Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops
Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops

Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops

Release Date: 15/04/2011 | WORLDWIDE
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£22.60 + VAT


BEHIND EVERY WAR IS A TRUTH YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO KNOW … The year is 2025 and the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. The hunger of rival warlords and dictators of mainly underdeveloped countries for advanced and highly effective weapon systems appears insatiable and the profits of the arms industry have reached new heights.

As highly advanced weapon systems, made in the USA, are sighted on various battlegrounds in Third World countries, the US government decides to send in an ISA agent, Cpt. Myra Lee, to find out how political enemies are acquiring arms that are under strict embargo.

Myra is sent to Mogadishu, where American made weapons have allegedly been employed in combat by Somali military forces against rebel units. In Somalia, Myra meets Cpt. Aron Alvarez, a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's 1st SFOD-Delta, whose squadron is assigned to assassinate Somalia’s dictator. Myra and Aron begin working together only to discover that that the seriousness of the whole affair reaches much deeper than just the illegal trade of US weapon systems.

A special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed within the ISA to reveal the truth. Cpt. Myra Lee and Cpt. Aron Alvarez are made partners in the operational core of this special unit and their investigations lead them to various places all over the world.

  • Based on the operations of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), with missions ranging from gathering critical intelligence data to covert direct action operations. The existence of the ISA has never been officially confirmed by the US government.
  • Two completely different characters; each with very specific and fully fleshed out sets of skills, preferences and abilities. Cooperatively complete covert operations. Players may switch between each character at any time, using either Aron's combat abilities or Myra's stealth skills to solve the situation.
  • Players choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths. Employ mechanized weapons to boldly attack enemies from head-on or an invisibility shield to creep through enemy territory undetected. Take advantage of refined game mechanics that take the traditional shoot-to-kill approach to a new level.

Key features:

  • When a covert operation to stop illegal arms sales reveals a full-scale global conspiracy, a special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed to reveal the truth.
  • With two completely different characters serving as the unit’s operation core, you must choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths.
  • Features a gripping storyline that unfolds organically through the gameplay (doesn’t rely on cutscenes to move the story along). The ratio of gameplay to cutscenes is better than 13:1.
  • Players can switch between the two main characters at any time during the game to take advantage of each character’s strength as well as combat a sophisticated AI that adapts to the strategies you develop.
  • Open level design and option secondary objectives leave the outcome completely up to the player to choose.
  • BEHIND EVERY WAR IS A TRUTH YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO KNOW … The year is 2025 and the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. The hunger of rival warlords and dictators of mainly underdeveloped countries for advanced and highly effective weapon systems appears insatiable and the profits of the arms industry have reached new heights.

    As highly advanced weapon systems, made in the USA, are sighted on various battlegrounds in Third World countries, the US government decides to send in an ISA agent, Cpt. Myra Lee, to find out how political enemies are acquiring arms that are under strict embargo.

    Myra is sent to Mogadishu, where American made weapons have allegedly been employed in combat by Somali military forces against rebel units. In Somalia, Myra meets Cpt. Aron Alvarez, a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's 1st SFOD-Delta, whose squadron is assigned to assassinate Somalia’s dictator. Myra and Aron begin working together only to discover that that the seriousness of the whole affair reaches much deeper than just the illegal trade of US weapon systems.

    A special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed within the ISA to reveal the truth. Cpt. Myra Lee and Cpt. Aron Alvarez are made partners in the operational core of this special unit and their investigations lead them to various places all over the world.

    • Based on the operations of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), with missions ranging from gathering critical intelligence data to covert direct action operations. The existence of the ISA has never been officially confirmed by the US government.
    • Two completely different characters; each with very specific and fully fleshed out sets of skills, preferences and abilities. Cooperatively complete covert operations. Players may switch between each character at any time, using either Aron's combat abilities or Myra's stealth skills to solve the situation.
    • Players choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths. Employ mechanized weapons to boldly attack enemies from head-on or an invisibility shield to creep through enemy territory undetected. Take advantage of refined game mechanics that take the traditional shoot-to-kill approach to a new level.

