Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – balíček kultur Keltové
Informace o DLC:
Balíček kultur Keltové přináší do hry Total War™: ATTILA trojici nových hratelných frakcí. Pikty, Kaledoňany a Ebdanijce lze využít jak v kampaních pro jednoho i více hráčů, tak ve vlastních bitvách a bitvách pro více hráčů.
Nadvláda Západního Říma nad Britskými ostrovy postupně slábne a tyto neohrožené kmeny čekají na svou příležitost, aby mohly prohlásit svou nezávislost a získat zpět zemi svých předků. Ovšem jak impérium vyklízí pozice, přitahují Cínové ostrovy zájem i dalších národů. Náčelníci germánských a nordických oblastí upírají své zraky na severozápad a dělají si zálusk na odměnu, za kterou stojí za to bojovat…
• Keltská vojska se specializují na taktiku přepadů a „nasazení partyzánů“.
• Nový seznam keltských jednotek s novými unikátními jednotkami pro každou z frakcí.
• Nové prestižní budovy, k jejichž zpřístupnění je zapotřebí dosáhnout úctyhodných činů.
• Nový jedinečný stavební řetězec pro nájezdy, technologie s keltskou tematikou.
• Stromy dovedností věhlasných keltských velitelů.
• Jedinečná série příběhových událostí Cyklus Ollama Ri a nové keltské mise pro každou z frakcí.

Kulturní rysy (Keltové)
Keltové se specializují na taktiku přepadů, veškeré jejich jednotky tedy disponují rysem Nasazení partyzánů. Díky tomu lze všechny členy jejich armád umístit na téměř libovolnou pozici na bojišti – dokonce i za nepřátelské linie. Keltské národy jsou hodně specializované, nelze tedy od nich očekávat, že si snadno poradí s jakoukoliv situací; zkušený velitel ovšem dokáže využít jejich silné stránky se smrtící efektivitou.
Jak se k uvedeným rysům sluší a patří, základním zdrojem příjmu Keltů jsou výpady, loupení a rabování. To se výrazně projevuje v jejich herním stylu a různých dodatečných bonusech.

Kromě všeobecného keltského zaměření na provádění nájezdů mají Ebdanijci také talent na loupení a rabování. Tato kombinace má za následek jedinečný herní styl a bezkonkurenční potenciál pro získávání prostředků na úkor nepřátel.
Piktové si svou přezdívku “Děti noci” plně zaslouží. Jsou proslulí svou schopností bojovat po setmění, a to jak na souši, tak i na moři. Mají-li možnost, vždy se do útoku vrhnou pod rouškou noci. Díky bonusu k morálce při boji ve tmě a využívání těžkých útočných jednotek a berserkrů je nenadálý přepad piktské armády doslova noční můrou každého protivníka.
Stříbroústí, mazaní a nesmírně zběhlí v umění sabotáží a atentátů. Kaledoňané ve svých řadách usilovně vyhledávají jedince s přirozeným šarmem, hrozivým vzhledem či zabijáckými schopnostmi a tyto jejich vlohy dále rozvíjejí. Všichni agenti této frakce necouvnou před žádným úkolem a své poslání splní efektivněji a s mnohem vyšší šancí na úspěch než kdokoliv jiný.
Jedinečná série příběhových událostí: Cyklus Ollama Ri
Při hraní za tyto frakce vás čeká nová série propojených příběhových událostí. Cyklus Ollama Ri čerpá inspiraci z keltské mytologie. Řídíte v něm kroky proslulého hrdiny a činíte řadu rozhodnutí, jež mají vliv na další vývoj příběhu. Později se Ollam Ri zpřístupní i jako velitel pro vaše armády a bude disponovat schopnostmi, jež budou odrážet vaše předchozí volby.
Keltské jednotky
Všechny tři frakce mají společný seznam keltských jednotek, v nichž se nachází množství různých typů bojovníků každého ze tří stupňů. Nechybí zde například těžcí váleční chrti s kopím, těžká mormaerská jízda nebo elitní pěchota Scathini učitelé.

Kromě tohoto běžného výběru má každá frakce k dispozici také vlastní unikátní jednotky:
• Gallowglasové: velmi těžká pěchota 2. stupně s meči
• Králova družina: velmi těžká pěchota 3. stupně s meči
• Ebdanijští jezdci: lehcí harcovníci 2. stupně s oštěpy
• Ceithern: lehcí harcovníci 2. stupně s oštěpy
• Righdamhna: lehcí harcovníci 3. stupně s oštěpy
• Ebdanijská nájezdnická jízda: lehká harcovnická jízda 2. stupně
• Vybraní nájezdníci: lehká harcovnická jízda 3. stupně
• Královská fianna (velitel): velmi těžká kontaktní jízda 3. stupně
• Ozbrojení rolníci: velmi těžká pěchota 2. stupně s kopími
• Zaříkávači koní: velmi těžká pěchota 3. stupně s kopími
• Kaledonští sekerníci: velmi těžká pěchota 2. stupně se sekerami
• Horští lučištníci: lehká pěchota 2. stupně s luky
• Elitní horští lučištníci: lehká pěchota 3. stupně s luky
• Šlechtici s luky (velitel): střední pěchota 2. stupně s luky
• Královští lučištníci (velitel): střední pěchota 3. stupně s luky
• Piktští sekerníci: lehká pěchota 2. stupně se sekerami
• Piktští šermíři: střední pěchota 2. stupně s meči
• Černé čepele: lehká pěchota 3. stupně s meči
• Piktští berserkři: lehcí berserkři 2. stupně se sekerami
• Stoupenci Morigan (velitel): velmi těžká pěchota 3. stupně se sekerami
Jedinečné budovy
Důvtipní Keltové využívají jedinečný farmářský stavební řetězec, který není závislý na úrodnosti. Běžné ohrady lze vylepšit na ohrady pro dobytek a ty následně na ohrazená pole, což jim zajišťuje dostatek hospodářských zvířat pro zajištění živobytí.
Pro herní styl keltských frakcí je význačný také ještě jeden unikátní stavební řetězec, jenž se zaměřuje na nájezdy. „Shromaždiště nájezdníků“ lze vylepšit na „Větší shromaždiště nájezdníků“, to následně na „Základnu nájezdníků“ a nakonec až na „Sál nájezdníků“. Tento řetězec lze dokončit velice rychle – výstavba každé z budov zabere jen jediný tah. Výrazně přitom zvyšuje efektivitu nájezdů do sousedních oblastí, vylepšuje veřejný pořádek a přidává bonusy za jednotky v posádce, takže je ideální volbou pro nově dobytá území.

Nový herní mechanismus: prestižní budovy
Balíček kultur Keltové přináší tři nové budovy 5. stupně, k jejichž zpřístupnění dojde prostřednictvím nového herního mechanismu. Sál bardů, Belenův chrám a hlavní tržiště poskytují výrazné bonusy, ovšem kromě nezbytných technologických předpokladů musí hráč splnit také různé další podmínky a dosáhnout význačných úspěchů na poli víry, obchodu a vojenství.

Historie frakcí
Ebdanijci se nacházejí v nejisté situaci, z níž však mohou mnoho získat. Žijí na ostrově, jejž Řekové a Římané nazývali „Hibernia“, a první písemné zprávy o nich pocházejí z díla „Geographia“ od řecko-egyptského spisovatele Ptolemaia z 2. století našeho letopočtu. Tento kmen se usadil na východním pobřeží mezi ústími řek Buvinda a Oboca zhruba v místech dnešního Dublinu.
Kulturním a společenským motorem těchto barbarů byly vztahy mezi klany – vzájemné sňatky, obchod i boje. Život v galském Irsku se točil kolem potřeb klanu, rozšířeného rodinného svazku postaveného na pospolitosti, věrnosti a všeobecně vzato na společných předcích. Každý klan z Hibernie odvozoval svůj původ od jediného muže, jehož autorita se předávala z generace na generaci po mužské linii. To znamená, že většina mužů v klanu byla stejné krve, ačkoliv stejně jako v jiných oblastech světa bylo i zde běžné přijímat a vychovávat děti odjinud. Jednotlivé klany vedli jejich náčelníci, kteří se nacházeli na vrcholu přísně hierarchické společenské pyramidy.
Podobně jako kaledonští Piktové ani kmeny z Hibernie nikdy nepodlehly římskému impériu, ačkoliv s ním obchodovaly, což dokázaly nálezy římských mincí po celém ostrově. Díky svému dobře umístěnému a snadno ubránitelnému hlavnímu městu jsou Ebdanijci pány vlastního osudu; rozhodnou-li se, mohou ovládnout celý keltský svět a nikdo jim v tom nezabrání – ani jiné kmeny z těchto pohádkových ostrovů, ani nikdo jiný!
Kaledoňané tvoří první obrannou linii Britannie proti římskému impériu, která blokuje cestu na sever každému, kdo by si dělal zálusk na tažení na sever. O jejich skutečném původu by se sice dalo hodně debatovat, ale pravděpodobné vznikli spojením piktských kmenů a skupin prchajících před římským postupem do Britannie, které se usadily v řadě pevnůstek a osad po celé skotské vrchovině.
Většina historických pramenů o Kaledoňanech je bohužel římského původu s tradičně římským pohledem na věc. Například Tacitus odmítá označovat kaledonského vůdce Calgaca slovem „král“, ačkoliv to také může být zapříčiněno skutečností, že si nebyl jist, jaká hierarchie v jejich řadách panuje. Poprvé se o nich zmiňuje Tacitus ve svém popisu bitvy u Mons Graupius, v níž prohráli, když je legie vylákaly z kopců na otevřené bojiště, kde nemohli využívat svou záškodnickou taktiku vhodnou do skalnatého terénu. Při popisování Kaledoňanů Tacitus také sahá po stereotypní představě rudovlasých „seveřanů“ s dlouhými údy – krvelačných, necivilizovaných a veskrze barbarských.
Celá staletí po bitvě u Mons Graupius zůstávali Kaledoňané říši nepříjemným trnem v patě: neustále podnikali do Britannie výpady, z nichž mnohé byly úspěšné. Navzdory usilovné snaze Římanů se je nikdy nepodařilo zkrotit a nyní jsou připraveni postavit se temnotě, jež se šíří světem, a vzít si zpět, co jim po právu náleží!
Piktové jsou odhodlaní obránci své vlasti, jež se nachází na severním konci Britských ostrovů. Římané se je dlouhá léta snažili dostat pod kontrolu – císaři Hadrián a Antonius dokonce nechali celou zemi obehnat valem, aby omezili pohyb a obchodování mezi obyvateli říše a divokými, neústupnými „seveřany“. Celkové zaměření na obranu během Hadriánovy vlády vedlo k domněnce, že zmíněná hradba neměla pouze zajistit dohled nad pohybem zboží – měla také držet Pikty a Kaledoňany v bezpečné vzdálenosti.
Piktové jsou dodnes obestřeni rouškou tajemství, protože po sobě nezanechali žádné písemné památky. Víme ovšem, že v boji byli udatní a odmítali se podvolit cizincům, jelikož římský historik Tacitus ve svém díle „Historiae“ výslovně zmiňuje jejich vzdor. Je taktéž možné, že latinský výraz „picti“ byl všeobecným římským označením jakéhokoliv severského kmene, který považovali za „pomalované“, což je odkaz na běžný keltský zvyk tetovat se a před bitvou si tělo pokrývat kresbami.
Piktové byli součástí nezdařeného „spiknutí barbarů“ v letech 367–368 našeho letopočtu, kdy barbaři využili stahování římských jednotek z Hadriánova valu a téměř dokázali vytlačit říšská vojska z Britannie a severní Galie. Nyní, na pokraji 5. století, musí Piktové oživit stará spojenectví – jen tak totiž mohou pomýšlet na to, že získají svou zemi zpět. Britannia a vlastně i celé impérium čeká na to, jak vše dopadne. Bude to začátek sjednocené severské keltské říše, která se jednou provždy zbaví okovů římského útlaku?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA - Pack culture Celtes
À propos du DLC :
Le pack culture Celtes propose de jouer avec trois nouvelles factions à Total War™: ATTILA. Les Pictes, les Calédoniens et les Eblani peuvent être utilisés dans les modes Campagne un joueur ou multijoueur, et dans les batailles personnalisées et multijoueur.
À présent que l'emprise de Rome sur les îles Britanniques faiblit, ces féroces tribus se tiennent prêtes à déclarer leur indépendance et à récupérer leurs terres ancestrales. Mais même si l'empire recule, d'autres nations ont des vues sur les « îles de l'étain ». Les seigneurs de guerre germaniques et nordiques voient l'ouest comme un trophée pour lequel ils sont prêts à se battre.
• Les forces celtes se spécialisent dans les tactiques d'embuscade et de déploiement de la guérilla.
• Nouveau pack celtique avec des unités uniques pour chaque faction.
• De nouveaux bâtiments de prestige nécessitant de grandes actions pour être déverrouillés.
• Une nouvelle chaîne de bâtiments et de technologies sur le thème celtique.
• Arbre de compétences de généraux celtes fait sur mesure.
• Trame narrative d'événements exclusive : Cycle du Ollom Rí, ainsi que de nouvelles missions celtiques pour chaque faction.

