Total War Academy
Sobre o jogo
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Относно играта
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
O hře
Braň svůj svět. A ten jejich znič.
Total War: WARHAMMER II je strategická hra gigantických rozměrů. Zvol si jednu ze čtyř unikátních a velmi rozmanitých frakcí a veď válku po svém – zahaj kampaň, která povede buď k záchraně, nebo ke zničení rozsáhlého a živoucího fantasy světa.
Tato hra je rozdělena na dvě části – jednou je tahová kampaň v otevřeném světě a tou druhou pak intenzivní, taktické, real-timové bitvy napříč fantastickými krajinami Nového světa.
Přistupuj ke hře po svém – ponoř se do hluboké, fascinující kampaně, zažij hru, která se neomrzí, a vyzvi na souboj celý svět ve hře více hráčů s volitelným vojskem tvých oblíbených jednotek. Total War: WARHAMMER II nabízí stovky hodin zábavy a žádné dvě hry nebudou stejné. Celosvětové dobyvačné tažení
Staň se státníkem, veď diplomatická jednání, prozkoumávej a kousek po kousku buduj velkolepou říši. Obsazuj, stav, spravuj rušná sídla a také buduj rozsáhlá vojska. Zvyšuj úrovně svých legendárních šlechticů a hrdinů a vyzbroj je mytickými zbraněmi a zbrojí. Dojednávej spojenectví nebo vyhlašuj totální války s cílem podmanit si každého, kdo ti bude stát v cestě.
Epické real-timové bitvy
Veď tisícihlavé legie vojáků v intenzivních taktických bitvách. Nasaď zuřivé, zvrácené nestvůry, oheň plivající draky a ovládni mocnou magii. Uplatňuj vojenské strategie, připravuj přepady nebo s využitím brutální síly obrať průběh bitvy ve svůj prospěch a doveď svá vojska k vítězství.
Total War: WARHAMMER II je druhý díl trilogie a pokračování oceňované hry Total War: WARHAMMER. Hráč zažije dechberoucí výpravnou kampaň zasazenou do prostředí rozlehlých kontinentů Lustrie, Ulthuanu, Naggarothu a jižních zemí. Kampaň Velký vír nabírá postupně spád a vyvrcholí definitivní koncovkou, jaká dosud nebyla v žádné jiné hře Total War k vidění.
Hráči se vžijí do role některého z 8 legendárních šlechticů ze 4 ikonických ras inspirovaných světem Warhammer Fantasy Battles a jejich úkolem bude úspěšně realizovat sérii mocných arkánních rituálů, které mají stabilizovat nebo oslabit Velký vír, a zároveň mařit postup ostatních ras.
Každý legendární šlechtic začíná na unikátní geografické pozici a jednotlivé rasy nabízejí nový, charakteristický herní styl s unikátními mechanikami, vyprávěním, válečnými metodami, vojsky, nestvůrami, magií, legendárními postavami a strhujícími novými schopnostmi vojsk na bojišti.
Krátce po vydání získají majitelé původní hry a Total War™ WARHAMMER II přístup ke kolosální třetí kampani. Při průzkumu jediné epické mapy s otevřeným světem pokrývající Starý svět i Nový svět se hráči vydají na monumentální tažení v roli libovolné vlastněné rasy z obou titulů.
Dobuďte svět společně
Za každou rasu ve hře Total War™ WARHAMMER II bude možné hrát kampaň pro jednoho či více hráčů a navíc volitelné bitvy a bitvy pro více hráčů. Dva legendární šlechtici z každé rasy budou začínat v kampani na unikátní počáteční pozici, a bude tedy možné hrát kampaň za stejnou rasu ve 2 hráčích. Pokud jste majiteli 1. i 2. dílu, budete si moci zahrát hru pro více hráčů za kteroukoli z vlastněných ras.
Svět Total War: WARHAMMER II
Před tisíci lety konkláve mágů z řad vznešených elfů pod tlakem invaze Chaosu vytvořila rozsáhlý, tajemný vír. Ten měl ze světa vysát magické proudění stejně, jako když se vypouští oceán, a odvát démonské hordy zpátky do říše Chaosu. Velký vír však začal slábnout a svět se opět ocitl na pokraji zkázy.
Začaly se srocovat mocné síly, jejichž cílem je vír opět posílit a katastrofu odvrátit. Jenže se objevili i tací, kteří chtějí jeho strašlivou energii ovládnout pro své temné plány. Závod začal, a osud samotného světa teď leží v rukách vítěze. Zoufalou snahu vznešených elfů o stabilizaci víru, který se vznáší nad jejich domovským kontinentem, vede kníže Tyrion, obránce Ulthaunu.
Ještěří válečné zástupy směřující na server od Lustrie vede slannský kněžský mág Mazdamundi ze svého trůnu. I on je rozhodnut pohromě zabránit, třebaže způsoby Prastarých musejí převládnout.
Z Naggarothu a jejich spletitých Černých arch se vyvalily sadistické hordy temných elfů v čele s čarodějným králem Malekithem. Cítí ve víru obrovskou slabost – a v jeho zániku velkou příležitost.
A mezitím se ve svých páchnoucích podzemních chodbách začínají hemžit skaveni v čele s Kvíkem Hlavoberem. Nekontrolovaně se množí a dívají se mlsně směrem k povrchu s tím, že jejich pohnutky zůstávají opředeny tajemstvím. Čas odhalení nadešel...
Čtyři rasy, čtyři výsledky a jediný cíl: ovládnutí Velkého víru, ať chceme nebo ne.
Total War Academy
Om spillet
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Info over het spel
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
About the Game
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Tietoja pelistä
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
À propos du jeu
Défendez votre monde. Détruisez le leur.
