Tom Clancy's The Division - Season Pass (DLC)
Tom Clancy's The Division - Season Pass (DLC)

Tom Clancy's The Division - Season Pass (DLC)

Release Date: 08/03/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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Languages |
 Simplified Chinese
 Traditional Chinese
Categories |
Role Playing
£14.77 + VAT


De Season Pass van Tom Clancy's The Division geeft je een jaar lang toegang tot drie vette uitbreidingen, exclusieve uitrustingen en speciale aanpassingen. Daarnaast kun je elke maand genieten van de exclusieve voordelen voor Season Pass-houders. En dit alles voor een geweldige prijs. Elke uitbreiding bouwt voort op The Division. Reis verder met jouw agent en geniet van nieuwe content, uitrustingen en gameplay terwijl jij vecht om New York te redden: • Uitbreiding I: Ondergronds • Uitbreiding II: Overleven • Uitbreiding III: De grote confrontatie Met de Season Pass steekt jouw agent met kop en schouders uit boven de rest. Op dag 1 ontgrendel je de exclusieve afgezaagde shotgun, een uniek, krachtig handwapen met een klein bereik. Ook ontvang je exclusieve outfits en wapenskins. Daarnaast ontvangen Season Pass-houders elke maand speciale voordelen, zoals exclusieve content en events. Je hoort snel meer!
Tom Clancy's The Division Season Pass grants you access to all three major expansions over the course of a year, an array of exclusive gear and day 1 customization options, as well as special benefits each month just for Season Pass owners—all at one great price. Each expansion builds on The Division, continuing your agent’s journey with new content, gear and gameplay as you fight to take back New York: • Expansion I: Underground • Expansion II: Survival • Expansion III: Last Stand With the Season Pass, your Agent will stand out from the rest. On Day 1, you’ll unlock the exclusive Sawed-off Shotgun, a unique salvaged sidearm customized for short-range destruction. You will also receive a set of exclusive outfits and weapon skins. In addition, Season Pass owners gain special monthly benefits, including exclusive content drops and events. More details coming soon!
om Clancy's The Division Season Pass grants you access to all three major expansions over the course of a year, an array of exclusive gear and day 1 customization options, as well as special benefits each month just for Season Pass owners—all at one great price. Each expansion builds on The Division, continuing your agent’s journey with new content, gear and gameplay as you fight to take back New York: • Expansion I: Underground • Expansion II: Survival • Expansion III: Last Stand With the Season Pass, your Agent will stand out from the rest. On Day 1, you’ll unlock the exclusive Sawed-off Shotgun, a unique salvaged sidearm customized for short-range destruction. You will also receive a set of exclusive outfits and weapon skins. In addition, Season Pass owners gain special monthly benefits, including exclusive content drops and events. More details coming soon!
Le Season Pass de Tom Clancy's The Division vous permet d'accéder aux trois extensions majeures, ainsi qu'à tout un éventail d'équipements exclusifs, aux options de personnalisation de l'édition Day One et à des avantages spéciaux réservés aux titulaires du Season Pass, le tout à un prix défiant toute concurrence. Chaque extension enrichit le contenu de The Division et introduit de nouveaux équipements et options de gameplay pour vous aider à reprendre New York : • Extension I : Underground • Extension II : Survival • Extension III : Last Stand Avec le Season Pass, votre agent sortira du lot. Le jour du lancement, vous débloquerez le fusil à canon scié exclusif, tout indiqué pour le combat à courte portée. Vous recevrez aussi diverses tenues et skins d'armes exclusives. En outre, les titulaires du Season Pass bénéficient d'avantages mensuels, dont des distributions de contenus et des événements exclusifs. Plus d'infos prochainement !
