Total War: Warhammer III
Total War: Warhammer III
Total War: Warhammer III
Total War: Warhammer III
Total War: Warhammer III
Total War: Warhammer III
Total War: Warhammer III

Total War: Warhammer III

Release Date: 01/01/1970 | WORLDWIDE
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Beta de Immortal Empires já Disponível

Immortal Empires é o clímax de toda a série Total War: WARHAMMER. Todos os mapas, raças e facções dos três jogos* juntos em uma única campanha de mundo aberto épica. Trata-se da mais completa experiência de estratégia Warhammer já concebida!

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Sobre o jogo

O último urro de um deus moribundo rompe a fronteira entre os mundos, abrindo um portal para o Reino do Caos. Do turbilhão, emergem os Poderes Destruidores – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch e Slaanesh – vetores de trevas e desespero.

Os inflexíves guerreiros de Kislev e o império da Grande Cathay se preparam para o que virá, e um Príncipe Demônio jura destruir aqueles que o corromperam. O conflito baterá às portas de todos. Você dominará os seus demônios... ou os comandará?

Com sete raças e centenas de unidades disponíveis, forme um exército e vença batalhas épicas em um mundo de proporções espetaculares e impressionantes.

No jogo mais ambicioso e revolucionário da série Total War, mergulhe em uma narrativa cativante no insano Reino do Caos. Forje um império em um mundo aberto no qual duas campanhas jamais serão iguais.

Jogue como 10 Senhores Lendários! Alie-se aos Deuses do Caos com um dos Campeões Demoníacos, seja um antigo Dragão transmorfo da Grande Cathay, defenda Kislev ao lado da Rainha do Gelo ou encarne o vilão supremo com o Príncipe Demônio.

Personalize as partes corporais e os poderes do Príncipe Demônio. Com bilhões de combinações possíveis, você encontrará a opção perfeita para o seu estilo de jogo.

O Multijogador está maior que nunca. Com a campanha Reino do Caos (até 8 jogadores), o intenso modo Dominação (1 contra 1), as campanhas multijogador em Kislev e na Grande Cathay, além de batalhas personalizadas e classificatórias, não faltarão opções para tocar o terror com amigos.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Относно играта

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Beta verze Říší nesmrtelných je už dostupná

Immortal Empires je vyvrcholením celé série her Total War: WARHAMMER. Spojuje mapy kampaní, rasy a frakce ze všech tří her* do jednotné, velkolepé sandboxové kampaně. Přinese ty nejúplnější a nedefinitivnější zážitky ze strategie her Warhammer, jaké kdy vznikly!

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O hře

Hranici mezi světy rozerval poslední výkřik umírajícího boha a otevřel tak portál do Říše Chaosu. Z tohoto malstrómu vzešly čtyři Zkázonosné síly – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch a Slaanesh – jež šíří temnotu a beznaděj.

Nezlomní kislevští válečníci a rozlehlá Velká Kataj stojí na pomezí a pomstychtivý princ démonů skládá slib, že zničí ty, kteří jej nakazili. Nadcházející konflikt zachvátí všechny. Pokoříš své démony? Nebo je ovládneš?

Vel sedmi unikátním rasám a stovkám jednotek, naverbuj armádu a získej nadvládu v epických bitvách v reálném čase v úchvatném, rozsáhlém světě.

Ponoř se do poutavého příběhu nejambicióznější a nejprůlomovější hry Total War, která tě zavede do ohromující Říše Chaosu a pak zase zpět. Vytvoř impérium ve strategickém sandboxu, v němž žádná kampaň není stejná.

Hraj za 10 legendárních šlechticů! Postavíš se na stranu bohů Chaosu a staneš se jedním z jejich démonských šampionů, budeš hrát za prastarého dračího boha z Velké Kataje, který se dokáže přeměňovat, rozhodneš se chránit zmrzlý národ Kisleva s Ledovou královnou v čele, nebo se chopíš role záporného prince démonů?

Uprav si prince démonů podle svého – máš na výběr z široké škály částí těla a schopností a můžeš tak vytvořit miliardy potenciálních kombinací, které budou vyhovovat tvému hernímu stylu.

