Throne of Lies: The Online Game of Deceit
Throne of Lies: The Online Game of Deceit

Throne of Lies: The Online Game of Deceit

Release Date: 28/09/2017 | WORLDWIDE
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6.49 € + VAT


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Sobre o jogo

Throne of Lies to trójwymiarowa, dedukcyjna gra online pełna zdradzieckich zagrań i ciosów poniżej pasa, zainspirowana średniowieczną polityką oraz grami towarzyskimi z gatunku „gra w mafię”.

Podczas gry, każdemu z 16 graczy zostaje przypisana jedna klasa i frakcja – nikt nie wie, kto jest kim, ale miej świadomość, że pośród zebranych znajdują się zdrajcy, którzy chcą się ciebie pozbyć. Twoje zadanie jest proste: Dowiedz się, kto jest po twojej stronie, pozbądź się reszty.

Odkryj ponad 100 umiejętności, 35 klas, 4 frakcje oraz fazy dnia i nocy, podczas których spryt liczy się bardziej niż zwinność. Gdy zajdzie słońce, zdrajcy planują swoje morderstwa, a posłuszni królowi patrzą na poszlaki i próbują ustalić, kto dopuścił się zdrady. Kiedy zaś nastanie świt, praworządni głosują nad tym, kogo należy stracić, podczas gdy złoczyńcy starają się manipulować nimi tak, by stracili własnych przymierzeńcow!

Komu uwierzysz? Od tego zależy twoje życie.

Dodatkowe elementy rozgrywki:

  • Umiejętności manipulacji – Nawiąż kontakt z umarłymi, knebluj graczy, zamieniaj słowa.
  • System rekrutacji i nawracania – Wymuś zmianę frakcji, powodując przejście danej postaci na mroczną wersję swojej klasy.
  • System króla i rodziny królewskiej – Wiadomo, kto jest królem, ale nikt nie wie, do jakiej frakcji należy. Kiedy on upadnie, ty wstąp na tron.
  • Spersonalizowane zbroje, bronie, a nawet aury – To, jak zginie stacony gracz, zależy od tego, jaką broń trzyma kat.

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Относно играта

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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O hře

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Om spillet

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Info over het spel

Throne of Lies is een 3D online-multiplayer game. Het is een spel van onheil en verraad, een "social deduction" game geïnspireerd door middeleeuwse politiek, bord- en kaartspellen, en Werewolf/Mafia (1986).

In een spel met 16 spelers krijgt elke speler een rol en factie toebedeeld – niemand weet wie welke rol heeft, je weet alleen dat er verraders in het spel zijn die jou willen vermoorden. Jouw doel is simpel: zoek uit wie je bondgenoten zijn en schakel de rest uit.

Ervaar meer dan 100 vaardigheden, 35+ rollen, 4 facties, en dag/nachtfases met unieke vaardigheden voor elke nacht in een spel waarbij gezond verstand belangrijker is dan vaardigheden. In de nachtfase beramen de slechteriken een moord, terwijl de goeieriken proberen zoveel mogelijk hints te verzamelen over de identiteit van de verraders. In de dagfase is het aan de goeieriken om de verraders te veroordelen en te executeren, terwijl de slechteriken proberen het bewijs te vervalsen en een onschuldige speler als dader aan te wijzen.

Wie besluit jij te vertrouwen? Je leven hangt ervan af.

Verdere belangrijke features:
  • Sociale manipulatievaardigheden – Richt de chat aan de doden, leg spelers het zwijgen op en verdraai hun woorden.
  • Rekrutering- en conversiesysteem – Laat een rol van factie wisselen, waardoor deze duisterder wordt en nieuwe vaardigheden krijgt.
  • Koning- en adelsysteem – De identiteit van de koning is bekend, maar zijn factie niet. Indien de koning sterft kan iemand anders de troon opeisen.
  • Aanpasbare harnassen, wapens, en zelfs aura’s – Wapens veranderen de manier waarop spelers geëxecuteerd worden.

