Bushranger Content Update
Edição digital de luxo
Adquira a Edição Digital Deluxe e receba 2 itens de personalização de personagem exclusivos, 4 desbloqueios de item antecipados e a trilha sonora oficial.
Conteúdo exclusivo
- 2 itens de personalização exclusivos: chapéus militares camuflados para as duas facções
- A trilha sonora oficial a partir da música composto originalmente estará disponível para os compradores da Edição Digital Deluxe após o lançamento de Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Desbloqueios antecipados
Exército/Fuzileiros dos Estados Unidos- Capacete camuflado ERDL Lowland
- Capacete Piloto Darkhorse
Norte-vietnamita- Echarpe
- Ushanka Camuflada
Sobre o jogo
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam é a sequência do jogo ganhador do prêmio
“Jogo Multijogador do Ano” da PC Gamer de 2011 e 2013, lançado pela
Tripwire Interactive e desenvolvido pela
Antimatter Games, a mesma equipe que criou a jogabilidade assimétrica inovadora e premiada do
Rising Storm original.
Pela primeira vez, a ação visceral com armas em primeira pessoa da série
Red Orchestra está chegando a uma era de rifles automáticos, lança-granadas portáteis e a armamentos mais modernos.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam leva os jogadores a uma recriação brutal e autêntica da Guerra do Vietnã.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam oferece uma ação tática intensa para até
64 jogadores em batalhas entre as forças norte-americanas e vietnamitas, cada uma com suas habilidades e vantagens táticas exclusivas, como ataques de napalm, barragens de artilharia, mísseis ar-terra, armadilhas, emboscadas e muito mais.
Estará disponível uma variedade de armas autênticas do período, como o M16, M14, M60, M79 e a M3 Grease Gun para os norte-americanos e o rifle de assalto Tipo 56 (uma cópia chinesa do famoso AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine e muitas outras mais para os vietcongues.
As armas também têm uma ampla gama de funcionalidades com efeitos no jogo, como apoios ajustáveis, baionetas acopláveis e um novo sistema de recuo avançado que afeta o manuseio já fenomenal da arma, pelo qual a série Red Orchestra ficou famosa.
Os jogadores da equipe norte-americana poderão pilotar 3 tipos de helicóptero: o
UH-1H "Huey" de transporte, o
OH-6 "Loach" de reconhecimento leve e o poderoso helicóptero de ataque
AH-1G "Cobra".
Jogue como combatentes militares norte-americanos ou da resistência vietnamita. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permite que os jogadores controlem unidades do exército e fuzileiros norte-americanos ou as forças militarizadas e de guerrilha do Vietnã do Norte — ENV e os vietcongues.
Cada mapa recria fielmente o visual da vivência no Vietnã e leva os jogadores diretamente para o meio da guerra com extrema autenticidade da vida real.
Os mapas vêm com as famosas selvas do Vietnã, mas também comportam batalhas ocorridas nas cidades, colinas, bases militares norte-americanas, arrozais, plantações e diversos outros locais autênticos.
Os tipos de jogo são o modo clássico de controle de território da Red Orchestra, o novo modo Supremacia, para combates em larga escala com helicópteros, túneis VC e outros, além do novo modo Combate, menor e com mapas para até 16 jogadores.
Esses mapas menores foram concebidos para maior competitividade e jogo baseado em pelotão que refletem as ações de unidades menores características do Vietnã.
