Surviving Mars SURM
Surviving Mars SURM

Surviving Mars SURM

Release Date: 15/03/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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Edição digital de luxo

A edição Deluxe de Surviving Mars fornece aos ambiciosos colonos uma grande variedade de novos modos de personalizar seus lares e redomas. Novo conteúdo, exclusivo da edição Deluxe, inclui:

O conjunto de construção "Metropolis":

Deixe sua redoma cromada com uma brilhante nova melhoria de visual para sua infraestrutura, trazendo estilos cromáticos para tanques de oxigênio, torres de água, refinarias de combustível e mais.

Estação de rádio, "Quantum Sonic":

Uma estação de rádio adicional no jogo, com novas músicas e falas, vem exclusivamente com esta edição.

Ônix estilos de habitação:

Três estilos alternativos para estruturas de habitação residencial permitem que você dê um toque diferenciado ao criar suas colônias.

Livro de Artes:

Um livro de artes de mais de 50 páginas que te dá um olhar detalhado sobre a arte e a criação de Surviving Mars.
Ícone e avatar deluxe para os fóruns Paradox.

Papeis de parede:

Artes lindas do Surviving Mars para decorar sua área de trabalho.

First Colony Edition

A Edição First Colony de Surviving Mars fornece aos ambiciosos colonos uma grande variedade de novos modos de personalizar seus lares e redomas. Incluído nesta edição está o Passe de Temporada, que irá adicionar duas expansões completas e dois pacotes de conteúdo a Surviving Mars nos meses após o lançamento. Além disso, esta edição inclui novidades no jogo desde o lançamento:

O conjunto de construção "Metropolis":

Deixe sua redoma cromada com uma brilhante nova melhoria de visual para sua infraestrutura, trazendo estilos cromáticos para tanques de oxigênio, torres de água, refinarias de combustível e mais.

Estação de rádio, "Quantum Sonic":

Uma estação de rádio adicional no jogo, com novas músicas e falas, vem exclusivamente com esta edição.

Ônix estilos de habitação:

Três estilos alternativos para estruturas de habitação residencial permitem que você dê um toque diferenciado ao criar suas colônias.

Livro de Artes:

Um livro de artes de mais de 50 páginas que te dá um olhar detalhado sobre a arte e a criação de Surviving Mars.
Ícone e avatar deluxe para os fóruns Paradox.

Papeis de parede:

Artes lindas do Surviving Mars para decorar sua área de trabalho.

Passe de Temporada:

Duas expansões completas e dois pacotes de conteúdo a Surviving Mars

Sobre o jogo

Colonize Marte e descubra seus segredos, com baixas mínimas.

Boas-vindas ao lar! Chegou a hora de tomar conta do planeta vermelho e construir as primeiras colônias humanas funcionais em Marte! Você só precisa de suprimentos, oxigênio, décadas de treinamento, experiência com tempestades de areia e uma atitude proativa para descobrir o propósito daqueles estranhos cubos pretos que apareceram do nada. Com um pouco de arrumação, esse lugar vai ficar incrível!

Surviving Mars é um jogo de construção de ficção-científica sobre colonizar Marte e sobreviver ao processo. Escolha uma agência espacial para ter recursos e apoio financeiro antes de determinar a localização da sua colônia. Construa redomas e infraestrutura, pesquise novas possibilidades e utilize drones para liberar mais modos elaborados de moldar e expandir sua colônia. Cultive sua própria comida, busque minerais ou apenas relaxe no bar após um duro dia de trabalho. Mas o mais importante de tudo, mantenha seus colonos vivos. Não é uma tarefa fácil em um planeta novo e estranho.

Haverá desafios para superar. Execute sua estratégia e melhore as chances de sobrevivência da sua colônia enquanto desvenda os mistérios deste mundo alienígena. Tudo pronto? Marte aguarda por você.

Características principais:

Construa uma colônia sustentável no espaço:

Construir em um planeta inadequado para a vida humana desafia você a construa uma colônia funcional e inteligente. Aqui, um planejamento ruim não envolve engarrafamentos, mas sim a sobrevivência dos seus colonos. Você realmente não quer fazer racionamento de energia em uma cidade construída em um lugar sem oxigênio.

Colonos simulados individualmente:

Cada colono é um indivíduo único com problemas e forças que influenciam as necessidades e comportamentos dos outros colonos. As coisas podem ficar bem interessantes se seu principal cientista desenvolver alcoolismo depois de um excesso de longas noites no laboratório.

Construção de redomas espaciais futuristas:

Superestruturas retrofuturistas abrigando colonos, fábricas e prédios comerciais com sua própria "personalidade de vizinhança". Crie colônias que valorizam a ciência sobre todas as coisas, enquanto trabalhadores cansados gastam tudo em bebida no bar local, ou tente uma utopia entre as estrelas.

