A Game of Thrones: Genesis
A Game of Thrones: Genesis

A Game of Thrones: Genesis

Release Date: 29/09/2011 | EU
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₺287.95 + VAT


What King will you be?
Conqueror, Usurper or Diplomat?
"A Game of Thrones - Genesis" immerses you into the heart of the battles and intrigues between the Houses that shaped the Kingdom of Westeros. From Nymeria's arrival in the Kingdom of Dorne to the awakening of the "Others" beyond the Wall, you'll live the origins of A Game of Thrones saga through more than 1000 years of history, by taking part in Westeros' founding events and largest battles.
In this great strategy game, victory does not necessarily result from brute force. You can choose to use a military approach and besiege your opponents, strangle them in an economical war, or even use dirty tricks and diplomacy to politically crush them. Treachery and deception are everywhere and can be more efficient than the most powerful army. So watch your back and show no mercy if you want to keep sat on the Iron Throne.

Key Features:

  • The video game adaptation of the fantasy saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George RR Martin.
  • A deep and exciting gameplay combining strategy, diplomacy and politics.
  • Discover the origins of the universe of the Iron Throne through the Story mode, and participate in major conflicts that have shaped Westeros.
  • Compete against up to 7 other players in multiplayer. Form alliances, break them, show subtle tactics and crush your opponents!
  • Quel roi serez-vous ?
    Conquérant, usurpateur ou diplomate ?
    "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" vous plonge au cœur des batailles et des intrigues entre les grandes Maisons qui ont façonné le royaume de Westeros. Depuis l’arrivée de Nyméria sur les terres du royaume de Dorne, jusqu’au réveil des « Autres » au-delà du Mur, c’est toute la genèse de la grande saga du Trône de Fer que vous vivrez à travers plus de 1000 ans d’Histoire en devenant acteur des batailles et des événements fondateurs de Westeros

    Dans ce grand jeu mêlant stratégie, diplomatie et politique, victoire ne rime pas nécessairement avec force. Vous pouvez opter pour une approche militaire et assiéger vos adversaires, les étouffer dans une guerre économique, ou encore faire usage de ruse et de diplomatie pour les écraser politiquement ! Traîtrise et fourberie sont de la partie et peuvent s’avérer plus renversantes que la plus puissante des armées. Surveillez vos arrières et apprêtez-vous à livrer une lutte sans merci pour prendre place sur le Trône de Fer.

    Caractéristiques :

    • Ce jeu est l'adaptation de la saga fantastique "A Song of Ice and Fire" de George RR Martin.
    • Une profondeur de jeu incroyable : un gameplay passionnant mêlant stratégie, diplomatie et politique.
    • Découvrez la genèse de l’univers du Trône de Fer à travers le mode Histoire, et participez aux plus grands conflits qui ont façonné Westeros.
    • Affrontez jusqu’à 7 autres joueurs en multijoueur. Formez des alliances et rompez-les, faites preuve de subtilité tactique et écrasez vos adversaires !
    • Wie werden Sie regieren?
      Als Eroberer, Thronräuber oder Diplomat?
      Tauchen Sie in .„A Game of Thrones – Genesis“ mitten ins Schlachtengetümmel ein und werden Sie Zeuge von Intrigen zwischen den Häusern, die die Geschicke des Königreichs Westeros prägen. Erleben Sie von der Landung Nymerias im Königreich Dorne bis zur Verteidigung der Mauer gegen die „Anderen“ hautnah mehr als tausend Jahre Geschichte, die dort enden, wo die Handlung des ersten Bands der großartigen Fantasysaga „A Game of Thrones“ (auf dem deutschen Markt als „Die Herren von Winterfell“ und „Das Erbe von Winterfell“ erschienen) ihren Lauf nimmt.
      In diesem großartigen Strategiespiel müssen Sie den Sieg nicht unbedingt mit roher Gewalt erzwingen. Dennoch können Sie sich natürlich für den militärischen Weg entscheiden und Ihre Gegner belagern oder sie in einem zermürbenden Wirtschaftskrieg aushungern. Oder aber Sie machen von heimtückischen Aktionen Gebrauch und gehen mit diplomatischem Feingefühl geschickt vor, um Ihre Gegner auf politischem Wege zu vernichten. Verrat und Täuschung lauern überall und können gefährlicher sein als die größte Armee. Also seien Sie auf der Hut und kennen Sie keine Gnade, wenn Sie den Eisernen Thron besteigen wollen.


