Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)
Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)
Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)
Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)
Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)
Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)
Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)

Total War: Rome 2 (Emperor Edition) (EU)

Release Date: 16/09/2014 | EU
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19.49 € + VAT


Total War Academy

Sobre o jogo

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Относно играта

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

O hře

Informace o hře Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition.

Emperor Edition představuje definitivní vydání hry ROME II, které obsahuje zdokonalený politický systém, renovované řetězce staveb, opětovně vyvážené souboje a zdokonalené vizuální prvky, a to v kampani a v souboji.

Emperor Edition obsahuje všechny aktualizace zdarma zpřístupněné od jejího vydání v roce 2013 včetně oprav chyb, vyvažování hry, integrace služby Twitch.tv a kompatibility s dotykovými obrazovkami a systémy Mac. Navíc obsahuje i balíček kampaně „Imperator Augustus“ zdarma, který se zabývá událostmi po smrti Césara.​

Balík Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack a všechen obsah a funkce vydání Emperor Edition jsou bezplatné a dostupné přes automatickou aktualizaci pro všechny současné vlastníky hry ROME II.

Informace o Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack představuje novou herní kampaň hry ROME II, která konkuruje originální kampani ROME II Grand Campaign, a to svou délkou a rozsahem. Tato kampaň je dodávána jako součást hry Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition a je dostupná jako bezplatná a automatická aktualizace pro stávající vlastníky hry Total War™: ROME II.

Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack se odehrává v roce 42 před n.l. během chaotických dozvuků po zákeřné vraždě Césara. Republika se nerozpadla, ale její duše je rozdělena mezi tři velké muže, členy druhého Triumvirátu, kteří drží budoucnost Říma ve svých rukou.

Oktavián, Césarův adoptivní syn a dědic jeho odkazu.

Markus Antónius, Césarův věrný přítel a jeho nejvěrnější poručík.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus Říma a muž, který zajistil Césarovu diktaturu.

S teritorii Republiky, která jsou mezi ně rozdělena a s vojenskou silou Říma, kterou mají k dispozici, je každý z členů Druhého triumvirátu v pozici zabojovat o vedoucí pozici a vládnout Římu jako jeho první a jediný císař.

Avšak externí síly jsou v pohybu, přičemž chtějí využít nestabilitu Říma a rozšířit svá vlastní teritoria. Budeš bojovat jako ochránce Říma a porazíš zbývající členy Triumvirátu? Nebo budeš vést další frakci na výbojné a expanzní kampani a využiješ chaos během zuření římské občanské války?

Herní frakce
Hráči se mohou zúčastnit nové kampaně na straně jedné z herních frakcí:

Marc Antony
Armenia (dá se nyní také hrát v kampani ROME II Grand Campaign).

Kam až zajdete při budování větší slávy Říma?

Cenami ověnčená série Total War se vrací do Říma a zvyšuje laťku kvality zpracování v celém žánru strategií. Staňte v čele první světové supervelmoci a velte mohutné vojenské mašinérii starověkého světa. Pokořte své protivníky vojensky, ekonomicky i politicky. Váš vzestup k moci vyvolá obdiv i závist, a to i od vašich nejbližších spojenců.

Okusíte hořkost zrady, nebo to budete vy, kdo své staré přátele zaprodá jako první? Budete bojovat za záchranu Republiky, nebo rozvinete síť intrik a pokusíte se usednout na císařský trůn, aniž byste se o moc dělili s kýmkoliv jiným?

✢ Pusťte se do dobývání celého známého světa v rozsáhlé otevřené tahové kampani (její součástí jsou i dodatečné kooperativní a soutěžní režimy pro 2 hráče). Pletichy, politika, intriky, vzpoury, vděčnost, čest, ambice, zrady. Od vašich rozhodnutí se bude odvíjet celý váš příběh.

✢ Budujte mohutné armády a veďte je na bojišti v reálném čase. Prokažte při ovládání desetitisíců mužů své taktické schopnosti a střetněte se s nepřáteli v epických bitvách na souši i na moři.

✢ Bojujte za větší slávu Říma v roli jednoho ze tří slavných rodů, nebo se ujměte velení některé z mnoha znepřátelených civilizací. Každá z nich nabízí odlišný herní zážitek. Čekají na vás stovky jedinečných jednotek – od obléhacích strojů přes těžkou jízdu až k opancéřovaným legionářům a barbarským berserkerům.

✢ Kochejte se pohledem na exotická starověká města, obří armády vykreslené do těch nejmenších detailů a dech beroucí bitvy. Při záběrech zblízka uvidíte své vojáky nadšeně se radovat z vítězství či křičet bolestí při střetu s nepřítelem. Díky nové taktické kameře si navíc snadno udržíte přehled o celkovém průběhu divoké řeže pod vámi a můžete dle toho měnit svou strategii.

✢ Hra nabízí nepřeberné množství prvků, které si můžete upravit dle vlastního uvážení. Herní systém i grafické zpracování jsou optimalizovány pro slabší i velmi výkonné počítače.

