We. the Revolution
We. the Revolution

We. the Revolution

Release Date: 21/03/2019 | WORLDWIDE
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11.49 € + VAT


We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Sobre o jogo

We. The Revolution é um jogo singular, ambientado na sanguinolenta e paranoica Revolução Francesa - onde quase sempre é impossível distinguir amigos e inimigos, com um estilo artístico peculiar. No papel de um juiz do Tribunal Revolucionário, você terá que viver nesta perigosa realidade decretando sentenças, correndo riscos em perigosos jogos políticos e fazendo de tudo para não acabar na guilhotina como "inimigo da Revolução". E, ao chegar a casa, ainda terá o desafio de enfrentar sua família a respeito das decisões que tomou.

A trama de We. The Revolution vai colocar você em situações de grande ambiguidade moral onde não há soluções óbvias e as decisões terão de ser sempre diretas. O poder de vida e morte sobre outro ser humano é um fardo, bem como a responsabilidade de traçar o destino da Revolução - fatos que nunca poderão ser esquecidos quando você der as sentenças no tribunal, delegar tarefas aos seus agentes, fizer discursos ou tecer intrigas políticas nos bastidores. Voltado para quem adora dilemas morais, o jogo oferece dilemas e escolhas pessoais complexos, além de mergulhar o indivíduo no mundo sutil das intrigas políticas.


  • Dê forma à História e decida quem vive e quem morre.

  • Viva o ambiente opressivo da Revolução Francesa, tal como descrito nos romances históricos de Alexandre Dumas e Joseph Conrad.

  • Bata o martelo em dezenas de casos de tribunal únicos e moralmente dúbios.

  • Enfrente sua família e defenda suas decisões - nem todos vão concordar com as sentenças dadas.

  • Controle seu tribunal: questione testemunhas, analise pistas e provas, consulte relatórios e dê as sentenças.

  • Cultive amigos e inimigos nas várias facções rivais em luta pelo poder. Faça aliados ou faça-os desaparecer!

  • Envolva-se em uma mistura de gêneros, do jogo de estratégia por turnos à construção de casos, sempre passando pela elaboração de intrigas.

  • Descubra um estilo artístico singular, que une a simplicidade dos polígonos à arte neoclássica da Era Revolucionária.

    We. The Revolution é uma história simbólica, levemente inspirada nos acontecimentos históricos da Revolução Francesa. Viva a experiência da Paris revolucionária. Compre We. The Revolution.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Относно играта

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


O hře

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Om spillet

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Info over het spel

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


About the Game

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Tietoja pelistä

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


À propos du jeu

We. The Revolution est un jeu unique et au visuel singulier, qui se déroule durant la période sanglante de la Révolution française. Allez-vous savoir différencier vos amis de vos ennemis ? En tant que juge du tribunal révolutionnaire, vous devrez prononcer des sentences, participer à de dangereuses intrigues politiques et faire tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour éviter d'être guillotiné à votre tour en tant qu'ennemi de la révolution. Vos décisions impacteront également votre famille, qui ne verra pas forcément les choses de la même manière que vous.

Dans We. The Revolution, vous vous trouverez face à des situations morales ambiguës et sans solution évidente. Le pouvoir de vie ou de mort est un lourd fardeau à porter, mais aussi une force pouvant changer le cours de la Révolution. Gardez cela en tête lorsque vous prononcerez des sentences dans votre tribunal, lorsque vous ferez appel à vos espions, prononcerez un discours ou tisserez une toile d'intrigues politiques tout en restant dans l'ombre. Ce jeu s'adresse aux joueurs qui apprécient les dilemmes moraux, aiment prendre des décisions difficiles et évoluer dans un monde complexe où la manipulation règne en maître.


  • Façonner l'Histoire en décidant qui aura le droit de vivre ou mourir.

