Novo conteúdo adicional disponível
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Sobre o jogo
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Достъпно е ново сваляемо съдържание
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Относно играта
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Nový stáhnutelný obsah
Mortal Empires je a rozsáhlé nové tažené napříč rozlehlým kombinovaným územím Starého a Nového světa, ve kterém si budete moci zahrát za všechny rasy z obou her a libovolného vlastněného DLC. Toto DLC je pro majitele obou her Total War: WARHAMMER a Total War: WARHAMMER II zdarma.
O hře
Nastala doba nekonečných bojů, tisíce válečníků se bijí na život a na smrt v titánských bitvách a celé rasy spolu válčí pod vedením mocných hrdinů, kteří se snaží získat nadvládu nad světem.
To vše na váš rozkaz.
Imperiální vojska vede
Karl Franz, jenž touží po sjednocení roztříštěných území pod jednu zástavu, aby mohla dohromady čelit společnému nepříteli.
Pod prapor kmene
Grimgora Ironhidea se stahují všichni orkové i skřeti, kteří lační po krvavém boji a zmírají neuhasitelnou touhou po masakru.
High King Thorgrim velí rozvážným trpaslíkům opevněným v horských tvrzích a vysílá je pomstít se za všechna ta příkoří a bezpráví, jež museli po celá tisíciletí snášet.
Ovšem pohnutky upířích hrabat pod vedením
Mannfreda von Carstiena jsou zahaleny smrtící rouškou tajemství. Ví se jen tolik, že své armády rekrutují z hnilobných řad živých mrtvých.
A zatímco je Starý svět rozerván zradou, válkou a nepředstavitelnou mocí, jež se vymkla kontrole, ve větru ze severu stále zaznívá šepot mnohem větší hrozby. Samotná látka reality se začíná rozplétat a trhat…
Total War™: WARHAMMER® je jedinečná hra přinášející stovky hodin zábavy, v níž se kolosální bitvy v reálném čase spojují s návykovou tahovou kampaní zaměřenou na vládnutí, politiku a budování říše.
A co víc, tento titul do budoucna obohatí také dvojice samostatných rozšíření a balíků s dodatečným obsahem, čímž vznikne nejobsáhlejší svět, jaký kdy byl v sérii Total War k vidění. Epická trilogie her, jež navěky změní žánr fantasy strategií.
Stojíme na počátku nové éry. Ve hře Total War™: WARHAMMER® ožívá svět legendárních hrdinů, děsivých příšer, létajících tvorů, magických bouří a zástupů přízračných válečníků.
Pravidla se změnila; jediné, co zůstalo… je válka.
Nyt DLC tilgængeligt
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Om spillet
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Nieuwe DLC beschikbaar
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Info over het spel
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
New DLC Available
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
About the Game
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Uutta lisäsisältöä saatavilla
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Tietoja pelistä
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Nouveau DLC disponible
Empires mortels est une nouvelle campagne à grande échelle située sur les vastes étendues du Vieux Monde ainsi que du Nouveau Monde qui vous permet d'incarner toutes les races des deux jeux et de tout DLC que vous possédez. Ce contenu est gratuit pour les joueurs possédant à la fois Total War: WARHAMMER et Total War: WARHAMMER II.
À propos du jeu
Les clameurs des affrontements incessants résonnent aux quatre coins du Vieux Monde. La seule constante, c'est la GUERRE !
Jeu de stratégie fantastique aux proportions légendaires, Total War: WARHAMMER combine une campagne à tours prenante où vous bâtirez votre empire avec des batailles en temps réel explosives et épiques. L'action se déroule dans le monde débordant et extraordinaire de Warhammer : le jeu des batailles fantastiques.
Prenez le contrôle de cinq races différentes : la Bretonnie, l'Empire, les Nains, les Comtes Vampires et les Peaux-Vertes, chacune avec ses propres personnages, ses unités de bataille et un style de jeu particulier.
Menez vos forces au combat avec les puissants Seigneurs légendaires du monde de Warhammer : le jeu des batailles fantastiques, équipez-les d'armes et d'armures fabuleuses, de pouvoirs magiques mortels ; obtenus en accomplissant des chaînes de quêtes individuelles.
Pour la première fois dans un jeu Total War, vous pouvez dompter des tempêtes de magie pour vous aider en bataille, et vous envoler à dos de créatures volantes : des féroces dragons et vouivres aux griffons gigantesques.
Nouveau contenu gratuitAcclamé par la critique, Total War: WARHAMMER est sorti en mai 2016. Depuis, de nombreux contenus gratuits ont été ajoutés, y compris la récente addition de la Bretonnie comme cinquième race du Vieux Monde à incarner.
En plus de cette race supplémentaire, le vaste monde de Total War: WARHAMMER s'est étendu davantage depuis sa sortie initiale, et inclut désormais quatre nouveaux Seigneurs légendaires, des unités inédites, de nouveaux Domaines de Magie et 30 cartes sur mesure pour les batailles en solo ou en multijoueur. Ces mises à jour sont disponibles gratuitement pour tous les joueurs, nouveaux et anciens.
Des centaines d'heures de jeu vous attendent à l'aube d'une nouvelle ère. Total War: WARHAMMER donne vie à un monde peuplé de héros légendaires, de monstres gigantesques, de créatures volantes, de tempêtes de magie et d'armées de guerriers cauchemardesques.
Menez des races extraordinaires
Les preux Chevaliers de Bretonnie, les vaillants hommes de l'Empire, les Nains rancuniers, les Comtes Vampires assoiffés de meurtre et les féroces Orques et Gobelin des tribus Peaux-Vertes. Chacune se différencie du reste par ses propres personnages, ses mécanismes de campagne, ses unités de bataille et un style de jeu particulier.