Total War Academy

Om spillet

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Info over het spel

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

About the Game

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Tietoja pelistä

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

À propos du jeu

À propos de Total War : ROME II - Emperor Edition

Emperor Edition est la version ultime de ROME II, elle inclut un système politique amélioré, des chaînes de construction remaniées, des combats rééquilibrés et des visuels améliorés à la fois en campagne et en bataille.

Emperor Edition comprend toutes les mises à jour disponibles depuis son lancement en 2013. Celles-ci incluent la correction de bugs, l'équilibrage, l'intégration de Twitch.tv, les commandes tactiles et la compatibilité Mac. De plus, le pack de campagne DLC gratuit « Imperator Augustus », qui suit les conséquences de la mort de César, est inclus.​

Le pack de campagne Imperator Augustus ainsi que tout le contenu et fonctionnalités de Emperor Edition sont gratuits, via une mise à jour gratuite pour tous les possesseurs de ROME II.

À propos du pack de campagne Imperator Augustus
Le pack de campagne Imperator Augustus est une nouvelle campagne jouable pour ROME II, qui rivalise avec la campagne principale de ROME II, à la fois en termes d'étendue et d'échelle. Cette campagne vient s'ajouter à Total War™ : ROME II - Emperor Edition, disponible gratuitement et en mise à jour automatique pour les possesseurs de Total War™ : ROME II.

Le pack de campagne Imperator Augustus se déroule en 42 avant Jésus-Christ, durant la période de troubles qui a suivi le meurtre atroce de César. La république reste entière, mais son âme est divisée car trois grands hommes, les membres du Second triumvirat, tiennent le sort de Rome entre leurs mains.
Octave, le fils adoptif de César et également son héritier.

Marc Antoine, l'ami loyal de César et lieutenant le plus fidèle.

Lépide, grand pontife de Rome et l'homme qui a assuré la dictature de César.

Avec les territoires de la République divisés entre eux et la puissance militaire de Rome à leurs pieds, les membres du Second triumvirat sont chacun en position de parier sur le pouvoir et diriger Rome comme son seul - et unique - empereur.

Toutefois, des forces extérieures sont en marche, cherchant à exploiter l'instabilité de Rome pour étendre leurs propres territoires. Combattrez-vous en tant que défenseur de Rome et déferez-vous les autres membres du triumvirat ? Ou dirigerez-vous une autre faction dans une campagne de conquête et d'expansion, et tirerez profit du chaos, alors que la guerre civile romaine fait rage ?

Factions jouables
Les joueurs peuvent embarquer dans une nouvelle campagne en tant qu'une des factions jouables suivantes :
Marc Antoine
Arménie (maintenant jouable dans la campagne principale de ROME II)

Jusqu'où irez-vous pour Rome ?

La série primée des Total War revient à Rome, établissant ainsi un nouveau point de référence de qualité pour les jeux de stratégie. Devenez la première superpuissance mondiale et commandez la machine de guerre la plus incroyable du monde antique. Dominez vos ennemis par des moyens militaires, économiques et politiques. Votre ascension suscitera à la fois l'admiration et la jalousie, même de vos alliés les plus proches.

Souffrirez-vous de la trahison ou serez-vous le premier à tourner le dos à de vieux amis ? Vous battrez-vous pour sauver la République, ou comploterez-vous pour régner seul comme empereur ?

✢ Planifiez votre conquête du monde connu dans un immense jeu à environnements ouverts au tour par tour (supportant des modes de jeu à 2 joueurs en coopération et en compétition). Conspiration, politique, intrigue, révolte, fidélité, honneur, ambition, trahison. Vos décisions écriront votre propre histoire.

✢ Construisez de vastes armées et entrez sur le champ de bataille dans un mode de combat en temps réel. Mettez vos compétences tactiques à l'épreuve en commandant directement des dizaines de milliers d'hommes s'affrontant dans d'épiques batailles terrestres et navales.

✢ Jouez pour la gloire de Rome en représentant l'une des trois familles ou prenez le commandement d'une grande variété de civilisations rivales; chacune propose une forme sensiblement différente d’expérience de jeu grâce aux centaines d'unités différentes, des machines de siège et cavalerie lourde, aux légionnaires en acier plaqué et barbares berserkers.

✢ Admirez d’antiques villes exotiques et des armées colossales dans un rendu incroyablement détaillé, comme le stupéfiant déroulement des batailles. Des angles de vue détaillés vous permettent de voir vos hommes crier victoire ou hurler de douleur sur la ligne de front, tandis qu'une nouvelle caméra tactique vous offre une vue aérienne du carnage pour améliorer vos décisions stratégiques.

✢ Une expérience extrêmement évolutive, avec une jouabilité et des performances graphiques optimisées, s’adaptant aussi bien au matériel bas de gamme que haut de gamme.

Total War Academy

Über das Spiel

Über Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Die Emperor Edition ist ein unverzichtbarer Teil von ROME II und umfasst ein verbessertes Politiksystem, verbesserte Gebäudeketten, neu ausbalancierte Schlachten und verbesserte Grafiken für die Kampagne und Gefechte.