Trait culturel (Celtes)
Toutes les unités de la faction celtique, spécialisées dans les tactiques d'embuscade, disposent du trait Déploiement de guérilla. Cela leur permet de déployer toutes les unités de leur armée partout sur le champ de bataille, même derrière les lignes ennemies. En tant que spécialistes, il ne faut pas s'attendre à ce que les nations celtes soient polyvalentes. Un commandant expérimenté s'appuiera sur leurs forces pour un effet meurtrier.
En accord avec leur application adroite de ces traits, le pillage, les raids et la mise à sac constituent la base du revenu des Celtes, et cela se reflète de plusieurs façons dans leur style de jeu, et les bonus additionnels qu'ils reçoivent.

En plus des traits de raids communs à tous les Celtes, les Eblani ont aussi un talent pour mettre à sac et piller qui, lorsque combinés, leur donnent un style de jeu unique et un potentiel inégalé pour profiter de leurs ennemis.
En tant qu'Enfants de la Nuit, les Pictes méritent leur réputation de combattants nocturnes sur terre et en mer, et peuvent toujours choisir d'attaquer en pleine nuit. Avec des bonus au moral dans le noir, et en s'appuyant sur des charges lourdes et des unités de berserks, une armée d'embuscade picte représente un vrai cauchemar.
Pleins d'esprit, rusés et excellents en matière de sabotage et d'assassinat, les Calédoniens produisent des individus charmeurs, dangereux et meurtriers. Tous les agents de cette faction accomplissent volontiers leur devoir, sont efficaces dans les tâches qui leur sont assignées et ont ainsi plus de chances de réussir.
Chaîne de récit d'action unique : Cycle du Ollom Rí
En incarnant ces factions, vous découvrirez une nouvelle série narrative d'événements. Le Cycle du Ollom Rí s'inspire de la mythologie celtique et présente les actions d'un héros mythique à travers une série de choix tous reliés. À mesure que l'histoire touche à sa fin, Ollom Rí en personne deviendra disponible en tant que général de vos armées, avec des traits qui reflètent vos choix.
Unités celtiques
Les trois factions partagent une liste d'unités celtiques qui consiste en divers types de troupes sur 3 niveaux. Par exemple : les lanciers à lévriers lourds, la cavalerie lourde Mormaer et l'élite d'infanterie légère, les Professeurs de Scáthach.

En plus de cette liste de base, chaque faction dispose d'unités uniques qui lui sont propres.
• Gallowglass : Infanterie très lourde à épée niveau 2
• Groupe de guerriers du roi : Infanterie très lourde à épée niveau 3
• Pilleurs Eblani : Tirailleurs légers à javelot niveau 2
• Kerns : Tirailleurs légers à javelot niveau 2 :
• Righdamhna : Tirailleurs légers à javelot niveau 3 :
• Cavalerie de pilleurs Eblani : Cavalerie légère de tirailleurs niveau 2
• Pilleurs élus : Cavalerie légère de tirailleurs niveau 3
• Fianna du roi (général) : Cavalerie de mêlée très lourde niveau 3
• Brigade catérane : Infanterie très lourde de lanciers niveau 2
• Chuchoteurs : Infanterie très lourde de lanciers niveau 3
• Calédoniens à hache : Infanterie très lourde à hache niveau 2
• Archers des Highlands : Infanterie légère à arc niveau 2
• Archers d'élite des Highlands : Infanterie légère à arc niveau 3
• Nobles archers (général) : Infanterie moyenne à arc niveau 2
• Archers royaux (général) : Infanterie moyenne à arc niveau 3
• Haches pictes : Infanterie légère à hache niveau 2
• Bretteurs pictes : Infanterie moyenne de bretteurs niveau 2
• Lames noires : Infanterie légère à épée niveau 3
• Berserks pictes : Infanterie légère de berserks à hache niveau 2
• Disciples de Morrígan (général) : Infanterie très lourde à hache niveau 3
Bâtiments uniques :
Les Celtes, rusés, bénéficient d'une chaîne agricole unique qui ne dépend pas de la fertilité. Les enclos peuvent être améliorés en enclos à bétail puis en Buaile, pour mobiliser des troupeaux autonomes.
Les factions celtes disposent aussi d'une nouvelle chaîne de raids unique, spécifique à leur style de jeu. « Point de rassemblement des pilleurs » peut être amélioré en « Lieu de réunion de pilleurs », puis en « Base des pilleurs », et enfin en « Hall des pilleurs ». Cette chaîne, rapide à construire avec un niveau par tour, confère d'importants bonus aux pillages des régions adjacentes ainsi qu'à l'ordre public et aux garnisons : idéal pour les régions nouvellement conquises.

Nouveau fonctionnement : Bâtiments de prestige
Le pack culture Celtes offre trois nouveaux bâtiments de niveau 5, déverrouillés via une nouvelle mécanique de jeu. Le Hall des bardes, le Temple de Belenos et le Marché central confèrent des bonus considérables, et en plus des conditions technologiques requises pour ces bâtiments, le joueur doit satisfaire certaines exigences de jeu sous la forme de grandes actions en matière de religion, de commerce et de guerre.

Histoire des factions
Les Eblani siègent sur le trône du pouvoir à une époque tourmentée mais propice. Habitant sur l'île baptisée « Hibernie » par les Grecs et les Romains, leur présence a été mentionnée pour la première fois dans le traité sur la « Géographie » de l'auteur gréco-égyptien Ptolémée, au IIe siècle. Les Eblani établirent leur foyer sur les rives orientales, et s'installèrent entre deux estuaires fluviaux, le Buvindo et l'Oboca, à peu près là où se situe l'actuelle ville de Dublin.
Les relations entre les clans gouvernaient la culture et la société barbare, illustrées par les mariages, le commerce et la guerre entre eux. La vie tribale dans l'Irlande gaélique évoluait autour du clan, une grande famille bâtie sur la parenté, la loyauté, et bien souvent, un ancêtre commun. Les clans hibernes étaient censés descendre du même homme, et l'autorité de gouverner se transmettait à travers la descendance masculine. Cela signifie que la plupart des hommes du clan partageait le même sang, bien que l'adoption fût une pratique aussi courante que dans d'autres parties du monde. Les chefs menaient les clans, et trônaient à la tête d'une structure sociale entièrement hiérarchique.
Tout comme les Pictes de Calédonie, les tribus d'Hibernie n'avaient jamais été conquises par l'empire romain, même si elles avaient commercé avec ce dernier, comme le montrent les pièces de monnaie romaines découvertes sur toute l'île. Depuis leur capitale bien située et défendable, les Eblani sont maîtres de leur destin. Ils pourraient s'élever pour la domination du monde celtique, et aucune de ces belles îles - et au-delà - ne pourront s'y opposer !
Les Calédoniens sont la première ligne de défense de la Bretagne contre la Rome impériale et barrent la route au nord aux envahisseurs éventuels. Même si leur héritage est sujet à débat, on pense qu'ils sont issus d'un mélange de tribus pictes et de peuples ayant fui l'avancée romaine en Bretagne, qui survivent dans plusieurs castros et fermes dans la région des hautes-terres d'Écosse.
Malheureusement, la plupart des sources historiques sur les Calédoniens sont d'origines romaines et sont sujettes au biais romain habituel. Par exemple, Tacite refuse d'utiliser le mot « roi » pour décrire le dirigeant calédonien Calgacos, même si cela est peut-être dû à une incertitude vis à vis de leur hiérarchie interne. Ils sont d'abord mentionnés par Tacite lors de la bataille du mont Graupius qu'ils perdirent une fois que les légions les poussèrent loin des collines pour forcer un combat en terrain ouvert, en contraste avec les tactiques de style guérilla que le relief accidenté favorisait. Lorsqu'il parle des Calédoniens, Tacite les décrit aussi comme des stéréotypes des hommes nordiques, grands et roux, furieux et barbares.
Dans les siècles suivant le mont Graupius, les Calédoniens restèrent une épine belliqueuse dans le pied de l'Empire, traversant continuellement les frontières britanniques pour piller, souvent avec succès. En dépit des efforts impériaux obstinés, ils refusèrent fermement de se laisser intimider et se tiennent maintenant face à un monde obscur, prêts à reprendre ce qui leur appartient !
Les Pictes sont des défenseurs farouches de leurs terres, qui s'étendent au nord des îles britanniques. Pendant des années, les Romains ont tenté de les soumettre, les empereurs Hadrien et Antonin ont même eu recours à l'édification de murs le long du pays afin de contrôler le passage et le commerce entre les sujets de l'empire et les « hommes du nord », sauvages et intraitables. L'objectif principal de la défense sous Hadrien a conduit à la notion que son mur était bien plus qu'une simple passerelle commerciale, il se dressait pour maintenir les Pictes et autres peuples calédoniens à l'extérieur.
D'une manière générale, les Pictes restent un peuple énigmatique qui n'a laissé aucune trace écrite derrière lui. Cependant, il est connu qu'ils se battaient avec hargne et surtout contre les envahisseurs, car l'historien romain Tacite mentionna tout particulièrement leur défiance dans ses « Histoires ». Il est également probable que « Picti » (en latin) fût simplement un terme commun usité par les Romains pour désigner les tribus du nord qu'ils considéraient comme « peintes », en référence à la coutume tribale celtique fort répandue de se tatouer et de se peindre le corps avant la bataille.
Ils prirent part à la grande coalition de 367-368, lorsque les raids barbares furent coordonnés avec la désertion de la plupart des garnisons romaines le long du mur d'Hadrien, et ils parvinrent presque à arracher le pouvoir de l'empire en Bretagne et au nord de la Gaule. À présent, à l'aube du Ve siècle, les Pictes doivent faire renaître de vieilles alliances s'ils désirent reprendre leur pays. La Bretagne, et l'empire au sens large, attendent le dénouement. Serait-ce le début d'un empire celtique uni au nord, un empire qui parviendra à se défaire de l'oppression romaine une bonne fois pour toutes ?
Total War™: ATTILA - Kelten-Kulturenpaket
Infos zum DLC:
Das Kelten-Kulturenpaket fügt Total War™: ATTILA drei neue spielbare Fraktionen hinzu. Die Pikten, Kaledonier und Ebdani können in Einzel- und Mehrspielerkampagnen sowie in benutzerdefinierten und Mehrspielergefechten eingesetzt werden.
Im Angesicht der schwindenden Macht Westroms auf den Britischen Inseln, stehen diese wilden Stämme bereit, ihre Unabhängigkeit zu erklären und die Länder ihrer Vorfahren zurückzuerobern. Doch bereits während des Rückgangs des Imperiums haben andere ihre Augen auf die Zinninseln geworfen. Die Kriegsherren Germaniens und der nordischen Regionen blicken in den Nordwesten und sehen große Beute...
• Keltische Streitkräfte sind auf Hinterhaltstaktiken und „Guerilla-Aufstellung“ spezialisiert.
• Neue keltische Einheitenliste mit neuen fraktionsspezifischen Einheiten.
• Neue Prestige-Gebäude, die große Taten zum Freischalten benötigen.
• Neue Plündergebäudekette und keltische Technologien.
• Spezieller keltischer General-Fähigkeitenbaum.
• Spezielle Story-Modus-Ereigniskette: Zyklus des Rí Ollam und neue keltische Missionen für jede Fraktion.

Kulturelle Eigenschaften (Kelten)
Alle Einheiten der keltischen Fraktion sind auf Hinterhaltstaktiken spezialisiert und verfügen über die Eigenschaft „Guerilla-Aufstellung“. Hiermit können sie jede Einheit ihrer Armee fast überall auf dem Schlachtfeld aufstellen - sogar hinter den feindlichen Linien. Aufgrund ihrer jeweiligen Spezialisierungen sollten von keltischen Nationen keine Rundumfähigkeiten erwartet werden - ein erfahrener Kommandant wird ihre Stärken mit tödlichen Folgen nutzen.
Dank der fähigen Anwendung dieser Eigenschaften sind Überfälle, Plünderungen und Raub die Haupteinkommensquellen der Kelten und dies spiegelt sich in vielen Aspekten ihres Spielstils wider.

