Warlock: Master of the Arcane
Warlock: Master of the Arcane

Warlock: Master of the Arcane

Release Date: 08/05/2012 | WORLDWIDE
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8.49 € + VAT


The Warlock: Master of the Arcane Complete Collection brings together the complete trials and tribulations of mage and magic which includes:

Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Armageddon
Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Return of the Elves
Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Master of Artifacts
Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Power of the Serpent
Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Powerful Lords

Warlock - Master of the Arcane
In a time of chaotic upheaval, the player takes the role of a great mage, a warlord vying for ultimate power. Your mission is to build an empire, expand your borders, research new spells and conquer your enemies. Become the ultimate Warlock and rule over all of Ardania!

Main Features:
  • Feel the magic: Research and master dozens of spells, conjure powerful enchantments and discover awesome spell combinations.
  • Ready an army: Command an expansive range of units, all with unique abilities.
  • Choose your strategy: There are various ways to achieve victory: by military, diplomatic or even magical means.
  • Fight your enemies: Engage in epic battles with large armies marching across the landscape.
  • Command the game: Enjoy an innovative city management system, where there are no routine actions, and every decision counts!
  • Have faith: Fight on the side of one of the eight gods. Complete their quests and spread their temples across the lands or become one yourself!
  • Follow the traditions: Warlock – Master of the Arcane inherits all the best elements of the famous turn based strategies of old.

Warlock: Master of the Arcane - Armageddon

About This Content:
The ancient prophecy has come true. The End Times are near. The boundaries between worlds have fallen, and the Dremer have entered Ardania. The Great Mages are the only ones who can possibly defend the land, and now more than ever, they need a leader who can gather a force large enough to defeat the Dremer once and for all. Will it be you?

Key Features:
  • New Armageddon Game Mode: Fight against the powerful Dremer while terrible cataclysms tear Ardania apart
  • Two new Great Mages: The Dragon Queen & Krel the Kingpin
  • New Perks For Great Mages
  • Favor of Krolm – Adds 30 points of relationship with Krolm · Clean the Land – Adds the spell “Clean the Land” to the spellbook ·
  • Elven Followers – Provides a unit of Elven Archers · Elven Relatives – Ensures the appearance of an Elven village near a Great Mage’s capitol

Warlock: Master of the Arcane: Return of the Elves

About This Content:
The elves from the knightly order of Arethi return to Ardania. They come not to serve as they did in the past but to conquer. They bring along the True Knowledge, and intend to share its’ light with everyone who will accept it, willingly or otherwise.

Key Features:
  • New race of the Arethi Elves with all its might and glory:
  • 18 new units
  • 20 brand new city buildings
  • Additional new perks and abilities
  • New Great Mage – Grand Master Amberon the Dark
  • New perks for Great mages:
  • Glorious Tactician - Increases the attack power of all units of a Great mage

Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Master of Artifacts

About This Content:
The ancient and almost forgotten art of making artifacts returns to Ardania. Now every Great Mage can create powerful artifacts imbued with spells, abilities, or even strength of the gods!

Key Features:
  • Using special spells artifacts can be created
  • Special units of lords can be given artifacts (which will be available via free patch)
  • Artifacts can be found in monster dens, received as quests rewards, gained and lost during battles, bought from Trader of Artifacts or smelted to mana.

Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Power of the Serpent

About This Content:
Play as the all new Great Mage, Malixalxochi, Wizard Queen of a powerful race of reptilian warriors known as the Koatl. Renowned for her cruelty and ferocity, she is a formidable foe to anyone in Ardania who dares oppose her.

The new Mage brings two new perks to the battlefield: Lord of Koatls and Koatl Training. As Lord of her race she can hire fierce reptile Spears, Hunters, Warlocks and of course the powerful Giant Turtle. Then instruct any of your units with Koatl training for increased protection from ranged an Melee attacks. Crush your enemies with the Power of the Serpent!

Key Features:
  • The Great Mage Malinalxochi, the Queen of Serpents.
  • New perks for Great Mages:
  • Koatl Training – Increased protection from melee and ranged attacks for all of your Great Mage's units.
  • Lord of Koatls – Ensures the appearance of a Koatl village near the capitol of a Great Mage.
  • The Koatl village is a local resource that allows for the construction of buildings that enable the player to hire Koatl Hunters, Koatl Spears, Koatl Warlocks, and a powerful Giant Turtle.

