THE OLD WEST, 1864. In order to save their family, the McCall brothers will kill anyone who stands between them and the legendary Gold of Juarez. But when the allure of women and money tests their bond as brothers, will the blood they share prove to be thicker?
- Become a Gunslinger: Harness a variety of weapons from various pistols to heavy-caliber cannons and machine guns. Every accurate shot increases your concentration, which allows you to unleash deadly shooting modes when outnumbered and even deadlier ones when the brothers work together.
- Dual Collaborative Gameplay: Choose to embody Ray or Thomas, each with a distinctive gameplay style (close- or long-range), specific abilities (lasso, dynamite, etc.) and arsenal of deadly weapons (dual guns, long-range carbine, etc.). Take advantage of each of their strengths and you just might survive some of the fiercest fights imaginable.
- Never-Before-Seen Western Experience: Experience iconic settings full of outlaws in the West before it was tamed. The McCall brothers face a renegade Apache Chief, a greedy Mexican bandit, a vindictive colonel just a few of the underhanded villains standing in the brothers way. Explore the vast natural landscapes of the mythical Wild West and its legendary period on horseback and in wagons and canoes.
- Innovative Online Multiplayer: Unique modes, numerous maps and a variety of classes guarantee endless hours of Wild West action.
Please note that as of August 2016, the online features for this game are no longer supported. The Multiplayer mode / Co-op mode will no longer be accessible.
LE VIEIL OUEST, 1864. Pour sauver leur famille, les frères McCall sont prêts à tuer quiconque se mettrait entre eux et l'Or légendaire de Juarez. Mais lorsque le charme des femmes et l'argent mettent leur relation de frères à l'épreuve, les liens du sang seront-ils assez forts ?
- Devenez un As de la Gâchette: De nombreuses armes sont disponibles, allant des simples pistolets aux canons à gros calibre ou aux mitrailleuses. Chaque tir réussi augmente votre concentration, ce qui vous permet d'utiliser des modes de tir mortels lorsque vous êtes en infériorité numérique, ainsi que d'autres modes de tirs plus dangereux encore lorsque les frères s'unissent.
- Un jeu comportant deux expériences de jeu différentes: Incarnez Ray ou Thomas, chacun proposant une approche de jeu bien distincte (combat rapproché ou tir à longue portée), des aptitudes spécifiques (lasso, dynamite et bien d'autres) et un arsenal d'armes mortelles (double pistolets, carabine, etc.). Tirez avantage de leurs atouts et vous pourrez peut être remporter des duels endiablés.
- Une expérience Western inédite: Découvrez tous les lieux et personnages typiques et hostiles du Far West. Les frères McCall rencontreront ainsi un chef Apache rebelle, un bandit mexicain cupide, un colonel revanchard quelques exemples de sournois scélérats qui se mettront sur le chemin des frères. Explorez les paysages de l'Ouest Sauvage sur le dos de votre monture, dans des wagons et en canoës.
- Un Mode multijoueur en ligne innovant: Des modes de jeu exceptionnels, de multiples cartes ainsi qu'une grande variété de classes garantissent un jeu d'action dans l'Ouest quasi-inépuisable.
Merci de noter qu'à partir d'Aout 2016, les fonctions en ligne de ce jeu ne seront plus supportées. Le mode Multijoueur et Coopération ne seront plus disponibles.
DER WILDE WESTEN, 1864. Die McCall Brüder sind zu jeder Untat bereit und werden vor nichts halt machen, um den legendären Goldschatz von Juarez zu rauben. Aber wenn Geld und Frauen im Spiel sind, dann werden selbst Brüderbande auf eine harte Probe gestellt - wird die Blutsverwandtschaft das schlimmste verhindern?
- Werden Sie zum Revolverhelden: Wählen Sie aus einer Vielzahl von Waffen: von verschiedenen Pistolen bis zu schwerkalibrigen Kanonen und Maschinengewehren. Jeder erfolgreiche Schuß erhöht Ihre Konzentration und befähigt Sie in aussichtslosen Situationen tödliche Schußmodi auszulösen und umso tödlichere Aktionen auszulösen, wenn beide Brüder konzentriert zusammenarbeiten.
