Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (GOTY)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (GOTY)

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (GOTY)

Release Date: 01/01/2006 | WORLDWIDE
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Sobre o jogo

Prepare-se para o sombrio futuro do 41º milênio, onde raças alienígenas lutam contra a humanidade pela dominação galáctica em um universo de guerra sem fim.
Personalize seus exércitos com uma revolucionária ferramenta de personalização de unidades que possibilita dar aos seus exércitos insígnias, bandeiras, cores de esquadrão e nomes.

  • Envolvente campanha para um jogador voltada para a história.
    Comande o esquadrão de elite dos Blood Ravens em um conto épico original de traição e conspiração, servindo o Imperador e protegendo a humanidade da escória do universo de Warhammer 40.000.
  • Domine quatro raças únicas
    Comande seus Fuzileiros Espaciais, Orks, Chaos e Eldar em batalhas épicas e domine suas armas, árvores de tecnologia e habilidades distintas para erradicar os inimigos e dominar o universo conhecido.
  • Realismo sem precedentes
    Terrenos com escala apropriada, física de veículo e iluminação dinâmica contribuem para um nível de realismo nunca antes visto em um jogo de estratégia em tempo real.
  • Visceral combate cinemático, à distância e corpo a corpo
    Animações de unidade realistas deixam você imerso no intenso combate brutal.
  • Jogabilidade tática pioneira
    Inovações como cobertura, combate baseado em esquadrões e moral adicionam nova profundidade estratégica à guerra em tempo real.
  • Multijogador dinâmico
    Teste suas verdadeiras habilidades de combate em batalhas de dois a oito jogadores com infinitas possibilidades de jogo.
  • Reviews

    Относно играта

    Подгответе се за злокобното, мрачно бъдеще на 41-то хилядолетие, в което извънземни раси се изправят срещу човечеството в битка за галактическо господство насред безспирни военни действия. Персонализирайте армиите си с революционен инструмент за персонализиране на бойни единици, който Ви дава възможност да избирате отличителните знаци на Вашата армия, нейните знамена, цветове и имена на отряди.

    • Ангажиращ сценарий за кампания, ръководена от един-единствен играч.
      Станете водач на елитната част „Кървавите гарвани“ (Blood Ravens) в оригинален епичен разказ за измяна и съзаклятничество, докато служите на Императора и защитавате човечеството от нашествието на вселената на Warhammer 40 000.
    • Усъвършенствайте четири уникални раси
      Станете командир на космическите пехотинци, орките, силите на хаоса и елдарите в епични битки и развивайте различните им способности, оръжия и технологични дървета, за да унищожите врага и да управлявате вселената.
    • Реалистичност без аналог
      Подходящо мащабиран терен, моторизирана техника и динамично осветление създават такова усещане за реалност, което никоя стратегическа игра в реално време не е постигала досега.
    • Лют ръкопашен бой и битка от разстояние с кинематографски размах
      Реалистични анимации на подразделенията Ви потапят в разгара на брутална битка.
    • Пионер в тактическите игри
      Иновации, като например бойни действия чрез отряди под прикритие и действия по повдигане на бойния дух, вдъхват нова стратегическа дълбочина на военните действия в реално време.
    • Динамична игра за няколко играчи
      Изпитайте на практика бойните си умения в битки за двама до осем играчи, като имате възможността да преигравате определени ситуации до безкрай
    • Reviews

      O hře

      Vypravte se do ponuré, temné budoucnosti 41. tisíciletí, ve které lidstvo bojuje s cizáckými rasami o nadvládu nad galaxií ve vesmíru, jemuž panuje nekonečná válka.
      Upravte si armádu pomocí revolučního nástroje pro editaci jednotek, pomocí kterého si můžete volit vlastní insignie, zástavy, barvy čet a jména.

