Train Valley 2
Novo conteúdo adicional disponível
Sobre o jogo
- Construa ferrovias para ligar cidades, túneis e pontes. Ferrovias novas são baratas quando construídas em campos abertos, mas podem ser mais caras se for necessário demolir florestas, vilas e outras estruturas existentes.
- Controle o trânsito construindo interruptores, trilhos laterais ou linhas de serviços, para que vários trens possam passar ao mesmo tempo e sem atraso.
- Evite acidentes controlando os trens com precisão durante momentos cruciais, usando a pausa para se planejar (é possível construir-se trilhos e agendar trens enquanto o jogo estiver pausado).
- Explore 4 períodos de jogo: Europa (1830–1980), América (1840–1960), URSS (1880–1980) e Japão (1900–2020).
- Conclua o modo de história que apresenta eventos da vida real, como a Febre do Ouro de 1849, a construção da Florida Overseas Railroad, a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Guerra Fria, o lançamento da 1ª espaçonave com tripulação humana (Vostok 1) e muito mais.
- Explore o jogo nos seus diferentes modos: modo de história (5-10 minutos), modo aleatório (15-20 minutos – a aparência e o desenvolvimento do modo são diferentes todas as vezes que você joga) ou modo livre (pode ser ativado tanto no modo de história quanto no modo aleatório e nele é possível jogar sem limites de tempo e de dinheiro).
- Descubra 15 tipos de trens*: das primeiras locomotivas a vapor aos modernos trens de alta velocidade. Dirija também 18 tipos de vagões*: dos antigos vagões de passageiros aos vagões-tremonha e vagões-cisterna, além das plataformas para armamentos e dos tanques militares.
Train Valley 2
Достъпно е ново сваляемо съдържание
Относно играта
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Nové DLC
O hře
- Vybuduj železniční síť a spoj tak města, tunely a mosty. Nové úseky vyjdou levně, pokud vedou přes prázdná pole, mohou se ale prodražit, pokud se kvůli nim musí kácet lesy nebo bourat vesnice a jiné budovy.
- Dostaň rostoucí dopravu pod kontrolu výstavbou nových tratí, vyhýbek, odstavných kolejí a odboček, tak aby mohlo bez zpoždění projíždět několik vlaků zároveň.
- Vyhni se neštěstím a přebírej nad vlaky v kritických okamžicích kontrolu, zastav si hru a vše si naplánuj (během pauzy můžeš pokládat koleje i zastavovat vlaky).
- Hrej ve 4 epochách: Evropa (1830 - 1980), Amerika (1840 - 1960), SSSR (1880 - 1980) a Japonsko (1900 - 2020).
- Dokonči modus příběhu, který obsahuje skutečné události, jako Zlatou horečku 1849, stavbu Florida Overseas Railroad, druhou světovou válku, studenou válku, první let člověka do vesmíru (Vostok 1) a mnohé další.
- Prozkoumej hru v různých herních modech: v modu příběhu (5 - 10 minut), v modu náhody (15 - 20 minut - level vypadá pokaždé jinak a pokaždé se jinak hraje) nebo ve Volné hře (dá se aktivovat v modu příběhu i v modu náhody, umožňuje hru bez časového a finančního omezení).
- Objev 15 různých druhů vlaků - od prvních parních lokomotiv až po moderní vysokorychlostní vlaky a využij 18 různých druhů vagónů - od starých dobrých osobních vagónů přes vagóny na sypký a kapalný náklad až po vojenské vagóny s tanky a děly.
Train Valley 2
Nyt DLC tilgængeligt
Om spillet
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Nieuwe DLC beschikbaar
Info over het spel
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
New DLC Available
About the Game
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Uusi lisämateriaali saatavilla
Tietoa pelistä
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Nouveau DLC disponible
À propos du jeu
- Reliez les villes en construisant voies ferrées, tunnels et ponts. Les voies sont bon marché lorsqu'elles sont déployées sur des terrains vierges, mais leur coût augmente lorsqu'il faut raser des forêts, des villages ou d'autres éléments existants.