- Kollaboratives Gameplay: Seien Sie Ray oder Thomas, jeder mit seinen ihm eigenen Vorteilen (nah- oder fernzielsicher), speziellen Fähigkeiten (Lasso, Dynamit, etc.) und einem Arsenal tödlicher Schußwaffen (Doppelrevolver, Karbiner, etc.). Nutzen Sie die Fähigkeiten beider Brüder zu Ihrem Vorteil und Sie mögen vielleicht einige der aussichtslosesten Gefechte zu Ihren Gunsten entscheiden.
- Noch nie dagewesene Western-Action: Malerische Szenerien voller hinterlistiger Halunken im Wilden Westen des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die McCall Brüder treten einem Apachen-Häuptling entgegen, einem geizigen mexikanischen Banditen, einem verschlagenen Colonel... um nur einige der Schurken dieser Gegend zu benennen. Entdecken Sie die wunderschöne Landschaft des mystischen Wilden Westens und die legendären Zeiten der Cowboys und Revolverhelden.
- Innovativer Online Mehrspielermodus: Einzigartige Modi, zahllose Mapps und eine reichhaltige Auswahl von Klassen garantieren endlosen Spielspass im Wilden Westen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass ab August 2016 die Online-Funktionen dieses Spiels nicht mehr unterstützt werden. Der Multiplayer- / Coop-Modus wird nicht mehr zugänglich sein.
VECCHIO WEST, 1864. Per poter salvare la propria famiglia, i fratelli McCall dovranno uccidere chiunque si interponga tra loro e il leggendario Oro di Juarez. Ma quando il fascino esercitato dalle donne e dal denaro mette a dura prova il vincolo fraterno, il loro legame consanguineo resterà intatto?
- Diventa un Pistolero: Sfrutta un'ampia gamma di armi, da pistole di vario genere a cannoni di grosso calibro a mitragliatrici. Ogni sparo, per essere accurato, richiede grande concentrazione. Potrai sferzare colpi mortali quando sei solo contro tutti e ancora più letali quando i fratelli sono insieme.
- Gameplay Collaborazione a Due: Puoi vestire i panni di Ray o Thomas, a scelta. Ognuno di essi ha uno stile di gioco distinto (raggio corto o lungo), abilità specifiche (lazo, dinamite, etc.) e un arsenale di armi mortali (fucile a doppia canna, carabina a lungo raggio, etc.). Usa le loro potenzialità e potrai sopravvivere alle più feroci lotte che si possano immaginare.
- Un'Esperienza Tutta Western Mai Vista Prima D'Ora: Vivi in una scenografia altamente iconica popolata da fuorilegge. I fratelli McCall dovranno affrontare un Capo Apache rinnegato, un avido bandito messicano, un maligno colonnello questi sono solo alcuni degli insidiosi furfanti che ostacolano il cammino dei fratelli. Potrai esplorare le immense distese naturali del mitico Selvaggio West in sella a un cavallo, sui vagoni o sulle canoe.
- Modalità Online Multigiocatore: Modalità uniche, innovative, tantissime mappe e un gran numero di mappe garantiscono ore di divertimento e di azione in perfetto stile Selvaggio West.
- Si prega di notare che a partire da agosto 2016 le funzionalità online di questo gioco non saranno più supportate. Di conseguenza le modalità multiplayer / cooperative non saranno più disponibili.
THE OLD WEST, 1864. In order to save their family, the McCall brothers will kill anyone who stands between them and the legendary Gold of Juarez. But when the allure of women and money tests their bond as brothers, will the blood they share prove to be thicker?
- Become a Gunslinger: Harness a variety of weapons from various pistols to heavy-caliber cannons and machine guns. Every accurate shot increases your concentration, which allows you to unleash deadly shooting modes when outnumbered and even deadlier ones when the brothers work together.
- Dual Collaborative Gameplay: Choose to embody Ray or Thomas, each with a distinctive gameplay style (close- or long-range), specific abilities (lasso, dynamite, etc.) and arsenal of deadly weapons (dual guns, long-range carbine, etc.). Take advantage of each of their strengths and you just might survive some of the fiercest fights imaginable.