Hra pro více hráčů je rozsáhlejší než kdy předtím. Chaos můžeš s přáteli šířit různě – v kampani pro až osm hráčů, v intenzivním módu Dominance 1 vs. 1, v příběhových kampaních pro více hráčů, jež se soustředí na Kislev a Velkou Kataj, nebo v hodnocených a vlastních bitvách.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Om spillet

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Info over het spel

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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About the Game

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Tietoa pelistä

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

La bêta d'Empires Immortels est maintenant disponible

Les Empires Immortels sont l'aboutissement de toute la série des Total War: WARHAMMER. Ils combinent les cartes de campagne, les races et les factions des trois jeux* dans une unique campagne bac à sable épique. Cette expérience stratégique ultime est la plus complète que Warhammer ait jamais connue !

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À propos du jeu

Le dernier rugissement d'un dieu mourant déchire la frontière séparant les mondes, ouvrant un portail menant au Royaume du Chaos. Les quatre Puissances de la Ruine – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch et Slaanesh – émergent de ce maelström, répandant les ténèbres et le désespoir.

Les farouches guerriers de Kislev et le vaste empire du Grand Cathay sont sur la sellette, menacés par un Prince Démon cherchant à se venger et à détruire ceux qui l'ont corrompu. Tous seront pris dans le conflit qui s'annonce. Parviendrez-vous à triompher de vos démons… ou à les commander ?

Parmi sept races uniques et avec des centaines d'unités sous votre commandement, levez une armée et remportez des batailles en temps réel dans un monde à la taille et à la diversité incroyables.

Plongez dans une histoire captivante dans l'opus de Total War le plus ambitieux et révolutionnaire jamais créé, qui vous mènera dans l'hallucinant Royaume du Chaos. Forgez votre empire dans un monde bac à sable qui garantit qu'aucune campagne ne se ressemble.

Incarnez 10 Seigneurs légendaires ! Serez-vous aux côtés des Dieux du Chaos et de leurs champions démoniaques, jouerez-vous un Dragon ancien et métamorphe du Grand Cathay, défendrez-vous la nation gelée de Kislev avec sa Reine des glaces ou choisirez-vous le méchant ultime, le Prince Démon ?

Personnalisez le Prince Démon comme vous l'entendez en choisissant des parties de corps et des pouvoirs parmi des milliards de combinaisons possibles qui s'adapteront à votre style de jeu.

Le multijoueur n'a jamais été aussi étendu. Grâce à la vaste campagne multijoueur du Royaume du Chaos à 8 joueurs, le mode Domination 1 contre 1 intense, les campagnes multijoueurs scénarisées autour de Kislev et du Grand Cathay et les batailles classées et personnalisées, vous ne serez jamais à court d'idées pour semer le chaos avec vos amis.

Beta von Immortal Empires: jetzt verfügbar

Immortal Empires ist der Höhepunkt der gesamten Total War™: WARHAMMER®-Serie. Hier werden die Kampagnenkarten, Völker und Fraktionen aus allen drei Spielen* in einer einzigen, epischen Sandbox-Kampagne kombiniert. Das umfangreichste, ultimative Warhammer-Strategie-Erlebnis überhaupt!

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Über das Spiel

Das letzte Brüllen eines sterbenden Gottes zerreißt die Grenzen zwischen den Welten und öffnet ein Portal zum Reich des Chaos. Aus diesem Mahlstrom treten die vier Mächte der Verderbnis – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch und Slaanesh – und verbreiten Dunkelheit und Verzweiflung.

Die unbeugsamen Krieger von Kislev und das mächtige Großkaiserreich Cathay stehen an der Schwelle, als ein mächtiger Dämonenprinz gelobt, diejenigen zu vernichten, die ihn verdorben haben. Der drohende Konflikt wird alle unter sich begraben. Werdet Ihr Eure Dämonen bezwingen? Oder sie befehligen?