Total War™: WARHAMMER® II est un jeu de stratégie aux proportions titanesques. Choisissez parmi quatre factions uniques et variées, puis menez la guerre à votre manière, en vous embarquant dans une campagne de conquête dans le but de sauver ou de détruire un monde fantastique vaste et éclatant.
Ce jeu repose sur l'équilibre entre une campagne au tour par tour dans un monde ouvert, et des batailles tactiques intenses en temps réel à travers les paysages extraordinaires du Nouveau Monde.
À vous de choisir votre façon de jouer. Plongez dans une campagne captivante, profitez d'une rejouabilité illimitée et défiez le reste du monde en mode multijoueur avec une armée personnalisée composée de vos unités préférées. Total War: WARHAMMER II offre des centaines d'heures de jeu si variées que chacune de vos parties sera unique. Conquête à travers le monde
Essayez-vous à la politique, la diplomatie, l'exploration et bâtissez votre empire, tour après tour. Capturez, édifiez et gérez des colonies, puis recrutez des armées imposantes. Augmentez le niveau de Seigneurs légendaires et de Héros et équipez-les d'armes et d'armures mythiques. Négociez des alliances ou déclarez la guerre pour assujettir tous ceux qui osent se dresser en travers de votre chemin.
Batailles en temps réel épiques
Prenez la tête de légions aux milliers de soldats dans des batailles tactiques palpitantes. Déployez des monstres hideux et féroces, des dragons cracheurs de feu et exploitez une magie destructrice. Utilisez des stratégies militaires, tendez des embuscades ou usez simplement de force brute pour faire pencher la balance du combat en votre faveur et mener vos forces vers la victoire.
Second jeu de la trilogie et suite du titre à succès Total War™: WARHAMMER®, Total War: WARHAMMER II propose aux joueurs une nouvelle campagne narrative époustouflante qui prend place sur les vastes continents de Lustrie, d'Ulthuan, de Naggaroth et des Terres du Sud. La campagne du Grand Vortex culmine lors d'un grand final qui conclut le jeu de manière irrévocable : une expérience jusqu'à présent inédite dans les jeux de Total War.
Pouvant incarner l'un des 8 Seigneurs légendaires disséminés au sein de 4 races emblématiques de l'univers de Warhammer le jeu des batailles fantastiques, les joueurs doivent réussir à accomplir de puissants rituels arcaniques afin de stabiliser ou d'ébranler le Grand Vortex, tout en entravant la progression des autres races.
Chaque Seigneur légendaire jouit d'une position de départ stratégique unique et chaque race offre un nouveau style de jeu qui lui est propre, avec des mécaniques de campagne, une narration, des méthodes de guerre, des armées, des monstres, des Domaines de magie, des personnages légendaires différents, ainsi que des capacités d'armée exclusives et sensationnelles à utiliser sur le champ de bataille.
Peu après la sortie, les heureux détenteurs du jeu original ET de Total War: WARHAMMER II auront accès à la troisième campagne, aussi gigantesque qu'épique. Les joueurs pourront se plonger dans des campagnes titanesques en incarnant n'importe quelle race des deux jeux, pour explorer une carte unique, au monde ouvert couvrant à la fois le Vieux Monde et le Nouveau Monde.
Partez à la conquête du monde, ensemble
Chacune des races dans Total War: WARHAMMER II sera jouable en campagne à un joueur de même qu'en mode multijoueur, et sera accessible dans les batailles personnalisées et en multijoueur. Comme les deux Seigneurs légendaires de chaque race possèdent leurs propres positions de départ, deux joueurs pourront faire une partie de campagne coopérative avec la même race. Si chacun des deux joueurs dispose des deux titres, vous pourrez jouer en multijoueur en incarnant n'importe quelle race possédée.
Le monde de Total War: WARHAMMER II
Assiégé par une force d'invasion du Chaos il y a des millénaires, un conclave de Hauts Elfes mages forgea un immense vortex arcanique. Son but : aspirer les Vents de Magie du monde tel un siphon avalant un océan entier, et renvoyer ainsi les hordes démoniaques vers leurs Royaumes du Chaos. À présent, le Grand Vortex s'étiole, et le monde est une fois de plus en proie à la ruine.
Des forces puissantes se déplacent, afin d'apaiser le maelström et d'éviter le désastre. D'autres, en revanche, cherchent à en dompter les énergies terribles pour servir leur propre dessein. Dans cette course effrénée, le destin de l'univers reposera entre les mains du victorieux. Le Prince Tyrion, Défenseur d'Ulthuan, guide les Hauts Elfes dans leurs efforts désespérés de stabiliser le vortex tourbillonnant au-dessus de leur continent.
Trônant sur le palanquin qui lui sert de trône, le Prêtre-Mage Slann Mazdamundi délivre ses ordres aux forces guerrières des Hommes-lézards venus de Lustrie, tandis qu'ils s'avancent vers le Nord. Lui aussi a bien l'intention d'éviter un cataclysme, mais les méthodes ancestrales des Anciens doivent prévaloir.
Le Roi Sorcier Malékith et ses hordes d'Elfes Noirs sadiques se déversent de Naggaroth et des sinueuses Arches Noires. Il perçoit une faille dans le vortex, et sa disparition laisse présager de grandes choses.
Pendant ce temps, les Skavens, menés par Queek Coupe-Têtes, s'agitent dans leurs tunnels souterrains fétides. Ils s'y multiplient à l'insu de tous, et lorgnent la surface en se léchant les babines. Quelles peuvent bien être leurs motivations ? L'heure des révélations a sonné...
