Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Steam)

Release Date: 30/11/2022 | WORLDWIDE
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Retail Price: 36.51 € 46%
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Imperial Edition

Sobre o jogo

Retome a cidade de Tertium das hordas de inimigos sanguinários neste intenso e brutal jogo de tiro. Warhammer 40.000: Darktide é a nova experiência em cooperação da equipe premiada por trás da série Vermintide.

Nas profundezas da colmeia, as sementes da corrupção ameaçam se tornar uma onda avassaladora de escuridão. Uma nova força misteriosa e sinistra está tentando assumir o controle de toda a cidade. Cabe a você e seus aliados na Inquisição erradicar o inimigo antes que a cidade sucumba ao caos.

Com a queda de Tertium, chegou a hora dos proscritos.

Combate híbrido cheio de ação

Construído a partir do legado do melhor combate corpo a corpo de Vermintide 2, Warhammer 40.000: Darktide introduz a jogabilidade de tiroteio de WH40K. Domine o equilíbrio entre o combate à distância e corpo a corpo conforme enfrenta um monte de inimigos. Sinta o impacto de cada ataque e corte da sua motospada ou os tiros ardentes da sua arlaser.

Morrer sozinho ou sofrer junto

Darktide é um jogo cooperativo. Se você se arriscar longe demais, corre o risco de sofrer nas mãos de inimigos que procuram imobilizar ou capturar Proscritos perdidos, como o escravizador Cão do Caos ou o Caçador Moébio. Depois de pego por inimigos assim, somente seus companheiros poderão salvar você! Mais do que isso: sua resistência inata — sua determinação de seguir em frente apesar da dor — só recarrega quando você está próximo de sua equipe de ataque.

Seu personagem, seu estilo de jogo

Crie seu próprio personagem único e personalize sua aparência física, voz e origem. Escolha a sua classe para determinar as características e conjuntos de habilidade que ele usará em batalha. O que você vai ser: um combatente veterano do exército imperial, um forasteiro reativo ou um zelote fanático? A escolha é sua.

Tertium – uma cidade-colmeia à beira do colapso

Entre no mundo violento e distópico de Warhammer 40.000. De indústrias ebulientes à zona de manutenção de água decadente afetada por chuvas ácidas constantes, a colmeia Tertium é um lugar árduo e implacável até nos melhores momentos. Seu papel é servir à zelosa Inquisição e embarcar em missões para exterminar as ameaças que espreitam nas profundezas da cidade-colmeia — ou morrer tentando.

O Caos nunca dorme

Adapte-se aos caprichos erráticos do Caos com circunstâncias — mutantes que adicionam um desafio espontâneo à sua missão. Sua equipe deverá aprender a se ajustar, adotar novas táticas e mudar seus equipamentos para enfrentar esses desafios implacáveis.

Imperial Edition

Относно играта

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

O hře

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

Om spillet

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

Info over het spel

Herover de stad Tertium van hordes bloeddorstige vijanden in deze intense en brute actieshooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is de nieuwe op co-op gerichte ervaring van het bekroonde team achter de Vermintide-serie.

In de diepte van de kolonie dreigen de zaden van corruptie te veranderen in een overweldigende vloed van duisternis. Een mysterieuze en duistere nieuwe kracht probeert de hele stad over te nemen. Het is aan jou en je bondgenoten in de inquisitie om de vijand uit te roeien voordat de stad bezwijkt onder de chaos.

Terwijl Tertium valt, zullen de afgewezenen opstaan.

Hybride gevechten met een hoog octaangehalte

Gebaseerd op het erfgoed van de uitstekende handgevechten van Vermintide 2, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide voegt intense WH40K-vuurgevechten toe. Krijg de balans tussen afstands- en handgevechten onder de knie terwijl je door een overvloed aan vijanden vecht. Voel de impact van elke slag, zwaai en snede van een kettingzwaard of schroei wat vlees met een lasgeweer.

Sterf alleen of lijd samen

Darktide is een coöpspel. Als je te ver afdwaalt, riskeer je afstraffing door vijanden die verdwaalde afgewezenen willen immobiliseren of vangen, zoals de chaoshond of de Moebian-vallenzetter. Als je eenmaal het slachtoffer bent van zulke vijanden, kunnen alleen je teamgenoten je nog redden! Sterker nog, je aangeboren weerstand, je vastberadenheid om door te zetten ondanks de pijn, laadt alleen op als je in de buurt bent van je aanvalsteam.

Jouw personage, jouw speelstijl

Creëer je eigen, unieke personage en pas de fysieke uitstraling, stem en afkomst aan. Kies je klasse om te bepalen welke unieke eigenschappen en vaardigheden je in de strijd kunt gebruiken. Word je een doorgewinterde veteraan van het keizerlijke leger, een scherpzinnige buitenstaander of een felle fanatiekeling? De keuze is aan jou.

Tertium, een koloniestad die op instorten staat

Stap in de gewelddadige, dystopische wereld van Warhammer 40,000. Van kokendhete industriële fabrieken tot de vervallen wateronderhoudszone, geteisterd door constante zure regenval. De Tertium-kolonie is een harde en meedogenloze plek, zelfs in de beste tijden. Je moet de fanatieke inquisitie dienen door missies te ondernemen om de bedreigingen uit te roeien die in de diepte van de koloniestad op de loer liggen of te sterven tijdens het proberen.