Commandez à des personnages légendaires
Dirigez vos forces au combat en incarnant un des 12 Seigneurs légendaires du monde de Warhammer : le jeu des batailles fantastiques, équipez-les d'armes et d'armures fabuleuses, de montures et de pouvoirs magiques mortels tandis que vous découvrez leur histoire au travers de chaînes de quêtes narratives uniques.
Partez à la conquête du monde entier
Il s'agit du premier jeu de la série Total War à se dérouler dans un cadre fantastique. Lors de la campagne du Vieux Monde, vous pourrez profiter d'une profondeur inouïe et serez libre de conquérir autant de contrées que vous le souhaitez sur l'immense carte. Forgée dans les paysages magiques et peuplée d'une variété étonnante de créatures tout aussi fascinantes que mortelles, vous avez la chance de vivre une expérience de stratégie à échelle grandiose dans un cadre fantastique.
Libérez les Monstres
Les champs de bataille de Total War: WARHAMMER s'emplissent des rugissements de dragons, du hurlement des géants, et du vacarme tonitruant des sabots de la cavalerie monstrueuse. De gigantesques créatures d'origine terrestre et surnaturelle s'avancent au cœur de la mêlée, semant d'un seul coup la mort de centaines de bêtes inférieures.
Domptez les Vents de Magie
Abattez des tempêtes magiques sur vos ennemis, faites fondre leurs armures, aspirez leur esprit combattif ou améliorez vos propres forces grâce à des sorts destructeurs qui fendront les cieux et embraseront le champ de bataille. Ralliez les sorciers, chamans et nécromanciens dans vos rangs, et soumettez des énergies titanesques et imprévisibles à votre volonté.
Patrouillez les Cieux
Harcelez vos ennemis grâce aux Gyrocoptères nains, fondez sur les premières lignes avec les Vouivres, et dominez l'espace aérien avec une gamme surprenante d'unités volantes, une exclusivité au sein de la série Total War. De nouvelles possibilités tactiques s'offrent à vous, déployez vos serviteurs ailés dans des batailles et des sièges époustouflants à ciel ouvert.
De plus, deux suites sont à attendre, ainsi que des packs de contenu additionnel, faisant de ce titre la plus grande expérience Total War jamais réalisée. Une trilogie épique de titres qui redéfiniront le genre des jeux de stratégie fantastiques
Neuer DLC verfügbar
Reiche der Sterblichen ist eine neue, groß angelegte Kampagne, die in den gigantischen Landmassen der Alten und Neuen Welt stattfindet und es dem Spieler erlaubt, alle Rassen der beiden Spiele und der aktivierten DLCs zu spielen. Dieser Inhalt ist für Spieler, die sowohl Total War: WARHAMMER als auch Total War: WARHAMMER II besitzen, kostenlos.
Über das Spiel
Durch die Alte Welt schallt das Echo endloser Kriege. Die einzige Konstante ist der KRIEG!
Total War: WARHAMMER ist ein Strategiespiel epischer Ausmaße und verbindet fesselnde rundenbasierte Kampagnen, das Erschaffen riesiger Reiche und explosive, gigantische Echtzeitgefechte. Alles in der lebhaften und unglaublichen Welt von Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Kommandieren Sie fünf völlig unterschiedliche Rassen: Bretonia, das Imperium, die Zwerge, die Vampirfürsten und die Grünhäute – jeweils mit einzigartigen Charakteren, Einheiten und Spielstilen.
Führen Sie Ihre Streitkräfte mit mächtigen Legendären Kommandanten aus der Warhammer Fantasy-Welt in die Schlacht, rüsten Sie sie mit ruhmreichen Waffen, Rüstung und tödlicher Kampfmagie aus; in individuellen Aufgabenketten hart erkämpft.
Zum ersten Mal in einem Total War-Spiel können Sie Stürme magischer Energie im Kampf herbeirufen. Heben Sie mit fliegenden Kreaturen ab – seien es wilde Drachen und Lindwürmer oder gigantische Greifen.
Zusätzliche GratisinhalteTotal War: WARHAMMER wurde im Mai 2016 mit überaus positiven Reaktionen veröffentlicht. Seither wurden dem Spiel reichlich spannende Gratisinhalte hinzugefügt. Nun folgt als fünfte spielbare Rasse das Volk der Bretonen aus der Alten Welt.
Seit Erscheinen des Hauptspiels wurde die detailreiche Welt von Total War™: WARHAMMER® zudem um vier neue legendäre Kommandanten, brandneue Einheiten, neue magische Lehren und über 30 eigens angefertigte Karten für Einzel- und Mehrspielerschlachten bereichert. Diese Updates sind für alle neuen und existierenden Spieler völlig kostenlos verfügbar.
Dies ist der Beginn einer neuen Ära – es erwarten Sie hunderte Stunden Spielspaß. Total War: WARHAMMER versetzt Sie in eine Welt legendärer Helden, gigantischer Monster, fliegender Kreaturen, Wirbeln magischer Energie und Regimenter schauerlicher Krieger.
Führen Sie außergewöhnliche Rassen an
Die tapferen Ritter von Bretonia, die edlen Männer des Imperiums, die rachsüchtigen Zwerge, die mörderischen Vampirfürsten und die brutalen Orks und Goblins der Grünhäute. Jede Rasse zeichnet sich durch einzigartige Charaktere, Kampagnenmechanik, Einheiten und Spielstil aus.
Kommandieren Sie legendäre Charaktere
Spielen Sie als einer von zwölf legendären Kommandanten der Warhammer Fantasy Battles-Welt und führen Sie Ihre Streitkräfte in die Schlacht, rüsten Sie sie mit Waffen, Rüstung, Reittieren und tödlicher Kampfmagie aus – erleben Sie ihre Geschichten in einer Reihe einzigartiger narrativer Aufgabenketten.