      • Poutavá kampaň pro jednoho hráče s propracovaným příběhem
        Velte elitní kapitule Blood Ravens v originálním příběhu o zradě a spiknutí, služte Císaři a chraňte lidstvo před nástrahami světa Warhammeru 40,000.
      • Velte čtyřem jedinečným rasám
        Ujměte se velení vesmírných mariňáků, orků, Chaosu a eldarů, vrhněte se do obřích bitev a naučte se využívat jejich rozdílné dovednosti, zbraně a technologie. Jen tak budete moci rozdrtit své nepřátele a ovládnout celý známý vesmír.
      • Nevídaná realističnost zpracování
        Správné měřítko terénu, fyzikální model vozidel a dynamické osvětlení vytváří míru realističnosti, jaká dosud nebyla v žádné realtimové strategii k vidění.
      • Dynamické boje na blízko i na dálku
        Realistické animace jednotek vás vtáhnou do intenzivního, krvavého boje.
      • Revoluční taktický herní systém
        Novinky jako používání krytu, bojová družstva a morálka dodávají bitvám v reálném čase zcela jedinečný strategický rozměr.
      • Dynamický multiplayer
        Ozkoušejte své skutečné dovednosti v bitvách pro dva až osm hráčů, které se vám nikdy neomrzí.
      • Reviews

        Om spillet

        Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
        Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

        • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
          Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
        • Master four unique races.
          Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
        • Unprecedented realism.
          Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
        • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
          Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
        • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
          Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
        • Dynamic multiplayer.
          Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
        • Reviews

          Info over het spel

          Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
          Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

          • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
            Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
          • Master four unique races.
            Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
          • Unprecedented realism.
            Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
          • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
            Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
          • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
            Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
          • Dynamic multiplayer.
            Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
          • Reviews

            About the Game

            Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
            Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

            • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
              Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
            • Master four unique races.
              Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
            • Unprecedented realism.
              Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
            • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
              Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
            • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
              Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
            • Dynamic multiplayer.
              Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
            • Reviews

              Tietoja pelistä

              Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
              Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

              • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
              • Master four unique races.
                Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
              • Unprecedented realism.
                Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
              • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
              • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
              • Dynamic multiplayer.
                Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
              • Reviews

                À propos du jeu

                Préparez-vous à plonger dans le sombre futur que réserve le 41e millénaire, où les races aliens combattent l'Humanité dans une guerre sans fin pour la domination galactique. Donnez du style à vos légions avec un outil révolutionnaire de personnalisation d'unités qui vous offre la possibilité de choisir les insignes, bannières, couleurs d'escadrons et noms de vos armées.

                • Une campagne un joueur prenante orientée sur l'histoire.
                  Commandez le chapitre d'élite des Blood Ravens dans une aventure épique où se mêlent trahisons et complots, servez l'Empereur et protégez l'Humanité des fléaux qui s'abattent sur l'univers de Warhammer 40,000.
                • Dirigez quatre races uniques.
                  Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                • Un réalisme sans précédent
                  Un terrain savamment proportionné, une mécanique des véhicules et un éclairage dynamique sont autant d'éléments qui contribuent au niveau de réalisme jamais atteint dans un jeu de stratégie en temps réel.
                • Combat en mêlée et à distance brutal et cinématique
                  L'animation réaliste des unités vous immerge dans un combat brutal et intense.
                • Un gameplay tactique innovant
                  Des nouveautés telles que les combats à couvert ou basés sur l'escadron, et le moral ajoutent un nouvel aspect stratégique à la guerre en temps réel.
                • Multijoueur dynamique
                  Mettez vos compétences de combat à l'épreuve dans des batailles opposant 2 à 8 joueurs qui vous permettent de replonger sans fin dans le jeu
                • Reviews

                  Über das Spiel

                  Sind Sie bereit für die düstere Zukunft des 41. Millenniums, in der Alien-Rassen und die Menschheit um die Herrschaft über das im ewigen Krieg gefangene Universum kämpfen? Passen Sie Ihre Armee mit einem revolutionären Einheitenanpassungs-Tool an und wählen Sie Insignien, Banner, Truppfarben und -namen.