Wählt aus sieben einzigartigen Völkern und Hunderten unter Eurem Befehl stehenden Einheiten Eure Armee und beherrscht das Schlachtfeld in epischen Echtzeit-Gefechten in einer spektakulären Welt von atemberaubendem Ausmaß.

Taucht ein in das bisher anspruchsvollste und bahnbrechendste Total-War-Spiel und findet Euch in einer fesselnden Geschichte wieder, die Euch ins überwältigende Reich des Chaos und wieder zurück führt. Errichtet Euer Imperium in einer strategischen Sandbox, in der sich keine zwei Kampagnen gleichen.

Spielt als 10 Legendäre Kommandanten! Verbündet Ihr Euch mit den Chaosgöttern und wählt einen Ihrer dämonischen Champions, spielt Ihr als uralter, wandelbarer Drache aus dem Großkaiserreich Cathay, verteidigt Ihr die eisige Nation Kislev als ihre Eiskönigin oder wählt Ihr den ultimativen Schurken, den Dämonenprinzen?

Schöpft aus zahlreichen Körperteilen und Mächten und erschafft Euren einzigartigen Dämonenprinzen in Milliarden potenzieller Kombinationen, die auf Euren eigenen Spielstil zugeschnitten sind.

Der Mehrspielermodus ist jetzt größer als je zuvor. In der riesigen Mehrspielerkampagne „Reich des Chaos“ für 8 Spieler, dem intensiven 1-vs.-1-Modus „Beherrschung“, den narrativen Mehrspielerkampagnen, die sich um Kislev und das Großkaiserreich Cathay ranken, und in den Ranglisten- und benutzerdefinierten Gefechten gibt es endlose Möglichkeiten, mit Euren Freunden das Chaos zu schüren.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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A játékról: 

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

La beta di Imperi immortali è disponibile ora

Immortal Empires è il coronamento dell'intera saga di Total War: WARHAMMER. Combina le mappe, le razze e le fazioni delle campagne di tutti e tre i giochi* in una singola ed epica campagna sandbox. È l'esperienza strategica di Warhammer più completa e definitiva mai concepita!

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Informazioni sul gioco

L'ultimo ruggito di un dio morente rompe il confine tra i mondi, aprendo un portale verso il Regno del Caos. Da questo Maelstrom, emergono Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch e Slaanesh, i quattro Poteri Perniciosi che seminano oscurità e disperazione.

Gli austeri guerrieri di Kislev e il vasto impero del Grande Catai attendono sulla soglia, mentre il vendicativo Principe Demone giura di distruggere coloro che lo hanno corrotto. L'imminente conflitto divorerà tutto. Sconfiggerai i tuoi demoni? Oppure li comanderai?

Con sette razze uniche e centinaia di unità al tuo comando, crea un esercito e domina battaglie epiche in tempo reale in un mondo dalle dimensioni e dal fascino mozzafiato.

Tuffati in una narrazione accattivante che ti porterà nell'incredibile Regno del Caos con il più ambizioso e innovativo titolo di Total War. Forgia il tuo impero in una sandbox strategica: non giocherai mai due campagne uguali.

Gioca come 10 Lord leggendari! Ti schiererai con gli dei del Caos scegliendo uno dei loro campioni demoniaci? Giocherai come un antico Drago mutaforma del Grande Catai? Difenderai la nazione gelata di Kislev con la Regina dei Ghiacci? O sarai il malvagio definitivo nei panni del Principe Demone?

Personalizza il tuo Principe Demone con un'ampia scelta di parti del corpo e poteri e crea infinite combinazioni che si adattano al tuo stile di gioco.

La modalità multigiocatore è più grande che mai: la vasta campagna multigiocatore Regno del Caos per 8 giocatori, la violenta modalità Domino 1v1, le campagne multigiocatore che seguono le vicende di Kislev e del Grande Catai, le battaglie personalizzate e classificate. Non finirai mai di creare caos con gli amici.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

불멸의 제국들 BETA 지금 플레이 가능

'불멸의 제국들' 캠페인은 Total War: WARHAMMER 시리즈 전체를 한데 아우르는 정점입니다. 세 게임의 캠페인 지도, 종족, 진영을 결합한 단 하나의 신화적 싱글 샌드박스 캠페인입니다. 시리즈 사상 가장 완벽하고 확고한 Warhammer 전략 경험을 여러분께 제공해 드릴 것입니다!