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About the Game

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Tietoja pelistä

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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À propos du jeu

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Über das Spiel

Throne of Lies ist ein 3D Online-Mehrspielerspiel des Unheils und des Betrügens, ein "soziales Schlussfolgerungsspiel" inspiriert von mittelalterlicher Politik, Kartenspielen, und Werewolf/Mafia (1986).

In einer Runde von 16 Spielern wird jedem Spieler eine Rolle und Fraktion zugeteilt – niemand weiß, wer wer ist, aber, dass es Verräter gibt, die dich töten wollen. Dein Ziel ist simple: Finde deine Verbündeten, entsorge den Rest.

Erlebe mehr als 100 Fähigkeiten, 35+ Rollen, 4 Fraktionen und Tag-/Nachtphasen mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten in jeder Nacht, in einem Spiel, in dem Verstand über Fähigkeit steht. In der Nachtphase verschwören sich die Bösen zum Mord, während die Guten Hinweisen folgen müssen, um die Verräter zu entlarven. In der Tagesphase werden die Guten Spieler andere des Verrates anklagen und sie nach einem „Schuldig“ Urteil hinrichten, während die Bösen die Beweise manipulieren, um diese gegen die eigenen Verbündeteten der Guten zu richten!

Wem willst du nun vertrauen? Dein Leben wird davon abhängen.

Zusätzliche Schlüsselfunktionen:
  • soziale Manipulationsfähigkeiten – Richte den Chat an die Toten, lasse Spieler verstummen, verdrehe ihre Wörter.
  • Rekrutierungs- und Konvertierungssystem – Erzwinge einen Fraktionswechsel der Rollen zu einem “dunklen Abbild” dieser mit anderen Fähigkeiten verändert.
  • Königs- und Adelssystem – Der König ist bekannt, aber seine Fraktion nicht. Zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes wird ein Neuer den Thron erklimmen.
  • Individuell angepasste Rüstungen, Waffen und sogar Ausstrahlungen – Hinrichtungsanimationen variieren je nach ausgerüsteter Waffe.

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Το Throne of Lies είναι ένα online 3D παιχνίδι κακού και προδοσίας, ένα παιχνίδι "κοινωνικής αφαίρεσης" εμπνευσμένο από Μεσαιωνικές πολιτικές, επιτραπέζια και το είδος παιχνιδιού Werewolf/Mafia (1986).

Σε ένα ματς με 16 παίκτες, κάθε παίκτης καταχωρείται σε μία τάξη και μία φατρία -- κανείς δε ξέρει ποιος είναι ποιος, αλλά ξέρουν ότι υπάρχουν προδότες που θέλουν να σε σκοτώσουν. Ο στόχος σου είναι απλός: Ανακάλυψε τους συμμάχους σου, βγάλε από τη μέση τους υπόλοιπους.

Παίξε με πάνω από 100 ικανότητες, 35+ τάξεις, 4 φατρίες, και φάσεις μέρας/νύχτας σε είναι παιχνίδι όπου το πνεύμα είναι πιο σημαντικό από τις ικανότητες. Κατά τη διάρκεια της Νύχτας, οι κακοί πρέπει να συνωμοτήσουν για ένα φόνο καθώς οι καλοί πρέπει να ερευνήσουν στοιχεία για να βρουν τους προδότες. Κατά τη διάρκεια της Ημέρας, οι καλοί παίκτες θα κατηγορήσουν τους ένοχους προδοσίας και θα τους εκτελέσουν με μία ψηφοφορία, καθώς οι κακοί θα χειραγωγούν τις αποδείξεις για να στρέψουν τις κατηγορίες προς τους καλούς!

Ποιον θα εμπιστευτείς? Η ζωή σου θα εξαρτηθεί από αυτό.

Επιπλέον Σημαντικές Λειτουργίες:
  • Ικανότητες κοινωνικής χειραγώγησης - Οδήγησε το chat στους νεκρούς, σίγασε παίκτες, διαστρέβλωσε λέξεις.
  • Σύστημα στρατολόγησης και μετατροπής - Εξανάγκασε μια αλλαγή φατρίας, η αλλαγή τάξης σε μία "πιο σκοτεινή περσόνα" με διαφορετικές ικανότητες.
  • Σύστημα βασιλιά και βασιλικών - Ο Βασιλιάς είναι γνωστός, αλλά η φατρία του όχι. Όταν πεθάνει, προσφέρσου να πάρεις το θρόνο.
  • Προσαρμοσμένη πανοπλία, όπλα, ακόμα και αύρες - Οι ικανότητες εκτέλεσης εξαρτώνται από το εξοπλισμένο σου όπλο.

