The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
Balíček kultur Total War: ATTILA – Říše písku
Balíček kultur Říše písku obohacuje Total War™: ATTILA o tři nové hratelné frakce a nové náboženské prvky.
- Nové frakce – Aksum, Himjar a Tanukové s novými unikátními jednotkami.
- Nové mechanismy na mapě tažení.
- Nové mechanismy hordy.
- Nové náboženské prvky.
Aksum, Himjar a Tanuky lze využít jak v kampaních pro jednoho i více hráčů, tak ve vlastních bitvách a bitvách pro více hráčů.
Tyto frakce, jež se zrodily v drsných pouštích Afriky a Středního východu, tvoří dohromady novou kulturní skupinu zvanou Pouštní království a přinášejí do hry Total War™: ATTILA nové mechanismy na mapě tažení, nové herní mechanismy hordy, vlastní události, rozvinuté náboženské prvky a běžné i unikátní jednotky.
Pouštní království
Všechny frakce z kulturní skupiny Pouštní království mají k dispozici následující rysy:
+2 k hygieně ve všech oblastech
+15 ke kontaktnímu útoku při bitvách v poušti
Imunita vůči ubývání sil v poušti
Nové náboženské prvky
Kvůli tomu, jak výrazný dopad měly na tyto kultury náboženské změny z tohoto období, obsahuje balíček kultur Říše písku několik novinek, jež umocňují význam náboženství. K dispozici jsou celkem tři nová vyznání: východní křesťanství, judaismus a semitské pohanství.
Každá frakce z Pouštních království, která se neřadí mezi hordu, má na výběr ze dvou různých náboženství. Aksum může vyznávat východní křesťanství a semitské pohanství, Himjar si může zvolit z judaismu a semitského pohanství.
Náboženství má nyní dalekosáhlé dopady a při hře za některé z „pouštních království“ ovlivňuje množství různých prvků na mapě tažení. Je úzce propojeno například se stavebními řetězci, podmínkami vítězství, událostmi, technologiemi a celkovými bonusy tažení:
Duální stavební řetězce náboženských budov
Aksum a Himjar mají pro každé z hlavních náboženství vlastní stavební řetězec. Tyto budovy tak mohou stavět bez ohledu na víru své frakce. Hráči díky tomu mají větší kontrolu nad přikloněním svého národa a mohou jej měnit v reakci na aktuální vývoj tažení.
Kasárna úrovně 5
Aksum a Himjar mají k dispozici dvoje nová kasárna úrovně 5, pro každé náboženství jedna. Zpřístupní se ve chvíli, kdy má daná víra ve frakci 75% vliv. Každá kasárna poskytují tři unikátní elitní jednotky a různé výhody pro mapu tažení.
Rozdělené podmínky vítězství a úspěchy
Pouštní království mají dvě různé sady podmínek vítězství – jednu pro každé z hlavních náboženství s určitými jednotkami a budovami, které jsou s danou vírou spojené.
Zvýšený diplomatický vliv
Nová náboženství mají vyšší dopad na diplomacii, hráč si jej tedy musí volit s rozvahou podle toho, s kým chce spojit své síly.
Stavební řetězec zábavních budov
„Pouštní království“, jež se neřadí mezi hordu, mají přístup k novému průmyslovému stavebnímu řetězci, který poskytuje velké množství peněz, ovšem snižuje vliv hlavního náboženství. Musíte si tedy vybrat mezi stabilitou víry a finančním ziskem.
Náboženské technologie
Každé „pouštní království“, které nepatří k hordě, má samostatné technologické stromy pro obě své hlavní víry. Ty jim poskytují řadu různých bonusů k náboženství a pro mapu tažení a usnadňují vám správu a optimalizaci náboženských rozhodnutí.
Zvýšené postihy za náboženské neshody
Nové víry mají vyšší postihy k veřejnému pořádku za náboženskou disharmonii v rámci provincie, ruku v ruce s výhodami tedy kráčí větší riziko, jemuž se vystavujete, pokud nedokážete náboženství správně korigovat.
Náboženské události s podmínkami pro spuštění (Aksum a Himjar)
Do hry byly přidány dvě nové události, které se aktivují při splnění určitých náboženských podmínek a jež s sebou přinášejí zajímavá dilemata a úkoly.
Tanukové spadají do kategorie hordy a představují pouštní vzbouřence s hyperagresivním herním stylem a celou řadou jedinečných rysů a prvků.
Rys frakce: Legendární nájezdníci
Nenasytná horda: Potraviny nejsou získávány z budov, nýbrž v bitvách o města a osady.
Vítězné pozice: Každé vítězství dosažené na bitevním poli zvyšuje váš věhlas, díky kterému se k vám přidávají další bojovníci a síla vaší hordy roste.
Vojska přibývá: Armády během nájezdů získávají při každém tahu zadarmo jednu jednotku domobrany vzbouřenců.
Tanukové cestovali ze své domoviny velice dlouho. Původně byli součástí konfederace kmenů Qahtani, avšak po velké potopě, jež jejich zem zcela zdevastovala, se vypravili na sever a nakonec opustili území Arábie.
Udržovali kontakty s římskou říší a dokonce bojovali v jejích řadách jako foederati, kde si vysloužili pověst neohrožených jízdních válečníků. Po pokusu císaře Valenta přinutit je přijmout místo svého východního křesťanství jeho ariánskou verzi se však proti Římu vzbouřili. Tanukové bojovali pod vedením své neohrožené královny Mavie tak zuřivě a neohroženě, že Římany několikrát porazili a přinutili je, aby s jejich podmínkami souhlasili.
Navzdory obtížné situaci si tento oddaný lid dokázal udržet život charakteristický pro svobodné Araby, kteří přísahají věrnost pouze bohu a své statečné královně – nic víc ostatně k dosažení slávy nepotřebují!
Prvky na mapě tažení
Nové stromy budov
Během migrování mají Tanukové přístup ke zbrusu novému stromu budov hordy, jenž obsahuje 34 nových položek s jedinečnými obrázky a efekty pro mapu tažení.
Jedinečná série událostí
Zcela nový řetěz událostí vás provede vzpourou proti Římu až k obsazení vlastního území a založení říše.
Dynamické zpřístupňování kasáren
Dokončováním misí se vám zpřístupňují vyšší úrovně kasáren a získáte tak přístup k novým jednotkám, jež dezertují z římské armády.
Soupis jednotek
Tanucké jednotky se na bojišti soustředí na kontrolu okolí a mikromanagement. Lehká, avšak účinná úderná jízda kombinuje své síly s maskovanými jednotkami či rychlými kopiníky.
Badyjští harcovníci – lehcí maskovaní vrhači oštěpů (zůstávají skrytí bez ohledu na typ terénu)
Pouštní pikenýři – lehcí, rychle se pohybující kopiníci, kteří se dokážou výborně krýt před nepřátelskými střelami
Pouštní kopiníci – velice lehká, záškodnicky nasazovaná úderná jízda, která před samotným útokem zasype protivníka oštěpy
Osobní stráž královny Mavie – velice těžká úderná jízda (velitelská jednotka)
Maviini útočníci – velice lehká úderná jízda s velmi dobrým bonusem za útok v trysku
Maviini vyvolení – velice lehká úderná jízda s výjimečným bonusem za útok v trysku
Maviini kopiníci – velice lehká úderná jízda s dobrým bonusem za útok v trysku
Domobrana vzbouřenců – bezplatná jednotka s nízkou silou útoku a s dobrou schopností krýt se před nepřátelskými střelami
Pouštní bouře, kopiníci – velice lehká, záškodnicky nasazovaná úderná jízda, která před samotným útokem zasype protivníka oštěpy
Tanučtí přepadávači – lehcí maskovaní vojáci s meči a výjimečným útokem v plné rychlosti
Tanucká kopí – těžcí, rychle se pohybující kopiníci
Pouštní palatinští přeběhlíci – těžká římská obranná pěchota
Pouštní legionářské stráže – těžká římská obranná pěchota
Stráže hetaireia – římská pěchota vyzbrojená obouručními sekerami
Klibinariové – těžká římská úderná jízda vyzbrojená luky
Aksumský lid sídlící na pobřeží Afriky vděčí za svou moc především bohatým obchodním trasám, jež přes jejich území procházejí, což je zohledněno v jejich rysech a herních prvcích.
Rys frakce: Brána Východu
Zásobovací síť: +30 jednotek jídla za každou aktivní obchodní síť (maximálně 150).
Stráže obchodníků: +100 k rychlosti doplňování žoldnéřů
Obchodní mistrovství: +10 % k příjmu z obchodu
Aksumské království roste díky obchodu; Hedvábná stezka dokáže být štědrá k těm, kdo umí
zkrotit její bohatství, a Aksumové jí zasvětili celý svůj život.
Ačkoliv bylo území Etiopie již stovky let rozděleno, i tak oblast pod aksumskou nadvládou v poslední době rozrůstá, za což vděčí právě výnosné obchodní trase do Indie a zemí za jejími hranicemi. Kdykoliv se nějaký národ stane takto mocným a bohatým, přiláká to pozornost těch, kteří by si chtěli plody jeho práce přisvojit. Mezi tyto nepřátele se řadí například sousední Himjar.
Společně s nastávajícím úsvitem 5. století byly do písku znovu vyryty náboženské i vojenské hranice. Aksum se těší přízně Říma a jeho truhlice přetékají poklady nesmírné hodnoty. Jen ať se někdo opováží postavit aksumské oceli a odvaze!
Prvky na mapě tažení
Jedinečná série událostí
V rámci jedinečné série událostí budete mít za úkol získat řadu různých surovin, za což vás čeká odměna v podobě zpřístupnění nových budov pro koření a indické guptské jednotky.
Soupis jednotek
Soupis aksumských jednotek se zaměřuje na silné kopiníky a úderné skupiny. Mají jen slabou zbroj, ovšem dokážou způsobovat velice vážná zranění. Navíc se zde nachází i celá řada neobvyklých jednotek, například lučištníci s loveckými psy a vojáci vyzbrojení luky i sekerami zároveň.
Abunovy stráže – těžká obranná jízda s kopím (pouze východní křesťanství)
Adanští lučištníci – elitní lučištníci s loveckými psy
Adanští stopaři – lučištníci s loveckými psy
Afarská jízda na velbloudech – záškodnicky nasazovaní jezdci na velbloudech vyzbrojení meči
Afarští mistři nájezdníci – úderná pěchota s výjimečně silným útokem (pouze semitské pohanství)
Afarští šermíři – úderná pěchota se silným útokem
Beherovi vyvolení – těžká jednotka vyzbrojená šotelem (pouze semitské pohanství)
Jízda z Bet Giorgis – střední jízda s kopím a výjimečně silným útokem (pouze východní křesťanství)
Elitní torští válečníci – těžcí obranní kopiníci
Marzští lučištníci – lučištníci schopní odstřelovat své nepřátele (střílí z krytu)
Masqalští kopiníci – kopiníci se silným útokem a vysokou schopností pronikat nepřátelskou zbrojí (pouze východní křesťanství)
Marzští jízdní lučištníci – jízdní lučištníci
Rasské stráže – těžká obranná kopinická jednotka, která dokáže udeřit jako první
Synové neporazitelného Mahrema – kopiníci s vysokým základním poškozením a silným útokem (pouze semitské pohanství)
Strážci koření – hybridní jednotka s luky a obouručními sekerami
Válečníci koření – lehcí bojovníci s kandami
T’orovi válečníci – obranní kopiníci
Himjar je mocné království nacházející se na Arabském poloostrově. Himjar přežívá ve své vyprahlé domovině díky řadě pouštních specializací.
Rys frakce: Pouštní válečníci
Míra únavy: -15 % pro všechny válečníky
Maribská přehrada: Jedinečná budova v hlavním městě frakce, jež zvyšuje úrodnost.
Pouštní sabotéři: V oblastech, na nichž se nacházejí armády, nemohou cizí jednotky doplňovat síly.
Sábské království pohltila poušť a místo něj se vynořil Himjar! Vítězný Šamir Juhar'iš se při korunovaci prohlásil za „krále Sáby, Dhu Rajdánu, Hadramautu a Jamanatu“ a nikdo se neodvážil tento titul zpochybnit.
Síla Sáby měla z velké části kořeny v pozemních obchodních cestách, ovšem Himjar dokázal objevit a naplno využít nové námořní trasy do Indie, čímž se stal ústřední ekonomickou silou jižní Arábie. Podobně jako sousední Aksum i Himjar drží prst na tepu obchodních cest na východ.
Agresivní Himjar se nenechá od svých cílů ničím odradit, zvlášť když stojí proti nenáviděnému Aksumu. Himjar navíc nedávno konvertoval k judaismu, což mělo za následek, že se nekonečná válka mezi těmito národy rozhořela s ještě větší silou. Obětoval mnohé, aby si v této nestálé době udržel svou pevnou pozici, a nedopustí, aby ho o ni někdo připravil!
Prvky na mapě tažení
Maribská přehrada: Jedinečná série událostí
Maribská přehrada byla jedním z divů starověkého světa, ačkoliv se po staletích nakonec protrhla. Při hraní za Himjar se vám bude v pravidelných intervalech nabízet možnost provádět její opravy. Budete-li ji zanedbávat, vystavujete se nebezpečí záplav a cena oprav vyšplhá do závratných výšin. Na druhou stranu, v dobrém stavu vám může přehrada zajistit celou řadu skvělých výhod.
Soupis jednotek
Odolné a zkušené himjarské jednotky jsou dobře vycvičené a disponují vysokou výdrží. Jejich soupis je vystavěn kolem odolných obranných jednotek, jež reprezentují jejich zocelenost pouští.
Almaqahovi kopiníci – velmi těžcí kopiníci na velbloudech (pouze semitské pohanství)
Himjarští šotelai ve zbroji – obrnění jezdci na velbloudech vyzbrojení šotely
Ašum – lehcí lučištníci s velkými štíty
Attarovi vyvolení – 80členná jednotka s výjimečným zdravím, útokem, morálkou, poškozením a tryskovým útokem (pouze semitské pohanství)
Balthovi obránci – elitní těžká obranná pěchota vyzbrojená sekerami
Balthovi válečníci – obranná pěchota vyzbrojená sekerami
Himjarští šotelai – jezdci na velbloudech vyzbrojení šotely
Džamal al-Baltha – jezdci na velbloudech vyzbrojení sekerami
Džamal al-Rumha – jezdci na velbloudech vyzbrojení oštěpy
Chajalim – těžká obranná obrněná jednotka vyzbrojená meči (pouze judaismus)
Rumhští harcovníci – těžce obrnění harcovníci s hradbou z kopí
Rumhští válečníci – elitní těžcí harcovníci s hradbou z kopí
Sanegorim – výjimečná obranná kontaktní jednotka (pouze judaismus)
Zafarské hlídky – velice těžká obranná jednotka vyzbrojená sekerami (velitelská jednotka)
Fanatičtí sikariové – křehká maskovaná jednotka s vysokou morálkou a bleskovým útokem (pouze judaismus)
Lučištníci zodiaku – jízdní lučištníci (pouze semitské pohanství)
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
Le pack culture Les Empires des sables propose de jouer avec trois nouvelles factions et religions pour Total War™: ATTILA.
- Nouvelles factions Aksoum, Himyar, Tanukhide avec leurs unités uniques.
- Nouveaux mécanismes de campagne
- Nouveaux mécanismes de horde
- Nouvelles fonctionnalités religieuses
Les factions d'Aksoum, d'Himyar et des Tanukhides peuvent être utilisées dans les modes Campagne un joueur ou multijoueur, et dans les batailles personnalisées et multijoueur.
Issues des rudes déserts d'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, ces factions font partie du groupe culturel des nouveaux royaumes du désert et apportent de nouveaux mécanismes à la campagne, à la horde, des événements, des fonctionnalités religieuses avancées, ainsi que de nouvelles compositions d'armées avec des unités uniques pour Total War™: ATTILA.
Royaumes du désert
Toutes les factions appartenant au groupe culturel des royaumes du désert bénéficient des traits suivants :
+2 d'hygiène publique dans toutes les régions
+15 d'attaque en mêlée au cours des batailles dans le désert
Immunité face à l'usure du désert
Nouvelles fonctionnalités religieuses
Étant donné l'immense impact que les fluctuations religieuses eurent sur ces cultures à cette période, le pack de culture Les Empires des sables inclut un certain nombre de modifications qui amplifient l'importance de la religion. Trois nouvelles religions sont disponibles : Le christianisme oriental, le judaïsme et le paganisme sémitique.