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게임 정보

죽어 가는 신의 단말마가 세상의 경계선을 찢어 발기면서 카오스의 영역으로 통하는 차원문을 열어 젖힙니다. 파멸의 권능 넷, 즉 코른, 너글, 젠취와 슬라네쉬는 이 소용돌이로부터 암흑과 절망을 퍼뜨립니다.

키슬레프의 강인한 전사들과 광대한 제국 케세이는 벼랑 끝까지 몰려 있으며, 이제는 복수심에 불타는 악마 대공까지 나타나 자신을 타락시킨 자들을 모조리 멸망시키겠다 맹세합니다. 앞으로 찾아 올 전쟁은 모두를 집어삼킬 것입니다. 자신의 악마를 정복하시겠습니까? 아니면 뜻대로 부리시겠습니까?

여러분이 직접 지휘할 수 있는 일곱 가지 개성적인 종족과 수백 가지의 부대로 자신만의 군단을 꾸려, 신화적인 실시간 전투를 펼치고 숨 막힐 듯 장대한 이 세상을 정복하십시오.

시리즈 사상 가장 어마어마하고 웅장한 Total War 신작에서, 여러분은 매력적인 스토리텔링을 따라 카오스의 영역 안팎을 넘나들게 될 것입니다. 똑같은 플레이는 절대 반복되지 않는 샌드박스형 전략 시뮬레이션을 통해 자신만의 제국을 건설하십시오.

10가지 전설적인 군주로 플레이를 해 보십시오! 카오스 신들의 편에 서서 그 중 하나의 악마적 대행자로 거듭나거나, 인간으로 탈바꿈한 케세이의 고대 용이 되거나, 얼음 여왕이 되어 얼어붙은 키슬레프를 수호하거나, 악마 대공이 되어 궁극의 악으로 승천해 보십시오.

다양한 신체 부위와 능력을 통해 자신만의 개성적인 악마 대공을 만들어 보십시오. 플레이 스타일에 맞춰 수십억 가지의 조합이 가능합니다.

역사상 가장 웅장한 멀티 플레이가 제공됩니다. 8인의 플레이어가 동시에 진행하는 카오스의 영역 멀티 플레이 캠페인, 손에 땀을 쥐는 1대1 지배 모드, 키슬레프와 케세이 중심의 스토리를 기반으로 진행되는 멀티 플레이 캠페인과 등급전 및 사용자 정의 전투 등, 친구들과 불화를 일으키는 방법이 무궁무진하게 준비되어 있습니다.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Om spillet

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Beta Imperiów Nieśmiertelnych już dostępna

Imperia nieśmiertelnych to kulminacja całej serii Total War: WARHAMMER, łącząca mapy kampanii, frakcje i rasy z wszystkich trzech gier* w ramach jednej, imponującej kampanii z otwartym światem. Przygotuj się na strategiczne starcia w kompletnej i najbardziej dopracowanej odsłonie w historii świata Warhammera!

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Informacje o grze

Ostatni ryk konającego boga stworzył wyrwę pomiędzy światami, otwierając portal do Królestwa Chaosu. Z zamętu wyłoniły się cztery Niszczycielskie Moce: Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch i Slaanesh. Przyniosły światu ciemność i rozpacz.

Zaprawieni w bojach wojownicy z Kisleva i rozległe imperium Wielkiego Kataju stają na rozstaju dróg, a żądny zemsty Demoniczny Książę pragnie zniszczyć tych, którzy sprowadzili na niego spaczenie. W nadchodzącym konflikcie wezmą udział wszyscy. Czy zdołasz pokonać swe demony… czy może nimi zawładniesz?

Siedem unikalnych ras i setki jednostek pod twoim dowództwem pozwolą ci stworzyć armię i opanować pola imponujących, widowiskowych bitew, toczonych na całym świecie w czasie rzeczywistym.

