TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
Balíček tažení TW ATTILA: Doba Karla Velikého
- Rozsáhlé nové tažení zasazené do raného středověku.
- Středověký svět plný rytířů a huskarlů, dobově zpracované uživatelského rozhraní.
- 8 hratelných frakcí s novými jednotkami, technologiemi a budovami.
- Nové herní funkce s událostmi spojenými s příběhem a zvoleným královstvím.
Podrobnosti o obsahu
Vyčerpaný, krvácející, zjizvený a ohněm strávený svět leží v troskách. Ovšem i ve vší té zkáze se najdou hrdinové ochotní učinit vše, aby otočili zoufalé národy zpět ke světlu, vědomostem a civilizaci. Bez ohledu na cenu, bez ohledu na prostředky...
Nadchází věk několika vyvolených. Věk slávy, ve kterém se stará impéria rozpadla v prach a první skuteční králové budovali své mocné říše. Věk Karla Velikého.

Píše se rok 768 n. l. a Karel Veliký se má po smrti svého otce dělit o francký trůn se svým bratrem. Muži s jeho ambicemi však může tato situace jen stěží vyhovovat, cítí totiž, že mu v žilách koluje ohnivá krev jeho děda, Karla Martela. Vztahy mezi oběma sourozenci se tak prudce ochlazují.
Kontinent znavený konfliktem je plný přátel, protivníků a příležitostí, lidé dychtí po míru. Karel Veliký se záhy ocitá v čele nového věku vzdělání, náboženství a válčení a nemine jedinou šanci, jak šířit jednotu, stabilitu… a svůj vliv.
Sasové, Saracéni a Vikingové samozřejmě nemohou ponechat takovéto ambice bez povšimnutí.
K dosažení cíle tak bude zapotřebí mazanost, šarm, prozíravost i jistá dávka zákeřnosti.
Karel Veliký, král Franků, otec Evropy.
Budete kráčet v jeho šlépějích, nebo vás vaše ctižádost zavede ještě dál?
Jedinečné tažení s novými herními prvky
Doba Karla Velikého je výpravné rozšíření hry Total War: ATTILA, jež se odehrává ve středověké Evropě na rozsáhlé nové mapě tažení.
Na zdejším území již byli různí králové a jejich království i dříve, ale tentokrát přichází vskutku jedinečný muž, který je schopný sjednotit celé národy a vybudovat věčný odkaz a definovat, co znamená být „král“. Dokážete být také takoví?
Ocitnete se na úsvitu nového věku, ovšem ve vyčerpaném světě, jenž je unaven neustálým válčením. Dříve nevídané technologie a nové způsoby vedení boje jsou sice efektivní, ale nebudete se moci spoléhat jen na ně. Dobrý král je prozíravý a uvědomuje si, co všechno může po svém lidu chtít a jakou hranici již nesmí překročit.
Ovšem to, že nějaký národ není ochoten bojovat, nijak neznamená, že k tomu není připraven. Evropa je i nadále tavicím kotlem navzájem znesvářených ideologií a hluboko zakořeněné nedůvěry. Zatímco se Staré impérium pomalu vytrácí z lidské paměti, různé hrozby a dozvuky jeho rozpadu stále rezonují světem a vytvářejí nová nebezpečí a nástrahy pro formující se národy.
Vzniká jedinečná příležitost pro budování rozlehlých království, mocných nových států, které lze sjednotit pod praporcem civilizace rodící se z popela. Sláva vás již čeká – pokud prokážete, že máte schopnosti i odhodlanost samotného Karla Velikého.
Nová mapa tažení a uživatelské rozhraní
Zbrusu nová mapa tažení Doby Karla Velikého se zaměřuje na Evropu od roku 768 n. l. dál. Obsahuje 52 provincií, jež lze postupně dobýt, vytváří detailně zpracovanou a z geopolitického hlediska velice proměnlivou počáteční situaci a přináší stovky hodin zábavy.
Nový vzhled uživatelského rozhraní čerpá svou inspiraci ze středověkých uměleckých děl. Svým zpracováním, ve kterém se projevují vlivy iluminovaných manuskriptů, okenních vitráží a dalších prvků, propůjčuje hře i celému tažení zcela jedinečnou atmosféru.

Hratelné frakce
Doba Karla Velikého obsahuje celkem osm hratelných frakcí, z nichž každá má své vlastní rysy, rozpis jednotek i jedinečné a zároveň náročné podmínky vítězství, po jejichž dosažení si vyslouží označení „království“.
Každá frakce těží ze specializovanosti svých rysů i jednotek a má přístup ke specifickým herním funkcím, jež zajišťují bohaté rozdíly v herním stylu, výzvách a herních prožitcích v závislosti na tom, koho se rozhodnete zdejším tažením provést.
Na výběr máte následující možnosti:
Království Karla Velikého
Království Karla Velikého má potenciál sjednotit celou západní Evropu, ovšem sám Karel Veliký si je obtížnosti tohoto úkolu moc dobře vědom. V bitvě však dokáže motivovat své muže k hrdinským výkonům jako jen málokterý vojevůdce.
Barbarští Avaři jsou nesmírně zdatní jezdci na koních a v sedle se jim nikdo nevyrovná. Jejich jízda dokáže s úspěchem využívat taktiku bleskových úderů, avarské armády navíc mají k dispozici množství jízdních lučištníků a kopiníků.
Kordobské emiráty
Rozvinutá islámská společnost Kordobských emirátů je po právu pyšná na své vědce a dokáže zvýšeným tempem zkoumat nové technologie. Velký vezír se u svého lidu těší velké úcty, což je zárukou vysoké úrovně veřejného pořádku.
Asturijské knížectví
Asturijské knížectví, jež na Iberském poloostrově založil vizigótský šlechtic Pelagius, v sobě kombinuje prvky moderní římskokatolické společnosti s tradiční barbarskou bojechtivostí. Jeho armády vynikají v nastražování léček a přepadů.
Mercijské království
Mercie se svým hlavním městem Lichfieldem se stala jedním z nejvýznamnějších anglosaských království. Služba v armádě je oblíbená a štědře placená, váleční zajatci tedy často neváhají a ochotně vstupují do mercijských služeb.
Dánské království
Dánové, tito zkušení mořeplavci a nájezdníci, vynikají v boji na moři i na souši. Běda kupci, který se pokusí plavit se svou lodí do severních vod – na tyto trasy si totiž činí výhradní nárok Dánové.
Lombardské království
Lombardové, kteří svůj původ odvozují od starého skandinávského kmene, urazili dlouhou cestu ze své domoviny, aby si nakonec založili vlastní království v Itálii. Vzhledem k jejich bohatství a vlivu jim okolní státy ochotně poskytují materiální pomoc i vlastní odvedence.
Obyvatelé Vestfálska nezapřou barbarský původ svých germánských předků. Vydržují si dobře vyzbrojenou armádu, která v bitvě necouvne před žádným protivníkem. Státní pokladnu zdejší panovníci plní především rabováním okolních území.
Nové jednotky
Všechny jednotky v rozšíření Doba Karla Velikého jsou zcela nové, aby mohly co nejlépe odrážet pokročilý způsob boje vedený v tomto období, jenž je charakteristický silně vyzbrojenou a opancéřovanou pěchotou a obecným rozšířením jízdních jednotek všech typů, zejména prvním nasazením rytířů normanského stylu.
Celkem tu na vás čeká více než 300 nových jednotek. Budete mít možnost najímat legendární bojovníky této doby, jako jsou angličtí tháni, fyrdští sekerníci, scolští rytíři, berberští jinetes, chrti či obávaní saští válečníci se saxy.

Únava z válčení
Každý dobrý král musí především vědět, co všechno může po svém lidu chtít a jakou hranici již nesmí překročit. Války mezi jednotlivými královstvími mají dramatické a vážné důsledky a nelze je brát na lehkou váhu. Čím méně válek povedete, tím víc si vás bude váš národ považovat, a naopak časté a vleklé konflikty budou mít katastrofální důsledky na všeobecnou morálku a bojeschopnost armády.
Prozíravý vládce udělá vždy vše pro to, aby rychle a rozhodně obnovil mír.
Jedinečné události spojené s královstvím nebo příběhem
Každá z hratelných frakcí má pro odhodlané a cílevědomé panovníky jedinečnou sadu náročných „požadavků království“. Po jejich splnění budete moci jménem svého lidu vyhlásit vznik nového království, čímž potvrdíte nebo pozměníte tok dějin.
Jednotlivé frakce navíc v průběhu tažení čekají specifické příběhové události, které s sebou přinášejí neobyčejné úkoly a náročná rozhodnutí. Některé z těchto historií inspirovaných voleb vás povedou dál směrem k naplnění původního osudu vaší frakce, prostřednictvím jiných se však můžete vydat svou vlastní cestou.

Nové technologie a budovy
Rozšíření Doba Karla Velikého přináší mnoho technologií a budov spojených s příslušným historickým obdobím. Především se jedná o takové, které postupně zdůrazňují rozvíjející se myšlenky feudalismu a rytířství.
Řada budov nyní také přidává bonusy nejen své vlastní provincii, ale i sousedním oblastem, takže můžete různé geografické oblasti svého království více specializovat a vzájemně kombinovat výhody napříč svými zeměmi.
A ačkoliv se válkám zřejmě nikdy nevyhnete, máte k dispozici i takové podmínky vítězství, jichž lze snadněji dosáhnout mírovou cestou. Sami se tedy můžete rozhodnout, zda budete vládnout železnou rukou, nebo rozumem.

Záškodníci a dovednosti
Vaši záškodníci nyní budou specializovanější než dříve. Vrahové, zvědové a kněží (či imámové) již tedy nemají univerzální využití, ale soustředí se na konkrétní sady dovedností, které jsou sice úžeji zaměřené, ovšem také efektivnější než dříve.
Všichni generálové i záškodníci také mají k dispozici nové sady dovedností, jejichž jednotlivé položky jsou o poznání rozmanitější. Tím se vám nabízí možnost je postupně více rozvíjet a specializovat.
Na závěr se ve hře nachází také nový systém armádního a námořního dědictví s bonusy, které budete získávat odměnou za využívání určitých herních stylů
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Une nouvelle campagne gigantesque à l’aube du Moyen Âge.
- Entrez dans l’ère médiévale avec l’arrivée des chevaliers, des housecarls et d’une toute nouvelle interface.
- 8 factions jouables et de nouveaux bâtiments, unités et technologies.
- De nouvelles fonctionnalités avec les événements de royaume et d’histoire.
À propos de ce pack
Le monde est dévasté, les peuples sont fatigués, effrayés, blessés et sans espoir. Mais même après l’Apocalypse, certains hommes sont prêts à tout pour retrouver la lumière qu’apportent le savoir et la civilisation en cet âge sombre. Peu importe le prix ou les moyens...
Il s’agit d’un âge de grandeur, celui ou quelques élus deviendront roi et bâtiront de vastes royaumes à partir des cendres des empires passés... Il s’agit de l’âge de Charlemagne.