Chaque faction des royaumes du désert qui ne forme pas une horde peut choisir entre deux religions principales. Aksoum peut opter pour le christianisme oriental et le paganisme sémitique, tandis qu'Himyar a le choix entre le judaïsme et le paganisme sémitique.
La religion possède désormais des effets à plus vaste ampleur, et influence de nombreux aspects du jeu dans une campagne avec les royaumes du désert. Elle est étroitement liée à de nombreux éléments tels que les chaînes de bâtiments, les conditions de victoire, les événements, les technologies et les bonus de campagne en général :
Chaînes de bâtiments à double religion
Aksoum et Himyar possèdent une chaîne de bâtiments pour chacune de leurs religions principales. Ils peuvent construire ces bâtiments qu'importe la religion de la faction. Ceci vous permet d'exercer davantage de contrôle sur la religion de votre faction et d'adopter rapidement une position adéquate aux réactions du peuple.
Caserne niveau 5Aksoum et Himyar possèdent deux nouvelles casernes de niveau 5, une pour chaque religion. Pour déverrouiller une caserne, la faction doit jouir de 75% d'influence sur la religion respective. Chacune de ces casernes fournit trois unités d'élite et débloque plusieurs avantages pour la campagne.
Conditions de victoire divisées et succèsLes factions des royaumes du désert ont deux ensembles de conditions de victoire, un pour chacune de leurs religions principales, qui implique un certain nombre d'unités et de structures liées à cette religion.
Portée diplomatique augmentéeLes nouvelles religions impactent davantage sur la diplomatie, il faut donc choisir avec soin, en fonction des alliances que vous souhaitez tisser.
Chaîne des lieux de plaisirLes factions des royaumes du désert qui ne forment pas une horde ont accès à une nouvelle chaîne de construction industrielle qui génère d'importants revenus mais diminue en contrepartie la majorité religieuse. Cela signifie que vous devez choisir entre la stabilité religieuse et le gain financier.
Technologies religieusesChaque faction des royaumes du désert qui ne forme pas une horde possède une chaîne de technologie pour ses deux religions principales. Celles-ci diffusent un nombre de bonus religieux et de campagne afin de vous aider à gérer et à optimiser vos choix spirituels.
Pénalités de discorde religieuse augmentées
Les pénalités d'ordre public pour la discorde religieuse au sein de vos provinces ont augmenté entre les nouvelles religions, ce qui veut dire que les bénéfices sont contrebalancés par un risque accru si vous échouez à gérer vos religions de manière adéquate.
Événements religieux réactifs (Aksoum et Himyar)
Deux nouveaux événements ajoutés se déclenchent sous certaines conditions religieuses et vous proposent des dilemmes et missions intrigantes.
Les Tanukhides
Formant une horde, les Tanukhides sont une faction qui représente un mouvement de rebelles du désert dotés d'un style de jeu hautement agressif, ainsi que d'un éventail de traits et fonctionnalités uniques.
Trait de faction : Pilleurs légendairesHorde de rapaces : La nourriture s'obtient grâce aux batailles de colonies plutôt qu'avec les bâtiments.
Appel de la victoire : Votre renommée se propage à chaque victoire militaire et fait gonfler vos rangs, ce qui augmente la croissance de la horde.
Rangs gonflés : Les armées en mode Raid obtiennent une milice de rébellion gratuitement à chaque tour.
HistoireLes Tanukhides ont voyagé loin de leurs terres natales. Ils faisaient partie à l'origine de la confédération tribale de Qahtan, et ont migré vers le nord à la suite de l'inondation de leurs terres, pour finir par quitter l'Arabie.
Ils sont entrés en contact avec l'Empire romain, et sont depuis employés comme fœderati : c'est une force de cavalerie sur laquelle on peut compter. Ils se sont toutefois rebellés contre Rome suite à la tentative de l'empereur Valens de les convertir du christianisme orthodoxe à l'arianisme. Les Tanukhides, sous le commandement de leur reine Mavia, se battirent avec tant de férocité qu'ils vainquirent les Romains à plusieurs reprises, et les forcèrent à accepter leurs termes.
En dépit des minces probabilités, ce peuple dévoué s'était créé une vie d'Arabes libres, qui n'obéissaient à personne à part Dieu et leur reine courageuse. Ils n'avaient besoin de rien de plus pour atteindre la vraie gloire !
Fonctionnalités de campagne
Nouvelles chaînes de bâtiments Lorsqu'ils migrent, les Tanukhides ont accès à une toute nouvelle chaîne de bâtiments de la horde comprenant 34 nouveaux édifices, chacun ayant un design et des effets de campagne uniques.
Chaîne d'événements uniqueUne toute nouvelle chaîne d'événements vous guide dans une rébellion contre les Romains, et vous mène fatalement à vous installer pour former un empire.
Casernes dynamiques déverrouillablesCompléter des missions déverrouille des niveaux supérieurs aux casernes et vous offre un accès aux nouvelles unités romaines en fuite.
Liste des unités La liste des unités tanukhides se concentre sur le contrôle des zones et à la micro-gestion du champ de bataille. Cette cavalerie de choc légère mais puissante s'allie à des unités furtives et des unités de piquiers rapides.
Tirailleurs Badyia - Javeliniers légers de traque (restent dissimulés sur tous les reliefs)
Piquiers du désert - Des piquiers légers, rapides et avancés ayant une grande chance de bloquer les tirs
Lanciers des dunes - Une cavalerie de choc ultra légère pour les guérillas, armée de javelots
Garde du corps de Mavia - Une cavalerie de choc très lourde (unité du général)
Chargeurs de Mavia - Une cavalerie de choc très légère avec un bonus de charge très avantageux
Élus de Mavia - Une cavalerie de choc très légère avec un bonus de charge exceptionnel
Lanciers de Mavia - Une cavalerie de choc très légère avec un bon bonus de charge
Milice de rébellion - Des troupes sans coût d'entretien avec de grandes chances de bloquer les tirs et les dégâts mineurs
Lanciers Tempête de sable - Une cavalerie de choc ultra légère pour les guérillas, armée de javelots
Embusqués tanukhides - Des bretteurs légers de traque possédant une charge exceptionnelle
Piquiers tanukhides – Piquiers lourds avec une allure rapide
Légionnaires transfuges palatins du désert - Infanterie défensive lourde romaine
Gardes légionnaires du désert - Infanterie défensive lourde romaine
Garde de l'Hétairie – Infanterie romaine armée de haches à deux mains
Clibanarii – Lourde cavalerie de choc romaine munie d'arcs
Situé sur la côte africaine, le peuple d'Aksoum doit son pouvoir à ses excellentes routes commerciales, ce qui se reflète dans son style de jeu et ses traits.
Trait de faction : Passerelle vers l'estRéseau de ravitaillement : +30 de nourriture pour chaque réseau commercial actif (maximum 150)
Gardiens des marchands : +100 au taux de reconstitution des groupes de mercenaires
Savoir-faire commercial : +10% de revenu commercial
Le royaume d'Aksoum prospère grâce au commerce. La route de la soie est généreuse avec ceux qui savent
domestiquer ses richesses, et les Aksoumites ont passé leur vie à y commercer.
Même si ses fiefs éthiopiens ont été occupés depuis des siècles, Aksoum a récemment prospéré grâce à la lucrative route commerciale vers l'Inde et au-delà, sur laquelle il se tient. Lorsqu'une nation devient si riche et puissante, elle attire ceux qui souhaitent voler ses richesses. Les Himyarites sont de tels voisins.
À l'aube du Ve siècle, des frontières militaires et religieuses ont de nouveau été dessinées dans le sable. Aksoum jouit des faveurs romaines, et la richesse du monde remplit ses coffres. Que ceux qui veulent défier cette puissance affrontent la force et l'acier aksoumite !
Fonctionnalités en campagne
Chaîne exclusive d'événements :
Une chaîne exclusive d'événements vous met au défi de posséder une série de ressources afin de déverrouiller de nouveaux bâtiments d'épices, ainsi que des unités aux influences gupta indiennes.
Liste des unités La liste aksoumite se concentre sur de puissants lanciers et des unités de choc. Ces unités sont légèrement armées mais peuvent infliger des dégâts conséquents. La liste comprend aussi quelques troupes peu communes, comme des archers à chiens de chasse et des hybrides hache/arc.
Garde Abuna - Cavalerie défensive de lanciers lourds (chrétiens orientaux uniquement)
Tireurs d'élite – Archers d'élite à chiens de guerre
Traqueurs adana - Archers à chiens de guerre
Cavaliers sur chameaux afar - Bretteurs montés sur chameaux pour déploiement de guérilla
Maîtres pilleurs afar - Infanterie de choc avec attaque exceptionnelle (païens sémitiques seulement)
Bretteurs afar - Infanterie de choc avec haute attaque
Élus de Beher - Unité lourde de shotel (païens sémitiques seulement)
Cavalerie de Bet Giyorgis - Cavalier moyenne de lanciers avec attaque exceptionnelle (chrétiens orientaux seulement)
Guerriers Tor d'élite - Lanciers lourds défensifs
Archers Marz - Archers tireurs d'élite (tir embusqué)
Lanciers Masqal - Lanciers à haute perforation et attaque (chrétiens orientaux seulement)
Archers Marz montés – Archers montés
Garde Ras - Unités de lanciers lourds défensifs
Fils de l'invisible Mahrem - Lanciers à hauts dégâts de base, haute attaque (païens sémitiques seulement)
Garde des épices - Unités de haches à deux mains avec arcs
Guerriers des épices - Unité légère de khandas
Guerriers Tor - Lanciers défensifs
Himyar est un royaume arabe puissant de la péninsule. Les Himyarites survivent sur leurs terres arides grâce à une série d'adaptation spécialisée au désert.
Trait de faction : Guerriers du désertTaux de fatigue : - 15 % pour tous les guerriers
Barrage de Marib : bâtiment unique qui stimule la fertilité dans la capitale de la faction
Saboteurs du désert : empêche les reconstitutions étrangères dans les régions où les armées sont présentes
HistoireLe royaume sabéen est en chute et à sa place, Himyar s'élève ! Le victorieux Shammar Yahri'sh s'est déclaré « roi de Saba, de Dhu Raydan, d'Hadramaout et de Yamnat » à son couronnement, et personne n'a osé dire le contraire.
La puissance locale sabéenne était en grande partie basée sur ses routes commerciales, mais Himyar a découvert et exploité de nouvelles routes commerciales maritimes vers l'Inde, ce qui fait de lui la principale puissance économique d'Arabie du sud. Tout comme son voisin Aksoum, Himyar contrôle le flux du commerce le long des routes commerciales majeures vers l'est.
Les Himyarites, très militaires, poursuivent leurs objectifs sans relâche, surtout face à leurs ennemis aksoumites. Himyar s'est récemment converti au judaïsme, de toute évidence pour attiser les guerres constantes qui font rage entre eux. Il a fait trop de sacrifices pour maintenir une position de pouvoir durant une époque tumultueuse, et s'emparera certainement de l'avenir uniquement par sa volonté !
Fonctionnalités en campagne
Barrage de Marib : Événements uniquesLe barrage de Marib était une merveille d'ingénierie du monde antique, même si tout le monde savait qu'il était fendu. En tant qu'Himyar, les joueurs auront régulièrement l'option de faire des réparations. Laisser le barrage tel quel pose des risques inondations, et les réparations ont un prix. Néanmoins, en bon état, le barrage apporte de nombreux avantages.
Liste des unitésRobustes et aguerries, les forces d'Himyar sont entraînées aux actes nécessitant de l'endurance. Leur liste se construit sur une série d'unités défensives qui représentent leur résistance au désert.
Lanciers Almaqah - Unité très lourde de lanciers avec chameaux (païens sémitiques seulement)
Shotelai himyarites en armure - Unité de shotelai en armure montés sur chameaux
Ashum – Archers légers avec gros boucliers
Élus d'Athar - Unité de 80 hommes à la santé, attaque, charge, au moral et aux dégâts exceptionnels (païens sémitiques seulement)
Défenseurs Baltha – Infanterie lourde d'élite défensive à la hache
Guerriers Baltha – Infanterie défensive à la hache
Shotelai himyarites - Unité de shotels sur chameaux
Jamal al-Baltha - Unité à hache, montée sur chameaux
Jamal al-Rumha - Unité de javeliniers montés sur chameaux
Khahyahlim – Unité de bretteurs défensifs en armure lourde (judaïsme seulement)
Tirailleurs Rumha – Tirailleurs en armure lourde avec formation de mur de lances
Guerriers Rumha – Tirailleurs d'élite lourds avec formation de mur de lances
Sahnegohrim – Unité de défense en mêlée exceptionnelle (judaïsme seulement)
Sentinelles Zafar - Unité défensive très lourde avec haches (général seulement)
Sicarius zélote - Unité fragile de surveillance à la charge et au moral très hauts (judaïsme seulement)
Archers du zodiaque - Archers montés (païens sémitiques seulement
Das Kulturenpaket „Imperien des Sandes“ fügt Total War™: ATTILA drei neue spielbare Fraktionen sowie neue Aspekte der Religion hinzu.
- Neue Fraktionen: Aksum, Himjar und Tanukhiden mit neuen einzigartigen Einheiten.
- Neue Kampagnenmechanik.
- Neue Hordenmechanik.
- Neue Religionsfunktionen.
Aksum, Himjar und die Tanukhiden können in Einzel- und Mehrspielerkampagnen sowie in benutzerdefinierten und Mehrspielergefechten benutzt werden.
Diese Fraktionen aus den unwirtlichen Wüsten Afrikas und des Mittleren Ostens sind Teil der neuen Kulturengruppe der Wüstenreiche, die neue Kampagnenmechanik, neue Spielmechanik mit Horden, Ereignisse, erweiterte Religionsfunktionen, Einheitenlisten für das Schlachtfeld und einzigarte Einheiten zu Total War™: ATTILA bringen.
Königreiche der Wüste
Alle Fraktionen der Kulturengruppe der Wüstenreiche haben die folgenden Vorteile:
+2 sanitäre Anlagen in allen Regionen
+15 Nahkampfangriff in Wüstengefechten
Immun gegen Wüstenverschleiß
Neue ReligionsfunktionenReligiöse Umstürze hatten einen gewaltigen Einfluss auf die Kulturen dieser Periode, und so enthält das Kulturenpaket „Imperien des Sandes“ einige Änderungen, die den Einfluss von Religion erhöhen. Drei neue Religionen stehen zur Verfügung: Östliches Christentum, Judentum und Semitisches Heidentum
Jede Wüstenreich-Fraktion, die keine Horde ist, kann zwischen zwei Hauptreligionen wählen. So kann Aksum sich dem Östlichen Christentum und semitischen Heidentum anschließen, während Himjar die Wahl zwischen Judentum und Semitischem Heidentum hat.
Weiterhin hat Religion weitreichendere Effekte und beeinflusst mehrere Aspekte der Wüstenreich-Kampagne. Sie ist unter anderem eng mit Gebäudeketten, Siegbedingungen, Ereignissen, Technologien und allgemeinen Kampagnenboni verbunden:
Zweiteilige religiöse GebäudekettenAksum und Himjar verfügen über eine Gebäudekette für jede ihrer zwei Hauptreligionen. Sie können diese Gebäude unabhängig von ihrer Fraktionsreligion bauen. Dies gibt Spielern mehr Kontrolle über die Religion der Fraktion und ermöglicht es, die Religion aktiv an die Spielsituation anzupassen.
Kasernen mit Rang 5Aksum und Himjar verfügen über zwei neue Kasernen mit Rang 5, eine für jede Religion. Um die Kasernen freizuschalten, muss die Fraktion 75 % Einfluss in der jeweiligen Religion haben. Jede der Kasernen bietet drei einzigartige Eliteeinheiten sowie eine Reihe von Kampagnenvorteilen.
Geteilte Siegbedingungen und ErrungenschaftenWüstenreich-Fraktionen haben unterschiedliche Siegbedingungen für jede ihrer Hauptreligionen. Diese beziehen sich auf religions-spezifische Einheiten und Strukturen.
Mehr Einfluss auf DiplomatieDie neuen Religionen sind von größerer diplomatischer Bedeutung. Spieler müssen ihre Religion mit Bedacht wählen, da dies Einfluss auf potentielle Verbündete hat.
Gebäudekette „Vergnügen“Wüstenreich-Fraktionen, die keine Horde sind, verfügen über eine neue Industrie-Gebäudekette, die viel Geld einbringt, aber die Mehrheitsreligion reduziert. Spieler müssen also zwischen religiöser Stabilität und Gewinn abwägen.
