Yesterday Origins
Yesterday Origins

Yesterday Origins

Release Date: 10/11/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

Sobre o jogo


Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

"Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...


  • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
  • An original story taking place over several different eras
  • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
  • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
  • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
  • More than 25 colorful characters
  • An original soundtrack
  • Adapted to mouse and controllers

    In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

    Относно играта


    Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

    "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

    It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

    Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

    In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...


    • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
    • An original story taking place over several different eras
    • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
    • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
    • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
    • More than 25 colorful characters
    • An original soundtrack
    • Adapted to mouse and controllers

      In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

      O hře


      Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

      "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

      It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

      Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

      In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...


      • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
      • An original story taking place over several different eras
      • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
      • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
      • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
      • More than 25 colorful characters
      • An original soundtrack
      • Adapted to mouse and controllers

        In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

        Om spillet


        Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

        "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

        It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

        Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

        In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

        KEY FEATURES :

        • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
        • An original story taking place over several different eras
        • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
        • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
        • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
        • More than 25 colorful characters
        • An original soundtrack
        • Adapted to mouse and controllers

          Speel gratis de eerste twee hoofdstukken in deze demo!

          Info over het spel

          Ontdek het nieuwste avontuur van Pendulo Studios, de makers van de serie Runaway!

          1481. De jonge John wordt vernederd en in het openbaar over straat gesleept. Hij wordt beschuldigd van tovenarij en gevangengezet door de Spaanse Inquisitie om te worden gemarteld.

          Later ondergaat hij een alchemistische transmutatie die een onsterfelijke van hem maakt. Maar het gaat allemaal niet zoals voorzien. Als gevolg daarvan verliest John na elke verrijzenis elke herinnering over zichzelf.

          500 jaar later, in onze tijd, zijn John en Pauline op zoek naar een essentieel artefact om het ritueel te kunnen herhalen. Tijdens hun onderzoek moeten ze het opnemen tegen gevaarlijke nieuwe hoofdrolspelers die erop gebrand zijn om hun geheimen uit ze te trekken...

          Doe mee met de onsterfelijken, John Yesterday en Pauline Petit, in Yesterday Origins. Beleef een episch avontuur door de tijd en de wereld heen in een verhaal vol intriges en wendingen van onverwachte situaties.

          STERKE PUNTEN :

          • Pendulo Studios hat mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Adventure-Genre
          • Eine originelle Geschichte, die in verschiedenen Epochen spielt
          • Mischung unterschiedlicher Stile: Untersuchung, Thriller, Adventure, Okkultismus
          • Mit dem schwarzen und schrägen Humor, für den die Entwickler bekannt sind
          • Es gilt, mehr als 10 Orte und über 50 Kulissen aufzusuchen
          • Über 25 farbenprächtige Charaktere
          • Ein origineller Soundtrack

            In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

            About the Game


            Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

            "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

            It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

            Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

            In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

            KEY FEATURES :

            • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
            • An original story taking place over several different eras
            • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
            • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
            • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
            • More than 25 colorful characters
            • An original soundtrack
            • Adapted to mouse and controllers
            • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

              In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

              Tietoja pelistä


              Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

              "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

              It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

              Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

              In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

              KEY FEATURES :

              • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
              • An original story taking place over several different eras
              • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
              • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
              • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
              • More than 25 colorful characters
              • An original soundtrack
              • Adapted to mouse and controllers
              • DEMO DISPONIBLE

                Dans cette démo, jouez gratuitement aux deux premiers chapitres du jeu !

                À propos du jeu

                PRESENTATION :

                Découvrez la dernière aventure de Pendulo Studios, les créateurs de la série Runaway !

                1481. Le jeune John est humilié et traîné publiquement dans la rue. Accusé de sorcellerie, il est emprisonné par l'Inquisition espagnole pour y être torturé.

                Plus tard après s'être échappé, il subira une transmutation alchimique qui fera de lui un immortel. Mais tout ne se déroula pas comme prévu. En effet après chaque résurrection, John perd tout souvenir de lui-même.

                De nos jours, John et sa compagne Pauline sont à la recherche d'un artefact essentiel pour reproduire le rituel, cela pour "réparer" John. Pendant leur enquête, ils devront faire face à de dangereux protagonistes désireux de leur arracher leurs secrets…

                Rejoignez les immortels John Yesterday et Pauline Petit dans Yesterday Origins, vivez une aventure épique à travers le temps et le monde dans une histoire pleine d’intrigues et de revirements inattendus !