En l’an 768 de l’ère chrétienne, Charlemagne doit partager le trône des Francs avec son frère après la mort de son père. Cette situation est loin d’être idéale pour un homme de son ambition, possédant le sang de Charles Martel dans ses veines, et leur relation se détériore.
Ce continent, dont les habitants fatigués par les conflits cherchent désespérément une ère de paix, regorge d’amis à rencontrer, d’ennemis à déjouer et d’opportunités à saisir. Charlemagne se retrouve à la tête d’un nouvel âge d’éducation, de religion et de stratégie. Pour lui, tout est un outil destiné à unir, stabiliser... puis étendre.
Les saxons, les sarrasins et les vikings ont tous quelque chose à répondre à cet homme ambitieux.
Il faudra faire preuve d’astuce, de charme, d’intelligence et de force pour surpasser vos adversaires.
Charles le grand, roi des Francs et père de l’Europe.
Laisserez-vous une trace dans l’histoire à sa manière ou règnerez-vous à votre façon ?
Une campagne unique avec de nouvelles mécaniques de jeu
L'âge de Charlemagne est une extension épique pour Total War: ATTILA, qui se déroule au Moyen Âge et propose une nouvelle campagne prenant place sur la carte de l’Europe.
Il y a eu bien d’autres rois et royaumes auparavant, mais c’est à cette période que de grands hommes réussirent à unir des peuples entiers pour bâtir des nations qui existent encore de nos jours. Ils furent les premiers à mériter le titre de roi, serez-vous parmi eux ?
Vous entrerez dans un âge nouveau, l’âge d’un monde fatigué et las des conflits et des batailles. De nouvelles technologies et de bonnes stratégies ne feront pas de vous un roi. Un bon roi doit avant tout connaître les limites de son peuple.
Mais n’allez pas penser qu’une nation reste sans protection simplement parce qu’elle ne désire pas la guerre. L’Europe reste un véritable mélange d’idéologies opposées et de mésententes de longue date. Bien que l’empire passé s’efface peu à peu des mémoires, les menaces et conséquences de son ancienne présence se transforment en nouveaux dangers pour les nouvelles nations.
L’opportunité se présente enfin d’unir les vastes royaumes naissants, de puissants états qui peuvent être guidés ensemble sous la bannière d’une civilisation renaissant de ses cendres. De grandes choses vous attendent, pour peu que vous ayez la résolution et l’ambition de Charlemagne.
Nouvelle carte de campagne et nouvelle interface
La nouvelle carte de campagne de L'âge de Charlemagne vous propulse en Europe en l’an 768 de l’ère chrétienne. Avec 52 provinces à conquérir, elle offre une position géopolitique détaillée capable de fournir des centaines d’heures de jeu.
L’interface resplendit désormais dans un style artistique inspiré du Moyen Âge. Elle s’inspire d’enluminures et de vitraux pour apporter ses couleurs et son atmosphère à votre campagne.

Factions jouables
L'âge de Charlemagne propose huit factions jouables, chacune possédant ses propres caractéristiques, unités et conditions pour devenir un royaume à part entière.
Chaque faction possède une spécialisation dans leurs caractéristiques principales et leurs unités ainsi que l’accès à des fonctionnalités spécifiques du jeu, fournissant ainsi différents styles et expériences de jeu, peu importe celle que vous choisissez pour votre campagne.
Choisissez parmi :
Royaume de Charlemagne
Le royaume de Charlemagne a le potentiel d’unifier l’Europe de l’Ouest, mais Charlemagne lui-même est conscient de la difficulté de cet objectif. En combat, il peut inspirer ses troupes comme peu d’hommes savent le faire.
Cavaliers accomplis, les barbares Avares gagnent rapidement de l’expérience en selle, un avantage très utile pour les frappes rapides qui se reflète dans la grande variété d’archers à cheval et de lanciers qu’ils ont à leur disposition.
Émirat de Cordoue
Une société islamique progressiste, l’émirat de Cordoue met en avant ses institutions académiques et recherche de nouvelles technologies à une plus grande vitesse. Le grand vizir est respecté par son peuple et assure un bon niveau d’ordre public.
Royaume des Asturies
Fondé dans la péninsule ibérique par Pélage, un noble wisigoth, le royaume des Asturies mélange une vision romano-chrétienne aux prouesses militaires barbares, faisant de leurs soldats des experts en embuscades.
Royaume de Mercie
Avec la ville de Lichfield comme capitale, Mercie est devenu le royaume anglo-saxon dominant. Son armée est renommée et bien entretenue, c’est donc avec plaisir que les prisonniers de guerre rejoignent les rangs des merciens.
Royaume des Danois
Marins sans égaux et pilleurs doués, les Danois sont d’excellents guerriers sur terre comme sur mer. Que la chance accompagne les marchands qui tentent de faire fortune sur les flots du nord, car ces routes commerciales font le bonheur des Danois.
Royaume des Lombards
Tribu scandinave à l’origine, les Lombards ont parcouru un long chemin au fil des générations pour finalement établir un royaume en Italie. Riches et très influents, ils peuvent obtenir beaucoup d’argent et de troupes des états qui leurs sont tributaires.
Fidèles à leurs racines germaines barbares, la Westphalie entretien une armée bien équipée dont la loyauté est assurée en toute circonstance. La plus grande partie de ses revenus provient du pillage des territoires voisins.
Nouvelles unités
L'âge de Charlemagne contient de nouvelles unités pour refléter au mieux les avancées militaires de l’époque, caractérisées par une infanterie équipée d’armes et armures plus lourdes et une cavalerie plus présente et plus diversifiée, avec l’arrivée des chevaliers de style normand en particulier.
Avec plus de 300 nouvelles unités, vous pourrez recruter des forces emblématiques de l’époque comme les thegns, les fyrds à haches, les chevaliers scola, les jinetes berbères, les lévriers et les guerriers scramasaxes saxons.

Fatigue de guerre
Un grand roi doit connaître les limites de son peuple. Les guerres sont des événements dramatiques majeurs qui ont lieu entre les royaumes et qui ne doivent surtout pas être envisagés de manière légère. Moins vous serez en guerre, plus votre peuple vous soutiendra, car des guerres trop fréquentes ou trop longues peuvent rapidement baisser le moral et la loyauté de vos armées.
Un seigneur avisé doit savoir apporter une paix rapide et décisive.
Événements uniques de royaume et d’histoire
Chacune des factions jouables possède une liste unique de conditions pour devenir des royaumes à part entière grâce à l’aide des joueurs déterminés et judicieux. Une fois ces conditions atteintes, vous pourrez choisir un nouveau nom pour le royaume de votre faction, un nom qui vous suivra lors de votre passage dans l’Histoire.
De plus, chaque faction sera sujette à des événements d’histoire différents qui vous offriront des défis et dilemmes différents au fil de votre campagne. Inspirés de faits historiques, ces choix vous permettront de suivre au plus près l’histoire d’origine de votre faction ou de vous en écarter pour forger votre propre destinée.

Nouveaux bâtiments et technologies
L'âge de Charlemagne apporte de nombreux bâtiments et technologies pour refléter cette nouvelle époque. Vous rencontrerez et utiliserez au cours de votre campagne ceux qui ont inspiré de manière significative les idées de féodalisme et de chevalerie.
De nombreux bâtiments donnent dorénavant des avantages aux provinces adjacentes en plus de la leur. Cela vous permet d'augmenter les spécialisations des différentes zones géographiques de votre royaume et de cumuler ou diversifier ces avantages à travers vos terres.
De plus, bien que les conflits soient inévitables, il est possible d'accomplir des conditions de victoire qui s'éloignent d'une approche militaire afin de tester vos capacités de souverain pacifique et rusé.

Agents et compétences
Vous découvrirez des agents plus spécialisés qu'auparavant, les assassins, espions et prêtres (ou imams) possèdent une compétence plus efficace mais plus spécifique, au lieu d'être équilibré dans tous les domaines.
Tout comme les généraux, les agents recevront de tous nouveaux arbres de talent avec une plus grande variété de branches disponibles. Cela leur offrira des choix plus nombreux dans leur développement et permettra de les spécialiser davantage sur le long terme.
Pour finir, les héritages de l'armée et de la marine se concentreront sur des avantages qui récompenseront différents styles de jeu
TW ATTILA: Kampagnenpack Zeitalter Karls des Großen
- Umfangreiche neue Kampagne zum Anbeginn des Mittelalters.
- Tauchen Sie ein in die frühe Phase des Mittelalters – mit Rittern, Huscarls und einer neuen Benutzeroberfläche im Stil der Buchmalerei.
- 8 spielbare Fraktionen mit brandneuen Einheiten, Technologien und Gebäuden.
- Neue Spielfunktionen mit handlungsbasierten und Königreich-Ereignissen.
Über das Spiel
Die Welt liegt in Scherben, verbraucht, blutend, vernarbt und verbrannt. Die Menschen sind verzweifelt, doch selbst nach der Apokalypse immer noch bereit, alles für eine Rückkehr ins Licht, zu Wissen und in die Zivilisation zu geben. Um jeden Preis und mit allen Mitteln.
Es ist das Zeitalter der wenigen Privilegierten und wahrer Größe, ein Zeitalter, in dem die ersten Könige riesige Reiche aus der Asche vergangener Nationen errichteten. Es ist das Zeitalter Karls des Großen.