Exploração dos segredos de Marte:

Inspirado nos clássicos da ficção-científica de Asimov e Clarke, Surviving Mars possui muitos segredos. Durante cada partida, os jogadores podem encontrar um dos mistérios de Marte criados individualmente. Desvendar esses segredos pode trazer grande sorte à sua colônia, ou uma terrível ruína.

Árvore de pesquisa aleatória:

Combine pesquisas estáticas e aleatórias através da exploração, o que permite uma experiência diferente a cada jornada pelo jogo. Obtenha novas revelações científicas explorando o terreno desconhecido da superfície de Marte.

Estética única retrofuturista:

Uma bela visão moderna do futurismo brilhante dos anos 60. Uma époxa de exploração e aventura.

Suporte maior a mods:

Crie suas construções, parques ou mistérios fantásticos para compartilhar através das extensas e convenientes ferramentas de modificação do Surviving Mars. Compartilhe suas melhores criações com a comunidade para construir a sociedade perfeita

Луксозно дигитално издание

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Относно играта

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digitální luxusní edice

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

O hře

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe Edition

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Om spillet

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Luxe digitale editie

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Info over het spel

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe Edition

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

About the Game

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe Edition

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Tietoja pelistä

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Édition numérique de luxe

L'édition Digital Deluxe de Surviving Mars fournit à vos ambitieux colons une pléthore de nouvelles méthodes pour personnaliser leurs nouveaux foyers et dômes. Le nouveau contenu, exclusif à l'édition Deluxe, inclut :

L'ensemble de construction "Metropolis" :

Ajoutez un peu de style à votre dôme avec cette superbe mise à jour visuelle d'infrastructure qui vous offre des apparences chromatiques pour les Réservoirs à oxygène, Châteaux d'eau, Raffineries de carburant et plus encore.

Station de radio "Quantum Sonic":

Une station de radio en jeu supplémentaire avec de la musique et des conversations inédites, uniquement disponible avec cette édition.

Onyx styles de logement:

Trois apparences alternatives pour les structures d'habitation résidentielles vous permettent d'ajouter

Livre d'illustrations :

Un livre d'illustrations de plus de 50 pages vous offre un aperçu détaillé du style artistique et de la conception de Surviving Mars.

Avatar de luxe et icône pour les forums Paradox.

Papiers peints :

Une superbe illustration de Surviving Mars pour décorer votre écran de bureau.

First Colony Edition

L'édition First Colony de Surviving Mars fournit à vos ambitieux colons une pléthore de nouvelles méthodes pour personnaliser leurs nouveaux foyers et dômes. Le Season Pass est inclus avec cette édition et vous donnera l'accès à deux énormes extensions et deux packs de contenus à venir dans Surviving Mars dans les mois qui suivront la sortie!

L'ensemble de construction "Metropolis" :

Ajoutez un peu de style à votre dôme avec cette superbe mise à jour visuelle d'infrastructure qui vous offre des apparences chromatiques pour les Réservoirs à oxygène, Châteaux d'eau, Raffineries de carburant et plus encore.

Station de radio "Quantum Sonic":

Une station de radio en jeu supplémentaire avec de la musique et des conversations inédites, uniquement disponible avec cette édition.

Onyx styles de logement:

Trois apparences alternatives pour les structures d'habitation résidentielles vous permettent d'ajouter

Livre d'illustrations :

Un livre d'illustrations de plus de 50 pages vous offre un aperçu détaillé du style artistique et de la conception de Surviving Mars.

Avatar de luxe et icône pour les forums Paradox.

Papiers peints :

Une superbe illustration de Surviving Mars pour décorer votre écran de bureau.

Season Pass:

Inclus avec cette édition et vous donnera l'accès à deux énormes extensions et deux packs de contenus à venir dans Surviving Mars.

À propos du jeu

Colonisez Mars et dévoilez tous ses secrets tout en gardant le nombre de victimes au minimum!

Bienvenue à la maison ! Le temps est venu de faire valoir vos droits sur la Planète rouge et de construire les premières colonies humaines fonctionnelles sur Mars ! Vous aurez simplement besoin de réserves d'oxygène, de dizaines d'années d'entraînement, d'une expérience préalable avec les tempêtes de sable et d'une attitude volontaire et enthousiaste pour découvrir la raison d'être de ces mystérieux cubes sombres qui sont apparus du néant. Après quelques travaux de rénovation, cet endroit promet d'être vraiment magnifique.

Surviving Mars est un constructeur de ville à la thématique science-fiction qui vous propose de coloniser Mars et de survivre lors de cette périlleuse entreprise. Choisissez une agence spatiale pour bénéficier d'un soutien logistique et financier avant de déterminer l'emplacement de votre colonie. Bâtissez des dômes et des infrastructures, recherchez de nouvelles avancées technologiques et utilisez des drones pour débloquer de nouvelles méthodes pour modeler et développer votre colonie. Cultivez votre propre nourriture, extrayez du minerai ou détendez-vous tout simplement au bar après une journée de dur labeur. Mais gardez à l'esprit que l'objectif le plus important de tous reste de maintenir vos colons en vie. Ce qui ne sera pas chose facile sur une étrange nouvelle planète.

