Ancestors Legacy
Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy

Release Date: 22/05/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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$12.14 + VAT


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DLCs em destaque


Sobre o jogo

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

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Отличенo сваляемо съдържание


Относно играта

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

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Zajímavý stáhnutelný obsah


O hře

Postavte se do čela své armády a vtrhněte během široké škály tažení do středověké Evropy. Vyberte si jeden ze čtyř dostupných národů – Vikingy, Anglosasy, Germány či Slovany – a pusťte se do dobývání, napadání a drancování nepřátelských táborů, vesnic i měst. Jen s plným zužitkováním dostupných taktických možností, využitím strategických výhod prostředí a prozíravým řízením dočasných základen a sídel dosáhnete zaslouženého vítězství.

Ancestors Legacy je historicky přesná real-time strategická hra ovlivněná historickými událostmi středověku. Hra kombinuje možnosti správy zdrojů a budování základen s rozsáhlými bitvami na rozlehlých bojištích, zpracovaných díky technologii Unreal Engine 4 do toho nejmenšího detailu. Díky strhující kinematografické akční kameře, která vás stiskem jediného tlačítka vrhne přímo víru dění, prožijete středověká krveprolití jako nikdy předtím.

Hlavní prvky

  • 4 hratelné národy a rozsáhlé tažení pro jednoho hráče inspirované historickými událostmi.
  • Pokročilé taktické možnosti kombinující využití terénu, zkušeností i morálky.
  • Kinematografická kamera, která vás vrhne přímo do víru bojů.
  • Mimořádné vizuální zpracování poháněné technologií Unreal Engine 4.
  • Strhující bitvy pro více hráčů.
  • Efektivní správa zdrojů a budování osad.
  • Přesné ovládání s nativní podporou herních ovladačů.
  • Podporuje Cross-play mezi platformami Steam a GoG.

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Udvalgt DLC


Om spillet

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

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Uitgelichte downloadbare inhoud


Info over het spel

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

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Featured DLC


About the Game

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Esitelty lisämateriaali


Tietoja pelistä

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Contenu téléchargeable


À propos du jeu

À la tête de votre armée, déferlez sur l'Europe médiévale au fil d'une suite de campagnes exhaustives. Optez pour l'une des quatre nations disponibles (les Vikings, les Saxons, les Germains ou les Slaves) et lancez-vous à la conquête de l'ancien monde. Vous aurez bien plus à accomplir que de mettre à sac les campements, villages et villes ennemis : ce n'est qu'en exploitant tout l'éventail de vos options tactiques, en tirant parti des avantages stratégiques conférés par l'environnement et en gérant habilement vos bases et colonies que vous remporterez la victoire.

Ancestors Legacy est un jeu de stratégie en temps réel qui restitue avec une grande fidélité historique l'époque tumultueuse du Moyen Âge européen. Ce titre cumule gestion des ressources et construction de bases, le tout assorti d'affrontements par escouades dantesques sur de vastes champs de bataille et reproduits dans leurs moindres détails par l'Unreal Engine 4. Assistez comme jamais aux bains de sang qui faisaient l'ordinaire des guerres médiévales grâce à une caméra hollywoodienne, qui vous plonge dans le feu de l'action d'une simple pression sur un bouton.


  • 4 nations jouables dans une campagne Solo de longue haleine inspirée d'événements historiques
  • Des options tactiques poussées qui impliquent la gestion de l'environnement, de l'expérience et du moral
  • Une caméra hollywoodienne qui vous propulse au plus près des combats
  • Une exceptionnelle fidélité graphique grâce à l'Unreal Engine 4
  • Des batailles multijoueur haletantes
  • Une gestion ergonomique des ressources et de la construction de villages
  • Des commandes précises avec une prise en charge native du gamepad
  • Jouable en Cross-play sur Steam et GoG

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Über das Spiel

Übernehmen Sie das Kommando über Ihre Armee und ziehen Sie in der umfangreichen Kampagne durch das mittelalterliche Europa. Wählen Sie eine der vier verfügbaren Nationen – Wikinger, Angelsachsen, Deutsche oder Slawen. Neben einigen anderen Aufgaben werden Sie feindliche Lager, Dörfer und Städte erobern, überfallen und plündern. Nur wenn Sie die gesamte Palette an verfügbaren taktischen Möglichkeiten und die strategischen Vorteile der Umgebung ausnutzen und Ihre provisorischen Basen und Siedlungen richtig verwalten, werden Sie als Sieger hervorgehen.

Ancestors Legacy ist ein historisch akkurates Echtzeitstrategiespiel, das von geschichtlichen Ereignissen des Mittelalters beeinflusst wurde. Das Spiel kombiniert Ressourcenverwaltung und Basiserrichtung mit groß angelegten, teambasierten Schlachten auf riesigen Schlachtfeldern, die dank der Unreal Engine 4 sehr detailreich dargestellt werden. Mit einem Knopfdruck können Sie sich direkt ins Geschehen stürzen und ein noch nie dagewesenes mittelalterliches Blutvergießen erleben.