Erobern Sie diese Welt
Der erste Total War-Titel mit einer Fantasywelt. Erleben Sie in der „Alte Welt“-Kampagne unglaubliche Tiefe und die Freiheit, sich nach eigenem Belieben auf einer riesigen Sandbox-Kampagnenkarte auszubreiten. In dieser verzerrten magischen Landschaft, bevölkert von einer unglaublichen Reihe atemberaubender und tödlicher Kreaturen, haben Sie die Chance, Fantasystrategie in einer noch nie dagewesenen Größe zu erleben.
Lassen Sie die Monster los
Auf den Schlachtfeldern von Total War: WARHAMMER erklingt das Echo brüllender Drachen, das Grollen von Riesen und das Donnern der Hufe monströser Kavallerie. Gigantische Bestien von irdischer und überirdischer Herkunft marschieren in den Nahkampf und bringen Hunderten von niederen Kreaturen gleichzeitig den Tod.
Nutzen Sie die Winde der Magie
Zerschlagen Sie Ihre Feinde mit magischen Stürmen, lassen Sie ihre Rüstungen schmelzen, entziehen Sie ihnen den Kampfgeist oder inspirieren Sie Ihre eigenen Streitkräfte mit vernichtenden Zaubersprüchen, die den Himmel spalten und das Schlachtfeld umschließen. Rufen Sie Zauberer, Schamanen und Nekromanten in Ihre Armeen und manipulieren Sie gewaltige und unberechenbare Energie nach Ihrem Willen.
Augen zum Himmel
Nehmen Sie Feinde mit zwergischen Gyrokoptern ins Visier, stürzen Sie mit furchterregenden Lindwürmern auf ihre Frontlinien herab und beherrschen Sie die Lüfte mit mächtigen fliegenden Einheiten - zum ersten Mal in einem Total War-Spiel. Geflügelte Gehilfen bieten Ihnen völlig neue taktische Möglichkeiten in offenen Gefechten und atemberaubenden Belagerungsschlachten.
Zudem wird dieser Titel später um zwei weitere Folgen und zusätzliche Inhaltspakete ergänzt. Machen Sie sich bereit für das bisher umfassendste Total War-Erlebnis. Eine epische Trilogie von Titeln, die das Fantasyspiel-Genre neu definieren wird
Νέο DLC διαθέσιμο
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Új DLC érhető el
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
A játékról:
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Nuovo DLC disponibile
Imperi dei mortali è una nuova campagna su grande scala che si sviluppa nell'insieme dei vasti continenti del Vecchio e del Nuovo Mondo e ti consente di giocare utilizzando tutte le razze di Total War e di eventuali DLC posseduti. Questi contenuti sono gratuiti per chi possiede sia Total War: WARHAMMER che Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Informazioni sul gioco
Nel Vecchio Mondo risuona il frastuono di un'incessante battaglia. L'unica costante è la GUERRA!
Total War: WARHAMMER, un gioco di strategia fantasy di proporzioni leggendarie, combina una coinvolgente campagna a turni per la costruzione di epici imperi con esplosive e colossali battaglie in tempo reale. Fa da sfondo il vivido e incredibile mondo di Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Puoi comandare cinque razze diverse: Bretonnia, l'Impero, i Nani, i Conti Vampiro e i Pelleverde. Ogni razza ha personaggi, unità e stile di gioco unici.
Guida le tue forze in guerra con i potenti Lord leggendari del mondo di Warhammer Fantasy Battles; dotale delle mitiche armi e armature e della magia letale che avrai conquistato con le catene degli incarichi.
Per la prima volta in un gioco Total War, puoi imbrigliare la forza della magia, usarla a tuo favore in battaglia e combattere dal cielo con le mitiche creature volanti, dai feroci draghi e viverne agli enormi grifoni.
Contenuto aggiuntivo gratuitoTotal War: WARHAMMER è stato pubblicato nel maggio 2016 tra gli elogi generali. Da allora sono stati aggiunti molti contenuti gratuiti, tra cui di recente Bretonnia, la quinta razza giocabile del Vecchio Mondo,
quattro Lord leggendari, nuovissime unità, Saperi della Magia e più di 30 mappe multigiocatore e per giocatore singolo. Questi aggiornamenti sono disponibili gratuitamente per tutti i giocatori, i nuovi e quelli già esistenti.
Centinaia di ore di gioco ti aspettano all'alba di una nuova era. Total War™: WARHAMMER® porta in vita un mondo di eroi leggendari, mostri imponenti, creature volanti, stormi di poteri magici e reggimenti di orridi guerrieri.
Guida razze straordinarie
I virtuosi Cavalieri di Bretonnia, i valenti uomini dell'Impero, i vendicativi Nani, i sanguinari Conti Vampiro e i brutali Orchi e Goblin delle tribù Pelleverde: ogni razza è diversa dalle altre e ha personaggi, dinamiche, unità e stile di gioco unici.
Comanda personaggi leggendari
Porta le tue forze in guerra con uno dei 12 Lord leggendari del mondo di Warhammer Fantasy Battles; dota le truppe di spade e armature mitiche e magia letale, mentre ti addentri nelle loro storie attraverso una serie di catene degli incarichi uniche!
Conquista questo mondo
Questo è il primo gioco Total War con un'ambientazione fantasy. Nella campagna del Vecchio Mondo potrai fare conquiste a tuo piacimento su una mappa enorme. In uno sfondo magico e contorto popolato di creature incredibili, formidabili e letali, avrai la possibilità di sbizzarrirti in un gioco di strategia fantasy di proporzioni finora inaudite!
Scatena i mostri
Sui campi di battaglia di Total War™: WARHAMMER® si sentono la calata e il ruggito dei draghi, gli urli dei giganti e il fragoroso scalpiccio degli zoccoli della cavalleria mostruosa. Bestie imponenti, di origine naturale e soprannaturale, partecipano agli scontri e infliggono la morte a centinaia di creature minori contemporaneamente.