                  • Aufregende Story-bezogene Einzelspielerkampagne.
                    Übernehmen Sie in einer aufregenden Geschichte um Verrat und Intrigen im Dienst des Imperators das Kommando über den Eliteorden Blood Ravens und beschützen Sie die Menschheit vor den Bedrohungen des Warhammer 40,000-Universums.
                  • Beherrschen Sie vier einzigartige Rassen.
                    Kommandieren Sie Ihre Space Marines, Orks, Chaos und Eldar in epischen Schlachten und meistern Sie ihre verschiedenen Fähigkeiten, Waffen und Technologien, um den Feind auszulöschen und das Universum zu beherrschen.
                  • Beispielloser Realismus
                    Maßstabgerechtes Terrain, authentisches Fahrzeugverhalten und dynamische Lichteffekte verleihen diesem Echtzeitstrategiespiel ein noch nie gesehenes Niveau an Realismus.
                  • Detailreiche, cineastische Nah- und Fernkämpfe
                    Realistische Einheitenanimationen sorgen für intensiv brutale Schlachten.
                  • Innovatives taktisches Spiel
                    Neue Funktionen wie Deckung, truppbasierter Kampf und Moral verleihen der Echtzeitkriegführung neue strategische Tiefe.
                  • Dynamischer Multispielermodus
                    Stellen Sie Ihre Kampffertigkeiten in 2-bis-8-Spieler-Schlachten auf die Probe, die beliebig oft wiederholt werden können.
                  • Reviews

                    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                    Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                    Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                    • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                      Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                    • Master four unique races.
                      Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                    • Unprecedented realism.
                      Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                    • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                      Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                    • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                      Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                    • Dynamic multiplayer.
                      Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                    • Reviews

                      A játékról: 

                      Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                      Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                      • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                        Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                      • Master four unique races.
                        Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                      • Unprecedented realism.
                        Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                      • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                        Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                      • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                        Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                      • Dynamic multiplayer.
                        Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                      • Reviews

                        Informazioni sul gioco

                        Preparati a vivere il lugubre e cupo futuro del 41° millennio, quando le razze aliene e il genere umano lottano per il dominio galattico in un universo fatto solo di guerra.
                        Usa il rivoluzionario strumento di personalizzazione delle unità per scegliere le insegne, gli stendardi, i colori e i nomi delle squadre dei tuoi eserciti.

                        • Campagna per giocatore singolo con una storia avvincente.
                          Mettiti al comando del gruppo d’élite dei Corvi Sanguinari in un’epica e originale storia di tradimenti e complotti: servi l’Imperatore e proteggi l’umanità dalle piaghe dell’universo di Warhammer 40,000.
                        • Controlla quattro uniche razze
                          Guida i tuoi Space Marine, gli Orki, i Caos e gli Eldar in epiche battaglie e padroneggia le loro distintive abilità, le armi e gli alberi delle tecnologie per debellare il nemico e controllare tutto l’universo conosciuto.
                        • Realismo senza precedenti
                          Il terreno adeguatamente in scala, la fisica del movimento dei veicoli e l’effetto illuminazione dinamica contribuiscono ad alzare il livello di realismo come mai era accaduto prima in un gioco di strategia in tempo reale.
                        • Cruenti combattimenti corpo a corpo e a distanza
                          Le realistiche animazioni delle unità ti fanno immergere in combattimenti intensi e brutali.
                        • Gameplay tattico all’avanguardia
                          Innovazioni quali la copertura, il combattimento a squadre e il morale aggiungono nuova profondità strategica alla guerra in tempo reale.
                        • Modalità Multigiocatore dinamica
                          Metti alla prova le tue vere abilità di combattente in battaglie da 2 a 8 giocatori di cui non ti stancherai mai.
                        • Reviews


                          Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                          Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                          • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                            Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                          • Master four unique races.
                            Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                          • Unprecedented realism.
                            Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                          • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                            Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                          • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                            Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                          • Dynamic multiplayer.
                            Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                          • Reviews

                            게임 정보

                            외계 종족과 인간이 은하계 정복을 두고 끝없는 전쟁을 벌이는 암울하고 어두운 미래인 410세 미래에 대비하세요.
                            군대의 휘장, 배너, 분대 색과 이름을 선택할 수 있게 해주는 획기적인 유닛 사용자 지정 도구로 부대를 꾸며보세요.