      • Die Computerspielumsetzung der Fantasysaga „Das Lied von Eis und Feuer“ von George R. R. Martin.
      • Spannendes Gameplay mit viel Tiefgang, das Strategie, Diplomatie und Politik vereint.
      • Entdecken Sie im Story-Modus die Ursprünge des Universums rund um den Eisernen Thron und erleben Sie die Schlüsselmomente in der Geschichte von Westeros hautnah mit.
      • Messen Sie sich mit bis zu 7 Spielern im Mehrspielermodus. Schließen Sie Bündnisse oder brechen Sie sie, setzen Sie raffinierte Taktiken ein und unterwerfen Sie Ihre Gegner!
      • Milyen király leszel?
        Hódító? Trónbitorló? Diplomatikus?
        Az „A Game of Thrones – Genesis”-ben elmerülhetsz azokban a Házak közti csatákban és intrikákban, melyek Westeros királyságát formálták. Nymeria érkezésétől Dorne királyságába a Falon túli „Mások” ébredéséig, átéled a Trónok Harca saga kezdeteit, több mint 1000 évnyi történelmet, részt véve Westeros alapításának eseményeiben és legnagyobb csatáiban.
        Ebben a nagyszerű stratégiai játékban a győzelem nem feltétlenül a nyers erő eredménye. Dönthetsz úgy, hogy katonai erőt használva ostrom alá veszed ellenfeleid, gazdasági háborúban fojtod meg őket, vagy akár piszkos trükköket és diplomáciát is bevethetsz, hogy politikailag zúzd össze őket. Minden tele van árulással és félrevezetéssel, és ezek hatékonyabbak lehetnek a legerősebb hadseregnél. Hát nézz a hátad mögé és ne mutass irgalmat, ha továbbra is te akarsz a Vastrónon ülni.

        Fő jellemzők:

        • George RR Martin „Jég és Tűz Dala” fantasy-regényciklusának videojáték-adaptációja.
        • Összetett és izgalmas, stratégiát, diplomáciát és politikát kombináló játékmenet.
        • Fedezd fel a Vastrón univerzumának eredetét Történet játékmódban, és vegyél részt azokban a jelentős konfliktusokban, melyek Westerost formálták.
        • Versengj hét másik játékossal többjátékos módban. Köss szövetségeket, bontsd fel őket, használj körmönfont taktikát és zúzd össze ellenfeleid!
        • Che tipo di re sarai?
          Conquistatore, usurpatore o diplomatico?
          "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" ti farà immergere nel cuore delle battaglie e degli intrighi fra le Case che si contendono il Regno di Westeros. Dall'arrivo di Nymeria nel regno del Dorne fino al risveglio degli Estranei al di là della Barriera, rivivrai le origini della saga di "A Game of Thrones" attraverso più di 1000 anni di storia, parteciperai agli episodi salienti della fondazione di Westeros e alle battaglie più importanti.
          In questo appassionante gioco di strategia non è detto che la vittoria dipenda necessariamente dalla forza bruta. Puoi scegliere un approccio militare e assediare gli avversari, oppure strangolarli in una guerra economica o addirittura utilizzare i più sporchi trucchi e la fine diplomazia per riuscire a sconfiggerli politicamente. Tradimenti e inganni si nascondono ovunque e possono essere molto più efficaci del più forte esercito. Fai attenzione e agisci senza pietà se vuoi continuare a sedere sul Trono di Ferro.

          Caratteristiche Principali:

          • Videogioco tratto dalla serie di romanzi fantasy "Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco" di George R.R. Martin.
          • Un entusiasmante e intenso gioco di strategia, diplomazia e politica.
          • Scopri le origini dell'universo del Trono di Ferro nella modalità Storia e partecipa alle più importanti battaglie che hanno portato alla formazione di Westeros.
          • Gioca contro un massimo di 7 giocatori nella modalità Multigiocatore. Stringi alleanze, viola i patti, usa la più fine tattica militare e distruggi tutti i tuoi avversari!
          • What King will you be?
            Conqueror, Usurper or Diplomat?
            "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" immerses you into the heart of the battles and intrigues between the Houses that shaped the Kingdom of Westeros. From Nymeria's arrival in the Kingdom of Dorne to the awakening of the "Others" beyond the Wall, you'll live the origins of A Game of Thrones saga through more than 1000 years of history, by taking part in Westeros' founding events and largest battles.
            In this great strategy game, victory does not necessarily result from brute force. You can choose to use a military approach and besiege your opponents, strangle them in an economical war, or even use dirty tricks and diplomacy to politically crush them. Treachery and deception are everywhere and can be more efficient than the most powerful army. So watch your back and show no mercy if you want to keep sat on the Iron Throne.