  • Expérimenter l'atmosphère oppressante de la Révolution française telle qu'elle est relatée dans les romans d'Alexandre Dumas et de Joseph Conrad.

  • Juger des douzaines d'affaires uniques et moralement ambiguës.

  • Affronter le regard de votre famille, qui ne verra pas toujours les choses comme vous.

  • Diriger votre propre tribunal : questionner les témoins, analyser les indices et les preuves, lire les rapports et prononcer les sentences.

  • Vous faire des amis ou des ennemis des différentes factions luttant pour prendre le pouvoir. Soit ils sont avec vous, soit…

  • Tester un véritable mélange des genres : affaires judiciaires, intrigues politiques et stratégie au tour par tour.

  • Découvrir des graphismes uniques mêlant la simplicité du style polygonal à l'art néo-classique de la période révolutionnaire.

    We. The Revolution s'inspire des événements historiques de la Révolution française, mais reste un scénario fictif et symbolique. Venez découvrir la vie en ces temps incertains avec We. The Revolution.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Über das Spiel

We. The Revolution ist ein einzigartiges Spiel mit einem einmaligen Zeichenstil, das die blutigen, paranoiden Zeiten der Französischen Revolution einfängt, in denen Freund und Feind kaum zu unterscheiden waren. Bahne dir als Richter des Revolutionstribunals deinen Weg durch diesen moralischen Morast, fälle Urteile, spiele gefährliche politische Spielchen und tue alles, was in deiner Macht steht, um nicht selbst als Feind der Revolution der Guillotine zum Opfer zu fallen. Und dann wäre da noch deine Familie, mit der du deine Entscheidungen allabendlich diskutierst, und die nicht immer deiner Meinung sein wird.

In We. The Revolution wirst du mit Situationen in der moralischen Grauzone konfrontiert werden, in denen es keine einfachen Lösungen gibt, und in denen auch deine Entscheidungen niemals ausschließlich positiv aufgenommen werden. Die Macht, über Leben und Tod entscheiden zu können, ist gleichermaßen eine schwere Bürde als auch eine wichtige Verantwortlichkeit sowie Möglichkeit, das Schicksal der Revolution zu bestimmen. Vergiss das niemals, während du Urteile fällst, deinen Spionen Anweisungen erteilst, Reden hältst und hinter den Kulissen deine Intrigen spinnst. Das Spiel richtet sich vor allem an Spieler, die Gefallen daran haben, moralische Dilemmas zu entwirren, komplexe persönliche Entscheidungen zu treffen und sich in einer Welt voller ausgeklügelter politischer Intrigen zurechtzufinden.


  • Präge die Geschichte Frankreichs und entscheide über Leben und Tod.

  • Tauche ein in die bedrückende Atmosphäre der Französischen Revolution, wie du sie aus den Büchern von Alexandere Dumas und Joseph Conrad kennst.

  • Sitze einer Vielzahl von einzigartigen und moralisch schwierigen Gerichtsverhandlungen vor.

  • Besprich deine Entscheidungen mit deiner Familie – die nicht immer deiner Meinung sein wird.

  • Du hast die Macht im Gerichtssaal: Befrage Zeugen, nimm Indizien und Beweise unter die Lupe, lies Berichte und fälle dein Urteil.

  • Finde Freunde in den verschiedenen rivalisierenden Splittergruppen, die um die Macht ringen – aber Achtung: nicht jeder wird dir wohlgesonnen sein. Mache Feinde zu Verbündeten oder lasse sie verschwinden!

  • Beweise dein Geschick in einem Mix verschiedener Genres: Gerichtsverhandlungen, politische Intrigen und rundenbasierte Taktik.

  • Entdecke einen ungewöhnlichen visuellen Stil, der die Schlichtheit von Polygonen mit neoklassizistischer Kunst aus der Zeit der Französischen Revolution kombiniert.