                            • 스토리에 따라 진행되는 싱글 플레이 캠페인을 플레이해보세요..
                              반역과 음모가 횡횡하는 오리지날 에픽 이야기 속에서 블러드 레이븐의 엘리트 그룹을 지휘하며 황제를 섬기고 워헤머 40,000 세계의 재앙으로부터 인류를 보호하세요.
                            • 4개의 다른 종족 숙달
                              전투에서 스페이스 마린, 오크, 카오스, 엘다를 지휘하고 그들의 특별한 능력, 무기, 기술을 숙달해 적을 제거하고 우주를 지배하세요.
                            • 전례가 없던 사실성
                              적절하게 세분화된 규모의 지형, 운송 수단 피직스, 역동적인 번개로 그동안 실시간 전략 게임에서 볼 수 없었던 사실성을 구현했습니다.
                            • 살아 숨 쉬는 근접 및 원거리 전투
                              현실적인 유닛 애니메이션 덕분에 강렬하고 잔혹한 전투를 즐길 수 있습니다.
                            • 새로운 전략 게임 플레이
                              혁명적인 위장, 분대 기반 전투, 사기로 실시간 전쟁에 새로운 전략적 깊이를 더했습니다.
                            • 역동적인 멀티 플레이
                              무제한으로 다시 플레이할 수 있으며 2명에서 8명까지 즐길 수 있는 전투에서 내 능력을 시험해보세요.
                            • Reviews

                              Om spillet

                              Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                              Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                              • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                                Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                              • Master four unique races.
                                Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                              • Unprecedented realism.
                                Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                              • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                                Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                              • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                                Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                              • Dynamic multiplayer.
                                Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                              • Reviews

                                Informacje o grze

                                Przygotuj się na przygnębiającą i mroczną przyszłość czterdziestego pierwszego milenium, w której rasy obcych walczą z ludzkością o galaktyczną dominację w świecie niekończącej się wojny. Spersonalizuj swoje armie rewolucyjnym narzędziem modyfikacji, dzięki któremu wybierzesz insygnia, sztandary, barwy i nazwy dla swoich jednostek.

                                • Ciekawa fabularna kampania dla jednego gracza.
                                  Przejmij dowodzenie nad elitarnym legionem Krwawych Kruków w oryginalnej epickiej opowieści o zdradzie i spisku. Ocal Imperatora i strzeż ludzkość od plag świata Warhammer 40,000.
                                • Walcz czterema niepowtarzalnymi rasami
                                  Prowadź do boju Kosmicznych Marines, Orków, Chaos oraz Eldarów i opanuj ich niepowtarzalne zdolności, broń i drzewa technologiczne, aby pokonać wroga i władać całym światem.
                                • Niepowtarzalny realizm
                                  Odpowiednio przeskalowany teren, fizyka pojazdów i dynamiczne oświetlenie gwarantują poziom realizmu, jakiego nigdy jeszcze nie było w strategii czasu rzeczywistego.
                                • Brutalna, filmowa walka wręcz i na dystans
                                  Realistyczne animacje jednostek pozwolą ci się zanurzyć w brutalnych starciach
                                • Innowacyjna rozgrywka taktyczna
                                  Innowacje takie jak osłony, walka w ramach oddziałów i morale dodają nowej strategicznej głębi do walki w czasie rzeczywistym
                                • Dynamiczna rozgrywka dla wielu osób
                                  Sprawdź swoje prawdziwe umiejętności bojowe w bitwach dla 2-8 graczy, gwarantujących, że zabawa nigdy się nie skończy
                                • Reviews

                                  Acerca do Jogo

                                  Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                                  Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                                  • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                                    Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                                  • Master four unique races.
                                    Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                                  • Unprecedented realism.
                                    Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                                  • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                                    Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                                  • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                                    Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                                  • Dynamic multiplayer.
                                    Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                                  • Reviews

                                    Despre joc

                                    Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                                    Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                                    • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                                      Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                                    • Master four unique races.
                                      Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                                    • Unprecedented realism.
                                      Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                                    • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                                      Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                                    • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                                      Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                                    • Dynamic multiplayer.
                                      Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                                    • Reviews

                                      Об игре

                                      Добро пожаловать в мрачное, темное сорок первое тысячелетие! Здесь идет нескончаемая война за господство в галактике между человечеством и инопланетными расами. Вы можете персонализировать свою армию с помощью уникального инструмента настройки, позволяющего выбрать знаки отличия и штандарты, расцветку и названия подразделений.