Wir schreiben das Jahr 768 nach Christus. Karl der Große sieht sich nach dem Tod seines Vaters gezwungen, den fränkischen Thron mit seinem Bruder zu teilen. Die gespaltene Königswürde ist unhaltbar für einen Mann seines Weitblicks, und als er das feurige Blut seines Großvaters Karl Martell in sich aufwallen spürt, belastet dies das Verhältnis zu seinem Bruder schwer.
Der kriegsmüde Kontinent wird bevölkert von Freunden, Feinden und verlockenden Möglichkeiten, und seine Bewohner sehnen sich nach Frieden. Karl der Große steht an der Spitze eines neuen Zeitalters der Bildung, der Religion und des Kriegswesens – willkommene Werkzeuge, um die Menschen zu vereinen, das Land zu stabilisieren ... und die Grenzen seines Reiches zu erweitern.
Doch auch die Sachsen, Sarazenen und Wikinger werden in dieser Sache ein Wort mitzureden haben.
Es werden List, Charme, Intelligenz und Rücksichtslosigkeit vonnöten sein, um über alle anderen zu triumphieren.
Karl der Große, König der Franken, Vater Europas.
Werden Sie auf seinen Spuren wandeln oder zu einem König in eigener Sache werden?
Eine einzigartige Kampagne mit neuen Spielmechaniken
Zeitalter Karls des Großen ist die epische Erweiterung zu Total War: ATTILA und spielt zur Zeit des Mittelalters auf einer ausladenden neuen Kampagnenkarte für Europa.
Es mag bereits Könige und ihre Reiche gegeben haben, aber dies war eine Epoche, in der wahrhaft große Männer ganze Nationen vereinten und Vermächtnisse errichteten, die die Zeit überdauern sollten. Sie zeigten, was es bedeutete, König zu sein. Werden auch Sie dazugehören?
Sie stehen an der Schwelle zu einer neuen Ära, doch die Welt ist schwer gezeichnet von vergangenen Konflikten und Kriegen. Neue Technologien und Möglichkeiten der Kriegsführung sind lediglich Werkzeuge. Ein guter König muss Scharfsinn beweisen und sehr genau wissen, wie sehr er sein Volk belasten kann.
Zeigt eine Nation Widerwillen, in den Krieg zu ziehen, so kann sie dennoch dafür gerüstet sein. Europa bleibt ein Schmelztiegel gegensätzlicher Ideologien und lang gepflegten Misstrauens. Die Erinnerungen an das alte Reich mögen zwar verblassen, doch die Krisen und Folgen seines schwächer werdenden Nachklangs bringen neue Gefahren und Probleme für seine jungen Nationen mit sich.
Mehr denn je ist dies die Gelegenheit, riesige Königreiche zu erschaffen und mächtige Staaten unter dem Banner der aus der Asche wiedergeborenen Zivilisation ins Leben zu rufen. Wenn Sie die stählerne Härte und den Weitblick Karls des Großen besitzen, dann erwartet Sie hier wahrhaftige Größe.
Neue Kampagnenkarte und Benutzeroberfläche
Auf der brandneuen Karte der Zeitalter Karls des Großen-Kampagne steht das Europa im Jahre 768 nach Christus im Vordergrund. Mit 52 eroberbaren Provinzen stellt sie eine detaillierte und geopolitisch lebendige Ausgangsposition mit einem Potenzial für Hunderte Stunden an Spielzeit dar.
Die neue Benutzeroberfläche glänzt in einem prächtigen, an die Kunst des Mittelalters angelehnten Stil. Einflüsse aus Manuskripten der Bilderhandschrift und frühen Buntglasarbeiten verleihen Ihrer Kampagne Farbe und eine authentische Atmosphäre.

Spielbare Fraktionen
Zeitalter Karls des Großen enthält acht verschiedene spielbare Fraktionen, die nicht nur über individuelle Eigenschaften und Einheiten verfügen, sondern auch einzigartige Bedingungen erfüllen müssen, damit Sie Ihre Nation rechtmäßig "Königreich" nennen dürfen.
Jede einzelne Fraktion profitiert von speziellen, auf sie zugeschnittenen Eigenschaften, Einheiten und dem Zugang zu bestimmten Spielfunktionen. Dies führt unabhängig von Ihrer Wahl zu erheblichen Unterschieden hinsichtlich Spielstil und Herausforderungen.
Zur Auswahl stehen:
Das Königreich von Karl dem Großen
Das Königreich Karls des Großen hat das Potenzial, Westeuropa zu vereinen, doch sein Herrscher ist sich der Schwere dieser Herausforderung bewusst. In der Schlacht weiß er wie kein anderer Anführer seine Männer zu inspirieren.
Die barbarischen Awaren sind ein erfahrenes Reitervolk, das im Sattel rasch Erfahrung sammelt. Dank der großen Zahl berittener Bogenschützen und Lanzenträger in ihren Reihen liegt ihre Stärke in schnellen Angriffstaktiken.
Emirat von Cordoba
Das Emirat von Cordoba ist eine fortschrittliche islamische Gesellschaft, die sich ihrer akademischen Institutionen rühmt und fortlaufend neue Technologien erforscht. Der Großwesir genießt beachtlichen Respekt bei seinem Volk und ist unter anderem für den Erhalt der öffentlichen Ordnung verantwortlich.
Königreich Asturien
Auf der iberischen Halbinsel gründete der westgotische Adlige Pelagius das Königreich von Asturien. Die Verschmelzung römisch-christlicher Weltanschauungen mit klassischer barbarischer Kühnheit ermöglicht ihm, geschickte und hinterhältige Angriff mit seinen Armeen zu führen.
Königreich Mercia
Mercia etablierte sich mit seiner Hauptstadt Lichfield zum vorherrschenden angelsächsischen Königreich. Sein Militär ist beliebt und steht auf einer festen finanziellen Basis, und Kriegsgefangene schließen sich den Reihen Mercias nur zu gerne an.
Königreich der Dänen
Die Dänen sind unübertroffene Seefahrer und gelten daher nicht nur zu Lande als fähige Plünderer. Wehe den Kaufleuten, die ihr Gewerbe auf den Handelsrouten der Nordmeere ausüben und sich in den Jagdgebieten der Dänen wiederfinden.
Königreich der Langobarden
Vor vielen Generationen waren die Langobarden ein Stamm aus Skandinavien, der einen langen Weg auf sich genommen hat, um ein Königreich in Italien zu errichten. Mittlerweile sind sie reich an Kapital und Einfluss und heben zahlreiche Truppen in tributpflichtigen Staaten aus.
Westfalen bleibt seinen germanischen Barbarenwurzeln treu und unterhält ein gut bewaffnetes Militär, dessen Loyalität sicher im Schmelztiegel der Schlacht verankert ist. Den Großteil seines Einkommens schöpft das Reich aus Überfällen auf angrenzende Territorien.
Alle Fraktionen werden in den kommenden Wochen exklusiv auf vorgestellt, also bleiben Sie dran und schauen Sie kurz vor dem Erscheinungsdatum wieder vorbei.
Neue Einheiten
Zeitalter Karls des Großen enthält brandneue Einheiten, die das fortschrittlichere Kriegswesen des damaligen Zeitalters widerspiegeln. Geprägt wurde es durch eine schwerer bewaffnete und stärker gerüstete Infanterie, die zunehmende Verbreitung verschiedener Kavallerie-Truppen und nicht zuletzt durch das erstmalige Erscheinen von Rittern im Stile der Normannen.
Mit über 300 neuen Einheiten bietet sich Ihnen die Möglichkeit, berühmte Militärkräfte jener Zeit zu rekrutieren, darunter die Thanes, die Fyrd-Axtkämpfer, die Scola-Ritter, die berberischen Jinetes, die Jagdhunde und die gefürchteten Sax-Krieger.

Ein guter König kennt die Belastungsgrenze seines Volkes. Kriege bedeuten einen dramatischen Einschnitt für alle Reiche und sollten nicht leichtsinnig begonnen werden. Je weniger Kriege Sie führen, desto besser wird die Stimmung in Ihrem Volk, da häufige und langwierige Konflikte die Moral und Integrität Ihrer Armee schwer belasten.
Ein scharfsinniger Herrscher strebt schnell und entschieden nach Frieden.
Einzigartige Königreich- und Handlungsereignisse
Jede spielbare Fraktion besitzt einzigartige "Königreich"-Voraussetzungen für engagierte und clever agierende Spieler. Sobald Sie diese Hürde genommen haben, können Sie einen neuen Namen für Ihr Königreich ausrufen. Ob Sie sich an der Geschichte orientieren oder sie zu Ihren Gunsten ändern, bleibt ganz allein Ihnen überlassen.
Jede Fraktion wird außerdem im Verlauf der Kampagne von speziellen Handlungsereignissen vor diverse Herausforderungen und Zwangslagen gestellt. Historisch inspirierte Entscheidungen können Sie weiter zum Ursprung Ihrer gewählten Fraktion führen – doch es steht Ihnen frei, auch Ihren ganz persönlichen Weg einzuschlagen.

Neue Technologien und Gebäude
Die Technologien und Gebäude in Zeitalter Karls des Großen sind ein Spiegelbild des neu angebrochenen Zeitalters. So werden Ihnen im Verlaufe Ihrer Kampagne die Wegbereiter der aufkeimenden Konzepte von Feudalismus und Rittertum begegnen, zu deren Durchbruch Sie maßgeblich beitragen.
Viele Gebäude generieren nun außerdem für sich selbst wie auch für angrenzende Provinzen einen bestimmten Bonus, der Ihnen tiefergreifende Spezialisierungen sowie die Verknüpfung diverser Begünstigungen innerhalb Ihres Königreichs ermöglicht.
Obwohl Ihnen der Konflikt immer auf den Fersen bleibt, steht es Ihnen frei, einen weniger militärisch ausgerichteten Weg einzuschlagen und sich als sowohl barmherziger wie auch mit allen Wassern gewaschener Herrscher zu beweisen.

