

Release Date: 22/01/2014 | WORLDWIDE
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Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

Sobre o jogo

O que acontece quando a única esperança de um mundo ameaçado não está nas mãos de heróis com armaduras reluzentes, mas sim sob o controle de um bando de desajustados e criminosos? Blackguards, um novo RPG de estratégia baseado em turnos, explora exatamente esta questão. Você vai descobrir mais de 180 campos de batalhas únicos baseados em grade hex dentro de uma obscura e desenvolvida história de crime, drogas e assassinatos.

Jogue como guerreiro, mago ou caçador e personalize as habilidades de seu personagem como desejar. As desafiadoras campanhas proporcionam uma história de dúvida, traição e perda. Você decide seu rumo em passos decisivos e determina o resultado final.


  • Mais de 180 campos de batalhas únicos oferecem desafios sempre crescentes e novos.
  • Certifique-se de ter muitos lanches, já que esta obscura aventura de fantasia tem mais de 40 horas de um jogo excitante.
  • Conduza até cinco personagens em seu grupo à gloriosa vitória ou à devastadora derrota.
  • Aproveite os encantadores cenários desenhados à mão. Eles são belos até quando os membros de seu grupo são chutados para fora deles.
  • A escolha de suas magias, aptidões a habilidades determina as táticas no campo de batalha. Agressivo? Defensivo? Tático? Você decide como lidar com cada encontro desafiador!
  • Use objetos interativos em combate como colmeias de abelhas ou barris para sua vantagem, ou exploda-se ao levar uma tocha para dentro de um pântano de gás.
  • Distribua danos violentos com 40 habilidades especiais e mais de 90 magias... ou, se estiver do outro lado, seja massacrado.
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    Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

    Относно играта

    What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

    Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

    Key Features

    • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
    • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
    • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
    • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
    • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
    • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
    • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
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      Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

      O hře

      Co se stane, když jediná naděje ohroženého světa neleží na bedrech hrdinů v lesknoucí se zbroji, ale spočívá v rukou party nepřizpůsobivých a kriminálních živlů? Blackguards, nová RPG adventura na tahy, tuto otázku objasní. V temném příběhu pro dospělé, plném zločinu, drog a vražd objevíte více než 180 jedinečných šestiúhelníkových bitevních polí.

      Hrajte jako válečník, mág nebo lovec a přizpůsobte si dovednosti své postavy, jak vám to vyhovuje. Náročná kampaň přináší příběh plný pochyb, zrady a porážek. Sami v klíčových bodech rozhodnete, kam se bude příběh ubírat, a určíte tak výsledek.


      • Více než 180 jedinečných bitevních map nabízí neustálý vývoj a nové výzvy.
      • Ujistěte se, že máte po ruce dostatek pochutin, protože tato temná fantasy adventura přináší více než 40 hodin vzrušujících herních zážitků.
      • Doveďte až pět postav ve své skupince ke slavnému vítězství nebo ke zdrcující porážce.
      • Vychutnejte si okouzlující, ručně malované prostředí. Je tak nádherné, že ho nezkazí ani ti nejošklivější členové vaší skupinky.
      • Výběr kouzel, dovedností a schopností určí vaši taktiku na bitevním poli. Útočit? Bránit? Taktizovat? Je jen na vás, jak budete řešit každé další náročné střetnutí!
      • Získávejte výhody v bojích používáním interaktivních objektů, jako jsou roje včel nebo sudy, případně můžete vyhodit do vzduchu i sami sebe, přiblížíte-li se s pochodní k hořlavému bahennímu plynu.
      • Způsobte pořádné poškození pomocí 40 speciálních schopností a více než 90 kouzel... nebo zjistíte, že se naopak někdo snaží vyhladit vás.
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        Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

        Om spillet

        What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

        Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

        Key Features

        • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
        • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
        • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
        • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
        • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
        • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
        • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
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          Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

          Info over het spel

          Wat gebeurt er als de enige hoop van een bedreigde wereld niet is gevestigd op helden op witte paarden, maar op een groep mislukkelingen en criminelen? Blackguards is een nieuw turn-based strategy RPG dat dit uitzoekt. Er zijn meer dan 180 unieke hex-based slagvelden in een duister en compleet verhaal met drugs, misdaad en moord.