Neben der gemeinsamen Kelteneigenschaft des Plünderns sind die Ebdani auch gewandt im Überfallen und Rauben und dieser Mix verleiht ihnen einen einzigartigen Spielstil und das konkurrenzlose Potential zum blutigen Profit auf Kosten ihrer Feinde.
Als die „Kinder der Nacht“ verdienen sich die Pikten zurecht ihren Ruf als geschickte Nachtkämpfer an Land und zu See und können jederzeit nachts angreifen. Moralboni im Dunkeln und der Einsatz von schweren Angriffs- und Berserkereinheiten machen angreifende piktische Armeen zu einem wahren Albtraum.
Redegewandtheit, Gerissenheit und die tödliche Beherrschung der Kunst der Sabotage und Attentate machen die Kaledonier zu außergewöhnlich charmanten, bedrohlichen und tödlichen Personen. Alle Agenten dieser Fraktion melden sich eifrig zur Pflicht und erledigen ihre zugeschriebenen Aufgaben effektiv und mit großer Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit.
Einmalige Ereigniskette: Zyklus des Rí Ollam
Das Spiel mit diesen Fraktionen präsentiert Euch mit einer neuen Reihe verknüpfter narrativer Ereignisse. Der Zyklus des Rí Ollam ist von keltischer Mythologie inspiriert und Ihr lenkt die Hand eines sagenhaften Helden durch eine Reihe erzählerischer Entscheidungen. Mit dem Ende der Geschichte wird Rí Ollam selbst als General für Eure Armeen verfügbar, inklusive Eigenschaften, die Eure Entscheidungen widerspiegeln.
Keltische Einheiten
Alle drei Fraktionen teilen sich eine keltische Einheitenliste, die aus einer Reihe an Truppentypen über drei Ränge besteht, unter anderem: Speerkämpfer mit Windhund, schwere Kriegshunde, schwere Kavallerie der Mormaer und die leichte Elite-Infanterie Scáthachs Lehrmeister.

Zusätzlich zur regulären Einheitenliste verfügt jede Fraktion über ihre eigenen fraktionsspezifischen Einheiten:
• Gallowglasses: Sehr schwere Schwertinfanterie Rang 2
• Kriegsbande des Königs: Sehr schwere Schwertinfanterie Rang 3
• Ebdanische Plünderer: Leichte Wurfspeerplänkler Rang 2
• Kerns: Leichte Wurfspeerplänkler Rang 2
• Righdamhna: Leichte Wurfspeerplänkler Rang 3
• Ebdanische Kavallerieplünderer: Leichte Plänklerkavallerie Rang 2
• Auserwählte Plünderer: Leichte Plänklerkavallerie Rang 3
• Königliche Fianna (General): Sehr schwere Nahkampfkavallerie Rang 3
• Cateran-Brigade: Sehr schwere Speerinfanterie Rang 2
• Pferdeflüsterer: Sehr schwere Speerinfanterie Rang 3
• Kaledonische Axtkämpfer: Sehr schwere Axtinfanterie Rang 2
• Hochland-Bogenschützen: Leichte Bogeninfanterie Rang 2
• Elite-Hochland-Bogenschützen: Leichte Bogeninfanterie Rang 3
• Adelsbogenschützen (General): Mittlere Bogeninfanterie Rang 2
• Königliche Bogenschützen (General): Mittlere Bogeninfanterie Rang 3
• Piktische Axtkämpfer: Leichte Axtinfanterie Rang 2
• Piktische Schwertkämpfer: Mittlere Schwertinfanterie Rang 2
• Schwarze Klingen: Leichte Schwertinfanterie Rang 3
• Piktische Berserker: Leichte Axtberserkerinfanterie Rang 2
• Anhänger der Morrígan (General): Sehr schwere Axtinfanterie Rang 3
Einmalige Gebäude
Die erfinderischen Kelten profitieren von einer speziellen Landwirtschaftskette, die von Fruchtbarkeit unabhängig ist. Gehege können zu Viehgründen und dann einem Booley verbessert werden, um so selbstversorgende Viehherden zu mobilisieren.
Des Weiteren gibt es passend zu ihrem Spielstil eine typisch keltische Plünderkette. Der „Versammlungspunkt für Plünderer“ kann zum „Versammlungsort für Plünderer“, dann zu einer „Plündererbasis“ und schließlich zur „Halle der Plünderer“ erweitert werden. Diese schnell erbaute Kette, deren Ränge jeweils eine Runde zum Bau benötigen, verleiht große Boni beim Plündern benachbarter Regionen und bietet Boni auf öffentliche Ordnung und Garnison, wodurch sie sich hervorragend für neu eroberte Regionen eignet.

Neue Mechanik: Prestige-Gebäude
Das Kulturenpaket der Kelten enthält drei neue Gebäude des Ranges 5, die durch eine neue Spielmechanik freigeschaltet werden. Die Bardenhalle, der Tempel des Belenus und der Hauptmarkt verleihen große Boni und ebenso wie die nötigen Technologiebedingungen muss der Spieler für diese Gebäude bestimmte Spielbedingungen erfüllen, die in Form großer Taten in den Bereichen Religion, Handel, und Kriegsführung erbracht werden.

In einer turbulenten, aber goldenen Zeit befinden sich die Ebdani auf dem Höhepunkt der Macht. Sie herrschen über die Insel, die von Griechen und Römern „Hibernia“ genannt wird. Erstmals erwähnt wurde dieses Volk von dem griechischen Schriftsteller Ptolemäus in seiner „Geographia“ im 2. Jahrhundert. Die Ebdani siedelten sich an der Ostküste Hibernias an, zwischen den Mündungen der Flüsse Buvinda und Oboca - etwa an der Stelle des heutigen Dublin.
Die Gesellschaft und Kultur der Barbaren wurde von den Beziehungen zwischen Clans bestimmt - Heirat, Handel und Kriege zwischen Clans waren stets der Antrieb jeglicher Politik. Das Stammesleben im keltischen Irland drehte sich um den Clan, einen Verband, der sich auf Verwandtschaft, Loyalität und meist eine gemeinsame Abstammung stützte. Clans aus Hibernia führten ihre Herkunft auf einen gemeinsamen Urahnen zurück und die Herrschaftsautorität wurde entlang der männlichen Blutslinie weitergegeben. Das bedeutet, dass die meisten Angehörigen eines Clans blutsverwandt waren. Gemeinsame Erziehung und Adoption waren jedoch ebenso üblich wie in anderen Teilen der Welt. Ein Clan wurde von einem Häuptling angeführt. Dieser stand an der Spitze einer streng hierarchischen sozialen Ordnung.
Ebenso wie die Pikten Kaledoniens wurden die Stämme Hibernias nie vom römischen Reich erobert. Funde römischer Münzen auf der Insel lassen jedoch darauf schließen, dass die Clans in Hibernia Handel mit den Römern trieben. Von ihrer strategisch sicheren und gut befestigten Hauptstadt aus kontrollieren die Ebdani ihr eigenes Schicksal. Sie könnten aufsteigen und über die keltische Welt herrschen - und niemand auf diesen lieblichen Inseln oder darüber hinaus wird sie daran hindern!
Im nördlichen Britannien sind die Kaledonier der erste Schutzwall gegen das imperiale Rom und versperren jeglichen ambitionierten Invasoren den Weg nach Norden. Ihre Herkunft ist sehr umstritten, doch man vermutet, dass sie ein Mischvolk aus piktischen und anderen Stämmen sind, die einst vor den römischen Vorstößen nach Britannien geflohen sind. Ihr Überleben verdankten sie vor allem ihren umfriedeten Gehöften im schottischen Hochland, den Hillforts genannten Wallburgen.
Leider stammen die meisten Dokumente, die sich mit der Geschichte der Kaledonier befassen, aus römischer Feder und sind daher oft einseitig. So meidet Tacitus beispielsweise den Begriff „König“, wenn er den kaledonischen Heerführer Calgacus beschreibt. Es ist jedoch auch denkbar, dass er mit der Hierarchie der Kaledonier nicht vertraut war. Tacitus erwähnt sie erstmals in seiner Chronik der Schlacht am Mons Graupius. Die Kaledonier verloren diese, nachdem die Legionen sie aus den Bergen auf das offene Feld zwangen und sie keine Guerrilla-Taktiken nutzen konnten, die ihnen in dem steinigen Terrain wahrscheinlich Vorteile eingebracht hätten. Tacitus beschreibt die Kaledonier stereotypisch als rothaarige, hochgewachsene, furchtlose und barbarische Männer aus dem Norden.
In den Jahrhunderten nach der Schlacht am Mons Graupius blieben die Kaledonier dem Imperium ein Dorn im Auge. Immer wieder fielen sie über Britannien her und plünderten nach Strich und Faden. Trotz der hartnäckigen Bemühungen des Imperiums lassen sich die Kaledonier nicht einschüchtern. Mutig trotzen sie den Schrecken ihrer Zeit, bereit, sich zu nehmen, was rechtmäßig ihnen gehört.
Die Pikten verteidigen standfest ihre Heimat hoch im Norden der Britischen Inseln. Viele Jahre lang versuchten die Römer sie unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen. Die Kaiser Hadrian und Antoninus errichteten sogar mächtige Wälle, um Handel und Reisen zwischen dem Imperium und den Gebieten der wilden „Nordmänner“ zu kontrollieren. Die während der Regentschaft Hadrians geführte Politik der Verteidigung führte vielfach zu der Annahme, der Hadrianswall wäre mehr als eine Einrichtung zur Kontrolle des Handels - er sollte Pikten und andere kaledonische Völker nicht ins Land lassen.
Die geheimnisvollen Pikten hinterließen keine schriftlichen Dokumente. Wir wissen jedoch, dass sie erbittert gegen die Invasoren kämpften, da der römische Historiker Tacitus in seinen „Historien“ besonders auf ihren Widerstand eingeht. Es ist auch möglich, dass die Römer mit dem lateinischen Begriff „Picti“ einfach alle nördlichen und „bemalten“ Stämme in einen Topf warfen - also alle Kelten, die die Bräuche der Tätowierung und Kriegsbemalung pflegten.
Die Pikten nahmen 367-368 n. Chr. an der erfolglosen „barbarischen Verschwörung“ gegen die Römer teil, als die römische Garnison entlang des Hadrianswalls Positionen im Stich ließ und Plünderungen von Barbaren ermöglichten. Beinahe wäre es so zu einem Sieg über das Imperium in Britannien und Nordgallien gekommen. Und nun, auf der Höhe des 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., müssen die Pikten alte Bündnisse auffrischen, wenn sie ihr Land zurückerobern möchten. Britannien und das Imperium erwarten gespannt das Ergebnis dieser Entwicklungen. Ist dies der Beginn eines vereinten keltischen Reichs im Norden? Sind die Tage der römischen Besatzung bald gezählt?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA - Pacchetto cultura Celti
Informazioni sul DLC:
Il pacchetto cultura Celti ti offre tre nuove fazioni giocabili per Total War™: ATTILA. I Pitti, i Caledoni e gli Ebdani sono disponibili nella campagna per giocatore singolo o multigiocatore e nelle battaglie personalizzate e multigiocatore.
La presa dei Romani d’occidente sulle isole britanniche si allenta, e queste feroci tribù sono pronte a rivendicare la loro indipendenza e riappropriarsi delle loro terre. Tuttavia, anche se l’Impero si allontana, altre potenze stanno mettendo gli occhi sulle Isole dello stagno. I signori della guerra della Germania e delle regioni nordiche guardano a nordovest e vedono lì un bottino per cui vale la pena lottare...
• Le forze celtiche sono specializzate in tattiche di imboscata e Schieramento guerriglia.
• Nuovi membri celti in nuove unità per ogni fazione.
• Nuovi edifici di prestigio che richiedono grandi imprese per essere sbloccati.
• Nuova catena delle incursioni e tecnologie basate su temi celti.
• Menu delle abilità dei generali celti su misura.
• Catena di eventi specifica: il ciclo dell’Ollam Ri e nuove missioni celtiche per ogni fazione.

Tratti culturali (Celti)
Specializzate in tattiche di imboscata, tutte le unità nelle fazioni celtiche possiedono il tratto Schieramento guerriglia. Questo permette loro di schierare ogni unità nel loro esercito praticamente in qualunque punto del campo di battaglia, persino dietro le linee nemiche. In quanto specialisti, i Celti non agiscono da tuttofare: un comandante esperto, ad esempio, sfrutterà al massimo i loro punti di forza per provocare effetti letali.
Queste loro caratteristiche vengono applicate abilmente: per i Celti le incursioni, i saccheggi e le razzie sono fondamentali per le entrate e questo fattore si riflette in molti aspetti del loro stile di gioco e nei bonus aggiuntivi che ricevono.