    We. The Revolution erzählt eine Geschichte mit Symbolcharakter, die teilweise auf den Ereignissen der Französischen Revolution beruht. Erlebe, was es bedeutet, in einer Zeit revolutionärer Umbrüche zu leben.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


A játékról: 

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Informazioni sul gioco

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!



We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


게임 정보

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Om spillet

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - Gameplay

Wolność, równość, braterstwo ... lub śmierć! Czy jesteś gotowy wybrać? Twoja kariera lub twoja rodzina, twój dobrobyt czy nędza? Łatwo jest osądzać nieznajomych ludzi, ale jak zdołasz rozstrzygnąć twoje losy?

Zobacz gameplay We. The Revolution!


Informacje o grze

Zostań sędzią Trybunału Rewolucyjnego zasiadającym nad sprawami zwykłych obywateli, groźnych przestępców i rewolucjonistów! Decyduj, kto zostanie uniewinniony, a czyją głowę zetnie ostrze gilotyny. Uważaj jednak, skierowane są na ciebie oczy całego Paryża. Aby przetrwać musisz samemu stać się politycznym graczem – stawką jest nie tylko twoje życie, ale także losy całego miasta i samej rewolucji.

Fabuła We. The Revolution postawi Cię w sytuacjach niejednoznacznych moralnie, w których nie ma oczywistych rozwiązań. Podejmiesz decyzje, których efektów nie da się przewidzieć. Władza nad ludzkim życiem i śmiercią jest ogromnym ciężarem, odpowiedzialnością i siłą, które mogą wpłynąć na losy rewolucji. Miej to na uwadze za każdym razem, gdy wydajesz wyrok na sali sądowej, przydzielając zadania swoim agentom, wygłaszając przemówienia i snując intrygi polityczne za kulisami. We. The Revolution adresowane jest głównie do graczy, którzy lubią mierzyć się z moralnymi dylematami, dokonywać złożonych osobistych wyborów i zanurzać się w świecie wyrafinowanych politycznych intryg.


  • Tworzysz historię, decydujesz o tym, kto przeżyje, a kto zostanie stracony.

  • Będziesz przesłuchiwać świadków, analizować dowody i poszlaki, czytać raporty i wydawać wyroki.

  • Poczujesz na własnej skórze opresyjną atmosferę czasów Rewolucji Francuskiej.

  • Weźmiesz udział w dziesiątkach wyjątkowych spraw sądowych.

  • Znajdziesz wpływowych przyjaciół, ale i zyskasz nowych wrogów wśród frakcji walczących o władzę w Paryżu.

  • Zanurzysz się w rozgrywce nietypowo łączącej gatunki - niepowtarzalna mechanika spraw sądowych, intrygi polityczne, osadzone w turowej grze strategicznej oraz moralna konfrontacja z własną rodziną.

  • Zachwycisz się wyjątkowym połączeniem, neoklasycznego stylu graficznego z czasów Rewolucji i nowoczesnej sztuki polygonalnalnej.

  • Wsłuchasz się w orkiestralne melodie przywodzące na myśl minione czasy znaczone krwią rewolucjonistów.

    We. The Revolution to symboliczna opowieść luźno bazująca na wydarzeniach historycznych z czasów Wielkiej Rewolucji. Doświadcz życia w czasach rewolucyjnych przewrotów.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Acerca do Jogo

We. The Revolution é um jogo único que retrata a violência e paranoia da Revolução Francesa com um estilo artístico invulgar. Como juiz do Tribunal Revolucionário, terás de navegar nesta perigosa realidade para decretar sentenças, navegar em perigosos jogos políticos e saber distinguir amigos de inimigos para não acabar na guilhotina como "inimigo da revolução". E ao chegar a casa, terás de enfrentar a tua família e defender as tuas próprias decisões.