Die Emperor Edition enthält alle kostenlosen Feature-Updates seit der Veröffentlichung des Spiels 2013, inklusive Bugfixes, Balanceoptimierungen, Twitch.tv-Integration sowie Touchscreen- und Mac-Kompatibilität. Außerdem enthalten ist das Kampagnenpaket „Imperator Augustus“ als kostenloses DLC, in dem die Nachwirkungen von Cäsars Niedergang im Vordergrund stehen.​

Das Kampagnenpack "Kaiser Augustus" und alle Inhalte und Funktionen der Emperor Edition stehen als kostenloses automatisches Update allen bestehenden ROME II-Besitzern zur Verfügung.

Über das Kampagnenpack "Kaiser Augustus"

Das Kampagnenpack "Kaiser Augustus" beinhaltet eine neue Kampagne für ROME II, die in Umfang und Detailreichtum der großen Kampagne des Hauptspiels ROME II in nichts nachsteht. Diese Kampagne ist ebenfalls Teil der Total War™: ROME II - Emperor Edition und steht als kostenloses automatisches Update allen bestehenden Besitzern von Total War™: ROME II zur Verfügung.

Das Kampagnenpack "Kaiser Augustus" beginnt im Jahr 42 vor Christus während der chaotischen Verhältnisse nach Cäsars hinterhältiger Ermordung. Die Republik hat zwar noch Bestand, aber ihre Seele ist gespalten, denn drei große Männer, die Mitglieder des Zweiten Triumvirats, halten die Zukunft Roms in den Händen.

Octavian, Cäsars Adoptivsohn und Erbe seines Vermächtnisses.

Marcus Antonius, Cäsars loyaler Freund und vertrauter Leutnant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus von Rom und der Mann, der Cäsars Herrschaft sicherte.

Die drei Männer haben die Territorien der Republik unter such aufgeteilt und die Militärmacht Roms steht zu ihrer Verfügung. Somit erheben alle Mitglieder des zweiten Triumvirats ihren Herrschaftsanspruch auf Rom als dessen erster und einziger Kaiser.

Kräfte von außen haben sich jedoch ebenfalls in Bewegung gesetzt und trachten danach, Roms innere Zerrissenheit zur Ausweitung ihrer eigenen Herrschaftsgebiete auszunutzen. Werden Sie als Verteidiger Roms kämpfen und die anderen Mitglieder des Triumvirats ausschalten? Oder werden Sie eine der anderen Fraktionen auf ihrem Eroberungsfeldzug anführen und das Chaos des römischen Bürgerkriegs für Ihre Zwecke zu nutzen wissen?

Spielbare Fraktionen
Spieler können in der neuen Kampagne eine der folgenden Fraktionen spielen:
Marcus Antonius
Armenien (ebenfalls spielbar in der großen Kampagne von ROME II).

Wie weit würden Sie für Rom gehen?

Die Entwickler der preisgekrönten „Total War“-Reihe setzen neue Maßstäbe in Sachen Qualität und Tiefe in Strategiespielen und heben ihre unverkennbare Mischung aus Echtzeit und rundenbasiertem Spielerlebnis mit Total War: Rome 2 auf ein neues Level. Werden Sie zur größten Supermacht der Welt und befehligen Sie die unglaublichste und gewaltigste Armee der Antike. Herrschen Sie über Ihre Feinde mithilfe militärischer, wirtschaftlicher und politischer Mittel. Ihr Aufstieg wird Ihnen die Bewunderung Ihrer Anhänger bringen, aber auch Gier und Neid anziehen, selbst von Ihren engsten Vertrauten.

Werden Sie unter dem Verrat anderer leiden oder sind Sie derjenige, der sich zuerst gegen alte Freunde richtet? Werden Sie kämpfen, um die Republik zu retten, oder planen Sie das Reich als Kaiser alleine zu regieren?

✢ Planen Sie die Eroberung der bekannten Welt in einer umfassenden rundenbasierten Kampagne (einschließlich kooperativem und kompetitivem 2-Spieler-Modus). Verschwörungen, Politik, Intrigen, Revolten, Loyalität, Ehre, Ambitionen, Verrat: Ihre Entscheidungen bestimmen Ihre eigene Geschichte.

✢ Erstellen Sie gewaltige Armeen und erleben Sie atemberaubende Schlachten im Echtzeitkampf. Stellen Sie Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten auf die Probe und befehligen Sie Zehntausende Soldaten in epischen Schlachten an Land und auf See.

✢ Kämpfen Sie als eine von drei Familien für den Ruhm Roms oder übernehmen Sie eines der zahlreichen rivalisierenden Völker – ein jedes einzigartig zu spielen und mit Hunderten verschiedener Einheiten, von Belagerungswaffen und schwerer Reiterei bis hin zu Legionären in Plattenrüstung und barbarischen Berserkern.