De nombreux défis seront à surmonter. Élaborez et exécutez votre stratégie et améliorez les chances de survie de votre colonie tout en dévoilant les grands mystères de ce monde extraterrestre. Vous êtes préparés ? Mars n'attend plus que vous.

Caractéristiques principales:

Construisez une colonie spatiale durable:

Construire sur une planète inapte à la vie humaine vous présentera de nombreux défis dans votre objectif de bâtir une colonie astucieuse et fonctionnelle. Une mauvaise planification n'engendrera pas de problèmes de circulation mais plutôt le décès de vos colons. Il n'est vraiment pas recommandé de se retrouver à court d'énergie dans une ville construite sur une planète sans source d'oxygène naturelle.

Colons simulés individuellement:

Chaque colon est un individu unique avec ses propres qualités et problèmes qui influencent les besoins et le comportement des autres colons. Les choses peuvent très vite se compliquer si vos responsables scientifiques se retrouvent en proie à l'alcoolisme pour avoir passé de trop nombreuses nuits à travailler d'arrache-pied au labo.

Construction en dôme spatiaux futuristes:

Super structures rétro-futuristes pour héberger les colons, les usines et les bâtiments commerciaux, chacune avec sa propre "personnalité de voisinage". Créez des colonies qui placent la science au-dessus de tout le reste, pendant que des ouvriers exténués dilapident leur salaire dans la bouteille au bar du coin ou tentent d'atteindre l'utopie parmi les étoiles.

Exploration des secrets martiens:

Inspiré par les grands classiques de la science-fiction comme Asimov et Clarke, Surviving Mars contient de nombreux secrets. À chaque partie, les joueurs pourront découvrir l'un des mystères inhérents de la planète Mars. Dévoiler ces secrets pourrait apporter d'immenses bénéfices à votre colonie ou peut-être la mener vers sa funeste perte.

Arbre de recherches aléatoire:

Combinez des recherches statiques et aléatoires et de l'exploration pour vous permettre de vivre une expérience totalement différente à chacune de vos expéditions en jeu. Réalisez de nouvelles avancées scientifiques en partant à l'aventure dans les zones inexplorées de la surface de Mars.

Esthétique rétro-futuriste unique en son genre:

Une approche racée et moderne du futurisme optimiste et éclairé des années 1960. Une période taillée pour l'exploration et l'aventure.

Support des mods complet:

Fabriquez vos propres et merveilleux bâtiments, parcs ou même un mystère à partager, grâce aux outils de modding simples d'utilisation et ultra complets de Surviving Mars. Partagez vos plus belles créations avec la communauté pour construire la société parfaite

Digitale Deluxe-Edition

Die Deluxe Edition von Surviving Mars bietet ambitionierten Kolonisten eine Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten, ihre neue Heimat und ihre Kuppeln anzupassen.

Die Deluxe Edition beinhaltet:

Das Bauset “Metropolis”:

Lass deine Kuppel in Chrom glänzen mit einem Grafik-Upgrade für deine Infrastruktur. Verkleide deine Sauerstofftanks, Wassertürme und Treibstoffraffinerien mit Chrom.

Radiosender, "Quantum Sonic":

Exklusiv in dieser Edition gibt es einen zusätzlichen Radiosender mit neuer Musik und Geplauder.

Onyx Häuserstile:

Drei alternative Skins für Wohngebäude sorgen für ein abwechslungsreiches Designflair in deinen Kolonien.


Ein über 50+ Seiten umfassendes Art-Book, das euch einen detaillierten Einblick in den visuellen Stil und die Entstehung von Surviving Mars gibt.

Deluxe-Avatar und Symbol für die Foren von Paradox.


Wunderschöne Illustrationen von Surviving Mars für euren Desktop.

First Colony Edition

Die First Colony Edition von Surviving Mars bietet ambitionierten Kolonisten eine Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten, ihre neue Heimat und ihre Kuppeln anzupassen. In dieser Edition enthalten ist der Season Pass mit zwei kompletten Erweiterungen und zwei Inhaltspaketen zu Surviving Mars für die Monate nach der Veröffentlichung.

Das Bauset “Metropolis”:

Lass deine Kuppel in Chrom glänzen mit einem Grafik-Upgrade für deine Infrastruktur. Verkleide deine Sauerstofftanks, Wassertürme und Treibstoffraffinerien mit Chrom.

Radiosender, "Quantum Sonic":

Exklusiv in dieser Edition gibt es einen zusätzlichen Radiosender mit neuer Musik und Geplauder.

