

Release Date: 21/08/2007 | WORLDWIDE
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1,117.24 ₽ + VAT


Oferta especial

Comprando BioShock™ você também recebe BioShock™ Remasterizado. Quer saber o que há de novo na remasterização? Clique aqui!

Sobre o jogo

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Специална оферта

Buying BioShock™ also gets you BioShock™ Remastered. Want to know whats new in the Remaster? Click here!

Относно играта

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Speciální nabídka

Zakoupením hry BioShock™ získáte také BioShock™ Remastered. Chcete vědět, jaké novinky verze Remaster přináší? Pak klikněte sem!

O hře

BioShock je střílečka, jakou jste ještě nehráli, plná nikdy neviděných zbraní a taktiky. Budete mít k dispozici kompletní arzenál od jednoduchých revolverů až po granátomety a chemické vrhače, ale budete také nuceni geneticky modifikovat vaši DNA k vytvoření ještě smrtelnější zbraně: Vás. Injekční plasmidy vám dají nadlidské schopnosti: zabijte najednou více nepřátel proudem elektřiny vyslaným do vody, nebo je zmrazte a zlikvidujte úderem hasáku.
Žádné střetnutí s nepřáteli se nikdy neodehraje stejně a žádní dva hráči nebudou hrát hru stejným způsobem.
  • Biologicky upravte své tělo: vyšlete oheň vycházející z vašich prstů a vypusťte hejno vražedných sršňů líhnoucích se z vašich žil na ruce.
  • Nabourejte se do zařízení a systémů, vylepšete vaše zbraně a vytvořte si nové druhy munice.
  • Proměňte vše ve zbraň: prostředí, vaše tělo, oheň a vodu a dokonce i vaše nejhorší nepřátele.
  • Prozkoumejte úžasný a unikátní svět ve stylu art deco ukrytý hluboko pod oceánem.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Volný obsah, který vám představí vnitřní pohled do umění hry BioShock. Stáhnout můžete zde (75MB .PDF


Når du køber BioShock™, får du også BioShock™ Remastered. Vil du vide, hvad Remastered-udgaven indeholder? Klik her!

Om spillet

BioShock er et skydespil, som ikke minder om noget, som du nogensinde har set tidligere, og det er fyldt med hidtil usete våben og taktikker. Du har et komplet arsenal til rådighed, lige fra enkle revolvere til granatkastere og kemiske fremdriftsmidler, og du bliver også tvunget til at modificere din egen DNA for at skabe et om muligt mere dødbringende våben: dig selv. Indsprøjtede plasmider giver dig overmenneskelige kræfter: du kan drive elektriske strømme gennem vand for at elektrodræbe flere fjender på en gang, eller du kan fryse dem til isblokke og udslette dem med et slag med en skruenøgle.
Ingen træfninger bliver spillet på den samme måde, og to spillere vil aldrig spille spillet på samme måde.
  • Modificer din krops biologi: Send brandstorme ud af fingerspidserne og slip en sværm af dræberhvepse løs, som er udklækket i blodårerne i dine arme.
  • Brug dine hackerevner til at trænge ind i enheder og systemer, opgrader dine våben og konstruer nye ammunitionstyper.
  • Gør hvad som helst til et våben: miljøet, din krop, ild og vand, ja selv dine værste fjender.
  • Oplev en utrolig og enestående art deco-verden, som gemmer sig dybt under verdenshavet.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

En gratis download som tager et kig på tegnekunsten bag BioShock. Download den nu (75MB .PDF

Speciale aanbieding

Als je BioShock™ koopt, ontvang je tevens BioShock™ Remastered. Wil je weten wat er nieuw is aan de Remaster? Klik hier!

Info over het spel

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Special Offer

Buying BioShock™ also gets you BioShock™ Remastered. Want to know whats new in the Remaster? Click here!

About the Game

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF


Osta BioShock™, niin saat myös BioShock™ Remastered -version. Haluatko tietää, mitä uutta remasteroitu versio sisältää? Napsauta tästä!

