Sudden Strike 4 - Finland: Winter Storm (DLC)
Sudden Strike 4 - Finland: Winter Storm (DLC)

Sudden Strike 4 - Finland: Winter Storm (DLC)

Release Date: 14/06/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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₺331.19 + VAT


Lista de características

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Sobre o jogo

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Списък с възможности

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Относно играта

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

O hře

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Liste over centrale elementer

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Om spillet

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Info over het spel

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Feature List

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

About the Game

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Tietoja pelistä

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Liste des fonctionnalités

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm propose deux nouvelles mini-campagnes avec six nouvelles missions solo inspirées par les événements de l'attaque russe sur la Finlande, depuis la Guerre d'hiver jusqu'à l'offensive de Vyborg en 1944.
  • Au cours de la campagne soviétique, vous devrez prendre le village de Suomussalmi, protéger la voie de chemin de fer vers Mourmansk contre une offensive des Finlandais et des Allemands et percer les défenses finlandaises au cours de l'Offensive de Vyborg. Au cours de la campagne finlandaise, vous devrez reprendre et conserver le village de Suomussalmi tout en écrasant les renforts soviétiques, vous emparer du secteur de Lähde et tenir la dernière ligne de défense pendant la bataille de Tali-Ihantala.
  • Vous pourrez choisir entre trois nouvelles doctrines, via les personnes de VilhoPetterNenonen (expert en artillerie de l'armée de terre finlandaise), Ruben Lagus (spécialiste des blindés) et du célèbre général Karl Lennart Oeschas : envisagez toutes les options stratégiques avant chaque mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm offre 19 véhicules inédits, parmi lesquels de nouveaux véhicules de secours, les KV-1 et BT-7M russes et les Stug III G et Flak 36 finlandais.

À propos du jeu

Inspiré par les événements de l'attaque russe sur la Finlande, depuis la Guerre d'hiver jusqu'à l'offensive de Vyborg en 1944, l'add-on Finland -Winter Storm tourne autour des affrontements les plus importants ayant opposé les Finlandais aux Soviétiques pendant la 2e Guerre mondiale. Combattez du côté des Finlandais contre des troupes très supérieures en nombre ou du côté des Russes pour écraser la ligne de défense finlandaise au plus froid des mois d'hiver


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland – Winter Storm enthält zwei neue Mini-Kampagnen mit sechs neuen Einzelspieler-Missionen von den russischen Vormärschen in Finnland während des Winterkrieges bis hin zur Vyborg Offensive 1944.
  • In der sowjetischen Kampagne nehmen Sie die Ortschaft Suomussalmi ein, verteidigen die Schienenbahn nach Murmansk gegen eine deutsch-finnische Offensive und durchbrechen die finnischen Verteidigungslinien, während der Vyborg Offensive. In der finnischen Kampagne erobern Sie die Ortschaft Suomussalmi zurück, während Sie die sowjetischen Verstärkungen zerschlagen, den verlorenen Teil des Lähde-Sektors einnehmen und die letzte Verteidigungslinie in der Schlacht von Tali-Ihantala halten.
  • Wählen Sie zwischen drei neuen Doktrin-Kommandanten, wie dem finnischen Artillerie-Experten Vilho Petter Nenonen, dem finnischen Panzergeneral Ruben Lagus sowie dem renommierten General Karl Lennart Oesch, während Sie Ihre strategischen Optionen für jede Mission planen.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland – Winter Storm liefert 19 brandneue Fahrzeuge, darunter der russische KV-1 und BT-7M sowie die finnische Stug III G und Flak 36.

Über das Spiel

Beginnend mit den russischen Vormärschen in Finnland während des Winterkrieges bis hin zur Vyborg Offensive 1944, bringt das Finland – Winter Storm Add-On für Sudden Strike 4 die wohl berüchtigsten Militärkonflikte zwischen Finnland und der Sowjetunion während des Zweiten Weltkrieges ins Spiel. Führen Sie die finnischen Streitkräfte gegen einen übermächtigen Feind aufs Feld oder befehligen Sie die Sowjets und zerschlagen Sie die letzten finnischen Verteidigungslinien inmitten eines unnachgiebigen nordischen Winters

Λίστα Χαρακτηριστικών

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

A játékról: 