- Gérez le trafic de plus en plus important en plaçant des aiguillages, des voies de garage ou de desserte, afin que plusieurs trains puissent transiter simultanément, sans prendre de retard.
- Évitez les accidents en contrôlant avec précision les trains aux moments cruciaux et en utilisant la pause pour planifier vos actions (il est possible de construire des voies et de programmer des trains quand le jeu est en pause).
- Explorez 4 périodes de jeu* : Europe (1830-1980), Amérique (1840-1960), URSS (1880-1980) et Japon (1900-2020).
- Terminez le mode Histoire comportant des évènements historiques comme la ruée vers l'or de 1849, la construction de la Florida Overseas Railroad, la 2e Guerre mondiale, la guerre froide, le lancement du premier vol spatial habité Vostok 1, et bien plus…
- Explorez le jeu dans différents modes : en mode Histoire (5-10 minutes), en mode Aléatoire (15-20 minutes, les niveaux ayant un aspect et un développement différents à chaque partie) ou en mode Bac à sable (activable en mode Histoire ou Aléatoire, permet de jouer sans contrainte de temps, ni d'argent).
- Découvrez 15 types de trains*, des premières locomotives à vapeur jusqu'aux trains modernes à grande vitesse, 18 types de wagons*, avec des anciennes voitures pour passagers, des trémies, des citernes, et même des plateformes militaires pour le transport de chars ou de canons.
Train Valley 2
Neuer DLC verfügbar
Über das Spiel
- Bau ein Eisenbahnnetz auf und verbinde Städte durch Tunnel und Brücken. Neue Streckenabschnitte sind günstig, wenn sie über leere Felder führen, können aber ins Geld gehen, wenn ihretwegen Wälder gerodet oder Dörfer und andere Bauten beseitigt werden müssen.
- Bändige den ständig zunehmenden Verkehr durch neue Streckenteile, Weichen, Neben- und Abstellgleise sowie Abzweigungen, damit auch mehrere Züge ohne Verspätung gleichzeitig fahren können.
- Vermeide Unglücke, indem du in kritischen Situationen selbst die Kontrolle über die Züge übernimmst, und pausiere das Spiel, um besser planen zu können (du kannst sowohl Schienen verlegen als auch Züge einsetzen, wenn das Spiel pausiert ist).
- Spiele 4 komplette Staffeln: Europa (1830 - 1980), Amerika (1840 - 1960), UdSSR (1880 - 1980) und Japan (1900 - 2020).
- Schließe den Story-Modus mit realen Ereignissen wie dem Goldrausch 1849, dem Bau der Florida Overseas Railroad, dem 2. Weltkrieg, dem Kalten Krieg, dem ersten bemannten Flug in den Weltraum (Wostok 1) und noch vielem mehr.
- Erkunde das Spiel in verschiedenen Modi: Story-Modus (5 - 10 Minuten), Zufallsmodus (15 - 20 Minuten – der Level sieht immer anders aus und spielt sich auch anders) oder Freies Spiel (Lässt sich im Story- und im Zufallsmodus aktivieren. Ermöglicht das Spielen ohne Zeit- und Geld-Limits.).
- Entdecke 15 verschiedene Arten von Zügen – von den ersten Dampflokomotiven bis hin zu modernen Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen und nutze 18 verschiedene Waggon-Typen – von Personenwaggons aus der guten alten Zeit über Schüttgut- und Tankwagen bis hin zu Panzer- und Flak-Waggons der Armee.
Train Valley 2
Νέο DLC διαθέσιμο
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Új DLC érhető el
A játékról:
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Nuovo DLC disponibile
Informazioni sul gioco
- Costruisci ferrovie per collegare città, tunnel e ponti. Le nuove ferrovie sono economiche se attraversano terreni liberi, ma possono richiedere costi elevati quando bisogna radere al suolo foreste, villaggi e altre strutture esistenti.
- Gestisci il traffico in aumento costruendo deviatoi, binari di servizio e raccordi affinché possano viaggiare vari treni contemporaneamente senza ritardi.