            Key Features:

            • The video game adaptation of the fantasy saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George RR Martin.
            • A deep and exciting gameplay combining strategy, diplomacy and politics.
            • Discover the origins of the universe of the Iron Throne through the Story mode, and participate in major conflicts that have shaped Westeros.
            • Compete against up to 7 other players in multiplayer. Form alliances, break them, show subtle tactics and crush your opponents!
            • Hva slags konge vil du være?
              Erobrer, troneraner eller diplomat?
              "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" tar deg med inn i hjertet av kampene og intrigene som utspiller seg mellom Husene som formet kongeriket Westeros. Fra Nymerias ankomst til kongeriket Dorne til oppvåkningen av de "Andre" nord for muren, vil du leve ut opptakten til A Game of Thrones' saga gjennom mer enn tusen års historie og ta del i hendelsene som grunnla Westeros og utkjempe dets største kamper.
              I dette storslåtte strategispillet er seier ikke nødvendigvis et resultat av rå makt. Du kan velge en militær tilnærming og beleire dine motstandere, kvele dem med økonomisk krigføring, eller knuse dem politisk med skittent spill og diplomati. Foræderi og bedrageri fins overalt og kan vise seg mer effektivt enn selv den mektigste hærstyrke. Ha alltid øyne i bakhodet og vis ingen nåde om du ønsker å bli sittende på Iron Throne.


              • Dataspillversjonen av fantasy-serien "A Song of Ice and Fire" av George RR Martin.
              • En spennende og dyptpløyende spillopplevelse som kombinerer strategi, diplomati og politikk.
              • Oppdag bakgrunnen for Iron Throne sitt univers gjennom Historiemodus og delta i de største konfliktene som har formet Westeros.
              • Konkurrer mot opp til syv andre spillere i flerspillermodus. Dann allianser, bryt dem, snik deg inn på dine motstandere og knus dem!
              • What King will you be?
                Conqueror, Usurper or Diplomat?
                "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" immerses you into the heart of the battles and intrigues between the Houses that shaped the Kingdom of Westeros. From Nymeria's arrival in the Kingdom of Dorne to the awakening of the "Others" beyond the Wall, you'll live the origins of A Game of Thrones saga through more than 1000 years of history, by taking part in Westeros' founding events and largest battles.
                In this great strategy game, victory does not necessarily result from brute force. You can choose to use a military approach and besiege your opponents, strangle them in an economical war, or even use dirty tricks and diplomacy to politically crush them. Treachery and deception are everywhere and can be more efficient than the most powerful army. So watch your back and show no mercy if you want to keep sat on the Iron Throne.

                Key Features:

                • The video game adaptation of the fantasy saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George RR Martin.
                • A deep and exciting gameplay combining strategy, diplomacy and politics.
                • Discover the origins of the universe of the Iron Throne through the Story mode, and participate in major conflicts that have shaped Westeros.
                • Compete against up to 7 other players in multiplayer. Form alliances, break them, show subtle tactics and crush your opponents!
                • What King will you be?
                  Conqueror, Usurper or Diplomat?
                  "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" immerses you into the heart of the battles and intrigues between the Houses that shaped the Kingdom of Westeros. From Nymeria's arrival in the Kingdom of Dorne to the awakening of the "Others" beyond the Wall, you'll live the origins of A Game of Thrones saga through more than 1000 years of history, by taking part in Westeros' founding events and largest battles.
                  In this great strategy game, victory does not necessarily result from brute force. You can choose to use a military approach and besiege your opponents, strangle them in an economical war, or even use dirty tricks and diplomacy to politically crush them. Treachery and deception are everywhere and can be more efficient than the most powerful army. So watch your back and show no mercy if you want to keep sat on the Iron Throne.