✢ Erleben Sie exotische und antike Städte sowie kolossale Armeen in unglaublichem Detailgrad, während sich atemberaubende Schlachten vor Ihnen entfalten. Die neue Einheitenkamera erlaubt Ihnen, die Kämpfe aus jeder Perspektive zu verfolgen. Erleben Sie hautnah, wie Ihre Soldaten im Siegestaumel jubeln oder vor Schmerzen schreien, während Ihnen eine neue Taktikperspektive die Draufsicht auf das Kampfgeschehen ermöglicht, die Sie bei Ihren strategischen Entscheidungen unterstützt.

✢ Erleben Sie eine gänzlich skalierbare Spielerfahrung mit optimierter Leistung, unabhängig von Ihrer Systemkonfiguration.

Total War Academy

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

A játékról: 

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Informazioni sul gioco

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Emperor Edition è l'edizione definitiva di ROME II: offre un sistema della politica migliorato, costruzione rivista, battaglie ribilanciate e grafica migliorata sia nella campagna che nelle battaglie.

Emperor Edition contiene tutti gli aggiornamenti gratuiti dall'uscita del gioco nel 2013, tra cui correzioni di bug, stabilità, integrazione di Twitch.tv, touchscreen e compatibilità con Mac. Inoltre, include un pacchetto DLC gratuito della campagna "Imperator Augustus", che ripercorre i fatti successivi alla morte di Cesare.​

Il pacchetto campagna Imperator Augustus e tutti i contenuti dell'Emperor Edition sono gratuiti e disponibili attraverso un aggiornamento automatico per tutti i possessori di ROME II.

Pacchetto campagna Imperator Augustus

Il pacchetto campagna Imperator Augustus offre una nuova campagna giocabile per ROME II, paragonabile alla grande campagna originale come dimensione e obiettivi. Essa fa parte di Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition ed è disponibile come aggiornamento automatico e gratuito per i possessori di Total War™: ROME II.

Il pacchetto campagna Imperator Augustus è ambientato nel 42 a.C., durante gli eventi successivi al violento assassino di Cesare. La Repubblica resta in piedi, ma è divisa tra i tre membri del secondo triumvirato: il futuro di Roma è tutto nelle loro mani.

Ottaviano, figlio adottivo di Cesare e suo erede.

Marco Antonio, fidato amico e luogotenente di Cesare.

Lepido, pontefice massimo di Roma che svolse un ruolo importante nel sostegno della dittatura di Cesare.

Con i territori della Repubblica divisi e con il potente esercito di Roma a disposizione, ciascun triumviro può ambire al dominio di Roma come primo e unico Imperatore.
Forze esterne sono però pronte a fare la loro mossa e approfittare dell'instabilità di Roma per ampliare i propri territori. Difenderai Roma e sconfiggerai gli altri membri del triumvirato? O guiderai un'altra fazione in una campagna di conquista ed espansione, sfruttando il caos della guerra civile a tuo vantaggio?

Fazioni giocabili
I giocatori possono affrontare una nuova campagna giocando con una delle seguenti fazioni:
Marco Antonio
Armenia (ora giocabile anche nella grande campagna di ROME II).

Cosa sei disposto a fare per Roma?

La pluripremiata serie Total War torna a Roma, con l’intenzione di stabilire un nuovo standard per i giochi di strategia. Diventa la prima superpotenza del mondo e guida la più incredibile macchina da guerra del mondo antico. Domina i tuoi nemici attraverso la guerra, l'economia e la politica. La tua ascesa ti procurerà ammirazione e invidia, anche da parte dei tuoi alleati più fedeli.

Subirai il tradimento o sarai tu a rivoltarti contro i vecchi amici? Combatterai per salvare la Repubblica o cercherai di regnare da solo diventando imperatore?

✢ Pianifica la conquista del mondo conosciuto in un'enorme campagna libera a turni (che supporta modalità aggiuntive a 2 giocatori, cooperativa e competitiva). Congiure, politica, intrighi, rivolte, lealtà, onore, ambizione, tradimento. Le decisioni che prenderai plasmeranno il tuo destino.

✢ Crea grandi eserciti e affronta il campo di battaglia grazie alla modalità di combattimento in tempo reale. Metti alla prova le tue abilità strategiche controllando decine di migliaia di uomini che si affrontano in epiche battaglie per terra e per mare.

✢ Combatti per la gloria di Roma alla guida di una delle tre famiglie o assumi il comando di una tra le molte civiltà nemiche, ciascuna delle quali consente uno stile di gioco molto diversi con centinaia di unità esclusive; dalle macchine d'assedio alla cavalleria pesante, dai legionari ricoperti d'acciaio ai berserker barbari.

✢ Ammira antiche città esotiche e immensi eserciti riprodotti nei minimi dettagli nel corso di battaglie mozzafiato. Le visuali dettagliate permettono di osservare i tuoi uomini mentre lanciano grida di vittoria o urlano di dolore in prima linea, mentre una nuova visuale tattica ti fornirà una veduta aerea del massacro per consentirti di prendere al meglio le decisioni strategiche.

✢ Esperienza profondamente modificabile, con meccanica di gioco e prestazioni grafiche ottimizzate per adattarsi a hardware di tutti i tipi.

