Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare

Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare

Release Date: 15/07/2021 | WORLDWIDE
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Retail Price: 15.50 € 20%
12.99 € + VAT



Sobre o jogo

A luta continua em Wood Oak City.

Após os eventos de Streets Of Rage 4, nossos heróis queriam se preparar para ameaças futuras. Axel, Blaze e seus companheiros começarão um treinamento perturbado muito especial com a ajuda do Dr. Zan, que construiu um programa de IA a partir dos restos do cérebro do Senhor X que simula todo tipo de perigo que eles podem enfrentar.

Com este novo DLC, prepare-se para:

• 3 novos personagens jogáveis
• Um novo modo de sobrevivência com desafios semanais
• Personalização de personagens: construa seu próprio estilo de luta com novos movimentos
• Novas armas e inimigos!


Относно играта

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


O hře

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Om spillet

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Info over het spel

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


About the Game

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Tietoa pelistä

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


À propos du jeu

Le combat continue à Wood Oak City.

Après les événements de Streets of Rage 4, nos héros ont voulu se préparer à de futures menaces. Axel, Blaze et leurs camarades vont participer à un entraînement démentiel très spécial grâce au Dr. Zan, qui a développé un programme d’IA utilisant des fragments du cerveau de Mister X qui simule tous les types de danger qu’ils pourraient rencontrer.

Avec ce nouveau DLC, préparez-vous à découvrir :

• 3 nouveaux personnages jouables
• Un nouveau mode Survie avec des défis hebdomadaires
• Personnalisation de personnage : inventez votre propre style de combat avec de nouveaux coups
• De nouvelles armes et de nouveaux ennemis !


Über das Spiel

Der Kampf geht weiter in Wood Oak City.

Nach den Ereignissen von Streets of Rage 4 wollen sich unsere Helden auf zukünftige Bedrohungen vorbereiten. Axel, Blaze und ihre Mitstreiter beginnen ein ganz spezielles, derangiertes Training mit Hilfe von Dr. Zan, der aus den Überresten des Gehirns von Mister X ein KI-Programm konstruiert hat, das jede Art von Gefahr simuliert, der sie begegnen könnten.

Mach dich mit diesem neuen DLC bereit für:

• 3 neue spielbare Charaktere
• Einen neuen Survival-Modus mit wöchentlichen Challenges
• Charakteranpassung: Erstelle deinen eigenen Kampfstil mit neuen Moves.
• Neue Waffen und Gegner!


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


A játékról: 

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Informazioni sul gioco

I combattimenti continuano a Wood Oak City.

Dopo gli eventi di Streets of Rage 4, i nostri eroi devono prepararsi alle prossime minacce. Axel, Blaze e i loro compagni affronteranno un allenamento folle e molto speciale con l’aiuto di Dr. Zan che, usando ciò che restava del cervello di Mister X, ha ideato un programma basato sull’intelligenza artificiale in grado di simulare ogni tipo di pericolo che potrebbe sorgere.

Con questo nuovo DLC, preparati a scoprire:

• 3 nuovi personaggi giocabili
• Una nuova modalità Sopravvivenza con sfide settimanali
• Personalizzazione dei personaggi: crea il tuo stile di combattimento personale con nuove mosse
• Nuove armi e nuovi nemici!



Wood Oak Cityで戦いは続く。

BareKnuckle4のイベント後、我らがヒーロー達はまだ見ぬ敵に備えようと考えていた。AxelとBlaze、そしてその仲間達は、Mister Xの脳みその破片から、直面しうるあらゆる危険をシミュレートするAIプログラムを組み立てたDr. Zanの助けを借りて、気が狂いそうな特別トレーニングを始めようとしている。


• 新プレイヤーキャラクター3人
• ウィークリーチャレンジのある新サバイバルモード
• キャラクターカスタマイズ、新技を入れた自分の戦闘スタイルを作成
• 新しい武器と敵が登場!


게임 정보

전투는 Wood Oak City에서 계속됩니다.

