Squad é um jogo multijogador em primeira pessoa com 50 jogadores contra 50 que tem como objetivo capturar o realismo em combate através da comunicação e equipe, enfatizando tanto as mecânicas de coesão do esquadrão bem como a coordenação, táticas e planejamento em larga escala. Possui grandes mapas abertos, jogabilidade de armas combinadas com veículos e bases construídas por jogadores para criar uma experiência de jogo visceral que mistura o planejamento organizado de vários esquadrões táticos com a tomada de decisões em segundos na vida real.
New in Update 5.0 - People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps and more!
Squad is proud to introduce you all to the People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps in update 5.0! The update adds five new vehicles, reskins of existing vehicles in blue naval camouflage, and much more, all headlined by the PLANMC: Chinese forces expertly trained in amphibious ops, marine warfare, and naval combat.
Squad is a
large-scale combined arms multiplayer first-person shooter emphasizing combat realism through communication, team play, and strong squad cohesion feeding into
larger-scale coordination, tactics, and planning. A wide selection of realistic faction-specific weaponry and vehicles allow players to build their own loadouts that best suit their preferred tactics.
10 factions, 23 massive maps, vehicle-based
combined arms gameplay, and
player-constructed bases, Squad creates a heart-thumping, visceral gaming experience with split-second decision-making in real-world scale firefights.
50 versus 50
Squad creates authentic combat experiences while pitting conventional and unconventional factions against each other. As part of a 50 person team, join a nine-person squad to face off against an opposing 50 player team in intense combat across large real-world environments. Squad features the US Army, marine forces, Russian ground forces, British Army, Canadian Armed Forces, Australian Army, the Middle Eastern Alliance, Irregular Militia, and Insurgents, each with their own unique arsenals.
Building System
Adapt to the ever-changing needs of the battlefield by building fortifications and emplacements to give your squad and team the edge. Whether it’s placing HMGs and AT gun emplacements or fortifying a position with sandbags, HESCOs, and razor wire, the battlefield is yours to change, if you have the materials to do so.
Communication is a soldier's best tool in effectively engaging the enemy. To help facilitate navigating the complexity of communication on the battlefield, Squad provides a world-class in-game VoIP system that allows players to talk to other soldiers locally, in-squad, between squad leaders, or squad leaders to the team Commander. Map tools and in-world markers aid fire team leads and squad leaders to inform their squads and teams of engagement tactics.
Squad è uno sparatutto multiplayer 50 vs 50 in prima persona che punta a catturare un combattimento realistico attraverso la comunicazione e il gioco di squadra, enfatizzando sia le meccaniche di una forte coesione di squadra, sia il coordinamento su larga scala , che le tattiche e la pianificazione. È dotato di grandi mappe aperte, gameplay combinato con veicoli armati e basi costruite dai giocatori, per creare una esperienza di gioco batticuore e viscerale che mescola la pianificazione tattica multi-squadra, con un processo decisionale in frazioni di secondo, a scontri a fuoco in un mondo in scala reale.
스쿼드는 50대 50 멀티플레이어 일인칭 슈터로서, 결집력있는 분대시스템을 비롯해 큰 규모의 집단행동, 전략과 계획수립 등 팀원간의 소통과 협동을 중심으로 전투의 현장감을 살려낸 게임입니다. 광활한 맵들과 차량을 기반으로 한 제병협동 게임플레이, 그리고 자유자재한 기지건설 시스템을 통해 심장이 터질것 같은 치열한 전장을 선사합니다. 치밀한 작전수립을 필요로 하는 분대플레이부터 눈깜짝할 사이 벌어지는 총격전까지, 잊지 못할 전투를 경험해 보세요.
Squad jest pierwszoosobową, sieciową strzelanką dla 100 graczy, która zamierza możliwie realistycznie ukazać współczesne pole bitwy. Gra stawia na komunikację i współpracę pomiędzy graczami, swoimi mechanizmami promując działania drużynowe, koordynację oraz planowanie. Rozgrywka odbywa się na dużych, otwartych mapach, które umożliwiają współpracę piechoty i pojazdów oraz wznoszenie umocnień. Wszystko po to aby stworzyć przepełnione adrenaliną doznanie wymagające zarówno dokładnego planowania jak i podejmowania właściwych decyzji w ułamku sekundy.
Squad – многопользовательский шутер от первого лица, в котором командное взаимодействие, коммуникация и тактика играют ключевую роль в создании достоверных боевых действий. Примите участие в захватывающих масштабных общевойсковых боях с участием до 100 игроков, управляйте боевой техникой, возводите укрепления, определяйте стратегию Вашей команды или принимайте тактические решения на острие атаки – любой путь подарит Вам незабываемые ощущения и ни с чем не сравнимый игровой опыт.
V 4.0版本更新中的新内容 - 红星崛起!
随着Squad的v4.0版本发布,人民解放军阵营也随之而来。 PLA阵营拥有7辆新载具、15 种特定阵营独有的武器和部署物,以及独特并摧枯拉朽的指挥官技能,为世界各地的战术小队粉丝们增添了激动人心的战术可能性。
Squad(战术小队)目前拥有 10 个派系、23 张大型地图、基于多样化载具的联合武装和玩家自建的基地设施。战术小队希望让玩家在超大规模战斗的电光石火中做出决策进而获得心跳加速、难以忘怀的游戏体验。
50 对 50
Squad(战术小队)旨在通过让传统与非传统阵营之间战斗来营造真实的战场体验,作为 50 人团队的一员,加入一个 9 人小队,在广阔且真实的环境中与对方 50 人团队进行激烈的战斗。当前版本已涵盖阵营包括美国陆军、海军陆战队、中国人民解放军、俄罗斯地面部队、英国陆军、加拿大武装部队、澳大利亚陆军、中东联盟、非正规民兵和叛乱分子,每个派系都有自己独一无二的武器库。
通过建造防御工事和阵地来适应千变万化的战场情况,让您的小队和阵营占据优势。无论是放置 HMG 和 AT 炮台,还是用沙袋和剃刀铁丝网加固阵地,只要你有相应的材料,战场就由你来改变。
沟通是士兵有效与敌人交战的最佳工具。为了帮助玩家应对战场上复杂的通讯情况,Squad 提供了一流的游戏内 VOIP 系统,允许玩家与附近其他士兵、小队内、小队长之间或小队长与团队指挥官进行交谈。地图工具和战术标记可帮助玩家和小队长们向他们的小队和阵营通报交战策略。
Squad, iletişim ve takım çalışması ile muharebe gerçekçiliğini yakalamayı hedefleyen 50 vs 50 kişilik çok oyunculu birinci şahıs nişancı, taktik ve planlama ile birlikte güçlü manga mekaniklerini büyük ölçekli koordinasyonlarda olsa bile vurgulayan bir oyundur. Özellikleri ise büyük açık haritalar, araç bazlı kombine silah oyunu, balyoz etkisi yaratmak için oyuncu tarafından inşa edilmiş üsler, gerçek dünya ölçeğinde organize taktikler ile birden fazla manganın planlaması ile oynama özelliği sunar.