                                      • Начало сюжетной одиночной кампании
                                        В эпической истории о заговоре и предательстве под вашим командованием находится элитный орден Кровавых Воронов. Вы служите императору и защищаете человечество от всех напастей во вселенной Warhammer 40000.
                                      • Играйте за четыре уникальные расы
                                        Командуйте Космодесантом, Орками, Хаосом и Эльдарами в грандиозных битвах, настраивайте их особые умения, вооружение и древо технологий. Уничтожьте врагов и подчините себе Вселенную.
                                      • Беспрецедентная реалистичность
                                        Пейзаж в точном масштабе, физика движения транспорта и динамическое освещение придают игре невиданную для этого жанра реалистичность.
                                      • Беспощадная анимация рукопашного и дальнего боя
                                        Реалистичная анимация бойцов позволит вам окунуться в самую гущу жестокой битвы.
                                      • Инновационный тактический игровой процесс
                                        Такие нововведения, как прикрытие, групповое боестолкновение, мораль, придают бою в реальном времени дополнительную стратегическую глубину.
                                      • Динамичный многопользовательский режим
                                        Проверьте свои боевые качества в сражениях 2х8, ход которых никогда не повторяется.
                                      • Reviews


                                        准备好迎接 41 世纪的冷酷与黑暗。在这个时代,外星种族与人类进行永无休止的战斗以夺取对银河系的统治。

                                        • 引人入胜的故事驱动单人战役。
                                          指挥血鸦战团的精英部队在叛逆和阴谋的原始史诗故事中进行战斗,为帝皇效命并在战锤 40000 的世界中保护人类免受祸害。
                                        • 掌管四个独特的种族
                                        • 前所未有的真实感
                                        • 惊心动魄的电影感近战和远程战斗
                                        • 开创性的战术游戏
                                        • 动态多人游戏
                                          在具有无限可重玩性的 2 至 8 人游戏中检验你真正的战斗能力
                                        • Reviews

                                          Acerca del juego

                                          Prepárate para el futuro aciago y desesperanzador del 41.er Milenio, donde las razas alienígenas luchan contra la humanidad para hacerse con el dominio de la galaxia en un universo sumido en una guerra sin fin. Personaliza tus ejércitos con una revolucionaria herramienta de personalización con la que podrás elegir insignias, estandartes, colores de escuadrón y los nombres de tus tropas.

                                          • Una campaña para un jugador con una historia que te mantendrá en vilo.
                                            Dirige el escuadrón de élite de los Cuervos Sangrientos en una épica y original historia de traición y conspiraciones. Sirve a tu Emperador y protege a la humanidad de los azotes del universo de Warhammer 40,000.
                                          • Domina cuatro razas únicas
                                            Lidera a Marines Espaciales, Orkos, Caos y Eldars en épicas batallas. Domina sus habilidades, sus armas y cuadros de tecnología para erradicar al enemigo y gobernar el universo conocido.
                                          • Un realismo sin precedentes
                                            La precisa escala del terreno, la física de los vehículos y una luz dinámica contribuyen a dar un nivel de realismo nunca antes visto en un juego de estrategia en tiempo real.
                                          • Brutales y cinematográficos combates cuerpo a cuerpo y a distancia
                                            Las realistas animaciones de las unidades te sumirán de lleno en un combate intenso y brutal.
                                          • Una pionera y táctica manera de jugar
                                            Los nuevos sistemas de cobertura, combate por escuadrones y moral añaden una complejidad estratégica mayor al combate en tiempo real.
                                          • Multijugador dinámico
                                            Pon a prueba tus verdaderas habilidades de combate en batallas de dos a ocho jugadores que harán que desees volver a jugar una y otra vez.
                                          • Reviews

                                            Om spelet

                                            Prepare yourself for the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, where alien races battle mankind for galactic domination in a universe of unending war.
                                            Personalize your armies with a revolutionary unit customization tool that gives you the ability to choose your armies insignias, banners, squad colors and names.