                CARACTERISTIQUES :

                • Pendulo Studios plus de 20 ans d 'expérience sur le genre Aventure / Point'n Click
                • Une histoire originale se déroulant à plusieurs époques
                • A la croisée de plusieurs styles : enquête, thriller, aventure, occultisme
                • Humour noir décalé qui constitue la patte du studio
                • Plus de 10 lieux à visiter soit plus de 50 décors
                • Plus de 25 personnages haut en couleurs
                • Création d'une bande son originale
                • Adapté à la souris et à la manette
                • DEMO VERFÜGBAR

                  In dieser Demo kannst du die ersten zwei Kapitel des Spiels kostenlos genießen!

                  Über das Spiel


                  Entdecken Sie das neuste Abenteuer von Pendulo Studios, den Schöpfern der Serie Runaway!

                  1481. Der junge John wird öffentlich gedemütigt und durch die Straße geschleift. Der Hexerei bezichtigt, wird er von der spanischen Inquisition gefangen genommen und soll gefoltert werden.

                  Später durchläuft er einen alchemistischen Verwandlungsprozess, der ihn unsterblich werden lässt. Aber nicht alles läuft ab, wie erwartet. Deshalb kann sich John nach jeder Auferstehung nicht mehr daran erinnern, wer er ist.

                  500 Jahre später, in unserer Zeit, sind John und Pauline auf der Suche nach einem wichtigen Artefakt, um das Ritual zu wiederholen. Bei ihrer Suche bekommen sie es mit gefährlichen neuen Gegnern zu tun, die ihnen ihre Geheimnisse entreißen wollen …

                  Treffen Sie die Unsterblichen John Yesterday und Pauline Petit in Yesterday Origins wieder und erleben Sie ein episches Abenteuer durch Raum und Zeit in einer Geschichte voller Intrigen mit immer wieder neuen, unerwarteten Situationen.

                  FEATURES :

                  • Pendulo Studios hat mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Adventure-Genre
                  • Eine originelle Geschichte, die in verschiedenen Epochen spielt
                  • Mischung unterschiedlicher Stile: Untersuchung, Thriller, Adventure, Okkultismus
                  • Mit dem schwarzen und schrägen Humor, für den die Entwickler bekannt sind
                  • Es gilt, mehr als 10 Orte und über 50 Kulissen aufzusuchen
                  • Über 25 farbenprächtige Charaktere
                  • Ein origineller Soundtrack
                  • An eine Steuerung mit Maus oder Joypad angepasst
                  • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                    In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι


                    Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                    "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                    It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                    Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                    In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                    KEY FEATURES :

                    • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                    • An original story taking place over several different eras
                    • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                    • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                    • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                    • More than 25 colorful characters
                    • An original soundtrack
                    • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                    • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                      In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                      A játékról: 


                      Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                      "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                      It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                      Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                      In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                      KEY FEATURES :

                      • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                      • An original story taking place over several different eras
                      • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                      • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                      • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                      • More than 25 colorful characters
                      • An original soundtrack
                      • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                      • DEMO DISPONIBILE

                        Divertitevi con i primi due capitoli del gioco con questa demo gratuita!

                        Informazioni sul gioco

                        Panoramica del prodotto:

                        Scopri l'ultima avventura della Pendulo Studios: la casa creatrice della serie Runaway e di Hollywood Monsters!

                        Corre l'anno 1481. Il giovane John viene trascinato per le strade e pubblicamente umiliato con l'accusa di stregoneria. L'Inquisizione spagnola lo imprigiona per torturarlo.

                        In seguito il giovane subisce una trasmutazione alchemica che lo rende immortale, ma non tutto andrà secondo i piani e, dopo ogni resurrezione, John perderà completamente la memoria.

                        500 anni dopo, ai giorni nostri, John e Pauline sono alla ricerca di un artefatto indispensabile per riprodurre il rituale dell'immortalità, ma nel condurre la loro indagine dovranno vedersela con nuovi pericolosi protagonisti desiderosi di carpirne i segreti…

                        Unisciti agli immortali John Yesterday e Pauline Petit in Yesterday Origins e vivi un'avventura epica attraverso il mondo e il tempo, in una storia ricca di intrighi e di sorprendenti colpi di scena!


                        • Pendulo Studios, oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel genere Avventura
                        • Una storia originale che si svolge attraverso epoche diverse
                        • Al crocevia di stili diversi: inchiesta, thriller, avventura, occultismo
                        • Un humor nero originale che contraddistingue lo stile di Pendulo Studios
                        • Oltre 10 luoghi da visitare e più di 50 ambienti
                        • Più di 25 personaggi ben caratterizzati
                        • Creazione di una colonna sonora originale
                        • Adatto per mouse e gamepad
                        • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                          In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!



