

Release Date: 21/10/2014 | WORLDWIDE
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Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Sobre o jogo

Screencheat é o ridículo jogo de tiro com tela dividida onde todo mundo é visíveil, então você tem que fazer "screencheat" (Screencheat - substantivo: ato de olhar na tela do seu oponente. "Pare de fazer screencheat, seu trapaceiro!"). Domine uma grande variedade de armas que matam com um tiro, incluindo um bacamarte, um motor de carro que dispara bolar saltitantes de plasma, e um ursinho de pelúcia carregado com explosivos. Treine suas habilidades nos jogos solo por tempo, e depois entre em um rápido e frenético combate com até oito jogadores local ou online. Com mapas coloridos, modos únicos e um grande número de opções de personalização, incluindo mutações malucas, Screencheat é o máximo em FPS de festa.

Características principais

Dez armas únicas e malucas
Desde do confiável bacamarte, até o heroico cavalo de pau, e o completamente insano Chefolet (um motor de carro que dispara bolas de energia que ricocheteiam), todos criados para trazer uma satisfação fatal. Cada arma vem com suas próprias vantagens e desvantagens únicas, encorajando estilos completamente diferentes de jogo. Incluindo não apenas o modo como uma arma atira, mas também o "rastro" que a arma deixa, como a fumaça do bacamarte, ou a trilha de fogo deixada pelo cavalo de pau.

Nove modos de jogo online ou offline
De clássicos tradicionais como o Mata-mata, ao completamente único Assassinato Misterioso que desafia você a encontrar e matar seu alvo específico com uma arma específica. Jogue em equipes ou cada um por si. Desafie até sete dos seus amigos no sofá ou online, ou uma combinação de ambos. O jogo é sempre em telas divididas, seja online ou offline.

Mapa projetado para navegação rápida
No estilo dos melhores jogos de tiro em arena, você passará tempo atravessando 11 mapas via dutos de ventilação e trampolins até que consiga encontrar e eliminar seu alvo. Cada mapa é projetado com áreas codificadas por cor, assim como diversos marcos como estátuas, pinturas e móveis, que permitam que você localize rapidamente os jogadores sem ser capaz de vê-los realmente.

Personalize e transforme
Inspirado em jogos como Towerfall, nós disponibilizamos aos jogadores um nível de personalização altamente granular para jogar o jogo do jeito que quiserem. Escolha quais armas você vai permitir, como e quando elas podem ser mudadas ou recarregadas, aplique limites de tempo, ajuste as condições de vitória, penalidades, e mais. Pra realmente misturar as coisas, adicione mutações como modo lento, gravidade baixa ou saltos quicando

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Относно играта

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

O hře

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Om spillet

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Info over het spel

Screencheat is een waanzinnig schietspel met gesplitst scherm waarin iedereen onzichtbaar is, zodat je zult moeten "screencheaten" (Screencheaten - werkwoord: Naar het scherm van je tegenstander kijken. "Stop met dat screencheaten, valsspeler!"). Leer een groot aantal one-hit-kill-wapens te gebruiken, waaronder de donderbus, een automotor die stuiterende plasmaballen afschiet en een teddybeer gevuld met explosieven. Train je vaardigheden in de solo-tijdproef en ga daarna de snelle en krankzinnige gevechten aan met 8 spelers lokaal op de bank of online. Met kleurrijke kaarten, unieke modi en een enorme hoeveelheid aanpassingsmogelijkheden, waaronder de maffe mutaties, is Screencheat de ultieme party-FPS.


Tien unieke en waanzinnige wapens
van de betrouwbare donderbus en het heldhaftige stokpaard tot de volledig gestoorde chefolet (een automotor die terugkaatsende energieballen afvuurt), ze zijn allemaal ontwikkeld voor dodelijke voldoening. Ieder wapen heeft zijn positieve en negatieve kanten, wat resulteert in erg verschillende speelstijlen. Dit heeft niet alleen betrekking op de manier van schieten maar ook welk spoor een wapen achterlaat, zoals bijvoorbeeld de rook van de donderbus en het vuurspoor van het stokpaard.