Religiöse TechnologienJede Wüstenreich-Fraktion, die keine Horde ist, verfügt über eine Technologiekette für jede ihrer Hauptreligionen. Diese bieten verschiedene religiöse und Kampagnenboni, die beim Verwalten und Optimieren religiöser Entscheidungen helfen.
Höhere Strafen für religiösen ZwiespaltStrafen auf öffentliche Ordnung infolge von religiösen Streitigkeiten wurden für die neuen Religionen erhöht. Neben neuen Vorteilen führen diese also auch zu höherem Risiko, wenn die Religionen nicht korrekt gehandhabt werden.
Bedingte religiöse Ereignisse (Aksum und Himjar) Es wurden zwei neue Ereignisse hinzugefügt, die von bestimmten religiösen Bedingungen ausgelöst werden. Diese bringen interessante Dilemmas und Missionen mit sich.
Die TanukhidenDie Tanukhiden sind eine Hordenfraktion, Anführer einer Wüstenrebellion mit äußerst aggressivem Spielstil und vielen einzigartigen Eigenschaften.
Fraktionseigenschaft: Legendäre PlündererGierige Horde: Nahrung wird durch Siedlungsschlachten statt durch Gebäude beschafft.
Reiz des Sieges: Jeder militärische Sieg vergrößert Euren Ruhm und lässt Eure Truppen anschwellen, was den Hordenwachstum erhöht.
Ränge füllen: Armeen in Plünderstellung erhalten jede Runde eine kostenlose Rebellionsmilizeneinheit.
GeschichteDie Tanukhiden haben von ihren Heimatgefilden einen langen Weg zurückgelegt. Ursprünglich gehörten sie der Stammeskonföderation der Qahtaniten an. Nach einer Flut, bei der ihre Heimat zerstört wurde, migrierten sie nach Norden.
Nachdem die Tanukhiden mit dem römischen Reich in Kontakt gekommen waren, dienten sie als römische Foederati und erwarben sich den Ruf zuverlässiger Kavalleristen. Doch jüngst rebellierten sie gegen Rom, als Kaiser Valens versuchte, sie vom orthodoxen zum arianischen Christentum zu konvertieren. Unter ihrer kriegerischen Königin Mavia kämpften die Tanukhiden zornig, hart und erbittert und fegten die Römer mehrmals vom Schlachtfeld. Schließlich erzwangen sie die Erfüllung der Forderungen Mavias.
Gegen alle Widerstände etablierten sich diese gottesfürchtigen Kämpfer als freies arabisches Volk, die allein Gott und ihrer tapferen Königin dienen - nur so erreicht man wahre Größe!
KampagnenmerkmaleNeue Gebäudeketten Auf Migration haben die Tanukhiden Zugriff auf eine brandneuen Horden-Gebäudekette mit 34 neuen Gebäuden. Jedes davon hat einen eigenen Stil und eigene Effekte auf die Kampagne.
Einzigartige EreignisketteEine völlig neue Ereigniskette leitet Euch bei Eurer Rebellion gegen die Römer und führt schließlich zum Ansiedeln und zur Gründung eines Imperiums.
Dynamische Freischaltung von KasernenMit dem Abschließen von Missionen werden höhere Ränge von Kasernen verfügbar, was Zugriff auf neue, ehemals römische Einheiten ermöglicht.
Einheitenliste Die Einheitenliste der Tanukhiden konzentriert sich auf Schlachtfeldkontrolle und Feinsteuerung. Neben der leichten aber mächtigen Schockkavallerie gibt es schnelle Pikeniere und Tarneinheiten.
Badiya-Plänkler – Leichte Speerträger mit der Fertigkeit „Schleichen“ (bleiben in jedem Gelände verborgen)
Wüstenpikeniere – Leichte Pikeniere mit der Fertigkeit „Schnelles Vorrücken“ und hoher Chance auf Blockieren eines Geschosses
Dünenlanzenträger – Sehr leichte Guerillakampf-Schockkavallerie mit Wurfspeer
Mavias Leibwache – Sehr schwere Schockkavallerie (Generaleinheit)
Mavias Angreifer – Sehr leichte Schockkavallerie mit sehr gutem Angriffsbonus
Mavias Auserwählte – Sehr leichte Schockkavallerie mit außergewöhnlichem Angriffsbonus
Mavias Lanzenträger – Sehr leichte Schockkavallerie mit gutem Angriffsbonus
Rebellionsmiliz – Truppen ohne Unterhaltskosten mit hoher Chance auf Blockieren eines Geschosses und niedrigem Schaden
Sandsturm-Lanzenträger – Sehr leichte Guerillakampf-Schockkavallerie mit Wurfspeer
Tanukhidische Lauerer – Leichte Schwertkämpfer mit der Fertigkeit „Schleichen“ und außergewöhnlichem Sturmangriff
Tanukhidische Pikeniere – Schwere Pikeniere mit der Fertigkeit „Schnelles Vorrücken“
Abtrünnige der Palatina der Wüste – Schwere römische Verteidigungsinfanterie
Legionärswachen der Wüste – Schwere römische Verteidigungsinfanterie
Hetaireia-Wachen – Römische zweihändige Axtinfanterie
Clibanarii – Schwere römische Schockkavallerie mit Bogen
Dieses Volk lebt an der afrikanische Küste und verdankt seine Macht seinen hervorragenden Handelsrouten, was sich in Spielstil und Eigenschaften widerspiegelt.
Fraktionseigenschaft: Tor zum OstenVersorgungsnetzwerk: +30 Nahrung für jedes aktive Handelsnetz (max. 150)
Kaufmännische Wachen: +100 auf Verstärkungsrate der Söldnergruppe
Meisterhafter Handel: +10 % Handelseinkommen
Das Königreich von Aksum gedeiht durch Handel. Die Seidenstraße belohnt jeden, der mit ihren Reichtümern
umzugehen weiß, und die Aksumiten haben ihr Leben lang entlang dieser Route gehandelt.
Zwar ist das äthiopische Landesinnere Aksums schon seit Jahrhunderten bewohnt, doch ist das Reich durch den Zugang zur äußerst einträglichen Handelsroute nach Indien unlängst gewachsen. Eine so wohlhabende und mächtige Nation zieht früher oder später solche an, die diesen Reichtum für sich gewinnen wollen. Das Nachbarreich Himjar ist ein solcher Gegenspieler.
Zu Beginn des 5. Jahrhunderts werden im Sand wieder militärische und religiöse Grenzen gezogen. Aksum genießt die Gunst Roms und verfügt über den Reichtum der Welt. Wer immer sich dieser Macht widersetzen will, soll aksumitischen Stahl schmecken und aksumitische Kraft spüren!
KampagnenmerkmaleEinzigartige EreignisketteEine einzigartige Ereigniskette fordert Euch dazu heraus, bestimmte Ressourcen zu erobern. Im Gegenzug erhaltet Ihr neue Gewürzgebäude und Einheiten ähnlich der des indischen Gupta-Reiches.
Einheitenliste Die aksumitische Einheitenliste konzentriert sich auf mächtige Speerträger und Stoßtruppen. Sie sind leicht gepanzert, verfügen aber über enorme Zerstörungskraft. Weiterhin gibt es einige besondere Truppen, wie Jagdhund-Schützen und gemischte Axt-/Bogeneinheiten.
Wache des Abuna – Schwere defensive Speerkavallerie (nur östliches Christentum)
Adana-Schützen – Elite-Bogenschützen mit Kriegshunden
Adana-Fährtenleser – Bogenschützen mit Kriegshunden
Afar-Kamelreiter – Berittene Kamel-Schwertkämpfer für Guerillakampf
Afar-Plündermeister – Schockinfanterie mit außergewöhnlichem Angriff (nur semitisches Heidentum)
Afar-Schwertkämpfer – Schockinfanterie mit hohem Angriff
Behers Auserwählte – Schwere Shoteleinheit (nur semitisches Heidentum)
Bet-Giyorgis-Kavallerie – Mittlere Speerkavallerie mit außergewöhnlichem Angriff (nur östliches Christentum)
T'or-Elite-Krieger – Schwere defensive Speerkämpfer
März-Bogenschützen – Bogenschützen mit Scharfschützenattribut (können verdeckt schießen)
Mäsqäl-Speerkämpfer – Speerkämpfer mit hohem Rüstungsdurchschlag und hohem Angriff (nur östliches Christentum)
Berittene März-Bogenschützen – Berittene Bogenschützen
Ras-Wache – Schwere defensive Speerkämpfer
Söhne des unbezwingbaren Mahrem – Speerkämpfer mit hohem Grundschaden und hohem Angriff (nur semitisches Heidentum)
Gewürzwache – Gemischte Einheit mit zweihändiger Axt und Bogen
Gewürzkrieger – Leichte Khandakämpfer
T‘or-Krieger – Defensive Speerkämpfer
Himjar ist ein mächtiges arabisches Königreich auf der Halbinsel. Die Himjariten haben sich auf verschiedene Arten an das Überleben in der trockenen Wüste angepasst.
Fraktionseigenschaft: Wüstenkrieger
Erschöpfungsrate: -15 % für alle Krieger.
Staudamm von Marib: Einzigartiges Gebäude in der Fraktionshauptstadt, das Fruchtbarkeit erhöht.
Wüstensaboteure: Unterbindet feindliche Verstärkung in Regionen, in denen sich Armeen aufhalten
GeschichteDas sabäische Königreich ist geschwächt und an seiner Stelle steigt Himjar auf! Der siegreiche Shammar Yuhar‘ish hat sich bei seiner Krönung zum „König von Saba, Dhu-Raydan, Hadramaut und Yamanat“ erklärt und niemand leistet ihm Widerspruch.
Die sabäische Macht vor Ort beruhte zu großen Teilen auf Land-Handelsrouten. Doch Himjar hat neue Seehandelsrouten nach Indien entdeckt und ausgeschöpft und ist damit Wirtschaftsvormacht in Südarabien. Wie auch das Nachbarreich Aksum, hat Himjar die Kontrolle über die wichtigen Handelsrouten in den Osten.
Die kriegerischen Himjariten verfolgen ihre Ziele gnadenlos - erst recht, wenn sie den verhassten Aksumiten gegenüberstehen. Sogar Himjars kürzliche Bekehrung zum Judentum mag nur dem Zweck des dauerhaften Krieges zwischen diesen Reichen gedient haben. Himjar hat viel aufgegeben, um in einer Zeit der Umwälzungen an seiner Machtposition festzuhalten, und wird auch die Zukunft seinem Willen beugen.
KampagnenmerkmaleStaudamm von Marib: Einzigartige EreignisseDer Staudamm von Marib war ein Wunderwerk der Baukunst der Antike, trotz seines späteren Bruchs. Kontrolliert der Spieler Himjar, wird er regelmäßig dazu herausgefordert, Reparaturen durchzuführen. Ohne Reparaturen steigt das Risiko eines Dammbruchs, doch Reparaturen kosten. In gutem Zustand bringt der Damm allerdings eine Reihe von Vorteilen.
EinheitenlisteDie Truppen von Himjar sind zäh und abgehärtet und bereit zu Taten, die höchste Ausdauer erfordern. Ihre Einheitenliste basiert auf gut gepanzerten Verteidigungstruppen, die ihre Wüstenhärte widerspiegeln.
Almaqahs Lanzenträger – Sehr schwere Kamellanzenträger (nur semitisches Heidentum)
Gepanzerte Himjarische Shotelai – Gepanzerte Shotelai-Kamelreiter
Ashum – Leichte Bogenschützen mit großem Schild
Athtars Auserwählte – 80-Mann-Einheit mit außergewöhnlicher Gesundheit, Angriff, Moral, Schaden und Sturmangriff (nur semitisches Heidentum)
Baltha-Verteidiger – Schwere defensive Elite-Axtinfanterie
Baltha-Krieger – Defensive Axtinfanterie
Himjarische Shotelai – Shotelai-Kamelreiter
Jamal al-Baltha – Axtkamelreiter
Jamal al-Rumha – Wurfspeerkamelreiter
Chajalim – Schwer gepanzerte defensive Schwertkämpfer (nur Judentum)
Rumha-Plänkler – Schwere gepanzerte Plänkler mit Speerwall-Formation
Rumha-Krieger – Schwere Eliteplänkler mit Speerwall-Formation
Sanegorim – Verteidigungseinheit mit außergewöhnlichem Nahkampf (nur Judentum)
Zafar-Wachen – Sehr schwere defensive Axteinheit (nur General)
Zeloten-Sikarius – Schwache Einheit mit der Fertigkeit „Schleichen“, hoher Moral und hohem Angriff (nur Judentum)
Tierkreisbogenschützen – Berittene Bogenschützen (nur semitisches Heidentum
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
Total War: ATTILA - Pacchetto cultura Imperi di sabbia
Il pacchetto cultura Imperi di sabbia ti offre tre nuove fazioni giocabili e nuove funzioni per le religioni per Total War™: ATTILA.
- Nuove fazioni: Aksum, Himyar e i Tanukhidi con nuove unità specifiche.
- Nuove dinamiche della campagna.
- Nuove dinamiche delle orde.
- Nuove funzioni per le religioni.
Aksum, Himyar e i Tanukhidi sono disponibili nella campagna per giocatore singolo o multigiocatore e nelle battaglie personalizzate e multigiocatore.
Queste fazioni, che provengono dagli inclementi deserti dell’Africa e del Medio Oriente, fanno parte del gruppo culturale dei regni del deserto, e presentano nuove dinamiche nella campagna e per le orde, eventi, funzioni migliorate per le religioni, liste di campi di battaglia e unità specifiche per Total War™: ATTILA.
Regni del deserto
Tutte le fazioni del gruppo culturale dei regni del deserto hanno i seguenti tratti:
+2 ai servizi sanitari in tutte le regioni
+15 all’attacco corpo a corpo nelle battaglie nel deserto
Immunità al logoramento da deserto
Nuove funzioni per le religioniA causa del marcato impatto che i cambiamenti religioni ebbero su tali culture in questo periodo, il pacchetto cultura Imperi di sabbia include delle variazioni che aumentano l’importanza della religione. Ci sono tre nuove fedi disponibili: il Cristianesimo orientale, il Giudaismo e il paganesimo semitico.
Ogni fazione (non orda) dei regni del deserto ha due principali religioni tra cui scegliere. Aksum può seguire il Cristianesimo orientale e il paganesimo semitico, mentre Himyar può scegliere tra il Giudaismo e il paganesimo semitico.
La religione ora ha effetti ad ampio raggio e influenza molti aspetti di gioco nella campagna dei regni del deserto. È strettamente correlata con diverse funzioni, tra cui le catene di edifici, le condizioni di vittoria, gli eventi, le tecnologie e i bonus campagna generali:
Catene di edifici con due religioni
Aksum e Himyar hanno una catena di edifici per entrambe le religioni principali. Possono costruire gli edifici a prescindere dalla religione della loro fazione. Ciò consente ai giocatori di esercitare un controllo maggiore e di cambiare prontamente religione in base alle necessità.
Caserma a 5 livelliAksum e Himyar ora hanno a disposizione due nuove caserme a 5 livelli, una per religione. Per sbloccare una caserma, la fazione deve avere il 75% di influenza nella rispettiva religione. Le caserme forniscono tre unità d’élite uniche e sbloccano molti benefici per la campagna.
Condizioni di vittoria e obiettivi condivisiLe fazioni dei regni del deserto hanno due gruppi di condizioni di vittoria, uno per religione, che comprendono unità e strutture legate a quella religione.
Maggiore peso della diplomaziaLe nuove religioni hanno maggiore impatto sulla diplomazia e costringono il giocatore a scegliere la propria con attenzione, in base alle alleanze che vogliono stringere.
Catena degli edifici del piacereLe fazioni non orde dei regni del deserto hanno accesso a una nuova catena di edifici di attività produttive che genera ingenti introiti, ma diminuisce la religione principale, il che significa che dovrai scegliere tra la stabilità religiosa e i guadagni.
Tecnologie religioseOgni fazione non orda dei regni del deserto ha due catene delle tecnologie, una per religione principale. Queste catene comportano molti bonus per la campagna e per la religione che aiutano a gestire e ottimizzare le scelte religiose.
Maggiori penalità per i dissensi religiosiLe penalità all’ordine pubblico per i disaccordi religiosi all’interno delle province sono state aumentate: se non si gestiscono le religioni correttamente, i benefici sono controbilanciati da rischi maggiori.
Eventi religiosi a reazione (Aksum e Himyar) Quando determinate condizioni religiose sono soddisfatte, si verificheranno due nuovi eventi che daranno origine a intriganti dilemmi e missioni.