Sistema de pelotões aprimorado que permite aos jogadores definir os pelotões conforme a necessidade — dê um nome, adicione os amigos e defina a cor da tag do pelotão no jogo. Uma vez no jogo, é fácil identificar o seu pelotão no mundo e nos mapas — e com canais VoIP dedicados do pelotão, além de bônus de colaboração.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam se concentra na habilidade do jogador e no equilíbrio. Não haverá conteúdo bloqueado como melhorias de armas, características melhoradas de jogador ou novos armamentos sob nenhum sistema de ranque ou experiência.Queremos disponibilizar as ferramentas para o sucesso nas mãos de cada jogador.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permitirá aos jogadores personalizar seus personagens com uniformes e variantes de equipamentos adicionais ganhos durante o jogo.São equipamentos de cabeça, roupas, tatuagens, óculos e muito mais
Bushranger Content Update
Луксозно дигитално издание
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Относно играта
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digitální luxusní edice
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
O hře
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe Edition
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Om spillet
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Luxe digitale editie
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Info over het spel
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe Edition
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
About the Game
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe Edition
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Tietoja pelistä
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Édition numérique de luxe
Achetez l’édition Digital Deluxe et obtenez 2 objets de personnalisation exclusifs, 4 objets débloqués et la bande originale du jeu.
Contenu exclusif
- 2 objets de personnalisation exclusifs - Chapeau militaire de brousse pour chaque faction
- La bande originale du jeu sera disponible aux possesseurs de l’édition Digital Deluxe à la sortie de Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Objets débloqués
Marines/Armée des États-Unis- Casque camouflage ERDL Lowland
- Casque de pilote Darkhorse
Forces vietnamiennes- Foulard
- Chapka camouflage
À propos du jeu
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam est la suite du
jeu multijoueur de l'année 2011 et 2013 selon PC Gamer, publié par
Tripwire Interactive et développé par
Antimatter Games, l’équipe à l'origine des mécaniques de jeu asymétriques innovantes et récompensées du premier
Rising Storm.
Pour la première fois, l'action intense et réaliste de la série
Red Orchestra explore une époque plus moderne, avec des fusils automatiques, des lance-grenades portables et un armement avancé.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam lâche les joueurs en plein milieu d'une reconstitution brutale et authentique de la guerre du Viêtnam.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permet des combats tactiques intenses jusqu'à
64 joueurs entre les forces américaines et vietnamiennes, chacune possédant ses propres aptitudes et ascendants tactiques, tels que les tirs de napalm, les barrages d'artillerie, les missiles surface-air, les pièges, les embuscades et bien plus.
Retrouvez de nombreuses armes de l'époque, telles que les M16, M14, M60, M79 et M3 Grease Gun côté américain ; et le fusil d'assaut Type 56 (copie chinoise du célèbre AK-47), les RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS et bien d'autres armes côté vietnamien.
Les armes disposent également de nombreuses améliorations, telles que des crosses ajustables ou des baïonnettes, ainsi qu'un nouveau système de recul avancé s’inspirant de l’extraordinaire maniabilité des armes ayant fait la réputation de Red Orchestra.
Les joueurs choisissant le camp américain pourront piloter 3 hélicoptères différents : l'hélicoptère de transport
UH-1H Huey, l'hélicoptère de reconnaissance
OH-6 Loach et le puissant hélicoptère d'attaque
AH-1G Cobra.
Incarnez un soldat de l'armée américaine ou un résistant des forces vietnamiennes. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permet aux joueurs de contrôler un soldat de l'armée américaine ou du corps des Marines, ou un combattant de la milice ou de la guérilla vietnamiennes : l'APVN (Armée populaire vietnamienne) ou les Vietcongs.
Chaque carte est une reconstitution fidèle des environnements du Vietnam et le soin minutieux apporté aux détails renforcera l'immersion des joueurs dans le conflit.
Vous y retrouverez la jungle, bien sûr, mais également des scènes de combats urbaines, à flanc de colline, dans des bases de soutien, des rizières, des plantations et bien d'autres lieux authentiques.
Le jeu offre plusieurs modes, dont le fameux mode Territoires de Red Orchestra, le nouveau mode Suprématie, pour des combats à grande échelle permettant l'emprunt d'hélicoptères et de tunnels, ainsi que le tout nouveau mode Escarmouche et ses plus petites cartes pour des parties à 16 joueurs ou moins.