Oltre ai comuni tratti celti per le incursioni, gli Ebdani sono anche predisposti alle razzie e ai saccheggi che, insieme, offrono loro uno stile di gioco unico e un potenziale senza pari che li guideranno alla gloria a spese dei nemici.
In quanto “Figli della notte”, i Pitti si guadagnano la reputazione di abili combattenti notturni su terra e mare, e scelgono sempre di attaccare di notte. Un esercito di Pitti in imboscata, con i bonus al morale dovuti all’oscurità e le unità pesanti da assalto e quelle berserkr, rappresenta un vero incubo per il nemico.
Persuasivi, scaltri e letali nelle arti del raggiro e dell’omicidio, i Caledoni sono individui con incredibili abilità ammalianti, minacciose e fatali. Tutti gli agenti di questa fazione sono ansiosi di prendere l'iniziativa, di essere efficienti nello svolgere i compiti assegnati e hanno molte più probabilità di avere successo.
Catena di eventi specifica: Il ciclo dell’Ollam Ri
Queste fazioni ti consentiranno di esplorare una nuova serie di eventi narrativi collegati tra loro. “Il ciclo dell’Ollam Ri” è ispirato alla mitologia celtica: gestirai le azioni di un eroe leggendario e sarai messo alla prova davanti a una serie di scelte narrative. Man mano che la storia si avvicina alla conclusione, l’Ollam Ri stesso diventa disponibile come generale per le tue armate, completo di tratti che rispecchiano le scelte che hai fatto in precedenza.
Unità celtiche
Tutte e tre le fazioni hanno in comune una serie di unità celtiche, composte da diversi tipi di truppe appartenenti a tre livelli, come i lancieri con levrieri, cani da guerra pesanti, i cavalieri pesanti di Mormaer e gli Insegnanti di Scáthach, la fanteria leggera d’élite.

Oltre a queste unità standard, ogni fazione ha le sue truppe specifiche:
• Gallowglass: fanteria molto pesante con spada - livello 2
• Gruppo di guerrieri del Re: fanteria molto pesante con spada - livello 3
• Razziatori ebdani: schermagliatori leggeri con giavellotto - livello 2
• Kern: schermagliatori leggeri con giavellotto - livello 2
• Righdamhna: schermagliatori leggeri con giavellotto - livello 3
• Razziatori a cavallo ebdani: cavalleria leggera con schermagliatori - livello 2
• Razziatori scelti: cavalleria leggera con schermagliatori - livello 3
• Fianna del Re (Generale): cavalleria corpo a corpo molto pesante - livello 3
• Brigata di cateran: fanteria molto pesante con lancia - livello 2
• Sussurratori di cavalli: fanteria molto pesante con lancia - livello 3
• Guerrieri con ascia caledoni: fanteria molto pesante con ascia - livello 2
• Arcieri delle Highlands: fanteria leggera con arco - livello 2
• Arcieri d’élite delle Highlands: fanteria leggera con arco - livello 3
• Arcieri nobili (Generale): fanteria media con arco - livello 2
• Arcieri reali (Generale): fanteria media con arco - livello 3
• Guerrieri con ascia pitti: fanteria leggera con ascia - livello 2
• Spadaccini pitti: fanteria media con spada - livello 2
• Le Lame nere: fanteria leggera con spada - livello 3
• Berserkr pitti: fanteria leggera di berserkr con ascia - livello 2
• Seguaci di Morrigan (Generale): fanteria molto pesante con ascia - livello 3
Edifici unici
Gli intraprendenti Celti beneficiano da una nuova catena dell’allevamento che non dipende dalla fertilità. Le recinzioni possono essere potenziate in recinzioni per il bestiame e poi in booley, in modo da mobilitare mandrie autosufficienti.
Una nuova catena delle incursioni, aspetto importante del loro stile di gioco, è specifica per le fazioni celtiche. Il punto di raduno dei predoni può essere potenziato a luogo di ritrovo dei predoni, poi a base dei predoni e infine a sala dei predoni. Questa catena rapida da costruire (è necessario un solo turno per costruire ogni livello) conferisce bonus importanti alle incursioni nelle regioni adiacenti e offre bonus all’ordine pubblico e alla guarnigione. È l’ideale per le regioni appena conquistate.

Nuove dinamiche: edifici di prestigio
Il pacchetto cultura Celti introduce tre nuovi edifici di livello 5 sbloccabili tramite nuove dinamiche di gioco. La sala dei bardi, il tempio di Beleno e il mercato centrale offrono bonus importanti e, oltre ai requisiti tecnologici necessari, richiedono il raggiungimento di specifiche condizioni di gioco sotto forma di grandi imprese in campo religioso, commerciale e bellico.

Storia delle fazioni
Gli Ebdani sono al potere in questo momento confuso ma vantaggioso. Abitano l’isola chiamata Hibernia dai Greci e dai Romani e furono descritti per la prima volta dallo storico Tolomeo, nel suo trattato “Geografia”, nel II sec. d.C. Si stanziarono sulle coste orientali, tra gli estuari di due fiumi, il Boyne e l’Oboca, nei pressi dell’attuale Dublino.
I rapporti tra clan erano alla base della cultura e della società barbara: i loro componenti, infatti, si sposavano, commerciavano e si facevano la guerra. La vita tribale nell’Irlanda gaelica ruotava intorno al clan, una famiglia estesa costruita su parentele, lealtà e in generale antenati comuni. Si pensa che i clan dell’Hibernia discendessero da un solo uomo e che il diritto di governare passasse di padre in figlio. Ciò significa che la maggior parte dei suoi membri aveva lo stesso sangue, sebbene gli affidi e le adozioni fossero comuni come in tutte le altre parti del mondo. In cima alla rigida struttura gerarchica vi era il capotribù.
Proprio come i Pitti della Caledonia, le tribù dell’Hibernia non sono mai state conquistate dall’Impero romano, ma vi sono stati sicuramente degli scambi commerciali, com’è dimostrato dalla scoperta di monete romane in tutta l’isola. Dalla propria capitale, ben posizionata e facilmente difendibile, gli Ebdani sono in pieno controllo del proprio destino: potrebbero decidere di provare a soggiogare il mondo celtico e, in quel caso, nessuna di queste remote isole, e oltre, potrebbe fare qualcosa per impedirlo!
I Caledoni sono la prima linea di difesa contro la Roma imperiale nella parte settentrionale della Britannia; sbarrano il passo ai potenziali invasori. Sebbene la discendenza sia spesso oggetto di dibattito, si pensa che fossero l’insieme delle tribù dei Pitti e di quelle che sfuggivano all’avanzata romana in Britannia, che sopravvissero principalmente rifugiandosi nelle fortezze e nelle fattorie delle Highlands scozzesi.
Purtroppo la maggior parte delle fonti storiche sui Caledoni è di origine romana e di conseguenza non totalmente obiettiva; Tacito, per esempio, si rifiuta di usare termini come “Re” per descrivere il loro leader, Calgaco, anche se questa scelta potrebbe essere stata dettata dall’incertezza sulla loro struttura gerarchica interna. Sono citati per la prima volta dallo storico romano in relazione alla Battaglia del monte Graupio, che essi persero una volta che le legioni li costrinsero ad abbandonare la tattica della guerriglia favorita dal terreno montuoso per passare a una battaglia in campo aperto. Tacito descrive i Caledoni come uomini dai capelli rossi e le gambe lunghe e tutti, senza esclusione, furiosi e barbarici.
Nei secoli successivi alla Battaglia del monte Graupio, i Caledoni sono rimasti una spina belligerante nel fianco dell’Impero: hanno invaso più volte la Britannia per depredarla, e spesso sono riusciti nell’impresa. Nonostante i tenaci sforzi dell’Impero, i Caledoni non si piegano: affrontano ora un mondo in declino e sono pronti a riprendersi quello che gli spetta di diritto!
I Pitti sono risoluti difensori della propria patria, che si trova all’estremo nord della Britannia. I Romani provarono a lungo a tenerli sotto controllo e gli imperatori Adriano e Antonino arrivarono addirittura a costruire delle mura per fermarne il passaggio e gli scambi commerciali tra i soggetti imperiali e i selvaggi uomini del nord. L’attenzione generale sulla difesa durante la carica di Adriano ha portato alcuni a credere che le sue mura fossero molto più che una semplice porta commerciale: erano finalizzate a tenere fuori i Pitti e i Caledoni.
In generale, i Pitti sono un popolo enigmatico e non hanno lasciato testimonianze scritte. Tuttavia, sappiamo che lottarono duramente contro gli invasori perché lo storico romano Tacito ha fatto specifico riferimento alla loro sconfitta nel suo Historiae. È probabile che “Picti” (in latino) fosse semplicemente un termine generale usato dai Romani per le svariate tribù del nord che essi consideravano “dipinte”, con riferimento alle comuni tradizioni tribali dei Celti di tatuarsi e dipingere il corpo prima delle battaglie.
I Pitti presero parte alla sfortunata Grande cospirazione barbarica del 367-368 d.C., durante la quale le incursioni dei barbari furono coordinate con la diserzione della guarnigione romana lungo il Vallo di Adriano, e quasi riuscirono a strappare il potere all’Impero in Britannia e nella parte settentrionale della Gallia. Ora, alla soglia del V sec. d.C., i Pitti devono ravvivare le antiche alleanze, se vogliono riprendersi la propria patria. La Britannia e tutto l’Impero aspettano l’esito: che si assista alla nascita di un impero celtico unito, a nord, in grado di liberarsi per sempre dell’oppressione romana?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – Pakiet kultur celtyckich
Informacje o DLC:
Pakiet kultur celtyckich zawiera trzy nowe grywalne frakcje dla Total War™: ATTILA. Piktowie, Kaledończycy i Ebdanianie są dostępni w trybach kampanii pojedynczej i dla wielu graczy, a także w bitwach własnych i dla wielu graczy.
Cesarstwo zachodniorzymskie coraz słabiej zaciska swój chwyt na wyspach brytyjskich, a więc dzikie plemiona przygotowują się do ogłoszenia niepodległości i odzyskania ziem swoich przodków. Choć samo cesarstwo się cofa, inni również chciwie spoglądają na wyspy. Władcy Germanii i regionów nordyckich kierują swój wzrok na północny zachód, dostrzegając tam zdobycze, o które warto zawalczyć...
• Wojska celtyckie specjalizują się w zastawianiu zasadzek i partyzanckim rozmieszczaniu jednostek.
• Nowy celtycki zestaw jednostek z jednostkami nietypowymi dla każdej frakcji.
• Nowe budynki prestiżowe, odblokowywane po dokonaniu wielkich czynów.
• Nowa, niepowtarzalna ścieżka rozwoju budynków grabieżców oraz technologii celtyckich.
• Ścieżki umiejętności celtyckich wodzów.
• Niepowtarzalna fabularna ścieżka wydarzeń: Krąg Ollam Ri oraz nowe misje celtyckie dla każdej frakcji.

Premie kulturowe (Celtowie)
Wszystkie jednostki w zestawie celtyckim specjalizują się w zastawianiu zasadzek i posiadają premię partyzanckiego rozmieszczenia. Pozwala im to rozstawiać jednostki praktycznie w każdym miejscu pola bitwy, nawet za liniami wroga. Jednostki celtyckie są wyspecjalizowane i choć wpływa to negatywnie na ich uniwersalność, doświadczony dowódca wykorzysta ich zdolności z zabójczą skutecznością.
Prócz umiejętnego wykorzystania powyższych premii, plądrowanie, grabienie i najazdy są głównymi źródłami przychodów dla Celtów. Objawia się to w wielu aspektach ich stylu rozgrywki i dodatkowych premiach, które otrzymują.

Prócz standardowych premii celtyckich, związanych z najazdami, Ebdanianie mają też dodatkowy talent do plądrowania i grabienia, co nadaje im niepowtarzalny styl gry i niezrównany potencjał do wykorzystywania niedoli wrogów.
Jako "dzieci nocy", Piktowie słusznie uważani są za zręcznych wojowników nocnych, zarówno na lądzie, jak i na morzu. Zawsze mogą wybrać porę ataku po zmroku. Otrzymują premie do morale w ciemnościach i polegają na ciężkich jednostkach szturmowych i berserkerach. Próba zastawienia zasadzki na armię Piktów może dosłownie skończyć się koszmarem.
Przekonujący, sprytni i zabójczy, specjalizujący się w sztuce sabotażu i morderstwach po cichu, Kaledończycy są niezwykle czarujący, złowrodzy i morderczy. Wszyscy Agenci tej frakcji chętnie biorą udział w misjach, są bardziej wydajni, a szansa na powodzenie ich akcji jest znacznie wyższa.
Unikatowy fabularny łańcuch wydarzeń: Krąg Ollam Ri
Gra niniejszymi frakcjami pozwoli ci rozegrać nową serię połączonych ze sobą wydarzeń fabularnych. Krąg Ollam Ri czerpie inspirację z celtyckiej mitologii i przedstawia losy dzielnego bohatera w serii rozgałęzionych ścieżek fabularnych. W momencie zakończenia tej historii, sam Ollam Ri staje się dostępny jako generał dla twoich armii. Posiada on cechy, które odzwierciedlają dokonane przez ciebie wybory.
Jednostki celtyckie
Wszystkie trzy frakcje posiadają wspólny zestaw jednostek celtyckich, składający się z różnych rodzajów wojsk na trzech poziomach. Przykładami takich jednostek są ciężkie ogary "Włócznicy z psami", ciężka "Mormaerska jazda" czy elitarna lekka piechota, "Nauczyciele Scathy".