Quatre races, quatre issues possibles, un seul et même objectif : prendre le contrôle du Grand Vortex, pour le bien ou la ruine de tous.
Total War Academy
Über das Spiel
Verteidigt Eure Welt. Zerstört die ihre.
Total War™: WARHAMMER®II ist ein Strategiespiel gigantischen Ausmaßes. Wählt aus vier einzigartigen Fraktionen und führt Krieg auf Eure eigene Art – startet eine Eroberungskampagne zur Rettung oder Zerstörung einer riesigen und lebendigen Fantasy-Welt.
Dieses Spiel vereint rundenbasiertes Open-World-Kampagnenspiel mit aufregenden, taktischen Echtzeitgefechten in den fantastischen Landschaften der Neuen Welt.
Spielt, wie es Euch gefällt – taucht ein in eine fesselnde Kampagne, erlebt unbegrenzten Wiederspielwert und stellt Euch der Welt im Mehrspielermodus mit einer benutzerdefinierten Armee Eurer Lieblingseinheiten. Total War: WARHAMMER II bietet hunderte Stunden Spielspaß und kein Spiel gleicht dem anderen. Weltumspannende Eroberung
Übt Euch in Staatskunst, Diplomatie und Erkundung und errichtet Euer eigenes Imperium, Runde um Runde. Erobert, erbaut und verwaltet geschäftige Siedlungen und rekrutiert riesige Armeen. Bringt Legendäre Kommandanten und Helden auf die nächste Stufe und stattet sie mit magischen Waffen und Rüstungen aus. Schmiedet Allianzen oder erklärt den totalen Krieg und unterwerft alle, die zwischen Euch und Eurem Ziel stehen.
Gewaltige Echtzeitgefechte
Befehligt tausendköpfige Legionen in nervenaufreibenden taktischen Schachten. Sendet wilde, verdorbene Monster, Feuer speiende Drachen aus und macht Euch mächtige Magie zu Nutzen. Wendet Militärstrategien an, legt Hinterhalte oder wendet das Blatt in der Schlacht mit Hilfe von roher Gewalt und führt Eure Streitkräfte zum Sieg.
Im zweiten Teil der Trilogie und der Fortsetzung des preisgekrönten Spiels Total War™: WARHAMMER®, Total War: WARHAMMER II erwartet den Spielern eine atemberaubende neue Kampagnengeschichte, die sich über die riesigen Kontinente Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth und die Südlande erstreckt. Die packende Kampagne „Der Große Mahlstrom“ führt die Spieler einem ultimativen Spielhöhepunkt entgegen, der sich von bisherigen Total War-Titeln unterscheidet.
In der Rolle eines von acht Legendären Kommandanten aus vier klassischen Völkern aus der Welt von Warhammer Fantasy Battles, müssen Spieler durch Absolvieren von arkanen Ritualen den Großen Mahlstrom stabilisieren oder stören und zudem ihre Rivalen ausschalten.
Jeder Legendäre Kommandant beginnt auf einer eigenen Startposition, und jedes Volk verfügt über eigene, neue Spielstile mit einzigartigen Kampagnenmechaniken, Geschichten, Kriegsmethoden, Armeen, Monstern, Magielehren, legendären Charakteren sowie grandiosen neuen Schlachtfeld-Armeefähigkeiten.
Kurz nach der Veröffentlichung erhalten Besitzer des ersten Titels und Total War: WARHAMMER II Zugriff auf die kolossale dritte Kampagne. Spieler können mit jeder Rasse in ihrem Besitz - aus beiden Titeln! - antreten und sich auf einer epischen kombinierten Karte der Alten Welt und der Neuen Welt in monumentalen Kampagnen messen.
Erobert die Welt, gemeinsam
Jede der Rassen in Total War: WARHAMMER II wird in der Einspieler- und der Mehrspielerkampagne, sowie in Benutzerdefinierten und Mehrspielergefechten spielbar sein. Da die beiden legendären Kommandanten jeder Rasse ihren eigenen, einzigartigen Kampagnenstart haben, ist es möglich, die gleiche Rasse zu zweit im Koop-Modus zu spielen. Besitzt Ihr Teil 1 und 2, könnt Ihr im Mehrspielermodus zwischen allen Rassen in Ihrem Besitz wählen.
Die Welt von Total War: WARHAMMER II
Vor Jahrtausenden erschuf eine von Chaosinvasoren belagerte Hochelfenmagier-Konklave einen riesigen, arkanen Mahlstrom. Dieser sollte, ähnlich einer Sinkhöhle, die einen Ozean trockenzulegen vermag, die Winde der Magie hinwegtreiben und die Dämonen ins Reich des Chaos verbannen. Nun droht der Große Mahlstrom zu versiegen, und die Welt steht erneut vor dem Untergang.
Große Mächte suchen den Mahlstrom zu verstärken und die Katastrophe abzuwenden. Doch andere trachten danach, dessen böse Energie zu ihrem Vorteil zu nutzen. Der Wettkampf beginnt, und das Schicksal der Welt liegt in den Händen des Siegers. Fürst Tyrion, der Verteidiger Ulthuans, führt die Hochelfen in ihrem verzweifelten Kampf um die Stabilisierung jenes Mahlstroms an, der über ihrem Heimatkontinent tobt.
Auf seiner Sänfte thronend befehligt der Slann-Magierpriester Mazdamundi die Kriegsheere der Echsenmenschen bei ihrem Zug von Lustria gen Norden. Auch er ist darauf aus, das Unheil abzuwenden, doch die Kriegsmethoden der Alten müssen obsiegen.