                                            • Engaging story driven single player campaign.
                                              Command the elite chapter of the Blood Ravens in an original epic tale of treason and conspiracy as you serve the Emperor and protect humanity from the scourges of Warhammer 40,000 universe.
                                            • Master four unique races.
                                              Command your Space Marines, Orks, Chaos and Eldar in epic battles and master their distinct abilities, weapons, and tech trees to eradicate the enemy and rule the known universe.
                                            • Unprecedented realism.
                                              Appropriately scaled terrain, vehicle physics and dynamic lightning contribute to a level of realism never before displayed in a real-time strategy game.
                                            • Visceral cinematic melee and ranged combat.
                                              Realistic unit animations immerse you in intense brutal combat .
                                            • Pioneering tactical gameplay.
                                              Innovations such as cover, squad-based combat, and morale add new strategic depth to real-time warfare.
                                            • Dynamic multiplayer.
                                              Test your true combat abilities in two-to-eight player battles providing endless re-playability
                                            • Reviews


                                              เตรียมตัวสำหรับอนาคตที่มืดมนและโหดเหี้ยมแห่งสหัสวรรษที่ 41 ซึ่งเผ่าพันธุ์เอเลี่ยนต่อสู้กับมนุษย์เพื่อครอบครองกาแล็กซี่ในจักรวาลแห่งสงครามที่ไม่เคยสิ้นสุด
                                              ปรับแต่งกองทัพของคุณเองด้วยเครื่องมือปรับแต่งยูนิตที่เป็นวิวัฒนาการใหม่ซึ่งช่วยให้คุณสามารถเลือกสัญลักษณ์ ธง สีทหารและชื่อเองได้

                                              • ร่วมสร้างเรื่องราวที่ขับเคลื่อนแคมเปญสำหรับผู้เล่นคนเดียว
                                                สั่งการบทที่ดีที่สุดของ Blood Ravens ในมหากาพย์ดั้งเดิมแห่งการก่อกบฎและการสมคบคิดในฐานะที่คุณเป็นจักรพรรดิและปกป้องมนุษยชาติจากหายนะของจักรวาล Warhammer 40,000
                                              • ต้นแบบเผ่าพันธุ์เฉพาะสี่เผ่าพันธุ์
                                                สั่งการ Space Marines, Orks, Chaos และ Eldar ในการต่อสู้มหากาพย์และฝึกฝนความสามารถเฉพาะตัว อาวุธ และการพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีเพื่อกำจัดศัตรูและปกครองจักรวาลที่มีชื่อเสียงนี้
                                              • เหมือนจริงอย่างที่ไม่เคยเป็นมาก่อน
                                                ภูมิประเทศ ลักษณะทางกายภาพของยานพาหนะและสายไฟที่มีขนาดเหมาะสมทำให้ได้ระดับความเหมือนจริงอย่างที่ไม่เคยเป็นมาก่อนในเกมกลยุทธ์แบบเรียลไทม์
                                              • การต่อสู้แบบระบบโรงภาพยนตร์สะเทือนอารมณ์และการต่อสู้อย่างบ้าคลั่ง
                                              • เกมกลยุทธ์ที่บุกเบิก
                                                นวัตกรรมต่างๆ เช่น เกราะ การต่อสู้แบบทหาร และคติธรรมเพิ่มความลึกซึ้งในทางกลยุทธ์ใหม่ให้แก่เกมสงครามแบบเรียลไทม์
                                              • ผู้เล่นหลายคนแบบไดนามิก
                                              • Reviews


                                                準備迎接第 41 個千禧年的殘酷黑暗未來,在這戰火燒不盡的時代,外星種族與人類展開激烈對戰,只為奪取星系霸權,。

                                                • 引人入勝的單人戰役主線。
                                                  交織背叛與陰謀的原創史詩故事,帶領血鴉戰團的菁英部隊效忠帝皇,保護戰鎚 40000 世界的人類不受侵擾。
                                                • 駕馭四個獨特種族
                                                • 前所未見的逼真寫實
                                                • 動魄驚心的精緻近戰與遠距戰鬥
                                                • 引領風潮的戰略遊戲
                                                • 動態多人戰役
                                                  加入 2-8 人多玩家戰鬥,可無限重複遊戲,測試你的戰鬥實力
                                                • Reviews