Chaos slaapt nooit

Pas je aan de wispelturige veranderingen van chaos aan met omstandigheden, mutatoren die een spontane uitdaging aan je missie toevoegen. Je team moet leren zich aan te passen, nieuwe tactieken toepassen en hun uitrusting aanpassen om deze meedogenloze uitdagingen te trotseren.

Imperial Edition

About the Game

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

Tietoa pelistä

Valtaa Tertiumin kaupunki takaisin verenhimoisilta vihollislaumoilta intensiivisessä ja brutaalissa toimintaräiskinnässä. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide on uusi, yhteistyöhön keskittyvä pelikokemus Vermintide-sarjan palkituilta tekijöiltä.

Korruption siemenet uhkaavat muuttua musertavaksi pimeyden aalloksi pesän uumenissa. Uusi salaperäinen ja pahaenteinen voima pyrkii ottamaan kaupungin kokonaan valtaansa. Sinun ja Inquisitionin liittolaistesi tehtävänä on hankkiutua vihollisesta eroon ennen kuin kaupunki menetetään Kaaokselle.

Kun Tertium sortuu, Hylkiöt nousevat.

Intensiivinen hybriditaistelu

Vermintide 2:n ylistetyn lähitaistelun päälle rakentava Warhammer 40,000: Darktide lisää sekoitukseen WH40K:n ampuma-aseet. Opi hallitsemaan lähi- ja etätaistelun välistä tasapainoa taistellessasi vihollislaumojen läpi. Tunne jokaisen sahamiekan heilautuksen, sivalluksen ja iskun tuhovoima tai kärvennä lihaa lasgunilla.

Kuole yksin tai kärsi muiden kanssa

Darktide on yhteistyöpeli. Liian kauaksi vaeltamisen riskinä on rankaisu vihollisilta, kuten orjuuttavalta Chaos Houndilta tai Moebian Trapperilta, jotka yrittävät pysäyttää tai ottaa kiinni Hylkiöitä. Jos joudut tällaisten vihollisten käsiin, vain tiimitoverisi voivat pelastaa sinut! Eikä siinä vielä kaikki, sillä sisäinen kovuutesi – määrätietoisuus, jonka voimin jatkat kivusta huolimatta – latautuu vain, kun olet iskuryhmäsi läheisyydessä.

Sinun hahmosi, sinun pelityylisi

Pysäytä musertavat vihollisaallot jopa 3 kaverin kanssa tässä riipaisevassa yhteistyökokemuksessa. Tiimin kokoonpano ja yhteistyö ovat ratkaisevassa osassa ja määrittävät, pystyttekö varmistamaan voiton jumalkeisarille.

Tertium – Kaupunki romahduksen partaalla

Astu Warhammer 40,000:n väkivaltaiseen ja dystooppiseen maailmaan. Tertium Hive on parhaimmillaankin haastava ja anteeksiantamaton paikka, ja sen siimeksessä on niin kuumana hohkaava teollisuusalue kuin happosateiden piinaama vedenpuhdistamo. Sinun tehtäväsi on palvella kiihkoilevaa Inquisitionia ja tuhota pesäkaupungin uumenissa piileskelevä uhka – tai kuolla tehtävän aikana.

Kaaos ei nuku koskaan

Mukaudu ennalta arvaamattoman Kaaoksen päähänpistoihin: circumstance-mutaatiot lisäävät tehtävääsi ripauksen haastetta. Jos mielitte selviytyä näistä armottomista haasteista, ryhmäsi on osattava mukautua, hyödyntää uusia taktiikoita ja muuttaa varusteitaan.

Imperial Edition

À propos du jeu

Reprenez la ville de Tertium aux hordes d'ennemis assoiffés de sang dans ce jeu de tir intense et brutal. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide est la nouvelle expérience de coopération par l'équipe primée à l'origine de la série Vermintide.

Au cœur de la ruche, la corruption naissante menace de devenir une vague écrasante de ténèbres. Une nouvelle force mystérieuse et maléfique cherche à prendre le contrôle de la ville entière. Il vous revient, à vous et vos alliés de l'Inquisition, d'éradiquer l'ennemi avant que la ville ne sombre dans le chaos.

Avec la chute de Tertium, les parias s'élèveront.

Combat hybride et explosif

Puisant dans l'héritage des exceptionnels combats en mêlée de Vermintide 2, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduit également le système d'intenses combats à l'arme à feu de la série. Trouvez le juste milieu entre mêlée et distance tandis que vous combattez une cohue d'ennemis. Ressentez l'impact de chaque coup assené avec votre épée tronçonneuse ou de chaque tir ardent émis par votre pistolet laser.

Mourez en solitaire ou souffrez ensemble

Darktide est un jeu en coopération. Errer trop loin vous expose aux ennemis tels que le Cerbère du Chaos ou la Trappeuse de Moebian, qui cherchent à immobiliser ou capturer les parias. Une fois dans les griffes de ces ennemis, seuls vos équipiers peuvent vous sauver ! De plus, votre robustesse innée, votre détermination à avancer malgré la douleur, ne se recharge que lorsque vous êtes proche de votre équipe d'attaque.