I Tanukhidi
I Tanukhidi sono una fazione orda, rappresentano la ribellione del deserto e hanno uno stile di gioco iperaggressivo, oltre a una varietà di tratti e caratteristiche specifici.
Tratto della fazione: Razziatori leggendariOrda rapace: il cibo si ottiene tramite le battaglie negli insediamenti, invece che attraverso gli edifici.
Serie di vittorie: ogni vittoria in campo militare diffonde la tua reputazione e gonfia i ranghi, favorendo così la crescita dell’orda.
Ranghi in crescita: gli eserciti in modalità Assalto guadagnano un’unità di milizia ribelle a ogni turno.
StoriaI Tanukhidi hanno viaggiato a lungo, lontano dalla loro madrepatria. Inizialmente, facevano parte della confederazione tribale dei Qahtani, poi migrarono a nord in seguito a un’alluvione che devastò la loro terra, e finirono con l’abbandonare l’Arabia.
Una volta entrati in contatto con l’Impero romano, i Tanukhidi sono stati impiegati dai Romani come foederati, considerati una forza di cavalleria affidabile. Tuttavia, recentemente si ribellarono contro Roma, a seguito dei tentativi dell’imperatore Valente di convertirli dal Cristianesimo ortodosso a quello ariano. I Tanukhidi, sotto la guida della regina guerriera Mavia, combatterono così duramente e ferocemente che riuscirono a sconfiggere i Romani in diverse occasioni, e li costrinsero ad accettare le loro condizioni.
Nonostante queste divergenze, questo popolo devoto è riuscito a crearsi una vita indipendente, come Arabi liberi, che giurano alleanza solo a Dio e alla loro audace regina (due fattori essenziali per raggiungere la vera grandezza!).
Caratteristiche della campagna
Nuovi menu di edifici Durante le migrazioni, i Tanukhidi hanno accesso a un nuovissimo menu composto di 34 edifici, ognuno dei quali ha effetti diversi sulla campagna.
Catena di eventi specificaUna nuovissima catena di eventi ti guida durante la ribellione contro i Romani e ti conduce, alla fine, all’insediamento e alla formazione di un impero.
Caserma dinamicaCompletando le missioni si sbloccano i livelli più alti della caserma e si guadagna l’accesso a nuove unità romane che disertano.
Membri dell'unità Le unità dei Tanukhidi si concentrano sul controllo dell’area e la microgestione del campo di battaglia. La cavalleria d’assalto, leggera ma potente, è abbinata a unità furtive e unità veloci con picca.
Schermagliatori Badiya - Giavellottisti leggeri con l’attributo Inseguimento (rimangono nascosti su tutti i tipi di territorio)
Picche del deserto - Picche leggere con Avanzamento rapido e alte possibilità Blocco proiettili
Lancieri delle dune - Cavalleria d’assalto molto leggera per lo Schieramento guerriglia con il giavellotto da carica
Guardie del corpo di Mavia - Cavalleria d’assalto molto pesante (unità del generale)
Carica di Mavia - Cavalleria d’assalto molto leggera con un bonus carica molto alto
Prescelti di Mavia - Cavalleria d’assalto molto leggera con un bonus carica eccezionale
Lancieri di Mavia - Cavalleria d’assalto molto leggera con un bonus carica alto
Milizia ribelle - Truppe dai costi di mantenimento nulli con alte possibilità Blocco proiettili e danni esigui
Lancieri delle tempeste di sabbia - Cavalleria d’assalto molto leggera per lo Schieramento guerriglia con il giavellotto da carica
Unità da imboscata dei Tanukhidi - Spadaccini leggeri con l’attributo Inseguimento con carica eccezionale
Picche tanukhide - Picche pesanti con Avanzamento rapido
Disertori palatini del deserto - Fanteria difensiva romana pesante
Guardie legionarie del deserto - Fanteria difensiva romana pesante
Guardie hetaireia - Fanteria romana con ascia a doppia impugnatura
Clibanarii - Cavalleria pesante romana d’assalto con arco
Situato sulla costa africana, il popolo di Aksum deve il suo potere alle vantaggiose rotte commerciali, fattore evidenziato anche dalle caratteristiche della fazione e dal modo in cui è presentata in gioco.
Tratto della fazione: Passaggio a orienteRete di rifornimenti: +30 al cibo da ogni rotta commerciale attiva (max 150).
Guardie dei mercanti: +100 alla velocità di reintegro delle truppe mercenarie.
Maestria nel commercio: +10% agli introiti del commercio.
Il Regno di Aksum prospera tramite il commercio: la Via della seta è clemente con coloro che sanno
come controllarne le ricchezze, come con gli Aksumiti, che hanno trascorso tutta la vita a commerciare lungo di essa.
Sebbene il suo cuore etiope sia occupato da secoli, Aksum è cresciuto di recente in termini di dimensione, grazie alla sua posizione sulla vantaggiosissima rotta commerciale per l’India e le terre al di là di questa. Quando una nazione diventa così ricca e potente, inizia ad attirare coloro che ambiscono ad appropriarsi della ricchezza, come nel caso degli Himyariti.
All’alba del V secolo, i confini in ambito religioso e militare sono stati tracciati di nuovo nella sabbia. Aksum gode del favore di Roma e la ricchezza del mondo riempie le sue casse: lasciamo che coloro in grado di sfidare quella potenza affrontino l’acciaio aksumita e provino la forza di Aksum sulla propria pelle!
Caratteristiche della campagnaCatena di eventi specificaGrazie alla catena di eventi specifica, ottieni una serie di risorse per sbloccare nuovi edifici per le spezie e delle unità influenzate dai Gupta indiani.
Membri dell'unità Le unità aksumite si basano su potenti lancieri e truppe d’assalto, dotati di corazze leggere ma in grado di provocare danni devastanti. Alcune truppe insolite fanno parte di queste unità, come gli arcieri con cani da caccia e i soldati con ascia e arco.
Guardia di Abuna - Cavalleria pesante difensiva con lancia (solo cristiani orientali)
Cecchini di Adana - Arcieri d’élite con cani da guerra
Segugi di Adana - Arcieri con cani da guerra
Predoni a cammello di Afar - Spadaccini a cammello in Schieramento guerriglia
Predoni di Afar - Fanteria d’assalto con abilità offensive eccezionali (solo pagani semitici)
Spadaccini di Afar - Fanteria d’assalto con abilità offensive elevate
I Prescelti di Beher - Unità pesante con shotel (solo pagani semitici)
Cavalleria di San Giorgio - Cavalleria media con lancia con abilità offensive eccezionali (solo cristiani orientali)
Guerrieri T’or d’élite – Lance pesanti difensive
Arcieri Marz - Arcieri cecchini (nascosti mentre scoccano)
Lancieri di Masqal - Lancieri con abilità offensive e di penetrazione elevate (solo cristiani orientali)
Arcieri Marz a cavallo
Guardia di Ras - Unità difensiva pesante con lancia e giavellotto da carica
Figli dell’invincibile Mahrem - Lancieri con abilità offensive e capacità elevate di causare danni standard (solo pagani semitici)
Guardia delle spezie - Unità ibrida con arco e ascia a doppia impugnatura
Guerrieri delle spezie - Guerrieri leggeri con khanda
Guerrieri T’or - Lancieri difensivi
Himyar è un potente regno arabo situato sulla penisola. Gli Himyariti sopravvivono nelle loro aride terre perché hanno adattato una serie di fattori allo stile di vita nel deserto.
Tratto della fazione: Guerrieri del desertoGrado di fatica: -15% per tutti i guerrieri.
Diga di Ma’rib: edificio unico che incrementa la fertilità nella capitale della fazione.
Sabotatori del deserto: ferma il reintegro di forze straniere nelle regioni in cui si trovano degli eserciti.
StoriaIl Regno sabeo è in declino e, al suo posto, Himyar è in ascesa! Il vittorioso Shamir Yuhar’esh si è autonominato “Re di Saba, Dhu Raydan, Hadramawt e Yamanat”, e nessuno osa sfidare il suo titolo.
La potenza locale sabea si basava in gran parte sulle rotte commerciali terrestri, ma Himyar ha scoperto e sta sfruttando nuove rotte marittime verso l’India, il che lo renderà la principale potenza economica dell’Arabia meridionale. In modo simile ai loro vicini Aksumiti, gli Himyariti controllano il flusso del commercio lungo le principali rotte verso l’oriente.
Il militaristico Himyar insegue i suoi obiettivi incessantemente, soprattutto quando deve affrontare l’odiato Aksum. Himyar si è recentemente convertito al Giudaismo, apparentemente solo per alimentare la guerra costante che imperversava tra di loro. Ha sacrificato molto per poter mantenere il potere durante un’epoca così tumultuosa, e continuerà sicuramente a farlo con la sua determinazione!
Caratteristiche della campagnaDiga di Ma’rib: Eventi uniciLa diga di Ma’rib era una meraviglia dell’ingegneria del mondo antico che venne notoriamente danneggiata. Nei panni degli Himyariti, i giocatori avranno la possibilità di ripararla. Trascurare la diga aumenta il rischio di esondazioni, e le riparazioni costano molto; tuttavia, se ben funzionante, la diga è in grado di apportare una serie di potenti benefici.
Membri dell'unitàSolide e temprate, le forze himyarite sono addestrate per affrontare imprese che richiedono molta resistenza. Le forze di Himyar sono costituite da una serie di unità difensive che rappresentano la loro robustezza.
Lancieri di Almaqah - Lancieri a cammello molto pesanti (solo pagani semitici)
Shotelai di Himyar con armatura - Shotelai a cammello corazzati
Ashum - Arcieri leggeri con scudo grande
I Prescelti di Attar - Unità di 80 uomini con salute, morale, abilità offensive e capacità di causare danni e caricare eccezionali (solo pagani semitici)
Difensori Baltha - Fanteria difensiva pesante d’élite con ascia
Guerrieri Baltha - Fanteria difensiva con ascia
Shotelai himyariti - Unità di shotelai a cammello
Jamal al-Baltha - Guerrieri con ascia a cammello
Jamal al-Rumha – Unità con giavellotto a cammello
Khayyalim – Unità pesante difensiva con spada (solo Giudaismo)
Schermagliatori Rumha - Schermagliatori pesanti in formazione Muro di lance
Guerrieri Rumha - Schermagliatori pesanti d’élite in formazione Muro di lance
Sahnegohrim – Unità difensiva corpo a corpo eccezionale (solo Giudaismo)
Sentinelle di Zafar - Unità molto pesante difensiva con ascia (solo generale)
Sicario zelota - Fragile unità con l’attributo Inseguimento con morale e carica elevati (solo Giudaismo)
Arcieri dello zodiaco - Arcieri a cavallo (solo pagani semitici
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
Total War: ATTILA – pakiet kultur Pustynne imperia
Pakiet kultur Pustynne imperia wprowadza do Total War™: ATTILA trzy nowe grywalne frakcje oraz nowe funkcje religijne.
- Nowe frakcje: Aksum, Himjar i Tanuchidzi z nowymi, unikatowymi jednostkami.
- Nowe rozwiązania w kampanii.
- Nowe rozwiązania w hordzie.
- Nowe funkcje religijne.
Aksum, Himjar i Tanuchidzi mogą być używani w trybach kampanii dla jednego i wielu graczy, a także w bitwach własnych i dla wielu graczy.
Frakcje te nadciągają z nieprzyjaznych pustyń Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu. Są częścią nowej grupy kulturowej Pustynnych królestw i wprowadzają do Total War™: ATTILA nowe rozwiązania w kampanii, nowe rozwiązania w hordzie, dodatkowe wydarzenia, nowe funkcje religijne, zestawy jednostek na polach bitew oraz unikatowe jednostki.
Pustynne królestwa
Wszystkie frakcje w grupie kulturowej Pustynnych królestw korzystają z następujących premii:
+2 Higieny we wszystkich regionach
+15 ataku wręcz w bitwach pustynnych
Odporność na wyniszczenie na pustyni
Nowe funkcje religijne
Z powodu dramatycznych zmian religijnych i ich wpływu na te kultury w tamtych czasach, pakiet kultur Pustynne imperia zawiera liczne zmiany, które zwiększają znaczenie religii. Dostępne są trzy nowe religie: chrześcijańskie kościoły wschodnie, judaizm oraz pogaństwo semickie.
Każda frakcja Pustynnych królestw nie będąca hordą, posiada dwie główne religie do wyboru. Aksum mogą wybrać chrześcijańskie kościoły wschodnie albo pogaństwo semickie, a Himjar judaizm albo pogaństwo semickie.
Wybór religii ma teraz poważniejsze konsekwencje – wpływa ona na wiele aspektów kampanii Pustynnych królestw, między innymi na łańcuchy budowy, warunki zwycięstwa, wydarzenia, technologie i ogólne premie kampanii:
Podwójne religijne łańcuchy budowli
Aksum i Himjar posiadają łańcuchy budowli dla każdej z ich głównych religii. Mogą wznosić te budynki niezależnie od wybranej religii. Daje to graczom większą kontrolę nad religią frakcji i pozwala reagować w zależności od sytuacji.
Koszary piątego poziomu
Aksum i Himjar mają do dyspozycji dwa nowe budynki koszar piątego poziomu, po jednym dla każdej religii. Aby odblokować koszary, frakcja musi mieć 75% wpływu w danej religii. Każdy z tych budynków koszar dostarcza trzech niepowtarzalnych jednostek elitarnych, a także odblokowuje liczne premie kampanii.
Dzielone warunki zwycięstwa i osiągnięcia
Frakcje Pustynnych królestw mają dwa zestawy warunków zwycięstwa, po jednym dla każdej z dwóch religii, które zawierają kilka jednostek i budynków związanych z tymi religiami.
Zwiększone znaczenie dyplomatyczne
Nowe religie mają większy wpływ na dyplomację, co zmusza gracza do ostrożnego wyboru religii, na podstawie potencjalnych sojuszników.
Łańcuch budynków uciech
Frakcje Pustynnych królestw nie będące hordą, mają dostęp do nowego łańcucha budynków przemysłowych, który dostarcza dużych sum pieniędzy, ale też zmniejsza wpływ religii. Oznacza to, że musisz wybrać pomiędzy religijną stabilnością a zyskami finansowymi.
Technologie religijne
Każda frakcja Pustynnych królestw nie będąca hordą, posiada łańcuch technologiczny dla każdej z głównych religii. Łańcuchy te zawierają liczne premie religijne i kampanijne, dzięki którym możesz zarządzać i zoptymalizować swoje wybory religii.
Zwiększone kary za niesnaski religijne
Kary porządku publicznego za niezgodność religijną w twoich prowincjach zostały zwiększone dla nowych religii, co oznacza, że korzyści zostały wyrównane przez zwiększone ryzyko, jeśli nie uda ci się właściwie zarządzać religiami.
Reaktywne wydarzenia religijne (Aksum i Himjar)
Dodano dwa nowe wydarzenia, które włączają się po spełnieniu pewnych warunków religijnych. Wiążą się one z licznymi intrygującymi dylematami i misjami.
Tanuchidzi to frakcja hordy, reprezentująca pustynne rebelie o niezwykle agresywnym stylu gry, a także licznych unikatowych premiach i opcjach.
Premia frakcji: Legendarni najeźdźcy
Pazerna horda: Pożywienie zdobywane jest w trakcie walk o osady, a nie z budynków.
Korzyści ze zwycięstwa: Każde zwycięstwo militarne zwiększa twoją chwałę i ilość żołnierzy w hordzie.
Rosnące szeregi: Armie w postawie plądrowania zyskują co kolejkę bezpłatną jednostkę Zbrojnych buntowników.
Tanuchidzi przebyli długą drogę ze swojej ojczyzny. Początkowo byli częścią związku plemion Qahtani, ale wyemigrowali na północ po straszliwej powodzi, która zniszczyła ich ojczyznę. Ostatecznie całkowicie opuścili Arabię.
Po zetknięciu się z Cesarstwem Rzymskim, Tanuchidzi stali się rzymskimi foederati i uznawali byli za godnych zaufania kawalerzystów. Ostatnio jednak zbuntowali się przeciwko Rzymowi po tym, jak Cesarz Walens próbował nawrócić ich z Prawosławia na Arianizm. Tanuchidzi, pod wodzą wojowniczej królowej Mavii, walczyli twardo i zaciekle, pokonując kilka razy Rzymian w polu i zmuszając ich do podpisania rozejmu na swoich warunkach.
Mimo braku przewagi liczebnej, ci pobożni ludzie stworzyli dla siebie państwo wolnych Arabów, którzy podlegli są jedynie Bogu i swej odważnej królowej. To chyba wystarczy, aby osiągnąć prawdziwą wielkość!