                                                  Oyun Açıklaması

                                                  Evrende savaşların bitmek bilmediği, uzaylıların galaktik egemenlik için insan ırkıyla savaştığı karanlık ve bir o kadar da kasvetli gelecekteki 41. milenyuma kendinizi hazırlayın.
                                                  Size ordularınızın adlarını, birlik renklerini, sembollerini ve bayraklarını seçme fırsatı veren bir devrim niteliğindeki birim özelleştirme aracı ile ordularınızı kişiselleştirin.

                                                  • Hikâye odaklı sürükleyici tek oyunculu senaryo
                                                    İmparatora hizmet edip insanlığı Warhammer 40.000 evreninin kötülüklerinden koruyun, ihanet ve komplo yüklü orijinal bir epik hikâyede Blood Ravens'ın (Kan Kuzgunları) elit bölüğüne komuta edin.
                                                  • Dört benzersiz ırkta ustalaşın
                                                    Epik muharebelerde Space Marine'ler, Orklar, Kaos ve Eldar’lara komuta edin ve düşmanı yok edip bilinen evrene hükmetmek için bu ırkların kendine özgü yetenekleri, silahları ve teknoloji ağaçlarında ustalaşın.
                                                  • Benzeri görülmemiş gerçekçilik
                                                    Doğru ölçekli arazi, araç fiziği ve dinamik yıldırım özellikleri, bugüne kadar hiçbir gerçek zamanlı strateji oyununda görülmemiş düzeyde bir gerçekçilik sunuyor.
                                                  • Sinematik yakın dövüş ve uzaktan saldırı
                                                    Gerçekçi askeri birlik animasyonları sizi yoğun ve vahşi bir dövüşün içine sokacak.
                                                  • Öncü taktiksel oynanış
                                                    Siper, birlik temelli savaş ve moral gibi yenilikler gerçek zamanlı savaşa yeni bir stratejik derinlik katıyor.
                                                  • Dinamik çoklu oyuncu
                                                    Sınırsız yeniden oynayabilme şansı sunan iki ile sekiz arasında oyuncu içeren savaşlarda gerçek dövüş yeteneklerinizi test edin
                                                  • Reviews

                                                    Про гру

                                                    Пориньте у темне, похмуре майбутнє - сорок перше тисячоліття. У всесвіті, охопленому безкінечною війною, інопланетна раса бореться з людством за домінування в Галактиці. Зробіть своє військо неповторним за допомогою унікальних налаштувань: оберіть відзнаки, прапори, кольори підрозділів та звання.

                                                    • Ця захоплююча історія відкриває одиночну сюжетну гру
                                                      Очольте елітний підрозділ Кривавих Воронів та киньте виклик змовникам і зрадникам. Служіть Імператору та захистіть людство від жахів всесвіту Warhammer 40000.
                                                    • Грайте за чотири унікальні раси
                                                      Керуйте Космодесантом, Орками, військом Хаосу та Ельдарами, ведіть їх до бою, вдосконалюйте навички, зброю та дерево технологій, здолайте ворога та візьміть під контроль знаний Всесвіт.
                                                    • Незрівнянна реалістичність
                                                      Точний масштаб ландшафтів, рух транспорту, динамічне освітлення - такого рівня реалістичності ще не було у грі жанру "стратегія в реальному часі".
                                                    • Жорстока видовищність рукопашного та віддаленого бою
                                                      Реалістична анімація бійців занурить вас у гущу безжальної битви.
                                                    • Передовий тактичний ігровий процес
                                                      Прикриття, бій групами, бойовий дух - ці інновації додають стратегічної глибини воєнним діям у реальному часі.
                                                    • Динамічний режим колективної гри
                                                      Пройдіть справжнє випробування своїх бойових здібностей у сутичках 2 на 8 з безкінечними варіантами бою.

                                                    System Requirements