Tietoja pelistä

BioShock on räiskintä jollaista et ole koskaan ennen pelannut, täynnä ennennäkemättömiä aseita ja taktiikoita. Saat täyden arsenaalin käyttöösi, yksinkertaisista revolvereista kranaatinheittimiin ja kemikaalinheittimiin, mutta sinut tullaan myös pakottamaan geneettisesti muokkaamaan DNA:tasi luodaksesi vielä tappavamman aseen: itsesi. Ruiskutettavat plasmidit antavat sinulle yli-inhimillisiä voimia: ammu sähkövirtauksia veteen teloittaaksesi useita vihollisia sähköllä, tai jäädytä heidät kalikaksi ja tuhoa heidät jakoavaimen heilautuksella.
Yksikään kohtaaminen ei koskaan suju samoin, ja ketkään kaksi pelaajaa eivät tule pelaamaan peliä samalla tavalla.
  • Muokkaa kehoasi biologisesti: lähetä tuli myrskyämään sormenpäistäsi ja vapauta parvi tappajaherhiläisiä, jotka kuoriutuvat käsiesi suonista.
  • Hakkeroi laitteita ja järjestelmiä, päivitä aseesi ja valmista uusia ammusvariaatioita.
  • Muunna kaikki aseeksi: ympäristö, kehosi, tuli ja vesi, ja jopa pahimmat vihollisesi.
  • Tutki uskomatonta ja uniikkia art deco -maailmaa, joka on piilossa syvällä merenpinnan alla.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Ilmainen lataus, joka vie sinut sisäpiirin katsaukseen BioShockin taiteesta. Lataa se heti (75MB .PDF

Offre spéciale

Achetez BioShock™ pour aussi profiter de BioShock™ remasterisé. Vous voulez connaître le contenu de cette version remasterisée ? Cliquez ici !

À propos du jeu

BioShock n'est pas un jeu de tir comme les autres : ses armes et ses stratégies sont originales. Vous aurez un arsenal complet à votre disposition du simple revolver au lance-grenade. Vous aurez également la possibilité de modifier votre ADN pour une meilleure "efficacité". Vous pourrez ainsi vous injecter des plasmids pour acquérir des pouvoirs surhumains comme par exemple électrocuter ou congeler vos ennemis pour pouvoir les pulvériser à coup de clef à molette.
Les rencontres sont aléatoires : deux joueurs différents ne pourront ainsi jamais vivre la même aventure.
  • Modifiez votre corps : maîtrisez le feu ou la possibilité de pouvoir projetez des frelons.
  • Piratez les systèmes, faites évoluez vos armes et vos pouvoirs.
  • Tout peu devenir une arme : votre corps, le feu, l'eau et vos ennemis.
  • Partez explorer un univers art-déco unique dissimulé dans les profondeurs de l'océan.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Un contenu gratuit à télécharger qui vous invite dans le concept artistique de BioShock. Chargez-le maintenant (75 Mo .PDF


Beim Kauf von BioShock™ erhältst du außerdem BioShock™ Remastered. Willst du wissen, was im Remaster neu ist? Klicke hier!