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A játékról: 

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Informazioni sul gioco

Throne of Lies è un gioco online per più giocatori sviluppato in grafica 3D, basato sull'astuzia e l'abilità dei partecipanti, che prende ispirazione dal medioevo e dal gioco da tavola di gruppo Lupus in fabula/Mafia (1986).

Ad ognuno dei 16 giocatori partecipanti è assegnata un ruolo ed una fazione. Nessuno conosce il ruolo degli altri partecipanti, ma dovete riuscire a scovare i traditori che hanno intenzione di uccidervi. Il vostro obiettivo è semplice: trovate i vostri alleati, trionfate contro i nemici.

Potrete sperimentare più di 100 diverse abilità, oltre 35 ruoli, 4 diverse fazioni, e fasi diurne/notturne che includono una vastità di abilità uniche, in un gioco dove usare l'astuzia è la chiave per ottenere la vittoria. Durante la fase notturna, i traditori conspireranno pel'omicidio degli ignari abitanti, mentre questi ultimi dovranno usare le loro abilità investigative per trovare i cattivi, o formare alleanze. Durante la fase diurna, tutti i giocatori potranno accusare qualcuno di conspirazione, e condannarlo a morte dopo una votazione popolare, mentre i traditori saranno costretti a manipolare le prove per riuscire ad ingannare gli altri giocatori, e uccidere altri innocenti.

A chi crederai? La tua vita dipenderà solo da questa scelta.

Ulteriori caratteristiche:
  • Abilità di manipolazione sociale - Parla coi morti, costringi gli altri al silenzio, modifica le loro parole.
  • Sistema di reclutamento e conversione - Costringi i giocatori ad allearsi con la tua classe, modificando le loro abilità al servizio dei traditori.
  • Un re e il suo reame - Si conosce il nome del re, ma non la sua fazione. Al momento della sua morte, fatti avanti per ascendere al trono.
  • Armature, armi e auree personalizzabili - Le abilità di esecuzione sono legate all'arma equipaggiata.

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Throne of Liesは、中世の政治、テーブルゲーム、そして 人狼/ マフィア(1986)[i/]からインスピレーションを得た、心理戦、裏切りの3Dオンラインマルチプレイヤーゲームです。

一つのゲームには16人のプレイヤーがおり、各プレイヤーにクラスと派閥が割り当てられます。だれが何であるか何も分かりませんが、ただその中に貴方の事を殺そうとしている裏切り者が居ることだけは明白なのです。 やる事は簡単です。[/ b]あなたの仲間を発見し、他のプレイヤーを処分するだけです。


あなたは誰を信じますか?[/ b] あなたの命はそれにかかっています。

その他の主な特徴[/ b]
  • 社会操作能力 - 死者とのチャット・プレイヤーを黙らせる・言葉を曲解する。
  • 募集と変換システム – 派閥変更を強制する・クラス変更をし、 異なる能力と「より暗い人格」を持つ人物になる。
  • 王と王室のシステム – 王は皆が知っている人物ですが、王の派閥は明らかではありません。王が死ぬと、王位に昇格する事が出来ます。
  • カスタマイズされた装甲、武器、そしてオーラ - 処刑能力はあなたが装備している武器と関連性があります。


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게임 정보

쓰론 오브 라이즈는 장난과 배신의 3D 온라인,멀티플레이어 게임이자 중세 정치,보드 게임,그리고 늑대인간/마피아(1986) 에서 영감을 받은 소셜 추론 게임입니다.

한 경기에서 16 플레이어가 각자의 역할과 당파를 맡고 아무도 서로의 역할을 모릅니다.확실히 아는 것은 배신자들이 당신을 죽이려는 것입니다. 당신의 목적은 간단합니다 : 동맹을 찾아내고 나머지를 없애는 것입니다.