- Evita gli incidenti controllando con precisione i treni durante i momenti cruciali e usando la pausa per organizzarti (puoi costruire ferrovie e programmare i treni durante la pausa).
- Gioca in 4 ambientazioni: Europa (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), URSS (1880–1980) e Giappone (1900–2020).
- Completa la modalità storia con eventi storici come la Corsa all’Oro del 1849, la costruzione della ferrovia Florida Overseas, la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la Guerra Fredda, il lancio della prima missione spaziale con equipaggio Vostok 1 e altro ancora.
- Esplora il gioco in diverse modalità: nella storia (5-10 minutes), nella modalità casuale (15-20 minuti – il livello ha un aspetto e uno sviluppo diverso ad ogni avvio) o in stile sandbox (attivabile sia nella modalità storia che in quella casuale, consente di giocare senza limiti di tempo e denaro).
- Scopri 15 tipi di treni, dalle prime locomotive a vapore ai moderni treni ad alta velocità, e 18 tipi di carrozze, dalle antiche carrozze passeggeri ai vagoni merci e alle cisterne, fino alle piattaforme militari per carri armati e cannoni.
Train Valley 2
新 DLC を配信中
- 線路を引いて、街やトンネル、橋などをつなげましょう。新しい線路は何もない平地に敷設すると安上がりですが、森や村など既存の施設を解体する必要があるとコストがかさみます。
- 複数の列車を同時運行しても遅れないようにするには、分岐器や引込線、支線などを建設することで増える交通量に対応できます。
- 一時停止でしっかり計画を立てることで重要な局面でも列車を正確に操作し、無事故をキープしましょう。(一時停止中でも線路を引いたり列車の予定を組んだりできます)
- 4 つのシーズン:ヨーロッパ(1830~1980年)、アメリカ(1840~1960年)、ソ連(1880~1980年)、そして日本(1900~2000年)をプレイすることができます。
- 1849年のゴールドラッシュ、フロリダ海上鉄道の建設、第二次世界大戦、冷戦、「ボストーク1」による人類初の有人宇宙飛行など、現実の出来事が登場するストーリーモードが楽しめます。
- ゲームは「ストーリーモード」(5~10 分)、「ランダムモード」(15~20 分――開始する毎にレベルの見た目と進み具合が変化)、またはサンドボックス系システム(ストーリー、ランダムのどちらのモードでも有効にできます。時間とお金の制限を気にせずにプレイ可能)といった異なるモードでゲームを隅々まで遊ぶことができます。
- 最初期の蒸気機関車から現代的な高速列車までの全 15 種類の列車、それにけん引される昔ながらの旅客車からホッパ車やタンク車、軍用の戦車・砲用プラットフォームなど全 18 種類の車両 を発見してみましょう。
Train Valley 2
새 DLC 출시
게임 정보
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Ny DLC tilgjengelig
Om spillet
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Nowe DLC dostępne
Informacje o grze
- Twórz sieć połączeń za pomocą torów, tuneli i mostów. Budowa linii kolejowych przez pustkowia jest tania, ale koszty wzrastają kiedy trzeba ścinać lasy, burzyć miasteczka i usuwać inne przeszkody.
- Reaguj na wzmożony ruch budując przełączniki, bocznice i odnogi, aby wiele składów mogło równocześnie kursować po torach.
- Unikaj wypadków kontrolując bezpośrednio pociągi w ważnych momentach. Korzystając z pauzy buduj nowe struktury i planuj rozkład jazdy pociągów bez pośpiechu.
- Graj w jednym z 4 okresów: Europa (1830–1980), Ameryka (1840–1960), ZSRR (1880–1980) i Japonia (1900–2020).
- W trybie kariery weź udział w gorączce złota z 1849, w budowie Florida Overseas Railroad, w II wojnie światowej, w zimnej wojnie, w misji Wostok 1 i w wielu innych wydarzeniach.
- Graj w jednym z 3 trybów rozgrywki: tryb kariery (5-10 minut), tryb losowy (15-20 minut – poziom wygląda i rozwija się inaczej za każdym razem) lub tryb piaskownicy (dostępny w trybach kariery i losowym, pozwala na grę bez ograniczeń finansowych i czasowych).
