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Sobre o jogo
Londres, 1918. Você é o Dr. Jonathan Reid, um vampiro recém-transformado. Como médico, você deve encontrar a cura para a epidemia que arrasa a cidade. Como vampiro, você foi amaldiçoado a se alimentar daqueles que jurou curar.
Você vai aceitar o monstro que existe dentro de você? Sobreviva e lute contra caçadores de Vampiros, skals mortos-vivos e outras criaturas sobrenaturais. Use seus poderes profanos para manipular e mergulhar nas vidas das pessoas ao seu redor e decida quem será a sua próxima vítima. Lute para viver com as suas decisões... suas ações irão curar ou arruinar Londres.
SEJA O VAMPIRO – Lute usando e manipulando habilidades sobrenaturais
SE ALIMENTE PARA SOBREVIVER – Seja o salvador e o perseguidor
MOLDE LONDRES – Uma rede de cidadãos interconectados reagem às suas decisões
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Относно играта
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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O hře
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Om spillet
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Info over het spel
Londen, 1918. Jij bent Dr. Jonathan Reid… en je bent kort geleden in een Vampyr veranderd. Als dokter moet je een geneesmiddel voor de door griep geteisterde inwoners van de stad vinden. Als Vampyr ben je gedoemd om je te voeden met hen die je gezworen hebt te genezen.
Omhels je het monster in jezelf? Overleef en bevecht Vampyr-jagers, ondode skals en andere bovennatuurlijke wezens. Gebruik je onheilige krachten om de levens van personen om je heen te beïnvloeden en te beslissen wie je volgende slachtoffer zal zijn. Probeer te leven met je beslissingen… jouw acties zullen de redding of ondergang van Londen betekenen.
WEES DE VAMPYR: Vecht en manipuleer met bovennatuurlijke krachten
VOED JE OM TE OVERLEVEN: Wees zowel redder als roofdier
GEEF VORM AAN LONDEN: Een web van met elkaar verbonden burgers die op jouw beslissingen reageren
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About the Game
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Tietoa pelistä
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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À propos du jeu
Londres, 1918. Vous êtes le Dr. Jonathan Reid. Vous êtes un vampire. En tant que docteur, vous cherchez un remède au fléau qui décime la population - mais le vampire en vous réclame le sacrifice de ceux que vous aviez juré de protéger.
Ne résistez pas à vos instincts de prédateur. Affrontez chasseurs de vampires, skals et autres créatures surnaturelles. Utilisez vos pouvoirs pour vous immiscer dans l'intimité de vos concitoyens, les manipuler, et choisir votre prochaine proie. Lutte éternelle entre votre conscience et votre survie, vos actions mèneront-elles au salut ou à la ruine de Londres ?
DEVENEZ LE VAMPYR – Combattez et manipulez grâce à vos pouvoirs surnaturels
LEUR VIE CONTRE LA VÔTRE – Soyez le sauveur et le prédateur
FAÇONNEZ LONDRES – Influencez la vie des quartiers et des citoyens
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Über das Spiel
London, 1918. Sie sind Dr. Jonathan Reid, und erst seit Kurzem ein Vampyr. Als Arzt müssen Sie ein Mittel gegen die Seuche finden, die schon so viele Bürger der Stadt heimgesucht hat. Als Vampyr sind Sie dazu verdammt, sich an denen zu laben, die Sie zu retten geschworen haben.
Werden Sie sich dem Monster in Ihrem Inneren stellen? Kämpfen Sie gegen Vampyr-Jäger, untote Skals und andere übernatürliche Geschöpfe. Setzen Sie Ihre unheiligen Kräfte ein, um das Leben anderer zu manipulieren und Ihr nächstes Opfer zu finden. Am Ende müssen Sie mit Ihren Entscheidungen leben ... nur Sie können London retten oder verdammen.
SIE SIND DER VAMPYR – Kämpfen und manipulieren Sie mit Ihren übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten
BLUT SAUGEN UND ÜBERLEBEN – Sie sind Retter und Bestie in einem
RETTEN ODER VERDAMMEN SIE LONDON – Ein ganzes Netzwerk aus miteinander verbundenen Bürgern reagiert auf Ihre Entscheidungen
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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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A játékról:
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Informazioni sul gioco
Londra, 1918. Sei il Dr. Jonathan Reid e sei appena diventato un vampiro. Come medico, devi trovare una cura per salvare i cittadini, infettati dall’influenza. Come vampiro, sei condannato a nutrirti di coloro che hai giurato di curare.
Accetterai il tuo mostro interiore? Sopravvivi e combatti contro cacciatori di vampiri, skal non morti e altre creature soprannaturali. Usa i tuoi terribili poteri per manipolare e indagare nelle vite di chi ti circonda e scegli la tua prossima vittima. Lotta per convivere con le tue scelte… le tue azioni salveranno o condanneranno Londra.