Cechy kampanijne
Nowe drzewa budynków
W trakcie migracji, Tanuchidzi mają dostęp do zupełnie nowego drzewa budynków hordy, składającego się z 34 nowych budowli, z których każda posiada nową niepowtarzalną grafikę oraz efekty w kampanii.
Niepowtarzalny łańcuch wydarzeń
Zupełnie nowy łańcuch wydarzeń rozpoczyna się w trakcie buntu przeciwko Rzymianom i ostatecznie prowadzi do osiedlenia się i utworzenia imperium.
Dynamiczne odblokowywanie koszar
Wykonywanie misji odblokowuje koszary wyższego poziomu i daje dostęp do nowych, dezerterujących rzymskich jednostek.
Pakiet jednostek
Pakiet jednostek tanuchidzkich skupia się na kontrolowaniu pola bitwy i mikrozarządzaniu. Lekką, ale potężną kawalerię szturmową wspomagają jednostki dywersyjne i szybcy pikinierzy.
Harcownicy Badiji – lekka piechota z oszczepami, pozostająca w ukryciu na każdym rodzaju terenu
Pustynne Piki – lekka szturmowa piechota z pikami, z dużą szansą na blokowanie pocisków
Lansjerzy z wydm – bardzo lekka partyzancka kawaleria szturmowa z pierwowzorami oszczepów
Straż przyboczna Mawii – bardzo ciężka kawaleria szturmowa (jednostka generalska)
Zbrojni Mawii – bardzo lekka kawaleria szturmowa z doskonałą premią szarży
Wybrani Mawii – bardzo lekka kawaleria szturmowa z ogromną premią szarży
Lansjerzy Mawii – bardzo lekka kawaleria szturmowa z dużą premią szarży
Zbrojni buntownicy – jednostki nie wymagające utrzymania, o dużej szansie blokowania pocisków i zadające niewielkie obrażenia wrogom
Lansjerzy Pustynnej Burzy – bardzo lekkie oddziały partyzanckiej kawalerii szturmowej z pierwowzorami oszczepów
Dywersanci Tanuchidów – lekka dywersyjna piechota z mieczami o doskonałym parametrze szarży
Piki Tanuchidów – ciężcy pikinierzy, szybko postępujący naprzód
Zdrajcy z pustynnej palatiny – ciężka rzymska piechota obronna
Straż przyboczna pustynnych legionów – ciężka rzymska piechota obronna
Gwardia hetaireia – rzymska piechota z toporami dwuręcznymi
Clibanarii – ciężka rzymska kawaleria szturmowa z łukami
Lud Aksum zamieszkuje wybrzeże Afryki, a swą potęgę zawdzięcza doskonale rozwiniętym szlakom handlowym, co ma swoje odzwierciedlenie w ich stylu gry i premiach.
Premia frakcji: Brama na Wschód
Sieć zasobów: +30 pożywienia dla każdej aktywnej sieci handlowej (maksymalnie 150).
Straż kupiecka: +100 do wskaźnika odtwarzania puli najemników.
Mistrz handlu: +10% przychodów z handlu.
Królestwo Aksum rozwija się dzięki handlowi – jedwabny szlak przynosi ogromne dochody tym, którzy potrafią je czerpać, a Aksumici od zawsze z niego korzystają.
Choć etiopskie serce imperium od wieków było okupowane, Aksum ostatnio rozszerzyło swoje granice dzięki niezwykle lukratywnemu szlakowi handlowemu do Indii i jeszcze dalej. Kiedy naród staje się tak zasobny i potężny, przyciąga tych, którzy chcą zagarnąć jego bogactwa – przykładem mogą być choćby Himjaryci.
Rozpoczyna się V wiek, a na piasku na nowo zostają wytyczone granice wojskowe i religijne. Aksum cieszy się wsparciem Rzymu, a ogromne bogactwa wypełniają jego skrzynie. Ci, którzy rzucą wyzwanie królestwu, spotkają opór w postaci aksumickiej stali i poznają siłę Aksumitów!
Cechy kampanijne
Niepowtarzalny łańcuch wydarzeń
Niepowtarzalny łańcuch wydarzeń stawia przed tobą zadanie zebrania licznych zasobów w zamian za odblokowanie nowych budynków przyprawowych oraz jednostek inspirowanych hinduską dynastią Gupta.
Pakiet jednostek
Pakiet jednostek aksumickich skupia się na potężnych włóczniach i jednostkach szturmowych. Są one lekko opancerzone, ale zdolne zadawać ogromne obrażenia. W pakiecie znajduje się też kilka jednostek niespotykanych, takich jak łucznicy z psami tropiącymi czy jednostki hybrydowe z toporami i łukami.
Gwardia Abuny – ciężkozbrojna kawaleria obronna z włóczniami (wyłącznie kościoły wschodnie)
Strzelcy z Adany – elitarni łucznicy z ogarami wojny
Tropiciele z Adany – łucznicy z ogarami wojny
Afarscy jeźdźcy na wielbłądach – partyzanccy jeźdźcy na wielbłądach z mieczami
Afarscy grabieżcy – piechota szturmowa o doskonałej sile ataku (wyłącznie pogaństwo semickie)
Afarscy szermierze– piechota szturmowa o dużej sile ataku
Wybrani Behera – ciężkie jednostki z bliskowschodnimi bułatami (wyłącznie pogaństwo semickie)
Jazda Bet Giyorgis – średnia kawaleria z włóczniami, o doskonałej sile ataku (wyłącznie kościoły wschodnie)
Elitarni wojownicy T'or – ciężkozbrojna piechota obronna z włóczniami
Łucznicy z März – łucznicy-snajperzy (strzelający zza osłon)
Włócznicy Mäsqäla – piechota z włóczniami o doskonałych parametrach przebijania pancerzy i ataku (wyłącznie kościoły wschodnie)
Konni łucznicy z März – łucznicy konni
Gwardia z Ras – ciężkie jednostki obronne z włóczniami
Synowie Niezwyciężonego Mahrema – piechota z włóczniami zadająca duże obrażenia podstawowe i z dużym atrybutem ataku (wyłącznie pogaństwo semickie)
Straż handlarzy przyprawami – hybrydowa piechota z toporami dwuręcznymi i łukami
Wojownicy handlarzy przyprawami – lekka piechota z hinduskimi mieczami khanda
Wojownicy T'or – obronna piechota z włóczniami
Himjar to potężne królestwo na Półwyspie Arabskim. Himjaryci radzą sobie z suchym klimatem dzięki serii wyspecjalizowanych technik, dostosowujących ich do życia na pustyni.
Premia frakcji: Pustynni wojownicy
Zmęczenie: -15% dla wszystkich wojowników.
Tama Maribu: niepowtarzalny budynek wzmacniający żyzność w stolicy frakcji.
Pustynni sabotażyści: powstrzymuje uzupełnianie obcych armii w regionach, w których stacjonują własne jednostki.
Królestwo Saby straciło wpływy, a jego miejsce zajęli Himjaryci! Zwycięski Shamir Yuhar'ish ogłosił się w trakcie koronacji "Królem Saby, Dhu Raydan oraz Hadramawtu i Yamanatu". Nikt nie odważył się sprzeciwić.
Lokalna potęga Saby była w większości oparta na lądowych szlakach handlowych, ale Himjaryci odkryli też i wykorzystali nowe drogi morskie do Indii, dzięki czemu stali się główną potęgą ekonomiczną w południowej Arabii. Podobnie jak ich sąsiedzi, Aksum, także Himjaryci kontrolują handel wzdłuż głównych szlaków na wschód.
Wojowniczy Himjaryci bez wytchnienia dążą do realizacji swoich celów, szczególnie w starciach ze znienawidzonymi Aksumitami. Himjaryci ostatnio przeszli na judaizm, co tylko rozpaliło płomień wojny pomiędzy obydwoma narodami. Frakcja ta sporo poświęciła, aby osiągnąć przewagę w tych trudnych czasach i na pewno rozkwitnie w przyszłości, dzięki swej woli walki!
Cechy kampanijne
Tama Maribu: niepowtarzalne wydarzenia
Tama Maribu była cudem inżynieryjnym starożytnego świata, ostatecznie jednak popadła w ruinę i została przerwana. Grając jako Himjar, gracze będą co jakiś czas mieli możliwość dokonania jej napraw. Pozostawienie tamy samej sobie stwarza zagrożenie powodziami, ale naprawy są kosztowne. Jeśli jednak tama będzie odpowiednio konserwowana, może przynieść mnóstwo korzyści.
Pakiet jednostek
Twarde i zaprawione w bojach, jednostki Himjar są tak ćwiczone, aby osiągnąć doskonałą kondycję. Ich pakiet jednostek zbudowany jest wokół potężnych wojsk obronnych, które reprezentują ich pustynną wytrzymałość.
Lansjerzy Almaqaha – bardzo ciężcy lansjerzy na wielbłądach (tylko pogaństwo semickie)
Opancerzeni Himjaryci z shotelami – ciężkozbrojni jeźdźcy na wielbłądach z bliskowschodnimi bułatami
Aszum – lekcy łucznicy z potężnymi tarczami
Atharscy wybrani – jednostka złożona z 80 żołnierzy o niesamowitych parametrach zdrowia, ataku, morale, obrażeń i szarży (tylko pogaństwo semickie)
Obrońcy Baltha – elitarna ciężka obronna piechota z toporami
Wojownicy Baltha – obronna piechota z toporami
Himjaryci z shotelami – jeźdźcy na wielbłądach z bliskowschodnimi bułatami
Jamal al-Baltha – jeźdźcy na wielbłądach z toporami
Jamal al-Rumha – jeźdźcy na wielbłądach z oszczepami
Khahjahlimowie – ciężkozbrojna piechota obronna z mieczami (tylko judaizm)
Harcownicy Rumhy – ciężkozbrojni harcownicy z oszczepami, tworzący mur
Wojownicy Rumhy – elitarni ciężcy harcownicy z oszczepami, tworzący mur
Sahnegohrimowie – jednostki defensywne o niesamowitym parametrze walki wręcz (tylko judaizm)
Strażnicy Zafar – bardzo ciężka jednostka obronna z toporami (wyłącznie generałowie)
Fanatyczny sykariusz – wrażliwa jednostka dywersyjna o wysokich parametrach morale i szarży (tylko judaizm)
Łucznicy zodiaku – łucznicy konni (wyłącznie pogaństwo semickie)
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
Total War: ATTILA – дополнение "Империи пустынь"
Дополнение "Империи пустынь" добавляет в Total War™: ATTILA три новые фракции для игры и новые религиозные особенности.
- Новые фракции – аксумиты, химьяриты и танухиды – с новыми уникальными видами войск
- Новая механика кампании
- Новая механика орды
- Новые религиозные особенности
Аксумитов, химьяритов и танухидов можно использовать в одиночных и сетевых кампаниях, а также в настраиваемых битвах и сражениях по сети.
Эти фракции, происходящие из суровых пустынь Африки и Ближнего Востока, относятся к новой группе пустынных царств и добавляют в игру новую механику кампании, новую механику орды, события, улучшенные религиозные особенности, наборы бойцов и уникальные для Total War™: ATTILA виды войск.
Пустынные царства
Все фракции из пустынных царств имеют следующие особенности:
+2 к санитарии во всех регионах
+15 к рукопашной атаке в пустынных сражениях
Иммунитет к потерям в пустыне
Новые религиозные особенности
В связи с существенным влиянием, которое религиозные изменения имели на культуру в данный период, дополнение "Империи пустынь" включает ряд новшеств, которые повышают важность религии. В игру добавлены три новые религии: православие, иудаизм и семитское язычество.
Каждая фракция из пустынных царств, не являющаяся ордой, может выбирать одну из двух главных религий. Аксумиты могут исповедовать православие или семитское язычество, а химьяриты – иудаизм или семитское язычество.
Религия теперь имеет далеко идущие последствия, влияющие на многие аспекты игры в кампании пустынных царств. Она тесно переплетена с рядом особенностей, включая цепочки построек, условия победы, события, технологии и общие бонусы кампании.
Цепочки построек для двух религий
У аксумитов и химьяритов есть цепочка построек для каждой из двух главных религий. Они могут строить эти здания независимо от религии, выбранной для их фракции. Это позволяет игрокам осуществлять более эффективный контроль над религией их фракции и менять ее сообразно ситуации.
Казармы 5-го уровня
Для аксумитов и химьяритов доступны новые казармы 5-го уровня для каждой религии. Чтобы разблокировать казармы, фракция должна иметь 75% влияния в рамках соответствующей религии. Казармы предоставляют по три уникальных элитных вида войск каждая, а также открывают ряд бонусов кампании.
Условия победы и достижения
У фракций из пустынных царств имеется два варианта условий победы в зависимости от основной религии, которые подразумевают наличие различных видов войск и строений, относящихся к данной религии.
Повышенное дипломатическое значение
Новые религии обладают повышенным дипломатическим влиянием, из-за чего игроки вынуждены тщательно выбирать религию в зависимости от того, с кем они хотят вступить в союз.
Цепочка доходных построек
Каждая фракция из пустынных царств, не являющаяся ордой, имеет доступ к новой цепочке производственных построек, которая приносит большой доход, но снижает влияние главной религии, т. е. придется выбирать между религиозной стабильностью и финансовой прибылью.
Религиозные технологии
У каждой фракции из пустынных царств, не являющейся ордой, есть цепочка технологий для главных религий. Они дают ряд бонусов, относящихся к религии и кампании, помогая делать и оптимизировать религиозный выбор.
Повышенные штрафы за религиозную рознь
Для новых религий повышены штрафы общественного порядка за религиозные разногласия в ваших провинциях, т. е. преимущества соразмерны повышенному риску не справиться с управлением в отношении религии.
Обусловленные религиозные события (аксумиты и химьяриты)
Добавлены два новых события, которые происходят при выполнении определенных религиозных условий и сопровождаются увлекательными дилеммами и миссиями.
Танухиды – это фракция-орда, представляющая собой пустынных мятежников с крайне агрессивным стилем игры и имеющая множество уникальных особенностей и характеристик.
Особенность фракции: Легендарные налетчики
Ненасытная орда: еда скорее добывается в сражениях за поселения, чем производится в зданиях.
Победные сборы: каждая военная победа разносит весть о вашей славе и пополняет ваши ряды, способствуя росту орды.
Увеличение армии: армии в режиме налета получают бесплатно мятежного ополченца за каждый ход.
Танухиды проделали долгий путь от своей родины. Являясь первоначально частью союза племен кахтанитов, они переселились на север после наводнения, которое опустошило их родные земли, и в конце концов полностью покинули Аравийский полуостров.
Установив отношения с Римской империей, танухиды стали римскими федератами и считались надежной конницей. Однако не так давно они восстали против Рима вслед за попытками императора Валента обратить их из православия в арианство. Танухиды – под предводительством царицы-воительницы Мавии – сражались так яростно и ожесточенно, что несколько раз одержали победу над римлянами на поле боя и вынудили их принять соглашение на своих условиях.
Несмотря на все трудности, этот набожный арабский народ выбрал себе жизнь свободных людей, которые клянутся в верности только Богу и своей храброй царице, – а больше ничего и не требуется, чтобы достичь истинного величия!
Особенности кампании
Новые деревья строений
В ходе переселения танухиды имеют доступ к совершенному новому дереву из 34 строений, каждое из которых имеет уникальный внешний вид и эффекты на кампанию.
Уникальная цепочка событий
Совершенно новая цепочка событий направит вас по пути восстания против римлян и в конце концов приведет вас к тому, что вы обоснуетесь на новом месте и создадите империю.
Постепенная разблокировка казарм
Выполнение миссий позволяет разблокировать казармы более высокого ранга и предоставляет доступ к новым видам войск из римлян-перебежчиков.
Список видов войск
Войска танухидов ориентированы на управление на поле боя и микроконтроль. Легкая, но мощная ударная кавалерия соседствует с войсками, использующими скрытность, и быстрыми пикинерами.