    Key features:

    • When a covert operation to stop illegal arms sales reveals a full-scale global conspiracy, a special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed to reveal the truth.
    • With two completely different characters serving as the unit’s operation core, you must choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths.
    • Features a gripping storyline that unfolds organically through the gameplay (doesn’t rely on cutscenes to move the story along). The ratio of gameplay to cutscenes is better than 13:1.
    • Players can switch between the two main characters at any time during the game to take advantage of each character’s strength as well as combat a sophisticated AI that adapts to the strategies you develop.
    • Open level design and option secondary objectives leave the outcome completely up to the player to choose.
    • BEHIND EVERY WAR IS A TRUTH YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO KNOW … The year is 2025 and the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. The hunger of rival warlords and dictators of mainly underdeveloped countries for advanced and highly effective weapon systems appears insatiable and the profits of the arms industry have reached new heights.

      As highly advanced weapon systems, made in the USA, are sighted on various battlegrounds in Third World countries, the US government decides to send in an ISA agent, Cpt. Myra Lee, to find out how political enemies are acquiring arms that are under strict embargo.

      Myra is sent to Mogadishu, where American made weapons have allegedly been employed in combat by Somali military forces against rebel units. In Somalia, Myra meets Cpt. Aron Alvarez, a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's 1st SFOD-Delta, whose squadron is assigned to assassinate Somalia’s dictator. Myra and Aron begin working together only to discover that that the seriousness of the whole affair reaches much deeper than just the illegal trade of US weapon systems.

      A special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed within the ISA to reveal the truth. Cpt. Myra Lee and Cpt. Aron Alvarez are made partners in the operational core of this special unit and their investigations lead them to various places all over the world.

      • Based on the operations of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), with missions ranging from gathering critical intelligence data to covert direct action operations. The existence of the ISA has never been officially confirmed by the US government.
      • Two completely different characters; each with very specific and fully fleshed out sets of skills, preferences and abilities. Cooperatively complete covert operations. Players may switch between each character at any time, using either Aron's combat abilities or Myra's stealth skills to solve the situation.
      • Players choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths. Employ mechanized weapons to boldly attack enemies from head-on or an invisibility shield to creep through enemy territory undetected. Take advantage of refined game mechanics that take the traditional shoot-to-kill approach to a new level.

      Key features:

      • When a covert operation to stop illegal arms sales reveals a full-scale global conspiracy, a special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed to reveal the truth.
      • With two completely different characters serving as the unit’s operation core, you must choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths.
      • Features a gripping storyline that unfolds organically through the gameplay (doesn’t rely on cutscenes to move the story along). The ratio of gameplay to cutscenes is better than 13:1.
      • Players can switch between the two main characters at any time during the game to take advantage of each character’s strength as well as combat a sophisticated AI that adapts to the strategies you develop.
      • Open level design and option secondary objectives leave the outcome completely up to the player to choose.
      • BEHIND EVERY WAR IS A TRUTH YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO KNOW … The year is 2025 and the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. The hunger of rival warlords and dictators of mainly underdeveloped countries for advanced and highly effective weapon systems appears insatiable and the profits of the arms industry have reached new heights.

        As highly advanced weapon systems, made in the USA, are sighted on various battlegrounds in Third World countries, the US government decides to send in an ISA agent, Cpt. Myra Lee, to find out how political enemies are acquiring arms that are under strict embargo.

        Myra is sent to Mogadishu, where American made weapons have allegedly been employed in combat by Somali military forces against rebel units. In Somalia, Myra meets Cpt. Aron Alvarez, a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's 1st SFOD-Delta, whose squadron is assigned to assassinate Somalia’s dictator. Myra and Aron begin working together only to discover that that the seriousness of the whole affair reaches much deeper than just the illegal trade of US weapon systems.

        A special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed within the ISA to reveal the truth. Cpt. Myra Lee and Cpt. Aron Alvarez are made partners in the operational core of this special unit and their investigations lead them to various places all over the world.