W najbardziej ambitnej i rewolucyjnej z dotychczasowych odsłon Total War weźmiesz udział we wciągającej historii, która zabierze cię w podróż do niepojmowalnego Królestwa Chaosu i z powrotem. Stwórz swoje imperium w otwartym świecie, w którym każda kampania może się potoczyć inaczej.

Graj jako jeden z 10 legendarnych lordów! Czy staniesz po stronie Bogów Chaosu jako jeden z ich demonicznych czempionów, wybierzesz pradawnego, zmiennokształtnego smoka z Wielkiego Kataju, będziesz bronić zamarzniętej krainy Kislev jako Lodowa Królowa, czy wcielisz się w wielkiego antagonistę, Demonicznego Księcia?

Zmodyfikuj Demonicznego Księcia zgodnie ze swoim uznaniem dzięki całej gamie części ciała i mocy. Stwórz jedną z miliarda potencjalnych kombinacji, która pasować będzie do twojego stylu gry.

Gra wieloosobowa jest teraz bardziej rozbudowana niż kiedykolwiek. Dzięki obszernej kampanii Królestwa Chaosu dla 8 graczy, emocjonującemu trybowi Dominacji 1 v 1, fabularnym kampaniom Kisleva i Wielkiego Kataju oraz rankingowym i niestandardowym bitwom możesz grać ze znajomymi na wiele różnych sposobów.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Acerca do Jogo

O último urro de um deus moribundo rompe a fronteira entre os mundos, abrindo um portal para o Reino do Caos. Do turbilhão, emergem os Poderes Destruidores – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch e Slaanesh – vetores de trevas e desespero.

Os inflexíves guerreiros de Kislev e o império da Grande Cathay se preparam para o que virá, e um Príncipe Demônio jura destruir aqueles que o corromperam. O conflito baterá às portas de todos. Você dominará os seus demônios... ou os comandará?

Com sete raças e centenas de unidades disponíveis, forme um exército e vença batalhas épicas em um mundo de proporções espetaculares e impressionantes.

No jogo mais ambicioso e revolucionário da série Total War, mergulhe em uma narrativa cativante no insano Reino do Caos. Forje um império em um mundo aberto no qual duas campanhas jamais serão iguais.

Jogue como 10 Senhores Lendários! Alie-se aos Deuses do Caos com um dos Campeões Demoníacos, seja um antigo Dragão transmorfo da Grande Cathay, defenda Kislev ao lado da Rainha do Gelo ou encarne o vilão supremo com o Príncipe Demônio.

Personalize as partes corporais e os poderes do Príncipe Demônio. Com bilhões de combinações possíveis, você encontrará a opção perfeita para o seu estilo de jogo.

O Multijogador está maior que nunca. Com a campanha Reino do Caos (até 8 jogadores), o intenso modo Dominação (1 contra 1), as campanhas multijogador em Kislev e na Grande Cathay, além de batalhas personalizadas e classificatórias, não faltarão opções para tocar o terror com amigos.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Despre joc

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Об игре

Предсмертный рев умирающего бога сокрушил границу между мирами, открыв портал в Царство Хаоса. Из этого водоворота вышли четыре Разрушительные силы — Хорн, Нургл, Тзинч и Слаанеш, сеющие вокруг себя тьму и отчаяние.

Стойкий Кислев и огромная империя под названием Великий Катай обороняются от них, а мстительный принц-демон клянется уничтожить тех, кто его осквернил… Грядущее столкновение затронет всех. Обуздаете ли вы своих демонов… или же возглавите их?

Вам доступно семь уникальных рас и сотни отрядов. Соберите собственную армию и побеждайте в масштабных и зрелищных сражениях в реальном времени, разворачивающихся в огромном мире.

В самой грандиозной и новаторской игре из серии Total War вас ждет захватывающая история, в ходе которой вам предстоит побывать в невообразимом Царстве Хаоса. Постройте свою империю в стратегии-песочнице, где каждая кампания уникальна.