Prócz wspomnianego, standardowego zestawu, każda frakcja posiada własne, nietypowe jednostki:
• Gallowglass: Ciężka piechota z mieczami poziomu 2
• Brygada królewska: Bardzo ciężka piechota z mieczami poziomu 3
• Ebdańscy grabieżcy: Harcownicy z lekkimi oszczepami poziomu 2
• Kerns: Harcownicy z lekkimi oszczepami poziomu 2
• Righdamhna: Harcownicy z lekkimi oszczepami poziomu 3
• Ebdańscy grabieżcy konni: Lekka jazda harcowników poziomu 2
• Wybrani grabieżcy: Lekka jazda harcowników poziomu 3
• Fianna królewska (wódz): Bardzo ciężka kawaleria poziomu 3
• Brygada Cateran: Bardzo ciężka piechota z włóczniami poziomu 2
• Zaklinacz koni: Bardzo ciężka piechota z włóczniami poziomu 3
• Kaledońscy topornicy: Bardzo ciężka piechota z toporami poziomu 2
• Górscy łucznicy: Lekka piechota z łukami poziomu 2
• Elitarni górscy łucznicy: Lekka piechota z łukami poziomu 3
• Szlacheccy łucznicy (wódz): Średnia piechota z łukami poziomu 2
• Królewscy łucznicy (wódz): Średnia piechota z łukami poziomu 3
• Piktowie z toporami: Lekka piechota z toporami poziomu 2
• Piktowie z mieczami: Średnia piechota z mieczami poziomu 2
• Czarne ostrza: Lekka piechota z mieczami poziomu 3
• Piktowie berserkerzy: Lekka piechota berserkerów z toporami poziomu 2
• Wyznawcy Morrigan (wódz): Bardzo ciężka piechota z toporami poziomu 3
Nietypowe budynki
Zaradni Celtowie korzystają z niepowtarzalnej ścieżki hodowli, która nie jest zależna od urodzaju. "Ogrodzenie" można ulepszyć do "Zagrody dla bydła", a następnie do "Booleya", dzięki czemu uzyskuje się samowystarczalne stada trzody.
Frakcje celtyckie posiadają też nową ścieżkę najazdów, charakterystyczną dla ich stylu gry. "Punkt zbiórki grabieżców" można rozbudować do "Miejsca spotkań grabieżców", następnie do "Bazy grabieżców", a w końcu do "Hali grabieżców". To szybka ścieżka rozbudowy budynków, a każdy etap trwa tylko przez jedną kolejkę. Powyższe budynki dają znaczące premie do najazdów na sąsiednie regiony oraz premie porządku publicznego i garnizonu. Doskonale sprawdzają się w przypadku nowo podbitych regionów.

Nowa mechanika: budynki prestiżowe
Pakiet kultur celtyckich wprowadza trzy nowe budynki poziomu 5, odblokowywane poprzez nową opcję w grze. "Hala bardów", "Świątynia Belenusa" i "Główny rynek" przydzielają znaczące premie, ale prócz wymogów technologicznych, budynki te wymagają od gracza spełnienia pewnych warunków, dotyczących rozgrywki – dokonania wielkich dzieł na polu religijnym, handlowym i wojskowym.

Historia frakcji
W tych trudnych, ale pełnych okazji czasach, Ebdanianie zyskują na sile. Zamieszkują wyspę zwaną przez Greków i Rzymian "Hibernia", a po raz pierwszy zostali opisani przez grecko-egipskiego kronikarza Ptolemeusza w 2 wieku n.e. w traktacie "Geografia". Budują swe domy na wschodnich brzegach i mieszkają pomiędzy dwoma rzekami – Buvindą i Obocą, mniej więcej tam, gdzie leży współczesny Dublin.
Rozwój barbarzyńskiej kultury i społeczeństwa napędzany był przez relacje pomiędzy klanami – dochodziło do licznych małżeństw, umów handlowych i oczywiście wojen. Życie plemienne w gaelickiej Irlandii toczyło się w klanach, wielkich rodzinach, opartych o więzy krwi, lojalność i wspólnych przodków. Klany hiberniańskie pochodziły ponoć od jednego człowieka, a władza była w nich przekazywana z ojca na syna. Oznacza to, że większość członków klanu była spokrewniona, choć często dochodziło do adopcji, tak jak w innych częściach świata. Na czele klanu stał wódz, który znajdował się na szczycie niezwykle ścisłej hierarchii społecznej.
Podobnie jak Piktowie z Kaledonii, również plemiona Hibernii nigdy nie zostały podbite przez Cesarstwo Rzymskie. Dochodziło nawet do handlu z Rzymem, o czym świadczy odkrycie rzymskich monet na całej wyspie. Dzięki dobremu położeniu defensywnemu swojej stolicy, Ebdanianie mogą decydować o swoim przeznaczeniu – czy zdołają zyskać przewagę wśród Celtów? Możliwe, że nikt na tych pięknych wyspach, ani poza nimi, nie będzie mógł im się przeciwstawić!
Kaledończycy byli pierwszą linią obrony Brytanii w starciu z Cesarstwem Rzymskim – bronili drogi na północ przed wszelkimi potencjalnymi najeźdźcami. Choć ich prawdziwe pochodzenie jest przedmiotem sporów, uważani są za potomków plemion Piktów i tych, którzy uciekali przed Rzymianami w trakcie ich ofensywy w Brytanii. Kaledończycy zamieszkiwali szereg ufortyfikowanych wzgórz i terenów rolniczych w szkockich górach.
Niestety, większość źródeł historycznych na temat Kaledończyków wywodzi się z Rzymu, co oczywiście wpływało na ich bezstronność. Przykładowo, Tacyt nie używa takich terminów jak "król" w odniesieniu do wodza kaledońskiego, Calgacusa, choć może to też wynikać z jego niepewności co do wewnętrznej hierarchii Kaledończyków. Są oni po raz pierwszy wspominani przez Tacyta przy okazji opisu Bitwy pod Mons Grapius, którą przegrali po tym, jak legiony wyparły ich ze wzgórz i wydały im bitwę na otwartym terenie. Było to niezgodne z "partyzanckim" stylem walki Kaledończyków, którzy doskonale radzili sobie na terenach skalistych. Wspominając Kaledończyków, Tacyt opisuje ich też bardzo stereotypowo – jako rudych "ludzi północy" z długimi kończynami. Przypisuje im też cechy furiatów i barbarzyńców.
W kolejnych wiekach po Bitwie pod Mons Grapius, Kaledończycy pozostali prawdziwą solą w oku Cesarstwa, stale przedzierając się i plądrując Brytanię, często z dobrym skutkiem. Mimo wysiłków Cesarstwa, nie dali się zastraszyć, a i teraz stawiają czoła światu, który ogarnia mrok. Zamierzają odebrać to, co im się prawnie należy!
Piktowie są śmiałymi obrońcami swojej ojczyzny, która leży na dalekiej północy Wysp Brytyjskich. Rzymianie przez wiele lat starali się nad nimi zapanować – cesarze Hadrian i Antoninus postanowili nawet wybudować mury wokół ich kraju, aby kontrolować przepływ ludzi i handlu oraz bronić poddanych Cesarstwa przed dzikimi, nieustępliwymi "ludźmi północy". Ogólne skupienie się na defensywie w trakcie panowania Hadriana doprowadziło do przeświadczenia, że jego mur nie miał jedynie przeznaczenia handlowego – miał po prostu trzymać Piktów i innych Kaledończyków z dala od Brytanii.
Piktowie są tajemniczym ludem, który praktycznie nie pozostawił po sobie żadnych kronik pisanych. Wiemy jednak, że zaciekle walczyli z najeźdźcami, gdyż rzymski historyk Tacyt wielokrotnie opisywał ich opór w "Dziejach". Możliwe jest też, że "Picti" po łacinie było ogólnym terminem rzymskim, określającym wszystkie północne ludy "malowane". Chodziło o popularny celtycki zwyczaj tatuowania i malowania ciał przed bitwą.
Piktowie brali też udział w nieudanym Wielkim Spisku z lat 367-368 n.e., kiedy to najazdy barbarzyńców były skoordynowane z dezercją rzymskiego garnizonu wzdłuż Muru Hadriana. Plan niemal się powiódł i buntownicy byli o krok od przejęcia Brytanii i północnej Galii z rąk Cesarstwa. Teraz, u zarania V wieku naszej ery, Piktowie muszą odbudować stare sojusze, jeśli chcą odzyskać swój kraj. Brytania i całe Cesarstwo czekają na rozwój wydarzeń. Czyżby miał to być początek zjednoczonego celtyckiego imperium na północy? Takiego, które na dobre zerwie kajdany rzymskiego ucisku?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA - дополнение "Культура кельтов"
О дополнении:
Дополнение "Культура кельтов" добавляет в Total War™: ATTILA три новые фракции для игры. Пиктов, каледонцев и эбданов можно использовать в одиночных и сетевых кампаниях, а также в настраиваемых битвах и сражениях по сети.
По мере того как влияние Западного Рима на Британских островах ослабевает, эти яростные племена готовы провозгласить независимость и вернуть земли своих предков. Но в то время, как империя отступает, другие начинают заглядываться на Касситериды (Оловянные острова). Военачальники Германии и северных регионов посматривают на северо-запад и видят трофей, за который стоит сразиться...
• Кельтские войска особенно хороши в нападении из засады и обладают "Автономностью".
• Новый набор войск кельтов с уникальными видами войск для каждой фракции.
• Новые престижные здания, для открытия которых потребуется совершить великие деяния.
• Новая уникальная цепочка зданий для налетов и кельтские технологии.
• Обещанные деревья умений полководцев.
• Уникальная кампания с единым сюжетом "Сага о короле-олламе" и новые кельтские миссии для каждой фракции.

Культурные особенности (кельты)
Войска кельтов специализируются в нападении на врагов из засады и обладают особенностью "Автономность". Она позволяет кельтам размещать любые свои войска почти где угодно на поле боя – даже в тылу врага. Кельтские воины - узкие специалисты, так что не ждите, что они справятся в любой ситуации. Но опытный полководец даст им проявить свои сильные стороны и нанесет смертельный удар.
Где лучше всего применить эти особенности, как не в разбоях, грабежах и налетах? Для кельтов это основные источники дохода, что находит отражение во многих аспектах стиля игры за них и в получаемых бонусах.

Помимо общих для кельтов особенностей, связанных с налетами, эбданы наделены талантом к грабежам и разбоям. Такое сочетание обеспечивает уникальный стиль игры и непревзойденную возможность наживаться на врагах.
Именуемые "Сыновьями Ночи", пикты по праву завоевали репутацию опытных ночных бойцов на земле и на море и всегда могут нападать ночью. Пикты получают бонусы к боевому духу в темноте и полагаются на тяжелых воинов нападения и берсерков. Нападая из засады, они становятся для противника настоящим кошмаром.
Красноречивые, коварные и искушенные в деле диверсий и устранения лидеров, каледонцы воспитывают воинов, обладающих невероятной харизмой и грозными, смертоносными навыками. Все агенты этой фракции горят желанием выполнить свой долг, более эффективно выполняют возложенные на них обязанности и обладают намного большими шансами на успех.
Уникальная кампания с единым сюжетом: Сага о короле-олламе
При игре за эти фракции игрок получает доступ к новой серии событий с единым сюжетом. "Сага о короле-олламе" во многом основывается на кельтской мифологии, и в ней вы управляете действиями прославленного героя, периодически делая выбор по ходу повествования. Ближе к финалу истории король-оллам становится доступен вам как полководец вашей армии, причем принятые ранее решения определяют особенности, которые он получает.
Кельтские войска
Все три фракции обладают единым для кельтов списком войск, состоящим из различных типов войск трех рангов. Это, к примеру, копейщики с гончими (грозными военными псами), тяжелая конница мормэров и служительницы Скатах - элитная легкая пехота.