Unter dem Kommando des Hexenkönigs Malekith drängen die sadistischen Dunkelelfenhorden Naggaroths aus den labyrinthartigen Schwarzen Archen in die Schlacht. Er schmeckt große Schwäche im Mahlstrom – und wittert in dessen Untergang große Macht.
Währenddessen regen sich die Skaven, angeführt von Quiek Kopfjäger, in ihren stinkenden unterirdischen Tunneln. Dort vermehren sie sich ungestört und blicken hungrig zur Oberfläche, mit verborgenen Motiven. Die Zeit für die Offenbarung ist gekommen...
Vier Völker, vier Resultate, ein Ziel: Kontrolle über den Großen Mahlstrom, um jeden Preis.
Total War Academy
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
A játékról:
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Informazioni sul gioco
Difendi il tuo mondo. Distruggi il loro.
Total War™: WARHAMMER® II è un gioco di strategia di proporzioni titaniche. Scegli tra quattro fazioni uniche e diversificate e dichiara guerra in base al tuo stile: intraprendi una campagna per salvare o distruggere un vasto e dinamico mondo di fantasia.
Questo gioco è formato da due parti: la prima è una campagna a turni ambientata in tutto il mondo, mentre l'altra è una serie di battaglie in tempo reale tatticamente intense, combattute nella fantastica cornice del Nuovo Mondo.
Gioca in base alle tue scelte: immergiti in una campagna davvero coinvolgente, vivi esperienze di gioco sempre nuove e sfida i tuoi avversari in modalità multigiocatore con un esercito formato dalle tue unità preferite. Total War: WARHAMMER II offre centinaia di ore di gioco e un'esperienza ogni volta diversa. Una conquista mondiale
Effettua scelte di potere e diplomatiche, esplora il mondo e ingrandisci il tuo impero, turno dopo turno. Cattura, costruisci e gestisci floridi insediamenti e recluta enormi eserciti. Aumenta il livello di Lord leggendari ed Eroi, equipaggiandoli con armi e armature mitiche. Negozia alleanze o dichiara una guerra totale per sottomettere coloro che si frappongono tra te e la vittoria.
Battaglie epiche in tempo reale
Comanda legioni di migliaia di soldati in intense battaglie tattiche. Manda in prima linea mostri feroci e maledetti, draghi sputafuoco e imbriglia i poteri della magia. Utilizza strategie militari, architetta imboscate, usa la forza bruta per rovesciare le sorti delle battaglie a tuo favore e conduci le tue armate alla vittoria.
Secondo capitolo della trilogia e seguito del pluripremiato Total War™: WARHAMMER®, Total War: WARHAMMER II porta ai giocatori una nuova campagna narrativa mozzafiato, ambientata nei vasti continenti della Lustria, dell'Ulthuan e del Naggaroth, e nelle Terre Meridionali. La campagna Il Grande Vortice imposta il ritmo di gioco, che culminerà in un finale sorprendente e garantirà un'esperienza unica, sconosciuta ai precedenti titoli Total War.
Nei panni di uno degli 8 Lord leggendari delle 4 nuove razze di Warhammer Fantasy Battles, i giocatori dovranno eseguire una serie di potenti e arcani rituali per poter stabilizzare o annientare il Grande Vortice, e ostacolare, al contempo, i progressi delle altre razze.
Ogni Lord leggendario ha una precisa posizione geografica iniziale e ogni razza possiede uno stile di gioco distintivo, che include dinamiche, storie, metodi di combattimento, armate, mostri, Saperi della Magia, personaggi leggendari unici e nuove e sbalorditive abilità degli eserciti sul campo di battaglia.
Dopo l'uscita del gioco, chi possiede sia il gioco originale, sia Total War: WARHAMMER II, avrà accesso alla colossale terza campagna. Esplorando un'unica mappa che comprende sia le terre del Vecchio Mondo sia quelle del Nuovo, i giocatori potranno comandare una qualsiasi delle razze in loro possesso e godere delle immense campagne provenienti da entrambi i titoli.
Conquista il mondo con gli altri
Ogni razza di Total War: WARHAMMER II potrà essere scelta in una campagna per giocatore singolo e multigiocatore, oltre a battaglie personalizzate e con altri utenti. Dal momento che i due Lord leggendari di ogni fazione hanno posizioni di partenza uniche, sarai in grado di intraprendere una campagna in cooperativa usando la stessa razza dell'altro giocatore. Se possiedi la prima e la seconda parte del gioco, puoi prendere parte alla modalità multigiocatore con qualsiasi razza tu abbia.
Il mondo di Total War: WARHAMMER II
Vari millenni fa, gli Alti Elfi maghi, assediati dalle invasioni del Caos, crearono un enorme vortice arcano. Lo scopo era risucchiare i Venti della Magia dal mondo, come una dolina prosciuga l'oceano, e rispedire le orde demoniache nel Regno del Caos. Ora il Grande Vortice vacilla e il mondo si ritrova sull'orlo della rovina.
Forze potenti si mettono in moto per ricomporre il turbine ed evitare la catastrofe. Tuttavia, altre cercano di imbrigliare la sua terribile energia per perseguire loschi propositi. È una lotta contro il tempo, e il destino del mondo sarà nelle mani di chi vi arriva per primo. Il Principe Tyrion, Difensore dell'Ulthuan, guida gli Alti Elfi nel tentativo disperato di stabilizzare il Vortice che turbina nel loro territorio.
Dalla cima del suo trono-palanchino, lo Slann Mago Sacerdote Mazdamundi dirige i suoi Uomini Lucertola dalla Lustria verso nord. Ha intenzione di evitare il cataclisma, ma i sistemi degli Antichi dovranno prevalere.
