The Tiny Bang Story
The Tiny Bang Story

The Tiny Bang Story

Release Date: 01/01/1970 | WORLDWIDE
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28.49 € + VAT


WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Sobre o jogo

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Относно играта

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


O hře

Život na Malinké planetě býval poklidný a bezstarostný, ale pak došlo k velkému neštěstí – Malinkou planetu zasáhnout meteorit! Svět se zhroutil a jeho budoucnost teď závisí jen na vás! Zapojte svou představivost a tvůrčí schopnosti: Chcete-li obnovit svět na Malinké planetě a pomoci jejím obyvatelům, bez oprav nejrůznějších strojů a mechanismů a vyřešení hádanek na konci každé z pěti kapitol hry to nepůjde. Ovládání hry je jednoduché a intuitivní. Nijak neodvádí pozornost při řešení zábavných rébusů, a můžete si tak plně vychutnat unikátní atmosféru hry.

  • Ve hře nenajdete žádný text. Pobaví se lidé všech věkových kategorií, a hra se proto hodí pro celou rodinu!
  • Pět velmi odlišných kapitol a přes 30 vzrušujících rébusů (mini her)
  • Nápaditý a pestrý, výhradně rukou kreslený svět
  • Poutavá hra s jednoduchých ovládáním
  • 10 okouzlujících hudebních témat

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Om spillet

Livet på Tiny Planet var roligt og sorgløst, indtil en stor katastrofe indtraf - Tiny Planet blev ramt af en meteor! Verden faldt fra hinanden og nu afhænger dens fremtid kun af dig! Brug din fantasi og kreativitet: for at redde Tiny Planet og dens indbyggere skal du reparere en række maskiner og mekanismer og løse puzzles i hver af de fem kapitler i spillet. Navigation er simpel og intuitiv. Den distraherer dig ikke fra de snu hjernevridere, og du vil kunne fordybt dig fuldt i spillets unikke stemning.

  • Der er ingen tekst i dette spil. Det er sjov for alle aldre og passer til hele familien!
  • Fem vidt forskellige kapitler og over 30 spændende hjernevridere (minispil)
  • En lysende, smuk verden tegnet helt i hånden
  • Absorberende gameplay og simpel navigation
  • 10 fortryllende musiske temaer

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Info over het spel

Het leven op de Kleine planeet was vredig en zorgeloos totdat een grote ramp plaatsvond – de Kleine planeet werd getroffen door een meteoor! De wereld viel uit elkaar en nu hangt zijn toekomst van jou af! Gebruik je verbeelding en creativiteit: om de Kleine planeet te herstellen en zijn bewoners te helpen moet je diverse machines en mechanismen repareren en puzzels oplossen in alle vijf hoofdstukken van deze game. Navigeren is eenvoudig en intuïtief. Je wordt niet afgeleid door de slimme hersenkrakers en je kunt nog steeds helemaal opgaan in de unieke sfeer van de game.

  • Deze game heeft geen tekst. Hij is leuke voor alle leeftijden en geschikt voor het hele gezin!
  • Vijf totaal verschillende hoofdstukken en 30 boeiende hersenkrakers (minigames)
  • Een prachtige, stralende wereld helemaal met de hand getekend
  • Pakkende gameplay en eenvoudige navigatie
  • 10 betoverende muziekthema’s

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


About the Game

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Tietoja pelistä

Elämä Tiny Planetilla oli rauhaisaa ja huoletonta, kunnes sitä kohtasi suuri onnettomuus - planeetan pinnalle iskeytyi meteoriitti! Maailma romahti ja nyt sen kohtalo on sinun käsissäsi! Käytä mielikuvitustasi ja luovuuttasi: Tiny Planetin uudelleenrakentamiseksi ja sen asukkaiden auttamiseksi sinun tulee korjata erilaisia koneita ja mekanismeja sekä selvittää pulmia pelin viidessä eri jaksossa. Navigointi on helppoa ja vaistonvaraista. Se ei häiritse sinua nokkelien aivopähkinöiden aikana, ja pystyt uppoutumaan pelin ainutlaatuiseen tunnelmaan täysin.

  • Pelissä ei ole lainkaan tekstejä. Se on hupia kaikenikäisille ja sopii koko perheelle!
  • Viisi hyvin erilaista jaksoa ja yli 30 jännittävää aivopähkinää (minipeliä)
  • Täysin käsin piirretty, kirkas, upea maailma
  • Mukaansatempaava pelattavuus ja yksinkertainen navigointi
  • 10 lumoavaa musiikillista teemaa

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


À propos du jeu

Sur P'tite Planète, les gens vivaient heureux et insouciants... jusqu'à ce qu'une météorite percute de plein fouet cet astre paradisiaque. S'ensuivit alors un véritable cataclysme... À présent, l'avenir de ce monde repose entre vos mains ! Faites appel à votre imagination et à votre créativité : redonnez à P'tite Planète sa splendeur d'antan et aidez les habitants à retrouver leur quiétude ! Pour mener à bien votre quête, vous devrez réparer moult engins, machines et autres mécanismes, et trouver la solution des casse-tête qui parsèment chacun des cinq chapitres de ce jeu. Intuitive et ergonomique, la jouabilité vous permet aisément de plonger au cœur de puzzles ingénieux et de vous abandonner à l'atmosphère fascinante de cette aventure merveilleuse.