Negen spelmodi online en lokaal
van de traditionele deathmatch tot het volledig unieke moordmysterie waarin je uitgedaagd wordt on een specifiek doelwit te vinden en met een specifiek wapen uit te schakelen. Speel in teams of ieder voor zich. Daag tot zeven vrienden uit op de bank, online,of een combinatie van beide. De game heeft altijd een gesplitst scherm, of je nou online of offline bent.

Kaart gemaakt voor snelle navigatie
in de geest van de beste arena-schietspellen beweeg je je in 11 kaarten via luchtschachten en trampolines totdat je je doel hebt gevonden en deze hebt uitgeschakeld. Elke kaart is gemaakt met kleurgecodeerde gebieden, maar er zijn ook genoeg herkenningspunten zoals standbeelden, schilderijen en meubels waardoor je andere spelers snel kan lokaliseren zonder dat je ze ziet.

Aanpassen en mutatie
Geïnspireerd op games als Towerfall, bieden we spelers uiterst gedetailleerde aanpassingsmogelijkheden om de game te spelen zoals zij willen. Kies welke wapens zijn toegestaan, hoe en wanneer ze verwisseld of herladen kunnen worden, gebruik tijdslimieten, pas de overwinningsvoorwaarden, straffen en nog veel meer aan. Voor een te gekke ervaring kun je ook de zogenaamde Mutaties toevoegen zoals de trage modus, lage zwaartekracht en de flappy sprong

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

About the Game

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Tietoja pelistä

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

À propos du jeu

Screencheat est le ridicule jeu de shooter à écran fractionné où tout le monde est invisible et qui vous oblige donc à regarder sur les écrans de votre adversaire (« screencheat », verbe anglais : regarder furtivement sur un autre écran). Maîtrisez une grande variété d’armes mortelles comprenant un mousquet, un moteur de voiture qui tire des boules de plasma et un nounours chargé d’explosifs. Entraînez-vous dans les épreuves solo chronométrées puis participez à des combats frénétiques contre un maximum de huit joueurs assis sur le même canapé ou en ligne. Comportant des cartes colorées, des modes uniques et de vastes possibilités de personnalisation (dont des mutateurs farfelus), Screencheat est le parfait FPS pour s’amuser.

Principales fonctionnalités

Dix armes uniques et démentes
du bon vieux mousquet à l’héroïque cheval de bataille et au lance-plasma complètement dingue (un moteur de voiture qui tire des boules d’énergie rebondissantes), toutes conçues pour vous offrir une satisfaction qui tue. Chaque arme comporte ses propres avantages et inconvénients uniques pour des styles de jeu radicalement différents. Ceux-ci comprennent non seulement la manière dont une arme tire, mais aussi les traces laissées par l’arme telles que la fumée du mousquet ou la traînée de feu du lance-plasma.

Neuf modes de jeu en ligne ou hors ligne
des favoris traditionnels tels que le deathmatch au meurtre mystère complètement unique dans lequel vous devez trouver et fragmenter votre cible spécifique au moyen d’une arme particulière. Jouez en équipe ou contre tous. Défiez jusqu’à sept de vos amis chez vous ou en ligne ou toute combinaison entre les deux. L’écran du jeu est toujours fractionné que vous soyez en ligne ou hors ligne.

Carte conçue pour la navigation rapide
dans l’esprit des meilleurs arena shooters, vous passerez du temps à traverser 11 cartes par des bouches d’aération et des trampolines jusqu’à avoir acquis votre cible et l’avoir fragmentée de manière appropriée. Chaque carte est conçue au moyen de zones de couleur et comporte de nombreux repères tels que des statues, des peintures et des meubles qui vous permettent de localiser rapidement les autres joueurs sans pouvoir réellement les voir.