Über das Spiel

BioShock ist ein Shooter, anders als alles, was Sie je zuvor gespielt haben, reichhaltig an Waffen und Taktiken wie nie zuvor gesehen. Ein komplettes Arsenal steht Ihnen zur Verfügung, vom einfachen Revolver bis zum Granatwerfer und chemischen Schleudern, aber Sie sind auch dazu angehalten Ihre eigene DNA zu modifizieren, um eine noch tödlichere Waffe zu erstellen: Sie. Injizierbare Plasmen geben Ihnen übermenschliche Kräfte: schießen Sie Starkstromschläge ins Wasser, um mehrere Feinde auf einmal zu eliminieren oder frieren Sie sie ein, und zertrümmern Sie sie anschließend mit einem einfachen Schraubenschlüssel.
Keine Feindesbegegnung gleicht der anderen und kein anderer Spieler wird dieses Spiel genau wie Sie spielen.
  • Modifizieren Sie Ihren Körper: Feuerstürme per Fingerzeig und Schwärme von Killerhornissen, die aus Ihren eigenen Venen geschlüpft sind.
  • Hacken Sie sich in Systeme und Baupläne und verbessern Sie Ihre Waffen und erschaffen Sie neuartige Munitionsvarianten.
  • Verwandeln Sie alles mögliche in eine Waffe: die Umgebung, Ihren Körper, Feuer und Wasser und sogar Ihre tödlichsten Feinde.
  • Erleben Sie eine einzigartige Welt in den Tiefen der Ozeane.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Dieser gratis Download führt Sie hinter die Kulissen von BioShock. Jetzt herunterladen!

Ειδική προσφορά

Buying BioShock™ also gets you BioShock™ Remastered. Want to know whats new in the Remaster? Click here!

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Különleges ajánlat

A BioShock™ megvásárlásával a BioShock™ Remastered is a tiéd lehet. Szeretnéd megtudni, mi vár rád a Remaster verzióban? Kattints ide!

A játékról: 

A BioShock olyan akciójáték, amilyennel még soha nem játszottál, teli sosem látott fegyverekkel és taktikákkal. Egy egész arzenál fegyverből választhatsz az egyszerű revolvertől a gránátvetőn át a vegyszerszóróig, de módosítanod kell a DNS-ed is, hogy megalkoss egy még halálosabb fegyvert: önmagad. A beinjekciózható plazmidok emberfeletti képességeket adnak: szórj villámokat a vízbe egyszerre több ellenség megrázásához, vagy fagyaszd meg, majd egy franciakulccsal zúzd szét őket.
Minden találkozás eltérően zajlik le, és nincs két játékos, aki egyformán játszaná végig a játékot.
  • Módosítsd a tested: bocsáss ki tűzvihart ujjaid hegyéből, vagy eresz szabadjára egy raj karod vénáiban kikelt gyilkos darazsat.
  • Törj fel készülékeket és rendszereket, fejleszd fegyvereidet és készíts új lőszerfajtákat.
  • Változtass fegyverré mindent: a környezetet, a tested, tüzet és vizet, sőt még a leggonoszabb ellenségeidet is.
  • Fedezz fel egy, az óceán mélyén rejtőző hihetetlen és egyedi art deco világot.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Ingyen letölthető tartalom, mely betekintést nyújt a BioShock látványvilágának megalkotásába. Letöltés (75 MB .PDF

Offerta speciale

L'acquisto di BioShock™ dà accesso anche a BioShock™ Remastered. Vuoi sapere cosa c'è di nuovo nella rimasterizzazione? Clicca qui!

Informazioni sul gioco

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF




BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF


바이오쇼크™를 구매하시면 바이오쇼크™ 리마스터 버전이 무료로 제공됩니다. 리마스터 버전의 신규 요소가 궁금하시다구요? 여기를 클릭하세요!

게임 정보

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF


Kjøper du BioShock™, får du også BioShock™ Remastered. Lyst til å vite hva som er nytt i den remastrede versjonen? Klikk her!

Om spillet

BioShock er et skytespill som du ikke har sett maken til, og det er fullt av våpen og taktikkelementer. Du har et helt arsenal av våpen du kan bruke, fra enkle revolvere til granatkastere og utskytningsramper for kjemiske våpen, men du blir også tvunget til å endre DNA-et ditt genetisk for å lage et enda mer dødelig våpen: deg selv. Injiserbare plasmider gir deg supermenneskelige krefter: Skyt elektrisk strøm inn i vann for å grille flere fiender, eller frys dem til is og tilintetgjør dem ved å slå til dem med en skiftenøkkel.
Ingen av spillkampanjene er like, og to spillere kommer aldri til å spille spillet på samme måte.
  • Endre kroppen din biologisk: Send ut ild fra fingertuppene, og slipp ut en sverm av livsfarlige vepser fra blodårene i armene dine.
  • Hack deg inn i enheter og systemer, oppgrader våpnene, og lag nye ammunisjonsvarianter.
  • Alt kan gjøres om til et våpen: miljøet, kroppen din, ild og vann og til og med dine verste fiender.
  • Utforsk en utrolig og unik verden som er skjult dypt under havoverflaten.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