                          Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                          "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                          It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                          Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                          In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                          KEY FEATURES :

                          • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                          • An original story taking place over several different eras
                          • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                          • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                          • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                          • More than 25 colorful characters
                          • An original soundtrack
                          • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                          • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                            In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                            게임 정보


                            Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                            "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                            It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                            Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                            In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                            KEY FEATURES :

                            • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                            • An original story taking place over several different eras
                            • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                            • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                            • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                            • More than 25 colorful characters
                            • An original soundtrack
                            • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                            • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                              In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                              Om spillet


                              Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                              "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                              It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                              Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                              In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                              KEY FEATURES :

                              • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                              • An original story taking place over several different eras
                              • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                              • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                              • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                              • More than 25 colorful characters
                              • An original soundtrack
                              • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                              • DEMO DOSTEPNE

                                W wersji demo można rozegrać za darmo dwie pierwsze części gry!

                                Informacje o grze

                                Odkryj ostatnią przygodę twórców z Pendulo Studios, którzy opracowali również serie Runaway!

                                Rok 1481. Młody John jest publicznie poniżony i wleczony ulicą. Oskarżony o czary, zostaje uwięziony przez hiszpańską inkwizycję i torturowany.

                                Następnie poddany zostanie transformacji alchemicznej, która sprawi, że stanie się nieśmiertelny. Ale nie wszystko pójdzie zgodnie z jego oczekiwaniami. Oznacza to, że po każdym powrocie do życia John całkowicie zapomina kim jest.

                                500 lat później, za naszych czasów, John i Paulina poszukują artefaktu koniecznego do odtworzenia rytuału. Podczas swoich dochodzeń stawiają czoła niebezpiecznym nowym bohaterom, którzy chcą ukraść ich tajemnice...

                                Przyłącz się do nieśmiertelnego Johna Yesterday u Pauliny Petit w Yesterday Origins i przeżyj eposową przygodę w czasie, w różnych miejscach świata, dzięki historii pełnej intryg i nieoczekiwanych zmian sytuacji

                                ATUTY :

                                • Pendulo Studios: ponad 20 lat doświadczenia w opracowywaniu gier przygodowych
                                • Akcja osadzona w kilku różnych erach
                                • Połączenie różnych stylów: śledztwo, thriller, przygoda, okultyzm
                                • Czarny humor charakterystyczny dla twórców
                                • Ponad 10 miejsc do odwiedzenia i ponad 50 różnych scenerii
                                • Ponad 25 barwnych postaci
                                • Oryginalna ścieżka dźwiękowa
                                • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                  In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                                  Acerca do Jogo


                                  Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                  "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                  It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                  Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                  In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                  KEY FEATURES :

                                  • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                  • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                  • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                  • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                  • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                  • More than 25 colorful characters
                                  • An original soundtrack
                                  • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                  • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                    In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                                    Despre joc


                                    Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                    "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                    It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                    Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                    In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                    KEY FEATURES :

                                    • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                    • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                    • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                    • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                    • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                    • More than 25 colorful characters
                                    • An original soundtrack
                                    • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                    • ДЕМО-ВЕРСИИ

                                      В этой демо-версии вы можете бесплатно попробовать первые две главы!

                                      Об игре

                                      Откройте для себя новейшее приключение от Pendulo Studios, создателей серии Runaway!

                                      1481. Юного Джона унижают и публично тащат по улице. Он обвинен в колдовстве испанской инквизицией и брошен в тюрьму, где его подвергнут пыткам

                                      Позже с ним произойдет алхимическая трансмутация, благодаря которой он обретет бессмертие. Но не все прошло так, как предполагалось. Поэтому после каждого воскрешения Джон теряет всю память о себе.

                                      500 лет спустя, в наши дни, Джон и Полин ищут артефакт, необходимый для того, чтобы воспроизвести сатанинский ритуал. Во время этого расследования им придется противостоять новым опасным персонажам, стремящимся вырвать у них их секреты...

                                      Присоединитесь к бессмертным Джону Йестедею и Полин Пети в игре Yesterday Origins и окунитесь в эпическое приключение в различных эпохах и странах в этой истории, полной интриг и неожиданных поворотов сюжета.