Controlla i Venti della Magia
Distruggi i nemici con tempeste magiche, fai sciogliere le loro armature, fiaccane lo spirito o rinforza le tue truppe con incantesimi devastanti che scuotono il cielo e logorano il campo di battaglia. Schiera maghi, sciamani e necromanti e piega le loro immense e imprevedibili energie al tuo volere.
Domina il cielo
Attacca i nemici con i Girocotteri dei Nani, affonda nelle loro file con le terrificanti Viverne e aggiudicati il dominio aereo con un'incredibile varietà di unità volanti, per la prima volta presenti in un gioco Total War. Quando schieri le tue unità volanti in battaglie aperte e assedi ti si presenteranno nuove possibilità tattiche.
Seguiranno due ulteriori sequel e pacchetti di contenuto aggiuntivo per dare origine alla più grande esperienza Total War finora creata. Un'epica trilogia che ridefinirà i giochi di strategia fantasy
新 DLC を配信中
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Total War™: WARHAMMER®
「Total War: WARHAMMER」は「ウォーハンマー:ファンタジーバトル」の驚異的な世界を舞台に、中毒性の高いターン制の帝国戦略と、壮大なリアルタイムバトルが組み合わさったファンタジー戦略ゲームです。
「Total War」シリーズに初登場の魔術と有翼の飛翔生物。どう猛なドラゴンやワイバーン、そして巨体のグリフォンまでもが空から戦いを支援します。
「Total War: WARHAMMER」は新時代の幕開け。伝説の英雄、巨大なモンスター、飛翔生物、飛び交う魔術、そして悪夢の戦士が襲いかかり、数百時間ものプレイ体験がプレイヤーを待ち受けます。
本作は「Total War」タイトルとして初めてファンタジー世界を舞台にしています。
「Total War: WARHAMMER」の戦場はドラゴンの翼が空を切る音やうなり声、巨体のモンスターが放つ怒号、そして大規模な軍勢がたてる地鳴りが響き渡っています。
ドワーフのジャイロコプターで上空から敵に嫌がらせを行ったり、恐怖のワイバーンで急降下して前線を破壊したりと、本作には「Total War」シリーズ初の空中ユニットが登場します。
そして本作は将来的に2本のスタンドアローンタイトル、それに複数のコンテンツパックを予定していますので、過去最大の「Total War」プレイ体験をお約束します。
새 DLC 출시
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
게임 정보
Total War™: WARHAMMER®
Old World에서 울려 퍼지는 멈추지 않는 전투의 굉음. 오직 전쟁만이 영원합니다!
엄청난 명성을 보유한 판타지 전략 게임 Total War: WARHAMMER는 생생하고 놀라운 Warhammer Fantasy Battle의 세계관을 배경으로 하며 턴 기반의 제국 건설과 폭발적인 대규모 실시간 전투가 합쳐진 게임입니다.
4개의 개성 있는 종족을 지휘하십시오. 엠파이어, 드워프, 뱀파이어 카운트, 그린스킨 종족은 각자 고유의 능력과 전장 유닛, 플레이 스타일을 갖고 있습니다.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 세계의 전설적인 8명의 장군 중 하나가 되어 군대를 지휘하십시오. 캐릭터별 퀘스트를 수행하며 전설적인 무기와 갑옷, 치명적인 마법을 획득하십시오.
Total War 게임 중 최초로 전장에서 마법을 사용할 수 있으며 난폭한 용, 와이번, 거대한 그리폰 등 비행 생명체로 제공권을 장악할 수도 있습니다.
새로운 시대에서 수백 시간의 플레이를 즐기십시오. Total War: WARHAMMER에서 전설의 영웅, 거대한 몬스터, 비행 생물들, 휘몰아치는 마법과 악몽 같은 군대를 만나보십시오.
다양한 종족을 지휘하라
엠파이어의 용감한 병사들, 복수심에 불타는 드워프, 살의로 가득한 뱀파이어 카운트, 잔혹한 오크와 그린스킨 부족의 고블린이 여러분을 기다립니다.
각 종족은 각자 고유의 캐릭터, 캠페인, 전장 유닛, 플레이 스타일을 갖고 있습니다.
전설의 캐릭터를 조종하라
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 세계의 전설적인 8명의 장군 중 하나가 되어 전쟁을 수행하십시오. 캐릭터마다 다른 시나리오 퀘스트를 수행하며 전설적인 무기와 갑옷, 치명적인 마법을 획득하십시오.
세계를 정복하라
Total War 시리즈 최초로 판타지 설정을 차용했습니다.
놀라울 정도의 깊이를 갖춘 거대한 샌드박스 형식의 Grand Campaign 맵을 마음대로 정복하십시오.
마법으로 변형된 지형과 무시무시한 괴물로 가득한 이곳에서, 지금까지 상상할 수 없었던 놀라운 규모의 판타지 전술을 연구하고 실험할 수 있습니다.
몬스터를 조종하라
울부짖으며 전장을 휩쓸고 날아가는 용, 거인의 깊은 고함, 무시무시한 기병대의 말발굽 소리로 가득한 Total War: WARHAMMER의 전장으로 오십시오.
자연적이거나 초자연적인 거대 괴물들이 전장으로 밀려 들어와 수많은 작은 생명체들을 쓸어버릴 것입니다.
마법을 휘둘러라
마법의 힘으로 적을 응징하고, 갑옷을 녹이고, 이들의 투혼을 무너뜨리거나 하늘을 가르고 전장을 집어삼키는 강력한 주문으로 아군을 지원하십시오.
마법사, 주술사, 네크로맨서들을 아군으로 끌어들여 예측할 수 없는 거대한 힘을 마음대로 부려보십시오.
