Acesse o conteúdo adicional de The Escapists 2 com o passe de temporada. Teste sua habilidade de fuga e escape de três novas e divertidas prisões com itens extras, personalizações e incríveis novos jeitos de fugir!
Med sæsonkortet får du adgang til spændende ekstra indhold til The Escapists 2. Sæt dit udbrydertalent på prøve ved at flygte fra tre helt nye og udfordrende fængsler med ekstra genstande, nye tilpasningsmuligheder og de vildeste flugtmetoder!
Krijg toegang tot spannende extra content voor The Escapists 2 met de seizoenspas. Test je ontsnappingsvaardigheden door uit drie sensationele nieuwe gevangenissen te breken met extra items, aanpassingen en nieuwe manieren om te ontsnappen!
STOP! Yes, you there. You are under arrest on suspicion of escaping from prison! You have the right to remain silent and no right to go and enjoy The Escapists 2 Season Pass. Including three of the series most notorious prisons like Dungeons & Duct Tape, Wicked Ward and Big Top Breakout!
Wicked Ward!
What possessed the guards to lock you up in an abandoned hospital ward? Things are getting scary, but fear not, escaping is sure to lift those spirits! This haunting and daunting prison will test even the most seasoned Escapists. Can you escape the undead guards, or will you stay locked in the spooky supernatural slammer?Big Top Break Out!
It’s time to put the whack in wacky in the craziest prison yet, wield a squirty flower as a weapon, juggle as a job and avoid those vicious guard poodles at all costs! You’ll need your wits as escaping is no small feat and there’s absolutely no time to clown around! Make your escape and make it quick…or face a life-time imprisoned in a traveling circus!Dungeons and Duct Tape!
Hear ye, hear ye! For your crimes against the crown you have been sentenced to spend the rest of your days in the dungeon…Unless you can put the craft in crafty and unlock castle Locke! With a medley of medieval outfits, jobs and items, escape however floats your boat, along as it gets you over that dastardly moat!
Get access to exciting additional content for The Escapists 2 with the season pass. Test your escaping expertise by breaking out of three exhilarating new prisons with extra items, customisations and thrilling new ways to escape!Note: The Glorious Regime prison is NOT included in the Season Pass.
Saa käyttöösi jännittävää lisäsisältöä The Escapists 2 -peliin Season Pass -passilla. Testaa pakotaitojasi pakenemalla kolmesta huikeasta uudesta vankilasta, joissa on uusia esineitä, muokkauksia ja jänniä pakotapoja!
Grâce au pass saisonnier, accédez au nouveau contenu d'exception de The Escapists 2. Mettez vos compétences à l'épreuve pour vous évader des trois nouvelles prisons fantastiques avec des objets supplémentaires, des options de personnalisation et de nouvelles méthodes d'évasion palpitantes !
Hol dir Zugang zu spannendem zusätzlichen Inhalt von The Escapists 2 – mit dem Saison-Pass. Teste deine Fluchttalente, indem du aus drei neuen hochinteressanten Gefängnissen ausbrichst, mit zusätzlichen Gegenständen, Anpassungen und aufregenden Fluchtwegen!
Ottieni l'accesso a nuovi entusiasmanti contenuti in The Escapists 2 con il pass stagionale. Metti alla prova le tue capacità di fuga evadendo da tre nuove fantastiche prigioni con elementi extra, personalizzazioni e nuovi emozionanti modi di fuggire!
Få tilgang til spennende ekstra innhold for The Escapists 2 med sesongpasset. Sett fluktekspertisen din på prøve ved å bryte deg ut av tre spennende nye fengsler med ekstra gjenstander, tilpasninger og intense nye fluktmåter!
Zdobądź dodatkową zawartość do Escapists 2 dzięki przepustce sezonowej. Sprawdź, na co cię stać i wydostań się z trzech rygorystycznych więzień za pomocą dodatkowych przedmiotów, personalizacji i w ramach nowych sposobów na ucieczkę!
O passe de temporada permite aceder a espetaculares conteúdos extra para The Escapists 2. Testa as tuas capacidades de fuga evadindo-te de três incríveis novas prisões com a ajuda de mais objetos, personalizações e modos de fugir!
Сезонный абонемент The Escapists 2 дает доступ к потрясающим материалам. Узнайте, что вы можете: мы приготовили для вас три захватывающих новых тюрьмы, дополнительные предметы и новые способы побега!
使用全季通行证,体验《The Escapists 2》额外的刺激内容。使用额外的道具、定制设置和惊心动魄的新越狱方法,逃脱三个惊险刺激的新监狱,测试你的越狱技能!
Consigue acceso a contenido adicional para The Escapists 2 con el pase de temporada. ¡Pon a prueba tus habilidades de fuga de tres prisiones superemocionantes con objetos adicionales, personalizaciones y nuevas formas de escapar!
Få åtkomst till ytterligare spännande innehåll för The Escapists 2 med säsongspasset. Sätt din flyktexpertis på prov genom att rymma från tre utmanande nya fängelser med extra föremål, specialdesigns och spännande nya flyktsätt!
Sezonluk kombine ile The Escapists 2 için heyecanla dolu ek içeriklere erişim kazan. Ekstra öğeler, özelleştirmeler ve heyecan verici yeni yollarla zorlu üç hapishaneden kaçarak kaçış ustalığı zorla!