Ces nouvelles cartes de taille réduite permettent un style de jeu en équipe plus compétitif, à l'image des échauffourées en petits groupes caractéristiques du conflit vietnamien.
Le système d'escouade amélioré permet aux joueurs de créer leur propre escouade, de la nommer, d'y inviter des amis et de choisir sa couleur. Ceci vous permet d'identifier facilement votre escouade en cours de partie et sur la carte, de communiquer avec elle grâce à une fréquence radio dédiée, ainsi que de bénéficier de bonus de travail d'équipe.
Dans Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, l'équilibre et l'adresse sont à l'honneur. Tous les éléments et améliorations ayant un impact sur le déroulement du jeu seront accessibles dès le début et non verrouillés par un système d'expérience ou de classement. Nous souhaitons que tous les joueurs aient les mêmes chances de gagner.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permettra aux joueurs de personnaliser leurs soldats à l'aide de divers uniformes et équipements débloqués au fur et à mesure de leur progression, tels que des casques, chapeaux, vêtements, tatouages, lunettes et bien plus encore
Bushranger Content Update
Digitale Deluxe-Edition
Kaufe die Digital Deluxe Edition und erhalte 2 exklusive Gegenstände für die individuelle Charaktergestaltung, 4 frühe Gegenstand-Freischaltungen und den offiziellen Soundtrack.
Exklusiver Inhalt
- 2 exklusive Gegenstände für die individuelle Gestaltung – Boonie Hats in Tarnmuster für beide Fraktionen.
- Besitzer der Digital Deluxe Edition erhalten den offiziellen Soundtrack der Originalmusik nach der Veröffentlichung von Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Frühe Freischaltungen
US-Armee/Marines- Helm mit Flachland-ERDL-Tarnmuster
- Darkhorse-Pilotenhelm
Nordvietnamesen- Kopftuch
- Ushanka mit Tarnmuster
Über das Spiel
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam ist der Nachfolger des
von PC Gamer 2011 & 2013 gekürten „Multiplayer Game of the Year“, veröffentlicht von
Tripwire Interactive und entwickelt von
Antimatter Games, demselben Team, von dem das preisgekrönte und innovative asymmetrische Gameplay des originalen
Rising Storm stammt.
Zum ersten Mal werden die authentischen Feuergefechte und die intuitive First-Person-Handlung der
„Red Orchestra“-Serie in einem Zeitalter der Schnellfeuergewehre, tragbaren Granatwerfer und anderer moderner Waffensysteme realisiert.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam wirft den Spieler in eine brutale, authentische Nachstellung des Vietnamkrieges.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam bietet intensive taktische Kampfhandlungen für bis zu
64 Spieler in Schlachten zwischen den US-Streitkräften und den Vietnamesen, wobei jede Streitmacht ihre eigenen einzigartigen Fähigkeiten und taktischen Vorteile besitzt, wie etwa Napalmangriffe, Artillerie-Sperrfeuer, Flugabwehrraketen, Fallen, Hinterhalte und so weiter.
Eine Vielzahl historisch getreuer Waffen steht zur Verfügung, darunter das M16, das M14, das M60, der M79 und die Maschinenpistole M3 „Fettpresse“ für die Amerikaner sowie das Sturmgewehr Typ 56 (eine chinesische Kopie des berühmten AK-47), die RPG-7, die MAT-49, der SKS-Karabiner und viele, viele mehr für den Vietkong.
Die Waffen bieten außerdem eine große Funktionsvielfalt mit Auswirkungen im Spiel, dazu gehören einstellbare Schulterstützen, aufsetzbare Bajonette und ein neues und weiterentwickeltes Rückstoßsystem, das auf der bereits phänomenalen Waffenhandhabung aufbaut, für die die „Red Orchestra“-Serie berühmt ist.
Spieler im US-Team können 3 verschiedene Hubschrauber fliegen – den Transporthubschrauber
UH-1H „Huey“, den leichten Aufklärungshubschrauber
OH-6 „Loach“ und den leistungsfähigen Kampfhubschrauber
AH-1G „Cobra“.