하늘을 제압하라
드워프 자이로콥터로 적을 유린하고, 무시무시한 와이번에게 최전선으로의 돌격을 지시하십시오. Total War 최초로 등장하는 멋진 공중 유닛으로 제공권을 장악하십시오.
드넓은 전장과 포위전에서 비행이 가능한 유닛을 사용할 수 날개 달린 부하들이 등장하는 것으로 엄청나게 다양한 전술이 가능해졌다고 할 수 있습니다.
이 게임은 이후 2개의 신규 게임 타이틀과 추가 콘텐츠 팩으로 이어질 예정이며, 이것으로 지금껏 가장 규모가 큰 Total War를 즐기실 수 있습니다.
이번 3부작 게임은 판타지 전략 게임의 새로운 지평선을 열 것입니다
Ny DLC tilgjengelig
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Om spillet
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Dostępne nowe DLC
Mortal Empires to nowa, rozbudowana kampania, która zabierze graczy na rozległe lądy Starego i Nowego Świata oraz pozwoli im wcielić się w każdą z ras dostępnych w dotychczasowych odsłonach i dodatkach serii. Zawartość do otrzymania za darmo dla posiadaczy obydwu części gry, Total War: WARHAMMER oraz Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Informacje o grze
Nastały czasy niekończących się podbojów. Tysiące wojowników ścierają się w tytanicznych bitwach, a całe rasy prowadzą ze sobą wojny. Na czele każdej armii stoi potężny bohater, żądny panowania nad światem.
To właśnie nimi możesz dowodzić.
Karl Franz prowadzi do boju Imperium ludzi. Chce zjednoczyć rozbite frakcje elektorów pod jednym sztandarem i pokonać wspólnych wrogów.
Żądni przemocy i rozlewu krwi, Zielonoskórzy przyłączają się do plemienia
Grimgora Ironhide'a. Zarówno Orkowie, jak i Gobliny, są głodne śmierci i zniszczenia.
High King Thorgrim dowodzi opanowanymi Krasnoludami z ich górskich twierdz. Rozpoczyna się marsz, który ma pomścić niesprawiedliwości, dotykające ich od tysiącleci.
Cele Wampirów pod dowództwem
Mannfreda von Carstiena są mordercze, ale jednocześnie bardzo tajemnicze. Jego armie werbowane są spośród gnijących szeregów umarłych.
W czasie, gdy Stary Świat rozdzierany jest zdradą, wojną i walką o władzę, z północy nadciąga po cichu znacznie większe zagrożenie. Tkanina samej rzeczywistości zaczyna się napinać i rozdzierać...
Total War™: WARHAMMER® to niepowtarzalne połączenie kolosalnych bitew w czasie rzeczywistym i wciągającej kampanii turowej, w którym przez setki godzin rozgrywki będziesz zajmował się rządzeniem, polityką i rozbudową swojego imperium.
Co więcej, tytuł ten zostanie w przyszłości wzbogacony o dwie osobne części oraz dodatkowe pakiety zawartości, co uczyni z niego największą pozycję w historii serii Total War. Będzie to epicka trylogia, która na nowo zdefiniuje rozgrywkę strategiczną fantasy.
Nadchodzi nowa era. Total War™: WARHAMMER® ożywia świat legendarnych bohaterów, gigantycznych potworów, latających stworów, magicznych burz i legionów koszmarnych wojowników.
Zasady się zmieniły. Nie zmieniła się jedynie... wojna.
Novo DLC disponível
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Acerca do Jogo
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
DLC nou disponibil!
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Despre joc
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Новый дополнительный контент
"Империи смертных" - новая масштабная кампания, действие которой разворачивается на просторах Старого и Нового Света. Вы можете играть за любую расу из Total War: WARHAMMER и Total War: WARHAMMER II, а также из любых приобретенных дополнений. Эта кампания бесплатно доступна владельцам обеих игр.
Об игре
На просторах Старого Света гремят бесконечные битвы. В этом мире постоянно лишь одно - ВОЙНА.
Total War: WARHAMMER - это грандиозная стратегическая игра, объединяющая увлекательную походовую кампанию, в которой вам предстоит строить собственную великую державу, и эпические битвы в реальном времени. Ее действие происходит в яркой и необычной фэнтезийной вселенной Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
В этой игре вы сможете возглавить любую из пяти уникальных рас: Бретонию, Империю, гномов, зеленокожих и графов вампиров. Для каждой из них предусмотрены собственные персонажи, войска и особенности игровой механики.
Во главе ваших армий встанут могущественные легендарные лорды из летописей мира Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Выполняя захватывающие цепочки заданий, они смогут обрести прославленное оружие, несокрушимые доспехи и смертоносные боевые заклинания.
Впервые в истории Total War вы сможете обрушивать на врага магические бури и покорять небеса верхом на драконах, вивернах, грифонах и других крылатых созданиях.
Бесплатные дополнительные материалы Блистательная премьера Total War: WARHAMMER состоялась в мае 2016 года. С тех пор для игры было выпущено множество бесплатных материалов. Одним из последних добавлений стала Бретония - пятая раса Старого Света, доступная игроку.
Кроме того, в игре появились четверо новых легендарных лордов, множество видов войск, дополнительные школы магии и более 30 оригинальных карт, на которых можно сражаться как в одиночку, так и по сети. Эти обновления доступны бесплатно как владельцам игры, так и новым покупателям.
Новая эра Старого Света обещает вам сотни часов увлекательной игры. В мире Total War: WARHAMMER вас ждут легендарные герои, огромные чудовища, летающие создания, магические бури и полчища кошмарной нежити.
Возглавляйте уникальные расы
Благородные рыцари Бретонии, доблестные воины Империи, мстительные гномы, кровожадные вампиры и свирепые зеленокожие орды орков и гоблинов. Для каждой расы предусмотрен уникальный стиль игры, персонажи, виды войск и элементы механики кампании.