Onyx Häuserstile:

Drei alternative Skins für Wohngebäude sorgen für ein abwechslungsreiches Designflair in deinen Kolonien.


Ein über 50+ Seiten umfassendes Art-Book, das euch einen detaillierten Einblick in den visuellen Stil und die Entstehung von Surviving Mars gibt.

Deluxe-Avatar und Symbol für die Foren von Paradox.


Wunderschöne Illustrationen von Surviving Mars für euren Desktop.

Season Pass:

Mit zwei kompletten Erweiterungen und zwei Inhaltspaketen zu Surviving Mars.

Über das Spiel

Kolonisiere den Mars und entdecke seine Geheimnisse. Es sind nur geringe Verluste zu erwarten.

Willkommen Zuhause! Erhebe deine Ansprüche auf den roten Planeten und errichte die erste funktionierende menschliche Kolonie auf dem Mars! Alles, was du dafür brauchst, sind Sauerstoff, jahrzehntelanges Training, Erfahrung mit Sandstürmen und eine positive Einstellung. Dieser Ort erfordert nur ein paar zupackende Hände, um zu einer fantastischen neuen Heimat zu werden! Aber was hat es mit diesen seltsamen schwarzen Würfeln auf sich, die plötzlich aus dem Nichts aufgetaucht sind?

Surviving Mars ist eine Sci-Fi-Städtebausimulation, in der es darum geht, den Mars zu kolonisieren und dabei zu überleben. Wähle ein Weltraumunternehmen, dass dich finanziell unterstützt und mit Ressourcen versorgt. Entscheide dich anschließend für einen Standort deiner Kolonie. Errichte Kuppeln und eine Infrastruktur, erforsche neue Möglichkeiten und nutze Drohnen, um deine Siedlung aufwendig zu gestalten und zu erweitern. Züchte deine eigene Nahrung, baue Mineralien ab oder entspanne dich nach einem harten Arbeitstag an der Bar. An erster Stelle jedoch steht das Überleben deiner Kolonisten. Auf diesem seltsamen neuen Planete ist das keine leichte Aufgabe.

Bist du den Herausforderungen gewachsen? Wende deine eigene Strategie an und steigere die Überlebenschancen deiner Kolonie, während du die Geheimnisse dieser fremden Welt aufdeckst. Bist du bereit? Der Mars erwartet dich.


Errichte eine nachhaltige Weltraumkolonie:

Da du dich auf einem lebensfeindlichen Planeten befindest, musst du für den Bau einer Siedlung deine ganze Intelligenz einsetzen. Eine schlechte Planung hat keine Verkersstaus zur Folge, sondern wirkt sich auf das Überleben deiner Kolonisten aus. Umfassende Stromausfälle sollten in einer Stad mit begrenztem Sauerstoffvorrat unbedingt vermieden werden.

Individuell simulierte Kolonisten:

Jeder Kolonist ist ein Einzelwesen mit besonderen Stärken und Problemen, die Einfluss auf die Bedürfnisse und das Verhalten anderer Kolonisten nehmen. Verbringt dein leitender Wissenschaftler zum Beispiel zu viele Nächte im Labor, entwickelt er womöglich ein folgenschweres Alkoholproblem.

Futuristische Weltraumkuppelbauten:

Retro-futuristische Superstrukturen bieten Platz für Kolonisten, Fabriken und Gewerbegebäude mit individuellem Flair. Erschaffe eine Kolonie, in der die Wissenschaft am meisten zählt, während die erschöpften Arbeiter ihr Gehalt vertrinken, oder errichte ein Utopia zwischen den Sternen.

Entdecke die Geheimnisse des Mars:

Surviving Mars hält viele Geheimnisse bereit, die von den Klassikern der Science-Fiction-Literatur wie Asimov und Clarke inspiriert wurden. Bei jedem Spieldurchlauf begegnest du auf dem Mars individuell erstellten Mysterien, deren Aufdeckung deiner Kolonie entweder großen Wohlstand oder schreckliches Unheil bringt.

Forschungsbaum mit Zufallselementen:

Kombiniere zielgerichtete und zufällige Forschung mittels Erkundung, sodass jeder Spieldurchlauf anders ausfällt. Erziele neue wissenschaftliche Durchbrüche, indem du die unerforschte Oberfläche des Mars erkundest.

Einzigartiges retro-futuristisches Design:

Eine ansprechende moderne Sicht auf die Zukunftsvision der 1960er Jahre – eine Zeit der Erkundung und des Abenteuers.

Weitreichender Mod-Support:

Erschafft eure eigenen fantastischen Gebäude, Parks oder sogar ein Geheimnis. Teilt alles dank der weitreichenden und komfortablen Modding-Werkzeuge von Surviving Mars. Teilt eure besten Kreationen mit der Community, um die perfekte Gesellschaft zu errichten

Ψηφιακή πολυτελής έκδοση

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe kiadás

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

A játékról: 

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Edizione deluxe digitale

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Informazioni sul gioco

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society


The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.


Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

디지털 디럭스 에디션

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

게임 정보

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe-utgave

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Om spillet

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe Edition

Wersja Deluxe Edition gry Surviving Mars zapewnia ambitnym kolonistom wiele nowych możliwości dostosowania swoich domów oraz kopuł. Nowa zawartość, dostępna wyłącznie w wersji Deluxe Edition, obejmuje:

Zestaw budynków „Metropolis”:

Dodaj nieco chromu do swojej kopuły dzięki nowemu, błyszczącemu ulepszeniu infrastruktury, zapewniającemu skórki chromatyczne dla zbiorników tlenowych, wież ciśnień, rafinerii paliw i nie tylko.

Stacja radiowa „Quantum Sonic”:

Dodatkowa stacja radiowa w grze, z nową muzyką i rozmowami, dostępna wyłącznie w tej wersji.

Nowe style mieszkań:

Trzy alternatywne skórki dla budownictwa mieszkaniowego pozwalające nadać koloniom inny styl i wygląd.

Art Book:

Ponad 50-stronicowa książka, która oferuje szczegółowe spojrzenie na sztukę i proces tworzenia Surviving Mars.

Wyjątkowy awatar oraz ikonka na fora Paradox.


Piękne obrazy z Surviving Mars na pulpit.

First Colony Edition

Wersja First Colony Edition gry Surviving Mars zapewnia ambitnym kolonistom wiele nowych możliwości dostosowania swoich budowli oraz kopuł. Otrzymasz także przepustkę sezonową z dwoma pełnymi rozszerzeniami oraz dwoma pakietami zawartości do gry Surviving Mars w miesiącach następujących po wydaniu gry. Ponadto edycja ta oferuje dodatkowe funkcje w grze na starcie:

Zestaw budynków „Metropolis”:

Dodaj nieco chromu do swojej kopuły dzięki nowemu, błyszczącemu ulepszeniu infrastruktury, zapewniającemu skórki chromatyczne dla zbiorników tlenowych, wież ciśnień, rafinerii paliw i nie tylko.

Stacja radiowa „Quantum Sonic”:

Dodatkowa stacja radiowa w grze, z nową muzyką i rozmowami, dostępna wyłącznie w tej wersji.

Nowe style mieszkań:

Trzy alternatywne skórki dla budownictwa mieszkaniowego pozwalające nadać koloniom inny styl i wygląd.

Art Book:

Ponad 50-stronicowa książka, która oferuje szczegółowe spojrzenie na sztukę i proces tworzenia Surviving Mars.

Wyjątkowy awatar oraz ikonka na fora Paradox.


Piękne obrazy z Surviving Mars na pulpit.

Przepustkę sezonow:

Dwoma pełnymi rozszerzeniami oraz dwoma pakietami zawartości do gry Surviving Mars.

Informacje o grze

Skolonizuj Marsa i odkryj jego tajemnice przy minimalnej liczbie ofiar.

Witaj w domu! Nadszedł czas, aby podbić Czerwoną Planetę i zbudować pierwsze kolonie ludzkie na Marsie! Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, to zapasy tlenu, dziesięciolecia szkoleń, doświadczenie z burzami piaskowymi i odpowiednie nastawienie, aby odkryć zastosowanie dla dziwnych, czarnych kostek, które pojawiły się dosłownie znikąd. Wystarczy zadbać o wystrój, a będzie tu niesamowicie!

Surviving Mars to symulator zarządzania miastem w realiach sci-fi, którego motywem przewodnim jest kolonizacja Marsa i przetrwanie. Wybierz agencję kosmiczną, aby zyskać dostęp do zasobów i wsparcia finansowego przed określeniem lokalizacji swojej kolonii. Buduj kopuły i stwórz infrastrukturę, badaj nowe możliwości i wykorzystuj drony, aby odblokować bardziej zaawansowane sposoby kształtowania i poszerzania swojej osady. Uprawiaj żywność, wydobywaj minerały lub po prostu odpocznij przy barze po ciężkim dniu pracy. Najważniejsze jest jednak utrzymanie kolonistów przy życiu – co nie jest łatwe na tej dziwnej, nowej planecie.

Czekają Cię liczne wyzwania. Wprowadź w życie swoją strategię i zwiększ szanse kolonii na przeżycie, jednocześnie odkrywając tajemnice obcego świata. Jesteś gotowy? Czerwona Planeta na Ciebie czeka.

Główne cechy:

Tworzenie zrównoważonej kolonii w kosmosie:

Budowanie na tak niegościnnej planecie stanowi wyzwanie zmuszające do stworzenia inteligentnej, funkcjonalnej kolonii. Złe planowanie nie dotyczy korków, lecz przetrwania kolonistów. W mieście zależącym od dostaw tlenu naprawdę ważny jest stały dopływ elektryczności.