          Speel als krijger, magiër of jager en geef jouw karakter de vaardigheden die jij wilt. De uitdagende campagne biedt een opeenvolging van twijfel, verraad en verlies. Jij bepaalt het verloop van het verhaal op cruciale punten en daarmee ook de uitkomst.


          • Meer dan 180 unieke slagvelden voor steeds veranderende en nieuwe uitdagingen.
          • Zorg dat je voldoende eten bij de hand hebt, want dit duistere fantasie-avontuur biedt meer dan 40 uur spannende speeltijd.
          • Leid tot 5 karakters in jouw groep naar een glorieuze overwinning of vernietigende nederlaag.
          • Speel in betoverende achtergronden die met de hand zijn getekend. Ze zijn schitterend, zelfs als je groepsleden worden afgeslacht.
          • Jouw keuze van spreuken, vaardigheden en talenten bepalen jouw strategie. Agressief? Defensief? Tactisch? Jij bepaalt hoe elke uitdagende confrontatie wordt aangepakt!
          • Gebruik interactieve voorwerpen zoals bijenkorven of vaten in de strijd in jouw voordeel of blaas jezelf op door een toorts naar explosief moerasgas te dragen.
          • Breng verwoestende schade toe met 40 speciale talenten en meer dan 90 spreuken… of sta aan de andere kant en wordt weggevaagd.
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            Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

            About the Game

            What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

            Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

            Key Features

            • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
            • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
            • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
            • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
            • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
            • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
            • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
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              Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

              Tietoja pelistä

              Mitä tapahtuu, kun uhatun maailman ainoa toivo ei ole kiiltävähaarniskaisten sankarien kontolla vaan lainsuojattomien ja ryövärien käsissä? Blackguards, uusi vuoropohjainen strategiaroolipeli, tutkii juuri tätä kysymystä. Pelissä on 180 ainutlaatuista heksapohjaista taistelukenttää sekä tummasävyinen, aikuismainen tarina rikoksista, huumeista ja murhista.

              Pelaa soturina, maagina tai metsästäjänä ja mukauta hahmosi taidot oman mielesi mukaan. Haastava kampanja tarjoaa epäilyjä, petoksia ja menetyksiä. Päätät tarinan etenemisen avainkohdissa ja määrität sen lopputuloksen.


              • Yli 180 ainutlaatuista taistelukarttaa tarjoavat jatkuvasti kehittyviä ja uusia haasteita.
              • Varmista, että pikkupurtavaa riittää, koska tämä musta fantasiaseikkailu sisältää yli 40 tuntia jännittävää peliä.
              • Johda jopa viiden hahmon ryhmää kunniakkaaseen voittoon tai karmaisevaan tappioon.
              • Nauti lumoavista, käsin piirretyistä taustoista. Ne ovat kauniita silloinkin, kun ryhmäsi ottaa köniin niin että soi.
              • Valitsemasi loitsut, taidot ja kyvyt määrittävät taistelukentän suunnitelman. Aggressiivinen? Puolustava? Taktinen? Sinä päätät kuinka hoidat kunkin kohtaamisen!
              • Käytä interaktiivisia kohteita, kuten mehiläispesiä ja tynnyreitä, hyödyksesi taistelussa tai räjäytä itsesi yrittäessäsi kantaa soihtua syttyvään suokaasuun.
              • Tee kunnolla vahinkoa 40 erikoiskyvyllä ja yli 90 loitsulla... tai huomaa joutuneesi niiden väärälle puolelle, ja tuhoudu.
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                Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                À propos du jeu

                Que se passe-t-il lorsque le dernier espoir d’un monde menacé n’est pas entre les mains d’un héros musclé sanglé dans son armure étincelante, mais entre celles d’une bande de fondus et de criminels ? Vous l’apprendrez dans Blackguards, un nouveau jeu de rôle stratégique au tour par tour. Vous y découvrirez plus de 180 plateaux de combat différents, au classique découpage hexagonal, sur fond d’histoire sombre et adulte de crime, de drogue et de meurtre.