Командуйте легендарными персонажами
В игре доступны 12 легендарных лордов из летописей мира Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Выполняя серии уникальных сюжетных заданий, вы сможете приобретать для них новое оружие, доспехи, транспортные средства и боевые заклинания.
Покоряйте мир
Первая игра серии Total War в вымышленном мире. В кампании "Старый Свет" вас ждет полная свобода действий на бескрайней открытой карте со множеством невероятных ландшафтов и удивительных обитателей. Фэнтезийных стратегий такого масштаба вы еще не видели!
Повелевайте чудовищами
Над полями сражений Total War: WARHAMMER разносится громовое рычание драконов, рев великанов и топот копыт чудовищных всадников. Гигантские звери и сверхъестественные существа крушат вражеские ряды, убивая сотни обычных воинов за один удар.
Повелевайте Ветрами Магии
Вызывайте чародейские бури, расплавляйте доспехи, сейте смуту во вражеских рядах и укрепляйте собственные войска с помощью сокрушительных заклинаний, раскалывающих небеса над полем битвы. Добавляя в армии магов, шаманов и некромантов, вы можете подчинять своей воле колоссальную и непредсказуемую чародейскую энергию.
Следите за небом
Изнуряйте противника налетами гномьих автожиров, прорывайте фронт на ужасных вивернах и сражайтесь за господство в воздухе - в серии Total War впервые появились летающие войска. Наличие крылатых отрядов открывает перед вами совершенно новые тактические возможности как в обычных битвах, так и при осадах.
И это еще не все. В сочетании с двумя будущими продолжениями и множеством дополнительных материалов данный проект станет самым крупномасштабным в серии Total War. Эта эпическая трилогия совершит революцию в жанре фэнтезийных стратегий
现已推出最新 DLC
凡世帝国 是一部融合了旧世界与新世界广袤天地的大型战役游戏,它会允许玩家游玩两部游戏以及所有已有DLC中的全部种族。这一内容将免费提供给同时拥有Total War:WARHAMMER以及Total War:WARHAMMER II的玩家。
简体中文版本现已推出《Total War™: WARHAMMER®》
《Total War: WARHAMMER》是一款拥有宏大世界的魔幻战略类游戏,该游戏结合了回合制的史诗式帝国建设战役,以及触发式的宏大即时制战斗。这一切都置于战锤魔幻战争下的生动而让人惊叹的世界之中。
《Total War: WARHAMMER》于2016年5月发行以来得到了广泛好评。从那时开始,我们又为游戏增加了大量免费内容,包括最近添加了巴托尼亚,作为旧世界第五个可游玩种族。
除了额外的种族,《Total War: WARHAMMER》世界自推出以来还增加了其他内容:包括四个新的传奇领主,新的部队,新的魔法以及超过30张单人和多人模式的定制战斗地图。无论是新老玩家,这些升级都会免费提供下载。
新的纪元将为您提供数百小时的游戏体验。《Total War: WARHAMMER》生动刻画了一个充满传奇英雄、巨大怪物、飞行生物、魔法风暴以及噩梦战士军团的世界。
《Total War: WARHAMMER》的战场上回荡着飞龙的俯冲和尖啸之声,巨人发出的咆哮声以及怪兽骑兵雷鸣般的铁蹄声。来自凡界和超自然世界的巨大怪物也加入了战斗,它们只需一击便能将数以百计的低等生物置于死地。
Nuevo DLC disponible
Imperios mortales es una nueva campaña a gran escala por las vastas masas continentales combinadas tanto del Viejo Mundo como del Nuevo Mundo, lo que te permitirá jugar como todas las razas de ambos juegos y de cualquier DLC adquirido. Este contenido es gratuito para los poseedores tanto de Total War: WARHAMMER como de Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Acerca del juego
El Viejo Mundo tiembla bajo el incesante fragor de la batalla. ¡La única constante es la GUERRA!
Total War: WARHAMMER es un juego fantástico de estrategia de proporciones épicas y combina una adictiva campaña de construcción de imperios por turnos con colosales y brutales batallas en tiempo real. Todo ello en el vívido e increíble mundo de Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Lidera cinco razas completamente distintas: Bretonia, el Imperio, los Enanos, los Condes Vampiro y los Pieles Verdes, cada una de ellas con sus propios personajes, unidades de combate y estilo de juego.
Lleva tus ejércitos a la guerra al mando de legendarios Señores del mundo de Warhammer Fantasy Battles y equípalos con épicas armas, corazas y magia letal, obtenidos en cadenas de aventuras individuales.
Por primera vez en un juego de Total War, podrás dominar tormentas de energía mágica que te ayudarán a la batalla y, también, conquistar los cielos con criaturas voladoras, desde feroces Dragones a Serpientes Aladas y sin olvidar los gigantescos Hipogrifos.
Contenido adicional gratuito Total War: WARHAMMER salió a la venta con un éxito rotundo en mayo de 2016. Desde entonces, hemos añadido toda una plétora de contenido gratuito, incluyendo la reciente adición de Bretonia, como quinta raza jugable en el Viejo Mundo.
Además de esta nueva raza, el exuberante mundo de Total War: WARHAMMER ha sido expandido desde su publicación, con la inclusión de cuatro nuevos Señores legendarios, nuevas unidades, novedosos Saberes de la Magia y más de 30 mapas especialmente diseñados para librar batallas individuales y multijugador. Estas actualizaciones están disponibles para los jugadores existentes y los nuevos.
Cientos de horas de juego te esperan en el amanecer de una nueva era. En Total War™: WARHAMMER® cobra vida un mundo de héroes legendarios, monstruos gigantescos, criaturas voladoras, tormentas de energía mágica y regimientos de guerreros de pesadilla.