Бадийские застрельщики – легкие крадущиеся (остаются скрытыми на любой местности) копейщики
Пики пустыни – легкие, быстро наступающие пикинеры с высоким шансом блокирования снарядов
Пустынные пикинеры – очень легкая диверсионная ударная кавалерия с неметательными дротиками
Телохранители Мавии – очень тяжелая ударная кавалерия (генералы)
Штурмовики Мавии для натиска – очень легкая ударная кавалерия с очень хорошим бонусом к натиску
Избранники Мавии – очень легкая ударная кавалерия с исключительным бонусом к натиску
Пикинеры Мавии – очень легкая ударная кавалерия с хорошим бонусом к натиску
Ополчение повстанцев – не требующие денег на содержание бойцы с высоким шансом блокирования снарядов и низким уроном
Пикинеры Песчаной бури – очень легкая диверсионная ударная кавалерия с неметательными дротиками
Танухидские лазутчики – легкие крадущиеся мечники с исключительной скоростью натиска
Танухидские пикинеры – тяжелые, быстро наступающие пикинеры
Палатины-перебежчики из пустыни – тяжелая римская оборонительная пехота
Легионеры-стражи из пустыни – тяжелая римская оборонительная пехота
Этерия – римская пехота, вооруженная двуручными топорами
Клибанарии – тяжелая римская ударная кавалерия с луками
Народ Аксума, живущий на африканском побережье, обязан своим влиянием превосходным торговым путям, что отражается на их игре и особенностях.
Особенность фракции: Врата Востока
Поставки припасов: +30 к еде за каждую активную сеть торговли (при максимуме в 150).
Купеческая охрана: +100 к скорости пополнения запаса наемников.
Талант к торговле: +10% к доходу от торговли.
Аксумское царство процветает благодаря торговле: Великий шелковый путь добр к тем, кто знает,
как пользоваться его богатствами, а аксумиты всю жизнь занимаются торговлей вдоль него.
Хотя эфиопские земли были заселены сотни лет назад, Аксум разросся именно в последнее время благодаря чрезвычайно прибыльному торговому пути в Индию и далее, на котором он расположен. Когда народ становится столь богатым и могущественным, он начинает привлекать тех, кто хочет украсть его богатства, и одним из таких противников стали соседние химьяриты.
На заре V столетия люди вновь вынуждены принимать решения, связанные с войнами и религиями. Аксум пользуется благосклонностью Рима, а его сундуки наполняются богатствами со всего мира – и те, кто захотят бросить вызов этому царству, отведают аксумитской стали и почувствуют аксумитскую силу!
Особенности кампании
Уникальная цепочка событий
Уникальная цепочка событий вынуждает вас заявить о своих правах на ряд ресурсов в обмен на разблокировку новых зданий для производства специй и индийских гуптов в качестве солдат.
Список видов войск
Войска аксумитов ориентированы на использование мощных копий и ударную силу. Они носят легкую броню, но способны нанести разрушительный оптимальный урон. Также здесь есть необычные бойцы, такие как лучники с охотничьими собаками и гибрид топорника с лучником.
Стражи Абуны – тяжелая оборонительная кавалерия с копьями (только для православия)
Аданские стрелки – элитные лучники с боевыми псами
Аданские следопыты – лучники с боевыми псами
Афарские наездники на верблюдах – диверсионные мечники на верблюдах
Афарские налетчики – ударная пехота с исключительной атакой (только для семитского язычества)
Афарские мечники – ударная пехота с сильной атакой
Избранники Бехера – тяжелые воины с шотелями (только для семитского язычества)
Конница Бет Гиоргис – средняя вооруженная копьями кавалерия с исключительной атакой (только для православия)
Элитные воины Тхора – тяжелые оборонительные копейщики
Лучники Мерза – лучники (стреляющие из укрытий)
Мескельские копейщики – копейщики с высокой бронебойностью и сильной атакой (только для православия)
Конные лучники Мерза – конные лучники
Гвардия Раса – тяжелые оборонительные воины с неметательными копьями
Сыны непобедимого Махрема – копейщики с высоким базовым уроном и сильной атакой (только для семитского язычества)
Стражи пряностей – гибридные бойцы, вооруженные двуручными топорами и луками
Воины пряностей – легкие воины с кхандами
Воины Тхора – оборонительные копейщики
Химьяр – это могущественное царство на Аравийском полуострове. Химьяриты успешно выживают на засушливой территории благодаря тому, что приспособились к существованию в пустыне.
Особенность фракции: Воины пустыни
Накопление усталости: -15% для всех воинов.
Марибская плотина: уникальное строение вблизи столицы фракции, повышающее плодородность.
Диверсанты из пустыни: количество чужеземцев не растет в тех регионах, где есть армии.
Сабейское царство ослабело, и его место занял Химьяр! Победоносный Шамир Йухар'иш объявил себя на коронации "царем Саба, зу-Райдана, Хадрамаута и Яманата", и никто не осмелился его оспорить.
Власть в Сабейском царстве большей частью основывалась на наличии сухопутных торговых путей, но Химьяр открыл морские торговые пути в Индию и стал активно ими пользоваться, благодаря чему сделался ведущей экономической державой на юге Аравийского полуострова. Как и соседний Аксум, Химьяр контролирует торговлю вдоль крупных торговых путей на восток.
Воинственно настроенные химьяриты преследуют свои цели, особенно при столкновениях с ненавистными им аксумитами. В последнее время Химьяр даже обратился в иудаизм, что, по-видимому, только еще больше разожгло войну, которая постоянно бушует между ними. Этот народ многим пожертвовал, чтобы сохранить влиятельную позицию в смутные времена, и непременно обеспечит себе будущее исключительно силой воли!
Особенности кампании
Марибская плотина: уникальные события
Марибская плотина была инженерным чудом древнего мира, хотя о трещинах в ней тоже хорошо известно. Играя за Химьяр, вы будете периодически делать выбор, связанный с ее ремонтом. Оставление плотины без присмотра повышает риск наводнения, а починка стоит дорого, – однако хорошее состояние плотины дает целый ряд мощных преимуществ.
Список видов войск
Крепкие и закаленные солдаты Химьяра обучаются таким образом, чтобы проявлять чудеса выносливости. Основными среди них являются играющие роль танков оборонительные войска, которые олицетворяют жизнь в пустыне, требующую крепкого здоровья.
Пикинеры Альмаки – очень тяжелые воины с дротиками на верблюдах (только для семитского язычества)
Химьярские шотелаи в доспехах – бронированные воины с шотелями на верблюдах
Ашуи – легкие лучники с большими щитами
Избранники Астара – боевая единица из 80 человек с исключительным здоровьем, атакой, моралью, уроном и натиском (только для семитского язычества)
Защитники Бальты – элитная тяжелая оборонительная пехота с топорами
Воины Бальты – оборонительная пехота с топорами
Химьярские шотелаи – воины с шотелями на верблюдах
Джамаль аль-Бальта – воины с топорами на верблюдах
Джамаль аль-Румха – воины с дротиками на верблюдах
Хаялимы – тяжелобронированные оборонительные мечники (только для иудаизма)
Застрельщики Румхи – тяжелобронированные застрельщики, использующие стену копий
Воины Румхи – элитные тяжелые застрельщики, использующие стену копий
Санегоримы – воины с исключительной защитой в ближнем бою (только для иудаизма)
Стражи Зафара – очень тяжелые оборонительные воины с топорами (только генералы)
Зилоты-сикарии – слабые крадущиеся воины с высокой моралью и натиском (только для иудаизма)
Лучники Зодиака – сидящие верхом лучники (только для семитского язычества)
Total War: ATTILA - Pack de Culturas Imperios de arena
El Pack de Culturas Imperios de arena añade tres nuevas facciones jugables y una nueva religión a Total War™: ATTILA.
- Nuevas facciones: Aksum, Himyar y los tanúkhidas con nuevas y únicas unidades.
- Nuevas mecánicas de campaña.
- Nuevas mecánicas de horda.
- Nuevas funciones para las religiones.
Podrás utilizar a Aksum, Himyar y los tanúkhidas en los modos Un jugador y Campaña multijugador y en las Batallas personalizadas y Batallas multijugador.
Estas facciones procedentes de los áridos y duros desiertos de África y Oriente Medio forman parte de los reinos del desierto y aportan nuevas mecánicas de campaña y para las hordas, así como nuevos eventos, funciones de la religión potenciadas y unidades únicas para el campo de batalla a Total War™: ATTILA.
Reinos del desierto
Todas las facciones de los reinos del desierto se benefician de los siguientes rasgos:
+2 a los servicios sanitarios en todas las regiones
+15 al ataque cuerpo a cuerpo en las batallas en el desierto
Inmunidad al desgaste en el desierto
Nuevas funciones para las religionesDebido al dramático impacto que las religiones producían en las culturas de la época, el Pack de Culturas de los Imperios de arena incluye un número de cambios que otorgan más importancia a la religión. Hay tres nuevas religiones disponibles: Cristianismo oriental, judaísmo y el paganismo semita.
Cada facción de los reinos del desierto que no sean una horda podrá elegir entre dos religiones principales. Aksum podría seguir el cristianismo oriental y el paganismo semita, mientras que Himyar podría decantarse por el judaísmo o el paganismo semita.
Los efectos de la religión tendrán un alcance mayor e influenciarán muchos aspectos de las mecánicas de juego durante la campaña de los reinos del desierto. Está estrechamente relacionada con un gran número de funciones, como las cadenas de edificios, las condiciones de victoria, los eventos, las tecnologías y las bonificaciones generales de la campaña:
Cadenas de edificios religiosos doblesAksum y Himyar poseen una cadena de edificios por cada una de sus religiones principales. Podrán construir estos edificios sea cual sea la religión de su facción. Esto permitirá a los jugadores ejercer un mayor control sobre la religión de su facción y cambiarla según la situación en que se encuentren.
Barracones de nivel 5Aksum y Himyar tendrán dos barracones de nivel 5 disponibles, una por religión. Para desbloquear nuevos barracones la facción deberá ejercer un 75 % de influencia con la religión correspondiente. Cada uno de estos barracones aportará tres tipos únicos de unidades de élite además de desbloquear distintos beneficios para la campaña.
Condiciones de victoria y logros divididosLas facciones de los reinos del desierto tienen dos grupos de condiciones de victoria, uno por cada una de sus religiones principales, de las que serán partícipes ciertas unidades y estructuras relacionadas con la religión correspondiente.
Incrementada la importancia diplomáticaLas nuevas religiones verán aumentada su influencia en las cuestiones diplomáticas, obligando al jugador a elegir su religión cuidadosamente según los aliados que pretenda.
Cadena de edificios de placerLas facciones de los reinos del desierto que no compongan una horda tendrán acceso a un nuevo tipo de cadena de edificios industrial que les proporcionará grandes cantidades de dinero, pero que hará disminuir tu religión, por lo que tendrás que elegir entre la estabilidad religiosa y el beneficio económico.
Tecnologías religiosasCada facción de los reinos del desierto que no sean una horda tendrá una cadena de tecnología para cada una de sus religiones principales. Estas proporcionan distintas bonificaciones de carácter religioso y de campaña que te ayudarán a gestionar y optimizar tus decisiones en cuestiones religiosas.
Incremento en las penalizaciones por discordancia religiosaLas penalizaciones al orden público por la disparidad religiosa en tus provincias se ha incrementado entre las nuevas religiones, lo que significa que los beneficios se han modificado para que sea más arriesgado el fracaso a la hora de gestionar tus religiones correctamente.
Eventos religiosos reactivos (Aksum e Himyar) Se han añadido dos nuevos elementos que se activan cuando se cumplen ciertas condiciones religiosas y que te proporcionarán emocionantes misiones y dilemas.
Los tanúkhidas
Los tanúkhidas son una facción horda que representan a los rebeldes del desierto, son superagresivos y cuentan con varios rasgos y funciones únicos.
Rasgo de la facción: saqueadores legendariosHorda rapaz: los alimentos se obtienen mediante batallas en los asentamientos y no a través de los edificios.
Reclutamiento victorioso: cada victoria militar hace aumentar tu gloria y el número de guerreros que se unen a tus filas.
Filas engrosadas: los ejércitos en actitud de asalto consiguen una unidad de milicia rebelde gratis a cada turno.
HistoriaLos tanúkhidas han recorrido un largo camino desde su tierras natales. Eran originalmente parte de la confederación tribal de los qahtaníes y emigraron hacia el Norte tras unas inundaciones que devastaron sus tierras natales; acabaron por abandonar Arabia por completo.
Desde que entraron en contacto con el Imperio romano, los tanúkhidas han desempeñado el papel de foederati de los romanos y se les considera una fuerza de caballería imprescindible. Sin embargo, recientemente se han rebelado contra Roma tras los intentos del emperador Valens de convertirlos del cristianismo ortodoxo al cristianismo arriano. Los tanúkhidas —bajo el mando de la reina Mavia— luchaban tan duro y con tal fiereza, que derrotaron a los romanos en el campo de batalla en más de una ocasión y les forzaron a hacer un pacto.
A pesar de las muchas dificultades, este devoto pueblo se ha buscado la vida como árabes libres, que solo juran su alianza a Dios y a su valiente reina. ¡¿Qué más se necesita para alcanzar la verdadera gloria?!
Funciones de campaña
Nueva cadena de edificios Mientras emigran, los tanúkhidas tienen acceso a una nueva cadena de edificios de horda compuesta de 34 nuevas construcciones, cada una de ellas con un estilo y unos efectos de campaña únicos.
Una cadena de eventos exclusivaUna nueva cadena de eventos te guía en tu rebelión contra los romanos y te llevará al asentamiento y a la formación de un imperio.
Desbloqueo dinámico de barraconesAl completar misiones desbloquearás barracones de nivel más alto y tendrás acceso a nuevas unidades de romanos desertores.
Lista de unidades La lista de tanúkhidas se concentra en el control del campo de batalla y la microgestión. La caballería de choque, ligera pero poderosa, se harán acompañar de unidades de sigilo y de rápidos piqueros.
Escaramuzadores Badiya - Acecho ligero (permanecen escondidos en todos los terrenos) Jabalineros
Picas del desierto - Piqueros ligeros y de rápido movimiento con gran probabilidad de bloqueo de proyectiles
Lanceros de las dunas - caballería de choque muy ligera con despliegue de guerrilla y jabalinas precursor
Guardia de Mavia - caballería de choque muy pesada (unidad del general)
Caballeros de Mavia - caballería de choque muy ligera con gran bonificación de carga
Los elegidos de Mavia - caballería de choque muy ligera con bonificación de carga excepcional
Lanceros de Mavia - caballería de choque muy ligera con gran bonificación de carga
Milicia de rebeliones - tropas sin coste de mantenimiento con una gran probabilidad de bloqueo de proyectiles y poco daño
Lanceros de las tormentas de arena - caballería de choque muy ligera con despliegue de guerrilla y jabalinas precursor
Emboscadores tanúkhidas - Espadachines con acecho ligero y una carga excepcional
Piqueros tanúkhidas - piqueros pesados con avance rápido
Desertores palatinos del desierto - Infantería de defensa romana pesada
Guardias legionarias del desierto - Infantería de defensa romana pesada
Guardias Hetaireia - Infantería romana con hacha de dos manos
Clibanarii - Caballería de choque romana pesada con arco
Ubicados en la costa de África, Aksum debe su poder a sus magníficas rutas comerciales, hecho que se ve reflejado en sus mecánicas de juego y sus rasgos.
Rasgo de la facción: La puerta hacia el EsteRed de suministro: +30 a los alimentos por cada red comercial activa (máximo de 150).
Guardianes mercaderes: +100 a la velocidad de reabastecimiento del grupo de mercenarios.
Encrucijada comercial: +10% a los ingresos comerciales.
El reino de Aksum prospera gracias al comercio. La Ruta de la Seda es amable con aquellos que saben
como aprovechar sus riquezas, y los aksumitas han pasado sus vidas comerciando por ella.
Aunque sus tierras etíopes han estado ocupadas durante siglos, Aksum ha experimentado un gran crecimiento recientemente gracias a su situación en la muy lucrativa ruta comercial a India. Cuando una nación alcanza tanto poder y riqueza es inevitable hacer enemigos que desean monopolizar su comercio y arrebatarles su riqueza. Sus vecinos himyaritas es uno de estos adversarios.
Llegado el siglo V, se han vuelto a trazar las líneas militares y religiosas en la arena. Aksum cuenta con el favor de Roma y la riqueza del mundo llena sus arcas. ¡Que aquellos que se atrevan a desafiarles, sientan el acero y el poder de los aksumitas!
Batalla de campañaUna cadena de eventos exclusiva
Esta cadena de eventos exclusiva te desafía a obtener una serie de recursos a cambio de desbloquear nuevos edificios de especias y unidades influenciadas por el Imperio Gupta.
Lista de unidades La lista aksumita se centra en poderosos lanceros y tropas de choque. Llevan armadura ligera, pero son capaces de infligir un daño muy devastador. También poseen cierto número de tropas poco corrientes, como arqueros con perros de caza y unidades híbridas de hachas y arcos.