                Vous pourrez entrer dans la peau d’un guerrier, d’un mage ou d’un chasseur, mais aussi personnaliser à loisir les compétences de votre personnage. Le scénario vous propose une suite de défis, assaisonnés de doutes, de trahisons et de défaites. En certains points critiques, vous déterminerez la suite de l’histoire, ainsi que son issue.


                • Plus de 180 plateaux de combat différents, assurant des défis originaux et toujours changeants.
                • Et préparez de quoi vous sustenter en route, car cette aventure dans le genre fantastique noir vous garantit plus de 40 heures d’un jeu des plus excitants.
                • Dirigez un groupe de cinq personnages au plus, vers une victoire radieuse… ou l’échec le plus total.
                • Évoluez dans des décors superbes, réalisés à la main. Vous baignerez peut-être dans votre propre sang, mais en tout cas dans une ambiance superbe !
                • Votre tactique au combat sera déterminée par votre choix de sorts, de compétences et d’aptitudes. Agressive ? Défensive ? Tactique ? Ce sera à vous de décider comment faire face à chaque rencontre !
                • Pendant le combat, vous pourrez aussi utiliser divers objets à votre avantage, comme des tonneaux ou des nids d’abeilles, ou vous éclater -littéralement- en entrant dans une nappe de gaz des marais… avec une torche qui flambe joyeusement.
                • “ Traitez ” vos ennemis comme ils le méritent avec 40 aptitudes spéciales et plus de 90 sorts… ou prenez-en plein la poire et dites adieu à ce monde cruel.
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                  Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                  Über das Spiel

                  Was passiert, wenn die einzige Hoffnung einer dem Untergang geweihten Welt nicht in den Händen eines Helden, sondern in den Händen von Verbrechern liegt? Erlebe in Blackguards, dem neuen rundenbasierten Strategie-RPG, auf mehr als 180 einzigartigen Hexfeld-basierenden Schlachtfeldern eine dunkle Story voller Gewalt und Verbrechen.

                  Spiele als Krieger, Magier oder Jäger und entwickle deinen Charakter nach deinen Vorstellungen. In herausfordernden Kampagnen durchlebst du eine Geschichte voller Zweifel, Verrat und Verlusten. Du entscheidest an wichtigen Punkten über den Verlauf der Story und das Ende des Spiels.

                  Key Features

                  • Mehr als 180 einzigartige Battlemaps stellen dich vor immer neue Herausforderungen
                  • Leg dir genügend Snacks bereit für mehr als 40 spannende Stunden in einem düsteren Fantasy-Abenteuer
                  • Führe bis zu fünf Charaktere in deiner Party zum glorreichen Sieg oder in eine vernichtende Niederlage
                  • Erfreue dich an den bezaubernden handgestalteten Hintergründen, auch wenn du auf die Fresse kriegst
                  • Die Auswahl der Zaubersprüche, Talente und Fähigkeiten entscheidet über deine Taktik auf dem Schlachtfeld. Gehe offensiv oder taktisch in herausfordernde Kämpfe
                  • Setzte im Kampf interaktive Objekte wie Bienennester oder Fässer zu deinen Gunsten ein oder entzünde dich selber in brennbarem Sumpfgas
                  • Teile mit 40 Sonderfertigkeiten und über 90 Zaubern kräftig aus oder werde selbst davon vernichtet
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                    Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                    What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

                    Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

                    Key Features

                    • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
                    • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
                    • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
                    • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
                    • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
                    • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
                    • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
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                      Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                      A játékról: 

                      Mi történik, ha a fenyegetett világ egyetlen reményét nem a fényes páncélú hősök jelentik, hanem a világ sorsa egy csapat számkivetett és bűnöző kezében van? A Blackguards, amely egy új körökre osztott stratégiai szerepjáték, ezt a kérdést tárja fel. Több mint 180 egyedi hatszög alapú harcmezőt fedezhetsz fel, a bűnözés, drogok és gyilkosságok világában játszódó sötét és gondosan kidolgozott történetben.