Il Re Stregone Malekith e le sue malvage orde di Elfi Oscuri si riversano dal Naggaroth e dalle labirintiche Arche Nere. Vede grandi debolezze nel Vortice, e grandi opportunità nella sua fine.
Nel frattempo gli Skaven, comandati da Queek Mozzateste, si muovono nei fetidi tunnel sotterranei. Lì possono moltiplicarsi indisturbati e guardare desiderosi la superficie, ma i loro scopi sono oscuri. Il momento della rivelazione si avvicina...
Quattro razze, quattro esiti, un unico proposito: assumere il controllo del Grande Vortice, nel bene e nel male.
Total War Academy
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
게임 정보
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Om spillet
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Informacje o grze
Broń swego świata. Zniszcz świat wroga.
Total War: WARHAMMER II to gra strategiczna gigantycznych rozmiarów. Wybierz spośród czterech wyjątkowych frakcji i tocz wojnę na swój sposób – poprowadź pełną podbojów kampanię, aby ocalić lub zniszczyć świat.
Gra podzielona jest na dwie części – turową kampanię w otwartym świecie oraz intensywne, taktyczne bitwy w czasie rzeczywistym na wspaniałych terenach Nowego Świata.
Graj, jak chcesz – zanurz się we wciągającej kampanii, korzystaj z nieograniczonych możliwości rozgrywania nowych gier i rzuć wyzwanie innym za pomocą armii składającej się z twoich ulubionych jednostek. Total War: WARHAMMER II oferuje setki godzin rozgrywki, a żadne partie nie będą identyczne. Podbij cały świat
Rządź krajem, działaj dyplomatycznie, eksploruj ziemie i buduj swoje imperium tura po turze. Przechwytuj, buduj, zarządzaj pełnymi życia osadami i werbuj potężne armie. Rozwijaj legendarnych lordów i bohaterów i uzbrajaj ich w magiczną broń i pancerze. Negocjuj pokój lub wypowiadaj wojnę totalną wszystkim, którzy stoją na drodze do twojego celu.
Ekscytujące bitwy w czasie rzeczywistym
Dowódź tysiącami żołnierzy podczas intensywnych, taktycznych bitw. Wysyłaj do walki dzikie bestie i ziejące ogniem smoki oraz korzystaj z potężnej magii. Korzystaj ze strategii, zastawiaj zasadzki lub wykorzystaj brutalną siłę, aby przechylić szalę zwycięstwa na swoją korzyść i poprowadzić armię do zwycięstwa.
Druga odsłona trylogii i sequel nagradzanego Total War: WARHAMMER. Total War: WARHAMMER II daje graczom nową, niesamowitą kampanię fabularną, której akcja toczy się na 4 kontynentach: w Lustrii, Ulthuanie, Naggaroth i na Południowych Ziemiach. Kampania Wielkiego Wiru powoli nabiera tempa, a jej kulminacją jest intensywny finał, całkowicie odmienny od rozgrywki z innych gier z serii Total War.
Grając jako jeden z 8 legendarnych lordów 4 znanych ras ze świata Warhammer Fantasy Battles, musisz wykonać serię potężnych magicznych rytuałów, mających wzmocnić lub osłabić Wielki Wir, krzyżując jednocześnie plany wrogów.
Każdy legendarny lord rozpoczyna grę w innym miejscu, a każda rasa zapewnia zupełnie nowy styl gry, wyjątkowe mechaniki, wątki fabularne, metody prowadzenia wojny, armie, potwory, domeny magii, legendarne postaci i niesamowite zdolności armii.
Niedługo po premierze posiadacze pierwszej części oraz Total War™ WARHAMMER II otrzymają dostęp do ogromnej, trzeciej kampanii. Eksploruj olbrzymią mapę, na którą składa się Stary i Nowy Świat, jako dowolna rasa z obu części gry.
Podbij świat w towarzystwie
Każda z ras w Total War™ WARHAMMER II będzie dostępna w trakcie kampanii dla pojedynczego gracza i wieloosobowej, a także podczas bitw własnych i wieloosobowych. Każdy z dwóch legendarnych lordów każdej rasy zaczyna w wyjątkowym miejscu, więc możliwe będzie rozegranie kampanii w trybie współpracy dla dwóch osób tą samą rasą. Jeżeli posiadasz obie części gry, w trybie wieloosobowym będzie możliwe korzystanie z każdej posiadanej rasy.
Świat Total War: WARHAMMER II
Tysiąclecia temu zgromadzenie elfich magów, stojąc w obliczu inwazji Chaosu, stworzyło ogromny, magiczny wir. Miał on ściągać moc Wiatrów Magii z całego świata i wygnać hordy demonów z powrotem do Królestwa Chaosu. Wielki Wir zaczyna słabnąć, a świat staje na krawędzi zniszczenia.
Potężne siły próbują uzdrowić wir i zapobiec katastrofie. Inni zaś chcą wykorzystać jego potęgę do własnych celów. Rozpoczyna się wyścig – to zwycięzcy zadecydują o losach świata. Książę Tyrion Obrońca Ulthuanu przewodzi elfom wysokiego rodu podczas prób ustabilizowania wiru, unoszącego się nad ich ojczystym kontynentem.
Mazdamundi jako kapłan-mag slannów dowodzi ze swego tronu-lektyki bojowymi zastępami jaszczuroludzi, a jego podwładni wylewają się na północ z dżungli Lustrii. On też chce zapobiec kataklizmowi, wykorzystując jednak metody Starożytnych.
Wiedźmi król Malekith i jego sadystyczne hordy mrocznych elfów ruszają z Naggaroth na pokładzie złowrogich czarnych arek. Wyczuwa on słabość wiru i możliwości, które otwiera przed nim zniszczenie go.