En gratis nedlasting som gir deg et innsideblikk i kunsten i BioShock. Last ned nå (75 MB .PDF

Oferta specjalna

Kupując BioShock™ otrzymasz też BioShock™ Remastered. Chcesz wiedzieć, co nowego znajdziesz w wersji zremasterowanej? Kliknij tutaj!

Informacje o grze

BioShock to strzelanina, w jaką nigdy jeszcze nie udało ci się zagrać. Dostaniesz w swoje ręce pełen arsenał, począwszy od prostych rewolwerów przez granatniki do wyrzutni chemicznych. Czasem jednak sytuacja zmusi cię do modyfikacji swojego DNA i stworzenia najniebezpieczniejszej broni: siebie. Plazmidy wstrzykiwane prosto do krwiobiegu dadzą ci nadludzkie moce: ciskaj ładunkami elektrycznymi w wodę, by porazić wielu przeciwników jednocześnie lub zamroź i zniszcz ich za jednym zamachem klucza.
Żadna potyczka nie będzie taka sama i nie ma szans, by dwóch graczy przeszło grę w ten sam sposób.
  • Modyfikuj swoje ciało: rzucaj w przeciwników ogniem prosto z twoich palców lub wypuść na nich chmarę zabójczych os prosto z żył na ręce.
  • Włamuj się do urządzeń i systemów, ulepszaj swoją broń i twórz nowe warianty amunicji.
  • Zmień wszystko wokół siebie w broń: otoczenie, twoje ciało, ogień, wodę, a nawet twoich najgorszych wrogów.
  • Podróżuj przez niesamowity i unikalny świat w stylu art deco leżący głęboko pod oceanem.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Pobierz teraz kompletnie za darmo album dający bliższe spojrzenie na sztukę gry BioShock (75MB .PDF)

Oferta especial

Se comprares o BioShock™ também recebes o BioShock™ Remastered. Queres saber quais são as novidades do Remaster? Clica aqui!

Acerca do Jogo

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Oferta especial

Se comprares o BioShock™ também recebes o BioShock™ Remastered. Queres saber quais são as novidades do Remaster? Clica aqui!

Acerca do Jogo

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Ofertă specială

Buying BioShock™ also gets you BioShock™ Remastered. Want to know whats new in the Remaster? Click here!

Despre joc

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Специальное предложение

Купив игру BioShock™, вы также получите BioShock™ Remastered. Хотите узнать, что нового в издании Remastered? Жмите сюда!

Об игре

BioShock - шутер, не похожий ни на один из тех, в которые вы играли, полный невообразимых видов оружия и тактик. В вашем распоряжении будет весь арсенал от обычных револьверов до гранатометов и распылителей химического оружия, а вдобавок вы сможете модифицировать свой ДНК чтобы создать еще более смертельное оружие: вас. Инъецируемые плазмиды дадут вам сверхчеловеческие силы: направьте электрический разряд в воду, чтобы поразить сразу несколько врагов, или заморозьте их и разбейте взмахом гаечного ключа.
Не существует двух одинаковых сражений, и не существует двух игроков, проходящих игру одним и тем же способом.
  • Модифицируйте свой организм: испускайте огонь из своих пальцев и выпускайте рой шершней-убийц, вылупляющихся прямо в ваших венах.
  • Взламывайте устройства и системы, модифицируйте свое оружие и создавайте новые виды боеприпасов.
  • Превращайте в оружие все: окружающую среду, ваш организм, огонь и воду, и даже своих худших врагов.
  • Исследуйте красивейший, уникальный мир, спрятанный глубоко под океаном.