        • Based on the operations of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), with missions ranging from gathering critical intelligence data to covert direct action operations. The existence of the ISA has never been officially confirmed by the US government.
        • Two completely different characters; each with very specific and fully fleshed out sets of skills, preferences and abilities. Cooperatively complete covert operations. Players may switch between each character at any time, using either Aron's combat abilities or Myra's stealth skills to solve the situation.
        • Players choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths. Employ mechanized weapons to boldly attack enemies from head-on or an invisibility shield to creep through enemy territory undetected. Take advantage of refined game mechanics that take the traditional shoot-to-kill approach to a new level.

        Key features:

        • When a covert operation to stop illegal arms sales reveals a full-scale global conspiracy, a special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed to reveal the truth.
        • With two completely different characters serving as the unit’s operation core, you must choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths.
        • Features a gripping storyline that unfolds organically through the gameplay (doesn’t rely on cutscenes to move the story along). The ratio of gameplay to cutscenes is better than 13:1.
        • Players can switch between the two main characters at any time during the game to take advantage of each character’s strength as well as combat a sophisticated AI that adapts to the strategies you develop.
        • Open level design and option secondary objectives leave the outcome completely up to the player to choose.
        • DANS CHAQUE GUERRE IL EST UNE VÉRITÉ QUE VOUS N'ÊTES PAS CENSÉ CONNAITRE… Nous sommes en 2025 et le monde subit les conséquences de la disparition des ressources naturelles. La combinaison de la soif de pouvoir insatiable des dictateurs et l'appât du profit pour les sociétés d'armement crée une situation périlleuse.
          Des systèmes d'armes classés, fabriqués aux U.S.A., sont retrouvés sur différents théâtres d'opération de part le monde. Le gouvernement américain dépêche l'agent Cpt. Myra Lee, de l'ISA pour enquêter sur la présence de ces armes qui devraient être sous embargo strict.
          Myra est envoyée à Mogadiscio où les armes sous embargo ont été utilisées par les rebelles. Myra rencontre sur place le Cpt. Aron Alvarez, un dur à cuir des forces Delta qui à pour mission de supprimer le dictateur. Ces deux agents vont découvrir que l'affaire est beaucoup plus sérieuse que le simple trafic d'armes.
          Une unité spéciale de nom de code SHADOW HARVEST est formée au sein de l'ISA pour faire la lumière sur cette histoire. Cpt. Myra Lee et Cpt. Aron Alvarez vont faire équipe et mener leur mission aux 4 coins du monde.
          • L'existence de l'Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), n'a jamais été admise par le gouvernement américain.
          • Deux personnages opposés. Chacun avec des capacités spéciales. Les joueurs pourront passer d'un personnage à l'autre pour faire face à la situation.
          • Les joueurs vont avoir le choix parmi de nombreuses armes et technologies pour compléter leur capacités physiques. Attaquez les ennemis de front ou infiltrer le territoire ennemi en toute discrétion. Un tout nouveau niveau de jouabilité.

          Comprend :