                                      ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА :

                                      • Студия Pendulo Studios: более 20 лет в разработке игр.
                                      • Оригинальный сюжет, проходящий в нескольких эпохах.
                                      • Сочетание различных стилей: детектив, триллер, приключения, оккультизм.
                                      • Оригинальный черный юмор, присущий нашей студии.
                                      • Более 10 различных мест для посещения и более 50 пейзажей.
                                      • Более 25 красочных персонажей.
                                      • Оригинальный саундтрек.
                                      • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                        In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!



                                        Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                        "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                        It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                        Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                        In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                        KEY FEATURES :

                                        • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                        • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                        • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                        • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                        • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                        • More than 25 colorful characters
                                        • An original soundtrack
                                        • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                        • ¡DEMO YA DISPONIBLE!

                                          ¡Disfruta en esta demo de los dos primeros capítulos del juego totalmente gratis!

                                          Acerca del juego

                                          Resumen general del producto:

                                          ¡Descubre la última aventura de Pendulo Studios, creadores de Runaway y Hollywood Monsters!

                                          1481. El joven John es humillado públicamente por la Inquisición y da con sus huesos en una fría celda a la espera de ser torturado, bajo la acusación de brujería.

                                          Años más tarde sufrirá una transmutación alquímica que le conferirá la inmortalidad. Sin embargo, algo se tuerce durante el ritual: a partir de entonces, John resucita cada vez que muere pero, a cambio, pierde completamente la memoria.

                                          Más de 500 años después, en nuestros días, John buscará junto a su compañera Pauline los elementos necesarios para reproducir el ritual y enmendar el error. Pero la investigación no estará exenta de peligros, ya que otras fuerzas anhelan sus secretos...

                                          ¡Únete a los inmortales John Yesterday y Pauline Petit en Yesterday Origins y experimenta una épica aventura a través del tiempo y el espacio en una narrativa repleta de intriga y giros inesperados!


                                          • De Pendulo Studios, con más de 20 años de experiencia en el género de Aventura
                                          • Historia original a través de varias épocas
                                          • Mezcla de diversos estilos: investigación, thriller, aventura, ocultismo...
                                          • Humor negro y absurdo, marca de la casa
                                          • Más de 10 lugares por visitar, con más de 50 decorados
                                          • Más de 25 pintorescos personajes
                                          • Banda sonora de creación original
                                          • Adaptado para ratón y mando
                                          • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                            In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                                            Om spelet


                                            Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                            "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                            It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                            Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                            In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                            KEY FEATURES :

                                            • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                            • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                            • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                            • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                            • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                            • More than 25 colorful characters
                                            • An original soundtrack
                                            • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                            • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                              In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!



                                              Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                              "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                              It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                              Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                              In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                              KEY FEATURES :

                                              • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                              • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                              • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                              • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                              • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                              • More than 25 colorful characters
                                              • An original soundtrack
                                              • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                              • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                                In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!



                                                Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                                "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                                It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                                Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                                In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                                KEY FEATURES :

                                                • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                                • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                                • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                                • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                                • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                                • More than 25 colorful characters
                                                • An original soundtrack
                                                • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                                • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                                  In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                                                  Oyun Açıklaması


                                                  Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                                  "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                                  It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                                  Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                                  In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                                  KEY FEATURES :

                                                  • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                                  • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                                  • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                                  • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                                  • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                                  • More than 25 colorful characters
                                                  • An original soundtrack
                                                  • Adapted to mouse and controllers
                                                  • DEMO NOW AVAILABLE

                                                    In this demo, enjoy the two first chapters of the game for free!

                                                    Про гру


                                                    Discover the latest adventure from Pendulo Studios, creators of the Runaway series!

                                                    "Yesterday Origins" will take the immortal heroes, John Yesterday and his other half Pauline, not only across the world, but across history itself. This interwoven narration gives the plot its depth and richness.

                                                    It's 1481. In the dead of night, young John is publically humiliated and dragged through the street. He is imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                                    Later, he undergoes an alchemical transformation making him immortal. But something goes wrong, after each resurrection, John completely forgets who he is.

                                                    In the current day, John is living with Pauline in Paris his immortal partner. They are searching for an artefact that is needed to make the potion again. During their investigation, they will have to face dangerous new protagonists who want to steal their secrets...

                                                    KEY FEATURES :

                                                    • Pendulo Studios: over 20 years of adventure gaming experience
                                                    • An original story taking place over several different eras
                                                    • A mix of different styles: investigation, thriller, adventure, occultism
                                                    • Off-the-wall dark humor typical of the studio
                                                    • Over 10 different places to visit, and over 50 backgrounds
                                                    • More than 25 colorful characters
                                                    • An original soundtrack
                                                    • Adapted to mouse and controllers

                                                    System Requirements