Indywidualnie symulowani koloniści:

Każdy kolonista jest wyjątkową osobą mającą swoje mocne i słabe strony, które wpływają na potrzeby i zachowanie innych kolonistów. Może zrobić się naprawdę ciekawie, jeśli Twoi główni naukowcy popadną w alkoholizm po zbyt wielu nieprzespanych nocach w laboratorium.

Budowa futurystycznej kopuły kosmicznej:

Retro-futurystyczne super struktury mieszczące kolonistów, fabryki i budynki komercyjne z własnym „sąsiedzkim charakterem”. Stwórz kolonię, w której nade wszystko hołubi się naukę, podczas gdy zmęczeni pracownicy przepijają swoje wypłaty w lokalnym barze lub utopię wśród gwiazd.

Tajemnice eksploracji Marsa:

Surviving Mars czerpie z klasycznych dzieł sci-fi Asimova i Clarke’a, oferując wiele tajemnic do odkrycia. Podczas każdej rozgrywki gracze mają szansę poznać jedną z wielu interesujących tajemnic Marsa. Ich odkrycie może przynieść kolonii wielką fortunę lub straszliwą szkodę.

Losowe drzewo badań:

Wykorzystuj statyczne i losowe badania dostępne poprzez eksplorację, co zapewnia różnorodność podczas każdej podróży przez świat gry. Dokonaj naukowego przełomu, odkrywając niezbadaną powierzchnię Marsa.

Unikalna retro-futurystyczna estetyka:

Eleganckie, nowoczesne spojrzenie na świetlany futuryzm lat sześćdziesiątych. Czas eksploracji i przygody.

Rozległe wsparcie dla modów:

Twórz fantastyczne budynki, parki, a nawet tajemnice i dziel się nimi dzięki bogatym i wygodnym narzędziom do modowania. Udostępnij innym swoje najlepsze dzieła, wspierając rozwój społeczności

Edição Deluxe digital

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Acerca do Jogo

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Ediţia Digital Deluxe

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Despre joc

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Издание Digital Deluxe Edition

В Surviving Mars Deluxe Edition отважные колонисты могут выбирать внешний вид домов и куполов по своему вкусу. Только в этом издании вы получите:

Дизайн строений Metropolis:

пусть ваша колония засверкает хромированной сталью! В этом комплекте вы найдете хромированные облики для кислородных баллонов, водонапорных башен, топливных заводов и многого другого.


дополнительная внутриигровая радиостанция с новой музыкой и ведущим – только в Deluxe Edition!

Новые архитектурные стили:

три новых варианта облика для жилых домов придадут колониям особый шарм.

Художественный альбом:

более 50 страниц, насыщенных иллюстрациями, знакомят вас с созданием игры Surviving Mars.

Аватар и значок Deluxe на форумах Paradox.


прекрасные иллюстрации из Surviving Mars украсят рабочий стол вашего компьютера.

First Colony Edition

В Surviving Mars First Colony Edition отважные колонисты могут выбирать внешний вид домов и куполов по своему вкусу. Также в комплект входит сезонный пропуск на два дополнения и два набора с контентом, которые выйдут в ближайшие месяцы после запуска игры. А вот что ждет вас в игре Surviving Mars уже на момент выхода:

Дизайн строений Metropolis:

пусть ваша колония засверкает хромированной сталью! В этом комплекте вы найдете хромированные облики для кислородных баллонов, водонапорных башен, топливных заводов и многого другого.


дополнительная внутриигровая радиостанция с новой музыкой и ведущим – только в Deluxe Edition!

Новые архитектурные стили:

три новых варианта облика для жилых домов придадут колониям особый шарм.

Художественный альбом:

более 50 страниц, насыщенных иллюстрациями, знакомят вас с созданием игры Surviving Mars.

Аватар и значок Deluxe на форумах Paradox.


прекрасные иллюстрации из Surviving Mars украсят рабочий стол вашего компьютера.

сезонный пропуск:

в комплект входит сезонный пропуск на два дополнения и два набора с контентом.

Об игре

Колонизируйте Марс и откройте все тайны Красной планеты (желательно с минимальными потерями).

Добро пожаловать домой! Пришло время высадиться на Марсе и основать первую в истории человечества действующую колонию на Красной планете. Все, что вам нужно — это припасы, кислород, десятилетия упорных тренировок, навык выживания в песчаных бурях и решительность, с которой вам предстоит постичь назначение этих странных черных кубов, возникших словно из ниоткуда. Это будет отличное местечко! Если немного здесь прибраться.

Surviving Mars — это научно-фантастический симулятор поселения, где вашей целью будет колонизировать Марс и не умереть в процессе. Выберите космическое агентство, которое будет обеспечивать вам логистику и финансовую поддержку, затем определитесь с местом для колонии. Возводите купола и остальную инфраструктуру, исследуйте новые возможности, используйте дронов, чтобы усовершенствовать и расширять ваше поселение. Выращивайте еду, добывайте минералы или же просто расслабляйтесь в баре после тяжелой рабочей смены. Но самое главное — не давайте погибать колонистам. Что не самая простая задача на неизведанной планете.