Guardia de Abunas - Caballería de lanza defensiva pesada (solo cristianismo oriental)
Tiradores de Adana - Arqueros de élite con perros de guerra
Rastreadores de Adana - Arqueros con perros de guerra
Jinetes de camello de Afar - Espadachines a camello con despliegue de guerrilla
Saqueadores maestros de Afar - Infantería de choque con ataque excepcional (solo paganos semíticos)
Espadachines de Afar - Infantería de choque con gran ataque
Los elegidos de Beher – Unidad pesada con shotel (solo paganos semíticos)
Caballería de Biet Ghiorgis - Caballería de lanza normal con ataque excepcional (solo cristianos orientales)
Guerreros de T'or de élite - Lanceros defensa pesada
Arqueros de März - Tiradores con arco (disparan a cubierto)
Lanceros de Mäsqäl - Gran perforación de armadura, grandes lanceros de ataque (solo cristianos orientales)
Arqueros a caballo de März - Arqueros a caballo
Guardia de Ras - Unidad de lanceros defensivos con precursor
Hijos del invencible Mahrem - Grandes daños básicos, lanceros con gran ataque (solo paganos semíticos)
Guardia de especias - Unidad de hachas a dos manos híbrida con arco
Guerreros de especias - Espadachín con khanda ligera
Guerreros de T'or - Lanceros defensivos
Himyar es un reino poderoso árabe de la península. Los himyaritas sobreviven en sus áridas tierras gracias a una serie de adaptaciones especializadas al desierto.
Rasgo de la facción: Guerreros desierto
Índice de fatiga: -15% para todos los guerreros.
Presa de Marib: Edificio único que incrementa la fertilidad en la capital de la facción.
Saboteadores del desierto: Detiene el reabastecimiento extranjero en regiones donde los ejércitos están presentes.
HistoriaEl reino de Saba ha quedado muy diezmado ¡y en su lugar se alza Himyar! El victorioso Shamir Yuhar'ish se ha declarado así mismo como el "rey de Saba, Dhu Raydan y de Hadramawt y Yamanat" en su coronación y nadie se atreve a poner en duda sus palabras.
El poder local de los sabeos se basaba, en gran parte, en las rutas comerciales por tierra, pero Himyar ha descubierto y explotado nuevas rutas comerciales a India, convirtiéndose así en una potencia económica en el sur de Arabia. Al igual que sus vecinos aksumitas, Himyar controla el flujo de mercado en las principales rutas comerciales de Oriente.
Los belicosos himyaritas persiguen sus objetivos sin desfallecer, sobre todo cuando se enfrentan a sus odiados aksumitas. Himyar se ha convertido recientemente al judaísmo, lo que aviva las llamas de la constante guerra entre ambos. Ha sacrificado mucho para aferrarse a una posición de poder en un tiempo tumultuoso y ¡se enfrentará al mañana con toda la fuerza de su voluntad!
Funciones de campañaPresa de Marib: Eventos únicos
La presa del Marib fue una maravilla de la ingeniería del mundo antiguo, aunque se sabe que sufría grandes brechas. Al jugar con Himyar, los jugadores tendrán la posibilidad de hacer reparaciones en la misma. Si dejas la presa sin atender, habrá riesgo de inundaciones y la reparación será costosa. Sin embargo, si la presa funciona correctamente, esta traerá una serie de grandes beneficios.
Lista de unidadesLas fuertes y curtidas fuerzas de Himyar están preparadas para hazañas que requieren mucha resistencia. Su lista está construida alrededor de una serie de unidades altamente defensivas que sirven como demostración de su resistencia al desierto.
Lanceros de Almaqah - Lanceros a camello muy pesados (solo paganos semíticos)
Shotelai himyaritas acorazados - Shotelai a camello acorazado
Ashum - Arqueros ligeros con escudo grande
Los elegidos de Athar - Ochenta hombres con una salud, ataque, moral, daño y carga excepcionales (solo paganos semíticos)
Defensores baltingos - Infantería pesada defensiva de élite con hacha
Guerreros baltingos - Infantería defensiva con hacha
Shotelai himyaritas - Unidad con shotel a camello
Jamal al-Baltha - Guerreros con hacha montados a camello
Jamal al-Rumha - Unidad con jabalina montados a camello
Khahyahlim - Unidad acorazada de espadachines defensiva (solo judaísmo)
Escaramuzadores de Rumha - Escaramuzadores acorazados pesados con formación de muralla de lanzas
Guerreros de Rumha - Escaramuzadores pesados de élite con formación de muralla de lanzas
Sahnegohrim - Unidad de defensa cuerpo a cuerpo excepcional (solo judaísmo)
Centinelas de Zafar - Unidad de guerreros muy pesada con hacha (solo general)
Sicario zelote - Unidad de acecho con gran moral y carga (solo judaísmo)
Arqueros del zodiaco - Arqueros a caballo (solo paganos semíticos
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only
Total War: ATTILA - Kum İmparatorlukları Kültür Paketi
Kum İmparatorlukları Kültür Paketi Total War™: ATTILA'ya üç yeni oynanabilir taraf ve yeni din özellikleri ekliyor.
- Benzersiz birimleri olan yeni taraflar: Aksum, Himyar ve Tanukhidler.
- Yeni senaryo mekaniği.
- Yeni ordu mekaniği.
- Yeni din özellikleri.
Aksum, Himyar ve Tanukhidler; Tek Oyunculu veya Çok Oyunculu Senaryo modlarında ve Özel ve Çok Oyunculu mücadelelerde kullanılabilir.
Afrika ve Orta Doğu'nun çöllerinden ve zorlu yaşam koşullarından gelen bu topluluklar yeni Çöl Krallıkları kültürel grubunun bir parçası olarak Total War™: ATTILA'ya yepyeni bir senaryo mekaniği, yeni ordu oyun mekaniği, etkinlikler, geliştirilmiş din özellikleri, savaş kadroları ve benzersiz birlikler getiriyor.
Çöl Krallıkları
Çöl Krallıkları kültürel grubundaki tüm taraflar aşağıdaki özelliklerden faydalanır:
Tüm bölgelerde +2 Sağlık
Çöl savaşlarında +15 Yakın saldırı
Çöl yıpranmasına karşı dayanıklılık
Yeni Din Özellikleri
Söz konusu dönemde dinsel değişiklikler bu kültürler üzerinde büyük bir etki yaptığı için, Kum İmparatorlukları Kültür Paketi'nde dinin önemini artıran bazı değişiklikler bulunuyor. Bu kültür paketinde üç yeni din bulunuyor: Doğu Hıristiyanlığı, Musevilik ve Semitik Paganizm.
Bir orduya dahil olmayan Çöl Krallıkları tarafının seçebileceği iki ayrı din vardır. Aksum Doğu Hıristiyanlığı ile Semitik Paganizm; Himyar Musevilik ile Semitik Paganizm dinlerinden birine tabi olabilir.
Dinin etkisi artık çok daha yaygın bir şekilde hissediliyor. Din Çöl Krallıkları oyun senaryosunu ve oynanışı birçok açıdan etkiliyor. Dinin yapı zincirleri, zafer koşulları, etkinlikler, teknoloji ve çeşitli senaryo bonusları gibi bir dizi özellikle derin bağları bulunuyor:
İki farklı dini yapı zinciri
Aksum ve Himyar ana dinlerinin her biri için bir yapı zincirine sahip olabilir. Aksum ve Himyar bu binaları mensup oldukları din fark etmeksizin inşa edebilir. Bu sayede oyuncular yönettikleri tarafın dini üzerinde daha etkili olabilir ve durumlarına bağlı olarak bu dini değiştirebilirler.
5. kademe kışlalar
Aksum ve Himyar’ın, dinlerinin her biri için iki adet yeni 5. kademe kışlası bulunuyor. Bir tarafın kışlalarının kilidini açabilmesi için ilgili bölgede %75 kontrole sahip olması gerekiyor. Bu kışla binalarının her biri üç farklı elit birim ve çeşitli senaryo avantajlarının kilidini açıyor.
Paylaşılan zafer koşulları ve başarılar
Çöl Krallıkları taraflarının ana dinlerinden her biri için bir tane olmak üzere iki farklı zafer koşulları seti bulunur. Bu setler o dinle bağlantılı bazı birimler ve yapılar içerir.
Artan diplomatik önem
Yeni dinler daha fazla diplomatik etkiye sahip. Bu durum oyuncuların dinlerini kiminle ittifak yapmak istediklerini göz önüne alarak dikkatle seçmesini gerektiriyor.
Randevu evi zinciri
Bir orduya dahil olmayan Çöl Krallıkları taraflarının büyük getirileri olan yeni bir ticari bina zincirine erişimi bulunuyor. Ancak bu yeni bina zinciri çoğunluk dininin zayıflamasına yol açıyor. Bu nedenle dinsel istikrar ve finansal kazanım arasında seçiminizi yapmanız gerekiyor.
Dini teknolojiler
Orduya dahil olmayan her bir Çöl Krallıkları tarafının ana dinlerinin her biri için kullanabileceği birer teknoloji zinciri bulunur. Bu teknoloji zincirleri bir dizi dini bonus ve senaryo bonusuyla dini seçimlerinizi yönetmenize ve en iyi dini seçimleri yapmanıza yardımcı olur.
Artan Dini Uyuşmazlık Cezaları
Eyaletlerinizdeki dinsel uyumsuzluk nedeniyle verilen kamu düzeni cezaları yeni dinler arasında daha yüksek. Yani, bu dinlerin avantajları, dinlerinizi doğru yönetememeniz halinde daha büyük bir riskle karşılaşmanız yoluyla dengelendi.
Reaktif dini etkinlikler (Aksum ve Himyar)
Bazı dini koşullar karşılandığında iki yeni etkinlik yapılıyor ve bu etkinlikler size bolca entrika ve fazladan görev olarak geri dönüyor.
Tanukhidler göçebe ve yağmacı bir topluluk. Bir çöl isyankarları grubu. Bu nedenle oldukça agresif bir oyun tarzları, benzersiz davranışları ve özellikleri bulunuyor.
Grup Özelliği: Efsanevi Akıncılar
Yağmacı Güruh: Yiyecekler binalardan değil, yerleşimlerle yapılan savaşlardan elde ediliyor.
Zafer seferberliği: Her bir askeri zafer ününüzün yayılmasını, rütbelerinizin yükselmesini sağlar ve topluluğun büyüme hızını artırır.
Sıklaşan Saflar: Baskın duruşundaki ordular her hamlede ücretsiz bir İsyancı Milis kazanır.
Tanukhidler anavatanlarından bu topraklara varmak için uzun yollar kat ettiler. Aslında Kahtani kabile federasyonunun bir parçası olan Tanukhidler anavatanlarında yaşanan bir sel felaketi sonucunda kuzeye doğru göç ettiler ve sonunda Arabistan'ı tamamen terk ettiler.
Roma İmparatorluğu'yla temas haline geçen Tanukhidler, o zamandan bu yana Roma İmparatorluğu'na bağlı kılıçlı askerler olarak çalışıyor ve güvenilebilecek bir süvari gücü olarak görülüyorlar. Fakat yakın zamanda İmparator Valens onları Ortodoksluktan Aryanizme geçirme girişiminde bulununca Roma İmparatorluğu'na karşı ayaklandılar. Tanukhidler, savaşçı kraliçeleri Mavia'nın komutasında o kadar büyük bir gayret ve şiddetle savaştılar ki Romalıları savaş meydanında birkaç kez mağlup ettiler ve şartlarının kabul edilmesini sağlayarak Romalılarla anlaşmayı başardılar.
Bütün zorluklara rağmen dinine yürekten bağlı olan bu insanlar özgür Araplar olarak kendilerine bir yaşam alanı yarattılar. Onlar yalnızca tanrıya ve cesur kraliçelerine bağlılık yemini ettiler. Elbette ki tüm bunlar onların ne kadar asil ve cesur bir topluluk olduğunu göstermeye yetiyor!
Senaryo özellikleri
Yeni bina ağaçları
Tanukhidler göç ederken, içerisinde her birinin üzerinde benzersiz sanatsal dokunuşları ve senaryoya özgü özellikleri olan 34 yeni bina bulunan yepyeni bir Ordu bina ağacına erişim sağlayabiliyor.
Benzersiz olay zinciri
Yepyeni bir olay zinciri, Romalılara karşı yürüttüğünüz isyanda size rehberlik ediyor ve sonunda yerleşmenizi ve bir imparatorluk kurmanızı sağlıyor.
Kışlaların kilidi dinamik bir şekilde açılıyor.
Görevleri tamamladığınızda daha yüksek kademe kışlaların kilidi açılıyor ve ordudan kaçan yeni Roma birliklerine erişim kazanıyorsunuz.
Birim Kadrosu
Tanukhid Savaş Birimleri Kadrosu savaş alanının kontrol edilmesine ve mikro yönetime odaklanır. Hafif ama güçlü baskın süvarisi ile gizliliğe dayalı birimler ve hızlı mızraklı birlikler bir arada kullanılır.
Badiya Avcı Erleri - Gizlenen takipçi ciritçiler (Tüm arazilerde saklanabilirler.)
Çöl Kargıları - Ok saldırılarına başarıyla karşı koyabilen hızlı, uzman mızrakçılar
Mızraklı Kumul Süvarileri – Ciritli öncülü bulunan ve gerilla olarak savaşan çok hafif baskın süvarisi
Mavia’nın Korumaları - Çok ağır baskın süvarileri (General'in birliği)
Mavia'nın Hücumcuları – Yüksek taarruz bonusu veren hafif baskın süvarileri
Mavia'nın Gözdeleri – Özel taarruz bonusu veren hafif baskın süvarileri
Mavia'nın Mızraklı Süvarileri – Yüksek taarruz bonusu veren hafif baskın süvarileri
İsyan Milisleri - Yüksek saldırı bloklama gücü olan ve düşük hasar veren masrafsız birlikler
Kumfırtınası Mızraklı Süvarileri – Ciritli öncülü bulunan ve gerilla olarak savaşan çok hafif baskın süvarisi
Tanukhid Pusucuları - Oldukça yüksek taarruz gücü olan kılıçlı takipçi askerler
Tanukhid Kargıcıları - Hızlı hareket edebilen ağır mızrakçılar
Çöl Palatina İlticacıları - Romalı ağır savunmacı piyadeler
Çöl Lejyoner İlticacıları - Romalı ağır savunmacı piyadeler
Hetaireia Muhafızları - Çift elli balta kullanan Romalı piyadeler
Clibanarii – Romalı oklu ağır baskıncı süvariler
Afrika'nın kıyılarında yaşayan Aksum halkı gücünü ticaret yollarına borçlu. Bu gerçek kendisini onların oynayışında ve özelliklerinde gösteriyor.
Grup Özelliği: Doğu'ya Açılan Kapı
Erzak ağı: Her etkin ticaret ağı için +30 yiyecek (En fazla 150).
Tüccar Korumaları: Paralı asker havuzunun yenilenme hızına +100.
Ticari Uzmanlık: +%10 ticaret geliri.
Aksum Krallığı ticaret sayesinde zenginleşiyor. İpek Yolu,
onun zenginliklerinden faydalanmayı bilenler için bulunmaz bir kaynak. Aksum’luların da hayatlarını bu yolda ticaret yaparak geçirdiği düşünülürse, uzmanlıklarının tartışılmaz olduğu anlaşılır.
Etiyopya’daki toprakları yüzlerce yıldır işgal altında olsa da, Aksum üzerinde bulunduğu Hindistan ve ötesine ulaşan son derece kârlı ticaret yolu sayesinde son zamanlarda topraklarını genişletti. Bir ülke bu kadar zenginleşip güç kazanınca, onun zenginliklerini ele geçirmek isteyen kişileri ve toplulukları kendisine çeker. Komşu Himyar’lılar da Aksum’lular için işte böyle bir tehdit.
5. yüzyıl başlarken askeri ve dini sınırlar yine kuma çizilmiş gibi değişken. Aksum Roma'nın desteğini alıyor ve dünyanın zenginliği onun sandıklarını dolduruyor. Buna karşı çıkacak biri varsa Aksum’luların çeliği ve gücüyle karşılaşmaya hazır olsun!
Senaryo özellikleri
Benzersiz Olay Zinciri
Benzersiz olay zinciri, sizi yeni baharat binalarının ve Gupta İmparatorluğu'nun bazı birliklerinin kilidini açmak için bazı kaynaklarınızı değiş-tokuş etmeye bile götürebilir.