Votre personnage, votre style de jeu

Créez votre propre personnage unique et personnalisez son apparence physique, sa voix et son origine. Sélectionnez votre classe pour définir les caractéristiques et les compétences uniques dont il disposera au combat. Serez-vous un vétéran chevronné de l'armée impériale, un étranger narquois ou un fanatique acharné ? Le choix vous appartient

Tertium : une cité-ruche au bord du précipice

Aventurez-vous dans le monde violent et dystopique de Warhammer 40,000. Des usines industrielles bouillonnantes jusqu'à la zone de maintenance aux eaux pourrissantes et frappée par des pluies acides constantes, la ruche de Tertium est un endroit hostile et impitoyable, même dans ses meilleurs jours. Votre mission est de servir la fervente Inquisition en effectuant des missions visant à exterminer les menaces tapies dans les profondeurs de la cité-ruche, ou de mourir en essayant.

Le Chaos ne dort jamais

Adaptez-vous aux caprices imprévisibles du Chaos grâce aux circonstances, des mutateurs qui ajoutent un défi imprévu à votre mission. Votre équipe devra apprendre à faire preuve de flexibilité, à adopter de nouvelles tactiques et à modifier son chargement pour faire face à ces épreuves impitoyables.

Imperial Edition

Über das Spiel

Entreiße die Stadt Tertium den Horden blutrünstiger Feinde in diesem intensiven, brutalen Action-Shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide ist ein neues Koop-Erlebnis des preisgekrönten Teams bekannt für die Vermintide-Serie.

In den Tiefen der Makropole droht die Saat der Verderbnis, sich in eine überwältigende Flut der Finsternis zu verwandeln. Eine mysteriöse, finstere und noch unbekannte Macht versucht, die Kontrolle über die Stadt zu erlangen. Es liegt an dir und deinen Verbündeten in der Inquisition, den Feind zu beseitigen, bevor die Stadt im Chaos versinkt.

Mit dem Fall von Tertium erheben sich die Ausgestoßenen.

Rasanter Hybrid-Kampfstil

Nach dem Vorbild des unübertroffenen Nahkampfes in Vermintide 2, bringt Warhammer 40,000: Darktide ein intensives Feuergefecht im Stil von WH40K ins Spiel. Beherrsche im Gefecht mit diversen Feinden das Gleichgewicht zwischen Fernkampf und Nahkampf. Spüre jeden Schwung, Hieb und Schnitt deines Kettenschwerts oder lasse dein Lasergewehr Fleisch versengen.

Sterbt allein oder leidet gemeinsam

Darktide ist ein kooperatives Spiel. Sich zu weit von der Gruppe zu entfernen, birgt das Risiko, von Feinden wie dem Chaoshund oder der moebianischen Jägerin bestraft zu werden, die darauf aus sind, Einzelgänger festzusetzen oder gefangen zu nehmen. Fällst du einmal einem solchen Gegner in die Hände, können dich nur deine Teammitglieder retten! Außerdem lädt sich deine angeborene Zähigkeit – deine Entschlossenheit, die Schmerzen zu überstehen – nur in der Nähe deines Einsatzteams wieder auf.

Dein Charakter, dein Spielstil

Erschaffe deinen eigenen, einzigartigen Charakter und wähle individuell Aussehen, Stimme und Ursprung. Mit deiner Klassenwahl bestimmst du die einzigartigen Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten, mit denen du in den Kampf ziehst. Bist du ein erfahrener Soldat der Imperialen Armee, ein scharfzüngiger Außenseiter oder ein hitziger Eiferer? Du hast die Wahl.

Tertium – eine Makropole, die kurz vor dem Einsturz steht

Tauche ein in die blutige, dystopische Welt von Warhammer 40,000. Von der glühenden Hitze der industriellen Fabriken, bis hin zur Wasser-Wartungszone, heimgesucht von unaufhörlichem saurem Regen – Tertium Hive ist selbst zu besten Zeiten ein strenger, gnadenloser Ort. Deine Aufgabe ist es, im Namen der eifernden Inquisition Missionen zur Beseitigung von Gefahren in den Tiefen der Makropole zu erfüllen oder dabei umzukommen.

Das Chaos schläft niemals

Stelle dich auf die Launen des Chaos ein, mit Umständen – Mutatoren, die Missionen um unvorhergesehene Herausforderungen erweitern. Dein Team muss anpassungsfähig sein, neue Taktiken anwenden und im Angesicht dieser gnadenlosen Herausforderungen seine Ausstattung variieren.

Imperial Edition

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

A játékról: 

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

Informazioni sul gioco

Riconquista la città di Tertium dalle orde di nemici assetati di sangue in questo brutale e intenso sparatutto d'azione. Warhammer 40.000: Darktide è la nuova esperienza co-op dai premiati creatori della serie Vermintide.