Der Tom Clancy's The Division Season-Pass gewährt dir im ersten Jahr Zugang zu allen drei großen Erweiterungen, eine Bandbreite exklusiver Ausrüstung und Anpassungsoptionen ab dem ersten Tag, sowie jeden Monat besondere Vorzüge und das alles zu einem großartigen Preis. Jede Erweiterung setzt auf The Division auf und führt die Reise deines Agenten mit neuen Inhalten, neuer Ausrüstung und neuem Spielverlauf fort, während du um die Rückeroberung New Yorks kämpfst: • Erweiterung I: Untergrund • Erweiterung II: Überleben • Erweiterung III: Letztes Gefecht Mit dem Season-Pass steht dein Agent perfekt vorbereitet da. Am ersten Tag schaltest du die exklusive abgesägte Schrotflinte frei, eine einzigartige Nebenwaffe für kurze Distanz. Außerdem erhältst du ein exklusives Ausrüstungsset und Waffenskins. Darüber hinaus erhalten Season-Pass-Besitzer jeden Monat beonsere Vorzüge, wie exklusive Inhaltspakete. Weitere Details erscheinen in Kürze.
Il Season Pass di Tom Clancy's The Division ti permette di ottenere tutte e tre le espansioni rilasciate in un anno, equipaggiamento esclusivo e opzioni di personalizzazione del primo giorno, più vantaggi mensili riservati ai possessori di Season Pass. Il tutto a un prezzo conveniente. Ogni espansione va ad ampliare The Division e fa proseguire l'avventura del tuo agente con dinamiche di gioco, equipaggiamento e contenuti nuovi: • Espansione I: New York Underground • Espansione II: Lotta per la vita • Espansione III: Fino alla fine Con il Season Pass, il tuo agente si distinguerà dagli altri. Il primo giorno sbloccherai l'esclusivo shotgun a canne mozze, un'arma da fianco a corto raggio personalizzata. Riceverai anche un set di skin per le armi e completi esclusivi. Oltre a questo, i possessori di Season Pass otterranno speciali vantaggi mensili, come eventi e contenuti esclusivi. Maggiori dettagli in arrivo!
Season Pass для Tom Clancy's The Division дает доступ к дополнениям "Underground", "Survival" и "Last Stand" в течение года, эксклюзивному оружию и элементам персонализации, а также ежемесячным событиям, и т.д. Season Pass позволит в первый же день разблокировать уникальное оружие "Обрез дробовика", несколько экипировок и раскрасок оружия. Дополнительно: ежемесячные события, элементы, и многое другое. Подробности – скоро!
Con el Season Pass de Tom Clancy's The Division podrás acceder a 3 expansiones del juego que saldrán a lo largo del año, equipo exclusivo, opciones de personalización y beneficios mensuales únicos. Todo ello a un precio increíble. Las expansiones aumentan el mundo de The Division. Seguirás luchando para recuperar Nueva York, pero con opciones de juego, contenido y equipo nuevos: • Expansión I: Underground • Expansión II: Survival • Expansión III: Last Stand Con el Season Pass tu agente destacará sobre los demás. Desde el primer momento podrás usar la escopeta recortada: un arma de mano única para aniquilar a corto alcance. Además, recibirás un set exclusivo de atuendos y pinturas para tus armas. Como colofón, los que tengan el Season Pass recibirán beneficios mensuales exclusivos, como eventos y contenido nuevos. ¡Pronto daremos más información!
Tom Clancy's The Division Season Pass grants you access to all three major expansions over the course of a year, an array of exclusive gear and day 1 customization options, as well as special benefits each month just for Season Pass owners—all at one great price. Each expansion builds on The Division, continuing your agent’s journey with new content, gear and gameplay as you fight to take back New York: • Expansion I: Underground • Expansion II: Survival • Expansion III: Last Stand With the Season Pass, your Agent will stand out from the rest. On Day 1, you’ll unlock the exclusive Sawed-off Shotgun, a unique salvaged sidearm customized for short-range destruction. You will also receive a set of exclusive outfits and weapon skins. In addition, Season Pass owners gain special monthly benefits, including exclusive content drops and events. More details coming soon!

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