  • 4 spielbare Nationen in einer umfangreichen Kampagne, die von historischen Ereignissen inspiriert wurde
  • Fortschrittliche taktische Optionen, die Terrain, Erfahrung und Moral kombinieren
  • Eine actiongeladene Kamera, mit der Sie sich mitten in die Schlacht stürzen können
  • Herausragende Grafik dank der Unreal Engine 4
  • Spannende Mehrspielerschlachten
  • Fortschrittliche Ressourcenverwaltung und Errichtung von Dörfern
  • Präzise Steuerung mit nativer Gamepad-Unterstützung
  • Crossplay-Unterstützung zwischen Steam und GoG

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Προβαλλόμενο DLC


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Kiemelt DLC


A játékról: 

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


DLC in evidenza


Informazioni sul gioco

Assumi il comando del tuo esercito e prendi d'assalto l'Europa medievale, campagna dopo campagna. Una volta scelta una delle quattro nazioni disponibili (Vichinghi, Slavi, Anglosassoni e Germanici) dovrai fare ben più che conquistare, razziare e saccheggiare accampamenti nemici, villaggi e città. Per assicurarti la vittoria, utilizza l'ampia gamma di opzioni tattiche disponibili, sfrutta strategicamente l'ambiente a tuo vantaggio e gestisci al meglio le basi temporanee e gli insediamenti.

Ancestors Legacy è un gioco strategico in tempo reale di grande accuratezza storica, ispirato a eventi realmente accaduti nel Medioevo. Il gioco unisce la gestione delle risorse alla costruzione di basi su larga scala e al combattimento a turni su vasti campi di battaglia; il tutto rappresentato in grande dettaglio grazie al motore grafico Unreal Engine 4. Vivi l'esperienza delle sanguinose battaglie medievali in modo immersivo, grazie alla visuale cinematografica che ti trasporterà nel cuore dell'azione con la semplice pressione di un tasto.


  • 4 nazioni giocabili in una lunga e articolata campagna per giocatore singolo, ispirata a reali eventi storici
  • Opzioni tattiche avanzate, che includono l'utilizzo dell'ambiente circostante, dell'esperienza e del morale
  • La visuale cinematografica ti trasporta nel cuore della battaglia
  • Stupefacente fedeltà grafica grazie a Unreal Engine 4
  • Appassionanti battaglie multigiocatore
  • Gestione ottimizzata delle risorse e della costruzione dei villaggi
  • Controlli di gioco accurati, con supporto controller nativo
  • Supporto Cross-play tra Steam e GoG

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おすすめ DLC




Ancestors Legacyは中世の歴史的出来事に影響を受け、史実を忠実に再現したリアルタイムストラテジーゲームです。本作は資源管理と基地建設要素の組み合せに、広大な戦場での大規模な部隊戦を加えたゲームです。Unreal Engine 4により非常に細やかなグラフィックを実現しています。ボタン1つで戦いの真っただ中を映す、映画のようなアクションカメラにより、これまでにない中世の血みどろの戦争を楽しむことができます。


  • 4つの国から選ぶことができる、歴史上の出来事を再現したボリューム満点のシングルプレイヤーキャンペーン
  • 地形、経験値、士気を組み合わせた、高度な戦術オプション
  • 戦場のど真ん中からの視点を楽しめる、映画のようなバトルカメラ
  • Unreal Engine 4により実現した超美麗グラフィック
  • 白熱のマルチプレイヤーバトル
  • 効率化された資源管理と村の建設要素
  • 従来のゲームパッドに対応した快適な操作性
  • SteamとGoG間でのクロスプレイに対応

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제공 DLC


게임 정보

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Aktuelle DLC


Om spillet

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Wyróżnione DLC


Informacje o grze

Obejmij dowodzenie swoją armią i rusz na podbój średniowiecznej Europy w serii długofalowych kampanii. Wybierz jedną z czterech dostępnych frakcji – Wikingów, Anglosasów, Germanów bądź Słowian – i poprowadź ich do zwycięstwa. Będzie ono wymagać czegoś więcej niż tylko podboju i ataków łupieżczych na wrogie obozy, wioski i miasta. Klucz do zwycięstwa stanowi wykorzystanie szerokiego wachlarza taktycznych opcji i przewagi terenu oraz rozsądne zarządzanie obozami i osadami.

Ancestors Legacy to historycznie wierna strategia czasu rzeczywistego, która czerpie inspirację z prawdziwych dziejów średniowiecznej Europy. Rozgrywka zakłada zarządzanie zasobami, budowanie baz i toczenie wielkich bitew, które silnik Unreal Engine 4 potrafi fantastycznie odwzorować. Doświadczaj średniowiecznego rozlewu krwi jak nigdy wcześniej dzięki pracy kamery filmowej, która naciśnięciem jednego przycisku przeniesie gracza w samo serce wydarzeń.