Total War Academy


Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

게임 정보

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Om spillet

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Informacje o grze

Informacje o Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition

Emperor Edition to ostateczna edycja ROME II, zawierająca usprawniony system polityczny, przebudowane drzewa budynków, wyrównane bitwy i ulepszoną grafikę, zarówno w kampanii, jak i silniku bitewnym.

Emperor Edition zawiera wszystkie darmowe aktualizacje funkcji gry wprowadzone od jej wydania w 2013 r., w tym poprawki błędów, usprawnienia zrównoważenia gry, integrację z Twitch.tv, sterowanie dotykowe oraz kompatybilność z komputerami Mac. Co więcej, w skład tej edycji wchodzi darmowy pakiet kampanii Imperator Augustus, która opowiada o następstwach śmierci Cezara.​

Pakiet kampanii Cesarza Augusta oraz cała zawartość Emperor Edition i jej funkcje są dostępne bezpłatnie, poprzez automatyczną aktualizację, dla wszystkich obecnych posiadaczy ROME II.

Informacje o pakiecie kampanii Cesarza Augusta

Pakiet kampanii Cesarza Augusta to nowa grywalna kampania dla ROME II, która zarówno pod względem skali, jak i rozmachu może konkurować z oryginalną główną kampanią ROME II. Kampania ta jest częścią Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition i jest dostępna jako bezpłatna, automatyczna aktualizacja dla obecnych posiadaczy Total War™: ROME II.

Akcja pakietu kampanii Cesarza Augusta toczy się w 42 roku przed naszą erą, tuż po brutalnym zabójstwie Cezara. Republika trwa, ale jest podzielona, a los Rzymu spoczywa w rękach trzech wielkich dowódców, członków drugiego triumwiratu.

Oktawiana, adoptowanego syna Cezara i spadkobiercy jego spuścizny.

Marka Antoniusza, wiernego przyjaciela Cezara i jego najbardziej zaufanego porucznika.

Marka Emiliusza Lepidusa, najwyższego kapłana Rzymu i człowieka, który wzmacniał dyktaturę Cezara.

Ziemie Republiki zostały podzielone pomiędzy tę trójkę, a wojskowa potęga Rzymu jest na ich skinienie. Członkowie drugiego triumwiratu mogą pokusić się o przywództwo i władać Rzymem jako jego pierwszy - i jedyny - cesarz.

Wojska okolicznych państw również nie próżnują, próbując wykorzystać rzymskie zawirowania i rozszerzyć własne terytoria. Czy staniesz na czele wojsk jako obrońca Rzymu i pokonasz pozostałych członków triumwiratu? A może poprowadzisz inną frakcję w kampanii podbojów i wykorzystasz chaos rzymskiej wojny domowej?

Grywalne frakcje
Gracze mogą rozpocząć nową kampanię jako jedna z następujących, grywalnych frakcji:

Marek Antoniusz
Armenia (grywalne teraz również w głównej kampanii ROME II)

Jak daleko się posuniesz dla dobra Rzymu?

Nagradzana seria Total War powraca do Rzymu w zupełnie nowej grze, wyznaczającej standardy gatunku strategii. Stwórz pierwsze w historii supermocarstwo i poprowadź do boju najpotężniejszą machinę wojenną starożytnego świata. Zdominuj wrogów, korzystając z narzędzi wojskowych, gospodarczych i politycznych. Twe panowanie spotka się z podziwem, ale i zazdrością... nawet wśród najbliższych sojuszników.

Czy zostaniesz zdradzony czy to Ty jako pierwszy zwrócisz się przeciwko przyjaciołom? Czy będziesz walczył w obronie Republiki, czy zechcesz samotnie przejąć tron i mianować się cesarzem?

✢ Planuj podboje znanego świata w ogromnym, turowym trybie kampanii (obsługuje również tryby współpracy i rywalizacji dla 2 osób). Spiski, polityka, intrygi, rewolucje, lojalność, honor, ambicje i zdrada - od Twoich decyzji zależy przebieg historii.

✢ Sformuj potężne armie i ruszaj na pole bitwy w czasie rzeczywistym. Skorzystaj ze swoich umiejętności taktycznych, dowodź dziesiątkami tysięcy żołnierzy i stocz epickie bitwy na lądzie i morzu.

✢ Walcz ku chwale Rzymu jako jedna z trzech rodzin albo obejmij przywództwo jednej z wielu rywalizujących cywilizacji. Każda frakcja to inny styl rozgrywki oraz setki unikatowych jednostek - od machin oblężniczych i ciężkiej kawalerii po zakutych w stal legionistów i barbarzyńskich wojów.

✢ Odwiedź egzotyczne, starożytne miasta, obejrzyj kolosalne armie, odtworzone z niezwykłą dbałością o szczegóły i zobacz niesamowite bitwy. Różne perspektywy kamery pozwolą Ci zobaczyć, jak Twoi żołnierze wydają okrzyki bojowe lub zwijają się z bólu na linii frontu, a nowa kamera taktyczna umożliwi Ci obejrzenie pola walki z lotu ptaka, abyś mógł łatwiej podejmować decyzje strategiczne.

