Umbrella Corps (Deluxe Edition)
Umbrella Corps (Deluxe Edition)

Umbrella Corps (Deluxe Edition)

Release Date: 20/06/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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 Traditional Chinese
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$10.02 + VAT


Umbrella Corps™ is a new fast-paced third-person shooter set in the Resident Evil® universe. The competitive online game will feature quick, intense matches in compact battle zones themed from historic Resident Evil environments such as an Umbrella Facility map. Umbrella Corps utilizes the Unity engine developed by Unity Technologies. Umbrella Corporation, a ruthless international pharmaceutical company, had been known for its genetic experiments and biological weaponry that led to worldwide devastation including the infamous Raccoon City incident. Although the organization was brought down in 2003, its legacy of bio-terrorism continued. In the present day, corporations with nebulous interests in bio-weaponry have hired squads of special forces for experimental battles in restricted virus-infected areas against other mercenaries.
Rejoignez les Corps ! Umbrella Corps vous propose une expérience compétitive mêlant des stratégies et des techniques inédites à l'univers bien connu de Resident Evil pour créer un jeu de tir unique ! Plongez-vous dans des combats intenses, à courte et moyenne portée, avec une visée analogique, un système de couverture, des matchs haletants sans respawns et bien d'autres modes de jeu !
Werde Mitglied des Corps! Das Umbrella Corps bietet ein Wettbewerbserlebnis, bei dem neue Strategien und Methoden mit Elementen aus der Welt von Resident Evil kombiniert werden, um so einen einzigartigen Shooter zu kreieren! Erlebe intensiven Nah- und Mitteldistanzkampf mit analoger Zielausrichtung und Deckungsmechanismen, nervenaufreibende Spiele ohne Wiederbelebung und noch viele weitere Spielmodi!
Arruolati anche tu! Arriva Umbrella Corps: un'esperienza competitiva con nuove tecniche e strategie che si sposano al mondo di Resident Evil per creare uno sparatutto davvero unico! Lanciati in combattimenti ravvicinati o a media distanza, con mira analogica e meccaniche di copertura, snervanti partite senza possibilità di rientro e molte altre modalità di gioco!
Umbrella Corps™ is a new fast-paced third-person shooter set in the Resident Evil® universe. The competitive online game will feature quick, intense matches in compact battle zones themed from historic Resident Evil environments such as an Umbrella Facility map. Umbrella Corps utilizes the Unity engine developed by Unity Technologies. Umbrella Corporation, a ruthless international pharmaceutical company, had been known for its genetic experiments and biological weaponry that led to worldwide devastation including the infamous Raccoon City incident. Although the organization was brought down in 2003, its legacy of bio-terrorism continued. In the present day, corporations with nebulous interests in bio-weaponry have hired squads of special forces for experimental battles in restricted virus-infected areas against other mercenaries.
¡Alístate! Umbrella Corps trae una experiencia competitiva con nuevos tipos de estrategia y técnica, mezclados con elementos del mundo de Resident Evil, creando así una nueva clase de juego de disparos. Vive en primera persona este intenso combate cuerpo a cuerpo y de medio alcance con puntería de precisión analógica y mecánicas de cobertura, partidas de infarto sin reapariciones, y muchos modos de juego más.

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