Nelle profondità della città alveare, i semi della corruzione minacciano di schiudersi e trasformarsi in un'inarrestabile forza oscura. Una misteriosa e terrificante potenza vuole prendere il controllo dell'intera città. Insieme ai tuoi alleati dell'Inquisizione, dovrai eradicare il nemico prima che la città soccomba al Caos.

Quando Tertium cadrà, i reietti saliranno al potere.

Combattimento ibrido e dinamico

Creato sulla base degli insuperabili combattimenti corpo a corpo di Vermintide 2, Warhammer 40.000: Darktide introduce intense sparatorie nelle battaglie. Padroneggia l'equilibrio tra combattimento a distanza e corpo a corpo affrontando orde di nemici. Percepisci l'impatto di ogni fendente della tua spada a catena, o friggi un po' di carne con il tuo fucile laser.

Muori solo o soffri in compagnia

Darktide è un gioco in cooperativa. Vagare troppo lontano comporta dei rischi: nemici come il bavoso Segugio del caos o la Cacciatrice Moebian sono sempre alla ricerca di reietti sperduti da immobilizzare e catturare. Quando cadrai nelle grinfie di questi nemici, solo i tuoi compagni di squadra potranno salvarti! Inoltre, la tua innata robustezza – la tua determinazione a superare il dolore – si ricaricherà solo quando sarai vicino alla tua squadra d'attacco.

Il tuo personaggio, il tuo stile di gioco

Crea il tuo personaggio e personalizza l'aspetto fisico, la voce e le origini. Scegli la classe per determinare i tratti e le abilità che userà in battaglia. Sarai un veterano dell'esercito Imperiale, un irriverente forestiero o un impetuoso zelota? La scelta è tua.

Tertium: una città alveare sull'orlo del collasso

Entra nel violento mondo distopico di Warhammer 40.000. Dalle incandescenti fabbriche alla decadente area di manutenzione dell'acqua colpita dall'incessante pioggia acida, la città alveare di Tertium è un luogo aspro e inclemente persino nei momenti migliori. Il tuo compito è unirti alle missioni della fervente Inquisizione per sterminare le minacce che si nascondono nelle profondità della città alveare... o morire provandoci.

Il Caos non dorme mai

Adattati all'imprevedibilità del Caos con le circostanze, modificatori che aggiungono spontaneamente una sfida alla tua missione. La tua squadra dovrà imparare ad adattarsi e trovare nuove tattiche, scegliendo l'equipaggiamento migliore per affrontare queste sfide spietate.

Imperial Edition


この激しく残酷なアクションシューターで、血に飢えた敵の大群からテルティウムの街を奪回しましょう。『Warhammer 40,000:Darktide』は、「Vermintide」を制作した受賞歴のあるチームがお届けする、協力モードに焦点を当てた新しいゲーム体験です。



エネルギッシュ ハイブリッドコンバット

『Vermintide 2』でクラス最高峰であった近接戦闘のレガシーを使って作成された『Warhammer 40,000:Darktide』が、激しいWH40Kの銃撃戦をお届けします。遠隔と近接戦闘のバランスを取る術をマスターしながら、おびただしい数の敵と戦って行きましょう。チェーンソードを一振りした後の衝撃を感じたり、ラスガンから激しく発砲する衝撃を感じてみてください。





テルティウム - 崩壊の危機に瀕した多層都市

危険で陰鬱な「Warhammer 40,000」の世界に足を踏み入れましょう。ふつふつと沸騰している工業工場から、絶え間ない酸性雨に悩まされている腐敗水維持ゾーンまで、テルティウムハイヴは最良の時代であっても苛酷で容赦のない場所です。あなたの役目である、ハイブ都市の奥底に潜む脅威を撲滅させる旅に出て、熱心な大審問官に仕えるか、その試みの中で死を迎えることになるのです。



Imperial Edition

게임 정보

이 격렬하고 잔혹한 액션 슈팅 게임에서 피에 굶주린 적들로부터 테르티움을 되찾으세요. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide는 Vermintide 시리즈로 상을 받은 팀이 선보이는 새로운 협동 중심의 경험입니다.

하이브의 깊은 곳에서 부패의 씨앗이 어둠의 물결로 변하려 꿈틀거리고 있습니다. 정체 불명의 새로운 불길한 적이 도시 전체를 집어삼키려 합니다. 이단심문관 휘하에 있는 당신과 당신의 동료들만이 도시가 카오스에 먹히기 전에 적들을 몰아낼 수 있습니다.

테르티움이 몰락하면 이교도들이 일어날 것입니다.

아드레날린을 자극하는 하이브리드 전투

Vermintide 2에서 개발한 최고 수준의 근접전을 계승한 Warhammer 40,000: Darktide는 복합적인 WH40K 총격전을 도입했습니다. 원거리와 근접전 사이의 균형을 마스터하며 적들을 처단하세요. 체인소드를 휘두르며 썰어버리는 임팩트를 느끼거나, 라스건으로 적들의 살점을 태워버리세요.