A história de We. The Revolution coloca-te em situações de grande ambiguidade moral, onde não existem soluções óbvias e as decisões terão de ser sempre evidentes. A capacidade de decisão entre vida e morte é um fardo, tal como a responsabilidade em traçar o destino da revolução: algo que nunca poderás esquecer sempre que decretares sentenças em tribunal, designares tarefas a agentes, fizeres discursos ou teceres as mais secretas intrigas políticas. Um jogo ideal para quem adorar dilemas morais, enfrentar complexas escolhas pessoais e mergulhar num mundo de sofisticadas intrigas políticas.


  • Molda a história e decide quem vive ou morre.

  • Sente o ambiente opressivo da Revolução Francesa, tal como descrito nos romances históricos de Alexandre Dumas e Joseph Conrad.

  • Decide dezenas de casos de tribunal únicos e de grande ambiguidade moral.

  • Enfrenta a tua família e defende as tuas decisões - será que vão concordar com as tuas sentenças?

  • Controla o teu próprio tribunal: Questiona testemunhas, analisa pistas e provas, consulta relatórios e decreta sentenças.

  • Faz amigos e inimigos de várias fações rivais que lutam pelo poder. Torna-os teus aliados ou faz com que desapareçam!

  • Experimenta uma mistura de géneros: Um jogo de estratégia por turnos com construção de casos e elaboração de intrigas.

  • Descobre um invulgar estilo artístico que une a simplicidade dos polígonos com a arte neoclássica da era revolucionária.

    We. The Revolution é uma história simbólica, inspirada nos acontecimentos históricos da Revolução Francesa. Sente o ambiente da Paris revolucionária. Compra We. The Revolution.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Despre joc

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Об игре

We. The Revolution – это уникальная игра с необычной стильной графикой, события которой происходят в кровавом и параноидальном мире Французской Революции, где друзей так сложно отличить от врагов. Как судье Революционного Трибунала вам придется оказаться в сложнейших обстоятельствах, выносить приговоры, играть в опасную политическую игру и делать все возможное, чтобы не оказаться на гильотине за противодействие революции. Также вам придется обосновывать свои решения перед родными, у которых может быть совсем иная точка зрения.

Сюжет We. The Revolution поставит вас в ситуацию выбора без очевидных решений, где любые ваши действия могут быть поставлены под сомнение. Власть над человеческой жизнью – большое бремя, ответственность и сила, способная повлиять на исход революции. Помните об этом, давая задания своим агентам, произнося речи и плетя политические интриги за кулисами. Игра рассчитана преимущественно на игроков, которым нравится решать моральные дилеммы, делать сложный личностный выбор и погружаться в мир политических хитросплетений.


  • вершить историю и решать, кому жить, а кому умирать

  • погрузиться в гнетущую атмосферу Французской Революции, знакомую по классическим романам Александра Дюма и Джозефа Конрада

  • вынести вердикты по десяткам уникальных и морально неоднозначных дел

  • объяснять свои решения своей семье – ваши родные могут не разделять ваше мнение

  • вести судебные процессы: допрашивать свидетелей, анализировать улики и подсказки, читать отчеты и выносить приговоры

  • завести друзей и нажить врагов из противоборствующих политических фракций. Переманите их на свою сторону или избавьтесь от них навсегда!

  • испытать себя в смеси жанров, где расследование дел сочетается с политическими интригами и пошаговой тактикой

  • насладиться уникальным визуальным стилем, сочетающим простоту полигонов и неоклассицизм революционной эры

    We. The Revolution – это символическая история по мотивам исторических событий времен Великой Французской Революции. Попробуйте пожить во времена революционных волнений. Купить We. The Revolution.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!



We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Acerca del juego

We. The Revolution es un juego único con un estilo artístico muy particular. Está situado en la época sangrienta y paranoica de la Revolución francesa, donde a menudo no existía la diferencia entre amigo y enemigo. Como juez del Tribunal Revolucionario, tendrás que lidiar con este contexto dictando sentencias, participando en arriesgadas tretas políticas y haciendo todo lo que esté en tus manos para no acabar en la guillotina condenado como enemigo de la revolución. Además, tendrás que enfrentarte a las opiniones de tus familiares, quienes a menudo no pensarán como tú.