                      Harcos, mágus, vagy vadász szerepébe bújva tetszés szerint szabhatod meg karaktered készségeit. A kihívást jelentő hadjárat a kétség, az árulás és a veszteség történetét tárja elénk. A lényeges fordulópontokon te határozod meg a történet menetét és te dönthetsz annak kimeneteléről.

                      LÉNYEGES JELLEMZŐK

                      • Több mint 180 egyedülálló csatamező biztosítja a folyton változó és új kihívásokat.
                      • Győződj meg róla, hogy el vagy-e látva elegendő élelemmel, mert ez a dark fantasy-kaland több mint 40 órányi izgalmas játékidőt biztosít.
                      • Vezesd akár öt karakterből álló csapatodat a dicsőséges győzelem vagy a pusztító vereség felé.
                      • Élvezd a varázslatos kézzel rajzolt háttereket. Ezek még akkor is szépek, ha a csapatod tagjai éppen súlyos vereséget szenvednek.
                      • A választott varázslatok, készségek és képességek határozzák meg a harctéri taktikáidat. Agresszív? Védekező? Taktikus? Neked kell döntened arról, hogyan kezeled a kihívásokkal teli találkozásokat!
                      • A harc során használd előnyödre az interaktív tárgyakat, mint a méhkaptárak vagy a hordók, vagy robbantsd fel magad, fáklyát dobva a gyúlékony mocsárgázba.
                      • Ossz szét néhány súlyos sérülést a 40 különleges képesség és a 90-nél több varázslat révén... különben legyőznek és a másik oldalon találod magad.
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                        Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                        Informazioni sul gioco

                        Che cosa accade quando la sola speranza di un mondo minacciato dal male non è riposta in eroi dalla scintillante armatura, ma nelle mani di una banda di balordi e criminali? Blackguards, il nuovo RPG strategico a turni, va a fondo di questa domanda. Scoprirai oltre 180 campi di battaglia unici a caselle esagonali, all’interno di una storia oscura dalle tematiche mature fatta di crimini, droghe e omicidi.

                        Gioca nei panni di un guerriero, un mago o un cacciatore e personalizza le abilità del tuo personaggio come meglio credi. L’impegnativa campagna racconta una storia fatta di dubbi, tradimenti e perdite. Sarai tu a decidere come andrà avanti la storia ad ogni bivio e a determinare il suo esito.

                        CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI

                        • Più di 180 mappe di battaglia uniche offrono sfide originali e in continua evoluzione.
                        • Assicurati di avere una buona scorta di snack, poiché quest’avventura dai toni dark fantasy offre più di 40 emozionanti ore di gioco.
                        • Conduci fino a cinque personaggi del tuo party a una gloriosa vittoria o ad una rovinosa sconfitta.
                        • Ammira gli incantevoli fondali disegnati a mano: sono sempre belli, anche quando i membri del tuo party vengono picchiati brutalmente.
                        • La tua scelta di incantesimi, talenti e abilità determinerà la tua strategia sul campo di battaglia. Sceglierai un approccio più aggressivo? Più difensivo? O più tattico? A te la scelta su come affrontare ciascuno degli scontri impegnativi presenti nel gioco!
                        • Sfrutta a tuo vantaggio in combattimento oggetti interattivi come alveari e barili, oppure fatti saltare in aria accendendo una torcia in mezzo al gas infiammabile delle paludi.
                        • Causa danni seri ai nemici grazie a 40 abilità speciali e a più di 90 incantesimi… oppure mettiti nei loro panni e lascia che ti facciano a pezzi.
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                          Blackguards Deluxe Edition:





                          • 180以上の異なるバトルフィールドが、成長に応じた新しいチャレンジを演出。
                          • ダークなファンタジー・アドベンチャーが、40時間以上のエキサイティングなプレイタイムを提供。必ず大量のお菓子をご用意ください。
                          • パーティーには5人までキャラクター追加可能。たどり着くのは栄光の勝利か圧倒的な敗北か。
                          • 魅力ある手書きの背景。パーティーメンバーが自分の馬を引いている時ですら、美しい背景を楽しめます。
                          • バトルフィールドにおける自分の戦略に応じて、魔法、スキル、アビリティの選択が可能。攻撃的に戦うか、防御中心か。それとも、駆け引きしながら戦うか?困難なチャレンジにどのように取り組むかはあなた次第です。
                          • 戦闘中に有利になるようなハチの巣や樽などを使用可能。たいまつを燃焼性のガスに放り込めば爆発させることも可能です。
                          • 40の特殊アビリティや90以上の魔法を使って、深刻なダメージを減らすことが可能。さもないと戦闘不能になり意識を失います。
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                            Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                            게임 정보