게임에서 100개 이상의 능력,35+역할,4당파,그리고 낮/밤 턴을 즐길 수 있습니다.이 게임 중에서 재치는 능력보다 더 중요합니다.밤 턴에는 나쁜 놈들은 좋은 사람들을 죽여야 하는 반면에 좋은 사람들은 단속을 잡아 배신자들을 찾아내야 합니다.낮 턴에는 좋은 사람은 용의자들을 반역죄로 고소해 처형 투표를 통해 처형을 실시합니다.그 동시에 나쁜 놈들은 증거를 조종하는 것을 통해서 좋은 사람들 자신의 동맹을 가리킵니다.

누구를 믿어야 합니까? 당신의 목숨이 걸린 문제입니다.

    추가 주요 기능:
  • 소셜 조종 능력 - 망자에게 퍼널 채팅하기,잠수 플레이어,말을 왜곡시키기.
  • 모집 및 전환 시스템 - 당파를 변환시켜 역할은 다른 능력을 가지고 있는 “다커 페르소나” 로 바뀝니다.
  • 킹 및 로열 시스템 - 킹은 알려져 있는데 킹의 당파는 밝혀지지 않습니다. 킹의 죽음으로 왕위에 오릅니다.
  • 개개인의 요구에 맞춘 갑옷,무기,심지어 오러까지 - 처형 능력이 당신의 장비 무기와 관련되어 있습니다.

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Om spillet

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Informacje o grze

Throne of Lies to trójwymiarowa, dedukcyjna gra online pełna zdradzieckich zagrań i ciosów poniżej pasa, zainspirowana średniowieczną polityką oraz grami towarzyskimi z gatunku „gra w mafię”.

Podczas gry, każdemu z 16 graczy zostaje przypisana jedna klasa i frakcja – nikt nie wie, kto jest kim, ale miej świadomość, że pośród zebranych znajdują się zdrajcy, którzy chcą się ciebie pozbyć. Twoje zadanie jest proste: Dowiedz się, kto jest po twojej stronie, pozbądź się reszty.

Odkryj ponad 100 umiejętności, 35 klas, 4 frakcje oraz fazy dnia i nocy, podczas których spryt liczy się bardziej niż zwinność. Gdy zajdzie słońce, zdrajcy planują swoje morderstwa, a posłuszni królowi patrzą na poszlaki i próbują ustalić, kto dopuścił się zdrady. Kiedy zaś nastanie świt, praworządni głosują nad tym, kogo należy stracić, podczas gdy złoczyńcy starają się manipulować nimi tak, by stracili własnych przymierzeńcow!

Komu uwierzysz? Od tego zależy twoje życie.

Dodatkowe elementy rozgrywki:

  • Umiejętności manipulacji – Nawiąż kontakt z umarłymi, knebluj graczy, zamieniaj słowa.

  • System rekrutacji i nawracania – Wymuś zmianę frakcji, powodując przejście danej postaci na mroczną wersję swojej klasy.

  • System króla i rodziny królewskiej – Wiadomo, kto jest królem, ale nikt nie wie, do jakiej frakcji należy. Kiedy on upadnie, ty wstąp na tron.

  • Spersonalizowane zbroje, bronie, a nawet aury – To, jak zginie stacony gracz, zależy od tego, jaką broń trzyma kat.

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Acerca do Jogo

Throne of Lies to trójwymiarowa, dedukcyjna gra online pełna zdradzieckich zagrań i ciosów poniżej pasa, zainspirowana średniowieczną polityką oraz grami towarzyskimi z gatunku „gra w mafię”.

Podczas gry, każdemu z 16 graczy zostaje przypisana jedna klasa i frakcja – nikt nie wie, kto jest kim, ale miej świadomość, że pośród zebranych znajdują się zdrajcy, którzy chcą się ciebie pozbyć. Twoje zadanie jest proste: Dowiedz się, kto jest po twojej stronie, pozbądź się reszty.