  • 4 grywalne frakcje w długiej kampanii dla jednego gracza, inspirowanej wydarzeniami historycznymi
  • Zaawansowane opcje taktyczne pozwalające wykorzystać ukształtowanie terenu, doświadczenie i morale
  • Kamerę filmową, która przenosi gracza w samo serce bitwy
  • Znakomite wrażenia wizualne dzięki silnikowi Unreal Engine 4
  • Intensywne bitwy dla wielu graczy
  • Sprawne zarządzenie zasobami i rozbudowa osad
  • Precyzyjne sterowanie dzięki natywnej obsłudze kontrolera
  • Wsparcie dla rozgrywki między platformami Steam i GoG

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DLC em destaque


Acerca do Jogo

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Conținut suplimentar deosebit


Despre joc

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Популярный дополнительный контент


Об игре

Вам предстоит возглавить собственную армию и отправиться на завоевание вражеских земель. В игре представлено четыре фракции: викинги, англосаксы, германцы и славяне. Стороны конфликта отличаются не только внешним видом, но и тактическими приемами. Чтобы одержать победу, вам потребуется использовать весь арсенал стратегических возможностей: учитывать особенности ландшафта, оценивать преимущества и слабости своих воинов, устраивать засады, управлять собственным поселением и разорять вражеские деревни.

Ancestors Legacy – это историческая стратегия в реальном времени, реконструирующая кровавые битвы средневековой Европы. В игре сочетаются управление ресурсами и строительство поселений с жестокими баталиями на обширных полях сражений. Возможности Unreal Engine 4 позволили разработчикам воссоздать Средневековье во всех пугающих деталях. Лично участвуйте в массовых кровопролитных боях, благодаря кинематографической камере. Простое нажатие кнопки переместит вас в самую гущу жестокой битвы.


  • Продолжительная однопользовательская кампания, основанная на исторических реалиях.
  • Напряженные многопользовательские сражения, пропитанные средневековой жестокостью.
  • Обширные тактические возможности: устраивайте засады, расставляйте ловушки, окружайте противника.
  • Перенеситесь в самую гущу беспощадных сражений с помощью кинематографической камеры.
  • Игра создана на Unreal Engine 4 и использует около 600 игровых анимаций.
  • Удобное управление ресурсами и строительством поселений.
  • Поддержка геймпада.
  • Поддержка кроссплатформенной игры в Steam и GoG.

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精选 DLC




《Ancestors Legacy》深受中世纪的历史事件影响,是一款忠于历史的即时战略游戏。本游戏将资源管理、基地建设与基于小队的大战场大规模战斗融为一体。在Unreal Engine 4的支持下,一切视觉元素都拥有丰富的细节。在电影动作视角的帮助下,你只需按下按钮就能近距离观看战斗,以前所未有的方式体验中世纪流血厮杀。


  • 4个可玩民族,内容丰富、灵感源于历史事件的单人战役。
  • 综合利用地形、经验与士气的高级战术选项
  • 电影战斗视角,令你能身临其境地观看战斗
  • Unreal Engine 4支持下的高保真画面
  • 紧张激烈的多人模式战斗
  • 精简的资源管理与村庄建设
  • 精准的操控,原生支持游戏手柄
  • 支持Steam和GoG跨平台游戏

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DLC destacados


Acerca del juego

Lidera a tu ejército y lánzate a la batalla por toda Europa en una extensa serie de campañas. Tras elegir entre las cuatro naciones (vikingos, anglosajones, germanos y eslavos), no solo deberás conquistar, asaltar y saquear campamentos, aldeas y ciudades enemigas. Tendrás que usar todas tus opciones tácticas, aprovechar el terreno y gestionar bases temporales y asentamientos para alzarte con la victoria.

Ancestors Legacy es un juego de estrategia en tiempo real fiel a la historia e inspirado en los acontecimientos de la Edad Media. El juego combina gestión de recursos y construcción de bases con inmensas batallas por escuadrones en amplios campos de batalla y con todo lujo de detalles gracias a Unreal Engine 4. Vive la brutalidad medieval como nunca antes, con una cámara cinematográfica que te sitúa en el corazón de la batalla con solo pulsar un botón.


  • 4 naciones jugables con una extensa campaña de un jugador inspirada en hechos reales
  • Opciones tácticas avanzadas que combinan el uso del terreno, la experiencia y la moral
  • Cámara cinematográfica en el combate para sumergirte en plena acción
  • Calidad gráfica impresionante gracias a Unreal Engine 4
  • Intensas batallas multijugador
  • Gestión de recursos y construcción de aldeas muy fluidas
  • Controles precisos compatibles con mando
  • Compatibilidad para jugar entre Steam y GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


DLC i fokus


Om spelet

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment





Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


精選 DLC



Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Öne Çıkan DLC


Oyun Açıklaması

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

Check out more games from 1C Entertainment


Відібраний вміст


Про гру

Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  • 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events
  • Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale
  • Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action
  • Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Intense multiplayer battles
  • Streamlined resource management and village construction
  • Precise controls with native gamepad support
  • Cross-play support between Steam and GoG

System Requirements


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