흩어지면 죽고 뭉치면 이겨낸다

Darktide는 협동 게임입니다. 너무 멀리 가는 경우, 돌아다니는 추방자를 찾아 돌아다니는 카오스 하운드나 뫼비안 트래퍼 등에게 붙잡힐 수 있습니다. 이러한 적에게 잡힐 경우 팀원들만이 구해줄 수 있습니다! 고통을 참아가며 앞으로 나아가겠다는 당신의 의지는 공격 팀 범위 안에 있을 경우에만 충전됩니다.

나만의 캐릭터, 나만의 플레이 스타일

고유의 외형, 목소리, 스토리가 있는 나만의 특별한 캐릭터를 만드세요. 나의 클래스가 어느 고유 특성과 스킬 세트를 사용할지 결정하세요. 베테랑 제국 군인, 신랄한 말투의 외부인, 이글이글 타오르는 광신도 중 누구를 선택하실 건가요? 선택은 당신의 것입니다.

테르티움 - 무너지기 일보 직전의 하이브 시티

폭력적인 디스토피아 세계관 Warhammer 40,000을 체험하세요. 뜨겁게 타오르는 공장에서부터 계속 쏟아지는 산성비로 오염된 상수도에 이르기까지, 테르티움 하이브는 원래부터 가혹하고 살기 힘든 곳이었습니다. 당신의 역할은 광신적인 이단심문관을 섬기여 하이브의 깊은 곳에 도사리는 위협을 목숨을 걸고 제거하는 것입니다.

요동치는 카오스

다양한 상황에서 카오스의 변덕스러운 행동에 적응하세요. 돌연변이원으로 인해 더 다양한 변화가 발생합니다. 당신의 팀은 상대의 적응하고, 새 전략을 채용하고, 장비를 바꿔가며 이 위협에 맞서야 합니다.

Imperial Edition

Om spillet

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

Informacje o grze

Uratuj miasto Tertium przed hordami krwiożerczych wrogów w tej intensywnej i brutalnej strzelance akcji. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide to nowe doświadczenie z naciskiem na współpracę, stworzone przez wielokrotnie nagradzany zespół odpowiedzialny za serię Vermintide.

Ziarenka spaczenia w głębi kopca tworzą ryzyko pojawienia się przytłaczającej fali ciemności. Tajemnicza i złowroga siła próbuje przejąć kontrolę nad całym miastem. Wraz z sojusznikami z Inkwizycji musisz wykorzenić wroga, zanim miasto popadnie w Chaos.

Gdy Tertium upada, powstają wyrzutki.

Wysokooktanowa,hybrydowa walka

Zbudowana na tradycjach najlepszej w swojej klasie walki w zwarciu z Vermintide 2 – gra Warhammer 40,000: Darktide wprowadza dodatkowo system zaciętej walki bronią palną ze świata WH40K. Opanuj odpowiednie połączenie walki dystansowej i w zwarciu, przebijając się przez zastępy wrogów. Poczuj efekt każdego cięcia swoim mieczem łańcuchowym lub przypiecz wrogów lasgunem.

Giń samotnie lub cierp z innymi

Darktide opiera się na współpracy. Za bardzo się oddalając, ryzykujesz unieruchomienie i pojmanie przez Ogarów Chaosu czy moebiańskich sidlarzy. Gdy padniesz ofiarą takich wrogów, uratować cię mogą tylko członkowie twojego zespołu! Ale to nie wszystko. Twoja wrodzona wytrzymałość – determinacja, aby nie poddawać się mimo bólu – regeneruje się wyłącznie w pobliżu twojego zespołu uderzeniowego.

Twoja postać, twój styl gry

Stwórz własną, niepowtarzalną postać i dostosuj jej wygląd, głos oraz pochodzenie. Następnie wybierz sobie klasę, aby określić, z jakich unikatowych cech i zestawów umiejętności twoja postać będzie korzystać w walce. Zostaniesz doświadczonym weteranem imperialnej armii? Ironicznym outsiderem? A może płomiennym fanatykiem? Wybór należy do ciebie.

Tertium – miasto-kopiec u schyłku upadku

Wkrocz do brutalnego, dystopijnego świata Warhammer 40,000. Od bijących ciepłem fabryk po rozkładającą się strefę uzdatniania wody, która dotknięta została opadami kwaśnego deszczu – kopiec Tertium zawsze był bezlitosnym miejscem. Musisz służyć gorliwej Inkwizycji, podejmując się misji mających na celu eksterminację zagrożeń w głębinach miasta-kopca. Uda ci się albo zginiesz.

Chaos nigdy nie śpi

Dopasowuj się do kaprysów Chaosu w mechanice okoliczności – są to mutatory, które dodają spontaniczne wyzwania do twoich misji. Aby im sprostać, musisz wraz z zespołem nieustannie przyjmować nowe taktyki oraz odpowiednio zmieniać swoje wyposażenie.

Imperial Edition

Acerca do Jogo

Retoma a cidade de Tertium das mãos de hordas de inimigos sedentos de sangue neste shooter de ação intenso e brutal. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide é a nova experiência cooperativa criada pela galardoada equipa responsável pela série Vermintide.