  • Dénuée de textes écrits, cette œuvre vidéoludique s'adresse aussi bien à la famille tout entière qu'aux joueurs de tous âges et de tous niveaux !
  • Cinq chapitres extrêmement variés et plus de 30 casse-tête passionnants (mini-jeux)
  • Un monde pittoresque, aux couleurs chatoyantes, entièrement dessiné à la main
  • Une jouabilité captivante et intuitive
  • 10 thèmes musicaux enchanteurs

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Über das Spiel

Das Leben auf dem Tiny-Planeten verlief ruhig und sorgenfrei, bis sich eine große Katastrophe ereignete - der Tiny-Planet wurde von einem Meteor getroffen! Die Welt zerbrach in Stücke und nun hängt die Zukunft nur von dir ab! Nutze deine Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität: Um den Tiny-Planeten wieder in seinen alten Zustand zu versetzen und seinen Bewohnern zu helfen, musst du in jedem der fünf Kapitel dieses Spiels eine Reihe von Maschinen und Mechanismen reparieren sowie Rätsel lösen. Die Navigation ist einfach und erfolgt intuitiv − sie lenkt keinesfalls von den originellen Denksportaufgaben ab und du wirst so vollständig in die einzigartige Atmosphäre des Spiels eintauchen können.

  • Dieses Spiel enthält keinen Text. Es bietet Spaß für alle Altersgruppen und eignet sich für die gesamte Familie!
  • Fünf völlig unterschiedliche Kapitel und mehr als 30 spannende Denksportaufgaben (Mini-Spiele)
  • Eine helle, farbenprächtige Welt, vollständig von Hand gezeichnet
  • Einnehmendes Spielerlebnis und einfache Navigation
  • 10 zauberhafte musikalische Themen

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


A játékról: 

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Informazioni sul gioco

La vita sul Minuscolo Pianeta era calma e pacifica fino a quando si verificò un terribile disastro: il Minuscolo Pianeta fu colpito da un meteorite! Il mondo venne distrutto e ora il suo futuro dipende solo da te! Usa la tua immaginazione e creatività: per poter risanare il Minuscolo Pianeta e aiutare i suoi abitanti dovrai riparare una varietà di macchine e meccanismi e risolvere enigmi in ciascuno dei cinque capitoli di questo gioco. La navigazione è semplice e intuitiva. Non ti distrae dai simpatici rompicapo e sarai in grado di immergerti nell'atmosfera unica del gioco.

  • Non c'è testo nel gioco. Divertimento assicurato a tutte le età e adatto per tutta la famiglia!
  • Cinque capitoli molto diversi fra loro e più di 30 stimolanti rompicapo (minigiochi)
  • Un mondo luminoso e splendido, dipinto interamente a mano
  • Gioco coinvolgente e navigazione semplice
  • 10 incantevoli temi musicali

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan




  • このゲームには文章はありません。年齢を問わずに楽しめて、家族全員で遊ぶのに適しています!
  • 5つの非常に異なる章と30以上のエキサイティングな頭の体操(ミニゲーム)
  • 完全手描きの、明るく華やかな世界
  • 夢中になるゲームプレーと簡単なナビゲーション
  • 10の魅惑的な音楽テーマ

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


게임 정보

엄청난 재난이 닥치기 전까지, 타이니 행성에 사는 생명체들은 조용하고 걱정 없는 나날들을 보내고 있었습니다. 혜성이 타이니 행성과 충돌하기 전까지는 말이죠! 세상은 무너졌고 이제 이 행성의 미래는 여러분에게 달려 있습니다! 여러분의 상상력과 창의력을 활용해 보세요. 타이니 행성을 복구하고 행성 주민들을 돕기 위해서는 이 게임의 다섯 개 챕터 속에서 다양한 기계들과 장치들을 수리해서 각 퍼즐들을 풀어 나가야 합니다. 간단하고 직관적으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 재치가 필요한 머리 쓰는 문제 때문에 헷갈리지 않고도 이 게임의 독특한 분위기에 푹 빠지게 될 것입니다.