Lidera razas extraordinarias
Los Caballeros de Bretonia, los valerosos hombres del Imperio, los vengativos Enanos, los mortíferos Condes Vampiro y los brutales Orcos y Goblins de las tribus Pieles Verdes. Cada raza es totalmente diferente y cuenta con sus propios personajes, su campaña, su mecánica, sus unidades de combate y su estilo de juego particular.
Lidera a personajes legendarios
Lleva tus ejércitos a la guerra bajo el mando de uno de los 12 legendarios Señores del mundo de Warhammer Fantasy Battles y equípalos con épicas armas, corazas, monturas y magia letal, obtenidos al recorrer sus historias mediante una serie de cadenas de aventuras individuales.
Conquista el mundo
El primer juego de Total War totalmente radicado en un mundo de fantasía. En la campaña del Viejo Mundo, podrás experimentar una increíble profundidad y la libertad para conquistar lo que más te convenga dentro de un mapa de pruebas gigantesco, diseñado a partir de un mágico paisaje, poblado con una enorme serie de criaturas tan fantásticas como letales. Esta es tu oportunidad para experimentar la estrategia fantástica a un nivel nunca visto hasta ahora.
Libera a los monstruos
Los campos de batalla de Total War: WARHAMMER reproducen el vuelo y el rugir de los Dragones, los bramidos de los Gigantes y el retumbar de las pezuñas de una caballería monstruosa. Gigantescas bestias tanto de origen terrenal como sobrenatural participarán en el fragor de la batalla para aplastar cientos de criaturas más pequeñas a la vez.
Domina los Vientos de la Magia[/b]
Aplasta a tus enemigos con tormentas mágicas, funde sus armaduras, socava su fuerza espiritual o potencia a tus propias fuerzas con demoledores hechizos, capaces de partir el cielo en dos y consumir el campo de batalla. Convoca a Hechiceros, Chamanes y Nigromantes en tus ejércitos y utiliza las titánicas e impredecibles energías en tu provecho.
Conquista los cielos
Hostiga a tus enemigos con los Girocópteros Enanos, lánzate en picado contra sus filas con aterradoras Serpientes Aladas y hazte con la supremacía aérea mediante una increíble selección de unidades voladoras nunca antes vista en un juego de Total War. A medida que vayas desplegando a tus secuaces alados en frontales batallas y brutales asedios se te abrirán posibilidades tácticas completamente nuevas.
Es más, este título está destinado a combinarse con dos secuelas futuras y packs de contenido adicional para brindarte una experiencia de juego de Total War como nunca antes habías visto. Una trilogía de épicos títulos que redefinirán el género de los juegos de estrategia fantástica.
Nytt DLC tillgängligt!
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Om spelet
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
推出新 DLC
「凡界帝國」 是在涵蓋舊世界與新世界的廣闊大地上展開的全新大規模戰役,您能在此扮演兩款遊戲及您所持有之可下載內容中的所有種族。同時擁有《Total War: WARHAMMER》及《Total War: WARHAMMER II》的玩家可免費取得此內容。
現在支援繁體中文Total War™: WARHAMMER®
《Total War: WARHAMMER》是一款傳奇的奇幻戰略遊戲,結合令人上癮的回合制戰役、史詩般打造帝國的過程,以及一觸即發的大規模實時戰鬥,這一切都在《Warhammer Fantasy Battles》生動驚奇的世界中上演。
扮演《Warhammer Fantasy Battles》世界中強大的傳奇領主,帶領您的部隊踏上戰場。為他們配備傳說中的武器、護甲和致命的戰鬥魔法,並在一次次的神器任務系列拿下勝利。
利用《Total War》系列中首度推出的魔法力量風暴,讓您在戰場上取得更多優勢,還能派出凶猛的巨龍、雙足飛龍,以及巨大的獅鷲獸等飛行生物稱霸領空。
《Total War: WARHAMMER》於 2016 年 5 月推出後便大獲好評。之後我們也新增了豐富的免費內容,例如最近加入舊世界的第五個可扮演種族「巴托尼亞」。
除了上述的新增種族以外,《Total War: WARHAMMER》內的壯闊世界,自發行以來也經過多次擴展,包括四名新的傳奇領主、全新單位、新的魔法系別,還有超過 30 張適用於單人及多人戰鬥的訂製地圖。不論您是新玩家還是舊玩家,都能免費取得這些更新內容。
遊戲內容長達數百小時,等您來踏入新紀元的開始。《Total War: WARHAMMER》將傳奇英雄、龐然巨獸、飛行生物、魔法力量風暴和可怕戰士所組成的軍團一一帶到您的眼前。
扮演《Warhammer Fantasy Battles》世界 12 名傳奇領主之一,帶領您的部隊踏上戰場。為他們配備傳說中的武器、護甲、坐騎和致命的戰鬥魔法。透過一連串獨特的敘事任務系列,揭開他們的傳奇故事。
《Total War》系列首度推出奇幻設定的遊戲內容。在舊世界戰役中,您除了能體驗驚人的遊戲深度,還能在廣闊的沙盒式地圖中享受征服世界的自由。置身於奇異的魔幻遊戲場景,周遭充滿令人驚奇的致命生物,讓您用前所未見的規模來體驗奇幻戰略遊戲。
《Total War: WARHAMMER》的戰場充斥巨龍的飛撲咆哮、巨人的低吼,以及怪獸騎兵行進時的隆隆蹄聲。來自現實與超自然的龐然巨獸猛烈地殺入戰場,一擊就能毀滅數百隻較弱小的生物。
利用矮人直升機騷擾敵人、派出駭人的雙足飛龍直搗敵營前線,並以《Total War》系列史無前例的驚人飛行單位取得空中優勢。有了這些全新的戰術選擇,您可以在正面交戰和壯觀的圍城戰中部署您的飛行部下。
更棒的是,《Total War: WARHAMMER》接下來還會推出兩個後續篇章和額外內容套件,期望帶給玩家前所未見最具規模的《Total War》體驗。這款遊戲史詩級的三部曲,將顛覆您對奇幻戰略遊戲的想像
Yeni DLC Yayınlandı
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Oyun Açıklaması
Bitmek bilmeyen fetihlerin çağındayız. Her birine dünyayı ele geçirmeye niyetli kudretli bir kahramanın liderlik ettiği ırklar birbirine karşı topyekûn savaş ilan ederken, devasa muharebelerde binlerce savaşçı çarpışıyor.