Agenten und Fähigkeiten
Seien es Attentäter, Spione oder Priester (respektive Imame) – Sie werden feststellen, dass sich der Fokus Ihrer Agenten von vielseitig anwendbaren Fähigkeiten auf eingeschränktere, dafür aber mächtigere Spezialisierungen verlagert hat.
Ebenso wie Ihre Generäle erhalten Agenten vollständig neue Fähigkeitenbäume, deren Zweige nun abwechslungsreichere Auswahlmöglichkeiten für längerfristige Entwicklungen und Spezialisierungen bieten.
Die Armee- und Marine-Vermächtnisse stellen schließlich Boni zur Verfügung, die als Belohnungen für bestimmte Spielstile verliehen werden
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
Pacchetto campagna TW ATTILA: l'era di Carlo Magno
- Una grande nuova campagna ambientata all'alba del Medioevo.
- Entra nel Medioevo con cavalieri, huscarli e una nuova IU miniata.
- 8 fazioni giocabili con nuove unità, tecnologie ed edifici.
- Nuove caratteristiche di gioco con eventi basati sulla Storia e sul Regno.
Informazioni sui contenuti
Il mondo è devastato, stravolto, messo a ferro e fuoco. Il popolo è disperato. Ma anche dopo l'apocalisse ci sono uomini disposti a dare tutto per riportare la luce, la conoscenza e la civiltà. A qualsiasi costo e con qualunque mezzo...
È un'era di pochi prescelti, un'era di grandezza, quando i primi veri re costruirono vasti regni dalle ceneri degli imperi passati... è l'Era di Carlo Magno.
Siamo nell'anno del Signore 768, dopo la morte del padre, Carlo Magno deve dividere il trono dei Franchi con il fratello. Una situazione poco confacente a un uomo con la sua visione, mentre l'impetuoso sangue del nonno Carlo Martello gli ribolle nelle vene.
Amici, nemici e opportunità abbondano in un continente stremato dalla guerra, la cui popolazione aspira alla pace. Carlo Magno si trova a guidare una nuova epoca di educazione, religione e guerra che vede come strumenti di unione, stabilità... ed espansione.
Sassoni, Saraceni e Vichinghi non staranno fermi di fronte a un uomo di tali ambizioni.
Per primeggiare serviranno astuzia, fascino, intelligenza e spietatezza.
Carlo Magno, re dei Franchi, padre dell'Europa.
Lascerai il segno a sua immagine o diventerai re per conto tuo?
Una campagna esclusiva con nuove meccaniche di gioco
L'Era di Carlo Magno è un'epica espansione di Total War: ATTILA, ambientata nel Medioevo su una nuova ed estesa mappa della campagna dell'Europa.
Ci sono stati sovrani e regni in passato, ma questa è un'epoca in cui grandi uomini unirono intere nazioni, creando eredità durature e definendo cosa significa essere un re. Saprai prendere il tuo posto fra loro?
Affronterai una nuova era in un mondo stravolto e sfinito dalla guerra. Nuove tecnologie e tecniche militari potranno portarti solo fino a un certo punto. Un buon re è un uomo accorto, che sa fino a dove può spingere il suo popolo.
Se una nazione è riluttante a entrare in guerra, non pensare erroneamente che non sia pronta a farlo. L'Europa resta un crogiolo di ideologie contrastanti e antiche inimicizie. Anche se l'antico impero è ormai uno sbiadito ricordo, le minacce e le conseguenze della sua fine si trasformano in nuovi pericoli e pressioni per le nascenti nazioni.
Avrai la possibilità di creare vasti regni, nuovi potenti stati da governare sotto la bandiera di una civiltà risorta dalle ceneri. La gloria ti attende, se possiedi la potenza e la visione di Carlo Magno.
Mappa della campagna e IU nuove:
La nuova mappa della campagna L'Era di Carlo Magno si concentra sull'Europa dall'anno 768. Con 52 province conquistabili offre una posizione di partenza geopolitica dettagliata e piena di vita, con centinaia di potenziali ore di gioco.
Ora l'interfaccia utente ha uno splendido stile ispirato all'arte del Medioevo. Elementi provenienti, tra gli altri, da manoscritti miniati e antiche vetrate dipinte aggiungeranno colore e atmosfera alla campagna.

Fazioni giocabili
L'Era di Carlo Magno comprende otto fazioni giocabili ciascuna con i suoi tratti, unità e condizioni di sfida per diventare un regno.
Ciascuna fazione trae vantaggi dall'aumento della specializzazione nei tratti, nelle unità e nell'accesso a specifiche caratteristiche creando diversi stili di gioco, sfide ed esperienze a prescindere da quale fazione scegli per la tua campagna.
Scegli tra:
Regno di Carlo Magno
Il regno di Carlo Magno ha la potenzialità per unificare l'Europa occidentale, ma lo stesso Carlo sa che questa unità non è facile da raggiungere. In battaglia ha la capacità di ispirare i suoi uomini come pochi sovrani sanno fare.
Esperti cavalieri, i barbari Avari acquistano rapidamente esperienza in sella; un notevole vantaggio nelle strategie di attacco rapido che si manifesta nella vasta scelta di arcieri e lancieri a cavallo che hanno a disposizione.
Emirato di Cordova
Una civiltà islamica progressista, l'emirato di Cordova si vanta delle sue istituzioni accademiche ed esplora velocemente nuove tecnologie. Il gran visir è rispettato dalla sua gente e questo assicura un buon livello di ordine pubblico.
Regno delle Asturie
Fondato nella penisola iberica da Pelagio, nobile visigoto, il regno delle Asturie unisce una moderna mentalità romano-cristiana alla classica abilità militare tipica dei barbari che rende le sue truppe adatte alle imboscate.
Regno di Mercia
Con capitale a Lichfield, Mercia è diventato il regno anglosassone dominante. Il suo esercito è famoso e ben supportato, e i prigionieri di guerra entrano a far parte volentieri dei suoi ranghi.
Regno dei Dani
Capaci marinai e abili razziatori, i Dani sono esperti guerrieri in mare e sulla terraferma. Guai al mercante che commercia negli oceani del nord, quelle rotte sono il pane quotidiano dei Dani.
Regno dei Longobardi
Nati generazioni prima come una tribù scandinava, i Longobardi hanno compiuto un lungo viaggio per creare il loro regno in Italia. Ricchi e influenti, guadagnano molto denaro e reclutano numerose truppe dai loro stati tributari.
Fedele alle sue barbare radici germaniche, Vestfalia mantiene un esercito bene armato che resta sempre fedele anche nel mezzo della battaglia. Gran parte dei suoi guadagni provengono dalle razzie ai danni dei territori circostanti.
Nuove unità
L'Era di Carlo Magno contiene unità completamente nuove per rispecchiare meglio i progressi militari dell'epoca, che vedevano una fanteria armata e corazzata più pesantemente e una crescente importanza rivestita dalla cavalleria di tutti i tipi, in particolare con la comparsa di quella in stile normanno.
Con oltre 300 nuove unità avrai l'opportunità di reclutare le truppe tipiche dell'epoca come thegn, guerrieri con ascia fyrd, cavalleria scola, jinetes berberi, levrieri e i temuti guerrieri sassoni con Scramasax.

Logorio della guerra
Un re davvero grande sa fino a dove può spingere la sua gente. Le guerre tra regni sono eventi drammatici e importanti, e non dovrebbero essere affrontate con leggerezza. Meno guerre intraprendi meglio si comporteranno i tuoi sudditi, perché i conflitti frequenti e prolungati inficeranno rapidamente il morale e l'integrità dei tuoi eserciti.
Un regnante accorto cercherà di ottenere la pace in modo rapido e risoluto.
Eventi esclusivi del Regno e della Storia
Ciascuna fazione giocabile possiede una serie di impegnativi requisiti "Regno" che i giocatori dovranno soddisfare con dedizione e abilità. In questo modo la tua fazione potrà fondare un proprio regno, seguendo o cambiando la storia.
Ogni fazione inoltre avrà degli eventi della Storia dedicati che, nel corso della campagna, ti offriranno sfide e decisioni da affrontare. Ispirate alla storia, alcune scelte ti porteranno sulle orme del destino originale della fazione mentre altre ti permetteranno di scrivere una storia diversa.

Nuove tecnologia ed edifici
L'Era di Carlo Magno presenta molte tecnologie ed edifici che rispecchiano il nuovo periodo storico; in particolare, nel corso della campagna, scoprirai e userai a tuo vantaggio quelli che influenzano le nascenti idee del feudalesimo e della cavalleria.
Molti edifici forniscono bonus anche alle province adiacenti oltre che alla propria, consentendo una maggiore specializzazione nelle diverse aree geografiche del tuo regno e creando una catena di benefici combinati diffusi nelle tue terre.
Inoltre, anche se la guerra sarà sempre in agguato, sono presenti condizioni di vittoria che premiano un approccio meno militaresco; dimostrati un re capace di essere sia astuto che umano.

Agenti e abilità
Avrai a disposizione agenti più specializzati di prima con assassini, spie e sacerdoti (o imam) concentrati su una serie di specifiche, ma più potenti, abilità e non utili in tutte le occasioni.
Insieme ai tuoi generali, anche gli agenti avranno dei nuovi alberi delle abilità con varie diramazioni disponibili. Avrai a disposizione più scelte in base alle quali svilupparli e specializzarli nel tempo.
Infine, le eredità Esercito e Marina si concentreranno su bonus che premiano gli stili di gioco particolari
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Pakiet Kampanii Era Karola Wielkiego
- Ogromna nowa kampania, rozgrywająca się w początkowych fazach średniowiecza.
- Rozpocznij erę średniowiecza, z rycerzami, huskarlami i nowym, bogato ilustrowanym stylem graficznym interfejsu.
- 8 grywalnych frakcji z nowymi jednostkami, technologiami i budynkami.
- Nowe funkcje w grze – wydarzenia fabularne i związane z królestwem.
Informacje o tej zawartości
Świat legł w gruzach – wycieńczony, krwawiący, poraniony i spopielony. Lud ogarnęła trwoga, ale nawet w obliczu apokalipsy, nieliczni śmiałkowie robią wszystko, aby przywrócić światło, wiedzę i cywilizację. Niezależnie od kosztów, jakiekolwiek by one nie były...
W erze wybranych, w erze wielkości, kiedy pierwsi prawdziwi królowie zakładali potężne królestwa na zgliszczach dawnych imperiów... w Erze Karola Wielkiego.
Mamy rok 768 n.e. Po śmierci ojca, późniejszy Charlemagne czyli Karol Wielki, ma dzielić tron Franków ze swym bratem. Sytuacja ta jest trudna dla takiego wizjonera, a ich relacje są coraz trudniejsze, gdyż w żyłach Charlemagne’a zaczyna burzyć się ognista krew jego dziadka, Karola Młota.
Zmęczony ciągłymi konfliktami, kontynent pełen jest przyjaciół, wrogów i możliwości. Lud pragnie pokoju, a Charlemagne prowadzi swój kraj w nowy wiek edukacji, religii i wojny. Te trzy rzeczy mają mu pomóc w zjednoczeniu, stabilizacji i... ekspansji.
Sasi, Saraceni i Wikingowie na pewno zwrócą uwagę na kogoś tak ambitnego.
Aby wznieść się ponad resztę, potrzebna będzie przebiegłość, wdzięk i bezwzględność.
Karol Wielki, król Franków, ojciec Europy.
Zmienisz nieco jego historię? A może napiszesz ją od nowa?
Niepowtarzalna kampania i nowa mechanika rozgrywki
Era Karola Wielkiego to epicki dodatek do Total War: ATTILA, którego akcja toczy się w średniowieczu, na ogromnej, nowej mapie kampanii w Europie.
Już wcześniej byli tu królowie i królestwa, ale dopiero teraz wielcy mężowie stanu jednoczą całe narody, dają początek trwałym dynastiom i definiują, co to naprawdę znaczy być królem. Czy dołączysz do nich?
W wyniszczonym konfliktami i bitwami świecie rozpoczyna się nowa era. Nowe technologie i nowe sposoby prowadzenia wojen to dopiero początek. Dobry król jest zręcznym politykiem, wiedzącym, jak daleko może się posunąć.
Niechęć do wojny nie oznacza braku gotowości. Europa pozostaje tyglem sprzecznych ideologii i dawnych zatargów. Choć stare imperia odchodzą w przeszłość, dawne spory i ich konsekwencje odbijają się szerokim echem, powodując nowe zagrożenia i tarcia pomiędzy młodymi państwami.
Sojusze pomiędzy nowymi królestwami dają nowe możliwości, a ogromne masy ludu można zjednoczyć pod sztandarami podźwigania cywilizacji z popiołów. Chwała na ciebie czeka, o ile tylko posiadasz niezłomność i wizję Charlemagne’a.
Nowa mapa kampanii i interfejs użytkownika
Zupełnie nowa mapa kampanii w Erze Karola Wielkiego koncentruje się na Europie od roku 768 n.e. W tych zmiennych warunkach geopolitycznych masz 52 prowincje do podbicia, co potencjalnie gwarantuje setki godzin rozgrywki.
Interfejs użytkownika jest inspirowany średniowieczną sztuką – bogato ilustrowane rękopisy i wczesne witraże dodadzą koloru i stylu do twojej kampanii.