Warlock: Master of the Arcane: Powerful Lords

About This Content:
You are introduced to two powerful lords: the High Blademaster and the Imp Adviser. The two lords will appear near the capitol of the Great Mage who selects the “Master of Blades” and “Demonic Adviser” faction perks at the start of the game
Le dernier jeu de la série populaire Majesty, Warlock: Master of the Arcane est basé sur de la stratégie au tour par tour et la conquête du monde fantastique d’Ardania. Dans une période où règne le chaos, le joueur prend le contrôle d’un grand magicien, un chef militaire en quête du pouvoir ultime. Votre mission sera de construire un empire, d’étendre vos frontières, de chercher de nouveaux sorts et de vaincre vos ennemis. Devenez le plus grand des sorciers, et gouvernez Ardania !

Caractéristiques principales :

  • Vivez la magie : Cherchez et maitrisez des douzaines de sorts, conjurez de puissants enchantements et découvrez d’incroyables combinaisons magiques.
  • Levez une armée : Prenez la tête d’un grand nombre d’unités, chacune ayant ses capacités propres. Mobilisez les forces de trois races, pouvant invoquer des troupes spéciales et des créatures sauvages.
  • Choisissez votre stratégie : De nombreuses voies mènent à la victoire : les ressources militaires, la diplomatie ou encore la magie.
  • Affrontez vos ennemis : Prenez part à des combats épiques à travers le continent et à la tête d’immenses armées. Le joueur devra apprendre un certain nombre de tactiques et utiliser les capacités spéciales d’un vaste nombre d’unités. Ajoutez un peu de magie à cela et vous ressentirez la réelle fureur du combat.
  • Soyez maître du jeu : Découvrez un système de gestion des cités innovant, où la routine n’a pas sa place, et chaque décision compte !
  • Ayez la foi : Combattez aux côtés de l’un des huit dieux. Achevez leurs quêtes et construisez leurs temples sur les terres. – Ou ne tenez compte d’aucun dieu et devenez en un vous-même !
  • Suivez les traditions : Warlock – Master of the Arcane reprend tous les meilleurs éléments des vieux jeux de stratégie au tour par tour. Son gameplay et son esthétique sont modernes, mais au fond il s’agit d’un classique où chaque joueur règne sur son propre royaume grâce à ses compétences magiques et ses talents militaires.
  • Das neueste Spiel der beliebten Majesty-Reihe, Warlock: Master of the Arcane, präsentiert rundenbasierte Strategie und globale Eroberung in der fantastischen Welt von Ardania. In einer Zeit der chaotischen Aufruhr übernimmt der Spieler die Rolle eines großen Magiers, ein Kriegsherr, der um die ultimative Macht konkurriert. Ihre Mission ist es, ein Reich aufzubauen, Ihre Grenzen zu erweitern, neue Zauber zu erforschen und Ihre Gegner zu bezwingen. Werden Sie der mächtigste Zauberer und herrschen Sie über ganz Ardania!


    • Fühlen Sie die Magie: Erforschen und beherrschen Sie Dutzende von Zaubern, beschwören Sie mächtige Verzauberungen und entdecken Sie fantastische Kombinationen von Zaubern.
    • Stellen Sie eine Armee auf: Kommandieren Sie eine weite Auswahl von Einheiten, alle mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten ausgestattet. Mobilisieren Sie die Kräfte der drei Rassen, zusammen mit speziellen beschworenen Truppen und wilden Kreaturen.
    • Wählen Sie Ihre Strategie: Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, den Sieg zu erringen: durch militärische, diplomatische oder auch magische Mittel.
    • Bekämpfen Sie Ihre Feinde: Nehmen Sie an epischen Schlachten teil, mit großen Armeen, die durch die Landschaft marschieren. Die Spieler können ihre eigenen Taktiken entwickeln und lernen, eine große Anzahl von speziellen Fähigkeiten der Einheiten zu nutzen. Fügen Sie etwas Magie hinzu und Sie werden eine wahre Symphonie des Krieges erleben.
    • Beherrschen Sie das Spiel: Genießen Sie ein innovatives Stadtverwaltungssystem, ohne Routinearbeit, wo jede Entscheidung zählt!
    • Glauben Sie: Kämpfen Sie für einen der acht Götter. Erfüllen Sie ihre Aufgaben und verbreiten Sie ihre Tempel über das Land. -- Oder lassen Sie alle Götter beiseite und werden Sie selber einer!
    • Folgen Sie den Traditionen: Warlock – Master of the Arcane erbt die besten Elemente der berühmten rundenbasierten Strategiespiele der alten Schule. Es hat ein modernes Design, aber tief im Inneren ist es ein klassisches Spiel, bei dem jeder Spieler sein eigenes Reich durch magische und militärische Fähigkeiten beherrschen kann.
    • The Warlock: Master of the Arcane Complete Collection brings together the complete trials and tribulations of mage and magic which includes:

      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Armageddon
      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Return of the Elves
      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Master of Artifacts
      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Power of the Serpent
      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Powerful Lords

      Warlock - Master of the Arcane
      In a time of chaotic upheaval, the player takes the role of a great mage, a warlord vying for ultimate power. Your mission is to build an empire, expand your borders, research new spells and conquer your enemies. Become the ultimate Warlock and rule over all of Ardania!