В дополнению к общему списку, у каждой фракции есть свои войска:
• Галлогласы: сверхтяжелая пехота ранга 2, вооруженная мечами
• Королевский отряд: сверхтяжелая пехота ранга 3, вооруженная мечами
• Эбданские налетчики: легкие застрельщики ранга 2, вооруженные дротиками
• Керны: легкие застрельщики ранга 2, вооруженные дротиками
• Ригдамна: легкие застрельщики ранга 2, вооруженные дротиками
• Эбданские конные налетчики: легкие конные застрельщики ранга 2
• Отборные налетчики: легкие конные застрельщики ранга 3
• Королевская фиана (полководец): сверхтяжелая конница ближнего боя ранга 3
• Катеран: сверхтяжелая пехота ранга 2, вооруженная копьями
• Заклинатели коней: сверхтяжелая пехота ранга 3, вооруженная копьями
• Каледонские топорники: сверхтяжелая пехота ранга 2, вооруженная топорами
• Горцы-лучники: легкая пехота ранга 1, вооруженная луками
• Отборные лучники-горцы: легкая пехота ранга 1, вооруженная луками
• Знатные лучники (полководец): средняя пехота ранга 2, вооруженная луками
• Царские лучники (полководец): средняя пехота ранга 3, вооруженная луками
• Пиктские топорники: легкая пехота ранга 2, вооруженная топорами
• Пиктские мечники: средняя пехота ранга 2, вооруженная мечами
• Черные клинки: легкая пехота ранга 3, вооруженная мечами
• Пиктские берсерки: легкие пешие берсерки ранга 2, вооруженные топорами
• Служители Морриган (полководец): сверхтяжелая пехота ранга 3, вооруженная топорами
Уникальные здания
Находчивые кельты извлекают выгоду из уникальной сельскохозяйственной цепочки, которая не зависит от плодородия. Загоны можно улучшить до Скотных дворов, а затем и до Летнего пастбища, получая самодостаточные стада скота.
Еще одна особенность кельтских фракций проявляется в новой цепочке для налетов, которая обеспечивает неповторимый стиль игры. Место сбора налетчиков улучшается до Собрания налетчиков, Лагеря налетчиков и наконец Чертогов налетчиков. Эта быстрая цепочка (1 ход на ранг) дает значительные бонусы для налетов на соседние регионы и обеспечивает бонусы, связанные с общественным порядком и гарнизонами, что как нельзя лучше подходит для недавно завоеванных регионов.

Новая механика: престижные здания
Дополнение "Культура кельтов" добавляет три новых здания ранга 5, которые открываются посредством новой игровой механики. Чертог бардов, Храм Белена и Центральный рынок дают значительные бонусы, и поэтому для их открытия, наряду с технологическими требованиями, игрок должен выполнить определенные требования игрового процесса, совершив великие деяния в области религии, торговли и военного дела.

История фракций
Эбданы приходят к власти в смутные времена, когда наступает подходящий момент. Первые упоминания об этих обитателях острова, который греки и римляне называли "Гибернией", можно найти у греческого писателя Птолемея, жившего в Египте во II веке до н. э., в его трактате "Руководство по географии". Выбрав в качество дома восточное побережье, это племя обосновалось в устье двух рек: Бувинды и Обоки - приблизительно в том месте, где теперь располагается город Дублин.
Именно взаимоотношения между кланами оказали влияние на культуру и общество варварских племен, так как между ними постоянно имели место браки, торговые сделки и войны. Основой жизни племен гэльской Ирландии был клан: большая семья, построенная на принципах родства, верности и, в основном, происхождения от общих предков. Считалось, что гибернийские кланы произошли от одного предка, а право правления в них переходило по мужской линии. Это означает, что большинство представителей клана были одной крови, хотя усыновление и воспитание чужих детей было так же широко распространено, как и в других частях света. Кланами руководили вожди, бывшие верхушкой четкой иерархической социальной структуры.
Подобно пиктам в Каледонии, гибернийские племена никогда не подвергались завоеваниям Римской империи, хотя вели с ней торговлю, о чем свидетельствуют римские монеты, найденные на острове. Из своей столицы, расположенной в выгодном и легкообороняемом месте, эбданы сами строят свою судьбу. У них есть шанс стать правителями всего кельтского мира, и никто из обитателей этих славных островов - и не только - не сможет им помешать!
Каледонцы стали первой линией обороны северной Британии от Римской империи и преградой проникновению на север для любых возможных завоевателей. Хотя об их истинном происхождении ведутся жаркие споры, считается, что каледонцы возникли из объединения пиктских племен и спасшихся бегством воинов римского авангарда, прибывшего в Британию. Жили они в основном в многочисленных городищах и на фермах, раскинувшихся в горной Шотландии.
К сожалению, большинство исторических источников, повествующих о каледонцах, имеют римское происхождение, и им присуща обычная римская предвзятость описаний; например, Тацит отказывается использовать термин "король" в описании предводителя каледонцев Калгака, хотя причиной этого может быть его неточная осведомленность об их внутренней иерархии. Тацит впервые упоминает об этом племени в рассказе о битве у Граупийских гор, которую каледонцы проиграли. Легионы заставили их спуститься с холмов и принять бой в открытом поле, что было непривычно для жителей скалистой местности, всегда применявших тактику партизанских войн. Упоминая каледонцев, Тацит также не отходит от стереотипного описания их как рыжих, длинноногих "северян" - неистовых и диких.
В столетия, последовавшие за битвой у Граупийских гор, каледонцы оставались источником раздражения для империи, поскольку они постоянно наведывались в Британию с набегами, причем зачастую успешными. Несмотря на настойчивые попытки империи, этих варваров никак не удается запугать и они противостоят темному миру, вознамерившись забрать то, что принадлежит им по праву.
Пикты - решительные защитники своей родины, расположенной далеко на севере Британских островов. Многие годы римляне пытались установить над ними власть, а императоры Адриан и Антоний даже решились построить стены через всю страну, чтобы контролировать проход и торговлю между подданными империи и дикими, упрямыми "северянами". Усиленное внимание к обороне во времена правления Адриана привело некоторых историков к мнению, что его стена была чем-то большим, чем простые торговые ворота, - она предназначалась для сдерживания пиктов и прочих народов Каледонии.
Если не вдаваться в детали, то пикты остаются загадочным народом, не оставившим письменных свидетельств. Однако мы знаем, что они ожесточенно сражались с завоевателями, поскольку римский историк Тацит оставил особые упоминания касательно их неповиновения в своих "Историях". Также вполне вероятно, что латинское название Picti было просто общим термином, используемым римлянами по отношению к многочисленным северным племенам, которых они считали "разрисованными", исходя из общего для кельтских племен обычая наносить татуировки и раскрашивать тело перед битвой.
Пикты были частью печально известного Великого заговора 367-368 гг. до н. э., когда налеты варваров были согласованы с дезертирством римского гарнизона вдоль вала Адриана и им почти удалось вырвать власть у империи в Британии и северной Галлии. Теперь, на рубеже V века до н. э., пиктам необходимо возобновить старые союзы, если они хотят отвоевать свою страну. Британия, как и большая часть самой империи, ожидает, чем все закончится. Возможно, это начало новой кельтской империи на севере, которая сбросит римское иго раз и навсегда?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA - Pack de culturas celtas
Sobre el DLC:
El pack de culturas celtas añade tres nuevas facciones jugables a Total War™: ATTILA. Podrás utilizar a los pictos, los caledonios y los ebdanos en los modos Un jugador y Campaña multijugador y en las Batallas personalizadas y Batallas multijugador.
Mientras el dominio de Roma occidental se debilita sobre las islas británicas, estas fieras tribus se preparan para proclamar su independencia y recuperar sus tierras ancestrales. Sin embargo, incluso mientras retrocede el Imperio, hay otros que están interesados en las islas del Estaño. Los líderes militares de Germania y las regiones nórdicas miran hacia el Noroeste y ven un premio por el que merece la pena luchar...
• Las tropas celtas están especializadas en tácticas de emboscadas y despliegues de guerrilla.
• Una nueva lista celta con nuevas y exclusivas unidades para cada facción.
• Nuevos edificios de prestigio para los que necesitarás llevar a cabo grandes gestas para desbloquearlos.
• Una nueva y exclusiva cadena de edificios de saqueo y tecnologías de inspiración celta.
• Cuadros de habilidades de los generales personalizados.
• Una exclusiva cadena narrativa de eventos: el ciclo del Rí Ollam y nuevas misiones celtas para cada facción.

Rasgos culturales (celtas)
Todas las unidades de las listas de facciones celtas están especializadas en tácticas de emboscadas y poseen el rasgo de "Despliegue de guerrilla", que les permite desplegar a todas las unidades de su ejército en casi cualquier parte del campo de batalla, incluso tras las líneas enemigas. Es tal su especialización que las naciones celtas no pueden considerarse expertas en todos los ámbitos. Un comandante avezado sabrá aprovechar sus puntos fuertes y hacerlos letales.
Acorde con esos rasgos, los saqueos, los pillajes y los asaltos son las fuentes fundamentales de ingresos de los celtas y esto queda reflejado en muchos aspectos de su estilo de juego y en las bonificaciones adicionales que reciben.

Además de los rasgos comunes de saqueo de todos los celtas, los ebdanos poseen un talento especial para el saqueo y el pillaje que les otorga un estilo de juego exclusivo y un potencial inigualable para obtener grandes beneficios a costa de sus enemigos.
Como "Hijos de la noche" que son, los pictos se merecen la fama de luchadores nocturnos tanto en tierra como en el mar y, por tanto, siempre podrán elegir atacar en la noche. El ejército picto, dadas las bonificaciones a la moral en la oscuridad y a sus feroces unidades de berserkers y de ataque pesado, puede convertirse en una verdadera pesadilla en cualquier emboscada.
Los sagaces y taimados caledonios son verdaderos maestros del sabotaje, el asesinato y generan amenazantes sujetos, tan encantadores como letales. Todos los agentes de esta facción están deseando entrar en acción, son más eficientes desempeñando sus cometidos y, en consecuencia, suelen tener más éxito.
Una cadena de acontecimientos históricos únicos: el ciclo del Rí Ollam
Al jugar con estas facciones te sumergirás en una nueva serie de acontecimientos entrelazados. El ciclo de Rí Ollam se inspira en la mitología celta; en él tendrás que dirigir las acciones de un héroe legendario teniendo que tomar una serie de decisiones históricas. A medida que el relato vaya avanzando, el mismo Rí Ollam estará disponible como general de tus ejércitos y con todos los rasgos que reflejarán las decisiones que hayas tomado.
Unidades celtas
Las tres facciones comparten una lista de unidades celtas con distintos tipos de unidades de tres niveles diferentes. Ejemplos de ello son los lanceros con lebreles, los perros de guerra, la caballería pesada mormaer y la infantería ligera de élite de las maestras de Scáthach.

Además de esta lista estándar, cada una de las facciones posee sus propios rasgos exclusivos:
• Gallowglass: infantería muy pesada con espada de nivel 2
• Guerreros del rey: infantería muy pesada con espada de nivel 3
• Saqueadores ebdanos: escaramuzadores ligeros con jabalina de nivel 2
• Kerns: escaramuzadores ligeros con jabalina de nivel 2
• Righdamhna: escaramuzadores ligeros con jabalina de nivel 3
• Caballería de saqueadores ebdanos: caballería de escaramuzadores ligera de nivel 2
• Saqueadores elegidos: caballería de escaramuzadores ligera de nivel 3
• Fianna del rey (general): caballería pesada cuerpo a cuerpo de nivel 3
• Hueste caterana: infantería con lanza muy pesada de nivel 2
• Susurradores de caballos: infantería con lanza muy pesada de nivel 3
• Caledonios con hachas: infantería muy pesada con hacha de nivel 2
• Arqueros de las Tierras Altas: infantería ligera con ballesta de nivel 2
• Arqueros de élite las Tierras Altas: infantería ligera con ballesta de nivel 3
• Arqueros nobles (general): infantería de arqueros normal de nivel 2
• Arqueros reales (general): infantería de arqueros normal de nivel 3
• Pictos con hacha: infantería ligera con hacha de nivel 2
• Espadachines pictos: infantería normal con espada de nivel 2
• Espadas negras: infantería ligera con espada de nivel 3
• Beserkers pictos: infantería ligera de berserkers con hacha de nivel 2
• Adoradores de Morrigan (general): infantería muy pesada con hacha de nivel 3
Edificios únicos
Los ingeniosos celtas cuentan con una exclusiva cadena agrícola que no depende de la fertilidad: el "recinto" puede ser mejorado a "redil para ganado" y, después, a "booley", lo que permite movilizar rebaños autosuficientes de ganado.
Reflejando su estilo de juego, hay una nueva cadena de saqueo, exclusiva para las facciones celtas: el "lugar de encuentro de los saqueadores" puede ser mejorado a "lugar de reunión de los saqueadores", "base de los saqueadores" y, finalmente, a "sala de los saqueadores". Esta cadena "veloz" —solo se necesita un turno para su construcción— otorga importantes bonificaciones al saquear las regiones adyacentes y ofrece otras al orden público y a las guarniciones, lo que la hace ideal en regiones recién conquistadas.

Nueva mecánica: edificios de prestigio
El pack de culturas celtas introduce 3 edificios nuevos de nivel 5 que serán desbloqueados gracias a una nueva mecánica de juego. La "sala de los bardos", el "templo de Beleno" y el "mercado central" otorgan importantes bonificaciones y, además de los requisitos tecnológicos necesarios, para estos edificios el jugador tendrá que haber cumplido ciertas condiciones del juego, como grandes hazañas en los ámbitos religioso, comercial o bélico.