Вам доступно целых 10 легендарных лордов! Что вы выберете? Объединитесь с богами Хаоса и станете одним из их воителей-демонов? Сыграете за древнего дракона-человека из Великого Катая? Отправитесь защищать ледяные земли Кислева с Ледяной королевой? Или примерите на себя роль абсолютного зла, став принцем-демоном?

Меняйте облик принца-демона по своему вкусу! Огромное множество частей тела и способностей позволяют создать миллионы возможных комбинаций, подходящих под ваш стиль игры.

Сетевые игры стали еще масштабнее. Обширная сетевая кампания «Царство Хаоса» для 8 игроков, напряженный режим превосходства «один на один», сюжетные сетевые кампании, сосредоточенные на Кислеве и Великом Катае, рейтинговые и пользовательские битвы… Недостатка в способах сеять хаос вместе с друзьями у вас точно не будет.


《超凡帝国》是《Total War: WARHAMMER》系列的巅峰之作,将全部三款游戏的战役地图、种族以及派系融合到一个史诗沙盒战役当中。这是有史以来最完整的至尊《Warhammer》战略体验!

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这是迄今为止最具雄心也是最具新意的《Total War》游戏,那引人入胜的叙事将让你代入到游戏之中,这会让你进入魔幻的混沌魔域之中,然后再回到凡世之中。在战略沙盒之中打造你的帝国,这沙盒之中每一场战役都是独一无二的。




Ya está disponible la beta de Imperios inmortales

Imperios inmortales es el culmen de toda la serie de Total War: WARHAMMER. Combinando los mapas de las campañas, las razas y las facciones de los tres juegos* en una única campaña épica de estilo sandbox. ¡Es la experiencia de estrategia de Warhammer más completa y definitiva que jamás se haya creado!

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Acerca del juego

El último rugido de un dios moribundo rompe la barrera entre los mundos al abrir un portal al Reino del Caos. De este Gran Remolino, emergen los cuatro Poderes Ruinosos —Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch y Slaanesh—, que extienden la oscuridad y la desesperación.

Los aguerridos guerreros de Kislev y el vasto imperio de la Gran Catai se encuentran en el umbral mientras un vengativo Príncipe Demonio jura destruir a aquellos que lo corrompieron. El conflicto que se avecina repercutirá en todo cuanto existe. ¿Conquistarás a tus demonios o los liderarás?

Con siete razas únicas y cientos de unidades a tus órdenes, crea un ejército capaz de dominar en épicas batallas en tiempo real en un mundo de escala y espectáculo impresionantes.

Sumérgete en una historia cautivadora que te llevará en un viaje de ida y vuelta al intrincado Reino del Caos en el título de Total War más ambicioso hasta la fecha. Forja tu imperio en un sandbox de estrategia que garantiza que nunca habrá dos campañas iguales.

¡Elige entre 10 Señores legendarios! ¿Te aliarás con los Dioses del Caos y encarnarás a uno de sus Paladines Demoníacos? ¿Jugarás como la ancestral Dragona cambiaformas de la Gran Catai? ¿Defenderás la gélida nación de Kislev con la Reina de Hielo? ¿O te convertirás en el villano definitivo escogiendo al Príncipe Demonio?

Personaliza al Príncipe Demonio a tu gusto con una gran variedad de apéndices corporales y poderes, lo que posibilita la creación de millones de combinaciones con el fin de adaptarse a tu estilo de juego.

El multijugador es mayor que nunca. La gran campaña multijugador Reino del Caos para 8 jugadores, el intenso modo Dominación 1 contra 1, las campañas multijugador narrativas en torno a la historia de Kislev y la Gran Catai, así como las batallas clasificatorias y personalizadas. Formas de sembrar el caos con amigos no van a faltar.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Om spelet

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.


「不朽帝國」是整個《Total War: WARHAMMER》系列的終章。全部三款遊戲*中的戰役地圖、種族與派系合而為一,創造出史詩級的沙盒戰役。這是史上最完整的決定版《Warhammer》戰略體驗!