BioShock: ломает форму

Бесплатная загрузка, позволяющая ознакомиться с красотой BioShock. Загрузить сейчас (75MB .PDF




BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Oferta especial

Al comprar BioShock™ también obtienes BioShock™ remasterizado. ¿Quieres conocer las novedades de la remasterización? ¡Haz clic aquí!

Acerca del juego

BioShock es un shooter distinto a todos los que has jugado antes, lleno de armas y tácticas nunca vistas. Tendrás un completo arsenal a tu disposición: desde sencillos revólveres a lanzagranadas y lanzadores de productos químicos, pero también estarás obligado a modificar tu ADN para crear un arma mucho más mortífera: tú. Al inyectarte plásmidos conseguirás superpoderes: lanza descargas eléctricas al agua para electrocutar múltiples enemigos, o congélalos en un bloque de hielo para hacerlos pedazos con un golpe de llave inglesa.
Ningún encuentro se juega de la misma manera, ni dos jugadores jugarán igual.
  • Modifica tu cuerpo biológicamente: lanza tormentas de fuego desde las puntas de tus dedos y desata un enjambre de avispas asesinas incubadas en las venas de tus brazos.
  • Puentea aparatos y sistemas, mejora tus armas y fabrica nuevas variantes de munición.
  • Utiliza cualquier cosa como arma: el entorno, tu cuerpo, fuego y agua, incluso a tus peores enemigos.
  • Explora un único e increíble mundo art deco sumergido en lo más profundo del océano.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

Una descarga gratuita que te acerca al arte de Bioshock. Descárgalo ahora (75MB .PDF

Speciellt erbjudande

Om du köper BioShock™ ingår även BioShock™ Remastered. Vill du veta vad som är nytt i nyutgåvan? Klicka här!

Om spelet

BioShock är ett skjutspel som inte liknar något du tidigare spelat, fulladdat med vapen och taktiker du aldrig sett. Du har en komplett arsenal till ditt förfogande, från enkla revolvrar till granat- och kemikaliekastare, men du tvingas också att genetiskt ändra ditt DNA för att skapa ett ännu dödligare vapen: dig själv. Injicerbara plasmider ger dig övermänskliga krafter: kasta elektriska strömmar i vattnet för att döda flera fiender samtidigt eller frys dem till is och utplåna dem med ett hårt slag.
Inga möten spelas upp på samma sätt och två spelare kommer aldrig att spela spelet på samma sätt.
  • Ändra din kropp biologiskt – skicka iväg eldsflammor med fingertopparna och släpp lös en svärm bålgetingar som kläckts i venerna i dina armar.
  • Hacka dig in i enheter och system, uppgradera dina vapen och skapa nya ammunitionsvarianter.
  • Förvandla allt till ett vapen: miljön, din kropp, eld och vatten, och till och med dina värsta fiender.
  • Utforska en otrolig och unik art deco-värld som ligger dold djupt ned i oceanen.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

En gratis nedladdningsbar fil som ger dig en titt på insidan av konsten i BioShock. Ladda ner den nu (75MB .PDF


Buying BioShock™ also gets you BioShock™ Remastered. Want to know whats new in the Remaster? Click here!


BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF




BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Özel Teklif

BioShock™'u satın al BioShock™ Remastered da bedava gelsin. Remastered içeriğini mi merak ediyorsun? Buraya tıkla!

Oyun Açıklaması

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

Особлива пропозиція

Buying BioShock™ also gets you BioShock™ Remastered. Want to know whats new in the Remaster? Click here!

Про гру

BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.
No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

  • Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
  • Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
  • Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
  • Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.

BioShock: Breaking the Mold

A free download that takes an inside look at the art of BioShock. Download it now (75MB .PDF

System Requirements
