excella Gionne, or take on the role of Delta Team's commander, Josh Stone. Chain together your kills, extend your time and rack up points. Featuring the most extreme weapon selections, The Mercenaries Reunion provides hours of new strategy-induced kill sprees.
- Versus Mode - Control Chris, Sheva and other RE5 favorites in online battles of up to 4 players! Compete for points by defeating Majini in SLAYERS or take down other players in SURVIVORS. Fight alone or in a team for a total of 4 exciting variations!
- Extra Figures - Unlock items in Extra Figures. You will be able to add figures like Barry and Rebecca to your collection.
- Additional Costumes – check out Chris' completely new take on tactical field armor with Heavy Metal, and add a bit of elfin fantasy to Sheva with Fairy Tale. These costumes can also be used in The Mercenaries Reunion in addition to the main story.
- Russian, Polish, and Czech languages are supported in Resident Evil 5's main game, but are not supported in this DLC.
De las cenizas de viejos conflictos, surge un nuevo tipo de terror. La Corporación Umbrella y su cultivo de virus letales han sido destruidos y contenidos, pero una nueva amenaza mucho más peligrosa acaba de aparecer. Años después de sobrevivir a los acontecimientos ocurridos en Raccoon City, Chris Redfield ha estado luchando contra el flagelo de las armas bioorgánicas por todo el mundo. Ahora, como miembro de la Alianza para la Evaluación de la Seguridad frente al Bioterrorismo (B.S.A.A.), Chris ha sido enviado a África para investigar un agente biológico que transforma a la población en criaturas agresivas y perturbadoras. Con la ayuda de otra agente local del BSSA, Sheva Alomar, deberán trabajar juntos para desvelar la verdad tras el inquietante giro de los acontecimientos. Incluyendo un revolucionario y nuevo modo de juego cooperativo, Resident Evil 5 permite que los jugadores experimenten el miedo juntos a medida que el terror se mueve de las sombras hacia la plena luz del día.
Descripción del contenido
- Resident Evil 5
- Versus
- Perdido en un mar de pesadillas
- Evasión a la desesperada
- La reunión de mercenarios
- Figuras extra
- Los trajes "heavy Metal" (Chris) y "cuento de hadas" (Sheva)
- El modo multijugador funciona a través de emparejamientos en línea: no se puede jugar a pantalla partida.
- La parte principal de Resident Evil 5 permite jugar en ruso, polaco o checo