✢ Niepowtarzalna skalowalność oznacza, że rozgrywka i grafika zostały zoptymalizowane zarówno dla nieco słabszych, jak i najpotężniejszych konfiguracji sprzętowych.

Total War Academy

Acerca do Jogo

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Despre joc

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Об игре

Сведения об издании Total War: ROME II - «Обновленное издание»

«Обновленное издание» - это наиболее полное издание игры ROME II с улучшенной системой политики, переработанными цепочками построек, исправленным балансом в битвах и улучшенной графикой в кампании и боях.

Императорское издание содержит все бесплатные обновления функций, выпущенные с момента выхода игры в 2013 г., в том числе исправление ошибок, улучшение баланса, интеграция с Twitch.tv, управление касанием, а также совместимость с Mac. Кроме того, оно включает бесплатное дополнение с кампанией "Император Август", действие которой начинается после убийства Цезаря.​

Новое дополнение с кампанией "Император Август" и все материалы издания «Обновленное издание» будут доступны владельцам игры ROME II бесплатно в рамках автоматического обновления.

Сведения о новом дополнении с кампанией "Император Август"

Новое дополнение с кампанией "Император Август" содержит кампанию для ROME II, которая превосходит основную кампанию ROME II и охватом, и масштабом. Эта кампания входит в издание Total War™: ROME II – «Обновленное издание» и владельцы игры Total War™: ROME II получат ее в рамках автоматического бесплатного обновления.

Действие кампании "Император Август" начинается в 42 году до н. э., когда после жестокого убийства Цезаря в Риме разразился хаос. Снаружи Республика оставалось единой, но изнутри ее раздирали противоречия. Будущее Рима держали в своих руках три великих человека - Второй Триумвират.

Октавиан, приемный сын и наследник Цезаря.

Марк Антоний, верный друг Цезаря и его доверенный военачальник.

Лепид, великий понтифик Рима и человек, благодаря которому Цезарь стал диктатором.

Территория Республики была разделена между ними, и к их услугам была вся военная мощь Рима. Каждый из членов Триумвирата был готов начать борьбу за власть, чтобы стать единоличным императором Рима.

Однако в игру вступают и сторонние силы, которые замыслили воспользоваться нестабильностью в Риме, чтобы захватить новые земли. Станете ли вы защитником Рима, который одержит победу над другими членами Триумвирата? Или поведете в завоевательный поход другую фракцию, ухватившись за возможность, которую дает хаос гражданской войны?

Фракции для игры
В новой кампании игроки могут сыграть за любую из следующих фракций:
Марк Антоний
Армения (также ставшая доступной для игры в основной кампании ROME II).

На что вы готовы ради Рима?

Покоривший сердца игроков со всего мира сериал Total War возвращается в Рим и задает новый стандарт качества для стратегических игр. Встаньте во главе первой в мире сверхдержавы и возьмите под свое командование самую мощную военную машину древнего мира. Для победы над врагами вам доступны любые средства – боевые, экономические и политические. Но помните, ваш триумф может вызвать не только уважение, но и зависть даже самых близких союзников.

Станете ли вы жертвой предательства или сами первыми начнете плести заговоры против старых друзей? Будете ли вы бороться за сохранение республики или захотите единолично править империей?

✢ Тщательно планируйте покорение мира в обширном режиме кампании с полной свободой действий (также предлагается режим для двух игроков – для совместного прохождения и для игры друг против друга). Заговоры, политика, интриги, восстания, верность, преданность, честь, амбиции, предательство… Принимайте решения и пишите свою историю.

✢ Создавайте огромные армии и устраивайте масштабные сражения в реальном времени. Испытайте свой тактический гений, управляя десятками тысяч солдат в грандиозных морских и сухопутных сражениях.

✢ Отстаивайте величие Рима, управляя одной из трех семей, или выступите в качестве лидера любой из множества враждующих цивилизаций – каждая сторона предлагает свой особый стиль игры с сотнями уникальных боевых единиц: от осадных орудий и тяжелой кавалерии до легионеров в стальных доспехах и безжалостных берсерков варварских племен.

✢ Перед вами предстанут древние города и огромные армии, воссозданные с невероятным вниманием к деталям – от красоты и масштаба сражений просто захватывает дух. Особые ракурсы демонстрируют, как солдаты на поле боя празднуют победу или стонут от боли, а новый тактический режим камеры позволяет взглянуть на сражение с высоты птичьего полета и принять обдуманное и стратегически выгодное решение.

✢ Игра позволяет настроить уровень графики под производительность любой системы.

Total War Academy


Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Acerca del juego

Acerca de Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Emperor Edition es la edición definitiva de ROME II, y contiene un sistema político mejorado, cadenas de construcción renovadas, batallas reequilibradas y mejores gráficos tanto en campaña como en batalla.