Personnalisez et mutez
inspirés par des jeux tels que Towerfall, nous offrons à nos joueurs un niveau de personnalisation hautement granulaire pour leur permettre de jouer exactement comme ils veulent. Choisissez vos armes, comment et quand les permuter ou les recharger, appliquez des limitations de temps, ajustez les conditions de victoire et de pénalités, et plus encore. Pour un joyeux mélange, ajoutez des mutateurs tels que le mode lent, la faible gravité ou le saut flasque

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Über das Spiel

Screencheat ist der verrückte Split-Screen-Shooter, bei dem alle unsichtbar sind und du „Screencheaten“(auf den Bildschirm deines Gegners glotzen) musst. „Glotz nicht so auf meinen Bildschirm, du Cheater!“). Beherrsche eine ganze Reihe von Waffen, bei denen schon ein Treffer tödlich ist, darunter eine Donnerbüchse, einen Automotor, der hüpfende Plasmabälle verschießt und einen Teddybären, der mit Sprengstoff vollgepackt ist. Trainiere dein Können in den Einzelherausforderungen auf Zeit und stürze dich dann in schnelle und wilde Kämpfe mit bis zu acht Spielern zu Hause auf der Couch oder online via Internet. Mit abwechslungsreichen Spielfeldern, einzigartigen Modi und zahlreichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, darunter verrückten Mutatoren, ist Screencheat der ultimative Gruppen-FPS.


Zehn einzigartige und verrückte Waffen
Von der zuverlässigen Donnerbüchse zum heldenhaften Steckenpferd bis hin zum völlig verrückten Photonenmotor (ein Automotor, der abprallende Energiebälle feuert). Sie wurden alle entwickelt, um dir eine tödliche Befriedigung zu verschaffen. Jede Waffe verfügt über ihre individuellen Vor- und Nachteile und ermutigt zu sehr unterschiedlichen Spielstilen. Dazu gehört nicht nur die Art, wie eine Waffe schießt, sondern auch welche Spuren sie hinterlässt wie zum Beispiel der Rauch der Donnerbüchse oder die Feuerspur, die das Steckenpferd hinter sich herzieht.

Neun Spielmodi, on- oder offline
Von den traditionellen Favoriten wie Deathmatch bis zum völlig einzigartigen Krimi, bei dem du ein bestimmtes Ziel finden und es mit einer bestimmten Waffe treffen musst. Spiele dabei in Teams oder jeder gegen jeden. Fordere bis zu sieben deiner Freunde auf der Couch oder in Online-Spielen oder sogar in einer Kombination von beidem heraus - das Spiel bleibt immer im geteilten Bildschirm, ob du nun on- oder offline spielst.

Spielfelder die für schnelles Navigieren entworfen wurden
im Geiste der besten Arena-Shooter verbringst du Zeit damit 11 Spielfelder über Lüftungsschächte und Trampoline, bis du ein Ziel erreicht und gefragged hast. Jedes Spielfeld bietet farbliche kodierte Bereiche sowie zahlreiche Orientierungspunkte wie Statuen, Gemälde und Möbel, die es dir ermöglichen, andere Spieler schnell zu finden, ohne sie wirklich zu sehen.

Anpassen und mutieren
Inspiriert von Spielen wie Towerfall, geben wir dir viele Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, damit du das Spiel so spielen kannst, wie es dir gefällt. Wähle, welche Waffen erlaubt sind, wie und wann sie getauscht werden können, lege Zeitlimits fest, stelle die Bedingungen für den Sieg, Strafen und vieles mehr ein. Um noch mehr Individualität zu erreichen, nimmst du Mutatoren wie langsamer Modus, geringe Schwerkraft oder Flappy-Sprung dazu

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

A játékról: 

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Informazioni sul gioco

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.


Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

게임 정보

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Om spillet

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Informacje o grze

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming. Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Acerca do Jogo

Screencheat é o ridículo jogo de tiro com tela dividida onde todo mundo é visíveil, então você tem que fazer "screencheat" (Screencheat - substantivo: ato de olhar na tela do seu oponente. "Pare de fazer screencheat, seu trapaceiro!"). Domine uma grande variedade de armas que matam com um tiro, incluindo um bacamarte, um motor de carro que dispara bolar saltitantes de plasma, e um ursinho de pelúcia carregado com explosivos. Treine suas habilidades nos jogos solo por tempo, e depois entre em um rápido e frenético combate com até oito jogadores local ou online. Com mapas coloridos, modos únicos e um grande número de opções de personalização, incluindo mutações malucas, Screencheat é o máximo em FPS de festa. Características principais Dez armas únicas e malucas: desde do confiável bacamarte, até o heroico cavalo de pau, e o completamente insano Chefolet (um motor de carro que dispara bolas de energia que ricocheteiam), todos criados para trazer uma satisfação fatal. Cada arma vem com suas próprias vantagens e desvantagens únicas, encorajando estilos completamente diferentes de jogo. Incluindo não apenas o modo como uma arma atira, mas também o "rastro" que a arma deixa, como a fumaça do bacamarte, ou a trilha de fogo deixada pelo cavalo de pau. Nove modos de jogo online ou offline: De clássicos tradicionais como o Mata-mata, ao completamente único Assassinato Misterioso que desafia você a encontrar e matar seu alvo específico com uma arma específica. Jogue em equipes ou cada um por si. Desafie até sete dos seus amigos no sofá ou online, ou uma combinação de ambos. O jogo é sempre em telas divididas, seja online ou offline. Mapa projetado para navegação rápida: No estilo dos melhores jogos de tiro em arena, você passará tempo atravessando 11 mapas via dutos de ventilação e trampolins até que consiga encontrar e eliminar seu alvo. Cada mapa é projetado com áreas codificadas por cor, assim como diversos marcos como estátuas, pinturas e móveis, que permitam que você localize rapidamente os jogadores sem ser capaz de vê-los realmente. Personalize e transforme: Inspirado em jogos como Towerfall, nós disponibilizamos aos jogadores um nível de personalização altamente granular para jogar o jogo do jeito que quiserem. Escolha quais armas você vai permitir, como e quando elas podem ser mudadas ou recarregadas, aplique limites de tempo, ajuste as condições de vitória, penalidades, e mais. Pra realmente misturar as coisas, adicione mutações como modo lento, gravidade baixa ou saltos quicando.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Despre joc

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Об игре

Screencheat — смешная стрелялка от первого лица, где все игроки невидимые, а экран разделён. Поэтому, чтобы сражаться друг с другом, игроки должны смотреть на экраны соперников (Screencheat — гл., подглядывать на экраны соперников. "Прекрати скринчитить, читер!"). В игре вам предстоит освоить множество видов оружия, убивающего с одного удара, например, мушкетон, стреляющий плазменными шарами автомобильный двигатель или начинённый взрывчаткой плюшевый медведь. Научитесь играть в одиночных забегах на время, а затем переходите к отчаянным битвам с другими игроками по локальной сети или через интернет. Одновременно играть могут до 8-ми игроков. В игре Screencheat яркие карты, уникальные режимы и множество настроек, включая классные модификаторы — словом, это непревзойдённая стрелялка для вечеринок!

Что есть в игре

Десять уникальных безумных орудий
от надёжного мушкетона до героической лошадки на палочке и совершенно жуткого шефолета (автомобильный двигатель, стреляющий рикошетящими плазменными шарами). Все орудия имеют преимущества и недостатки, влияющие на стиль игры. Орудия различаются не только своим действием, но и оставляемыми следами. Например, мушкетон дымит, а лошадка оставляет за собой огненный след.