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在《Total War》系列迄今最雄心勃勃、最具開創性的遊戲中,深入迷人的劇情之中,帶您往返匪夷所思的混沌魔域。在戰略沙盒中打造您的帝國,確保每場戰役必有新意。




Immortal Empires Beta çıktı

Immortal Empires, Total War: WARHAMMER serisinin doruk noktasıdır. Her üç oyundaki* sefer haritalarını, ırkları ve fraksiyonları tek bir destansı sandbox kampanyasında birleştiriyor. Bu, şimdiye kadar tasarlanmış en eksiksiz ve kesin Warhammer strateji deneyimi!

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Oyun Açıklaması

Ölen bir tanrının son kükremesi dünyalar arasındaki sınırı kırar ve Kaos Diyarı'na bir kapı açar. Bu anafordan karanlık ve umutsuzluk yayan dört Yıkıcı Güç ortaya çıkar: Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch ve Slaanesh.

Kislev'in yürekli savaşçıları ve Büyük Cathay İmparatorluğu, kendisini yozlaştıranları yok etmeye yemin eden intikamcı bir İblis Prensi karşılarında bulacak. Yaklaşan çatışma herkesi yutacak. İblislerini fethedecek misin? Yoksa onları komuta mı edeceksin?

Yedi benzersiz ırk ve yüzlerce birimle ordu kur, göz alıcı bir dünyada, destansı gerçek zamanlı savaşların hâkimi ol.

En iddialı Total War yapımında Kaos'un şaşırtıcı Diyarı'na git. İmparatorluğunu iki seferi hep farklı yapan strateji kum havuzunda şekillendir.

10 Efsanevi Lordu oyna! Kaos Tanrıları'ndan yana ol ve İblis Şampiyonlarından birini al, Büyük Cathay'dan dönüşen eski Ejderhayı oyna, Kislev'in donmuş ulusunu Buz Kraliçesiyle savun veya kötü İblis Prensini oyna.

İblis Prensini milyarlarca kombinasyonla, devasa gövde parçaları ve güç paketiyle tasarımına uyarla.

Çok oyunculu büyüdü. Geniş 8 oyunculu Kaos Diyarı çok oyunculu seferi, yoğun 1'e 1 Egemenlik modu, Kislev ve Büyük Cathay'ın hikâyeli çok oyunculu seferleri, dereceli ve özel muharebelerde arkadaşlarınla kaos çıkar.

Immortal Empires is Now Available to all Total War: WARHAMMER III Players

Immortal Empires is the culmination of the entire Total War: WARHAMMER series. Combining the campaign maps, races, and factions from all three games* into a single, epic sandbox campaign. It’s the most complete and definitive Warhammer strategy experience ever conceived!

Immortal Empires is Out Now

*All owners of Total War: WARHAMMER III can now access the Immortal Empires Campaign. However, there are several races available in Immortal Empires that are unlocked if you own Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II or DLC across the entire trilogy.

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Про гру

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

The stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay stand at the threshold, as a vengeful Daemon Prince vows to destroy those who corrupted him. The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

With seven unique races and hundreds of units under your command, raise an army and dominate in epic real-time battles across a world of breathtaking scale and spectacle.

In the most ambitious and groundbreaking Total War title to date, dive into a captivating narrative that will take you to the mind-bending Realm of Chaos and back again. Forge your empire in a strategy sandbox that ensures no two campaigns are ever the same.

Play as 10 Legendary Lords! Will you side with the Chaos Gods and take one of their Daemonic Champions, play as an ancient transforming Dragon from Grand Cathay, defend the frozen nation of Kislev with the Ice Queen or play the ultimate villain as the Daemon Prince?

Customise the Daemon Prince to your own unique design with a huge suite of body parts and powers, creating billions of potential combinations to suit your own playstyle.

Multiplayer is now bigger than ever. With the vast 8-player Realm of Chaos multiplayer campaign, the intense 1 v 1 Domination mode, the story-driven multiplayer campaigns built around Kislev and Grand Cathay and ranked & custom battles, there’s no shortage of ways to cause chaos with friends.

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