Surgeon Simulator 2013
Surgeon Simulator 2013

Surgeon Simulator 2013

Release Date: 19/04/2013 | WORLDWIDE
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14.49 € + VAT


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Sobre o jogo

A negligência leva a perfeição.

Não está a fim de passar seis anos na faculdade de medicina? Vá direto para a mesa de cirurgia com o Surgeon Simulator, um simulador cirúrgico incrível que une o sarcasmo do humor negro com toda a gravidade das cirurgias de alto risco.

Assuma o papel de Nigel Burke, um suposto cirurgião que tem uma queda por ferramentas nada convencionais e faz procedimentos de risco em pacientes como o Heavy do TF2, um estrangeiro com uma estrutura anatômica única e o 45º presidente dos Estados Unidos - ele mesmo, o Sr. Donald J. Trump em pessoa!

Conhecido pelos controles diabólicos de tão difíceis (cada dedo é controlado separadamente por uma tecla diferente), execute transplantes assustadores no teatro, procedimentos tensos no corredor e cirurgias no corre-corre de uma ambulância em alta velocidade. Tem mãos firmes? Grande coisa!

Agora o Surgeon Simulator inclui o pacote de expansão A&E, atualizado para 2017. Estamos falando de gráficos melhorados (e mais grotescos!), procedimentos adicionais, ambientes completamente novos e uma trilha sonora de batida (do coração).

Confesse: a gente te convenceu ao falar do Trump... não foi

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Относно играта

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


O hře

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Om spillet

Her er en smart oversigt, der forklarer, hvad du får i hver udgave af Surgeon Simulator!

Hvis du allerede har Surgeon Simulator 2013, mærker du bare et lille prik!

OPGRADÉR ved at købe Anniversary Edition Content DLC foroven – så får du alt A&E-indhold samt den HELT NYE operation ”Inside Donald Trump”!

Det perfekte lægesjusk

Surgeon Simulator 2013 er en langt ude operationssimulator, der er fyldt med sort humor. Spilleren er den håbefulde kirurg Nigel Burke, der står med patienternes liv i sine skælvende hænder og må udføre livsvigtig kirurgi. Og er du nysgerrig efter at vide, hvordan patienten Bob endte på operationsbordet? Tjek 'I am Bread' ud – forhistorien til Surgeon Simulator, som du også kan finde på Steam!

Den originale prototype blev udviklet på blot 48 timer ved 2013 Global Game Jam og udfordrede spillerne til at udføre en hjertetransplantation med en række grove og uegnede redskaber og en hånd, der var djævelsk svær at styre med mus og keyboard.

I den komplette Steam-version er der flere funktioner, operationer og omgivelser. Hvad enten det handler om frygtelige hjertetransplantationer i en gammel biograf eller kompleks kirurgi bag i en ambulance, så tager Surgeon Simulator 2013 lægesjusk til helt nye dybder.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 indeholder:

 TF2-spiltype – du er Medic og må operere på Heavy!
 Alien Autopsy – kirurgi i rummet!
 Nye præstationer som du kan kaste dig ud i og prale med!
 Flere operationer, inkl. dobbelt nyretransplantation og hjernetransplantation
 Ny grafik og et dunkende nyt soundtrac

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Info over het spel

Beste wanpraktijken

Geen zin in een zesjarige studie geneeskunde? Ga direct naar de operatietafel met Surgeon Simulator, een knotsgekke operatiesimulator die gruwelijk zwarte humor hecht aan de ernst van levensreddende chirurgie.

Jij speelt Nigel Burke, een aspirant-chirurg die nogal ongebruikelijke instrumenten gebruikt om kritieke operaties uit te voeren op patiënten als de Heavy van TF2, een alien met een werkelijk unieke anatomische bouw, en de 45e president van de Verenigde Staten, jazeker, Donald J. Trump!

Voer met een duivels moeilijke bediening bloedstollende transplantaties uit in de operatiekamer, operaties onder hoge druk in de gang en mobiele operaties in een scheurende ambulance, waarbij je elke vinger afzonderlijk bestuurt met een eigen toets. Vaste handen? Daar heb je weinig aan!