Spiele aufseiten der Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten ebenso wie aufseiten der vietnamesischen Widerstandskämpfer. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam ermöglicht den Spielern, entweder die US-Armee und das Marinekorps der Vereinigten Staaten oder die Streitkräfte und die Guerillatruppen von Nordvietnam zu spielen – die NVA und der Vietcong.
Jede Karte lässt die Erfahrung von Vietnam originalgetreu wiederentstehen und zielt darauf ab, den Spieler mit ihrer extremen Lebensechtheit und Authentizität direkt in den Krieg zu ziehen.
Zu den Karten gehört der berühmte Dschungel von Vietnam, aber auch Schlachten, die in Städten, in Hügellandschaften, auf amerikanischen Artilleriestützpunkten, auf Reisfeldern, in Plantagen und an vielen anderen authentischen Orten stattgefunden haben.
Zu den Spielarten gehören der klassische Gebietskontrolle-Modus von „Red Orchestra“, der neue Vorherrschaft-Modus für groß angelegte Schlachten einschließlich Hubschrauber, VC-Tunnel und mehr, ebenso wie der neue kleinere Scharmützel-Modus und Karten, die für 16 Spieler oder weniger gestaltet wurden.
Diese neuen kleineren Karten wurden für wettkampforientiertere Erfahrungen auf Trupp-Basis geschaffen, die Kampfhandlungen zwischen kleinen Einheite
Bushranger Content Update
Ψηφιακή πολυτελής έκδοση
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe kiadás
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
A játékról:
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Edizione deluxe digitale
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Informazioni sul gioco
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
디지털 디럭스 에디션
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
게임 정보
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe-utgave
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Om spillet
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe Edition
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Informacje o grze
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Ediţia Digital Deluxe
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Despre joc
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Издание Digital Deluxe Edition
Покупая Digital Deluxe Edition, вы получаете 2 эксклюзивных предмета для изменения внешнего вида персонажа, 4 заранее открытых предмета и официальную музыку из игры.
Эксклюзивный контент
- 2 эксклюзивных предмета для персонажа: камуфлированные панамы для обеих фракций.
- Официальная музыка из игры будет доступна владельцам Digital Deluxe Edition после выхода игры Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Заранее открытые предметы
Армия США/морская пехота- Камуфлированный шлем Lowland ERDL
- Авиационный шлем «Темная лошадка»
Северный Вьетнам- Бандана
- Камуфлированная ушанка
Об игре
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam — продолжение игры,
в 2011 и 2013 гг. победившей в номинации «Многопользовательская игра года» журнала PC Gamer. Издает игру
Tripwire Interactive, а разрабатывает
Antimatter Games — та же команда, которая придумала превосходный асимметричный игровой процесс первой игры
Rising Storm.
Впервые серия до жестокости реальных игр от первого лица
Red Orchestra с историческим вооружением затрагивает время автоматических ружей, переносных гранатометов и более современных систем вооружения.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam помещает игроков в жестокие, близкие к исторической достоверности сражения времен войны во Вьетнаме.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam — это напряженные тактические битвы между силами США и Вьетнамом, в которых могут участвовать
64 игрока. У каждой стороны есть свои способности и тактические преимущества: удар напалмом, артиллерийский удар, ракеты «земля — воздух», ловушки, засады и т. д.
В игре есть множество исторических образцов оружия, в том числе M16, M14, M60, M79 и M3 «Grease Gun» — у американцев; штурмовая винтовка «Тип 56» (китайская копия знаменитого АК-47), РПГ-7, MAT-49, самозарядный карабин Симонова и множество других — у Вьетконга.
У оружия в игре есть широкий спектр функциональных возможностей, в том числе регулируемый магазин, прикрепляемые штыки и усовершенствованная система отдачи, основанная на механизме обработки действий с оружием, которым знаменита серия Red Orchestra.