  • 이 게임에는 글자가 표시되지 않습니다. 모든 연령의 사람들, 가족들 모두 재미있게 즐기실 수 있습니다!
  • 개성 넘치는 다섯 개의 챕터와 30 개 이상의 재미있는 퍼즐(미니 게임)
  • 손으로만 그린 밝고 화려한 세계
  • 몰입도 강한 게임 플레이와 간단한 이동
  • 10 가지 매력적인 음악 테마

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Om spillet

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Informacje o grze

Życie na Maleńkiej Planetce toczyło się spokojnie i beztrosko, aż tu nagle — katastrofa! W Maleńką Planetkę uderzył meteor. Maleńki świat się zawalił, a jego przyszłość zależy wyłącznie od ciebie! Aby odbudować Maleńką Planetkę i pomóc jej mieszkańcom, musisz użyć wyobraźni i kreatywności. W pięciu rozdziałach gry trzeba będzie naprawiać różne maszyny i rozwiązywać zagadki. Nawigacja w grze jest prosta i intuicyjna. Nie odciąga uwagi od sprytnych łamigłówek, dzięki czemu możesz w pełni dać się wciągnąć atmosferze gry.

  • Ta gra nie zawiera tekstu. Stanowi świetną rozrywkę dla użytkowników w każdym wieku i dla całej rodziny.
  • Pięć bardzo zróżnicowanych rozdziałów i ponad 30 fascynujących łamigłówek (minigier)
  • Piękny, jasny świat narysowany całkowicie odręcznie
  • Wciągająca gra i prosta nawigacja
  • 10 uroczych motywów muzycznych

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Acerca do Jogo

A vida no Pequeno Planeta era tranquila e despreocupada até que ocorreu um grande desastre - o planeta sofreu o impacto de um meteorito! O mundo desmoronou e agora o seu futuro depende apenas de ti! Utiliza a tua imaginação e criatividade: para restaurar o Pequeno Planeta e ajudar os seus habitantes terás que reparar uma variedade de máquinas e mecanismos assim como resolver quebra-cabeças em cada um dos cinco capítulos deste jogo. A navegação é simples e intuitiva. Não te distrai dos enigmas desafiadores e poderás viver por completo a atmosfera única do jogo.

  • Não há qualquer texto neste jogo. É divertido para todas as idades e adequado para toda a família!
  • Cinco capítulos muito diferentes e mais de 30 enigmas emocionantes (minijogos)
  • Um mundo brilhante e deslumbrante criado totalmente à mão
  • Jogabilidade cativante e navegação simples
  • 10 temas musicais encantadores

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Despre joc

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Об игре

Жизнь на Крошечной планете была тихой и спокойной, пока не случилось ужасное - на планету упал метеорит! Мир раскололся, и теперь только от вас зависит судьба планеты! Используйте всё ваше воображение и творческий потенциал, чтобы помочь обитателям Крошечной планеты восстановить ее: на протяжении пяти глав вам предстоит собирать мозаику мира и чинить всевозможные механизмы. Управление в игре простое и понятное, оно не будет вас отвлекать от остроумных головоломок, и вы сможете в полной мере насладиться удивительной атмосферой игры.

  • В игре совсем нет текста. Она интересна как для детей, так и для взрослых!
  • Пять совершенно разных глав и более 30 захватывающих мини-игр
  • Великолепный мир, полностью нарисованный вручную
  • Увлекательный игровой процесс и интуитивное управление
  • Десять чарующих музыкальных композиций

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan




  • - 整个游戏中不会出现文字。这是适合全家老幼的游戏,所有人都能从中找到乐趣!
  • - 五个各异的宏伟章节,30 多个令人激动的脑力游戏(小游戏)
  • 完全手绘的美丽新世界
  • 吸引人的游戏,简单的导航
  • 10 个迷人的音乐主题

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Acerca del juego

La vida en el Planeta Diminuto era muy apacible y sin preocupaciones hasta que ocurrió un gran desastre - ¡Un meteorito colisionó con el Planeta Diminuto! ¡El mundo se vino abajo y ahora su futuro depende sólo de ti! Usa tu imaginación y creatividad: para restablecer el Planeta Diminuto y ayudar a sus habitantes, tendrás que reparar una gran variedad de máquinas y mecanismos, así como resolver rompecabezas en cada uno de los cinco capítulos de este juego. La navegación es sencilla e intuitiva. No te distrae de los rompecabezas y podrás sumergirte completamente en el ambiente único del juego.

  • En este juego no hay textos. ¡Es divertido para todas las edades y apto para toda la familia!
  • Cinco capítulos muy diferentes y más de 30 emocionantes rompecabezas (minijuegos)
  • Un mundo brillante, magnífico pintado totalmente a mano
  • Una jugabilidad absorbente y una navegación sencilla
  • 10 encantadores temas musicales

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Om spelet

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan



Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan



Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Oyun Açıklaması

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

WTF Is... - The Tiny Bang Story ?


Games created by the artist Eduard Arutyunyan


Про гру

Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.

  • There is no text in this game. It is fun for all ages and suitable for the whole family!
  • Five vastly different chapters and over 30 exciting brain teasers (minigames)
  • A bright, gorgeous world drawn entirely by hand
  • Absorbing game play and simple navigation
  • 10 enchanting musical themes

System Requirements


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