Nas profundezas da colónia, as sementes da corrupção ameaçam engolir a cidade numa gigantesca maré de escuridão. Uma nova sinistra e misteriosa força procura assumir o controlo da cidade. Cabe a ti e aos teus aliados na Inquisição erradicar o inimigo antes que a cidade sucumba ao Caos.

Se Tertium cair, os Repudiados erguer-se-ão.

Combate híbrido de ritmo acelerado

Tendo por base o aclamado sistema de combate corpo-a-corpo de Vermintide 2, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduz uma intensa jogabilidade com armas ao estilo de WH40K. Alcança o equilíbrio perfeito entre os combates de longa distância e corpo-a-corpo, enquanto enfrentas um mar de inimigos. Sente o impacto de cada golpe, estocada e corte de uma chainsword, ou carboniza os teus inimigos com a lasgun.

Morre sozinho ou sofre em conjunto

Darktide é um jogo cooperativo. Se te afastares demasiado, arriscas-te a ser castigado por inimigos, como o baboso Chaos Hound ou a Moebian Trapper, que procuram imobilizar ou capturar Rejects isolados. Caso sejas vítima desses inimigos, só os teus colegas de equipa te poderão salvar! Para além disso, a tua tenacidade natural — a tua determinação para continuar a avançar apesar da dor — só recarrega quando estás perto da tua equipa.

A tua personagem, o teu estilo de jogo

Cria uma personagem única. Personaliza a sua aparência física, voz e história de origem. Escolhe uma classe. Cada uma tem atributos e conjuntos de habilidade únicos para usares no campo de batalha. Serás um veterano do Exército Imperial, um forasteiro com atitude ou um fanático implacável? A escolha é tua.

Tertium — uma cidade-colmeia à beira do colapso

Entra no mundo violento e distópico de Warhammer 40,000. Desde fábricas industriais abrasadoras a estações de tratamento de águas em decadência numa zona afetada por uma chuva ácida sem fim, mesmo nos melhores dias a colónia de Tertium é um lugar duro e implacável. Deves servir a zelosa Inquisição e participar em missões para erradicar as ameaças que se escodem nas profundezas da cidade, nem que isso signifique a tua morte.

O Caos nunca dorme

Adapta-te aos caprichos erráticos do Caos através de circunstâncias, modificadores que adicionam desafios espontâneos à tua missão. É a sobrevivência do mais adaptável. Adota novas táticas e ajusta o teu arsenal para enfrentares estes desafios impiedosos.

Imperial Edition

Despre joc

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition

Об игре

Отбейте город Терциум от полчищ кровожадных врагов в напряженном и брутальном шутере. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide — новая кооперативная игра от удостоенной наград команды создателей серии Vermintide.

В глубинах улья разрастается семя скверны, грозя превратиться в волну всепоглощающей тьмы. Новая зловещая и таинственная сила стремится захватить город. Вам и вашим союзникам из Инквизиции предстоит искоренить вражеские силы, иначе город падет жертвой Хаоса.

Терциум падет, отверженные восстанут.

Великолепная комбинированная боевая система

В игре Warhammer 40,000: Darktide есть не только унаследованная от Vermintide 2 лучшая в своем классе система рукопашного боя, но и впечатляющая система стрельбы в духе WH40K. Найдите баланс между стрельбой и рукопашной, сражаясь с ордами врагов, и ощутите воздействие каждого взмаха и удара цепного меча или поджарьте свежую плоть из лазгана.

Умри один или страдай с остальными

Darktide — командная игра. Не забредайте слишком далеко, ведь за это могут наказать враги, которые только и ждут, чтобы обездвижить или схватить заблудших Отверженных, например, истекающая слюной Гончая Хаоса или Мёбианский Ловушечник. Тех, кто падет жертвой таких врагов, смогут спасти лишь боевые товарищи! А еще ваша внутренняя стойкость — решимость превозмогать боль — восстанавливается только рядом с вашей ударной группой.

Ваш персонаж, ваш игровой стиль

Создайте своего уникального персонажа и выберите его внешность, голос и происхождение. Выберите класс, определив уникальные черты и навыки, которые пригодятся в бою. Стать закаленным ветераном армии Империума, язвительным чужаком или пылким фанатиком? Выбор за вами.

Терциум — город-улей на грани коллапса

Добро пожаловать в жестокий мир антиутопии Warhammer 40,000. От кипящих фабрик до разваливающегося водопровода, постоянно заливаемого кислотными дождями, город-улей Терциум — суровое и безжалостное место даже в лучшие времена. Вам предстоит служить фанатичной Инквизиции, любой ценой выполняя задания по уничтожению угроз, которые скрываются в глубинах города-улья.

Хаос никогда не дремлет

Приспосабливайтесь к сумасбродным причудам Хаоса с помощью обстоятельств — модификаторов, дополняющих ваши задания внезапными испытаниями. Чтобы выстоять, ваша команда должна адаптироваться, использовать новые тактики и менять снаряжение.
















Imperial Edition

Acerca del juego

Recupera Tertium de las hordas de enemigos sanguinarios en este despiadado juego de disparos y acción salvaje. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide es la nueva experiencia cooperativa del galardonado equipo creador de la saga Vermintide.