Historia de la facción
Los ebdanos detentan el poder en un momento turbulento pero oportuno. El escritor greco-egipcio Ptolomeo II habló de ellos por primera vez en su tratado sobre "Geografía" y ocupaban la isla que griegos y romanos conocían como Hibernia. La tribu, que estableció su hogar en las orillas orientales, se asentó entre los estuarios de los ríos Buvinda y Oboca, aproximadamente donde se encuentra ahora la ciudad de Dublín.
Las relaciones entre clanes fueron lo que impulsó la cultura y la sociedad bárbaras, pues los clanes se casaban, comerciaban e incluso luchaban entre sí. La vida tribal en la Galia giraba en torno al clan, una especie de gran familia basada en el parentesco, la lealtad y generalmente en un antepasado común. Se supone que los clanes hibernios descienden de un solo hombre, y su autoridad para gobernar se ha ido transmitiendo a través de la línea sucesoria masculina. Esto quiere decir que la mayoría de los hombres del clan poseían la misma sangre, aunque era tan común acoger y adoptar como en otras partes del mundo. Los clanes estaban liderados por un jefe situado en lo más alto de una estricta estructura social jerárquica.
De forma parecida a los pictos de Caledonia, las tribus de Hibernia nunca han sido conquistadas por el Imperio romano, aunque han comerciado con él, como demuestran las monedas descubiertas en toda la isla. Desde su capital bien posicionada y defendida, los ebdanos controlan su propio destino, ¡podrían alzarse para gobernar el mundo celta y ninguna de estas bellas islas, o más allá, podrán evitarlo!
Los caledonios son la primera línea defensiva del norte de Britania contra la Roma imperial y bloquean el camino a los posibles invasores en el norte. Aunque se ha debatido mucho sobre su verdadera procedencia, se cree que son una mezcla de tribus pictas y de otras que huyeron del avance romano hacia Britania y que lograron sobrevivir en una serie de castros y granjas en las tierras altas de Escocia.
Lamentablemente, la mayoría de fuentes históricas sobre los caledonios son de origen romano, por lo que tienen una perspectiva sesgada. Por ejemplo, Tácito se niega a utilizar el término "rey" para describir al líder caledonio Calgaco, aunque esto podría deberse a que no estuviera seguro de su estructura jerárquica. Tácito los menciona por primera vez luchando en la batalla del monte Graupius, en la que perdieron cuando las legiones los forzaron a bajar de las colinas y a librar una batalla en campo abierto en lugar de dejarles usar tácticas de guerrilla, más adecuadas a la naturaleza rocosa del terreno. Al mencionar a los caledonios, Tácito también los describe con la definición estereotipada de hombres del norte pelirrojos y de piernas largas, furiosos y de bárbara conducta hacia los demás.
En los siglos posteriores a la batalla del monte Graupius, los caledonios han seguido siendo un problema para el imperio, realizando constantes incursiones en Britania para saquear y, a menudo con éxito. A pesar de los tenaces esfuerzos imperiales, se niegan categóricamente a ser intimidados y ahora se enfrentan a un mundo cada vez más oscuro ¡dispuestos a recobrar lo que les pertenece por derecho!
Los pictos son unos defensores decididos de su patria, que se encuentra en la parte norte de las islas británicas. Los romanos intentaron controlarlos durante muchos años; los emperadores Adriano y Antonino incluso construyeron murallas en el país para controlar el paso y el comercio entre personas del imperio y los tenaces y salvajes "hombres del norte". Esa fijación general por la defensa durante el gobierno de Adriano ha hecho a muchos pensar que la intención de esta muralla era mucho más que la de servir como entrada del comercio y como frontera, sino más bien la de mantener a los pictos y a otros caledonios fuera.
En términos generales, los pictos continúan siendo un pueblo enigmático que no dejó registros escritos. Sin embargo, sabemos que lucharon con vehemencia contra los invasores porque el historiador romano Tácito hizo referencias específicas a su resistencia en su obra "Historias". También es posible que "picti" (en latín) fuera simplemente un término que utilizaran los romanos para ciertas tribus del norte a quienes ellos consideraban los "pintados", lo que hacía referencia a la típica costumbre celta de tatuarse y pintarse el cuerpo antes de la batalla.
Los pictos participaron en la nefasta Gran Conspiración de los años 367 y 368, cuando los saqueos bárbaros provocaron, con sus olas coordinadas, la deserción de la mayor parte de la guarnición del muro de Adriano y casi consiguieron arrebatarle el poder al imperio en Britania y el norte de la Galia. Ahora, en pleno siglo V d. C., los pictos deben reavivar viejas alianzas si desean recuperar su país. Britania, y el imperio en general, esperan el resultado. ¿Podría ser este el principio de un imperio celta unificado en el norte, capaz de erradicar la opresión romana de una vez por todas?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?
Total War™: ATTILA – Keltler Kültür Paketi
DLC Hakkında:
Keltler Kültür Paketi Total War™'a üç yeni oynanabilir taraf ekliyor: ATTİLA. Piktler, Kaledonlar ve Ebdanlar, Tek Oyunculu veya Çok Oyunculu Senaryo modlarında ve Özel ve Çok Oyunculu mücadelelerde kullanılabilir.
Batı Roma'nın İngiliz adaları üzerindeki hakimiyeti azaldı; bu vahşi kabileler bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmeye ve atalarından miras kalan toprakları geri almaya hazırlar. Fakat İmparatorluk gerilerken bile gözünü Kalay Adalarının üzerine diken başkaları var. Germania ve Nordik bölgelerinin cenkbeyleri dikkatlerini yönelttikleri kuzeybatıda uğruna savaşmaya değecek bir ödül görüyor...
• Kelt birlikleri pusu taktikleri ve 'Gerilla Mevzilenişi' konusunda uzmandır.
• Her bir taraf için benzersiz yeni birimler içeren yeni Kelt kadrosu.
• Açılması üstün başarılar gerektiren Yeni Prestij Binaları.Yeni benzersiz baskın binası zinciri ve Kelt temalı teknolojiler.
• Kelt generalleri için özel üretim yetenek ağacı.
• Benzersiz olay zinciri anlatımı: Ollam Ri'nin Döngüsü ve her bir taraf için yeni Kelt görevleri.

Kültürel özellikler (Keltler)
Pusu taktiklerinde uzman olan Kelt kadrolarındaki her birim Gerilla Mevzilenişi özelliğine sahiptir. Bu da ordularındaki tüm birimleri düşman hatlarının arkası dahil savaş alanının neredeyse her yerinde konuşlandırabilmelerini sağlar. Uzmanlaşmış olan Kelt uluslarının genel amaçlı performans göstermeleri beklenmemelidir; deneyimli bir komutan onların güçlü yanlarına oynayarak ölümcül bir etki yaratabilir.
Baskın, yağma ve talan, bu alanlardaki üstün becerilerine uygun olarak Keltler için çok önemli gelir kaynaklarıdır ve bu durum oynayış tarzlarının pek çok yönünde ve kazandıkları ek bonuslarda yansıtılmaktadır.

Keltlerin baskın konusundaki ortak özelliklerine ek olarak, Ebdanlar talan ve yağma yeteneklerine de sahiptir. Bu bileşim, kendilerine benzersiz bir oyun tarzı ve düşmanlarının aleyhine kan dökerek kazanç sağlamak konusunda eşsiz bir potansiyel kazandırır.
'Gecenin Çocukları' olarak anılan Piktler karada ve denizde yetenekli gece savaşçıları ününü haklı olarak kazanmışlardır ve daima gece saldırmayı tercih edebilirler. Karanlıkta aldıkları moral bonusu ve ağır silah ve vahşi savaşçı birimlerine dayanmaları nedeniyle, düşmanını pusuya düşüren bir Pikt ordusu kelimenin tam anlamıyla kabus gibidir.
Tatlı dil ve kurnazlığı sabotaj ve suikast sanatlarındaki ölümcül hünerleriyle birleştiren Kaledonlar, son derece çekici, tehlikeli ve öldürmekte uzman bireyler yetiştirir. Bu Tarafın tüm ajanları göreve atılmak için heveslidir, kendilerine verilen görevlerde daha etkili olurlar ve başarı şansları çok daha yüksektir.
Benzersiz olay zinciri anlatımı: Ollam Ri'nin Döngüsü
Bu tarafları oynamak size birbiriyle bağlantılı yeni bir hikâyeler zinciri tecrübe etme fırsatı veriyor. Ollam Ri'nin Döngüsü, Kelt Destanlarına benzer, efsanevi bir kahramanın tercihlerine yön verdiğiniz ve değişik kollarda ilerleyen bir hikâye şeklinde sunulmaktadır. Hikâye sonlanınca aldığınız kararlar doğrultusunda kazandığı özelliklerle Ollam Ri'nin kendisi ordularınıza general olarak atanabilir.
Kelt Birimleri
Bu üç taraf, üç kademesi bulunan çeşitli birlik tiplerinden oluşan bir Kelt birim kadrosunu paylaşır. Gözcü Tazı Mızraklıları ağır savaş köpekleri, Mormaer ağır süvari ve elit hafif piyade Scatha'nın Öğretmenleri gibi...

Bu standart kadronun yanında her taraf kendi özel birimlerine sahiptir:
• İrlanda Piyadeleri: Kademe 2 çok ağır kılıçlı piyade
• Kralın Savaş Güruhu: Kademe 3 çok ağır kılıçlı piyade
• Ebdan Baskıncıları: Kademe 2 hafif ciritli avcı erleri
• Kernler: Kademe 2 hafif ciritli avcı erleri
• Righdamhna: Kademe 3 hafif ciritli avcı erleri
• Ebdan Süvari Baskıncıları: Kademe 2 çok hafif avcı eri süvariler
• Seçilmiş Baskıncılar: Kademe 3 çok hafif avcı eri süvariler
• Kralın Fiannası (Genel): Kademe 3 çok ağır yakın dövüş süvarileri
• Kateran Haydutları: Kademe 2 çok ağır mızraklı piyade
• Atlara Fısıldayanlar: Kademe 3 çok ağır mızraklı piyade
• Kaledon Baltacıları: Kademe 2 çok ağır baltalı piyade
• Dağ Okçuları: Kademe 2 hafif yaylı piyade
• Seçkin Dağ Okçuları: Kademe 3 hafif yaylı piyade
• Soylu Okçular (Genel): Kademe 2 orta yaylı piyade
• Kraliyet Okçuları (Genel): Kademe 3 orta yaylı piyade
• Pikt Baltacıları: Kademe 2 hafif baltalı piyade
• Pikt Kılıçlıları: Kademe 2 orta kılıçlı piyade
• Siyah Bıçaklar: Kademe 3 hafif kılıçlı piyade
• Pikt Vahşi Savaşçılar: Kademe 2 hafif baltalı vahşi savaşçı piyade
• Morigan'ın Takipçileri (Genel): Kademe 3 çok ağır baltalı piyade
Benzersiz binalar
Becerikli Keltler verimliliğe bağlı olmayan benzersiz bir çiftçilik zincirinden faydalanır. Çevirmeler yükseltilip önce Büyükbaş Hayvan Çiti, sonra da Yayla haline getirilerek kendi kendine yeten hayvan sürüleri oluşturulabilir.
Oyun stillerinin karakterini yansıtan, Kelt taraflarına özel yeni baskın zinciri. ‘Baskıncı Toplantı Noktası’, ‘Baskıncı Toplanma Noktası’na, sonrasında ‘Baskıncı Üssü’ne ve son olarak da 'Baskıncı Konağı’na yükseltilebilir. Her bir kademesi bir turda tamamlanarak kolayca inşa edilebilen bu zincir, komşu bölgelere baskınlarda belirgin bonuslar kazandırıp kamu düzeni ve garnizon bonusu getirmesi nedeniyle yeni fethedilen bölgeler için idealdir.

Yeni Mekanik: Prestij Binaları
Keltler Kültür Paketi, yeni bir oyun mekaniği ile açılabilen üç yeni Kademe 5 bina sunuyor. Ozan Konağı, Belenus Tapınağı ve Merkezî Pazar önemli bonuslar sağlar. Bu binalar, ihtiyaç duyulan teknolojik gerekliliklerin yanı sıra, oyuncunun din, ticaret ve savaş alanlarında büyük başarılar göstererek oyundaki belirli koşulları da karşılamasını gerektirir.