W tym samym czasie skaveni, prowadzeni przez Queeka Łowcę Głów, zaczynają poruszać się w swoich cuchnących, podziemnych tunelach. Rozmnażają się w nich bezustannie i wygłodniałym wzrokiem spoglądają ku powierzchni, a ich motywacja pozostaje nieznana. Zbliża się czas jej ujawnienia...
Cztery rasy, cztery drogi do jednego celu: kontroli nad Wielkim Wirem.
Total War Academy
Acerca do Jogo
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Despre joc
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Об игре
Защищайте свой мир. Разрушайте чужие.
Total War: WARHAMMER II - это стратегическая игра поистине грандиозных масштабов. Вам предстоит выбрать одну из четырех уникальных рас и начать эпическую войну с целью спасти или уничтожить огромный и яркий фэнтезийный мир.
Игра состоит из двух основных частей - походовой стратегической кампании в открытом мире и тактических сражений в реальном времени среди причудливых ландшафтов Нового Света.
Вы сможете вникать в тонкости глобальной политики в тщательно проработанной кампании и наслаждаться бесконечным разнообразием сетевых сражений, составив собственную армию из любимых отрядов. Какими бы ни были ваши предпочтения, Total War: WARHAMMER II подарит вам сотни часов увлекательной игры. Глобальная кампания
Занимайтесь политикой, дипломатией, исследованиями и военным делом в походовом режиме. Захватывайте, стройте и развивайте города, чтобы нанимать и содержать огромные армии. Тренируйте и вооружайте прославленных лордов и героев. Ведите переговоры с потенциальными союзниками и объявляйте войны тем, кто преграждает вам путь к намеченной цели.
Эпические битвы в реальном времени
Командуйте многотысячными армиями в напряженных тактических битвах. Бросайте в бой огнедышащих драконов и других кровожадных чудовищ, применяйте заклинания колоссальной силы и проверенные временем тактические приемы или давите врага числом - способ не важен, имеет значение только победа.
Total War: WARHAMMER II - это вторая часть трилогии, начало которой было положено культовой игрой Total War: WARHAMMER. В ней игроков ожидает новая захватывающая кампания "Великий вихрь", действие которой происходит на огромных континентах Люстрии, Ултуана, Наггарота и Южных Земель. С развитием сюжета ее действие становится все более напряженным, чтобы в конце концов прийти к эпическому финалу, подобного которому еще не было в серии Total War.
Игроку предстоит войти в роль одного из восьми легендарных лордов, возглавлющих четыре культовые расы мира Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Чтобы стабилизировать или окончательно разрушить Великий вихрь, ему потребуется совершить серию чародейских ритуалов и пресечь все попытки соперников сделать то же самое.
Для всех легендарных лордов предусмотрены уникальные стартовые позиции, а каждая из четырех рас обладает собственным стилем игры, механикой кампании, сюжетом, военными традициями, армиями, чудовищами, школами магии и легендарными персонажами.
Вскоре после выхода все пользователи, одновременно владеющие исходной игрой и Total War™ WARHAMMER II, получат доступ к третьей кампании колоссальных масштабов. На общей карте, объединяющей территории Старого и Нового Света, игроки смогут вести к победе любые из рас, доступных в обеих играх.
Покоряйте мир вместе
Все расы Total War™ WARHAMMER II будут доступны в одиночной и сетевой кампании, а также своих и сетевых битвах. Поскольку для каждой расы предусмотрено по 2 легендарных лорда с уникальными стартовыми позициями, вы сможете проходить кампанию совместно с другом, играя за одну и ту же расу. Если у вас есть обе игры серии, в сетевой игре будут доступны все включенные в них расы.
Тысячелетия назад, отражая вторжение Хаоса, великие маги высших эльфов создали огромный чародейский вихрь. По их замыслу, он должен был вытянуть Ветра Магии прочь из этого мира и заставить орды демонов вернуться в Царство Хаоса. Сейчас Великий вихрь теряет стабильность. Мир снова под угрозой разрушения.
Могущественные силы уже готовятся принять меры, чтобы спасти планету от катастрофы. Но есть и те, кто хочет использовать энергию гибнущего вихря в своих ужасных целях. Началась гонка, победителю которой достанется весь мир. Принц Тирион, Защитник Ултуана, правит высшими эльфами, которые отчаянно пытаются стабилизировать Великий вихрь, бушующий над их континентом.
Маг-жрец сланнов Маздамунди, восседающий на троне-паланкине, посылает армии своих людоящеров на север из Люстрии. Он тоже стремится предотвратить катаклизм, но планы Древних для него важнее.
Король-чародей Малекит приказывает жестоким ордам темных эльфов покинуть Наггарот и зловещие Черные ковчеги. Он чувствует слабость вихря и хочеть сполна воспользоваться ей.
Скавены под предводительством Квика Головогрыза затаились в ожидании. Из своих переполненных подземных городов они жадно смотрят на богатства поверхности. Их замысел пока неизвестен, но скоро о нем узнает весь мир...
Четыре расы, четыре пути, одна цель: подчинить Великий вихрь во имя добра или зла.