Birim Kadrosu
Aksum’lular güçlü mızraklar ve hücum birliklerinden faydalanıyor. Hafif silahlar kullanıyorlar; ancak büyük hasar verebiliyorlar. Aksum’luların aynı zamanda av köpeği sürüleri, okçular ve hibrid balta-oklu birlikler gibi oldukça orijinal birlikleri bulunuyor.
Abuna'nın Muhafızları - Savunmacı mızraklı süvari (Yalnızca Ortodoks Hıristiyan)
Adana Keskin Nişancıları - Tazılı elit okçular
Adana Takipçileri - Tazılı okçular
Afar Deve Binicileri - Gerilla olarak savaşan Kılıçlı Deve Süvarileri
Afar Baskın Ustaları - Şok saldırısı piyadeleri (Yalnızca Semitik Pagan)
Afar Kılıççıları - Yüksek saldırı güçlü şok saldırısı piyadeleri
Beher'in Gözdeleri - Hançerli asker birliği (Yalnızca Semitik Pagan)
Bet Giorgis Süvarisi - Özel saldırı yapan orta mızraklı süvariler (Yalnızca Ortodoks Hıristiyan)
Seçkin Tor Savaşçıları - Savunmacı ağır mızraklı savaşçılar
Marz Okçuları - Pusucu okçular
Masqal Mızrakçıları - Zırh delebilen yüksek güçlü mızrakçılar (Yalnızca Ortodoks Hıristiyan)
Binekli Marz Okçuları - Binekli okçular
Ras Muhafızları - Ağır mızraklı, öncüllü savunmacı birlik
Yenilmez Mahrem'in Oğulları - Yüksek tahrip gücüne sahip mızraklı askerler (Yalnızca Semitik Pagan)
Baharat Muhafızları - Yay da kullanan çift elli balta ünitesi
Baharat Savaşçıları - Khanda kullanan savaşçılar
Tor Savaşçıları - Savunmacı mızraklı askerler
Himyar, yarımadadaki güçlü Arap krallıklarından biridir. Himyar’lılar çöle uyum sağlayarak kuru topraklarında hayatta kalmayı başarıyor.
Grup Özelliği: Çöl Savaşçıları
Yorgunluk oranı: Tüm savaşçılar için -%15
Marib Barajı: Verimliliği artıran bir yapı.
Çöl Sabotajcıları: Orduların bulunduğu bölgelerde yabancı güçlerin ikmal yapmasını engeller.
Saba Krallığı yıkıldığında onun yerine Himyar Krallığı yükseldi! Saba Krallığı'na karşı zafer kazanan Shamir Yuhar'ish kendini Saba, Dhu Raydan, Hadramawt ve Yamanat'ın kralı ilan etti. Onun taç giyme töreninde ona kimse meydan okuma cesareti gösteremedi.
Saba Krallığı'nın bulunduğu bölgedeki gücü büyük ölçüde ticaret karayollarından kaynaklanıyordu. Ama Himyar Krallığı Hindistan'a giden yeni deniz ticareti yollarını keşfetti ve bu yolları kullanarak güney Arabistan'ın en büyük ticari güçlerinden biri haline geldi. Komşusu olan Aksum gibi Himyar da doğuya giden en büyük ticaret yollarında gerçekleştirilen ticari faaliyetleri kontrolü altında tutuyordu.
Militarist Himyar’lılar amaçlarına ulaşmak için, özellikle de nefret edilen Aksum’lularla karşı karşıya geldiklerinde yılmaksızın ve acımasızca savaşıyor. Himyar’lılar yakın zamanda Museviliğe geçti. Bu da Aksum’lular ile Himyar’lılar arasındaki bitmeyen savaş ve rekabeti ancak alevlendirecek gibi görünüyor. Himyar çok çalkantılı bir dönemde güçlü konumunu koruyabilmek için birçok fedakarlık yaptı. Gelecekte de yalnızca irade gücüyle bile hüküm süreceği kesin olarak düşünülebilir.
Senaryo özellikleri
Marib Barajı: Benzersiz Olaylar
Marib Barajı, antik dünyanın mühendislik harikasıydı. Ancak yıkıldı. Himyar olarak oynayan oyunculara düzenli olarak baraj onarım seçenekleri sunulur. Barajın gerekli bakım işlemleri zamanında yapılmazsa su baskınları meydana gelebilir ve onarım da oldukça masraflı olur. Ancak barajın bakımı düzenli olarak yapılır ve baraj iyi işler halde tutulursa kullanıcısına birçok avantaj sağlar.
Birim Kadrosu
Gözü pek ve zor koşullara dayanıklı olan Himyar güçlerinin dayanıklılığı müthiş derecede yüksek. Ordu birimleri çöldeki hayata alışmış, dayanıklı ve güçlü savunmacı birliklerden oluşuyor.
Almaqah Mızraklı Süvarileri - Deve süren ağır mızrakçılar (Yalnızca Semitik Pagan)
Zırhlı Himyar Şotelliler - Develi ve zırhlı, kılıç kullanan askerler
Ashum – Büyük kalkanlı hafif okçular
Athar'ın Gözdeleri - Özel sağlık, moral, saldırı, hasar ve taarruz özellikleri olan 80 askerden oluşan bir birlik (Yalnızca Semitik Pagan)
Baltha Savunucuları - Elit savunmacı baltalı piyadeler
Baltha Savaşçıları - Savunmacı baltalı piyadeler
Himyar Şotelliler - Develi, kılıç kullanan birlik
Jamal al-Baltha - Develi, balta kullanan adamlar
Jamal al-Rumha – Develi, cirit kullanan adamlar
Khahyahlim – Ağır zırhlı, kılıçlı savunmacı birlik (Yalnızca Musevi)
Rumha Avcı Erleri - Mızrak duvarı düzeni taktiğini kullanan ağır zırhlı avcılar
Rumha Savaşçıları - Mızrak duvarı düzeni taktiğini kullanan ağır zırhlı elit avcılar
Sahnegohrim - Özel yakın savunma birliği (Yalnızca Musevi)
Zafar Gözcüleri - Ağır savunmacı baltalı birlik (Yalnızca general)
Bağnaz Sicarius - Yüksek moral ve taarruz gücüne sahip hafif takipçi birlik (Yalnızca Musevi.)
Zodyak Okçuları - Atlı okçular (Yalnızca Semitik Pagan.)
The Empires of Sand Culture Pack brings three new playable factions and new religion features to Total War™: ATTILA.
- New Factions; Aksum, Himyar and Tanukhids with new unique units.
- New Campaign mechanics.
- New Horde mechanics.
- New Religion features.
Aksum, Himyar and the Tanukhids may be used in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer battles.
Hailing from the harsh deserts of Africa and the Middle East, these factions are part of the new Desert Kingdoms cultural group, and bring new campaign mechanics, new horde gameplay mechanics, events, enhanced religion features, battlefield rosters and unique units to Total War™: ATTILA.
Desert Kingdoms
All factions in the Desert Kingdoms cultural group benefit from the following traits:
+2 Sanitation in all regions
+15 Melee attack in desert battles
Immunity to desert attrition
New Religion Features
Because of the dramatic impact religious changes had on these cultures in this period, the Empires of Sand Culture Pack includes a number of changes that increase the importance of religion. There are three new religions available: Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has two main religions to choose between. Aksum may follow Eastern Christianity and Semitic Paganism, while Himyar may choose between Judaism and Semitic Paganism.
Religion now has further-reaching effects, influencing many aspects of Desert Kingdoms campaign gameplay. It is deeply intertwined with a number of features including building chains, victory conditions, events, technologies and overall campaign bonuses:
Dual religion building chains
Aksum and Himyar possess a building chain for each of their main religions. They can build these buildings regardless of their faction religion. This allows players to exert greater control over their faction religion and change it reactively in response to their situation.
Tier-5 barracks
Aksum and Himyar have two new tier-5 barracks available, one for each religion. To unlock a barracks, the faction must have 75% influence in the respective religion. These barracks buildings each provide three unique elite units as well as unlocking a variety of campaign benefits.
Split victory-conditions and achievements
Desert Kingdoms factions have two sets of victory conditions, one for each of their main religions, that involve a number of units and structures related to that religion.
Increased diplomatic significance
The new religions have increased diplomatic impact, forcing the player to choose their religion carefully based on who they wish to ally with.
Pleasure building-chain
Non-horde Desert Kingdoms factions have access to a new industrial building-chain which provides large sums of money, but decreases your majority religion, meaning you must choose between religious stability and financial gain.
Religious technologies
Each non-horde Desert Kingdoms faction has a technology chain for each of its main religions. These convey a number of religious and campaign bonuses to help you manage and optimize your religious choices.
Increased Religious Discord Penalties
The public order penalties for religious disharmony within your provinces have been increased between the new religions, meaning that the benefits are balanced with increased risk if you fail to manage your religions correctly.
Reactive Religious events (Aksum and Himyar)
Two new events have been added that trigger when certain religious conditions are met, and provide you with intriguing dilemmas and missions.
The Tanukhids
The Tanukhids are a horde faction, representing a desert rebellion with a hyper-aggressive playstyle, plus a host of unique traits and features.
Faction Trait: Legendary RaidersRapacious Horde: Food is obtained through settlement battles rather than buildings.
Victory rallies: Every military victory spreads your fame and swells your ranks, increasing the horde’s growth.
Swelling Ranks: Armies in Raiding stance gain a free Rebellion Militia unit every turn.
HistoryThe Tanukhids have travelled a long way from their homelands. Originally part of the Qahtani tribal confederation, they migrated north in the aftermath of a flood which devastated their homeland, eventually leaving Arabia altogether.
Coming into contact with the Roman Empire, the Tanukhids have since been employed as Roman foederati, and considered a dependable cavalry force. However, they recently rebelled against Rome following Emperor Valens' attempts to convert them from Orthodox to Arian Christianity. The Tanukhids – under their warrior queen, Mavia – fought so hard, and so fiercely, that they defeated the Romans in the field on several occasions and forced agreement to their terms.
Despite the odds, these devout people have created a life for themselves as free Arabs, who pledge allegiance to none but God and their brave queen - surely all that is required to attain true greatness!
Campaign features
New building trees While migrating, the Tanukhids have access to a completely new Horde building tree comprising 34 new buildings, each with unique artwork and campaign effects.
Unique event chainA brand new event-chain guides you in your rebellion against the Romans, and leads you ultimately to settlement and the formation of an empire.
Dynamic Barrack unlocksCompleting missions unlocks higher tiers of barracks and provides access to new, defecting Roman units.
Unit Roster The Tanukhid Roster focuses on battlefield area-control and micro management. Light but powerful shock cavalry are paired with stealth units and fast pike units.
Badyia Skirmishers – Light stalk (remain hidden in all terrains) Javelinmen
Desert Pikes – Light, rapid advance pikes with high missile block chance
Dune Lancers – Very light guerilla-deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Mavia’s Bodyguards – Very heavy shock cavalry (general’s unit)
Mavia’s Chargers – Very light shock cav with very good charge bonus
Mavia’s Chosen – Very light shock cav with exceptional charge bonus
Mavia’s Lancers – Very light shock cav with good charge bonus
Rebellion Militia – Zero-upkeep troops with high missile block chance and low damage
Sandstorm Lancers – Very light guerilla deployment shock cavalry with javelin precursor
Tanukhid Ambushers – Light stalk swordsmen with exceptional charge
Tanukhid Pikes – Heavy pikes with rapid advance
Desert Palatina Defectors – Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Desert Legionary Guards - Heavy Roman defensive infantry
Hetaireia Guards – Roman two-handed axe infantry
Clibanarii – Heavy Roman shock cavalry with bows
Located on the coast of Africa, the people of Aksum owe their power to excellent trade routes, a fact reflected in their gameplay and traits.
Faction Trait: Gateway To The EastSupply network: +30 food for each active trade network (maximum 150).
Merchant Guards: +100 to mercenary pool replenishment rate.
Commercial Mastery: +10% trade income.
The Kingdom of Aksum grows prosperous through trade; the Silk Road is kind to those who know
how to harness its riches, and the Aksumites have spent their lives trading along it.
Although its Ethiopian heartlands have been occupied for hundreds of years, Aksum has recently grown in size due to the hugely lucrative trade route to India and beyond, on which it sits. When a nation becomes so rich and powerful, it attracts those who wish to steal its wealth for themselves; the neighbouring Himyarites are one such adversary.
As the 5th century dawns, military and religious lines have once again been drawn in the sand. Aksum enjoys Rome's favour, and the wealth of the world fills its coffers - let those who would challenge that might face Aksumite steel, and feel Aksumite strength!
Campaign features
Unique Event ChainA unique event chain challenges you to claim a series of resources in exchange for unlocking new spice buildings, and Gupta Indian influenced units.
Unit Roster The Aksumite roster focuses on powerful spears and shock troops. They are lightly armoured but capable of devastating optimal damage. They also have a number of unusual troops, such as hunting dog archers and hybrid axe/bow units.
Abunas Guard – Heavy defensive spear cavalry (Eastern Christian only)
Adana Marksmen – Elite Warhound bowmen
Adana Trackers – Warhound Bowmen
Afar Camel Riders – Guerilla deployment mounted Camel Swordsmen
Afar Raidmasters – Shock infantry with exceptional attack (Semitic Pagan only)
Afar Swordsmen – Shock infantry with high attack
Beher’s Chosen – Heavy shotel unit (Semitic Pagan only)
Bet Giorgis Cavalry – Medium spear cavalry with exceptional attack (Eastern Christian only)
Elite Tor Warriors – Heavy defensive spears
Marz Archers – Snipe (fire from cover) archers
Masqal Spearmen – High armour-piercing, high attack spearmen (Eastern Christian only)
Mounted Marz Archers – Mounted archers
Ras Guard – Heavy defensive spear unit with precursor
Sons of the Invincible Mahrem – High base damage, high attack spearmen (Semitic Pagan only)
Spice Guard – Hybrid two-handed axe unit with bow
Spice Warriors – Light khanda wielder
T’or Warriors – Defensive spearmen
Himyar is a powerful Arabian kingdom on the peninsula. The Himyarites survive in their arid lands through a series of specialised adaptations to the desert.
Faction Trait: Desert Warriors
Fatigue rate: -15% for all warriors.
Marib Dam: Unique fertility-boosting building in faction capital.
Desert Saboteurs: Stops foreign replenishment in regions where armies are present.
HistoryThe Sabaean Kingdom is diminished and, in its place, Himyar ascends! The victorious Shamir Yuhar'ish has declared himself "King of Saba, Dhu Raydan and of Hadramawt and Yamanat" at his coronation, and no one dares challenge this proclamation.
Sabaean local power was based, in large part, on overland trade routes, but Himyar has discovered and exploited new sea trade routes to India, making it the principle economic power in southern Arabia. Much like neighbouring Aksum, Himyar controls the flow of trade along major trade routes to the east.
The militaristic Himyarites relentlessly pursue their aims, particularly when facing the hated Aksumites. Himyar has even recently converted to Judaism, seemingly only to fuel the constant war that rages between them. It has sacrificed much to hold onto a powerful position during a tumultuous time, and will surely seize the future by force of will alone!
Campaign features
Marib Dam: Unique EventsThe Marib Dam was an engineering marvel of the ancient world, though it was famously breached. Playing as Himyar, players will periodically be presented with options to make repairs. Leaving the dam untended brings the risk of floods, and repair is costly – however, in good working order, the dam can bring a powerful series of benefits.
Unit RosterHardy and weathered, Himyar forces are drilled to feats of great stamina. Their roster is built around a series of tanking defensive units to represent their desert hardiness.
Almaqahs Lancers – Very heavy camel lancers (Semitic Pagan only)
Armoured Himyarite Shotelai – Armoured camel mounted shotelai
Ashum – Light archers with large shield
Athars Chosen – 80 man unit with exceptional health, attack, morale, damage and charge (Semitic Pagan only)
Baltha Defenders – Elite heavy defensive axe infantry
Baltha Warriors – Defensive axe infantry
Himyarite Shotelai – Camel mounted shotel unit
Jamal al-Baltha – Camel mounted axe men
Jamal al-Rumha – Camel mounted javelin unit
Khahyahlim – Heavily armoured defensive sword unit (Judaism only)
Rumha Skirmishers – Heavily armoured skirmishers with spear wall formation
Rumha Warriors – Elite heavy skirmishers with spear wall formation
Sahnegohrim – Exceptional melee defense unit (Judaism only)
Zafar Sentinels – Very heavy defensive axe unit (general only)
Zealot Sicarius – Fragile stalk unit with high moral and charge (Judaism only)
Zodiac Archers - Mounted archers (Semitic Pagan only