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Sobre o jogo
Resident Evil 7 biohazard é o próximo grande lançamento da renomada série Resident Evil e cria um novo curso para a franquia ao trazer à tona suas raízes e abrir a porta pra uma experiência de horror realmente aterrorizante. Uma mudança dramática na série para uma visão em primeira pessoa em um estilo fotorrealista, gerido pelo novo RE Engine da Capcom, Resident Evil 7 traz um nível de imersão sem precedentes que torna a trama de horror mais próxima e pessoal.
Passado na área rural dos Estados Unidos atualmente e após os dramáticos eventos de Resident Evil® 6, jogadores vivenciam o terror diretamente em uma perspectiva de primeira pessoa. Resident Evil 7 incorpora os elementos de exploração e a atmosfera tensa que são marca registrada da série e que criaram o "sobrevivência ao terror" cerca de vinte anos atrás. Enquanto isso, uma atualização completa dos sistemas de jogo simultaneamente impulsionam a experiência do sobrevivência ao terror a um próximo nível.
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Относно играта
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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O hře
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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Om spillet
Gru og isolation gennemsyrer de rådne vægge på den forladte gård i det sydlige USA.
"7" markerer en ny begyndelse for gysergenren samt et radikalt skifte til den skrækindjagende og opslugende "isolerede synsvinkel" for spilleren.
Takket være den banebrydende RE Engine kan skrækken nå overvælgende nye højder af fotorealisme, der vil tryllebinde dig.
Træd ind i en skrækindjagende, nye verden i kampen for at overleve.
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Info over het spel
Beklemmende angst druipt door de rottende muren van een verlaten boerderij in het zuiden van Amerika. "7" kenmerkt een nieuw begin voor survivalhorror en maakt grote veranderingen aan het angstwekkende en meeslepende "Isolated View"-perspectief van de speler. Dankzij de RE Engine ziet de horror er zo realistisch en overweldigend uit dat je niet weg kunt kijken. Betreed een vreeswekkende nieuwe horrorwereld en overleef.
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About the Game
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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Tietoja pelistä
Uhka ja eristyneisyys tihkuvat Amerikan eteläosan hylätyn maatalon lahoavista seinistä. "7" on selviytymiskauhun uusi alku: siinä on siirrytty täysin pelottavaan ja immersiiviseen pelaajahahmon näkökulmaan. Kehityksen kärkeä edustavalla RE Engine -rungolla toteutettu kauhu saavuttaa uusia fotorealismin huippuja, jotka ovat niin häkellyttäviä, ettei niistä voi silmiään irrottaa. Astu karmivaan uuteen kauhun maailmaan ja selviä hengissä.
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À propos du jeu
Resident Evil 7 biohazard est le volet majeur suivant de la célèbre série Resident Evil, et donne une nouvelle direction à la franchise : il s’agit d’un à la fois d’un retour aux sources du jeu et une nouvelle étape vers une expérience véritablement terrifiante. Resident Evil 7 constitue un passage radical en vue à la première personne, dans un style photoréaliste rendu possible par le nouveau moteur de jeu de Capcom, le RE Engine, qui garantit un niveau d’immersion sans précédent et vous place au cœur de l’horreur palpitante.
L’action se déroule dans l’Amérique rurale d’aujourd’hui, juste après les événements spectaculaires de Resident Evil® 6. Les joueurs y vivent l’horreur directement en vue subjective. Resident Evil 7 incarne les éléments de jeu emblématiques de la série, comme l’exploration et l’atmosphère angoissante, qui ont aidé à définir le genre du « survival horror » il y a une vingtaine d’années, et fait également une mise à jour complète des systèmes de gameplay pour faire passer le genre dans une nouvelle ère.
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Über das Spiel
Resident Evil 7 biohazard ist die nächste große Ausgabe der bekannten Resident Evil-Serie, die das Franchise auf neue Wege führt. Es geht auf seine Wurzeln zurück und öffnet die Tür für ein haarsträubendes Horror-Erlebnis. Die Serie begibt sich durch die Verwendung von Capcoms neuer RE Engine und mit einem Wechsel auf die Ichperspektive auf dramatisches Neuland. In Resident Evil 7 sind Spieler so tief wie nie im Spiel und der spannende Horror ist zum Greifen nah.
Schauplatz ist das moderne ländliche Amerika nach den dramatischen Ereignissen von Resident Evil® 6. Spieler erleben den Terror direkt aus der Ichperspektive. Resident Evil 7 verkörpert die unverkennbaren Gameplay-Elemente von Erkundung in angespannter Atmosphäre, die vor etwa zwanzig Jahren das Genre „Survival Horror“ prägten. Inzwischen bringt die völlige Überholung der Gameplay-Systeme dieses Erlebnis auf ein gänzlich neues Level.
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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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A játékról:
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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Informazioni sul gioco
Resident Evil 7 biohazard è l'ultima incarnazione della celebre serie Resident Evil. Questo capitolo rappresenta un nuovo corso per la saga, che intende recuperare le radici della serie e nel contempo aprire le porte a un'esperienza horror ancora più terrificante. Si tratterà di un cambiamento epocale per Resident Evil, che per la prima volta prevede la visuale in prima persona e un magnifico stile fotorealistico grazie al nuovo motore grafico RE Engine di Capcom. Tutto ciò garantisce un livello di immersione senza precedenti: il terrore non è mai stato così vicino e personale.