En las profundidades de la colmena, las semillas de la corrupción amenazan con convertirse en una marea abrumadora de oscuridad. Una nueva fuerza misteriosa y siniestra quiere apoderarse de la ciudad entera. Depende de ti y tus aliados en la Inquisición erradicar al enemigo antes de que la ciudad sucumba ante el Caos.

Mientras Tertium cae, los marginados se alzarán.

Combate híbrido a todo trapo

Construido sobre los cimientos del mejor sistema de combate cuerpo a cuerpo de Vermintide 2, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduce un intenso combate con pistolas de Warhammer 40,000. Domina el equilibrio entre el combate a distancia y el cuerpo a cuerpo mientras te enfrentas a un montón de enemigos. Siente el impacto de cada golpe de tu espada sierra o los ardientes disparos de tu láser imperial.

Muere en soledad o sufre en compañía

Darktide es un juego cooperativo. Si te alejas demasiado, te arriesgas a que te castiguen los enemigos que buscan inmovilizar o capturar a los marginados que han perdido el rumbo, como los voraces caosabuesos o la trampera moebiana. ¡Cuando hayas caído presa de estos enemigos, solo tus compañeros podrán salvarte! Es más, tu dureza innata, la determinación para avanzar a pesar del dolor, solo se recarga cuando estás cerca de tu equipo de asalto.

Tu personaje, tu estilo de juego

Crea tu personaje único y personaliza su apariencia física, voz y origen. Elige una clase para determinar qué características y habilidades únicas se usarán en batalla. ¿Quieres jugar como veterano experimentado del ejército imperial, forastero mordaz o ferviente exaltado? Tú eliges.

Tertium: una ciudad colmena al borde del colapso

Adéntrate en el violento mundo distópico de Warhammer 40,000. Tertium es un lugar despiadado e implacable incluso en el mejor de los tiempos: encontrarás desde fábricas industriales ardientes hasta zonas putrefactas de mantenimiento de los depósitos de agua afectados por la lluvia ácida constante. Tu papel es el de servir a la ferviente Inquisición al embarcarte en misiones para exterminar las amenazas que merodean por las profundidades de la ciudad colmena, o morir en el intento.

El Caos nunca duerme

Adáptate a la veleidad errática del Caos mediante las circunstancias: unos mutadores que añaden un desafío espontáneo a la misión. Tu equipo tendrá que aprender a adaptarse, adoptar nuevas tácticas y cambiar de plantilla de equipamiento para enfrentarse a estos desafíos implacables.

Imperial Edition

Om spelet

Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

Imperial Edition


Take back the city of Tertium from hordes of bloodthirsty foes in this intense and brutal action shooter. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is the new co-op focused experience from the award-winning team behind the Vermintide series.

In the depths of the hive, the seeds of corruption threaten to turn into an overwhelming tide of darkness. A mysterious and sinister new force is seeking to take control of the entire city. It is up to you and your allies in the Inquisition to root out the enemy before the city succumbs to Chaos.

As Tertium falls, Rejects Will Rise.

Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best-in-class melee combat, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide introduces intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword, or fry some flesh with a lasgun.

Darktide is a co-op game. Wandering too far, risks punishment by foes looking to immobilize or capture stray Rejects, such as the slavering Chaos Hound or the Moebian Trapper. Once you fall prey to such foes, only your teammates can save you! More than that, your innate toughness – your determination to press on through the pain – only recharges when you are in the proximity of your strike team.

Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin. Choose your class to determine which unique traits and skill sets they will make use of in battle. Will you be a seasoned veteran of the Imperial army, a snarky outsider, or a fiery zealot? The choice is yours.

Step into the violent, dystopian world of Warhammer 40,000. From boiling hot industrial factories to the decaying water maintenance zone afflicted by constant acid rainfall - Tertium Hive is a hard and unforgiving place even at the best of times. Your role is to serve the zealous Inquisition by embarking on missions to exterminate the threats lurking in the depths of the hive city, or die trying.

Adapt to the erratic whims of Chaos with conditions- mutators that add a spontaneous challenge to your mission. Your team must learn to adjust, adopt new tactics and change up their loadouts to face these ruthless challenges.

戰鎚40K:黑潮 - 帝國版





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Imperial Edition

Oyun Açıklaması

Bu gergin ve vahşet dolu aksiyon nişancı oyununda Tertium şehrini kana susamış düşman sürülerinden geri al. Warhammer 40.000: Darktide, Vermintide serisinin arkasındaki ödüllü ekibin yeni işbirliği odaklı deneyimidir.

Kovanın derinliklerinde, yozlaşma tohumları ezici bir karanlık dalgasına dönüşme tehdidinde bulunuyor. Gizemli ve sinsi bir yeni güç, tüm şehrin kontrolünü ele geçirmeye çalışıyor. Şehir Kaos'a yenik düşmeden önce düşmanı kökünden kazımak sana ve Engizisyon'daki müttefiklerine bağlı.

Tertium düşerken Dışlanmışlar yükseliyor.