El argumento de We. The Revolution te pondrá en situaciones moralmente ambiguas que no tienen soluciones obvias, y las decisiones que tomes siempre tendrán contrapartidas. El poder sobre la vida y la muerte es una carga muy pesada, en ello está la responsabilidad y la voluntad que puede afectar al destino de la revolución. Tenlo en cuenta cada vez que tengas que dictar sentencia en la sala, a hora de asignar tareas a tus agentes, al pronunciar discursos o al ser artífice de intrigas políticas secretas. Esta experiencia está dirigida especialmente a jugadores que disfrutan resolviendo dilemas morales, tomando decisiones personales difíciles y a los que le guste sumergirse en el mundo de las conspiraciones políticas.


  • Dar forma a la historia y decidir quién vive y quién muere.

  • Experimentar la atmósfera de opresión de la Revolución francesa como la conociste en novelas clásicas de Alexandre Dumas y Joseph Conrad.

  • Presidir decenas de casos judiciales únicos y moralmente ambiguos.

  • Enfrentarte al juicio de tu familia (tus seres queridos puede que a menudo no estén de acuerdo con tus decisiones).

  • Dirigir tu propia sala de juicios, interrogar a los testigos, analizar pruebas, leer informes y dictar sentencia.

  • Hacer amigos y enemigos de diferentes facciones que se disputan el poder. ¡Conviértelos en tus socios o hazlos desaparecer!

  • Participar en una mezcla de géneros que combinan la presidencia en los juicios con la elaboración de contubernios políticos bajo un sistema de turnos.

  • Descubre un estilo visual original que combina la sobriedad de los polígonos con el arte neoclásico de esta era revolucionaria.

    We. The Revolution es una historia simbólica que se basa vagamente en eventos históricos de la época de la gran Revolución. Experimenta la vida en tiempos revolucionarios. Hazte ya con We. The Revolution.

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Om spelet

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!



We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!



We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Oyun Açıklaması

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

We. The Revolution - New Gameplay!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity...or Death! Are You ready to choose? Your career or your family, your prosperity or their misery? It is easy to judge stranger people but how will you manage to adjudicate upon your dearest?

See We. The Revolution New Gameplay!


Про гру

We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, you will have to trudge through this setting passing sentences, playing a dangerous political game, and doing everything in your power to not to be guillotined as an enemy of revolution. At the end of a day you will also confront your decisions with your family and very often they will see it differently.

The plot of We. The Revolution will put you in morally ambiguous situations in which there are no obvious solutions, and the decisions you made are never unambiguous. The power over human life and death is a heavy burden, responsibility and strength that can affect the fate of the revolution. keep that in mind each time when passing sentence in the courtroom, while assigning tasks to your agents, giving speeches, and weaving political intrigue behind the scenes. Addressed chiefly to players who enjoy to settle moral dilemmas, make complex personal choices, and immerse themselves in the world of sophisticated political intrigue.


  • Shape history and decide who will live and who will die.

  • Experience the oppressive atmosphere of the French Revolution as you know it from classic novels of Alexandre Dumas and Joseph Conrad.

  • Preside dozen of unique and morally ambiguous court cases.

  • Confront your judgments with your family – your loved ones may often disa-gree with your decisions.

  • Run your own courtroom – question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences.

  • Make friends and enemies of different rival factions vying for power. Make them your associates or make them disappear!

  • Engage in a mix of genres, blending case-building with intrigue-crafting and turn-based tactics.

  • Discover the unusual visual style blending the simplicity of polygons with neoclassical art from the revolutionary era.

    We. The Revolution is a symbolic story, loosely based on historical events from the time of the Great Revolution. Experience life in a time of revolutionary upheavals!

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