Grywalne frakcje
Era Karola Wielkiego zawiera osiem grywalnych frakcji, z których każda posiada swoje cechy, zestaw jednostek oraz niepowtarzalne i pełne wyzwań warunki do spełnienia, które zdecydują o powstaniu jej królestwa.
Każda frakcja może odnieść korzyści ze wzmocnionej specjalizacji swoich cech i jednostek, oraz zyskać dostęp do specjalnych funkcji w grze. Skutkuje to bardzo zróżnicowanymi stylami rozgrywki, wyzwaniami i doświadczeniami, w zależności od tego, którą frakcję wybierzesz do gry w kampanii.
Dostępne są:
Królestwo Karola Wielkiego
Królestwo Karola Wielkiego ma potencjał zjednoczenia Zachodniej Europy, ale nawet sam Charlemagne zdaje sobie sprawę, że nie będzie to proste. Ma on niepowtarzalną zdolność motywowania swoich ludzi do walki.
Barbarzyńscy Awarowie, doskonali jeźdźcy, szybko zdobywają doświadczenie w siodle. Świetnie sprawdzają się jako szybkie wojska uderzeniowe, a do dyspozycji mają wielu różnego rodzaju konnych łuczników i lansjerów.
Emirat Kordoby
Emirat Kordoby to postępowe społeczeństwo islamskie, szczycące się instytucjami akademickimi i szybciej rozwijające nowe technologie. Lud szanuje swego Wielkiego Wezyra, który gwarantuje publiczny porządek.
Królestwo Asturii
Królestwo Asturii zostało założone na Półwyspie Iberyjskim przez wizygockiego wodza, Pelagiusza. Łączy ono nowoczesne poglądy rzymsko-chrześcijańskie z klasyczną potęgą wojskową barbarzyńców. Jego wojsko specjalizuje się w zastawianiu pułapek na wrogów.
Królestwo Mercji
Królestwo Mercji, ze stolicą w Lichfield, dominuje wśród krajów anglosaskich. Jego armia jest popularna i dobrze opłacana, a jeńcy wojenni pojmani w bitwie chętnie wstępują w szeregi wojsk Mercji.
Królestwo Danii
Duńczycy są świetnymi żeglarzami i łupieżcami – potrafią prowadzić boje zarówno na morzu, jak i lądzie. Marny los każdego kupca, który zapuści się na północne wody – Duńczycy znają je jak własną kieszeń.
Królestwo Lombardii
Pochodzą od plemienia skandynawskiego, które zapuściło się daleko na południe i założyło swoje królestwo we Włoszech. Bogaci i wpływowi, dysponują ogromnym kapitałem i pozyskują liczne wojska od państw zależnych.
Westfalczycy pozostają wierni swoim germańskim korzeniom barbarzyńskim i utrzymują dobrze uzbrojoną armię, której lojalność umacniana jest w każdej bitwie. Większość przychodów królestwa pochodzi z najazdów na terytoria ościenne.
Nowe jednostki
Era Karola Wielkiego zawiera same nowe jednostki, lepiej odwzorowujące zaawansowane technologie wojenne tamtych czasów. Piechota jest ciężej uzbrojona i opancerzona, a na znaczeniu zyskuje kawaleria – po raz pierwszy na polach bitew pojawiają się rycerze uzbrojeni na modłę normandzką.
W pakiecie dostępnych jest ponad 300 nowych jednostek, a gracze będą mogli zwerbować kultowe formacje wojskowe tamtych czasów, takie jak tanowie, topornicy z fyrdu, rycerze ze Scholae, jinete berberów, charty czy budzący grozę wojownicy z saksami.

Gotowość do wojny
Prawdziwy król doskonale wie, jak daleko może się posunąć, nie sprowadzając na siebie gniewu ludu. Wojny są ważnymi i dramatycznymi wydarzeniami w historii każdego królestwa i nie należy ich lekceważyć. Im mniej wojen prowadzisz, tym większe poparcie ludu, a ciągłe konflikty szybko obniżą morale i karność armii.
Sprytny władca będzie starał się jak najszybciej przesądzić losy wojny i zaprowadzić pokój.
Niepowtarzalne wydarzenia fabularne i związane z królestwami
Każda grywalna frakcja posiada niepowtarzalny zestaw wymagań “królewskich”, które zaawansowany i sprytny gracz musi spełnić. Po ich zaliczeniu, pojawi się możliwość stworzenia i nazwania nowego królestwa dla twojej frakcji. Odzwierciedla to lub zmienia przebieg rzeczywistych wydarzeń.
Dodatkowo, każda frakcja posiada własne wydarzenia fabularne, dzięki którym wraz z rozwojem kampanii, pojawiają się nowe wyzwania i dylematy. Są one inspirowane wydarzeniami historycznymi - niektóre wybory są zgodne z realiami historycznymi, inne spowodują, że to gracz wytyczy własną ścieżkę rozwoju królestwa.

Nowe technologie i budynki
Era Karola Wielkiego zawiera wiele technologii i budynków charakterystycznych dla nowego okresu. W miarę postępów w kampanii, pojawiać się będą szczególnie te, które odzwierciedlają rodzące się idee feudalizmu i etosu rycerskiego.
Wiele budynków daje też premie nie tylko własnym prowincjom, ale też terytoriom ościennym. W związku z tym możliwa jest większa specjalizacja w różnych obszarach geograficznych. Dzięki różnym połączeniom prowincji, zyskuje całe twoje królestwo.
Dodatkowo, choć konflikty są powszechne, dostępne są też bardziej pokojowe warunki zwycięstwa. Czy zdołasz się sprawdzić jako litościwy, acz przebiegły władca?

Agenci i umiejętności
Agenci są teraz bardziej wyspecjalizowani niż kiedykolwiek – skrytobójcy, szpiedzy i kapłani (lub imamowie) mają teraz potężniejsze, ale bardziej konkretne umiejętności. Nie można ich już używać we wszelkich możliwych sytuacjach.
Obok generałów, także agenci posiadają teraz nowe drzewa umiejętności o bardziej zróżnicowanych gałęziach. Z czasem daje to coraz więcej możliwości ich rozwoju i specjalizacji.
Wreszcie, nowe dziedzictwa armii i marynarki koncentrować się będą na premiach, promujących zdecydowany styl gry
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Набор кампаний "Эпоха Карла Великого"
- Огромная новая кампания, действие которой происходит на заре Средневековья.
- Окунитесь в средневековую эпоху с рыцарями, хускарлами и новым красочным стилем интерфейса.
- 8 фракций для игры с новыми войсками, технологиями и строениями.
- Новые особенности игры вместе с сюжетными событиями и событиями королевства.
О дополнении
Мир лежит в руинах, измученный, окровавленный, израненный и выжженный, а люди предаются отчаянию. Но даже после апокалипсиса найдутся те, кто готов все отдать ради возвращения к свету, знаниям и цивилизации. Любой ценой и любыми средствами...
Это век немногих избранных, век величия, когда первые истинные короли создавали огромные королевства на пепелищах ушедших империй... Это Эпоха Карла Великого.

768 год н. э. После смерти отца Карлу Великому предстоит разделить франкский престол со своим братом. Такая ситуация совершенно не подходит человеку его взглядов, и их отношения омрачаются все больше по мере того, как он чувствует горячую кровь своего деда, Карла Мартелла, бурлящую в его венах.
На континенте, уставшем от конфликтов, есть множество друзей, врагов и возможностей, а люди страстно хотят мира. Карл Великий оказывается у власти в век образования, религии и войн и воспринимает их как средства объединения, стабилизации... и расширения.
Саксам, сарацинам и викингам придется как-то ответить на амбиции такого человека.
Чтобы преуспеть над всеми, потребуется хитрость, обаяние, интеллект и безжалостность.
Карл Великий, король франков, отец Европы.
Добьетесь ли вы успеха, следуя этому образу, или ваш король будет совершенно иным?
Уникальная кампания с новой механикой игры
"Эпоха Карла Великого" - это эпическое дополнение к игре Total War: ATTILA, действие которого происходит в Средние века на новой обширной карте Европы.
Короли и королевства существовали и прежде, но именно в это время истинно великие люди объединяли целые нации, создавали прочное наследие и демонстрировали, что значит быть королем. Можно ли вас отнести к их числу?
Вы узрите новую эпоху, но это будет измученный мир, уставший от конфликтов и битв. С одними новыми технологиями и новыми способами ведения войны далеко не уедешь. Хороший король - это проницательный человек, который точно знает, до каких именно пор можно принуждать свой народ.
Не стоит принимать нежелание идти на войну за признак того, что нация к ней не готова. Европа остается кипящим котлом конфликтующих идеологий и давнего недоверия. Старая империя превратилась в угасающее воспоминание, но угрозы и последствия, оставшиеся после нее, находят отражение в новых опасностях и проблемах для зарождающихся наций.
Вам предоставляется возможность объединить новые большие королевства, новые мощные государства, которыми можно править под знаменем цивилизации, восставшей из пепла. Вас ждет величие, если вы обладаете непреклонностью и проницательностью Карла Великого.
Новая карта кампании и интерфейс
Совершенно новая карта кампании "Эпоха Карла Великого" - это Европа начиная с 768 года н. э. Наличие 52 провинций, которые можно завоевать, обеспечивает подробную и динамичную исходную геополитическую позицию и позволяет провести в игре сотни часов.
Пользовательский интерфейс теперь обладает великолепным стилем, навеянный искусством Средневековья. Разные элементы, такие как заставочные рукописи и ранние витражи, сделают вашу кампанию более красочной и атмосферной.