          • Lorsqu'une opération d'enquête sur un trafic d'arme révèle une conspiration planétaire une unité spéciale : SHADOW HARVEST est formée pour découvrir la vérité.
          • Avec deux personnages diamétralement opposés, vous allez devoir choisir parmi un grand nombre d'armes et de technologies pour mener à bien votre mission.
          • Comprend un scénario qui se déroule à travers la jouabilité (sans coupage des scènes excessif).
          • Les joueurs pourront passer d'un personnage à l'autre et prendre avantage de chacun pour s'adapter à la mission.
          • Niveaux ouverts avec une grande liberté pour le joueur.
          • HINTER JEDEM KRIEG STECKT EINE WAHRHEIT, DIE NIE IN ERFAHRUNG GEBRACHT WERDEN SOLLTE… Wir schreiben das Jahr 2025 und die Welt wird von unzähligen Kriegen über die schwindenden Naturressourcen erschüttert. Der Hunger von rivalisierenden Kriegsherren und Diktatoren der meist unterentwickelten Länder nach fortschrittlichen und höchst effizienten Waffensystemen scheint unersättlich zu sein und der Profit der Waffenindustrie ist dadurch auf ein Rekordniveau angestiegen.
            Nachdem hoch entwickelte Waffensysteme, hergestellt in den USA, auf verschiedenen Schlachtfeldern in Ländern der Dritten Welt entdeckt werden, entscheidet sich die US Regierung dazu, eine ISA Agentin, Cpt. Myra Lee, dorthin zu schicken, um herauszufinden, wie politische Feinde Waffen erhalten haben, die eigentlich unter strengem Embargo stehen.
            Myra wird nach Mogadischu gesandt, wo angeblich in Amerika erzeugte Waffen vom somalischen Militär gegen die Rebellen eingesetzt wurden. In Somalia trifft Myra auf Cpt. Aron Alvarez, einem hart gesottenen Nahkampf-Spezialisten der 1. SFOD-Delta der US Armee, dessen Geschwader den Auftrag zur Ermordung des somalischen Diktators erhalten hat. Myra und Aron arbeiten zusammen und entdecken schon bald, dass der Ernst der Lage viel tiefer reicht als nur bis zum illegalen Handel von amerikanischen Waffensystemen.
            Eine Spezialeinheit mit dem Codenamen SHADOW HARVEST wird innerhalb der ISA gegründet, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Cpt. Myra Lee und Cpt. Aron Alvarez werden in dem operativen Kern dieser Spezialeinheit zu Partnern und ihre Ermittlungen führen sie zu verschiedenen Stätten auf der ganzen Welt.
            • Basiert auf den Einsätzen der sog. Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) mit Missionen, die vom Sammeln kritischer Geheimdienstinformationen bis hin zur Durchführung von tatsächlichen operativen Einsätzen reicht. Die Existenz der ISA wurde bisher noch nicht offiziell von der US Regierung bestätigt.
            • Zwei komplett verschiedene Charaktere mit spezifischen und voll ausgestatteten Fähigkeiten und Vorzügen. Führen Sie heimliche Maßnahmen im Team durch. Sie können dabei jederzeit zwischen den beiden Figuren wechseln und entweder Arons Kampffähigkeiten oder Myras Geheimhaltungstaktiken verwenden, um die jeweilige Situation zu meistern.
            • Sie erhalten eine riesige Auswahl an Waffen und Technologien, die die Stärken beider Charaktere verbessern. Verwenden Sie mechanische Waffen, um Feinde frontal zu attackieren oder ein Unsichtbarkeitsschild, um sich unentdeckt durch feindliche Gebiete zu schleichen. Erleben Sie eine bessere Spielmechanik, die den traditionellen Shoot-to-Kill Ansatz auf ein ganz neues Niveau bringen.


            • Als eine verdeckte Ermittlung zum Einhalt von illegalen Waffenverkäufen sich zu einer vollständigen globalen Verschwörung entwickelt, wird eine Spezialeinheit mit dem Codenamen SHADOW HARVEST aufgestellt, deren Aufgabe es ist, die gesamte Wahrheit herauszufinden.
            • Mit zwei unterschiedlichen Charakteren als operativem Kern der Einheit müssen Sie die richtige Auswahl aus unzähligen verschiedenen Waffen und Technologien treffen, um die Stärken der beiden Figuren am Besten einzusetzen und zu verbessern.
            • Eine fesselnde Geschichtshandlung entwickelt sich mit fortschreitender Spieldauer und hängt nicht nur von einzelnen Bildsequenzen ab. Das Verhältnis von Spiel und Zwischenvideos liegt höher als 13:1.
            • Sie können im Spiel jederzeit zwischen den beiden Hauptfiguren hin- und her wechseln, um die Stärken jedes Charakters zu Ihrem Vorteil auszunutzen und eine anspruchsvolle KI, die sich ganz Ihren Strategien anpasst, zu bekämpfen.
            • Offenes Level-Design und optionale zweitrangige Ziele richten das Resultat komplett nach Ihrer eigenen Strategiewahl.
            • BEHIND EVERY WAR IS A TRUTH YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO KNOW … The year is 2025 and the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. The hunger of rival warlords and dictators of mainly underdeveloped countries for advanced and highly effective weapon systems appears insatiable and the profits of the arms industry have reached new heights.