Девять игровых режимов как по сети, так и без
от популярного боя насмерть (Deathmatch) до невиданного "Загадочного убийства", где вам нужно найти и убить определённого соперника определённым оружием. Играть можно командами или в режиме "все против всех". В игру можно пригласить до семи друзей, и сыграть с ними как дома на диване, так и через интернет, или даже в смешанном режиме. Экран в игре разделён всегда, как при подключении к интернету, так и без него.

Карта с быстрой навигацией
Как и в лучших соревновательных стрелялках, вам предстоит побегать по 11-ти картам с воздуховодами и трамплинами, найти цель и должным образом уничтожить её. На каждой карте есть цветные зоны и множество ориентиров: статуи, картины и мебель, чтобы вы могли быстро найти невидимого противника.

Возможность настраивать и модифицировать
Вдохновившись играми типа Towerfall, мы дали игрокам возможность тонко настраивать игру, чтобы она как можно точнее соответствовала их требованиям. Здесь можно выбрать, какое оружие будет разрешено, как и когда его можно будет менять и перезаряжать, установить ограничения по времени, задать условия победы, штрафы и многое другое. Для пущего веселья можно добавить модификаторы: замедление, пониженную гравитацию или неловкие прыжки

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.


Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Acerca del juego

Screencheat es un ridículo shooter de pantalla partida en el que todo el mundo es invisible y tiene que “espiar pantallas” (Espiar pantallas - verbo: mirar la pantalla de tu oponente. “¡Deja de espiarme la pantalla, tramposo!”). Domina una amplia variedad de armas de muerte instantánea, como un trabuco Blunderbuss, un motor de coche que dispara esferas de plasma que rebotan y un oso de peluche lleno de explosivos. Entrena tus habilidades en las pruebas a contrarreloj y después entra en un combate rápido y frenético con hasta ocho jugadores, tanto localmente como en línea. Con mapas coloridos, modos únicos y una cantidad enorme de opciones de personalización, incluyendo modificadores absurdos, Screencheat es el FPS más divertido de todos.


Diez armas únicas y absurdas
desde el clásico trabuco Blunderbuss al heroico caballo preferido y al descabellado chefolet (un motor de coche que dispara esferas de energía que rebotan), todas ellas diseñadas para que matar sea satisfactorio. Cada arma tiene sus propias ventajas y desventajas, lo que contribuye a estilos de juego muy distintos. No solo se diferencian en la forma de disparar, sino también en las señales que dejan, como el humo del trabuco o la estela de fuego tras el caballo preferido.

Nueve modos de juego tanto en línea como en local
desde el tradicional Combate a Muerte al totalmente único Muerte Misteriosa, que te reta a encontrar y matar a un objetivo específico con un arma específica. Juega en equipos o todos contra todos. Reta hasta a siete de tus amigos en el sofá, por Internet o combinando ambos; el juego siempre está a pantalla partida, sea en local o en online.

Mapas diseñados para movimientos rápidos
al estilo de los mejores shooters cruzarás 11 mapas por conductos de ventilación y trampolines hasta que hayas localizado y aniquilado a tu enemigo. Cada mapa está dividido en zonas por colores y está lleno de puntos de referencia como estatuas, cuadros y muebles que te permitirán ubicar a tus oponentes aunque no puedas verlos.

Personaliza y muta
inspirado por juegos como TowerFall, hemos dado a los jugadores altísimo nivel de personalización para jugar como les apetezca. Elige qué armas permitir, cómo y cuándo pueden cambiarse o recargarse, pon límites de tiempo, ajusta las condiciones de victoria, penalizaciones y más. Para cambiar las cosas del todo, añade modificadores como modo lento, baja gravedad o salto de pájaro

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Om spelet

Screencheat är löjligt skytten på delad skärm där alla är osynliga, så du måste «screencheat" (uggla: titta på din motståndares skärm). Behärska ett brett spektrum av vapen som dödar fienden omedelbart, t.ex.. ett muskedunder, en bilmotor som skjuter plasma bollar och en nallebjörn fylld med sprängämnen. Finslipa dina färdigheter i tidmodus och delta i den snabba och hektiska kamp med upp till åtta spelare på soffan eller on-line. Med färgglada kartor, unika lägen och ett stort antal anpassningsalternativ som galna mutatorer - Screencheat är den ultimata partiet skytten.