Çok güçlü,Karma çarpışma

Vermintide 2'nin sınıfının en iyisi yakın dövüş çarpışmaları mirasının daha da geliştirildiği Warhammer 40.000: Darktide, etkileyici WH40K silahlı savaş mekanikleri getiriyor. Bir sürü düşmanla savaşırken menzilli çatışma ile yakın dövüş çarpışmaları arasındaki dengeyi kurmada ustalaş. Bir zincirli kılıcın her hareketinin, sallanmasının ve doğramasının etkisini hisset veya bir lazer tabancasıyla biraz et kızart.

Ya yalnız ölürsün ya da birlikte acı çekersin

Darktide, bir iş birliği oyunudur. Çok uzaklarda dolaşmak, Dışlanmışları tespit edip onları yakalamaya çalışan salyalarını akıtan Kaos Köpeği veya Moebian Tuzakçısı gibi düşmanlar tarafından cezalandırılma riski taşır. Bu tür düşmanların tuzağına düştüğünde seni ancak takım arkadaşların kurtarabilir! Üstelik doğuştan dayanıklılığın, yani acıya rağmen ilerleme kararlılığın, yalnızca saldırı ekibinin yakınlarında olduğunda yeniden güçlenir.

Senin Karakterin, Senin Oyun Tarzın

Kendi benzersiz karakterini yarat ve fiziksel görünümünü, sesini ve kökenini özelleştir. Savaşta hangi benzersiz özellikleri ve beceri setlerini kullanacaklarını belirlemek için sınıfını seç. İmparatorluk ordusunun kıdemli bir gazisi mi, huysuz bir yabancı mı yoksa ateşli bir bağnaz mı olacaksın? Seçim senin.

Tertium - çöküşün eşiğinde bir Kovan Şehri

Warhammer 40.000'in şiddet dolu, distopik dünyasına adım at. Sıcaktan kaynayan endüstriyel fabrikalardan, sürekli asit yağmurundan etkilenen çürüyen su bakım bölgelerine kadar: Tertium Kovanı, en iyi zamanlarda bile zor ve merhametsiz bir yer. Senin rolün, kovan şehrinin derinliklerinde gizlenen tehditleri yok etmek için görevlere başlayarak dindar Engizisyon'a hizmet etmek veya denerken ölmek.

Kaos asla uyumaz

Kaos'un değişken isteklerine, Vaziyetlere, uyum sağla... Görevine spontane bir meydan okuma ekleyen mutatörler. Takımın, bu acımasız zorluklarla yüzleşmek için uyum sağlamayı, yeni taktikleri benimsemeyi ve teçhizatlarını değiştirmeyi öğrenmelidir.

Imperial Edition

Про гру

Відвоюйте місто Терціум в орд кровожерливих ворогів у цьому напруженому й жорстокому екшн-шутері. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide — нова кооперативна гра від відзначеної нагородами команди творців серії Vermintide.

У нетрях вулика проростають зерна погані, що загрожують перетворитися на нищівну хвилю мороку. Нова таємнича й зловісна сила прагне захопити контроль над усім містом. Вам і вашим союзникам в Інквізиції належить винищити ворогів, перш ніж місто опиниться в обіймах Хаосу.

Паде Терціум — повстануть відторгнені.

Жвава змішана бойова система

Запозичивши найкращу у своєму класі систему рукопашного бою з Vermintide 2, у грі Warhammer 40,000: Darktide втілена напружена система перестрілок, притаманна WH40K. Почергово застосовуйте зброю для дальнього та ближнього бою, просуваючись крізь ворожий натовп. Відчуйте кожний змах і удар цепного меча або підсмажте свіжу плоть лазганом.

Померти одному чи потерпати гуртом

Darktide ― кооперативна гра. Якщо задалеко забрести, можна пошкодувати, натрапивши на ворогів, як-от слинявого Гончака Хаосу чи Мьобіанського Капканника, які тільки й чекають, щоб паралізувати й схопити заблукалих відторгнених. Коли ви станете здобиччю подібних ворогів, лише поплічники здатні врятувати! А ще ваша внутрішня стійкість — рішучість не зважати на біль — відновлюється тільки поряд із вашою ударною групою.

Ваш персонаж, ваш стиль гри

Створіть власного, унікального персонажа й налаштуйте його зовнішній вигляд, голос і походження. Виберіть клас персонажа, щоб визначити виняткові риси й набори навичок, що знадобляться в бою. Стати загартованим у боях ветераном Імперської армії, дошкульним чужинцем або затятим фанатиком? Вибирати вам.

Врятуйте Терціум від падіння

Завітайте до жорстокого світу антиутопії Warhammer 40,000. Від кипучих фабрик до водопроводу, який ледь тримається від постійних кислотних дощів, місто-вулик Терціум — суворе й безжальне місце навіть у найкращі часи. Ваша місія — служити фанатичній Інквізиції, за будь-яку ціну виконувати завдання зі знищення загроз, прихованих у нетрях міста-вулика.

Подолайте непередбачувані випробування

Пристосуйтеся до мінливих примх Хаосу за допомогою обставин — модифікаторів, що доповнюють ваші завдання раптовими випробуваннями. Ваша команда має навчитися перегруповуватися, переймати нові тактики та змінювати спорядження, щоб протистояти цим виснажливим випробуванням.

System Requirements


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