VIVI DA VAMPIRO – Combatti e manipola con abilità soprannaturali
NUTRITI PER SOPRAVVIVERE – Dovrai essere il salvatore e il cacciatore
INFLUENZA LONDRA – Un intreccio di cittadini interconnessi reagiscono alle tue decisioni
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London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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게임 정보
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Om spillet
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Informacje o grze
Londyn, 1918 r. Jesteś dr. Jonathanem Reidem. Od niedawna jesteś także wampirem. Jako lekarz musisz znaleźć lekarstwo na grypę, która dziesiątkuje mieszkańców. Jako wampir musisz żywić się tymi, których obiecałeś wyleczyć.
Czy poddasz się swej potwornej naturze? Zmierz się z łowcami wampirów, nieumarłymi skalami i innymi nadprzyrodzonymi istotami. Korzystaj ze swych nieczystych mocy, aby manipulować zwykłymi śmiertelnikami, poznawać ich tajemnice i wybierać wśród nich swoje kolejne ofiary. Twoje decyzje będą ciążyć na Twoim sumieniu. Twoje czyny uratują Londyn lub skażą go na zagładę.
ZOSTAŃ WAMPIREM – Walcz z wrogami i manipuluj otoczeniem dzięki nadprzyrodzonym mocom
ŻYW SIĘ, ABY PRZEŻYĆ – Bądź zarazem zbawcą i łowcą
KSZTAŁTUJ LONDYN – Sieć powiązanych mieszkańców reaguje na Twoje decyzje
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Acerca do Jogo
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Despre joc
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Об игре
Лондон, 1918. Вас зовут Джонатан Рид, и вы недавно стали вампиром. Будучи доктором, вы должны найти лекарство от страшной эпидемии. А будучи вампиром, вы вынуждены кормиться теми, кого вы поклялись лечить.
Справитесь ли вы с монстром внутри себя? Вам предстоит выжить в борьбе с охотниками на вампиров, жуткими скалями и другими сверхъестественными существами. Используйте свои темные способности, манипулируйте людьми и вмешивайтесь в их дела, чтобы решить, кто станет вашей следующей жертвой. Вам придется жить с последствиями своих действий... которые спасут или обрекут Лондон.
БУДЬТЕ ВАМПИРОМ[/b] – сражайтесь и используйте сверхспособности.
ПЕЙТЕ КРОВЬ, ЧТОБЫ ВЫЖИТЬ[/b] – станьте спасителем и сталкером.
ОКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ЛОНДОН[/b] – городские жители будут реагировать на ваши решения.
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选择,就是诅咒…… 伦敦,1918 年。你是刚刚受拥化身的吸血鬼,乔纳森·里德医生。作为一名医生,你必须找到一种治疗方法,解救饱受流感折磨的市民们。作为一名吸血鬼,你的命运已经被诅咒,不得不将曾经发誓救助的人们当作食物。
- 扮演吸血鬼:用你的超自然能力战斗并操控一切
- 捕食求生:既是妙手仁医同时又是潜伏的猎手
- 塑造伦敦面貌:市民之间的紧密联系宛如一张蛛网,并会对你的决定做出反应
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Acerca del juego
Londres, 1918. Eres el Dr. Jonathan Reid, recientemente convertido en vampiro. Como doctor, debes encontrar la cura para la gripe que diezma a la población. Como vampiro, estás condenado a alimentarte de aquellos a quienes has jurado curar.
¿Abrazarás tu monstruo interior? Sobrevive y lucha contra cazadores de vampiros, skals no muertos y otras criaturas sobrenaturales. Usa tus poderes malditos para manipular y escarbar en las vidas de quienes te rodean y decidir quién será tu próxima víctima. Lucha y vive con tus decisiones: tus acciones salvarán o condenarán a Londres.
SÉ EL VAMPIRO - Lucha y manipula gracias a tus habilidades sobrenaturales
ALIMÉNTATE PARA SOBREVIVIR - Sé salvador y cazador
DA FORMA A LONDRES - Una red de ciudadanos interconectados reaccionará a tus decisiones.
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Om spelet
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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你的一切抉擇,都已受到詛咒…… 倫敦,1918年——你是剛成為霧都吸血鬼的喬納森.里德醫生。身為醫生,你必須找到方法,拯救在這個城市中被流感肆虐的市民;你卻同時受到吸血鬼身份的詛咒,面對發誓要治癒的人,你卻需要以他們為餌食……
- 成為霧都吸血鬼——以超自然能力戰鬥並操縱一切
- 尋找求生餌食——成為救世者,還是成為跟蹤狂徒?
- 塑造倫郭面貌——互相聯繫的市民網路,會對你的決定做出反應
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Oyun Açıklaması
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions
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Про гру
London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal.
Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.
BE THE VAMPYR – Fight and manipulate with supernatural abilities
FEED TO SURVIVE – Be the savior and the stalker
SHAPE LONDON – A web of interconnected citizens reacts to your decisions