Фракции для игры
"Эпоха Карла Великого" - это восемь игровых фракций, каждая из которых обладает своими особенностями и списком видов войск и находится в уникальных условиях, благодаря которым их можно по праву назвать "королевством".
Каждая фракция извлекает выгоду из своих особенностей, войск и доступа к конкретным функциям, что приводит к совершенно непохожим стилям игры, испытаниям и возможностям независимо от того, кого вы выбираете для прохождения кампании.
Королевство Карла Великого
Королевство Карла Великого может привести к объединению Западной Европы, хотя сам Карл Великий понимает, что добиться этого будет нелегко. В битве он вдохновляет своих воинов так, как это могут сделать немногие.
Варвары из племени аваров являются искусными наездниками, которые быстро приобретают опыт в седле; мощное преимущество, заключающееся в тактике быстрого нанесения ударов, отражено в большом разнообразии конных лучников и копейщиков, имеющихся у них в распоряжении.
Кордовский эмират
Являясь прогрессивным исламским государством, Кордовский эмират гордится научными учреждениями и быстро исследует новые технологии. Народ уважает Великого визиря, а это гарантирует общественный порядок.
Королевство Астурия
Королевство Астурия, основанное на Иберийском полуострове вестготским аристократом Пелагием, сочетает современные римско-христианские взгляды с классическим военным мастерством варваров, что сделало их войска экспертами по части организации засад.
Королевство Мерсия
Мерсия стала главенствующим англо-саксонским королевством со столицей в городе Личфилде. Его армия популярна в народе и хорошо финансируется, а пленники, захваченные в битвах, с радостью вступают в нее.
Королевство данов
Будучи непревзойденными мореплавателями и искусными налетчиками, даны добились крупных военных успехов на земле и на море. Горе тому торговцу, чей путь лежит через северные океаны, ведь эти места дают данам средства к существованию.
Королевство Ломбардия
Происходящие от скандинавских племен, лангобарды проделали долгий путь, чтобы основать свое королевство в Италии. Будучи богатыми и влиятельными, они накапливают крупный капитал и набирают многочисленные войска в зависимых государствах.
Сохраняя верность своему происхождению от германских варваров, Вестфалия содержит хорошо вооруженную армию, лояльность которой подтверждается в горниле битвы. Большая часть дохода поступает от набегов на окружающие территории.
Новые боевые единицы
"Эпоха Карла Великого" включает все новые боевые единицы для более точного отражения прогресса в военном деле того периода, что характеризуется наличием более тяжело вооруженной и бронированной пехоты и возрастанием роли кавалерии всех категорий, в особенности первым появлением рыцарей в норманнском стиле.
Имея более чем 300 новых единиц, вы сможете нанимать знаменитых представителей войск того периода, включая тэнов, топорников фирда, рыцарей-схолариев, берберских хинетов, охотничьих псов и устрашающих саксонских воинов со скрамасаксами.

Усталость от войны
Признаком истинно хорошего короля является то, что он знает, до каких именно пор можно принуждать свой народ. Войны - это крупные драматические события, происходящие между королевствами, и их не следует затевать с беспечным отношением. Чем меньше войн вы ведете, тем лучше реакция вашего народа, так как частые затяжные конфликты быстро наносят ущерб морали и целостности вашей армии.
Проницательный правитель будет стремиться быстро и решительно установить мир.
Уникальные события королевства и сюжетные события
Каждая фракция обладает уникальным набором сложных требований, предназначенных для выполнения преданным и проницательным игроком. Как только они соблюдены, вы сможете объявить свою фракцию новым королевством, а затем повторить или изменить его историю.
Кроме того, каждую фракцию ждут специально подобранные для нее сюжетные события с уникальными испытаниями и дилеммами, появляющимися по мере прохождения кампании. Иногда вам придется делать выбор в соответствии с историческими событиями, после чего вы либо повторите судьбу этой фракции, либо проложите собственный путь.

Новые технологии и здания
"Эпоха Карла Великого" - это множество технологий и зданий, отражающих новый исторический период; по мере прохождения кампании вы сможете обнаружить и использовать те из них, что дают толчок появлению идей феодализма и рыцарства.
Многие здания теперь также приносят бонусы не только своим, но и прилегающим провинциям, что дает возможность достичь более четкой специализации в различных географических зонах вашего королевства и создать сочетания преимуществ в ваших землях.
Кроме того, хотя конфликты и будут всегда вас преследовать, можно победить и при подходе, менее ориентированном на войну; это испытание для искусного правителя, способного на сострадание.

Агенты и навыки
Вы обнаружите, что у агентов появилась более четкая специализация, причем ассасины, соглядатаи и жрецы (или имамы) теперь обладают более мощным набором конкретных способностей, а не являются эффективными для любой ситуации, как раньше.
Так же, как и у ваших полководцев, у агентов теперь есть новые деревья навыков с большей вариативностью доступных ветвей. Благодаря этому вам предоставляется больший выбор в их развитии и специализации с течением времени.
И наконец, новые армия и флот могут сосредоточиться на получении бонусов, которые даются в награду за определенный стиль игры.
Pack de Campaña TW ATTILA: Época de Carlomagno
- Una nueva y enorme campaña, ambientada en los albores de la Edad Media.
- Entra en la era medieval con caballeros, huscarles y un nuevo estilo artístico con una interfaz de usuario iluminada.
- 8 facciones jugables con unidades, tecnología y edificios totalmente nuevos.
- Nuevas funciones de juego con eventos basados en la historia y eventos de reino.
Sobre este contenido
El mundo yace hecho trizas, agotado, desangrándose, con cicatrices y quemado, y el pueblo está desesperado. Pero incluso después del apocalipsis, hay hombres dispuestos a darlo todo para regresar a la luz, al conocimiento, a la civilización. Cueste lo que cueste, y sin importar los medios.
Es la era de unos pocos elegidos, una era de grandeza en la que los primeros reyes auténticos construyeron vastos reinos a partir de las cenizas de imperios del pasado. Es la era de Carlomagno.

Corre el año 768 d. C. Tras la muerte de su padre, Carlomagno deberá compartir el trono franco con su hermano. Dicha situación no beneficia a un hombre con su visión, y su relación se enturbia al sentir cómo la ardiente sangre de su abuelo, Carlos Martel, le corre por las venas.
Amigos, enemigos y oportunidades pueblan un continente hastiado de conflictos, cuya gente ansía la paz. Carlomagno se encuentra a la cabeza de una nueva era de educación, religión y guerra, que considera herramientas para unir, estabilizar... y expandirse.
Los sajones, los sarracenos y los vikingos no se quedarán callados ante un hombre de tamaña ambición.
Para elevarse por encima de los demás, se necesita astucia, encanto, inteligencia y crueldad.
Carlomagno, rey de los francos, el padre de Europa.
¿Dejarás tu huella en su imagen, o te convertirás en rey por derecho propio?
Una campaña única con nuevas mecánicas de juego
Época de Carlomagno es una expansión épica de Total War: ATTILA ambientada en la Edad Media y que incluye un nuevo mapa de campaña europeo en constante expansión.
Ya hubo antes reyes y reinos, pero fue en esta época cuando hombres realmente magníficos unieron naciones enteras, crearon legados duraderos y definieron lo que significaba ser rey. ¿Podrás hacerte un hueco entre ellos?
Te enfrentarás a una nueva era, solo que en un mundo agotado, hastiado de conflictos y batallas. Las nuevas tecnologías y formas de librar guerras solo harán que progreses hasta cierto punto. Un buen rey es un hombre perspicaz que sabe exactamente el nivel de presión al que puede someter a su pueblo.
No confundas la reticencia de una nación a entrar en guerra como una señal de falta de preparación. Europa continúa siendo un crisol de ideologías opuestas y de arraigada desconfianza. Aunque el viejo Imperio sea ahora un recuerdo lejano, las amenazas y consecuencias de su muerte perduran, trayendo consigo nuevos peligros y presiones para las naciones emergentes.
Tendrás una posibilidad si unes vastos reinos nuevos, estados poderosos que pueden dirigirse bajo el estandarte de una civilización renacida de las cenizas. La grandeza te espera, si tienes el valor y la visión de Carlomagno.
Nuevo mapa de campaña e interfaz de usuario
El nuevo mapa de campaña de Época de Carlomagno se centra en la Europa del año 768 d. C. Al tener 52 provincias conquistables, aporta una posición geopolítica de partida detallada y dinámica, que ofrece la posibilidad de jugar cientos de horas.
Ahora la interfaz de usuario es resplandeciente, con un estilo basado en el arte de la Edad Media. Recoge influencias que van desde los manuscritos iluminados hasta las primeras vidrieras, lo que aportará color y ambiente a la campaña.