Surgeon Simulator is bijgewerkt voor 2017 en bevat nu het SEH-uitbreidingspakket. Hierin vind je strakkere (en vaak plakkerigere!) graphics, meer operaties, geheel nieuwe omgevingen en een bloedstollende soundtrack.

Maar je was natuurlijk allang overtuigd door Trump, nietwaar

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About the Game

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Tietoja pelistä

Tässäpä kätevä tiivistelmä, missä selitetään, mitä milläkin Surgeon Simulator -versiolla saa!

Jos sinulla on jo Surgeon Simulator 2013, ei kannata saada sydäriä!

PÄIVITÄ se ostamalla Anniversary Edition Content DLC yltä – saat kaiken A&E-sisällön sekä IHKAUUDEN leikkauksen – Inside Donald Trump!

Hoitovirheitä sattuu.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 on mustaa huumoria viljelevä överiksi vedetty simulaattori, missä pelaaja on kirurgiksi halajava Nigel Burke, joka ottaa potilaiden elämän omiin täriseviin käsiinsä ja suorittaa elintärkeitä kirurgisia toimenpiteitä passiivisille potilaille. Kiinnostaako tietää, miten Bob-potilas päätyi leikkauspöydälle? Katso ”I am Bread” – Surgeon Simulatorin esiosa, joka on saatavilla myös Steam-palvelussa!

Alkuperäinen prototyyppi – joka kehitettiin vain 48 tunnin aikana vuoden 2013 Global Game Jam -tapahtumassa – haastoi pelaajat suorittamaan sydämensiirron apunaan vain valikoima kömpelöitä ja epäkäytännöllisiä työkaluja sekä käsi, jota oli pirullisen hankala ohjata erilaisilla näppäinkomennoilla ja hiiren liikkeillä.

Kokonainen Steam-versio sisältää ylimääräisiä ominaisuuksia, leikkauksia ja ympäristöjä. Oli kyse sitten teatterissa suoritetuista kauhistuttavista elinsiirroista tai kirurgisista toimenpiteistä ambulanssin takaosassa, Surgeon Simulator 2013 vie leikkaustoimenpiteet uudelle tasolle.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 sisältää:

 TF2-tila – ole Medic ja suorita leikkaus Heavylle!
 Muukalaisen ruumiinavaus -kenttä – leikkaus avaruudessa!
 Uusia saavutuksia tavoiteltaviksi ja kehuskeltaviksi!
 Lisää toimenpiteitä, mukaan lukien molempien munuaisten siirto ja aivojensiirto
 Uusia grafiikoita ja messevä uusi soundtrac

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À propos du jeu

Ce qui tue nous rend plus fort.

Les 7 ans d'école de médecine ne vous tentent pas ? Alors enfilez votre blouse et passez directement à la table d'opération grâce à Surgeon Simulator, un jeu de simulation de chirurgie déjanté mêlant un humour très noir à des interventions on ne peut plus sérieuses.

Incarnez Nigel Burke, un aspirant chirurgien ayant un léger penchant pour les outils non conventionnels, et réalisez des interventions critiques sur des patients tels que le Heavy de TF2, des aliens à l'anatomie hors du commun ou même le 45e président des États-Unis d'Amérique, vous l'avez reconnu : M. Donald J Trump en personne !

Tentez de maîtriser des commandes atrocement complexes (chaque doigt correspond à une touche du clavier) et réalisez des transplantations terrifiantes en salle d'op, des interventions délicates dans le couloir, ou encore des opérations sous tension à l'arrière d'une ambulance en furie. Vos mains ne tremblent jamais ? Tant mieux, mais ça ne vous sera d'aucune aide !

Mis à jour en 2017, Surgeon Simulator comprend désormais le pack d'extension Urgences. Il est question ici de graphismes encore plus gracieux (et souvent poisseux !), d'interventions inédites, de tout nouveaux environnements et d'une bande originale qui fera battre votre cœur (vous pouvez remballer le défibrillateur !).

Mais la simple mention de Trump a suffi à vous scotcher... pas vrai

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Über das Spiel

Kunstfehler machen den Meister.