Emperor Edition contiene todas las actualizaciones de características gratuitas añadidas desde su lanzamiento en 2013, entre las que se incluyen correcciones de errores, equilibrado, integración de Twitch.tv, pantalla táctil y compatibilidad con Mac. Además, este incluye un pack gratuito de DLC de la campaña «Emperador Augusto». que continua tras la muerte de César.​

El pack de Campaña Emperador Augusto y todo el contenido y características de la Emperor Edition son gratuitos, mediante actualización automática, para todos los que posean ROME II.

Acerca del pack de Campaña Emperador Augusto

El pack de Campaña Emperador Augusto es una nueva campaña jugable para ROME II, que rivaliza en tamaño con la gran campaña original de ROME II. Esta campaña forma parte de Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition y está disponible gratuitamente como actualización automática para los que posean Total War™: ROME II.

El pack de Campaña Emperador Augusto está ambientado en el año 42 a. C., durante el caótico periodo posterior al brutal asesinato de César. La República permanece unida, pero su alma está dividida entre tres grandes hombres, los miembros del Segundo Triunvirato, que ostentan el futuro de Roma en las palmas de sus manos.

Octavio, el hijo adoptivo de César y heredero de su legado.

Marco Antonio, leal amigo de César y su teniente de más confianza.

Lépido, Sumo Pontífice de Roma y el hombre que aseguró la dictadura de César.

Con los territorios de la República divididos entre ellos y el poder militar de Roma a su disposición, cada uno de los tres miembros del Segundo Triunvirato aspira al liderazgo y gobierno de Roma como su primer, y único, emperador.

Sin embargo, hay fuerzas externas que buscan explotar la inestabilidad de Roma y expandir sus propios territorios. ¿Combatirás como defensor de Roma y vencerás a los otros miembros del Triunvirato? ¿O dirigirás a otra facción en una campaña de conquista y expansión, aprovechándote del caos de la guerra civil romana?

Facciones jugables
Los jugadores pueden embarcarse en una nueva campaña como una de las siguientes facciones jugables:

Marco Antonio
Armenia (ahora también jugable en la gran campaña de ROME II).

¿Hasta dónde llegarías por Roma?

La premiada serie Total War vuelve a Roma para subir aún más el listón de la calidad en los juegos de estrategia. Conviértete en la primera superpotencia del mundo y dirige la maquinaria de guerra más increíble de la Antigüedad. Domina a tus enemigos por medios militares, económicos y políticos. Tu ascenso atraerá tanto la admiración como la envidia, incluso por parte de tus mayores aliados.

¿Serás víctima de la traición o serás tú el primero en volverse contra sus viejos amigos? ¿Lucharás por salvar la república o tramarás en secreto por gobernar en solitario como emperador?

✢ Planifica tu conquista del mundo conocido en un inmenso modo de campaña abierta por turnos (con modos adicionales cooperativos y competitivos de 2 jugadores). Conspiraciones, política, intrigas, revueltas, lealtad, honor, ambición, traición. Tus decisiones escribirán la historia.

✢ Forma vastos ejércitos y lánzate al campo de batalla en el modo de combate en tiempo real. Pon a prueba tus habilidades tácticas mientras controlas directamente a decenas de miles de hombres que se enfrentan en épicas batallas por tierra y mar.

✢ Juega por la gloria de Roma con una de las tres familias o toma el control de una enorme variedad de civilizaciones rivales, cada una de las cuales ofrece una experiencia de juego distinta y cientos de unidades propias, desde armas de asedio y caballería pesada hasta legionarios con coraza y bárbaros furiosos.

✢ Contempla exóticas ciudades antiguas y ejércitos colosales renderizados con un detalle increíble mientras se libran batallas que te cortarán la respiración. Las detalladas perspectivas de la cámara te permiten ver a tus hombres gritar victoriosos o dar alaridos de dolor en el frente, al tiempo que una nueva cámara táctica proporciona una vista global de la batalla con la que informarte mejor para tomar tus decisiones estratégicas.

✢ Extrema flexibilidad para adaptarse a las capacidades de tu equipo: el rendimiento del juego y los gráficos están optimizados para funcionar correctamente tanto en hardware de gama alta como de gama baja.

Total War Academy

Om spelet

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy


Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy


Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

Total War Academy

Oyun Açıklaması

Total War Hakkında: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Daha gelişmiş bir politika sistemi, yenilenmiş yapı zincirleri, daha dengeli savaşlar ve hem senaryoda hem de savaşlarda daha iyi görseller gibi özellikler sunan Emperor Edition, ROME II’nin en kapsamlı sürümüdür.

Emperor Edition içinde 2013'ten bu yana çıkan hata düzeltmeleri, dengelemeler, Twitch.tv entegrasyonu, dokunmatik ekran ve Mac uyumluluğu dahil olmak üzere tüm ücretsiz özellik güncellemeleri bulunuyor. Buna ek olarak Sezar'ın ölümünden sonraki süreci takip eden ücretsiz DLC seferi paketi 'İmparator Augustus' bulunuyor.​

Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack ve Emperor Edition içeriği ve özelliklerinin tamamı, tüm mevcut ROME II sahiplerine, otomatik güncelleme ile ücretsiz olarak sunulmaktadır.

Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack Hakkında

Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack, ROME II'nin yeni oynanabilir senaryosudur ve hem kapsamı hem de içeriği ile orijinal ROME II Büyük Senaryo'ya rakip olabilir. Bu senaryo Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition'ın bir parçasıdır ve mevcut Total War™: ROME II sahiplerine ücretsiz ve otomatik bir güncelleme olarak sunulmaktadır.

Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack M.Ö. 42'de, Sezar'ın korkunç ölümünden sonraki kaotik dönemde geçiyor. Cumhuriyet hâlâ bütünlüğünü koruyor, ama ruhu Roma’nın geleceğini avuçlarının içinde tutan İkinci Üçlü Hükümdarlık üyesi üç büyük adam arasında bölünmüş durumda.

Octavian, Sezar'ın manevi oğlu ve mirasının varisi.

Marc Antony, Sezar'ın sadık arkadaşı ve en güvenilir yardımcısı.

Lepidus, Sezar'ın diktatörlüğünü güvence altına alan Roma Başrahibi.

Cumhuriyetin toprakları aralarında bölünmüş ve Roma’nın askeri gücü emirlerine amade olan İkinci Üçlü Hükümdarlık üyelerinin her biri liderliğe talip olabilecek ve Roma’yı ilk ve tek imparatoru olarak yönetebilecek konumda.

Ancak, dış güçler Roma'daki karışıklıktan yararlanıp kendi topraklarını genişletmek için harekete geçmiş durumda. Roma'nın savunucusu olarak savaşıp üçlü hükümdarlığın diğer üyelerini saf dışı mı bırakacaksınız? Yoksa, Roma iç savaşı tüm şiddetiyle devam ederken kaostan yararlanıp başka bir gücün başında bir fetih ve genişleme harekâtına mı girişeceksiniz?

Oynanabilir Gruplar
Oyuncular yeni Senaryo’da aşağıdaki oynanabilir gruplardan biri olarak mücadele edebilir:

Marc Antony
Part İmparatorluğu
Ermenistan (artık ROME II Büyük Senaryo'da da oynanabilir).

Total War Academy

Про гру

Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battle

Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.tv integration, touchscreen, and Mac compatibility. In addition, a free DLC campaign pack ‘The Imperator Augustus’ is included, which follows the aftermath of Caesar’s demise.

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack and all Emperor Edition updates are free, via automatic update, to all existing ROME II owners.

If you’re new to Total War: ROME II click the Total War Academy link to learn more: https://academy.totalwar.com/rome2/

About the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack

The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II.
The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is set in 42 BC during the chaotic aftermath of Caesar’s grisly murder. The republic remains whole, but its soul is divided as three great men, the members of the Second Triumvirate, hold the future of Rome in the palms of their hands.

Octavian, Caesar’s adoptive son and the heir to his legacy.

Marc Antony, Caesar’s loyal friend and most trusted lieutenant.

Lepidus, Pontifex Maximus of Rome and the man who secured Caesar’s dictatorship.

With the territories of The Republic divided between them and the military might of Rome at their beck-and-call, the members of The Second Triumvirate are each in a position to make a bid for leadership, and rule Rome as its first – and only – emperor.

However, external forces are on the move, looking to exploit the instability of Rome and expand their own territories. Will you fight as a defender of Rome and defeat the other members of the Triumvirate? Or lead another faction on a campaign of conquest and expansion, and take advantage of the chaos as the Roman civil war rages?

Playable Factions

Players may embark on a new Campaign as one of the following playable factions:
Marc Antony
Armenia (also now playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign).

How far will you go for Rome?

The award-winning Total War series returns to Rome, setting a brand new quality benchmark for Strategy gaming. Become the world’s first superpower and command the Ancient world’s most incredible war machine. Dominate your enemies by military, economic and political means. Your ascension will bring both admiration and jealousy, even from your closest allies.

Will you suffer betrayal or will you be the first to turn on old friends? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Emperor?

✢ Plan your conquest of the known world in a massive sandbox turn-based campaign mode (supporting additional 2-player cooperative & competitive modes). Conspiracies, politics, intrigue, revolts, loyalty, honour, ambition, betrayal. Your decisions will write your own story.

✢ Build vast armies and take to the battlefield in real-time combat mode. Put your tactical skills to the test as you directly control tens of thousands of men clashing in epic land and sea battles.

✢ Play for the glory of Rome as one of three families or take command of a huge variety of rival civilisations – each offers a notably different form of gameplay experience with hundreds of unique units from siege engines and heavy cavalry to steel-plated legionaries and barbarian berserkers.

✢ See exotic ancient cities and colossal armies rendered in incredible detail, as jaw-dropping battles unfold. Detailed camera perspectives allow you to see your men shout in victory or scream in pain on the frontline, while a new tactical cam allows a god’s eye view of the carnage to better inform your strategic decisions.

✢ Extremely scalable experience, with gameplay and graphics performance optimised to match low and high-end hardware alike.

System Requirements


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