Facciones jugables
Época de Carlomagno incluye ocho facciones jugables, cada una con sus propios rasgos de facción, lista de unidades y condiciones únicas y desafiantes, según las cuales pueden designarse como "reinos" por derecho propio.
Cada facción se beneficia de una mayor especialización en sus rasgos de facción, unidades y acceso a funciones específicas del juego, lo que crea estilos de juego, experiencias y desafíos claramente diferenciados, independientemente de a quién elijas para la campaña.
Elige entre:
Reino de Carlomagno
El reino de Carlomagno tiene el potencial de unificar Europa occidental, aunque incluso Carlomagno entiende que tal unidad no es fácil de conseguir. En batalla, tiene el poder de inspirar a sus hombres como pocos líderes pueden.
Los bárbaros ávaros, magníficos jinetes, pueden ganar experiencia en la silla de montar con rapidez, lo que supone una gran ventaja en tácticas de ataque rápido, lo que se refleja en la amplia variedad de arqueros a caballo y lanceros que tienen a su disposición.
Emirato de Córdoba
El emirato de Córdoba, una sociedad islámica progresista, orgullosa de sus instituciones académicas, descubre nuevas tecnologías con más frecuencia. El gran visir es respetado por su pueblo, lo que asegura un buen nivel de orden público.
Reino de Asturias
El reino de Asturias, fundado en la península ibérica por el noble visigodo Pelayo, combina una perspectiva romano-cristiana moderna con la clásica destreza militar de los bárbaros, lo que convierte a sus ejércitos en expertos a la hora de tender emboscadas.
Reino de Mercia
Mercia, con capital en la ciudad de Lichfield, ha crecido para convertirse en el reino dominante de los anglosajones. Su ejército es famoso y está bien dotado, y los prisioneros capturados en las batallas se unirán con gusto a las filas mercianas.
Reino de los danos
Los daneses, marineros sin parangón y grandes saqueadores, destacan en la guerra en tierra o mar. Pobre del mercader que comercie en los mares del norte, pues es en tales rutas donde los daneses se ganan el pan.
Reino de los lombardos
Los lombardos, que surgieron hace generaciones como una tribu escandinava, han recorrido grandes distancias para establecer su reino en Italia. Ricos e influyentes, consiguen mucho capital y reclutan muchas tropas de los estados tributarios.
Westfalia, que sigue fiel a sus raíces bárbaras germánicas, mantiene un ejército bien armado cuya lealtad puede darse por segura en el fragor de la batalla. Consigue gran parte de sus ingresos gracias al pillaje en los territorios circundantes.
Nuevas unidades:
Época de Carlomagno incluye unidades totalmente nuevas con el fin de reflejar mejor las avanzadas técnicas de guerra de la época, que se caracterizaban por una infantería con armas y armaduras más pesadas y un mayor predominio de la caballería de todo tipo, especialmente la de los caballeros del flamante estilo normando.
Al disponer de más de 300 unidades nuevas, tendrás la oportunidad de reclutar a conocidas fuerzas militares de la época, como los thegns, los fyrd, los caballeros Scola, los jinetes bereberes, los lebreles y los temidos guerreros sajones con seax.
Fatiga de guerra
Lo que distingue a un buen rey es saber hasta qué punto puedes presionar a tu pueblo. Las guerras son acontecimientos importantes y dramáticos entre reinos, y no deberías tomarlas a la ligera. Cuantas menos guerras libres, mejor responderá tu pueblo, ya que los conflictos frecuentes e interminables dañarán con rapidez la moral y la integridad de tus ejércitos.
Un gobernante astuto buscará traer la paz con rapidez y decisión.
Reino único y eventos de historia
Cada facción jugable tiene que cumplir una serie de desafiantes requisitos de "reino", creados para los jugadores entregados y astutos. Al cumplirlos, podrás declarar un nuevo nombre de reino para tu facción, que refleje o a cambie la historia a tu paso.
Además, cada facción recibirá eventos de historia narrativos a medida, lo que te ofrece desafíos y dilemas distintos mientras la campaña se desarrolla. Algunas decisiones, si se basan en la historia, te acercarán más al destino original de la facción, pero también puedes decidir labrarte un nuevo porvenir por tu cuenta.

Nuevas tecnologías y edificios
Época de Carlomagno incluye muchas tecnologías y edificios que reflejan el nuevo periodo; y lo importante es que conocerás y apoyarás a aquellos que inspiran las nuevas ideas del feudalismo y la caballería a medida que la campaña progresa.
Ahora muchos edificios también otorgan bonificaciones a las provincias contiguas además de a las propias, lo que permite una mayor especialización dentro de las diferentes áreas geográficas de tu reino, y realizar combinaciones de beneficios a través de tus tierras.
Además, aunque los conflictos siempre te perseguirán, será posible conseguir condiciones de victoria que premien las estrategias no tan centradas en lo militar, lo que pondrá a prueba tu entereza como un gobernante compasivo y astuto a la vez.

Agentes y habilidades
Encontrarás agentes más especializados que antes; los asesinos, espías y sacerdotes (o imanes) se centran en un conjunto de habilidades más poderosas pero específicas, en lugar de ser útiles en cualquier situación.
Al igual que los generales, los agentes también recibirán nuevos árboles de habilidades con más variantes en las ramas a su disposición. Esto proporciona un número mayor de decisiones para desarrollarlos y especializarlos con el tiempo.
Por último, los nuevos legados del ejército y la marina se centrarán en bonificaciones que premien estilos de juego diferentes
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
TW ATTILA: Şarlman Çağı Senaryo Paketi
- Orta Çağın başlangıcında geçen yeni, büyük bir Senaryo.
- Şövalyeler, Muhafızlar ve yeni aydınlık kullanıcı arabirimi tasarımıyla Orta çağa girin.
- Tamamen yeni Birliklere, Teknolojiye ve Binalara sahip 8 Oynanabilir grup.
- Hikaye ve Krallık Olayları ile yeni oyun özellikleri.
İçerik Hakkında
Dünya mahvolmuş, tükenmiş, kanıyor, yaralanmış ve yanmış. İnsanlar çaresiz. Ancak kıyametten sonra bile ışığa, bilgiye ve medeniyete dönmek için her şeyini verecek insanlar var. Her ne pahasına ve her ne şekilde olursa olsun…
Bu, seçilmiş bir kaç kişinin, azametin çağı ve ilk gerçek kralların geçmiş imparatorlukların küllerinden büyük krallıklar kurduğu çağ... Bu, Şarlman Çağı.
Sene milattan sonra 768. Babasının ölümünden sonra Şarlman'ın Frenk tahtını kardeşiyle paylaşması gerekiyor. Bu onun vizyonunda bir adama yakışmayan bir durum ve büyük babası Charles Martel'in hararetli kanının damarlarında dolaştığını hissettikçe aralarındaki ilişkiye gölge düşüyor.
Çatışmalardan sıkılmış bir kıtada dostlar, düşmanlar ve fırsatlar bulunuyor. İnsanlar barış istiyor. Şarlman kendisini yeni eğitim, din ve savaş çağının başında buluyor ve bunların tümünü bir araya gelmek, denge sağlamak ve genişlemek için araçlar olarak görüyor.
Saksonlar, Sarazenler ve Vikingler'in böylesine hırslı bir adama söyleyeceği bir şeyler olacak.
Diğerlerine göre başarılı olmak için kurnazlık, cazibe, zeka ve acımasızlık gerekecek.
Büyük Charles, Frenklerin Kralı, Avrupa'nın Babası.
Onun kimliğine bürünerek tarihe damganızı mı vuracaksınız, yoksa kendi kralınızı mı yaratacaksınız?
Yeni Oynanış Mekaniklerine Sahip Benzersiz Bir Senaryo
Şarlman Çağı, Total War: ATTILA oyununa yönelik epik bir genişleme paketidir ve genişleyen yeni bir Avrupa senaryo haritasında Orta Çağlarda geçer.
Daha önce de krallar ve krallıklar geldi geçti ancak bu, gerçekten büyük insanların ulusları bir araya getirdiği, kalıcı miraslar bıraktığı ve kral olmanın ne demek olduğunu gösterdiği bir zaman. Siz de onların arasında sayılabilir misiniz?
Yeni bir çağda olacaksınız ancak dünya tükenmiş ve çatışma ile savaşlardan yorulmuş olacak. Yeni teknolojiler ve yeni savaş sürdürme yolları sizi bir yere kadar götürebilir. İyi bir kral, halkının ne kadar zorlanabileceğini bilen kurnaz bir adamdır.
Savaşa gitme isteksizliğini, ulusun savaşa hazır olmamasıyla karıştırmayın. Avrupa birbiriyle çakışan ideolojileri ve uzun süredir mevcut olan güvensizliği bir arada bulundurmaya devam ediyor. Eski İmparatorluk solmakta olan bir anı olsa da, geçmekte olan yankısının tehditleri ve sonuçları tecrübesiz uluslar için yeni tehlikelere ve baskılara neden oluyor.
Küllerden doğan uygarlığın bayrağı altında toplanabilecek büyük yeni krallıkları, güçlü yeni devletleri bir araya getirme fırsatı doğuyor. Şarlman'ın azmine ve vizyonuna sahipseniz büyük bir hükümdar olma fırsatı sizi bekliyor.
Yeni Senaryo Haritası ve Kullanıcı Arabirimi
Yepyeni Şarlman Çağı Senaryo haritası milattan sonra 768 yılından itibaren Avrupa'ya odaklanır. Fethedilecek 52 bölgesiyle, ayrıntılı ve canlı bir jeopolitik başlangıç konumu sunar ve potansiyel olarak yüzlerce saat oynama olanağı vardır.
Kullanıcı Arabirimi artık Orta Çağ sanatından esinlenmiş stiliyle göz kamaştırıcıdır. Tezhiplerden ve eski mozaik camlardan gelen etkiler senaryonuza renk ve güzel bir atmosfer katacak.

Oynanabilir Gruplar
Şarlman Çağı sekiz oynanabilir grup içerir. Her biri kendi grup özelliklerine, birliklerine ve bağımsız olarak 'krallık' olarak adlandırılmalarını sağlayan benzersiz ve zorlayıcı koşullara sahiptir.
Her grup, grup özelliklerindeki artırılmış uzmanlıktan, birliklerden ve belirli oyun özelliklerine erişimden faydalanır ve bu, Senaryonuz için hangisini seçerseniz seçin belirgin biçimde farklı oyun stilleri, zorluklar ve deneyimlere olanak tanır.
Şunlar arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz:
Şarlman Krallığı
Şarlman Krallığı, Batı Avrupa'yı bir araya getirme potansiyeline sahip ancak Şarlman bu birliği sağlamanın kolay olmayacağını biliyor. Savaş sırasında adamlarına çok az liderin yapabileceği şekilde ilham verme gücüne sahip.
Başarılı atlılar olan barbar Avarlar, semer üzerinde çabucak deneyim kazanırlar. Bu, hızlı saldırı taktiklerinde güçlü bir avantajdır ve emirleri altındaki çeşitli atlı okçulara ve mızraklılara yansır.
Korduba Emirliği
Yenilikçi bir İslam topluluğu olan Korduba Emirliği, akademik kurumlarıyla övünç duyar ve yeni teknolojileri hızlı bir şekilde keşfeder. Halk, Veziri Azam'a saygı duyar, böylece kamu düzeni iyi bir şekilde sağlanır.
Asturias Krallığı
Asil Vizigot Pelagius tarafından İber Yarımadasında kurulan Asturias Krallığı, modern Romalı-Hristiyan bakış açısını klasik barbar askeri hüneri ile bir araya getirerek ordularının usta pusucular olmasını sağlar.
Mercia Krallığı
Başkenti Lichfield olan Mercia, Anglo-sakson krallığının hakimi olacak şekilde yükseldi. Ordusu popülerdir ve iyi finanse edilir. Savaşta esir alınan kişiler memnuniyetle Mercia ordusuna katılabilir.
Danlar Krallığı
Rakipsiz denizciler ve usta akıncılar olan Danlar, karada veya denizde savaşta olağanüstü başarı gösterirler. Kuzey okyanuslarında ticaret yapan tüccarların başına olumsuz şeyler gelebilir, bu rotalar Danların geçim yoludur.
Lombard Krallığı
Nesiller öncesinden İskandinav kabilelerinden gelen Lombardlar, İtalya'daki krallıklarını kurmak için çok uzun yoldan geldiler. Zengin ve etkili olan bu krallık, haraç ödeyen devletlerden sermaye tedarik eder ve bunların askeri birliklerine el koyar.
Alman barbar kökenlerine sadık kalan Westphalia, savaş sırasında sadakatinden şüphe edilmeyecek iyi donanımlı bir orduya sahiptir. Gelirinin çoğu çevredeki bölgeleri yağmalama yoluyla kazanılır.
Yeni Birlikler
Şarlman Çağı, daha ağır silahlı ve zırhlı piyadeler ve tüm kategorilerdeki atlıların daha fazla yayılması (özellikle Normandiya stilindeki şövalyelerin ilk kez ortaya çıkması) ile karakterize edilmiş dönemin gelişmiş savaşlarını daha iyi yansıtmak için tamamen yeni birlikler içerir.
300'den fazla yeni birlik ile Thegnler, Fyrd Baltacıları, Scola Şövalyeleri, Berberi Jineteleri, Avcı Tazılar ve korkulan Sakson Seax Savaşçıları gibi dönemin ikonik ordularını kullanabilme fırsatına sahip olacaksınız.