- Odkryj 15 modeli lokomotyw – od pierwszych parowozów do współczesnych kolei dużych prędkości i 18 modeli wagonów – od klasycznych wagonów osobowych, po węglarki i cysterny, aż po kolejowe platformy bojowe.
Train Valley 2
Novo DLC disponível
Acerca do Jogo
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
DLC nou disponibil!
Despre joc
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Ocupate de traficul in crestere construind, cu manere, gari de adapost si altele ca sa poata rula multiple trenuri fara intarziere in acelasi timp.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Joaca prin 4 sezoane: Europa (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), URSS (1880–1980) si Japonia (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Exploreaza jocul in diferite moduri: In modul povestii(5-10 minute), in modul oarecare(15-20 minute – nivelul arata si se genereaza diferit de fiecare data) sau in regimul cutiei de nisip(poate fi folosit si in timpul povestii sau modului oarecare. Iti permite sa joci fara limite de bani sau de timp).
- Descopera 15 tipuri de trenuri - de la locomotivele pe aburi pana la trenurile de inalta viteza, conducand 18 tipuri de masini - de la masinile vechi pentru pasageri pana la cisterne si tancuri cu utilizare militara.
Train Valley 2
Новый дополнительный контент
Об игре
- Постройте железную дорогу так, чтобы соединить города, тоннели и мосты. Планируйте расположение путей максимально экономично, избегая дополнительных трат на клетках с деревьями, жилыми постройками и другими объектами.
- От уровня к уровню управлять трафиком будет все сложнее. Вам придется строить разветвленные дороги со стрелками и перекрестками, чтобы иметь возможность доставлять сразу несколько составов одновременно.
- Избегайте аварий, безошибочно рассчитывая оптимальное время выпуска поездов со станций и используя режим паузы.
- Попробуйте свои силы в четырех сезонах игры: Европа (1830 – 1980), Америка (1840 – 1960), Россия (1880 – 1980), Япония (1900 – 2020).
- Пройдите все уровни, основанные на таких исторических периодах как золотая лихорадка, постройка морской железной дороги Флориды, вторая мировая война, холодная война и запуск первого человека в космос.
- Исследуйте игру в разных игровых режимах. Уровни в режиме истории занимают 5-10 минут, в режиме случайной генерации – 15-20 минут, в режиме песочницы можно играть в любой уровень без ограничений по времени и деньгам.
- Откройте 15 разных поездов: от первых паровозов до современных дизельных локомотивов, а также 18 типов вагонов – от старых пассажирских до хопперов, цистерн и платформ для перевозки военной техники.
Train Valley 2
现已推出最新 DLC
- 建造铁路,连接不同的城市、隧道和桥梁。在空地上铺设新铁路花费低,但拆除森林、村庄和其他建筑可能花费较高。
- 通过建造、道岔、侧线和支线管理不断增加的车流量,以便多趟列车能够同时运行而不会延误。
- 在关键时刻精准控制列车,避免发生事故,使用暂停进行规划(暂停时可以建造铁路、排定列车)。
- 游戏共分 4 个时期:欧洲 (1830-1980),美国 (1840-1960),苏联 (1880-1980) 和日本 (1900-2020)。
- 完成故事模式,其中包含 1849 年淘金热、弗罗里达海外铁路建设、第二次世界大战、冷战、第一艘载人航天飞船东方一号发射等真实事件。
- 探索游戏的不同模式:故事模式(5-10 分钟)、随机模式(15-20 分钟 - 每次启动时该关卡的外观和进展均不相同)或沙盒模式(在故事和随机模式下均可开启。允许玩游戏时无时间和金钱限制)。
- 发现 15 种列车 - 从早期蒸汽机车到现代高速列车,驾驶 18 种汽车 - 从旧式乘客车到漏斗车和油槽车,再到军用坦克和炮台。
Train Valley 2
Nuevo DLC disponible
Acerca del juego
- Construye carreteras para conectar ciudades, túneles y puentes. Construir vías nuevas en terreno vacío es barato, pero sale más caro si hay que destruir bosques, pueblos y otras estructuras.