      Main Features:
      • Feel the magic: Research and master dozens of spells, conjure powerful enchantments and discover awesome spell combinations.
      • Ready an army: Command an expansive range of units, all with unique abilities.
      • Choose your strategy: There are various ways to achieve victory: by military, diplomatic or even magical means.
      • Fight your enemies: Engage in epic battles with large armies marching across the landscape.
      • Command the game: Enjoy an innovative city management system, where there are no routine actions, and every decision counts!
      • Have faith: Fight on the side of one of the eight gods. Complete their quests and spread their temples across the lands or become one yourself!
      • Follow the traditions: Warlock – Master of the Arcane inherits all the best elements of the famous turn based strategies of old.

      Warlock: Master of the Arcane - Armageddon

      About This Content:
      The ancient prophecy has come true. The End Times are near. The boundaries between worlds have fallen, and the Dremer have entered Ardania. The Great Mages are the only ones who can possibly defend the land, and now more than ever, they need a leader who can gather a force large enough to defeat the Dremer once and for all. Will it be you?

      Key Features:
      • New Armageddon Game Mode: Fight against the powerful Dremer while terrible cataclysms tear Ardania apart
      • Two new Great Mages: The Dragon Queen & Krel the Kingpin
      • New Perks For Great Mages
      • Favor of Krolm – Adds 30 points of relationship with Krolm · Clean the Land – Adds the spell “Clean the Land” to the spellbook ·
      • Elven Followers – Provides a unit of Elven Archers · Elven Relatives – Ensures the appearance of an Elven village near a Great Mage’s capitol

      Warlock: Master of the Arcane: Return of the Elves

      About This Content:
      The elves from the knightly order of Arethi return to Ardania. They come not to serve as they did in the past but to conquer. They bring along the True Knowledge, and intend to share its’ light with everyone who will accept it, willingly or otherwise.

      Key Features:
      • New race of the Arethi Elves with all its might and glory:
      • 18 new units
      • 20 brand new city buildings
      • Additional new perks and abilities
      • New Great Mage – Grand Master Amberon the Dark
      • New perks for Great mages:
      • Glorious Tactician - Increases the attack power of all units of a Great mage

      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Master of Artifacts

      About This Content:
      The ancient and almost forgotten art of making artifacts returns to Ardania. Now every Great Mage can create powerful artifacts imbued with spells, abilities, or even strength of the gods!

      Key Features:
      • Using special spells artifacts can be created
      • Special units of lords can be given artifacts (which will be available via free patch)
      • Artifacts can be found in monster dens, received as quests rewards, gained and lost during battles, bought from Trader of Artifacts or smelted to mana.

      Warlock: Master of the Arcane – Power of the Serpent

      About This Content:
      Play as the all new Great Mage, Malixalxochi, Wizard Queen of a powerful race of reptilian warriors known as the Koatl. Renowned for her cruelty and ferocity, she is a formidable foe to anyone in Ardania who dares oppose her.

      The new Mage brings two new perks to the battlefield: Lord of Koatls and Koatl Training. As Lord of her race she can hire fierce reptile Spears, Hunters, Warlocks and of course the powerful Giant Turtle. Then instruct any of your units with Koatl training for increased protection from ranged an Melee attacks. Crush your enemies with the Power of the Serpent!

      Key Features:
      • The Great Mage Malinalxochi, the Queen of Serpents.
      • New perks for Great Mages:
      • Koatl Training – Increased protection from melee and ranged attacks for all of your Great Mage's units.
      • Lord of Koatls – Ensures the appearance of a Koatl village near the capitol of a Great Mage.
      • The Koatl village is a local resource that allows for the construction of buildings that enable the player to hire Koatl Hunters, Koatl Spears, Koatl Warlocks, and a powerful Giant Turtle.

      Warlock: Master of the Arcane: Powerful Lords

      About This Content:
      You are introduced to two powerful lords: the High Blademaster and the Imp Adviser. The two lords will appear near the capitol of the Great Mage who selects the “Master of Blades” and “Demonic Adviser” faction perks at the start of the game

    System Requirements