Odkryj ponad 100 umiejętności, 35 klas, 4 frakcje oraz fazy dnia i nocy, podczas których spryt liczy się bardziej niż zwinność. Gdy zajdzie słońce, zdrajcy planują swoje morderstwa, a posłuszni królowi patrzą na poszlaki i próbują ustalić, kto dopuścił się zdrady. Kiedy zaś nastanie świt, praworządni głosują nad tym, kogo należy stracić, podczas gdy złoczyńcy starają się manipulować nimi tak, by stracili własnych przymierzeńcow!

Komu uwierzysz? Od tego zależy twoje życie.

Dodatkowe elementy rozgrywki:

  • Umiejętności manipulacji – Nawiąż kontakt z umarłymi, knebluj graczy, zamieniaj słowa.
  • System rekrutacji i nawracania – Wymuś zmianę frakcji, powodując przejście danej postaci na mroczną wersję swojej klasy.
  • System króla i rodziny królewskiej – Wiadomo, kto jest królem, ale nikt nie wie, do jakiej frakcji należy. Kiedy on upadnie, ty wstąp na tron.
  • Spersonalizowane zbroje, bronie, a nawet aury – To, jak zginie stacony gracz, zależy od tego, jaką broń trzyma kat.

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Despre joc

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Об игре

**Эта игра может не работать в некоторых странах без использования VPN

*Присоединяйтесь к русскому чату Discord: http://throneofli.es/discord-ru

Престол лжи – это трехмерная дедуктивная психологическая онлайн игра для группы игроков, в основу которой положена средневековая политическая борьба, настольные игры и игровое направление, возникшее благодаря игре Оборотень/Мафия (1986 г.).

В партии из 16 игроков, каждому игроку назначается класс и фракция – никто из игроков не знает эту информацию о других игроках, но вы знаете наверняка, что среди вас имеются предатели, стремящиеся убить вас. Ваша цель очень проста: Найдите тех, кто на вашей стороне и избавьтесь от всех остальных.

С несколькими способностями из более, чем 100 имеющихся, принадлежа к одному из 35+ классов и входя в одну из 4 фракций, проживите фазы дня/ночи (с уникальной способностью для каждой ночи) в игре, где ум важнее любых способностей. Во время ночной фазы, «злодеи» должны совершить убийство, а «хорошие» персонажи должны расследовать имеющиеся улики и найти убийцу. Во время дневной фазы, «хорошие» персонажи выдвигают обвинение в предательстве и, проголосовав, казнят виновного, в то время как «злодеи» манипулируют уликами, чтобы подставить невиновного и отвести подозрение от себя!

Кому верить? Ваша жизнь зависит от этого выбора.

Ключевые особенности игры:
  • Возможность использовать психологические манипуляции – Перенаправляйте разговор игрока к мертвым, вместо живых, заставляйте его замолчать, перекручивайте его слова.
  • Система вербовки и обращения в свою фракцию – Заставьте кого-то изменить фракцию, измените класс, перейдя на «темную сторону» с другими способностями.
  • Система короля и аристократов – Кто из игроков является королем известно всем, но к какой фракции он принадлежит, остается загадкой. Когда король будет убит, попробуйте занять его место.
  • Свои собственные доспехи, оружие и даже аура – Вид казни зависит от имеющегося у вас оружия.

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Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Acerca del juego

Throne of Lies es un juego 3D multijugador en línea de malicia y traición, un juego de "deducción social" inspirado por políticas medievales, juegos de mesa, y Hombre Lobo/Mafia (1986).

En una batalla de 16 jugadores, cada jugador es asignado una clase y una facción -- nadie sabe quién es quién, pero tienes que saber que hay traidores que te quieren matar. Tu objetivo es simple: Descubre a tus aliados, acaba con el resto.

Experimenta con más de 100 habilidades, 35+ clases, 4 facciones, y fases de día/noche que cuentan con habilidades únicas cada noche en un juego donde el juicio es más importante que las habilidades. Durante la fase de Noche, los malos deben conspirar asesinato mientras que los buenos deben de investigar las pistas para descubrir a los traidores. Durante la fase de Día, los jugadores buenos acusarán al culpable de traición y lo ejecutarán según un veredicto de culpabilidad, ¡mientras que los malos manipularán la evidencia para apuntar contra sus propios aliados!