- Gestiona el tráfico creciente construyendo agujas, apartaderos y vías de servicio para que puedan circular varios trenes a la vez sin retrasos.
- Evita los accidentes controlando con precisión los trenes en los momentos cruciales y usando la pausa para planificar. Puedes construir vías y programar trenes durante la pausa.
- Juega en cuatro escenarios y épocas: Europa (1830–1980), América (1840–1960), la URSS (1880–1980) y Japón (1900–2020).
- Completa el modo historia, que incluye sucesos reales como la Fiebre del Oro de 1849, la construcción de la Florida Overseas Railroad, la 2ª Guerra Mundial, la Guerra Fría, el primer vuelo espacial tripulado Vostok 1 y mucho más.
- Explora el juego en diferentes modos: modo historia (5-10 minutos), modo aleatorio (15-20 minutos, aunque el nivel es diferente cada vez) o en modo sandbox (que funciona tanto en el modo historia como el aleatorio y que permite jugar sin limitaciones de tiempo y dinero).
- Descubre 15 tipos de trenes: desde las primeras locomotoras a vapor a los modernos trenes de alta velocidad, con 18 tipos de vagones (desde los antiguos vagones de pasajeros, a vagones tolva, cisternas y plataformas para armamento y tanques militares.
Train Valley 2
Nytt DLC tillgängligt!
Om spelet
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
推出新 DLC
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.
Train Valley 2
Yeni DLC Yayınlandı
Oyun Açıklaması
- Şehirleri, tünelleri ve köprüleri birleştirmek için demiryolları inşa edin. Yeni raylar açık alanlara inşa edildiğinde ucuzdurlar, fakat ormanları, köyleri ve diğer mevcut yapıları yıktığınızda pahalı olabilirler.
- İnşa etmeyle, makaslarla, yan hatlarla ve kör hatlarla artan trafiği yönetin ki çok sayıda tren, aynı anda gecikmesiz çalışabilsin.
- Önemli anlarda trenleri kusursuz bir şekilde kontrol ederek kazadan kaçınmak için, planlama yapmak adına duraklamayı kullanın (duraklama esnasında ray döşeyebilir ve tren seferi planlayabilirsiniz).
- 4 sezon boyunca oynayın: Avrupa (1830–1980), Amerika (1840–1960), SSCB (1880–1980) ve Japonya (1900–2020). (*Erken Erişim sürümü şu anlık 3 sezon sunmaktadır, Japonya bölümleri hâlâ geliştirilmektedir).
- 1849 yılındaki Altın Akını, Florida Denizaşırı Demiryolu inşası, II. Dünya Savaşı, Soğuk Savaş, ilk insanlı uzay uçuşu Vostok 1 ve daha fazlası gibi gerçek-hayattaki olayları içeren hikâye modunu tamamlayın.
- Oyunu farklı oyun modlarında keşfedin: hikâye modunda (5-10 dakika), rastgele modda (15-20 dakika – çalıştırdığınızda bölüm her seferinde farklı görünür ve gelişir) veya devlet yönetimine benzeyen sandbox modunda (hem hikâye hem de rastgele modun her ikisi için de aktif edilebilir. Bu sizin zaman ve para limiti olmadan oynamanıza olanak tanır).
- 15 tür treni keşfedin – buhar-güçlendirmeli lokomotiflerden modern yüksek-hızlı trenlere kadar (*Erken Erişim sürümü şu anlık 10 adet sunmaktadır), 18 çeşit arabayı sürün – eski-tip binek otomobillerden silolara, su tanklarına, ordu-kullanımı tanklara ve silah platformuna kadar (*Erken Erişim sürümü şu anlık 14 adet sunmaktadır).
Train Valley 2
Доступний новий вміст
Про гру
- Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
- Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
- Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
- Play through 4 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980) and Japan (1900–2020).
- Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1 and more.
- Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
- Discover 15 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.