Tarafların tarihçesi
Ebdanlar çalkantılı, ama elverişli bir zamanda ciddi bir güce sahiptir. Yunan ve Romalıların “Hibernia” olarak adlandırdıkları adada yaşayan Ebdanlardan, tarihte ilk kez Yunan-Mısırlı yazar Batlamyus'un M.S. 2. yüzyılda yazdığı "Coğrafya" konulu eserinde bahsedilmiştir. Adanın doğu kıyılarını yurt edinen kabile, Buvinda ve Oboca nehirlerinin haliçlerinin arasına, yaklaşık olarak bugünkü Dublin şehrinin civarına yerleşti.
Barbar kültürü ve toplumunun itici gücü, birbiriyle evlilik, ticaret ve savaş gibi etkileşimlerde bulunan klanların aralarındaki ilişkilerdir. Gal İrlanda'sında kabile hayatı, akrabalık, sadakat ve genelde ortak soya dayalı büyük bir aile olan klanın çevresinde şekillenmiştir. İrlanda klanlarının tek bir erkeğin soyundan geldiğine inanılıyor ve hükmetme yetkisi babadan oğula geçiyordu. Bu, koruyucu ailelik ve evlat edinme dünyanın geri kalanındaki kadar yaygın olmakla birlikte, klan üyelerinin çoğunun kan bağı olduğu anlamına geliyordu. Klanlar, hiyerarşiye dayalı katı bir toplumsal düzenin en üst sırasında yer alan kabile reisi tarafından yönetiliyordu.
Aynı Kaledon Piktleri gibi, İrlanda kabileleri de hiçbir zaman Roma İmparatorluğunun egemenliği altına girmemiş, ancak adanın her yanında Roma sikkeleri bulunmasının da gösterdiği gibi, Roma ile ticaret yapmışlardır. İyi konumlanmış, korunabilir başkentlerinde Ebdanlar kendi kaderlerini kontrol ederler; Kelt dünyasını ellerine geçirebilirler ve bu güzel adaların hiçbiri, veya başka hiçbir yer, onlara karşı koyamaz.
Kaledonlar kuzey Britanya'nın Roma İmparatorluğu'na karşı ilk savunma hattıdır ve her türlü işgalciye karşı kuzeyi korurlar. Gerçek kökenleri oldukça tartışmalı olmakla birlikte, Pikt kabileleri ile Romalıların Britanya içindeki ilerleyişinden kaçanların karışımı olduğuna inanılan Kaledonlar, varlıklarını İskoçya’nın dağlık toprakları boyunca uzanan tepelere inşa edilmiş kalelerde ve çiftliklerde sürdürmüştür.
Ne yazık ki Kaledonlar hakkındaki tarihi kayıtların büyük çoğunluğu Roma kaynaklıdır ve bu kayıtlar önyargılıdır; örneğin, Tacitus Kaledonların lideri Calgacus için "kral" kelimesini kullanmaz, ancak bu Kaledonların iç hiyerarşisi hakkında bilgisi olmadığı için de olabilir. Kaledonlardan ilk kez Mons Graupius Savaşına katılmaları nedeniyle Tacitus bahsetmiştir. Lejyonlar kendilerini gerilla taktikleriyle savaşıp avantaj sağlayabilecekleri kayalık tepelerden sürerek açık arazide meydan savaşı yapmaya mecbur edince, Kaledonlar bu savaşı kaybetmiştir. Tacitus Kaledonlardan bahsederken, onları basmakalıp şekilde kızıl saçlı, kolu bacağı uzun, öfkeli ve barbar “kuzeyliler” olarak tasvir etmiştir.
Mons Graupius’u izleyen yüzyıllar boyunca Kaledonlar İmparatorluğa sorun yaratan savaşçı bir güç olmaya devam etmiş, sürekli olarak Britanya’ya girip baskınlar yapmış ve sıklıkla bunlarda başarılı olmuştur. İmparatorluğun ısrarlı çabalarına rağmen kararlı bir şekilde sindirilmeye karşı koymuşlardır ve şimdi kararan bir dünyada kendi hakları olanı almaya kararlılar!
Piktler, Britanya adalarının en kuzeyinde yer alan vatanlarının cesur savunucularıdır. Romalılar Piktleri yıllarca kontrol altına almaya çalışmıştır - İmparator Hadrian ve Antoninus, İmparatorluk tebaasıyla vahşi ve inatçı "kuzeyliler" arasında geçişi ve ticareti kontrol etmek için ülkenin etrafına duvarlar inşa etmeyi bile denemişlerdir. Hadrian zamanında genel olarak savunmaya odaklanılması, bu duvarın sadece ticareti kontrol eden bir kapı olmayıp, Piktleri ve diğer Kaledonları Britanya'dan uzak tutmak amacıyla inşa edildiği düşüncesine yol açmıştır.
Genel anlamda, Piktler arkalarında yazılı kayıt bırakmamış gizemli insanlar olarak kalmışlardır. Ancak Piktlerin işgalcilere karşı amansız bir savaş verdiklerini biliyoruz, çünkü Romalı tarihçi Tacitus "Tarihler" adlı eserinde Piktlerin boyun eğmezliğinden özel olarak bahsetmiştir. "Picti" (Latince) kelimesinin Romalıların "boyalılar" olarak nitelendirdikleri pek çok kuzeyli kabile için kullandıkları genel bir terim olması da muhtemeldir. “Boyalılar” ifadesi Kelt kabilelerinin savaştan önce vücudu boyama ve dövme yapma geleneğine atıf yapmaktadır.
Piktler M.S. 367-368 yıllarındaki Büyük Komplo’nun bir parçası olmuştur. Bu savaşta, Hadrian Duvarındaki Roma garnizonunun terk edilmesiyle koordine barbar akınları yapılmış ve İmparatorluğu yenip Britanya ve kuzey Galya’da hakimiyeti ele geçirmeye çok yaklaşılmıştır. Şimdi M.S. 5. yüzyılın eşiğindeyken, Piktler ülkelerini geri almak istiyorlarsa eski ittifaklarını canlandırmak zorundalar. Hem Britanya hem de tüm İmparatorluk alınacak sonucu bekliyor; kuzeyde Roma baskısını silip süpürerek sonsuza dek ortadan kaldıracak birleşik bir Kelt İmparatorluğunun tohumları mı atılıyor?
Total War™: ATTILA – Celts Culture Pack
About the DLC:
The Celts Culture Pack brings three new playable factions to Total War™: ATTILA. The Picts, the Caledonians and the Ebdanians may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
As the grasp of Western Rome weakens on the Britannic isles, these fierce tribes stand ready to proclaim their independence and reclaim their ancestral lands. But even as the empire recedes, others are setting their sights on The Tin Islands. The warlords of Germania and the Nordic regions look to the northwest and see a prize worth fighting for…
• Celtic forces specialise in ambush tactics and ‘Guerrilla Deployment’.
• New Celtic roster with unique new units for each faction.
• New Prestige Buildings, requiring great feats to unlock.
• New unique raiding building chain and Celtic-themed technologies.
• Bespoke Celtic generals’ skill trees.
• Unique narrative event chain: Cycle of the Ollam Ri, and new Celtic missions for each faction.

Cultural traits (Celts)
Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.
Befitting their skilful application of these traits, sacking, looting and raiding are key sources of income for the Celts and this is reflected in many aspects of their gameplay style and the additional bonuses they receive.

Alongside the common Celtic traits for raiding, the Ebdanians also have a talent for sacking and looting that combined gives them a unique playstyle and unrivalled potential for profiting bloodily at their enemies’ expense.
As ‘Children of the Night’, the Picts rightfully earn their reputation as skilled nocturnal combatants at land and sea, and may always choose to attack at night. With bonuses to morale in the dark, and a reliance on heavy assault and berserker units, an ambushing Pict army is the literal stuff of nightmares.
Silver-tongued, wily and deadly in the arts of sabotage and assassination, the Caledonians breed individuals of incredible charm, menace and murderous skill. All Agents from this faction are eager to step forward for duty, more efficient in their assigned tasks and far more likely to succeed.
Unique narrative event-chain: Cycle of The Ollam Ri
Playing as these factions will present you with a new series of linked narrative events. The Cycle of The Ollam Ri draws much inspiration from Celtic mythology, and sees you direct the actions of a fabled hero through a series of branching narrative choices. As the tale draws to its conclusion, Ollam Ri himself becomes available as a general for your armies, imbued with traits that mirror the choices you made.
Celtic Units
All three factions share a Celtic unit roster consisting of a range of troop types across three tiers. Such as the Sighthound Spears heavy wardogs, Mormaer heavy cavalry and the elite light infantry, Scatha's Teachers.

In addition to this standard roster, each faction has its own unique units:
• Gallowglass: Tier 2 very heavy sword infantry
• King's Warband: Tier 3 very heavy sword infantry
• Ebdani Raiders: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Kerns: Tier 2 light javelin skirmishers
• Righdamhna: Tier 3 light javelin skirmishers
• Ebdani Cavalry Raiders: Tier 2 light skirmisher cavalry
• Chosen Raiders: Tier 3 light skirmisher cavalry
• King's Fianna (General): Tier 3 very heavy melee cavalry
• Cateran Brigade: Tier 2 very heavy spear infantry
• Horse Whisperers: Tier 3 very heavy spear infantry
• Caledonian Axemen: Tier 2 very heavy axe infantry
• Highland Archers: Tier 2 light bow infantry
• Elite Highland Archers: Tier 3 light bow infantry
• Noble Archers (General): Tier 2 medium bow infantry
• Royal Archers (General): Tier 3 medium bow infantry
• Pictish Axemen: Tier 2 light axe infantry
• Pictish Swordsmen: Tier 2 medium sword infantry
• Black Blades: Tier 3 light sword infantry
• Pictish Berserkers: Tier 2 light axe berserkers infantry
• Followers Of Morigan (General): Tier 3 very heavy axe infantry
Unique buildings
The resourceful Celts benefit from a unique farming chain that is not reliant on fertility. Enclosures can be upgraded to Cattle Pounds and then a Booley, mobilising self-sufficient herds of livestock.
Characterful of their playstyle, a new raiding chain is also unique to Celtic factions. ‘Raiders’ Assembly Point’ can be enhanced to a ‘Raiders’ Gathering Place’, then a ‘Raiders’ Base’ and finally a Raiders’ Hall’. This quick-to-build chain, each tier of which takes a single turn to build, confers significant bonuses to raiding adjacent regions and offers public order and garrison bonuses, making it excellent for newly conquered regions.

New Mechanic: Prestige Buildings
The Celts Culture Pack introduces three new Tier 5 buildings, unlocked through a new game mechanic. The Bards’ Hall, the Temple of Belenus and the Central Market confer significant bonuses, and alongside the necessary technological requirements, these buildings require the player to meet specific gameplay conditions in the form of great feats in the fields of religion, trade and warfare.

Faction History
The Ebdanians hold the seat of power at a tumultuous but opportune moment. Occupying the island called 'Hibernia' by the Greeks and Romans, they were first recorded in the Greco-Egyptian writer Ptolemy's 2nd century AD treatise on 'Geography'. Making their home on the eastern shores, the tribe settled between two river estuaries - the Buvinda and Oboca, approximately where the city of Dublin now lies.
Relationships between clans is what drove barbarian culture and society, as clans intermarried, traded and warred with one another. Tribal life in Gaelic Ireland revolved around the clan, an extended family built on kinship, loyalty and, generally, a common ancestry. Hibernian clans were supposed to have been descended from one man, the authority to rule passing down the male bloodline. This means that most clansmen were of the same blood, although fostering and adoption were as common as in other parts of the world. Clans were led by their chieftain, who sat at the top of a strict hierarchical social structure.
Much like the Picts of Caledonia, the tribes of Hibernia have never been conquered by the Roman Empire, though they have traded with it - as evidenced by the discovery of Roman coins across the island. From their well-positioned, defensible capital the Ebdanians control their own destiny; they could rise to rule over the Celtic world, and none on these fair isles - or beyond - will be able to deny them!
The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.
Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.
In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!
The Picts are resolute defenders of their homeland, which lies at the far north of the Britannic Isles. The Romans tried for many years to bring them under control - the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus even resorting to building walls across the country in order to control the passage of, and trade between, Imperial subjects and the savage, tenacious "northmen". The general focus on defence during Hadrian's tenure has led some to the notion that his wall was more than a mere trade gateway - it was intended to keep the Picts and other Caledonian peoples out.
Broadly, the Picts remain an enigmatic people who left no written records behind. However, we know they fought hard and against the invaders because the Roman historian Tacitus made specific references to their defiance in his 'Histories'. It is also likely that 'Picti' (in Latin) was simply a general term used by the Romans for any number of northern tribes whom they considered "painted ones", in reference to the common Celtic tribal custom of tattooing and painting the body before battle.
The Picts were part of the ill-fated Great Conspiracy of AD367-368, when barbarian raids were co-ordinated with the desertion of the Roman garrison along Hadrian's Wall, and almost succeeded in wresting power from the Empire in Britannia and northern Gaul. Now, on the cusp of the 5th century AD, the Picts must rekindle old alliances if they wish to take their country back. Britannia, and indeed the Empire at-large, awaits the outcome - could this be the beginning of a unified Celtic empire in the north, one that will sweep away Roman oppression once and for all?