Ambientato nelle campagne statunitensi a seguito dei drammatici eventi narrati in Resident Evil® 6, il giocatore avrà la possibilità di vivere da vicino il terrore grazie alla visuale in prima persona. Resident Evil 7, con la sua atmosfera tesa e incentrato sull'esplorazione, presenta elementi distintivi del genere survival horror, creato proprio da questa serie oltre vent'anni fa. Tuttavia, grazie a un aggiornamento completo del sistema di gioco, è anche in grado di portare questa esperienza tipica a un livello mai visto prima.
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게임 정보
미국 남부의 폐옥에서 교착되는 "위협"과 "고독". 서바이벌호러의 신기원 『7』의 막이 올라간다." "아이솔레이트뷰"로 풀모델체인지, 새로이 개발된 "RE엔진"에 의한 포토리얼 표현이 만들어내는 "공포"는 눈돌릴 틈조차 없다. 악의에 찬 미지의 참극에서 살아 남아라!
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Om spillet
Ondskap og isolasjon siver gjennom de råtnende veggene i et forlatt gårdshus i sørstatene i USA ... Noe venter i skyggene. «7» markerer en ny start for skrekk- og overlevelsessjangeren og en modellforandring på det fryktinngytende og engasjerende «isolerte spillerperspektivet». Takket være den nyskapende RE-motoren blir skrekken så fotorealistisk at du ikke kommer til å klare å snu deg bort. Bli med til en ny og grusom skrekkverden, og ta deg helskinnet hjem igjen.
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Informacje o grze
Zrujnowana, opuszczona farma na południu Stanów Zjednoczonych kryje złowieszcze tajemnice. Coś czyha w ciemności. Zmiana perspektywy gracza na przeraźliwy i realistyczny „odizolowany widok” oraz fotorealistyczna grafika zaawansowanego silnika RE Engine to rewolucja w gatunku survival horroru. Przemierzaj nowy, przerażający świat i walcz o przetrwanie.
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Acerca do Jogo
A ameaça e o isolamento exalam das paredes putrefactas de uma quinta abandonada no Sul da América. "7" marca um novo começo para o terror de sobrevivência e uma mudança para a assustadora e envolvente perspetiva de jogador "Vista Isolada". Com o motor de vanguarda do RE, o terror atinge novas proporções de fotorrealismo tão avassaladoras que não vais ser capaz de virar costas. Entra num novo mundo de horror e sobrevive.
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Despre joc
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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Об игре
Гнилые стены заброшенной фермы на американском Юге порождают чувство страха и одиночества. Жуткая «изолированная камера» — это новая страница в жанре survival horror. Движок RE Engine раздвигает границы ужаса — вы не сможете оторваться от экрана, настолько реалистичным будет изображение. Переживите новый чудовищный кошмар.
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于美国南部的一间被废置的农舍,腐烂的墙身渗透着一股恐怖及孤独的氛围。 「7」标志着全新的恐怖求生体验,以及玩家视觉切换为更骇人的虚拟实境-「隔离视觉」模式。有赖RE工程部的努力,恐怖的写实感提升至一个全新的境界,玩家并没有任何退路可选。让你进入恐怖求生的新世界。
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Acerca del juego
Resident Evil 7 biohazard es la siguiente gran entrega de la renombrada serie Resident Evil y supone un nuevo hito para la franquicia, puesto que se aprovecha de sus raíces y abre la puerta a una experiencia de miedo realmente terrorífica. Con su gran cambio a la vista en primera persona y un estilo fotorrealista gracias al nuevo motor de Capcom RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 trae un nivel sin precedentes de inmersión que logra una experiencia de terror muy cercana y personal.
Ambientado en la América rural moderna y continuando la historia de los dramáticos sucesos de Resident Evil® 6, los jugadores experimentarán el terror directamente desde la perspectiva en primera persona. Resident Evil 7 encarna los elementos distintivos de la serie de exploración y atmósfera tensa con los que se acuñó el género de “terror de supervivencia” hace ya veinte años. Ahora, una completa actualización del sistema de juego lleva la experiencia del terror de supervivencia al siguiente nivel.
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Om spelet
Lidande och isolering genomsyrar de ruttnande väggarna på en övergiven bondgård i den amerikanska södern. "7" innebär en nystart för överlevnadsrysargenren, och ett skifte till ett skrämmande och uppslukande isolerat perspektiv. Tack vare kraften i den banbrytande RE Engine når skräckupplevelsen nya höjder av fotorealistisk grafik så häpnandsväckande att du inte kan titta bort. Ta klivet in i en skrämmande ny värld och överlev.
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Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.
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Oyun Açıklaması
Güney Amerika'da terk edilmiş bir çiftlik evinin çürüyen duvarlarından tehlike ve tecrit akıyor. "7", hayatta kalma ve korku türüne yeni bir soluk getiriyor ve korkutucu, insanı içine çeken "İzole Görünümle" oyuncu perspektifinden görüntü sunuyor. Teknoloji harikası RE Motoruyla korku, öylesine gerçekçi ve insanı sürükleyen bir hal alıyor ki bu maceraya kayıtsız kalamayacaksınız. Dehşet dolu yeni bir korku dünyasına girin ve hayatta kalın.
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Про гру
Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil series and sets a new course for the franchise as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. A dramatic new shift for the series to first person view in a photorealistic style powered by Capcom’s new RE Engine, Resident Evil 7 delivers an unprecedented level of immersion that brings the thrilling horror up close and personal.
Set in modern day rural America and taking place after the dramatic events of Resident Evil® 6, players experience the terror directly from the first person perspective. Resident Evil 7 embodies the series’ signature gameplay elements of exploration and tense atmosphere that first coined “survival horror” some twenty years ago; meanwhile, a complete refresh of gameplay systems simultaneously propels the survival horror experience to the next level.