¿A quién le deberías creer? Tu vida depende de ello.

Habilidades Adicionales Clave:
  • Habilidades de manipulación social - Dirige el chat hacia los muertos, silencia jugadores, distorsiona palabras.
  • Sistema de reclutamiento y conversión - Fuerza un cambio de facción, la clase cambiando a una "persona oscura" con habilidades diferentes.
  • Rey y el sistema real - Se conoce al Rey, pero no a su facción. Al momento de su muerte, ofrécete para subir al trono.
  • Armadura, armas e incluso auras personalizadas - Las ejecuciones de habilidades están relacionadas a tu arma equipada.

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Om spelet

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

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Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.


  • 遊戲內部為全英文並需要全英語對話。無法英語對話者,遊戲將無法進行!中文化進行測試中,要自行開密室,則大家才可以打中文! ENGLISH Only For Now!
  • 建議您先加入線上中文社群 https://discord.gg/tad28XF 自行組隊,開密室用對話的進行遊戲,謝謝支持!
  • 即時新消息會在中文社群裡發布,敬請期待!



謊言王座 Throne of Lies 是一款多人線上遊戲 - 屬於策略鬥智狼人殺類型。由8~16 名玩家組隊,利用社交推理能力和 100 多種角色技能來查出叛徒,保護王國不被敵人所控制。謊言王座的靈感起源於狼人/殺手遊戲等經典桌遊,並加入中世紀宮廷政治陰謀元素的遊戲。在遊戲裡,每人會被隨機指派為40多個角色中的其中之一,從國王到愚人都有可能成為你的身份。


在謊言王座的世界裡,即使是國王也不一定絕對就是"好人"!邪惡的一方有能力將其他角色轉化為黑暗勢力的成員,因此別掉以輕心,你的夥伴不見得永遠都會是你的夥伴!一旦藍龍派系的玩家消滅掉全部敵人,或藍龍已無法避免邪惡勢力掌控王國,遊戲即結束, 決定誰是勝利的組織!


  • 使用社交能力封住敵人的嘴、搬弄是非嫁禍他人、還能與已死的玩家聊天。
  • 在日誌中詳細記下每晚的新發現,即使慘遭不幸也能讓夥伴們得知你的調查成果。
  • 留下充滿個人風格的手繪死亡留言嘲諷你的敵人。
  • 配戴不同服飾與武器,自訂處決畫面,讓你的角色與眾不同。完全不含任何付費特殊優勢,各個玩家各憑本事。
  • 中立角色有自己必須完成的目標與任務。有些角色只需想辦法存活到遊戲結束,也有角色必需暗中殺害圓桌旁的玩家..
  • 快速生成邀請碼,召集朋友們一起鬥智。自動重新連接功能,遊戲結束後也能輕鬆與朋友們再來一場!
  • 遊戲社群管理:作弊行為、惡毒的玩家以及種族歧視者等將受到追查且帳號將被暫時/永久停用。讓所有玩家都能享受安全、開心的遊戲體驗。
  • 持續開發與更新:製作團隊會不斷更新、增加新內容與加強公平性,帶來充滿歡笑的遊戲回憶。


  • 謊言王座是個複雜的沙盒類策略遊戲,可用的策略不計其數。最重要的關鍵是瞭解遊戲的基本機制與角色能力 (在遊戲大廳中可找到遊戲教學與指引),玩越多次越熟悉,則越好玩。
  • 由於這是個 16 人玩家同時進行的社交遊戲,即使提供精準的舉報系統與封鎖部分的詞彙,盡量確保遊戲內容符合輔導級分級,也無法保證不會有惡搞玩家出現。如果對這類玩家非常敏感,我們建議和線上 Discord 的優良玩家同樂。

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Oyun Açıklaması

Throne of Lies, kötülük ve ihanet temelli, ortaçağ siyaseti ve kurtadam/mafya’dan esinlenmiş bir online, üç boyutlu, çok oyunculu “sosyal çıkarım” oyunudur.
16 oyunculu bir eşleşmede, hiçbir oyuncunun bir başkasının kim olduğunu bilmediği, fakat onu öldürmek isteyen hainlerin varlığından emin olduğu bir sınıf ve gruba atanır. Amaç basit: Müttefiklerini bul, geri kalanlardan kurtul.