              As highly advanced weapon systems, made in the USA, are sighted on various battlegrounds in Third World countries, the US government decides to send in an ISA agent, Cpt. Myra Lee, to find out how political enemies are acquiring arms that are under strict embargo.

              Myra is sent to Mogadishu, where American made weapons have allegedly been employed in combat by Somali military forces against rebel units. In Somalia, Myra meets Cpt. Aron Alvarez, a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's 1st SFOD-Delta, whose squadron is assigned to assassinate Somalia’s dictator. Myra and Aron begin working together only to discover that that the seriousness of the whole affair reaches much deeper than just the illegal trade of US weapon systems.

              A special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed within the ISA to reveal the truth. Cpt. Myra Lee and Cpt. Aron Alvarez are made partners in the operational core of this special unit and their investigations lead them to various places all over the world.

              • Based on the operations of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), with missions ranging from gathering critical intelligence data to covert direct action operations. The existence of the ISA has never been officially confirmed by the US government.
              • Two completely different characters; each with very specific and fully fleshed out sets of skills, preferences and abilities. Cooperatively complete covert operations. Players may switch between each character at any time, using either Aron's combat abilities or Myra's stealth skills to solve the situation.
              • Players choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths. Employ mechanized weapons to boldly attack enemies from head-on or an invisibility shield to creep through enemy territory undetected. Take advantage of refined game mechanics that take the traditional shoot-to-kill approach to a new level.

              Key features:

              • When a covert operation to stop illegal arms sales reveals a full-scale global conspiracy, a special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed to reveal the truth.
              • With two completely different characters serving as the unit’s operation core, you must choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths.
              • Features a gripping storyline that unfolds organically through the gameplay (doesn’t rely on cutscenes to move the story along). The ratio of gameplay to cutscenes is better than 13:1.
              • Players can switch between the two main characters at any time during the game to take advantage of each character’s strength as well as combat a sophisticated AI that adapts to the strategies you develop.
              • Open level design and option secondary objectives leave the outcome completely up to the player to choose.
              • BEHIND EVERY WAR IS A TRUTH YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO KNOW … The year is 2025 and the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. The hunger of rival warlords and dictators of mainly underdeveloped countries for advanced and highly effective weapon systems appears insatiable and the profits of the arms industry have reached new heights.

                As highly advanced weapon systems, made in the USA, are sighted on various battlegrounds in Third World countries, the US government decides to send in an ISA agent, Cpt. Myra Lee, to find out how political enemies are acquiring arms that are under strict embargo.

                Myra is sent to Mogadishu, where American made weapons have allegedly been employed in combat by Somali military forces against rebel units. In Somalia, Myra meets Cpt. Aron Alvarez, a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's 1st SFOD-Delta, whose squadron is assigned to assassinate Somalia’s dictator. Myra and Aron begin working together only to discover that that the seriousness of the whole affair reaches much deeper than just the illegal trade of US weapon systems.

                A special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed within the ISA to reveal the truth. Cpt. Myra Lee and Cpt. Aron Alvarez are made partners in the operational core of this special unit and their investigations lead them to various places all over the world.

                • Based on the operations of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), with missions ranging from gathering critical intelligence data to covert direct action operations. The existence of the ISA has never been officially confirmed by the US government.
                • Two completely different characters; each with very specific and fully fleshed out sets of skills, preferences and abilities. Cooperatively complete covert operations. Players may switch between each character at any time, using either Aron's combat abilities or Myra's stealth skills to solve the situation.
                • Players choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths. Employ mechanized weapons to boldly attack enemies from head-on or an invisibility shield to creep through enemy territory undetected. Take advantage of refined game mechanics that take the traditional shoot-to-kill approach to a new level.