Total War Academy
Total War: WARHAMMER II是一款规模宏大的战略游戏。在此,玩家将会使用四个各具特色的独特种族来踏足战争之路,从而拯救或是毁灭这个广阔而多彩的奇幻世界。
随心所欲地游玩:深入探索引人入胜的战役,亲身体验久玩不腻的游戏世界,用你最喜欢的部队组建军队挑战多人游戏的世界!Total War: WARHAMMER II会让您经历数百个小时的游戏体验,每一次的体验也都将别具一格。 经天纬地的征服之路
作为三部曲中的第二部,备受赞誉的Total War: WARHAMMER的续作,Total War: WARHAMMER II将会为玩家们带来一款扣人心弦的战役故事,让玩家们领略露丝契亚、奥苏安、纳迦罗斯与南地大陆的风光。在大漩涡战役中,玩家们会逐步地领略这一战役中惊心动魄的高潮部分,而这是此前任何一款Total War游戏都不曾带来的游戏体验。
而在发售后不久,同时拥有游戏本体和Total War™ WARHAMMER II的玩家将可以解锁第三部独特的战役:探索同时包含拥有旧世界与新世界的史诗级开放世界,在此,玩家们将可以使用两部作品中所包含的所有可用种族!
在Total War™ WARHAMMER II中,每个可用种族都可以同时在单人游戏和多人游戏中,以及自定义与多人战斗中进行游玩。鉴于游戏中每个种族的两位传奇领主的初始位置各不相同,所以两位玩家甚至可以在双人合作游戏中同时游玩同个种族。如果玩家同时拥有了1代与2代游戏,那么玩家将可以在多人战役中随意游玩已拥有的任何种族。
Total War: WARHAMMER II的世界
强大的国度正致力于修复大漩涡,从而避免这场灾难。然而,有些人却在收集着它可怕的能量并谋划着自己的阴谋。竞赛已经打响,而胜者将就此掌控整个世界的命运。 泰瑞昂王子,奥苏安的守卫者,率领着高等精灵们竭尽全力稳定大漩涡,因为它所搅动的正是精灵故乡的天空。
Total War Academy
Acerca del juego
Defiende tu mundo. Destruye el suyo.
Total War™: WARHAMMER® II es un juego de estrategia de proporciones épicas. Elige de entre cuatro exclusivas facciones y decide cómo librar la guerra: lanzando una campaña de conquista para salvar este enorme y fantástico mundo o destruirlo.
Este juego posee dos partes diferenciadas: una de ellas es la campaña de mundo abierto por turnos y la segunda consiste en batallas tácticas a tiempo real, ambientadas en los fantásticos paisajes del Nuevo Mundo.
Elige cómo jugar: te sumergirás en una intensa y atractiva campaña con la posibilidad de jugar muchas veces y desafiar al mundo en modo multijugador con un ejército personalizado, compuesto por tus unidades favoritas. Total War: WARHAMMER II te ofrece cientos de horas de juego, donde no habrá dos partidas iguales. Una conquista mundial
Emplea tu arte para gobernar, entabla relaciones diplomáticas, explora y construye tu imperio turno tras turno. Captura, construye y gestiona florecientes asentamientos y recluta enormes ejércitos. Haz que tus héroes y Señores legendarios suban de nivel y equípalos con armas y armaduras míticas. Negocia alianzas o declara la guerra total para someter a todo aquel que se interponga en tu camino.
Épicas batallas en tiempo real
Dirige gigantescas legiones de guerreros en trepidantes batallas tácticas. Ordena atacar a feroces y deformes monstruos, dragones que escupen fuego y domina la poderosa magia. Emplea estrategias militares, tiende emboscadas o usa la fuerza bruta para cambiar el curso de una batalla y llevar a tus tropas a la victoria.
Total War: WARHAMMER II, la segunda entrega de la trilogía y secuela de Total War: WARHAMMER, ofrece a los jugadores una nueva e imponente campaña narrativa que se desarrolla en los enormes continentes de Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth y las Tierras del Sur. La campaña del Gran Vórtice va tomando forma hasta culminar en un final insuperable, una experiencia sin igual en cualquier otro título de Total War hasta la fecha.
Al jugar con uno de los 8 Señores legendarios de las 4 icónicas razas del mundo de Warhammer Fantasy Battles, los jugadores podrán realizar una serie de poderosos y arcanos rituales para estabilizar o perturbar el Gran Vórtice, a la vez que obstaculizan el avance de otras razas.
Cada Señor legendario tiene una posición inicial geográfica única y cada raza ofrece un estilo de juego, una mecánica, una narrativa, unas tácticas de guerra, unos ejércitos, unos monstruos, Saberes de la Magia y personajes legendarios tan únicos como asombrosos, además de nuevas habilidades para el ejército en el campo de batalla.
Justo después de su lanzamiento, quienes posean el juego original, además de Total War: WARHAMMER II, podrán acceder a la tercera y colosal campaña. Los jugadores explorarán el épico mapa de un mundo abierto que comprende tanto el Viejo como el Nuevo Mundo y podrán embarcarse en monumentales campañas con cualquiera de las razas que posean de los dos títulos.
Conquistad el mundo, juntos
Cada una de las razas de Total War: WARHAMMER II será plenamente jugable en las campaña para un jugador, multijugador y, también, en las batallas personalizadas y multijugador. Al igual que los dos Señores legendarios de cada raza cuentan con sus propias posiciones de salida, podrás jugar a una campaña cooperativa para dos jugadores con la misma raza. Si posees la primera y la segunda entrega, podrás jugar en multijugador con cualquiera de las razas que tengas.
El mundo de Total War: WARHAMMER II
Hace milenios, asediado por una invasión del Caos, un cónclave de magos Altos Elfos forjó un enorme vórtice arcano. Su propósito era extraer los Vientos de la Magia del mundo, generar un gran remolino que los absorbiera para enviar a las hordas demoniacas de vuelta al Reino del Caos. Ahora el Gran Vórtice pierde fuerza y el mundo vuelve a estar al borde de la ruina una vez más.