Zekanın yeteneklerden daha önemli olduğu bu oyundaki her gece 100’den fazla yetenek, 35+ sınıf, 4 grup ve kendine özgü yetenekleri barındıran gece/gündüz fazlarını deneyimleyebilirsiniz. Gece fazı boyunca, iyiler hainleri bulmak icin ipuçlarını incelerken, kötüler ise suikast cinayeti işlemek zorundadir. Gündüz fazı boyunca, kötüler kanıtları bütün okların kendi müttefiklerine doğrulması amacıyla manipüle ederken, iyiler ise oy çokluğuyla birini ihanetle itham ederek öldüreceklerdir.

Kime inanmalısın? Hayatın buna bağlı.

Ek Özellikler:
  • Sosyal manipülasyon yetenekleri – Konuşmayı ölülere yönlendir, oyuncuları sustur, kelimelerle oyna.
  • Sistem tahsis etme ve dönüştürme – Grup değişikliğine zorla, sınıfın farklı özelliklerle daha karanlık birine dönüşür.
  • Kral ve kraliyet sistemi – Kralın kim olduğu bilinmesine karşın grubu bilinmez. Ölümüyle birlikte tahta çıkmak için adım at.
  • Kişiye özel zırh, silahlar, ve özgün hava – İnfaz yeteneklerin kuşandığın silaha eklenmiştir.

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Про гру

Throne of Lies is a 3D online multiplayer game where 8~16 players combine their social deduction skills with over 100 abilities to root out the traitors at the table and stop their foes from taking control of the kingdom.

In a modern take on tabletop games like Werewolf/Mafia and set during a time of medieval conflict, each player is randomly assigned one of 40+ classes, ranging from the King, himself, to a hapless Fool. Most players will be loyal members of the Blue Dragon faction, but each game will feature members of either the wicked Cult or mysterious Unseen faction, along with a few Neutral characters to mix things up.

The unique Day/Night cycle allows players to congregate around the table, discuss their findings and accuse players of treason during the day and use their abilities to occupy, spy on, conspire against and even kill their fellow players at night.

While Cult and Unseen players know their allies, members of the Blue Dragon must be suspicious of every other player to ensure that they don’t fall to an evil plot.
Even the King is suspect in Throne of Lies, and the enemy’s ability to convert other players to their side means that allegiances are always shifting.

The game concludes when the Blue Dragon faction has disposed of all hostile threats against the kingdom or their enemies have seized control of the Throne of Lies!


  • Use social abilities to silence opponents, manipulate their words and actions, or even speak with the dead.
  • Keep precise notes in a journal to expose your investigation in the event of an untimely death.
  • Leave behind a custom, hand-drawn Deathnote to mock your attackers.
  • Equip armor & weapons to customize your character and executions with NO pay-to-win mechanics.
  • Neutral players have their own objectives and missions to complete. While this could be as simple as ensuring their own survival, it may be to quietly eradicate everyone at the table.
  • Gather players with the ability to generate invite codes with one click (great for large groups/streamers).
  • Community moderation -- cheaters, toxic players & racists will be caught and suspended/banned. Other rules may follow to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

Words from the Devs:

  • Throne of Lies is a complex, sandbox strategy game with unlimited strategy - It is important that you learn the core mechanics/classes of the game: There is an in-game tutorial for core mechanics and "class cards" to review for individual classes/abilities. The more familiar you are with the game, the better it becomes!
  • Due to the social aspect of this game with 16 consecutive players, although we heavily moderate at a "PG-13 level" with an intricate reporting system with limited censoring, we advise players sensitive to trolling to only play with people within our Discord server.
  • Active development -- The dev team is constantly improving the game to improve your experience. Although there's no specific schedule for updates, we update out of passion and are committed to doing so for as long as possible.
  • Windows is guaranteed to work -- however, Mac, Linux and Vulkan support are 100% dependent on Unity (our game engine) updates.

System Requirements


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