                  Key Features:

                  • The video game adaptation of the fantasy saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George RR Martin.
                  • A deep and exciting gameplay combining strategy, diplomacy and politics.
                  • Discover the origins of the universe of the Iron Throne through the Story mode, and participate in major conflicts that have shaped Westeros.
                  • Compete against up to 7 other players in multiplayer. Form alliances, break them, show subtle tactics and crush your opponents!
                  • What King will you be?
                    Conqueror, Usurper or Diplomat?
                    "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" immerses you into the heart of the battles and intrigues between the Houses that shaped the Kingdom of Westeros. From Nymeria's arrival in the Kingdom of Dorne to the awakening of the "Others" beyond the Wall, you'll live the origins of A Game of Thrones saga through more than 1000 years of history, by taking part in Westeros' founding events and largest battles.
                    In this great strategy game, victory does not necessarily result from brute force. You can choose to use a military approach and besiege your opponents, strangle them in an economical war, or even use dirty tricks and diplomacy to politically crush them. Treachery and deception are everywhere and can be more efficient than the most powerful army. So watch your back and show no mercy if you want to keep sat on the Iron Throne.

                    Key Features:

                    • The video game adaptation of the fantasy saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George RR Martin.
                    • A deep and exciting gameplay combining strategy, diplomacy and politics.
                    • Discover the origins of the universe of the Iron Throne through the Story mode, and participate in major conflicts that have shaped Westeros.
                    • Compete against up to 7 other players in multiplayer. Form alliances, break them, show subtle tactics and crush your opponents!
                    • Каким королем вы станете?
                      Завоевателем, узурпатором или дипломатом?
                      «A Game of Thrones − Genesis» погружает вас прямиком в сердце битв и интриг между домами, сформировавшими королевства Вестероса. Вы проживете истоки саги «A Game of Thrones», охватывающие более тысячи лет — от прибытия Нимерии в королевство Дорна до пробуждения Иных за ледяной Стеной — и примете участие в самых важных событиях и самых грандиозных битвах в истории Вестероса.
                      В этой великолепной стратегии победа — не обязательно результат применения грубой силы. Выбор за вами — применить военный подход и взять оппонентов в осаду, перекрыть им ресурсы в экономической войне или даже использовать грязные трюки и дипломатию, чтобы уничтожить их политически. Предательство и обман могут оказаться страшнее самой могучей армии. Так что будьте осторожны и забудьте о милосердии, если хотите сохранить свое право на Железный трон.

                      Основные особенности:

                      • Компьютерная игра по мотивам фэнтезийной саги «A Song of Ice and Fire» писателя Джорджа Р. Р. Мартина.
                      • Глубокий и захватывающий игровой процесс, совмещающий в себе стратегию, дипломатию и политику.
                      • Исследуйте истоки вселенной Железного трона в сюжетной кампании и примите участие в конфликтах, сформировавших Весторос.
                      • Сражайтесь с семью другими игроками в многопользовательской игре. Создавайте и уничтожайте альянсы, используйте тонкую тактику и сокрушите своих оппонентов!
                      • ¿Qué clase de rey serás?
                        ¿Conquistador, usurpador o diplomático?
                        "A Game of Thrones - Genesis" te sumerge en el corazón de las batallas e intrigas entre las Casas que dieron forma al Reino de Poniente. Desde la llegada de Nymeria al Reino de Dorne hasta el despertar de los "Otros" más allá del Muro, vivirás los orígenes de la saga de "Juego de tronos" a través de más de 1000 años de historia, participando en los acontecimientos fundadores y las mayores batallas de Poniente.
                        En este magnífico juego de estrategia, la victoria no es necesariamente resultado de la fuerza bruta. Puedes elegir un enfoque militar y asediar a tus oponentes, asfixiarlos en una guerra económica o incluso utilizar juego sucio y diplomacia para aplastarlos políticamente. La traición y el engaño están en todas partes y pueden ser más eficaces que el más poderoso de los ejércitos. Así que ten cuidado y no tengas piedad si quieres seguir sentado en el Trono de Hierro.


                        • La adaptación en videojuego de la saga de fantasía "Canción de hielo y fuego" de George R. R. Martin.
                        • Un sistema de juego complejo y emocionante que combina estrategia, diplomacia y política.
                        • Descubre los orígenes del universo del Trono de Hierro en el modo Historia y participa en los principales conflictos que han dado forma a Poniente.
                        • Compite contra hasta 7 jugadores en el modo multijugador. ¡Forma alianzas, rómpelas, utiliza tácticas sutiles y aplasta a tus oponentes!

                        System Requirements