                            위협을 받고 있는 세계의 유일한 희망이 빛나는 갑옷에 있는 것이 아니라 부적응자와 범죄자 무리의 손아귀에 있다면 어떤 일이 벌어질까요? 새로운 회전 기반 전략 RPG인 블랙가드가 바로 이 질문을 탐구합니다. 범죄, 마약 및 살인의 어둡고도 성숙한 이야기 속에서 180개 이상의 고유한 마법 기반의 전장을 발견하게 될 것입니다.

                            전사, 마법사 또는 사냥꾼으로 활동하면서 자신의 캐릭터 기술을 적합하다고 생각하는 것으로 마음껏 설정하십시오. 도전적인 캠페인은 의심, 반역죄 및 손실의 이야기를 전달합니다. 주요 전환점에서 이야기의 과정을 결정하고 그 결과를 알아냅니다.

                            주요 기능

                            • 180개 이상의 고유한 전투 지도는 진화를 거듭하면서도 새로운 도전을 제공합니다.
                            • 이 어두운 판타지 모험의 흥미진진한 게임 시간이 40시간 이상이므로 스낵이 많이 있는지 확인하십시오.
                            • 일행 중 최대 5개의 캐릭터를 영광의 승리 또는 황폐한 패배로 이끄십시오.
                            • 손으로 그린 멋진 백드롭을 즐기십시오. 이 백드롭은 일행의 일원이 자신의 몸을 그들에게 넘겨줄 때에도 아름답습니다.
                            • 주문, 기술 및 능력을 선택함으로써 전장의 전술을 결정합니다. 공격적입니까? 방어적입니까? 전략적입니까? 도전적인 만남을 마주할 때마다 헤쳐나갈 방법은 여러분이 결정할 일입니다!
                            • 자신의 전투 장점에 벌통 또는 대형 통과 같은 상호적인 물체를 사용하거나 횃불을 인화성 습지 가스로 운반하여 스스로를 폭파하십시오.
                            • 40개의 특수 능력과 90개 이상의 주문으로 일부 심각한 손상을 분배하거나 자신을 상대편에서 찾은 후 흔적을 지우십시오.
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                              Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                              Om spillet

                              Hva skjer når verdens siste håp ikke ligger hos helter i skinnende rustninger, men hviler på skuldrene til en gjeng med raringer og kriminelle? Blackguards, et nytt turbasert RPG-strategispill, utforsker denne problemstillingen. Du får oppdage over 180 unike, hex-baserte slagmarker i en mørk og voksen historie om kriminalitet, narkotika og drap.

                              Spill som kriger, trollmann eller jeger, og tilpass karakterens ferdigheter som du ønsker. Den utfordrende kampanjen gir deg en historie om tvil, forræderi og tap. Du avgjør historiens vendinger på viktige punkter, og bestemmer utfallet.


                              • Over 180 unike kart gir deg stadig nye og unike utfordringer.
                              • Sørg for å ha et godt lager med snacks, da dette fantasi-eventyret har over 40 timer med spennende spilletid.
                              • Led opptil fem karakterer i laget ditt til seier og ære, eller slående nederlag.
                              • Nyt de vakre, håndtegnede bakgrunnene. De er vakre å se på, selv når laget ditt får juling.
                              • Hva du velger av spells, ferdigheter og egenskaper avgjør taktikken på slagmarken. Aggressiv? Defensiv? Taktisk? Du bestemmer hvordan du skal takle hver enkelt utfordring!
                              • Bruk interaktive objekter, som bikuber og tønner, til din fordel i kamp, eller spreng deg selv i filler når du bærer en fakkel inn i eksplosiv sumpgass.
                              • Gi ut seriøse ødeleggelser med 40 spesialevner og over 90 spells... eller få juling med det tapende laget.
                              • Buy Blackguards 2


                                Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                Informacje o grze

                                Co stałoby się, gdyby jedyną nadzieją świata na skraju zagłady nie byli bohaterowie w lśniących zbrojach, tylko banda wyrzutków i kryminalistów? Odpowiedź na to pytanie próbuje zgłębić nowa gra „Blackguards” będąca strategicznym turowym RPG. W mrocznym świecie pełnym zbrodni, narkotyków i morderstw, w którym rozgrywa się ta dojrzała opowieść odkryjesz ponad 180 unikatowych, heksagonalnych pól bitwy.