- Never-Before-Seen Western Experience: Experience iconic settings full of outlaws in the West before it was tamed. The McCall brothers face a renegade Apache Chief, a greedy Mexican bandit, a vindictive colonel just a few of the underhanded villains standing in the brothers way. Explore the vast natural landscapes of the mythical Wild West and its legendary period on horseback and in wagons and canoes.
- Innovative Online Multiplayer: Unique modes, numerous maps and a variety of classes guarantee endless hours of Wild West action.
Please note that as of August 2016, the online features for this game are no longer supported. The Multiplayer mode / Co-op mode will no longer be accessible.
EL VIEJO OESTE, 1864. Para salvar a su familia, los hermanos McCall matarán a cualquiera que se interponga entre ellos y el legendario Oro de Juarez. Pero cuando el encanto de las mujeres y el brillo del dinero pongan a prueba su unión como hermanos, ¿podrá mantenerlos unidos la sangre que corre por sus venas?
- Conviértete en Pistolero: Utiliza una gran variedad de armas, desde distintos tipos de pistola hasta cañones de alto calibre y ametralladoras. Cada disparo preciso incrementa tu concentración, lo que te permitirá utilizar mortíferos modos de disparo cuando te superen en número y serán todavía más mortíferos cuando los dos hermanos trabajen juntos.
- Jugabilidad Colaborativa Dual: Escoje manejar a Ray o a Thomas, cada uno con su estilo de juego característico (corto o largo alcance), habilidades específicas (lazo, dinamita, etc.) y un mortífero arsenal de armas (pistolas dobles, carabina de largo alcance, etc.). Aprovecha todas y cada una de sus habilidades y tal vez sobrevivas a algunas de las luchas más encarnizadas que puedas imaginar.
- Una Experiencia Western Nunca Vista Hasta Ahora: Recorre los típicos paisajes repletos de forajidos en el que fuera el Oeste antes de ser domado. Los hermanos McCall se enfrentarán a un Jefe Apache renegado, un codicioso bandido Mejicano, un vengativo coronel son sólo algunos de los tramposos villanos que se cruzarán en el camino de los hermanos. Explora los inmensos paisajes naturales del mítico Salvaje Oeste en aquel legendario periodo de grandes cabalgadas, vagonetas y canoas.
- Innovador Multijugador Online: Modos únicos, numeroros mapas y una gran variedad de clases garantizan interminables horas de acción en el Salvaje Oeste.
- Por favor, ten en cuenta que a partir de Agosto 2016 este juego no soportará los servicios Online. El modo Multijugador / Cooperativo será inaccesible.
THE OLD WEST, 1864. In order to save their family, the McCall brothers will kill anyone who stands between them and the legendary Gold of Juarez. But when the allure of women and money tests their bond as brothers, will the blood they share prove to be thicker?
- Become a Gunslinger: Harness a variety of weapons from various pistols to heavy-caliber cannons and machine guns. Every accurate shot increases your concentration, which allows you to unleash deadly shooting modes when outnumbered and even deadlier ones when the brothers work together.
- Dual Collaborative Gameplay: Choose to embody Ray or Thomas, each with a distinctive gameplay style (close- or long-range), specific abilities (lasso, dynamite, etc.) and arsenal of deadly weapons (dual guns, long-range carbine, etc.). Take advantage of each of their strengths and you just might survive some of the fiercest fights imaginable.
- Never-Before-Seen Western Experience: Experience iconic settings full of outlaws in the West before it was tamed. The McCall brothers face a renegade Apache Chief, a greedy Mexican bandit, a vindictive colonel just a few of the underhanded villains standing in the brothers way. Explore the vast natural landscapes of the mythical Wild West and its legendary period on horseback and in wagons and canoes.
- Innovative Online Multiplayer: Unique modes, numerous maps and a variety of classes guarantee endless hours of Wild West action.
Please note that as of August 2016, the online features for this game are no longer supported. The Multiplayer mode / Co-op mode will no longer be accessible.