                Key features:

                • When a covert operation to stop illegal arms sales reveals a full-scale global conspiracy, a special unit under the codename SHADOW HARVEST is formed to reveal the truth.
                • With two completely different characters serving as the unit’s operation core, you must choose from a vast array of weapons and technologies that enhance both characters strengths.
                • Features a gripping storyline that unfolds organically through the gameplay (doesn’t rely on cutscenes to move the story along). The ratio of gameplay to cutscenes is better than 13:1.
                • Players can switch between the two main characters at any time during the game to take advantage of each character’s strength as well as combat a sophisticated AI that adapts to the strategies you develop.
                • Open level design and option secondary objectives leave the outcome completely up to the player to choose.
                • DETRÁS DE CADA GUERRA EXISTE UNA VERDAD QUE NUNCA DEBERÍAS DE SABER… Estamos en el año 2025 y el mundo es sacudido por el control de los escasos recursos naturales. El hambre por sistemas armamentísticos avanzados y de gran eficacia de los caudillos y los dictadores rivales de países principalmente subdesarrollados, así como los beneficios de la industria de las armas han alcanzado nuevas alturas.
                  A medida que sistemas armamentísticos altamente avanzados, fabricados en EE.UU., son vistos en varios campos de batalla de países del Tercer Mundo, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos decide enviar a una agente del ISA, la capitana Myra Lee, para averiguar cómo los enemigos políticos están adquiriendo armas que se encuentran bajo estricto embargo.
                  Myra es enviada a Mogadishu, donde las armas fabricadas en Norteamérica han sido supuestamente empleadas en combates entre fuerzas militares somalíes y grupos rebeldes. En Somalia, Myra conoce al capitán Aron Álvarez, un duro especialista en combate a corta distancia del 1er Destacamento-Delta Operacional de Fuerzas Especiales del ejército de los Estados Unidos, cuyo escuadrón ha sido asignado para asesinar al dictador de Somalia. Myra y Aron comienzan a trabajar juntos sólo para descubrir que la gravedad del asunto va mucho más allá del comercio ilegal de sistemas armamentísticos estadounidenses.
                  Una unidad especial conocida bajo el nombre clave SHADOW HARVEST se está formando dentro de la ISA para descubrir la verdad. Los capitanes Myra Lee y Aron Álvarez se hacen compañeros en el núcleo operativo de esta unidad especial y sus investigaciones los conducirán a varios lugares de todo el mundo.
                  • Basado en las operaciones de la Actividad de Apoyo de Inteligencia (ISA), con misiones que van desde la recopilación de información de inteligencia crítica a operaciones encubiertas de acción directa. La existencia de la ISA nunca ha sido confirmada oficialmente por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos.
                  • Dos personajes completamente diferentes; cada uno con una serie de habilidades, preferencias y capacidades muy completas y específicas, cooperando completamente para realizar operaciones encubiertas. Los jugadores podrán alternar entre cada personaje en cualquier momento, usando las habilidades de combate de Aron o las de sigilo de Myra para resolver la situación.
                  • Los jugadores podrán elegir entre una gran variedad de armas y tecnologías que mejorarán los puntos fuertes de ambos personajes. Emplea armas mecanizadas para atacar a los enemigos con valentía o un escudo de invisibilidad para moverte a través del territorio enemigo sin ser detectado. Aprovéchate de una mejorada mecánica de juego que eleva el estilo clásico de disparar a matar a un nuevo nivel.

                  Características principales:

                  • Cuando una operación encubierta para detener la venta de armas ilegales revela una conspiración mundial a gran escala, una unidad especial bajo el nombre clave SHADOW HARVEST es formada para descubrir la verdad
                  • Con dos personajes completamente diferentes esenciales para el funcionamiento de la unidad, deberás elegir entre una gran variedad de armas y tecnologías que mejorarán los puntos fuertes de ambos personajes
                  • Cuenta con una apasionante historia que se desarrolla orgánicamente a lo largo del juego (no depende de escenas en vídeo para avanzar en la historia). Hay 13 veces más tiempo de juego que de escenas cinemáticas
                  • Los jugadores podrán alternar entre los dos protagonistas en cualquier momento durante el juego para tomar ventaja de los puntos fuertes de cada personaje, así como combatir contra una sofisticada IA que se adaptará a las estrategias que desarrollen
                  • Un diseño con niveles abiertos y objetivos secundarios opcionales dejan el resultado completamente a elección del jugador

                  System Requirements