                                Wciel się w postać wojownika, maga bądź łowcy, której charakter i umiejętności możesz dostosować według własnych upodobań. Wyzywająca kampania tworzy niesamowitą historię o zwątpieniu, zdradzie i stracie. To Ty decydujesz o dalszym rozwoju wydarzeń w kluczowych punktach zwrotnych opowieści i to od Ciebie zależy jej zakończenie.

                                NAJWAŻNIEJSZE CECHY

                                • Ponad 180 unikatowych map zapewnia coraz to nowsze, stale ewoluujące wyzwania.
                                • Przygotuj spory zapas przekąsek, ta podróż do mrocznego świata fantasy to ponad 40 godzin ekscytującej rozgrywki.
                                • Poprowadź nawet pięć postaci ze swojej drużyny do chwalebnego zwycięstwa lub druzgocącej klęski.
                                • Podziwiaj urzekające, ręcznie rysowane scenerie. Są naprawdę piękne, nawet gdy na ich tle Twoja drużyna dostaje prawdziwy łomot od przeciwników.
                                • Wybór zaklęć, umiejętności oraz zdolności decyduje o taktyce na polu bitwy. Zaczepnie? Defensywnie? Taktycznie? To od Ciebie zależy jak rozegrane zostanie każde wyzywające starcie!
                                • Użyj interaktywnych przedmiotów, takich jak ule czy beczki, aby zyskać przewagę w walce lub wysadź postać w powietrze, wbiegając z pochodnią w łatwopalne opary bagienne.
                                • Zrób totalną rozwałkę, korzystając z 40 umiejętności specjalnych i ponad 90 zaklęć albo... patrz jak Twoi przeciwnicy roznoszą Cię w pył.
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                                  Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                  Acerca do Jogo

                                  What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

                                  Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

                                  Key Features

                                  • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
                                  • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
                                  • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
                                  • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
                                  • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
                                  • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
                                  • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
                                  • Buy Blackguards 2


                                    Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                    Despre joc

                                    What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

                                    Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

                                    Key Features

                                    • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
                                    • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
                                    • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
                                    • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
                                    • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
                                    • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
                                    • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
                                    • Buy Blackguards 2


                                      Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                      Об игре

                                      Что получится, если последняя надежда попавшего под угрозу мира окажется не в руках героев в сияющих доспехах, а в руках шайки преступников и отбросов общества? Игра Blackguards, новая пошаговая стратегия RPG, отвечает на этот вопрос. Вам предстоит открыть 180 уникальных шестиугольных карт, которые служат полем сражения. На каждой из них вас ждет мрачная и запутанная история преступления, связанная с наркотиками и убийствами.

                                      Сыграйте в качестве воина, мага или охотника и выбирайте навыки персонажа по желанию. Увлекательная кампания повествует историю о сомнении, предательстве и потере. Именно вы задаете курс истории в ключевых поворотах сюжета и определяете исход событий.

                                      ОСНОВНЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИГРЫ

                                      • Более 180 уникальных карт, которые служат местом сражения и представляют собой постоянно меняющиеся, новые интересные задания.
                                      • Заранее наделайте себе бутербродов, потому что увлекательная игра в стиле мрачного фэнтези займет более 40 часов игрового времени.
                                      • Станьте предводителем команды числом до пяти персонажей, и приведите ее к блистательной победе или оглушительному поражению.
                                      • Насладитесь завораживающими пейзажами, нарисованными вручную. На них приятно посмотреть, даже если членов вашей команды только что размазали по стенке.
                                      • Задайте боевую тактику собственным выбором заклинаний, навыков и умений. Нападение? Защита? Стратегический план? Как вы преодолеете сложившуюся ситуацию? Выбор за вами.
                                      • Чтобы получить дополнительное преимущество в битве, воспользуйтесь интерактивными объектами, например, пчелиными ульями и бочками, или взорвитесь, войдя в облако воспламеняющегося болотного газа с зажженным факелом.
                                      • Нанесите серьезные повреждения врагу с помощью 40 особенных умений и более 90 заклинаний… или же окажитесь на принимающей стороне и исчезнете с лица земли.
                                      • Buy Blackguards 2