Игроки команды США смогут пилотировать 3 разных вертолета: транспортный
UH-1H «Хью», легкий разведывательный
OH-6 и до зубов вооруженный ударный вертолет
AH-1G «Кобра».
Играйте за солдат американской армии и бойцов вьетнамского сопротивления. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam позволяет игрокам управлять войсками армии и морской пехоты США или военизированными и партизанскими силами — ВНА и Вьетконгом.
На каждой карте кропотливо воссоздан дух войны во Вьетнаме; разработчики стремились поместить игроков в самое пекло войны — с крайней достоверностью и приближенностью к реальной жизни.
На картах вы увидите знаменитые джунгли Вьетнама, а также будете сражаться в городах, на холмах, на американских базах, рисовых полях, плантациях и во многих других исторических местах.
Типы игры: классический режим контроля территории из серии Red Orchestra, новый режим «Превосходство» — для крупномасштабных боевых действий с вертолетами, партизанскими тоннелями и многим другим, а также новый менее масштабный режим «Перестрелка» с картами, рассчитанными на не более чем 16 игроков.
Замысел новых карт меньшего размера — создать более насыщенные действиями и сложные условия, где понадобится слаженное взаимодействие небольших подразделений — как раз то, чем известна война во Вьетнаме.
Усовершенствованная система отрядов, которая позволяет игрокам настраивать отряды: давать им названия, добавлять друзей, задавать метки команды в игре. В самой игре можно будет легко опознать членов отряда, в том числе на картах. Кроме того, будут выделенные VoIP-каналы для отряда, а также бонусы за совместную работу.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam обращает особое внимание на умения игроков и баланс в игре. Мы не будем ограничивать такие возможности, как модернизация оружия, улучшенные характеристики персонажа или новое вооружение, рейтингом или уровнем опыта. Мы хотим, чтобы инструменты победы оказались в руках каждого игрока.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam позволит игрокам изменять характеристики персонажей с помощью дополнительных вариантов снаряжения и униформы, полученных во время игры. Сюда входят новые головные уборы, одежда, татуировки, очки и многое другое.
Bushranger Content Update
购买 豪华数字版游戏 ,免费获得 2 件专属角色定制物品, 4 件早期物品 及 游戏原声音乐。
- 2 件专属角色定制物品 - 两个派别的邦尼帽
- Rising Storm 2:Vietnam上线后,购买豪华数字版游戏的玩家将获得:游戏原声音乐。
Rising Storm 2:Vietnam为
2011 & 2013 年“年度多人单机游戏”大奖获奖作品续笔之作。它由
Tripwire Interactive 运营,由研发摘得大奖的创意非对称性游戏
Rising Storm的游戏研发公司
Antimatter Games开发。
Red Orchestra 系列首次升级至新一代,游戏添加自动步枪、便携式枪榴弹发射器等更多现代武器系统。
Rising Storm 2:Vietnam 将玩家带入残酷而逼真的越战场景,让玩家尽情娱乐。
Rising Storm 2:Vietnam中有丰富的战术行动,战斗可由美越两军多达
64 位玩家同时参加。两军各有其独特能力及战术优势,如凝固汽油弹攻击、火炮弹幕、地对空导弹、陷阱、伏击等等。
玩家在游戏中可以选择各种逼真越战时期武器,包括:美军使用的 M16、 M14、 M60、 M79 及 M3 油枪,还有越共军配备的 56 式突击步枪(威名远扬的中国版 AK-47)、RPG-7、MAT-49、SKS 卡宾枪等等等等。
为增加可玩性,各种武器拥有一系列的功能,包括:可调式枪托、可装取刺刀及在 Red Orchestra 系列中广为玩家所熟知的武器控制系统上构建的的先进的、全新的缓冲系统。
美国队的玩家可驾驭 3 种不同的直升机 -
UH-1H 休伊 运输直升机、
OH-6 “泥鳅” 轻型侦察机及强大的
AH-1G “眼镜蛇” 攻击直升机。
玩家可选择扮演美国军队或越南抵抗战士。Rising Storm 2:Vietnam 中,玩家可以扮演美国陆军及海军陆战队或北越游击部队 NVA 及越南共产党军队。
可玩的游戏模式有 Red Orchestra 中经典的领土控制模式、全新的争霸模式,大型战斗方式有直升机模式、VC 隧道模式等,还有由 16 位及更少玩家参与小型冲突模式。