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Elenco Caratteristiche

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finlandia - Tempesta invernale offre 2 nuove campagne con sei nuove missioni per giocatore singolo incentrate sugli scontri tra finlandesi e sovietici nel corso della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, fino all'Offensiva Vyborg del 1944.
  • Nella campagna sovietica, devi conquistare il villaggio di Suomussalmi, proteggere la ferrovia che conduce a Murmansk contro un'offensiva di truppe tedesche e finlandesi e sbaragliare le difese della Finlandia nell'Offensiva Vyborg. Nella campagna finlandese, devi riconquistare il villaggio di Suomussalmi e neutralizzare i rinforzi sovietici, riprendere il settore di Lähde e mantenere l'ultima linea di difesa nella Battaglia di Tali-Ihantala.
  • Tre nuovi comandanti strategici tra cui scegliere: l'esperto finlandese di artiglieria Vilho Petter Nenonen, il generale responsabile dei mezzi corazzati Ruben Lagus e il rinomato generale Karl Lennart Oesch ti aiuteranno a stabilire l'assetto tattico migliore per ogni missione.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finlandia - Tempesta invernale introduce 19 veicoli nuovi, inclusi i mezzi di recupero, i sovietici KV-1 e BT-7M e i finlandesi Stug III G e Flak 36.

Informazioni sul gioco

Basato sui tentativi di invasione dei russi ai danni della Finlandia durante e dopo la Guerra d'Inverno, fino all'Offensiva Vyborg del 1944, l'add-on Finlandia - Tempesta invernale è incentrato sui conflitti più rappresentativi degli scontri tra finlandesi e sovietici nel corso della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Combatti nei panni dei finlandesi contro una temibile minaccia o gioca con i sovietici e sbaraglia le ultime linee difensive della Finlandia durante il freddo inverno del nord


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.


Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

특징 목록

  • 겨울전쟁부터 1944년 비보르크 점령까지 러시아 침공 관련 6개의 새로운 싱글플레이어 임무를 포함하는 2개의 미니 캠페인이 새롭게 추가됩니다.
  • 소련군 캠페인에서는 수오무살미 마을을 점령해야합니다. 독일-핀란드군에 대항하여 무르만스크로 향하는 철도를 방어하고 비보르크 전투 중 핀란드군 방어전선을 무너뜨리세요. 핀란드군 캠페인에서는 수오무살미 마을을 탈환하고 소련 지원군을 격파하여 북부전선을 다시 장악하고 탈리-이한탈라 전투에서 최후의 방어선을 지켜내세요.
  • 핀란드의 빌호 페터 네노넨, 루벤 라구스, 레난트 오에쉬 등 3명의 새로운 지휘관 중 선택하여 각 임무를 해결할 전술에 활용하세요.
  • 구조 차량, 러시아의 KV-1과 BT-7M, 핀란드의 스터그 III G와 대공포 Flak 36 등 19종의 새로운 탈것을 제공합니다.

게임 정보

핀란드 - 윈터 스톰 DLC는 겨울전쟁부터 1944년 비보르크 점령까지 러시아가 핀란드를 침공한 사건들을 바탕으로 2차 세계대전 중 가장 상징적인 핀란드 대 소련 무력 충돌로 구성되어있습니다. 북유럽 겨울철의 혹독한 날씨 속에 핀란드군이 되어 압도적인 적군의 공격에 방어하거나 소련군이 되어 마지막 핀란드군 방어선을 무너뜨리세요


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Om spillet

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Lista funkcji

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm zawiera dwie nowe mini kampanie z sześcioma nowymi misjami dla jednego gracza. Gracze będą mogli poznać wydarzenia, jakie miały miejsce podczas ataku Rosji na Finlandię w trakcie wojny zimowej i operacji karelskiej w 1944 roku.
  • Podczas kampanii radzieckiej musisz zająć wioskę Suomussalmi, obronić linię kolejową do Murmańska przed atakiem sił niemiecko-fińskich i przebić się przez fińską linię obronną podczas operacji karelskiej. W trakcie kampanii fińskiej musisz odzyskać i utrzymać kontrolę nad wioską Suomussalmi, eliminując przy tym posiłki radzieckie, odbić sektor Lähde i utrzymać ostatnią linię obrony w bitwie o Tali-Ihantalę.
  • Trzech nowych dowódców i ich doktryny: fiński ekspert od artylerii, Vilho Petter Nenonen, fiński generał wojsk pancernych, Ruben Lagus i słynny generał Karl Lennart Oesch. W każdej misji możesz wybrać odpowiednią strategię.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm zawiera również 19 nowych pojazdów, między innymi pojazdy radzieckie KV-1 i BT-7M, a także fińskie Stug III G i Flak 36.