Sieben Jahre Medizinstudium sind nichts für dich? Starte direkt am OP-Tisch mit Surgeon Simulator, einem abgedrehten Operationssimulator, der dunkelsten Humor mit all der Ernsthaftigkeit lebensrettender Chirurgie verbindet.

Schlüpfe in die Rolle von Nigel Burke, einem Möchtegern-Chirurgen mit Hang zu ungewöhnlichem Werkzeug, und operiere Patienten wie den Heavy aus TF2, ein Alien mit wahrhaft einzigartiger Anatomie und den 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten – jawohl, Mr. Donald J. Trump höchstpersönlich!

Meistere mithilfe einer teuflisch komplizierten Steuerung (jeder Finger wird separat mit einer eigenen Taste kontrolliert) furchteinflößende Transplantationen im OP-Saal, Noteingriffe auf dem Korridor und mobile Operationen im Inneren eines rasenden Krankenwagens. Ruhige Hände? Tja, die werden dir nicht helfen!

Surgeon Simulator wurde für 2017 aktualisiert und enthält jetzt das A&E-Erweiterungspaket. Wir reden hier von geschmeidigerer (und oft klebrigerer) Grafik, zusätzlichen Eingriffen, ganz neuen Umgebungen und einem kreislaufanregenden Soundtrack.

Aber wir hatten dich schon bei „Trump“ … oder etwa nicht

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


A játékról: 

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Informazioni sul gioco

La negligenza rende perfetti.

Non ti sono mai andati a genio i sei anni della facoltà di medicina? Passa direttamente al tavolo operatorio con Surgeon Simulator: un simulatore chirurgico sopra le righe che cuce insieme un umorismo ignobilmente nero e la serietà della chirurgia salvavita.

Vestendo il camice di Nigel Burke, un sedicente chirurgo con un debole per i ferri del mestiere non convenzionali, eseguirai procedure critiche su pazienti quali Il Grosso di TF2, un alieno con una struttura anatomica davvero unica nel suo genere e il 45° Presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America... sì, il signor Donald J. Trump in persona!

Conosciuto per i suoi comandi diabolicamente difficili (ciascun dito è controllato da un tasto diverso sulla tastiera), questo gioco ti farà eseguire terrificanti trapianti in sala operatoria, procedure ad alta pressione in corridoio e operazioni in movimento nel retro di un’ambulanza lanciata a tutta velocità. Hai una mano ferma? Beh... non ti sarà d’aiuto!

Aggiornato per il 2017, Surgeon Simulator ora include l’espansione A&E. Stiamo parlando di una grafica più fluida (e spesso più viscida!), procedure aggiuntive, ambienti completamente nuovi e una colonna sonora pimpante (o meglio, pompante).

Ma d’altra parte, ti avevamo già convinto con Trump... giusto

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医大で何年も勉強したくない?「Surgeon Simulator」なら手術台までひとっ飛び。卑劣なダークユーモアと、シリアスな救命手術が縫合された、過激な手術シミュレーションゲームをプレイしよう。

奇抜な器具をこよなく愛する外科医志望のナイジェル・バークとして、重要な手術を行おう。患者にはTF2のヘビーや、特殊な解剖学的構造をもつエイリアン、そして第45代アメリカ合衆国大統領 ― そう、ドナルド・J・トランプその人が登場する!


2017年に向けてアップデートされた「Surgeon Simulator」には、A&E拡張パックを同梱。恐ろしさが増し、更にグロくなったグラフィックに加え、手術が追加され、環境も一新されました。心臓が脈打つサウンドトラックも収録されています。 でも何より…トランプが出て来ますから

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게임 정보

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Om spillet

Her har du en praktisk forklaring på hva du får i hver versjon av Surgeon Simulator!

Hvis du allerede har Surgeon Simulator 2013, er det ingen grunn til å få hjertestans!

OPPGRADER ved å kjøpe DLC-en med Anniversary Edition-innhold over, så vil du motta alt Anniversary Edition-innhold og den HELT NYE operasjonen «Inside Donald Trump»!