经优化改良的战斗小队系统允许玩家自行设置战斗单位 ,包括命名、好友添加、设置游戏中小队的标签颜色。在游戏的世界及地图中,玩家可轻松识别自己的小队,有网络语言对话渠道可供小队使用;协作还有奖励可领取。
Rising Storm 2:Vietnam's 的重心在于玩家技能及游戏平衡性。我们不会对诸如武器升级、玩家角色提升或者新武器或者新的玩法进行锁定,设定级别要求。我们希望将诸多工具提供给每一位玩家,帮他们在战斗中争夺荣耀。
Rising Storm 2:Vietnam允许玩家使用额外的制服及各种装备,使角色个性化;这些物品可在游戏过程中获取。它们有:新头饰、服装、纹身、眼镜等等
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe Edition
Compra la edición digital de lujo y recibe 2 objetos exclusivos de personalización de personaje, 4 objetos de acceso anticipado y la banda sonora oficial.
Contenido exclusivo
- 2 objetos exclusivos de personalización: gorros de camuflaje Boonie para las dos facciones.
- La banda sonora oficial, compuesta por música original, estará disponible para los compradores de la edición digital de lujo tras el lanzamiento de Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Acceso anticipado
Ejército/Marina de los Estados Unidos- Casco de camuflaje con diseño ERDL
- Casco de piloto cerrado
Norvietnamita- Pañuelo para la cabeza
- Sombrero ushanka de camuflaje
Acerca del juego
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam es la secuela del
mejor juego multijugador del año 2011 y 2013 según PC Gamer, publicado por
Tripwire Interactive y desarrollado por
Antimatter Games, el mismo equipo que creó el premiado e innovador modo de juego asimétrico del original
Rising Storm.
Por primera vez, el realista manejo de armas y la sangrienta acción en primera persona de la serie de
Red Orchestra pasan a la era de los fusiles automáticos, los lanzagranadas portátiles y otros sistemas de armas modernas.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam sitúa a los jugadores en una bestial y realista recreación de la guerra de Vietnam.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam ofrece una intensa experiencia de acción táctica para hasta
64 jugadores en enfrentamientos entre tropas estadounidenses y vietnamitas, cada unas con sus propias habilidades y ventajas tácticas, como ataques con napalm, cortinas de fuego, misiles tierra-aire, trampas, emboscadas y mucho más.
Estarán disponibles una gran variedad de armas de la época, como los fusiles M16 y M14, la ametralladora M60, el lanzagranadas M79 o el subfusil M3 para los estadounidenses y el fusil de asalto Tipo 56 (una copia china del famoso AK-47), el lanzacohetes RPG-7, el subfusil MAT-49, la carabina SKS y muchas, muchas más para el Viet Cong.
Las armas también tienen una amplia gama de funcionalidades con implicaciones dentro del juego, como culatas ajustables, bayonetas acoplables y un nuevo y avanzado sistema de culatazos que se añade al, ya de por sí, genial manejo de armas que caracteriza a la serie de Red Orchestra.
Los jugadores del bando estadounidense podrán pilotar 3 helicópteros distintos: el de transporte
UH-1H "Huey", el de reconocimiento
OH-6 "Loach" y el potente
AH-1G "Cobra" de ataque.
Podrás jugar tanto en el bando del ejército de los Estados Unidos como en el de la resistencia vietnamita. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permite a los jugadores controlar tropas del Ejército o la Marina de los Estados Unidos o las tropas militares y de guerrilla norvietnamitas: el Ejército de Vietnam del Norte y el Viet Cong.