                                        Blackguards Deluxe Edition:





                                        • 超过180个独特的战斗地图,为你提供各种最新的挑战。
                                        • 确保你有足够的零食,因为这个黑暗幻想系冒险游戏有着超过40小时的游戏时间。
                                        • 你可以领导最多5个游戏角色来获取光荣的胜利,或承受毁灭性的失败。
                                        • 享受迷人的手绘背景。即使当你的队伍成员与他们进行交锋时,他们依旧是如此美丽。
                                        • 关于法术、技能和能力的选择将决定你的战略。攻击性?防御性?战术性?你的任务就是解决所有碰到的挑战!
                                        • 善于使用互动物体例如蜂巢和桶等来增加在战争中的优势,或者将火把带入易燃沼气里引发爆炸。
                                        • 使用40种特殊能力和超过90种法术来造成严重伤害……或者在另一边寻找到自己,然后忘却。
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                                          Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                          Acerca del juego

                                          ¿Qué sucede cuando la única esperanza para un mundo amenazado no radica en caballeros de brillante armadura sino en las manos de una banda de inadaptados y criminales? Blackguards, un nuevo juego de rol de estrategia por turnos, investiga esta misma cuestión. Descubrirás más de 180 campos de batalla hexagonales únicos dentro de una oscura historia para adultos en la que se combinan crímenes, drogas y asesinatos.

                                          Juega como guerrero, hechicero o cazador y personaliza las características de tu personaje como consideres oportuno. Esta desafiante campaña nos entrega una historia de dudas, traición y pérdidas. Tú decides el curso de la historia en ciertos puntos de inflexión para determinar el resultado.

                                          CARACTERÍSTICAS PRINCIPALES

                                          • Más de 180 mapas de batalla únicos para conseguir nuevos retos en constante evolución.
                                          • Asegúrate de que tu nevera esté llena ya que esta oscura aventura de fantasía te entretendrá durante más de 40 horas.
                                          • Prepara a los cinco personajes de tu equipo para una gloriosa victoria o una demoledora derrota.
                                          • Disfruta de los increíbles escenarios dibujados a mano. Te gustarán aunque los miembros de tu grupo estén completamente destrozados.
                                          • Tu elección respecto a hechizos, poderes y habilidades determina las tácticas en el campo de batalla. ¿Agresiva? ¿Defensiva? ¿Táctica? ¡Será tu decisión en cada desafiante encuentro!
                                          • Utiliza objetos interactivos como colmenas o barriles para aventajarte en combate o hazte volar por los aires al exponerte con tu antorcha a los gases inflamables de las ciénagas.
                                          • Puedes ser tú el que destroce todo lo que se ponga en tu camino, con la ayuda de 40 poderes especiales y más de 90 hechizos,... o encontrarte en el lado opuesto y ser destruido.
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                                            Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                            Om spelet

                                            Vad händer när det enda hoppet för en hotad värld inte ligger hos hjältar i skinande rustningar, utan i händerna hos en grupp missanpassade och brottslingar? Den här frågan utforskas av de onda genom ett nytt, vändningsstrategibaserat RPG. Du kommer att upptäcka mer än 180 unika sexkantsbaserade slagfält i en mörk och gammal miljö av brott, droger och mord.

                                            Spela spelet som krigare, magiker eller jägare och anpassa egenskaperna hos din karaktär så som du vill ha dem. Utmaningen ger dig upplevelserna av tvekan, förräderi och förlust. Du ställer in kursen i berättelsens vändpunkter och avgör hur det ska sluta.