Tio unika och awesome vapen
den pålitliga muskedunder och heroiska hästen hålla sig till den fullt försämrade chefolet (en bilmotor bränning studsade energibollar), de är alla utformade för dödlig tillfredsställelse. Varje vapen har sina positiva och negativa, vilket resulterar i väldigt olika spelstilar. Detta gäller inte bara vägen för fotografering men också vilka spår lämnar ett vapen, såsom röken från elden muskedunder och styrspaken häst.

Nio spellägen online och lokala
den traditionella deathmatch tills den är helt unik mordgåta där du kommer att utmanas att hitta ett specifikt mål på och av med en specifik vapen. Spela i lag eller som individer. Utmana upp till sju vänner på bänken, på nätet, eller en kombination av båda. Spelet har alltid en delad skärm, oavsett om du är online eller offline.

Kort som skapas för snabb navigering
i en anda av de bästa arena shooter spel du flyttar in 11 kort via luftschakt och trampoliner tills du hittar ditt syfte och har det avstängt. Varje kort göras med färgkodade områden, men det finns gott om sevärdheter såsom statyer, målningar och möbler så att du snabbt kan hitta andra spelare utan att se dem.

Anpassa och ändra
Inspirerad av spel som Tower Fall, erbjuder vi spelare mycket detaljerade anpassningsmöjligheter för att spela spelet på det sätt de vill. Välj vilka vapen är tillåtna, hur och när de byts ut eller kan laddas, använd tidsfrister, tills segern förhållanden, straff och många fler. För en fantastisk upplevelse, kan du också lägga till så kallade rörelser såsom den långsamma läget låg gravitation och flappy hoppa

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.


Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.







Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Oyun Açıklaması

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

Full Controller Support

Screencheat has full Steam Controller support including supporting multiple controllers to use touchpad mouse aiming.

Other controllers supported include Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 controllers.

Про гру

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time trials then engage in fast and frantic combat with up to eight players locally on the couch or online. With colourful maps, unique modes and a huge number of customisation options including wacky mutators, Screencheat is the ultimate party FPS.

Ranging from the dependable Blunderbuss to the heroic Hobby Horse to the completely crazy Chefolet; a car engine that fires ricocheting energy balls, all are designed to deliver deadly satisfaction. Each weapon comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, encouraging wildly different play styles. These include not only the way a weapon shoots but also the 'tells' the weapon leaves such as the smoke from the blunderbuss or the trail of fire behind the Hobby Horse.

From traditional favourites such as Deathmatch to the completely unique Murder Mystery that challenges you to find and frag your specific target with a specific weapon. Play in teams or all against all. Challenge up to seven of your mates on the couch or online or a combination of both, the game is always split screen whether you are on or offline. When your friends aren't around, train your skills and learn the maps in the solo time trials or play against AI bots.

In the spirit of the best arena shooters you’ll spend time traversing 11 maps via air vents and trampolines until you’ve acquired your target and fragged them accordingly. Each map is designed with colour-coded areas as well as plentiful landmarks such as statues, paintings and furniture that allow you to quickly locate other players without being able to actually see them.

Inspired by games like Towerfall we've provided players with a highly granular level of customisation to play the game the way they want to. Choose which weapons you'll allow, how and when they can be swapped or reloaded, apply time limits, adjust the victory conditions, penalties and more. To really mix it up stack on some Mutators such as slow mode, low gravity or flappy jump.

System Requirements


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