Poderosas fuerzas deciden restaurar el vórtice y evitar de este modo la catástrofe. Sin embargo, otros desean utilizar su terrible energía para sus malvados fines. Comienza la competición y el mismísimo destino del mundo estará en las manos del vencedor. El príncipe Tyrion, defensor de Ulthuan, guía a los Altos Elfos en un esfuerzo desesperado por estabilizar el vórtice mientras este gira enloquecedoramente sobre su continente.
Sentado en su trono palanquín, Mazdamundi, el Mago Sacerdote Slann, dirige las huestes de guerra de los Hombres Lagarto hacia el norte desde Lustria. También alberga la esperanza de evitar el cataclismo, aunque los métodos de los Ancestrales deben prevalecer.
Por su parte, el Rey Brujo Malekith y sus sádicas hordas de Elfos Oscuros han partido de Naggaroth y sus laberínticas Arcas Negras. Siente la gran debilidad del vórtice, cuya desaparición les brindaría una gran oportunidad.
Por su parte, los Skaven, liderados por Queek el Coleccionista de Cabezas, se revuelven en sus fétidos y subterráneos túneles. Allí, se multiplican a su antojo y vigilan la superficie con mucha ansia y unos motivos nada claros. Se acerca el momento de la revelación...
Cuatro razas, cuatro desenlaces, un solo objetivo: controlar el Gran Vórtice para bien o para mal.
Total War Academy
Om spelet
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
《Total War: WARHAMMER II》是一款規模宏大的戰略遊戲。您可以從四個各具特色的獨特派系中選擇一個來扮演,並以您的做法征戰四方:發動一場征服戰役,拯救或毀滅這個既廣闊又栩栩如生的奇幻世界。
隨心所欲地遊玩:全心投入引人入勝的戰役、體驗禁得起無限次重複遊玩的豐富遊戲內容、以您最喜歡的單位組成自訂軍隊,在多人遊戲中挑戰全世界的玩家。《Total War: WARHAMMER II》提供上百小時的遊戲內容,每一場遊戲都是新的體驗。 橫跨世界的征途
《Total War: WARHAMMER II》是獲獎作品《Total War: WARHAMMER》的續作,也是本系列三部曲中的第二部。《Total War: WARHAMMER II》將在魯斯特利亞、奧蘇安、納伽洛西和南地等四片廣闊大陸上,為玩家帶來令人屏息的全新劇情戰役。「大漩渦戰役」會一步步鋪陳劇情,最後在一場壯烈的大決戰中劃下句點。這將是與以往所有《Total War》系列遊戲截然不同的體驗。
玩家將扮演《Warhammer Fantasy Battles》4 個代表種族的 8 位傳奇領主之一,目標是成功進行一連串強大的奧術儀式,藉此穩定或干擾大漩渦,同時阻撓其他種族的進展。
緊接在遊戲發行之後,同時擁有《Total War™ WARHAMMER II》和其前作的玩家將可進入規模龐大的第三場戰役,探索一張囊括舊世界與新世界的超大型開放世界地圖。玩家可以使用在兩款遊戲中持有的所有種族,在此展開不朽的戰役。
《Total War™ WARHAMMER II》中的所有種族皆可在單人戰役、多人戰役、自訂戰鬥及多人戰鬥中使用。各種族的兩位傳奇領主各自擁有獨特的戰役起始位置,因此您將能夠進行相同種族的雙人合作戰役。如果同時擁有一代與二代遊戲,您將可以在多人遊戲中使用您持有的任何種族。
《Total War: WARHAMMER II》的世界
眾多強大勢力動身前往修復大漩渦,試圖阻止災難的發生,但也有其他勢力圖謀操縱漩渦的可怕能量來完成自身的邪惡目的。這場競逐已經展開,而世界的命運將完全掌握在勝者的手中。 「奧蘇安守衛者」泰瑞昂王子率領高等精靈盡一切努力穩定漩渦,因為漩渦就在他們的奧蘇安大陸上翻湧。
Total War Academy
Oyun Açıklaması
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.
Total War Academy
Про гру
Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Play how you choose – delve into a deep engrossing campaign, experience unlimited replayability and challenge the world in multiplayer with a custom army of your favourite units. Total War: WARHAMMER II offers hundreds of hours of gameplay and no two games are the same. World-Spanning Conquest
Engage in statecraft, diplomacy, exploration and build your empire, turn by turn. Capture, build and manage teeming settlements and recruit vast armies. Level up Legendary Lords and Heroes and arm them with mythical weapons and armour. Negotiate alliances or declare Total War to subjugate any that stand between you and your goal.
Epic Real-Time Battles
Command thousands-strong legions of soldiers in intense tactical battles. Send forth ferocious, twisted monsters, fire-breathing dragons and harness powerful magic. Utilise military strategies, lay ambushes, or use brute force to turn the tide of combat and lead your forces to victory.
The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breath-taking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date.
Playing as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, players must succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races.
Each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position, and each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield army abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War™ WARHAMMER II will gain access to the colossal third campaign. Exploring a single open-world epic map covering the Old World and the New World, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.
Conquer the world, together
Each of the Races in Total War™ WARHAMMER II will be playable in single and multiplayer campaign, plus custom and multiplayer battles. As the two Legendary Lords for each race all have their own unique campaign start positions, you’ll be able to play a 2-player co-op campaign as the same race. If you own both parts 1 and 2, you’ll be able to play in multiplayer as any of the races you own.
The World of Total War: WARHAMMER II
Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.
Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor. Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.
Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.
The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.
Meanwhile the Skaven, led by Queek Headtaker, stir in their foetid subterranean tunnels. There they multiply unchecked and look hungrily towards the surface, their motives obscured. The time for revelation is nigh…
Four races, four outcomes, a single goal: control of the Great Vortex, for good or ill.