                                            • Mer än 180 unika slagfält ger ständigt nya utmaningar.
                                            • Se till att ha gott om snacks nära till hands, eftersom det här mörka fantasy-äventyret innehåller mer än 40 timmars spännande speltid.
                                            • Styr upp till fem karaktärer i din grupp mot övertygande seger eller förkrossande nederlag.
                                            • Njut av de magiska, handritade miljöerna. De är vackra att se på till och med när dina medföljare åker på stryk.
                                            • Dina val av besvärjelser, färdigheter och förmågor avgör hur du lyckas på slagfältet. Aggressiv? Defensiv? Taktisk? Det är du som bestämmer hur du ska tackla varje utmaning du ställs inför!
                                            • Använd interaktiva objekt, såsom bikupor eller tunnor för att vinna i striderna, eller blås upp dig själv genom att bära en fackla i antändbar träskgas.
                                            • Dela ut några allvarliga skador med 40 speciella förmågor och mer än 90 besvärjelser... eller se hur du hamnar i andra änden och blir krossad.
                                            • Buy Blackguards 2


                                              Blackguards Deluxe Edition:


                                              What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

                                              Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

                                              Key Features

                                              • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
                                              • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
                                              • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
                                              • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
                                              • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
                                              • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
                                              • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
                                              • Buy Blackguards 2


                                                Blackguards Deluxe Edition:


                                                What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

                                                Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

                                                Key Features

                                                • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
                                                • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
                                                • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
                                                • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
                                                • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
                                                • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
                                                • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
                                                • Buy Blackguards 2


                                                  Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                                  Oyun Açıklaması

                                                  Tehdit altındaki bir dünyanın tek umudu parlak zırhlar içerisindeki kahramanların değil de bir grup haydut ve suçlu olursa ne olur? Yeni bir tur tabanlı Strateji RPG, Blackguards bu soruya yanıt arıyor. 180 benzersiz altıgen tabanlı savaş alanı ile suç, uyuşturucu ve cinayet ile örülü karanlık ve güçlü bir hikayeye tanık olacaksınız.

                                                  Savaşçı, büyücü veya avcı olarak oynayın ve karakterinizin özelliklerini istediğiniz gibi değiştirin. Bu zorlu hikayede şüphe, ihanet ve kayıp sizleri bekliyor. Hikayenin gidişatına ise önemli noktalarda siz karar veriyorsunuz ve hikayenin sonucunu belirliyorsunuz.


                                                  • Sürekli gelişen ve yeni zorluklarla dolu 180'den fazla benzersiz savaş haritası..
                                                  • Yanınıza atıştırmalık bir şeyler almayı unutmayın, bu karanlık fantastik macera 40 saatin üzerinde oyun süresi sunuyor.
                                                  • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat Yanınıza alabileceğiniz toplam beş karakter ile muazzam zaferler veya korkunç yenilgileri tadın.
                                                  • Büyüleyici elle çizilen manzaraların keyfini çıkarın. Grubunuzdakilerin ağzı burnu kırılırken bile bu manzara gerçekten güzel.
                                                  • Büyü, yetnek ve yetileriniz ile ilgili seçimleriniz savaş alanındaki taktiklerinizi belirliyor. Saldırgan mı? Savunmacı mı? Taktiksel bir yaklaşım mı? Her zorlu mücadeleyi nasıl aşacağınız size kalmış!
                                                  • Arı kovanları veya varil gibi etkileşimli nesneleri kullanarak savaşta avantajı ele geçirin veya yanıcı bataklık gazlarının arasına bir meşale taşıyarak girin ve havaya uçun.
                                                  • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated. 40 adet özel yetenek ve 90'dan fazla büyü ile sağlam bir hasar verin... Ya da namlunun diğer ucunda durarak yenilgiyi tadın.
                                                  • Buy Blackguards 2


                                                    Blackguards Deluxe Edition:

                                                    Про гру

                                                    What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy RPG, explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder.

                                                    Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.

                                                    Key Features

                                                    • More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
                                                    • Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
                                                    • Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
                                                    • Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They're beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
                                                    • Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
                                                    • Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
                                                    • Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells... or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.

                                                    System Requirements
