

Release Date: 13/06/2014 | WORLDWIDE
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Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Sobre o jogo

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Относно играта

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

O hře

Spintires™ je terénní simulátor ověnčený cenami Intel® navržený tak, aby otestoval hráčovy řidičské schopnosti a vytrvalost.

Převezměte řízení velkých sovětských vozidel vhodných do každého terénu a vydejte se drsnou krajinou. Navigovat vás bude jen mapa a kompas. Prozkoumejte úrovně a odhalujte části mapy, přičemž můžete objevit nová vozidla, čerpací stanice, garáže a pily.

Nakládejte klády pomocí doplňků jeřábu a pokuste se je doručit na místo určení. Snažte se své vozidlo nepoškodit a nevyčerpat před splněním úkolu veškeré palivo. Využívejte okolí ve svůj prospěch, občas se budete muset vyprostit z nelítostného terénu!

Krajina deformovatelná v reálném čase budete představovat výzvu i pro nejzkušenější terénní řidiče. Přijímáte tuto výzvu?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Om spillet

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Info over het spel

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

About the Game

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Tietoja pelistä

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

À propos du jeu

Spintires™ est un jeu récompensé par Intel® de conduite tout-terrain qui met à l'épreuve le talent de pilotage et l'endurance du joueur.

Prenez le volant de véhicules soviétiques tout-terrain et aventurez-vous dans l'inconnu, uniquement équipé d'une carte et d'une boussole. Explorez les niveaux et découvrez des portions de la carte ainsi que de nouveaux camions, des stations essence, des garages et des scieries.

Récupérez le bois grâce à la grue et essayez de le livrer aux points d'objectif. Tâchez de ne pas endommager votre véhicule ou de consommer tout son carburant avant d'avoir terminé votre mission. Utilisez votre environnement à votre avantage, vous pourriez bien avoir besoin du treuil pour vous libérer !

Le terrain déformable en temps réel mettra à l'épreuve même les plus grands pilotes. Saurez-vous relever le défi ?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Über das Spiel

Spintires™ ist das mit einem Intel® Award ausgezeichnete Offroad-Fahrerlebnis, das die Fähigkeiten und Ausdauer jedes Spielers auf die Probe stellt.

Übernimm die Kontrolle über große Geländefahrzeuge aus Sowjetzeiten und wage dich, nur mit einem Kompass und einer Karte zur Orientierung, durch die wilde Landschaft. Erkunde die Level und schalte Teile der Karte frei, während du neue Fahrzeuge, Tankstellen, Werkstätten und Holzfällerstationen entdeckst.

Sammle mit dem Kran Holzstämme ein und liefere Sie an die Zielpunkte. Versuche, Schaden am Fahrzeuge oder einen leeren Tank zu vermeiden, bevor du das Ziel erreichst. Nutze deine Umgebung zu deinem Vorteil - vielleicht musst du dich mit der Winde selbst befreien!

Das in Echtzeit veränderliche Terrain wird selbst für erfahrene Offroader noch so manche Herausforderung bieten. Nimmst du die Herausforderung an?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

A játékról: 

A Spintires™ egy Intel® díjat nyert off-road élmény, amelyet arra terveztek, hogy a játékos vezetői képességeit és kitartását egyaránt próbára tegye.

Vállald a felelősséget, irányíts hatalmas, minden terepen egyaránt átvágó szovjet járműveket, és vágj át a göröngyös tájon csak térkép és iránytű segítségével. Fedezd fel a szinteket, és nyisd meg a térképek egyes részeit, miközben új járműveket, benzinkutakat, garázsokat és fűrésztelepeket találsz.

Gyűjts rönköket a felszerelt daruddal, és próbáld meg elszállítani a célhoz. Közben igyekezz, hogy ne okozz kárt a járművedben vagy használd el az összes üzemanyagot, mielőtt célba érsz. Használd ki a környezetet, lehet, hogy csörlővel kell kiszabadítanod magad!

A valósidejű, deformálható környezet még a legtapasztaltabb offroadost is próbára teszi. Elfogadod a kihívást?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Informazioni sul gioco

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.


Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

게임 정보

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Om spillet

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Informacje o grze

Spintires™ to wyróżniona nagrodą Intel® gra zapewniająca najlepsze wrażenia z jazdy terenowej i rzucająca wyzwanie umiejętnościom oraz wytrzymałości gracza.

Weź na siebie odpowiedzialność za kierowanie dużymi pojazdami terenowymi i przemierzaj różnorodne obszary, nawigując jedynie za pomocą mapy i kompasu. Eksploruj poziomy i odblokowuj części mapy, odkrywając jednocześnie nowe pojazdy, stacje benzynowe, warsztaty oraz tartaki.

Zbieraj drewno za pomocą chwytaków montowanych na pojazdach i staraj się dostarczyć je w miejsce docelowe. Uważaj, by nie zniszczyć pojazdu ani nie zużyć całego paliwa przed ukończeniem zadania. Wykorzystuj ukształtowanie terenu, by ułatwić sobie przejazd. Być może konieczne będzie użycie wyciągarki, żeby uwolnić się z błota!

Teren deformujący się w czasie rzeczywistym będzie sprawdzianem sił nawet dla doświadczonego kierowcy terenowego. Podejmiesz to wyzwanie?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Acerca do Jogo

Spintires™ é uma experiência de condução todo-o-terreno galardoada da Intel® criada para desafiar a resistência e capacidades de condução do jogador.

Assume a responsabilidade de operar grandes veículos soviéticos todo-o-terreno e aventura-te por paisagens acidentadas com apenas um mapa e uma bússola como orientação. Explora os níveis e desbloqueia partes do mapa enquanto descobres novos camiões, bombas de gasolina, garagens e serralharias.

Reúne madeira com os acessórios da grua e tenta entregá-la para cumprir com os objectivos. Tenta não danificar o teu veículo nem consumir todo o combustível antes de completares os objectivos. Tira partido do meio envolvente, podes utilizar o guincho livremente!

O terreno deformável em tempo real irá desafiar mesmo o condutor todo-o-terreno mais experiente. Aceitas o desafio?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Despre joc

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Об игре

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.


Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Acerca del juego

Spintires™ es la experiencia de conducción todoterreno ganadora del premio Intel®, diseñada para poner a prueba la habilidad y rendimiento del jugador.

Ponte al mando de enormes vehículos todoterreno soviéticos y aventúrate en los escarpados escenarios con la simple ayuda de un mapa y una brújula para guiarte. Explora los niveles y desbloquea porciones del mapa mientras descubres nuevos camiones, estaciones de combustible, garajes y madereras.

Recoge madera con los complementos de la grúa para entregarlos en sus correspondientes destinos. Intenta no dañar los vehículos o consumir todo el combustible antes de completar los objetivos. Usa los alrededores para ayudarte, ¡tendrás que usar el gancho para salir de más de una situación!

El terreno deformable a tiempo real pondrá a prueba hasta a los más expertos. ¿Aceptas el desafío?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Om spelet

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.


Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.


Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Oyun Açıklaması

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

Steam Workshop

Get additional trucks and addons. Download free Spintires Editor to create your own mods.

Про гру

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

System Requirements


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