Cada mapa recrea con exactitud los detalles de la guerra vietnamita e invita a los jugadores a sentirla en primera persona gracias a su gran realismo.
Los mapas incluyen las famosas selvas de Vietnam, pero también recogen las batallas ocurridas en ciudades, colinas, bases estadounidenses, campos de arroz, plantaciones y muchos otros lugares reales.
Entre los modos de juego, se encuentran el clásico modo de control de territorio de Red Orchestra, el nuevo modo Supremacía para batallas a gran escala, en las que puedes utilizar helicópteros y túneles vietnamitas entre otras cosas, el modo Refriega y mapas diseñados para 16 jugadores o menos.
Estos nuevos y pequeños mapas están diseñados para crear una experiencia más competitiva y basada en escuadrones, para reflejar las pequeñas operaciones que caracterizan a Vietnam.
El sistema mejorado de escuadrones permitirá a los jugadores configurar los escuadrones a su gusto: ponerles nombre, añadir a sus amigos o elegir el color de la chapa del escuadrón en el juego. Podrás identificar fácilmente a tu escuadrón en el juego y en el mapa. Además, podrás utilizar canales de voz exclusivos del escuadrón y recibir bonificaciones por trabajar en equipo.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam dará más importancia a la habilidad del jugador y al equilibrio del juego. No bloquearemos contenido como mejoras de armas, mejoras de características de jugadores o equipamiento nuevo, mediante ningún sistema de experiencia o rango. Queremos que todos los jugadores tengan posibilidades de ganar.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam permitirá a los jugadores personalizar sus personajes con uniformes adicionales y variantes de equipamiento que podrán ganar en el juego. Estos objetos incluyen nuevos gorros, ropa, tatuajes, gafas y mucho más
Bushranger Content Update
Digital delux-utgåva
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Om spelet
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Digital Deluxe Edition
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Dijital Lüks Paket
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Oyun Açıklaması
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more
Bushranger Content Update
Видання «Digital Deluxe»
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
North Vietnamese- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of
Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
These skins will available in the next major Killing Floor 2 update (TBD).
Про гру
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to
PC Gamer’s 2011 & 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by
Tripwire Interactive and developed by
Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning and innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original
Rising Storm.
For the first time, the authentic gunplay and visceral first-person action of the
Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam casts players into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense tactical action for up to
64 players in battles between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each force having their own unique abilities and tactical advantages such as Napalm Strikes, Artillery Barrages, surface-to-air missiles, traps, ambushes and more.
A variety of authentic period weapons available including the M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the Americans; and the Type 56 Assault Rifle (a Chinese copy of the famous AK-47), RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong.
Weapons also have a wide range of functionality with in-game implications, including adjustable stocks, attachable bayonets, and a new and advanced recoil system which builds on the already phenomenal weapon handling that the Red Orchestra series is famous for.
Players on the US team will be able to pilot 3 different helicopters - the
UH-1H "Huey" transport, the
OH-6 "Loach" light recon and the powerful
AH-1G "Cobra" attack helicopter.
Play as both the United States Military and Vietnamese resistance fighters. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam allows players to control either the U.S. Army and Marines Corps or the militarized and guerrilla forces of North Vietnam - the NVA and the Viet Cong.
Each map faithfully recreates the look of the Vietnam experience and aims to pull players directly into the war with its extreme authenticity to real life.
Maps will include the famous jungles of Vietnam, but will also cover battles that occurred in cities, on rolling hills, in US Firebases, Rice Fields, Plantations and many more authentic locations.
Enhanced squad system that allows players to set up squads as they want them - name them, add their friends, set the squad tag color in game. Once in game, easy identification of your squad in the world and on maps - and dedicated VOIP channels for the squad, as well as bonuses for working together.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will allow players to customize their player characters with additional uniform and equipment variants earned as they play. These will include new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and more