Informacje o grze

Dodatek Finland - Winter Storm skupia się na najbardziej znanych konfliktach pomiędzy Finlandią i Związkiem Radzieckim w trakcie II wojny światowej. Przedstawiono tu wydarzenia, jakie rozegrały się podczas natarcia sił radzieckich na Finlandię podczas wojny zimowej i operacji karelskiej w 1944 roku. Wybierając Finlandię będziesz walczyć przeciwko przeważającym siłom wroga, a jako Sowieci twoim zadaniem będzie zniszczenie ostatnich fińskich linii obronnych podczas mroźnych miesięcy zimowych


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Acerca do Jogo

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Listă Caracteristici

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Despre joc

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Список возможностей

  • Sudden Strike 4 — «Финляндия: Зимняя буря» предлагает две небольших кампании с шестью новыми миссиями, основанными на советской наступательной операции против Финляндии во время и после Зимней войны — вплоть до Выборгско-Петрозаводской операции в 1944 году.
  • В советской кампании вы должны захватить деревню Суомуссалми, защитить железную дорогу, ведущую к Мурманску, от объединенных сил Германии и Финляндии и прорваться через линии обороны финнов в ходе Выборгско-Петрозаводской операции. В финской кампании вы должны отбить и удержать деревню Суомуссалми, остановив при этом советское подкрепление, вернуть сектор Ляхде и удержать последнюю линию обороны в сражении при Тали-Ихантала.
  • Три новых командира — три новых доктрины: финский эксперт по артиллерии Вильхо Петер Ненонен, финский генерал танковых войск Рубен Лагус и знаменитый генерал Карл Леннарт Эш — каждый предлагает свой тактический подход к каждой миссии.
  • В Sudden Strike 4 — «Финляндия: Зимняя буря» вас ждут 19 совершенно новых единиц техники, в том числе новые аварийные машины, советские танки КВ-1 и БТ-7М, а также финские Stug III G и Flak 36.

Об игре

Дополнение «Финляндия: Зимняя буря» основано на советской наступательной операции против Финляндии во время и после Зимней войны — вплоть до Выборгско-Петрозаводской операции в 1944 году — и рассказывает о самых значимых столкновениях советских и финских войск во время Второй мировой войны. Играйте за финнов и дайте отпор превосходящим силам противника или играйте за Советский Союз и сокрушите последние линии обороны Финляндии в ландшафтах холодной северной зимы


  • 《突袭4:芬兰 - 冰雪风暴》包含两个迷你战役,战役里包含六个单人任务,忠实的还原了该战争的俄芬双方的几次主要武装冲突。
  • 在苏联战役中,玩家将尝试占领苏奥穆斯萨尔米村,保护通往摩尔曼斯克的铁路不受德芬联军的袭击,并在维堡攻势中突破芬兰防线。在芬兰战役中,玩家必须夺回苏奥穆斯萨尔米村并击溃苏联援军,夺回拉德地区并在塔里-依汗塔拉战役中守住最终防线。
  • 三个新的可选指挥官;火炮专家维尔霍·彼得·涅诺宁,坦克大将鲁本·拉古斯以及著名的将军卡尔·莱纳特·奥斯克,他们都将为游戏带来新的战术选择,以及解决新挑战的方法。
  • 芬兰 - 冰雪风暴还将加入19种新载具可供部署,包括新的救援载具,俄罗斯的KV-1和BT-7M,芬兰的Stug III G 和 Flak 36。


基于从俄罗斯在冬季战争进攻芬兰,直到的1944年维堡战役的历史事件改编。芬兰 - 冰雪风暴DLC主题围绕着二战期间最为标志性的苏芬冲突展开。扮演芬兰,在来袭的苏军浪潮之中力挽狂澜,或者扮演苏联在冰雪风暴中碾碎芬兰的防线