Savaştan Yorulma
İyi bir kral, halkının ne kadar zorlanabileceğini bilir. Savaşlar, krallıklar arasında gerçekleşen önemli ve dramatik olaylardır ve hafife alınmamalıdır. Ne kadar az savaşa girerseniz halkınız o kadar iyi tepki verir. Sık ve uzun süren çatışmalar ise morale ve ordularınızın bütünlüğüne hızlı bir şekilde zarar verir.
Kurnaz bir hükümdar, hızlı ve kararlı bir şekilde barış getirmeye çalışır.
Benzersiz Krallık ve Hikaye Olayları
Her oynanabilir grup, kendini adamış ve kurnaz oyuncular için benzersiz zorlayıcı 'Krallık' gereksinimleri setine sahiptir. Bunları başardığınızda, grubunuz için yeni bir Krallık adı belirleyebilecek, yaptığınız seçimlerle tarihi yansıtacak veya değiştireceksiniz.
Ayrıca, her grup için uyarlanmış Hikaye Olayları mevcuttur. Bunlar, Senaryoda ilerledikçe size farklı zorluklar ve ikilemler sunacaktır. Tarihten esinlenen bazı seçimler sizi söz konusu grubun orijinal kaderine doğru yönlendirebilir. Alternatif olarak kendi yolunuzu seçmeyi de tercih edebilirsiniz.

Yeni Teknolojiler ve Binalar
Şarlman Çağı, yeni dönemi yansıtan bir çok teknoloji ve bina içermektedir. Senaryonuz ilerledikçe ortaya çıkan Feodalizm ve Şövalyelik fikirlerine ilham verenlerle karşılaşacak ve bunları kullanacaksınız.
Artık birçok bina kendi bölgelerinin yanı sıra komşu bölgelere de bonus sağlar. Böylece krallığınızdaki farklı coğrafi alanlar içinde daha fazla özelleştirme yapabilir, avantajları topraklarınıza yayabilirsiniz.
Ayrıca, çatışmalar her zaman dibinizde olsa da, daha az askeri odaklı yaklaşım sunan zafer koşulları da mevcuttur. Bu, merhametli ve kurnaz bir hükümdar olarak azminizi test eder.

Mümessiller ve Beceriler
Mümessillerin her zamankinden daha uzmanlaşmış olduğunu göreceksiniz. Suikastçılar, Casuslar ve Rahipler (veya İmamlar) tüm durumlarda daha faydalı olanlar yerine daha güçlü ancak spesifik bir beceri setine odaklanır.
Generallerin yanı sıra Mümessiller de mevcut kollarda daha çok çeşitlilik sunan tamamen yeni yetenek ağaçlarını alacaktır. Bu, zaman içinde yetenekleri nasıl geliştirip özelleştireceğiniz konusunda daha fazla seçenek sunar.
Son olarak, yeni Ordu ve Donanma Mirasları, ödül olarak farklı oyun stilleri sunan bonuslara odaklanacaktır
TW ATTILA: Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack
- Huge new Campaign, set at the dawn of the Middle Ages.
- Enter the Medieval era with Knights, Housecarls and a new illuminated UI art style.
- 8 Playable factions with all new Units, Tech and Buildings.
- New game features with Story-based and Kingdom Events.
About this Content
The world lays in tatters, exhausted, bleeding, scarred and burnt, the people desperate. But even after the apocalypse there are men willing to give everything to return to light, to knowledge, to civilisation. Whatever the cost, and whatever the means...
It is the age of a chosen few, an age of greatness, when the first true kings built vast kingdoms from the ashes of past empires... it is the Age of Charlemagne.
The year is 768AD and, after the death of his father, Charlemagne is to share the Frankish throne alongside his brother. A situation that ill-befits a man of his vision, and their relationship clouds as he feels the fiery blood of his grandfather, Charles Martel, stir in his veins.
Friends, enemies and opportunity populate a continent tired of conflict, the people eager for peace. Charlemagne finds himself at the head of a new age of education, religion and warfare, and sees all as tools to unite, stabilise… and expand.
The Saxons, the Saracens and the Vikings will all have something to say to a man of such ambition.
It will take guile, charm, intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed above all others.
Charles the Great, King of the Franks, the Father of Europe.
Will you make your mark in his image, or will you become your own king?

A Unique Campaign with New Gameplay Mechanics
Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe.
There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?
You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed.
Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.
Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.
New Campaign Map and UI
The brand new Age of Charlemagne Campaign map is focussed in on Europe from the year 768AD. With 52 conquerable provinces, it provides a detailed and vibrant geopolitical starting position, offering hundreds of hours of potential gameplay.
The User Interface is now resplendent in a style inspired by the art of the Middle Ages. Influences ranging from illuminated manuscripts and early stained glass work will lend colour and atmosphere to your campaign.

Playable Factions
Age of Charlemagne includes eight playable factions, each one featuring its own faction traits, unit roster and unique and challenging conditions under which they can be named a ‘kingdom’ in their own right.
Each faction benefits from increased specialisation in their faction traits, units and access to specific game features, creating distinctly different play styles, challenges and experiences no matter which you choose for your Campaign.

Kingdom of Charlemagne
The Kingdom of Charlemagne has the potential to unify Western Europe, though Charlemagne himself understands that such unity cannot be easily won. In battle, he has the power to inspire his men in ways few leaders can.
Accomplished horsemen, the barbarian Avars are quick to gain experience in the saddle; a powerful advantage in quick strike tactics and reflected in the wide variety of horse archers and lancers they have at their disposal.
Emirate of Cordoba
A progressive Islamic society, The Emirate of Cordoba prides itself on its academic institutions, and explores new technologies at an enhanced rate. The Grand Vizier is respected by his people, ensuring a good level of public order.
Kingdom of Asturius
Founded on the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigothic noble Pelagius, the Kingdom of Asturius blends a modern Romano-Christian outlook with classic barbarian military prowess, making their armies adept ambushers.
Kingdom of Mercia
With the city of Lichfield as its capital, Mercia has risen to become the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Its military is popular and well-funded, and captives taken in battle will gladly join the Mercian ranks.
Kingdom of the Danes
Peerless seafarers and adept raiders, The Danes excel at war on land or sea. Woe betide the merchant who plies his trade in the northern oceans – such routes are the Danes’ bread and butter.
Kingdom of the Lombards
Originating as a Scandinavian tribe generations before, the Lombards have travelled long and far to establish their kingdom in Italy. Rich and influential, they raise much capital and levy many troops from tributary states.
Remaining true to their Germanic barbarian roots, Westphalia maintains a well-armed military whose loyalty is assured in the crucible of battle. Much of its income is raised through raiding surrounding territories.
New Units
Age of Charlemagne includes all new units to better reflect the advancing warfare of the period, characterised by more heavily armed and armoured infantry and an increasing prevalence of cavalry of all categories, especially the emergence of knights in the Norman style for the first time.
With over 300 new units, you will have the opportunity to recruit iconic military forces of the period, such as Thegns, Fyrd Axemen, Scola Knights, Berber Jinetes, Gazehounds and the feared Seax-armed Saxon warriors.

War Weariness
The sign of a great true king is in knowing how far your people can be pushed. Wars are significant and dramatic events between kingdoms, and should not be undertaken lightly. The fewer wars you wage the better your people will respond, as frequent and drawn out conflict will rapidly damage morale and your armies’ integrity.
A shrewd ruler will seek to bring peace quickly and decisively.
Unique Kingdom and Story Events
Each playable faction has a unique set of challenging ‘Kingdom’ requirements to meet for the dedicated and shrewd player. Once achieved, you will be able to declare a new Kingdom name for your faction, reflecting or altering history in your wake.
In addition, each faction will receive tailored narrative Story Events, offering you distinct challenges and dilemmas as your Campaign unfolds. Historically-inspired, some choices will lead you further to that faction’s original destiny, or you may choose to carve a new path of your own.

New Technologies and Buildings
Age of Charlemagne features many technologies and buildings that reflect the new period; significantly, you’ll encounter and leverage those that inspire the emerging ideas of Feudalism and Chivalry as your campaign progresses.
Many buildings also now give bonuses to adjacent provinces as well as their own, allowing for more specialisation within the different geographic areas of your kingdom and chaining combinations of benefits across your lands.
In addition, while conflict will always dog you, victory conditions that reward a less military-focussed approach are achievable; testing your mettle as both a compassionate and cunning ruler.

Agents and Skills
You will find Agents more specialised than before, with Assassins, Spies and Priests (or Imams) focused on a more powerful but specific ability set rather than being more useful in all situations.
Alongside your Generals, Agents also receive all new skill trees with more variation in the branches available to them. This provides greater choices in how you develop and specialise them over time.
Finally, the new Army and Navy Legacies will focus on bonuses that reward distinct playstyles
System Requirements