Вам предстоит преодолеть множество трудностей. Тщательно прорабатывайте стратегию развития колонии и не забывайте исследовать тайны нового мира. Вы готовы? Марс ждет вас!

Ключевые особенности:

Первая внеземная колония человечества:

чтобы построить поселение в условиях, не приспособленных для жизни, вам придется хорошо все продумать и спланировать. В случае ошибки вам грозят не пробки на дорогах, а смерть колонистов. Перебои с электричеством на планете с непригодной к дыханию атмосферой обойдутся слишком дорого.

Уникальные характеры колонистов:

каждый колонист будет уникальной личностью, со своими особенностями, сильными и слабыми сторонами, которые будут оказывать влияние на нужды и поведение остальных поселенцев. Представляете, каково будет, если старший научный сотрудник колонии начнет уходить в запои после бессонных ночей в лаборатории?

Футуристическая стилистика куполов:

купола — огромные конструкции, внутри которых вы будете размещать жилые блоки, фабрики и торговые площадки, — выполнены в ретрофутуристическом стиле, каждый со своим неповторимым обликом. Создавайте колонии на любой вкус! Вы можете построить колонию, где науку ставят превыше всего — даже превыше жизни колонистов. А можете построить утопию среди звезд.

Исследуйте тайны Марса:

Красная планета в Surviving Mars хранит множество секретов — в лучших традициях Кларка и Азимова. В каждом из прохождений игроки могут столкнуться с одной из тщательно проработанных загадок Марса. И их изучение может привести колонию к процветанию или к катастрофе.

Древо исследований со «случайными» элементами:

благодаря комбинированию классического древа со случайными исследованиями каждое прохождение игры будет совершенно иным. И не забывайте изучать неисследованные территории Марса — это может привести к научно-техническому прорыву.

Уникальный ретрофутуристический стиль:

классический футуризм 1960-х в современной обработке, яркий и элегантный. Пришло время исследований и приключений!

Расширенная поддержка модов:

создавайте собственные фантастические здания, парки или даже мистерии с помощью всесторонних и удобных инструментов моддинга Surviving Mars. Делитесь своим творчеством с сообществом для построения совершенного общества


The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.


Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe Edition

La edición Deluxe de Surviving Mars ofrece a los colonos más ambiciosos nuevas y variadas maneras de personalizar sus viviendas y sus cúpulas. Los nuevos contenidos exclusivos de la edición Deluxe incluyen:

Nuevo conjunto de construcción "Metrópolis":

Dale un toque de cromo a tu cúpula con una nueva y resplandeciente mejora visual para tu infraestructura, que te ofrece texturas cromáticas para depósitos de oxígeno, torres de agua y refinerías de combustible, entre otros.

Emisora de radio, "Quantum Sonic":

Se incluye exclusivamente una emisora de radio, con nueva música y voces, en la edición Deluxe.

Ónix estilos de vivienda:

tres texturas alternativas para estructuras residenciales te permitirán dar un estilo de diseño diferente a tus colonias.

Cuaderno artístico:

Un libro de arte con más de 50 páginas que te ofrece una visión detallada del trabajo artístico y la creación de Surviving Mars.

Icono y avatar deluxe para los foros de Paradox.

Fondos de pantalla:

preciosas obras gráficas de Surviving Mars para decorar el escritorio de tu ordenador.

First Colony Edition

La edición First Colony de Surviving Mars ofrece a los colonos más ambiciosos nuevas y variadas maneras de personalizar sus viviendas y sus cúpulas. Esta edición incluye el pase de temporada, que incorporará dos paquetes de contenido a Surviving Mars durante los meses posteriores a su lanzamiento. Además, esta edición incluye novedades en el juego:

Nuevo conjunto de construcción "Metrópolis":

Dale un toque de cromo a tu cúpula con una nueva y resplandeciente mejora visual para tu infraestructura, que te ofrece texturas cromáticas para depósitos de oxígeno, torres de agua y refinerías de combustible, entre otros.

Emisora de radio, "Quantum Sonic":

Se incluye exclusivamente una emisora de radio, con nueva música y voces, en la edición Deluxe.

Ónix estilos de vivienda:

tres texturas alternativas para estructuras residenciales te permitirán dar un estilo de diseño diferente a tus colonias.

Cuaderno artístico:

Un libro de arte con más de 50 páginas que te ofrece una visión detallada del trabajo artístico y la creación de Surviving Mars.

Icono y avatar deluxe para los foros de Paradox.

Fondos de pantalla:

preciosas obras gráficas de Surviving Mars para decorar el escritorio de tu ordenador.