BareKnuckle4의 사건 이후, 우리 영웅들은 미래의 위협에 대비하기를 원했습니다. Axel, Blaze 및 그 동료들은 그들이 직면 할 수있는 모든 종류의 위험을 시뮬레이션하는 Mister X의 두뇌 잔재로 AI 프로그램을 구축 한 Zan 박사의 도움을 받아 매우 특별한 이상한 훈련을 시작할 것입니다.

이 새로운 DLC로 다음을 준비하십시오.

• 3 개의 새로운 플레이 가능 캐릭터
• 주간 도전과 함께 새로운 생존 모드
• 캐릭터 커스터마이징 : 새로운 동작으로 나만의 전투 스타일을 구축하세요
• 새로운 무기와 적!


Om spillet

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Informacje o grze

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Acerca do Jogo

A luta continua em Wood Oak City.

Após os eventos de Streets Of Rage 4, nossos heróis queriam se preparar para ameaças futuras. Axel, Blaze e seus companheiros começarão um treinamento perturbado muito especial com a ajuda do Dr. Zan, que construiu um programa de IA a partir dos restos do cérebro do Senhor X que simula todo tipo de perigo que eles podem enfrentar.

Com este novo DLC, prepare-se para:

• 3 novos personagens jogáveis
• Um novo modo de sobrevivência com desafios semanais
• Personalização de personagens: construa seu próprio estilo de luta com novos movimentos
• Novas armas e inimigos!


Despre joc

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Об игре

Битва продолжится в Wood Oak City.

После событий Streets of Rage 4 наши герои решили подготовиться к дальнейшим угрозам. Axel, Blaze и их друзья начнут особую, безумную тренировку. Поможет им в этом Dr. Zan, который разработал программу искуственного интеллекта, основанную на уцелевших мозговых клетках Mister X и способную смоделировать любую потенциальную опасность.

Приготовьтесь к новому DLC, а вместе с ним к:

• 3 новым игровым персонажам
• Новому режиму Выживания с еженедельными челленджами
• Индивидуализации персонажей: созданию уникального боевого стиля с использованием новых приёмов
• Новым противникам и оружию!



战斗在Wood Oak City继续进行。






Acerca del juego

La lucha continúa en Wood Oak City.

Tras los acontecimientos de Streets of Rage 4, nuestros héroes querían prepararse para futuras amenazas. Axel, Blaze y sus compañeros empezarán un entrenamiento desquiciado y muy especial con la ayuda del Dr. Zan, que ha diseñado a partir de los restos del cerebro de Mister X un programa de inteligencia artificial que simula todas las clases de peligros a los que podrían enfrentarse.

Con este nuevo DLC, preparaos para:

• 3 nuevos personajes jugables
• Un nuevo modo Supervivencia con desafíos semanales
• Personalización de personajes: cread vuestro propio estilo de lucha con nuevos movimientos
• ¡Nuevas armas y enemigos!


Om spelet

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!



The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!



戰斗在Wood Oak City繼續進行。

在《BareKnuckle4》發生事件後,我們的英雄們希望為未來的威脅做好準備。 Axel,Blaze和他們的同伴將在Zan博士的幫助下開始一項非常特殊的瘋狂訓練,Zan博士利用X先生的大腦殘餘物建立了一個AI程序,該程序模擬了他們可能面臨的各種危險。




Oyun Açıklaması

The fight continues in Wood Oak City.

After the events of Streets of Rage 4, our heroes wanted to prepare themselves for future threats. Axel, Blaze and their mates will start a very special deranged training with the help of Dr. Zan, who built an AI program from the remnants of Mister X’s brain that simulates every kind of danger they could be facing.

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!


Про гру

Боротьба у місті Вуд-Оук продовжується.

Після подій у Streets of Rage 4 наші герої захотіли бути готовими до майбутніх загроз. Аксель, Блейз таїхні друзі розпочнуть спеціальне, божевільне тренування за допомогою програми штучного інтелекту, яку створив доктор Зан зі залишків мозку Містера Х. Вона здатна симулювати будь-яку небезпеку, якуможна собі уявити.

У цьому доповненні вас чекатимуть:
• 3 нових ігрових персонажі
• Новий режим «Виживання» зі щотижневими випробуваннями
• Налаштування персонажів: налаштовуйте власний бойовий стиль з новими прийомами
• Нові вороги та зброя!

System Requirements


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