Feilbehandling gir resultater.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 er en overdreven kirurgisimulator med svart humor, hvor spillerne inntar rollen som Nigel Burke, en vordende kirurg som med sine egne skjelvende hender utfører livreddende kirurgiske inngrep på passive pasienter. Nysgjerrig på hvordan pasienten Bob endte opp på operasjonsbordet? Da kan du prøve «I am Bread», forløperen til Surgeon Simulator, som også er tilgjengelig på Steam!

Den originale prototypen – som ble utviklet på bare 48 timer på Global Game Jam i januar 2013 – utfordret spillerne til å utføre en hjertetransplantasjon, kun bevæpnet med et arsenal av upraktiske og upassende redskaper, og med en hånd som var djevelsk vanskelig å styre med en kombinasjon av tastatur og mus.

Den komplette Steam-versjonen har ekstra funksjoner, operasjoner og miljøer. Surgeon Simulator 2013 tar kirurgi til et helt nytt nivå. Utfør alt fra skumle transplantasjoner i operasjonssaler til kirurgiske inngrep inne i en ambulanse.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 inneholder:

 TF2-modus – Vær «The Medic» og utfør operasjoner på «The Heavy»!
 Obduksjon av romvesener – kirurgi i verdensrommet!
 Nye prestasjoner du kan skryte av!
 Flere operasjoner, inkludert dobbel nyretransplantasjon og hjernetransplantasjon.
 Ny grafikk og et dunkende nytt soundtrack

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Informacje o grze

Błędy medyczne czynią mistrza.

Nie chciało ci się studiować przez sześć lat na uczelni medycznej? W grze Surgeon Simulator, nietuzinkowym symulatorze chirurgicznym łączącym w sobie czarny humor z powagą operacji ratujących życie, od razu możesz stanąć przy stole operacyjnym.

Wcielając się w Nigela Burke, niedoszłego chirurga z zamiłowaniem do niekonwencjonalnych narzędzi, przeprowadzaj poważne zabiegi na pacjentach takich jak Gruby z TF2, obcy o naprawdę niepowtarzalnej budowie anatomicznej czy 45 prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki – tak, Donald J. Tramp we własnej osobie!

W grze charakteryzującej się diabolicznie skomplikowanym sterowaniem (gdzie każdy palec kontroluje inny przycisk na klawiaturze) przeprowadzaj przerażające transplantacje na sali operacyjnej, doraźne zabiegi w korytarzu szpitala i operacje na tyłach pędzącej karetki. Zachowasz zimną krew? Cóż, to nie wystarczy!

Zaktualizowana wersja gry Surgeon Simulator z 2017 r. obejmuje teraz pakiet rozszerzenia o oddział ratunkowy. Zapewniamy efektowne (i nieraz bardziej zapadające w pamięć!) grafiki, dodatkowe zabiegi, nowe środowiska oraz przyspieszającą bicie serca oprawę muzyczną.

Ale nie oszukujmy się – już Trump cię przekonał, co nie

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Acerca do Jogo

Aqui tens uma breve explicação sobre o que poderás encontrar em todas as versões do Surgeon Simulator!

Se já tens o Surgeon Simulator 2013, não precisas de ter um ataque cardíaco!

Para ATUALIZARES, compra o DLC Anniversary Edition acima indicado e irás receber todo o conteúdo da Anniversary Edition e a NOVA operação: Inside Donald Trump!

Da negligência à perfeição.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 é um jogo de simulação de operações cheio de humor negro onde os jogadores seguem os passos de Nigel Burke, um cirurgião novato e nervoso que terá de executar manobras na mesa de operações para salvar as vidas dos seus pacientes passivos. Estás ansioso por descobrir como o paciente Bob foi parar à sala de operações? Experimenta "I am Bread", a prequela de Surgeon Simulator, também disponível no Steam!

O protótipo original, criado em apenas 48 horas na Global Game Jam 2013 em janeiro, desafiou todos os jogadores a executarem um transplante de coração apenas com ferramentas claramente inapropriadas, controlando uma mão particularmente difícil de dominar através do teclado e do rato.

A versão completa do Steam inclui mais funcionalidades, operações e ambientes. Desde executar transplantes assustadores numa sala de operações até procedimentos cirúrgicos numa ambulância, o Surgeon Simulator 2013 leva as operações a outro nível.