El pase de temporada:

Incorporará dos paquetes de contenido a Surviving Mars .

Acerca del juego

Coloniza Marte y descubre tus secretos sufriendo el menor número de bajas posibles.

¡Bienvenido a casa! ¡Ha llegado la hora de tomar posesión del Planeta Rojo y construir las primeras colonias humanas activas en Marte! Lo único que necesitas son provisiones, oxígeno, décadas de formación, experiencia con tormentas de arena y una actitud proactiva para descubrir la finalidad de esos extraños cubos negros que han aparecido de la nada. ¡Con unos cuantos arreglos, este lugar va a ser fantástico!

Surviving Mars es un constructor de ciudades de ciencia ficción que trata de colonizar Marte y sobrevivir al intento. Elige una agencia espacial para obtener recursos y apoyo financiero antes de decidir la ubicación de tu colonia. Construye cúpulas e infraestructuras, investiga nuevas posibilidades y utiliza drones para desbloquear maneras más elaboradas de modelar y ampliar tu asentamiento. Cultiva tus propios alimentos, extrae minerales o relájate en el bar después de una larga jornada de trabajo. Pero lo más importante es mantener con vida a tus colonos, una tarea harto compleja en este nuevo y extraño planeta.

Encontrarás desafíos que deberás superar. Ejecuta tu estrategia y mejora las probabilidades de supervivencia de tu colonia mientras desvelas los misterios de este mundo alienígena. ¿Preparado? Marte te está esperando.

Características principales:

Construir una colonia sostenible en el espacio:

Construir en un planeta que no es apto para la vida humana te presenta el desafío de desarrollar una colonia inteligente y funcional. Las consecuencias de un error de planificación no son simples con problemas de tráfico; está en juego la supervivencia de tus colonos. No te conviene nada sufrir un apagón en una ciudad edificada en un espacio sin oxígeno.

Colonos con simulación individual:

Cada colono es un individuo único con problemas y puntos fuertes que influyen en las necesidades y el comportamiento de los demás colonos. La cosa puede ponerse bien fea si tus principales científicos se dan a la bebida tras varias noches en vela en el laboratorio.

Construcción de cúpulas espaciales futuristas:

Superestructuras futuristas retro para alojar a los colonos, fábricas y edificios comerciales con su propia "personalidad de barrio". Crea colonias que valoren la ciencia por encima de todo mientras los trabajadores agotados se beben la paga en el bar, o trata de desarrollar una utopía en medio de las estrellas.

Exploración de los secretos de Marte:

Surviving Mars está inspirado en el clásico de ciencia ficción de Asimov y Clarke, y encierra muchos secretos. Durante cada recorrido del juego, los jugadores pueden descubrir diferentes misterios específicos de Marte. Desvelar estos secretos podría granjearle una gran fortuna a tu colonia, o desencadenar su ruina.

Árbol de investigación aleatorio:

Combina la investigación estática y aleatoria a través de la exploración, que permite experimentar aspectos distintos en cada viaje a través del juego. Alcanza nuevos hitos científicos explorando el terreno desconocido de la superficie de Marte.

Exclusivo ambiente futurista reto:

Un elegante y moderno enfoque del brillante futurismo de los años 60. Una época de exploración y aventura.

Ampliación de la compatibilidad con mods:

diseña fantásticos edificios, parques o incluso un misterio, para compartirlos a través de las amplias y prácticas herramientas de modding de Surviving Mars. Comparte tus mejores creaciones con la comunidad para construir la sociedad perfecta

Digital delux-utgåva

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Om spelet

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Digital Deluxe Edition

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.


Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society


The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.


Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Dijital Lüks Paket

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Oyun Açıklaması

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

Видання «Digital Deluxe»

The Digital Deluxe Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. New content, exclusive to the Deluxe Edition, includes:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

First Colony Edition

The First Colony Edition of Surviving Mars provides ambitious colonists with a variety of new ways to customize their new homes and domes. Included with this edition is the Season Pass, which will add two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch. In addition, this edition includes new in-game features at launch:

The “Metropolis” Building Set:

Add some chrome to your dome with a shiny new visual upgrade to your infrastructure, providing you with chromatic skins for Oxygen Tanks, Water Towers, Fuel Refineries, and more.

Additonal Radio Station, "Quantum Sonics" :

An additional in-game radio station, with new music and chatter, comes exclusively with the Deluxe Edition.

Onyx Housing Skins:

Three alternative skins for residential housing structures allow you to add different flair and design to your colonies.

Art Book:

A 50+ page digital art book that give you a detailed look at the art and making of Surviving Mars.

Deluxe avatar and icon for the Paradox forums.


Beautiful artwork from Surviving Mars to decorate your computer desktop.

Season Pass:

Includes two full expansions and two content packs to Surviving Mars in the months following launch.

Про гру

Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.

Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.

Main Features:

Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society

System Requirements


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