Lista de características

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finlandia - Tormenta de Invierno incluye dos nuevas minicampañas con seis nuevas misiones para un jugador ambientadas en los avances rusos sobre Finlandia durante y después de la Guerra de Invierno, hasta la ofensiva Vyborg de 1944.
  • En la campaña soviética, deberás tomar el pueblo de Suomussalmi, proteger la línea ferroviaria que va hacia Múrmansk de una ofensiva germano-finlandesa y atravesar las líneas de defensa finlandesas en la ofensiva Vyborg. En la campaña finlandesa, deberás recuperar y defender el pueblo de Suomussalmi mientras acabas con los refuerzos soviéticos, retomar el control del sector Lähde y defender la última línea de defensa en la Batalla de Tali-Ihantala.
  • Podrás elegir entre tres nuevos comandantes a la hora de estudiar tus opciones estratégicas para afrontar cada misión: el experto en artillería del ejército finlandés Vilho Petter Nenonen, el general de tanques finlandés Ruben Lagus y el renombrado general Karl Lennart Oesch.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finlandia - Tormenta de Invierno incluye 19 vehículos nuevos, como los vehículos de rescate, los tanques rusos KV-1 y BT-7M o los vehículos finlandeses Stug III G y Flak 36.

Acerca del juego

Finlandia - Tormenta de Invierno está ambientada en los avances rusos sobre Finlandia durante y después de la Guerra de Invierno, hasta la ofensiva Vyborg de 1944. La expansión se centra en los conflictos militares más emblemáticos entre finlandeses y soviéticos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ponte en la piel de los finlandeses y enfréntate a una amenaza abrumadora o juega como los soviéticos y aplasta las últimas líneas de defensa finlandesas durante los gélidos meses de invierno septentrionales


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Om spelet

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.


Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months


  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm 具有兩個新的迷你與六個新的單人任務, 基于俄羅斯攻擊芬蘭事件,冬季戰爭到1944年維堡進攻。
  • 在蘇聯的戰役,你必須抓住蘇奧穆斯薩爾米村,保護鐵路摩爾曼斯克反對德國和芬蘭進攻突破防線的芬蘭在維堡進攻時。在芬蘭戰役,你必須奪回並保護蘇奧穆斯薩爾米村抗對蘇聯增援。保留最後的防線,奪回 Lähde 部門和 Tali-Ihantala 血戰。
  • 芬蘭軍隊的炮兵專家Vilho Petter Nenonen,芬蘭坦克將軍Ruben Lagus和著名的Karl Lennart Oesch將軍, 三位新主義指揮官中選擇你的指揮官,用在解決各項任務的戰術。
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm 引入了19款全新的車型,包括新的救援車輛,俄羅斯的KV-1和bt-7m,以及芬蘭Stug IIIG和Flak36。


Sudden Strike 4: Finland – Winter Storm 基于俄羅斯攻擊芬蘭事件,冬季戰爭到1944年維堡進攻。最具有標志性的芬蘭與蘇聯的軍事衝突冬季風暴是在第二次世界大戰期間。作為芬蘭人對抗壓倒性的威脅,或者扮演蘇聯人,在寒冷的北方冬季裏摧毀芬蘭的最後防線

Özellik Listesi

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Oyun Açıklaması

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

Список можливостей

  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm features two new mini-campaigns with six new singleplayer missions based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944.
  • In the Soviet campaign, you must capture the village of Suomussalmi, protect the railway to Murmansk against a German-Finnish offensive and break through the Finnish defensive lines in during the Vyborg Offensive. In the Finnish campaign, you must retake and hold the village of Suomussalmi while crushing Soviet reinforcements, seize back the Lähde sector and hold the final defense line in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala.
  • Three new doctrine commanders to choose from: choose from the Finnish Army’s artillery expert Vilho Petter Nenonen, Finnish tank general Ruben Lagus and renowned general Karl Lennart Oesch as you consider your strategic options in tackling each mission.
  • Sudden Strike 4: Finland - Winter Storm introduces 19 all-new vehicles, including new rescue vehicles, the Russian KV-1 and BT-7M, as well as the Finnish Stug III G and Flak 36.

Про гру

Based on the events of the Russian advances on Finland during and after the Winter War, up until the Vyborg Offensive in 1944, the Finland - Winter Storm add-on centers around the most iconic Finnish vs. Soviet military conflicts during World War II. Fight as the Finnish against an overwhelming threat, or play as the Soviets and crush the last Finnish defensive lines during the cold northern winter months

System Requirements


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