O Surgeon Simulator 2013 inclui:

 Modo TF2: veste a pele do Medic e opera o Heavy!
 Nível de Autópsia Alienígena: uma operação espacial!
 Novas proezas para explorar!
 Mais operações, incluindo transplante duplo de rins e transplante de cérebro
 Gráficos renovados e uma incrível banda sonora nov

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Despre joc

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

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Об игре

Когда вся карьера — врачебная ошибка.

Не хотите торчать семь лет в медицинском вузе? Переходите сразу к операционному столу с Surgeon Simulator — симулятор операций без тормозов, в котором подлый черный юмор уживается со всей серьезностью реанимации.

Примерьте на себя образ метящего в хирурги Найджела Бурка — любителя нетрадиционного подхода к медицине, и проводите жизненно важные операции над пациентами, среди которых Пулеметчик из TF2, инопланетянин с неповторимой анатомической структурой и 45-й президент Соединенных Штатов Америки — да-да, мистер Дональд Дж. Трамп собственной персоной!


Дьявольски сложное управление (каждому пальцу соответствует отдельная клавиша), жуткие пересадки органов в операционной, напряженные процедуры в коридоре и хирургические вмешательства на ходу — в несущейся по улицам карете скорой помощи. Крепкие нервы? Пф-ф-ф, вас это не спасет.

К 2017 году Surgeon Simulator получил обновление, в которое вошел набор дополнений «Скорая». А это означает более сочную (и более липкую) картинку, новые процедуры, совершенно новые места проведения операций и качающий саундтрек (для откачивания больных).

Но какая разница — ведь одного Трампа было бы достаточно, да

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不想花七年去念医科大学?来 Surgeon Simulator 直接站在手术台前吧。一场夸张的模拟手术将黑到骨子里的幽默和治病救人的手术缝合在了一起。

扮演奈杰尔·布鲁克,一位自称是外科医生而且装备简陋的人,对你的病人实行高难度手术,其中包括 TF2 里的机枪手、解剖结构独一无二的外星人,甚至包括美利坚合众国第 45 任总统——没错,唐纳德·J·特朗普!



2017 新更新!Surgeon Simulator 现已包含 A&E 扩展包。现在有了更华丽的(主要是血腥的那种!)的图像,额外的手术,全新的环境,以及令人(心潮)澎湃的音效。 不过最重要的是,我们给你带了特朗普……对吧

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Acerca del juego

La negligencia hace la perfección.

¿No te apetece pasarte seis años en la facultad de medicina? Ve directo a la mesa de operaciones con Surgeon Simulator, un exagerado simulador de operaciones que mezcla el cruel humor negro con la cirugía de alto riesgo.

Ponte en la piel de Nigel Burke, un aspirante a cirujano aficionado a las herramientas poco convencionales, y practica intervenciones extremas a pacientes como el Heavy de TF2, un alienígena con una estructura anatómica sin igual y al 45.º presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, ¡sí, al mismísimo Donald Trump!

Famoso por sus complicados y diabólicos controles (con los dedos controlados por separado por un botón diferente), realiza aterradores trasplantes en el quirófano, intervenciones bajo tensión en el pasillo y operaciones moviditas en la parte trasera de una ambulancia a toda pastilla. ¿Tienes buen pulso? ¡Bueno, eso no te va a ayudar!

Surgeon Simulator se actualizó en 2017 y ahora incluye el paquete de expansión A&E. Nos referimos a gráficos mejorados (¡y a menudo pringosos!), intervenciones adicionales, nuevos escenarios y una banda sonora que te pondrá a cien (el corazón).

Aunque, te conquistamos con Trump... ¿verdad

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Om spelet

Här får du en översikt över vad du får i varje version av Surgeon Simulator!

Om du redan har Surgeon Simulator 2013 behöver du inte få en hjärtattack!

Uppgradera genom att köpa Anniversary Edition DLC ovan och få allt A&E-innehåll och den helt nya operationen Inside Donald Trump!

