XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Complete Edition)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Complete Edition)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Complete Edition)

Release Date: 12/11/2013 | WORLDWIDE
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XCOM: Enemy Unknown will place you in control of a secret paramilitary organization called XCOM. As the XCOM commander, you will defend against a terrifying global alien invasion by managing resources, advancing technologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unit tactics. The original XCOM is widely regarded as one of the best games ever made and has now been re-imagined by the strategy experts at Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown will expand on that legacy with an entirely new invasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend Earth. You will control the fate of the human race through researching alien technologies, creating and managing a fully operational base, planning combat missions and controlling soldier movement in battle. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition includes the Game of Year award-winning XCOM: Enemy Unknown, plus the critically-acclaimed expansion, XCOM: Enemy Within, and all of the released add-on content packaged together for an incredible value. Complete Edition Contents Include: - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown will place you in control of a secret paramilitary organization called XCOM. As the XCOM commander, you will defend against a terrifying global alien invasion by managing resources, advancing technologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unit tactics. The original XCOM is widely regarded as one of the best games ever made and has now been re-imagined by the strategy experts at Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown will expand on that legacy with an entirely new invasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend Earth. You will control the fate of the human race through researching alien technologies, creating and managing a fully operational base, planning combat missions and controlling soldier movement in battle. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition includes the Game of Year award-winning XCOM: Enemy Unknown, plus the critically-acclaimed expansion, XCOM: Enemy Within, and all of the released add-on content packaged together for an incredible value. Complete Edition Contents Include: - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown vous mettra aux commandes d'une organisation paramilitaire secrète appelée "XCOM". En tant que commandant du projet XCOM, vous serez chargé de défendre la planète face à une terrifiante invasion extraterrestre ; pour ce faire, vous devrez gérer vos ressources, étudier des technologies et superviser les stratégies de combat et les tactiques individuelles de chaque unité. Le tout premier jeu X-COM est universellement considéré comme l'un des meilleurs jeux jamais créés, et il se voit aujourd'hui réinventé par Firaxis Games, véritables experts du jeu de stratégie. XCOM: Enemy Unknown prolongera cet héritage en proposant une toute nouvelle histoire d'invasion, avec de nouveaux ennemis et des technologies inédites pour combattre les extraterrestres et protéger la Terre. Le destin de la race humaine sera entre vos mains, et pour la sauver, vous devrez étudier des technologies extraterrestres, mettre sur pied et gérer une base entièrement opérationnelle, prévoir les missions de combat et contrôler les déplacements de vos soldats sur le champ de bataille. XCOM: Enemy Unknown - The Complete Edition, inclut le gagnant du jeu de l'année XCOM: Enemy Unknown et l'expansion acclamée par la critique, XCOM: Enemy Within ; ainsi que le contenu téléchargeable publié, le tout pour un prix incroyable. - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
In XCOM: Enemy Unknown wird Ihnen die Führung einer geheimen paramilitärischen Organisation - XCOM - übergeben. In der Rolle des XCOM-Kommandanten obliegt Ihnen die Verteidigung der Erde gegen eine außerirdische Streitmacht, die mit ihrem Einmarsch Angst und Schrecken verbreiten will. Dieses Ziel erreichen Sie durch die bedachte Verwaltung von Ressourcen, die Erforschung neuer Technologien und die Mitentwicklung von Kampfstrategien und einheitenspezifischer Taktik. Das Originalspiel zählt zu den besten Spielen aller Zeiten und erfährt jetzt eine Neuauflage durch die Strategie-Experten bei Firaxis Games. Mit einer völlig neuen Invasionsgeschichte, neuen Feinden und neuen Technologien, mit denen Sie die Außerirdischen bekämpfen und die Erde verteidigen können, stellt XCOM: Enemy Unknown eine Weiterentwicklung dieses Konzepts dar. Sie lenken das Schicksal der Menschheit, indem Sie außerirdische Technologien erforschen, eine voll betriebsfähige Basis aufbauen und verwalten, Kampfeinsätze planen und Ihre Soldaten im Kampf führen. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition enthält das als Spiel des Jahres ausgezeichnete XCOM: Enemy Unknown mit der hochgelobten Erweiterung XCOM: Enemy Within und alle bisher veröffentlichten Add-Ons gebündelt zu einem unglaublichen Preis." - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown ti porrà al comando di un'organizzazione paramilitare segreta chiamata "XCOM". Nei panni del comandante dell'XCOM, dovrai difendere la Terra da una terrificante invasione aliena gestendo risorse, sviluppando nuove tecnologie e sovrintendendo strategie belliche e tattiche individuali. L'X-COM originale viene spesso considerato uno dei migliori giochi mai realizzati, ed è stato finalmente reinventato dagli esperti dei giochi strategici di Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown amplierà il proprio retaggio con nuove storie, nemici e tecnologie per combattere gli alieni e difendere la Terra. Determinerai il destino della razza umana tramite la ricerca delle tecnologie aliene, la creazione e la gestione di una base operativa, la pianificazione delle missioni sul campo e il controllo dei movimenti dei soldati. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition include il Gioco dell'anno XCOM: Enemy Unknown, più l'acclamata espansione XCOM: Enemy Within, e tutti i successivi add-on ad un prezzo incredibile. - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown will place you in control of a secret paramilitary organization called XCOM. As the XCOM commander, you will defend against a terrifying global alien invasion by managing resources, advancing technologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unit tactics. The original XCOM is widely regarded as one of the best games ever made and has now been re-imagined by the strategy experts at Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown will expand on that legacy with an entirely new invasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend Earth. You will control the fate of the human race through researching alien technologies, creating and managing a fully operational base, planning combat missions and controlling soldier movement in battle. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition includes the Game of Year award-winning XCOM: Enemy Unknown, plus the critically-acclaimed expansion, XCOM: Enemy Within, and all of the released add-on content packaged together for an incredible value. Complete Edition Contents Include: - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
В XCOM: Enemy Unknown вы встанете во главе секретной правительственной организации, которую называют XCOM. Как командующему XCOM, вам предстоит отразить глобальное нашествие враждебно настроенных инопланетян, для чего потребуется следить за ресурсами, развивать и улучшать технологии и отдавать приказы солдатам в бою. Оригинальный XCOM был признан по всему миру как одна из лучших игр всех времен. Теперь ее переосмыслением занялись эксперты по стратегиям из Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown продолжит дело предка и предложит вам совершенно новую историю вторжения, невиданных ранее врагов и передовые технологии, которые дадут вам преимущество в бою с пришельцами и помогут защитить родную планету. Исследуйте инопланетные технологии, управляйте полностью функциональной базой, планируйте военные операции и отдавайте приказы солдатам в бою. Помните: судьба человечества в ваших руках. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – полное издание признанной игрой года XCOM: Enemy Unknown, долгожданное обновление XCOM: Enemy Within, а также все выходившие ранее дополнения в одном наборе. - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack
От создателей Цивилизации Сида Майера - игра о последней надежде человечества. Вы - командир элитной паравоенной организации XCOM, которая пытается защитить Землю от инопланетного вторжения. - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Slingshot Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown te pone al mando de una organización paramilitar secreta llamada XCOM. Como comandante de XCOM, defenderás la Tierra de una aterradora invasión alienígena a base de administrar recursos, desarrollar tecnologías y supervisar tanto estrategias de combate como tácticas de unidades individuales. El X-COM original goza de una asentada reputación como uno de los mejores juegos de la historia, y ahora vuelve recreado por los expertos en estrategia de Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown continúa ese legado con una historia de invasión totalmente nueva, más enemigos y tecnologías con las que combatir a los alienígenas y defender la Tierra. Controlarás el destino de la raza humana investigando tecnologías alienígenas, creando y administrando una base totalmente operativa, planificando misiones de combate y dirigiendo el movimiento de los soldados en batalla. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition incluye el ganador del premio al juego del año XCOM: Enemy Unknown, más la expansión aclamada por la crítica XCOM: Enemy Within y todo el contenido adicional lanzado hasta la fecha en un único e increíble pack. - XCOM: Enemy Unknown - XCOM: Enemy Within - XCOM: Elite Soldier Pack - XCOM: Slingshot Pack

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