Hepsi sizin emriniz altında.
Bölünmüş haldeki seçmen kontları ortak düşmanlarına karşı güçlü bir bayrağın altında birleştirmeye çalışan cesur
Karl Franz, İmparatorluğun askerlerini topluyor.
Yeşilderililer savaşın acımasız vahşetine duydukları açlıkla
Grimgor Ironhide'ın kabilesine doluşurken, hem Orklar hem de Goblinler kana susamış bir halde bekliyor.
High King Thorgrim acıya dayanıklı Cücelere dağ kalelerinden çıkarak kendilerine karşı bin yıldır süregelen adaletsizliğin intikamını almak için harekete geçmelerini emrediyor.
Öte yandan, çürümüş ölülerden oluşturduğu ordulara komuta eden
Mannfred von Carstein'ın emri altındaki Vampir Kontların savaşa katılma sebebi öldürücü bir esrar perdesinin ardında gizleniyor.
Eski Dünya ihanet, savaş ve akıl almaz bir gücün ortaya çıkışıyla parçalara ayrılırken, kuzey rüzgârları daha da büyük bir tehdidin varlığını fısıldıyor. Gerçeğin kendi dokusu parçalanıp bükülmeye başlıyor…
Devasa boyutlu gerçek zamanlı savaşlar ile devlet yönetimi, politika ve imparatorluk kurmaya odaklanan sıra tabanlı ve açık dünyalı bir hikâye oyununun benzersiz bir kombinasyonu olan Total War™: WARHAMMER®, yüzlerce saat süren sürükleyici bir oyun deneyimi sunuyor.
Dahası, bu oyun ileride yayınlanacak olan iki bağımsız oyun ve ek içerik paketleriyle birlikte bugüne kadarki en büyük Total War deneyimini yaratacak. Fantastik strateji oyunlarını yeniden tanımlayacak destansı bir oyun üçlemesi.
Bu, yeni bir çağın başlangıcı. Total War™: WARHAMMER® efsanevi kahramanlar, devasa canavarlar, uçan yaratıklar, büyü gücüyle yaratılan fırtınalar ve kâbuslardan fırlamış savaşçılardan oluşan birliklerle dolu bir dünyayı gerçeğe dönüştürüyor.
Kurallarımız değişti; değişmeyen tek şey... savaş.
Доступний новий вміст
Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast combined landmasses of both the Old World and the New World, enabling you to play as all Races from both games and any owned DLC. This content is free for owners of both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
Про гру
The Old World echoes to the clamour of ceaseless battle. The only constant is WAR!
A fantasy strategy game of legendary proportions, Total War: WARHAMMER combines an addictive turn-based campaign of epic empire-building with explosive, colossal, real-time battles. All set in the vivid and incredible world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Command five wholly different races: Bretonnia, the Empire, the Dwarfs, the Vampire Counts and the Greenskins, each with their own unique characters, battlefield units and play style.
Lead your forces to war with powerful Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour and deadly battle magic; hard-won in individual quest chains.
For the first time in a Total War game, harness storms of magical power to aid you in battle and take to the skies with flying creatures, from ferocious dragons and wyverns to gigantic griffons.
Additional Free Content
Total War: WARHAMMER launched to critical acclaim in May 2016. Since then, a wealth of free content has been added, including the recent addition of Bretonnia as the fifth playable race in the Old World.
As well as this additional race, the rich world of Total War: WARHAMMER has been expanded since release with the inclusion of four new Legendary Lords, brand new units, new Lores of Magic and over 30 bespoke maps for single and multiplayer battle. These updates are available for free to all new and existing players.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay await you at the dawn of a new era. Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Lead Extraordinary Races
The Chivalrous knights of Bretonnia, the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal Orcs and Goblins of the Greenskin tribes. Each Race is wholly different with their own unique characters, campaign mechanics, battlefield units and play style.
Command Legendary Characters
March your forces to war as one of 12 Legendary Lords from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles World, arming them with fabled weapons, armour, mounts and deadly battle magic as you uncover their tales through a series of unique narrative quest chains.
Conquer this World
The very first Total War game to feature a fantasy setting. In the Old World Campaign, experience incredible depth and the freedom to conquer as you see fit across a gigantic sand-box map. Crafted from a twisted magical landscape and populated with an incredible array of awesome and deadly creatures, this is your chance to experience fantasy strategy on a scale as yet unimagined.
Unleash the Monsters
The battlefields of Total War: WARHAMMER echo to the swoop and roar of dragons, the bellowing of giants and the thundering hooves of monstrous cavalry. Towering beasts of both earthly and supernatural origin wade into the melee of battle, bringing death to hundreds of lesser creatures at a time.
Harness the Winds Of Magic
Smite your enemies with magical storms, melt their armour, sap their fighting spirit or bolster your own forces with devastating spells that split the sky and consume the battlefield. Rally wizards, shamans and necromancers to your armies and bend titanic and unpredictable energies to your whim.
Watch the Skies
Harass your enemies with Dwarfen Gyrocopters, plunge into their front-lines with terrifying Wyverns and achieve air superiority with a stunning array of flying units for the first time in a Total War game. Entirely new tactical possibilities present themselves as you deploy your winged minions in open battles and jaw-dropping sieges.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two future sequels and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming
System Requirements