Felbehandling är nyckeln till framgång.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 är en mörkt komisk operationssimulator där du spelar som Ken Burke, en kirurg som tar livet i sina egna darriga händer och utför livräddande kirurgiska manövrar på utslagna patienter. Funderar du på hur Bob, patienten, hamnade på operationsbordet? Spela I Am Bread, som utspelar sig före Surgeon Simulator som också finns på Steam!

Den ursprungliga prototypen utvecklades under endast 48 timmar på Global Game Jam i januari 2013 och utmanade spelare att genomföra en hjärttransplantation, med hjälp av en arsenal klumpiga och olämpliga verktyg och en hand som var djävulskt svår att styra, med en kombination av tangentbords- och musstyrning.

Den fullständiga Steam-versionen kommer med extra funktioner, operationer och platser. Från förskräckliga transplantationer på teatern till kirurgiska procedurer i en ambulans tar Surgeon Simulator 2013 operationerna till nästa nivå.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 innehåller:

 TF2-läget: Spela som Medic och operera Heavy!
 Utomjordingsoperation: Kirurgi i rymden!
 Nya prestationer att utforska och skryta om!
 Fler operationer, inklusive dubbel njurtransplantation och hjärntransplantation
 Ny grafik och ett bultande, nytt soundtrac

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!



Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!




不想花七年去讀醫學院?來 Surgeon Simulator 直接站在手術臺前吧。一場誇張的模擬手術將黑到骨子裡的幽默和治病救人的手術縫合在了一起。

扮演奈傑爾·布魯克,一位自稱是外科醫生而且裝備簡陋的人,對你的病人實行高難度手術,其中包括 TF2 裡的機槍手、解剖結構獨一無二的外星人,甚至包括美利堅合眾國第 45 任總統——沒錯,唐納·J·川普!



2017 新更新!Surgeon Simulator 現已包含 A&E 擴展包。現在有了更華麗(主要是更血腥!)的圖像,額外的手術,全新的環境,以及令人(心潮)澎湃的音效。 不過最重要的是,我們給你帶了川普……對吧

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Oyun Açıklaması

Yanlış Tedavi İyidir.

Tıp fakültesinde altı yıl geçirmek istemiyor musun? En bayağı kara mizahla hayat kurtaran ciddi ameliyatları bir araya getiren muhteşem ameliyat simülatörü Surgeon Simulator ile doğrudan ameliyat masasına geç.

Sıra dışı aletleri kullanmayı seven, cerrah özentisi Nigel Burke rolüne girerek aralarında TF2'den The Heavy'nin, eşsiz anatomik yapıya sahip bir uzaylının ve 45. Amerikan Başkanı Donald Trump'ın ta kendisinin bulunduğu hastalar üzerinde çok hassas ameliyatlar yap!


Acımasız derecede zor kontrolleriyle ünlü (tüm parmaklar aynı klavye tuşuyla kontrol edilir) bu simülatörle ameliyathanede, koridorda ve hızla yol alan ambulansın arkasında korkunç, zorlayıcı ve hareketli ameliyatlar ve organ nakilleri yap. Titremeyen eller mi? Bu sefer pek işine yaramayacak!

2017'de güncellenen Surgeon Simulator'de artık A&E genişleme paketi var. Güncellemeyle birlikte daha canlı (aynı zamanda daha kanlı!) grafikler, yeni ameliyatlar, yeni mekanlar ve (yürek) hoplatan bir oyun müziği eklendi.

Ama itiraf et, Trump deyince zaten oynamaya ikna olmuştun... değil mi

Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!


Про гру

Malpractice Makes Perfect.

Didn’t fancy seven years at medical school? Skip straight to the operating table with Surgeon Simulator; an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together dastardly dark humour with all the seriousness of life-saving surgery.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon with a penchant for non-conventional tools, perform critical procedures on patients including The Heavy from TF2, an alien with a truly one-of-a-kind anatomical structure, and the 45th President of the United States of America - yes, Mr Donald J Trump, himself!

Known for its diabolically difficult controls (with each finger separately controlled by a different keyboard button), carry out terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures along the corridor, and on-the-move operations in the back of a high-speed ambulance. Steady hands? Yeah, that ain’t gonna help!

Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack.

But then again, we had you at Trump… right

System Requirements


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