Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Release Date: 15/09/2017 | WORLDWIDE
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₺388.83 + VAT



Novos modos e bônus estão chegando para Dishonored 2 e A Morte do Estranho, e tudo que vocês têm que fazer para obtê-los é entrar na sua conta Bethesda.net a partir do menu principal dos jogos. Se ainda não têm uma conta, cadastrar-se na Bethesda.net é simples. É só entrar aqui para começar e ganhar seu conteúdo gratuito.


Entrar com sua conta Bethesda.net concederá os seguintes novos modos tanto em Dishonored 2 quanto em A Morte do Estranho:

Viajem de volta no tempo para qualquer missão concluída anteriormente da campanha e experimentem livremente com todos os poderes e armas.

Preto e branco
Estão se sentindo noir? O modo preto e branco permite que vocês experienciem o jogo em um novo estilo visual. Vocês podem alternar entre o modo preto e branco e o modo de cor original a qualquer momento.

Além destes dois novos modos, jogadores de Dishonored 2 que entrarem com suas contas Bethesda.net também terão acesso ao bônus original de reserva, o Pacote do Assassino Imperial. Quando derem uma passada no Dreadful Wale, vocês encontrarão todos os itens bônus no pacote esperando na cabine.

O Pacote do Assassino Imperial inclui:

  • Amuleto de osso: Sorte de duelista
  • Amuleto de osso: Gentileza do Vazio
  • Violão serkoniano antigo com o qual interagir no jogo com Emily ou Corvo
  • Livro no jogo: Adeus, Karnaca: A despedida de um musicista
  • 500 moedas bônus

Sobre o jogo


Dos aclamados desenvolvedores da Arkane® Studios, chega agora Dishonored®: A Morte do Estranho, a próxima aventura independente da premiada série Dishonored®. Seja uma assassina sobrenatural no papel da notória Billie Lurk, que se reunirá com seu mentor Daud para juntos realizarem o maior assassinato já concebido. Estruturado na inconfundível jogabilidade e estilo artístico de Dishonored® 2, A Morte do Estranho possui todas as características marcantes da série, incluindo sistemas de combate brutais, design único de estágios e uma narrativa envolvente que reage a todas as suas escolhas. Com personagens convincentes e ação de tirar o fôlego, A Morte do Estranho é o ponto de entrada perfeito para aqueles que não conhecem a série Dishonored®, também proporcionando uma expansão significativa do mundo e da jogabilidade que os fãs de longa data conhecem. 


Assuma o papel de Billie Lurk (também conhecida como Meagan Foster), uma das mais afamadas assassinas de aluguel que Dunwall já teve. Após se reunir com seu antigo mentor, Daud, você executará o maior assassinato já concebido: matar o Estranho, uma figura divina que Billie e Daud creem ter sido crucial para alguns dos momentos mais desonrosos do império. À medida em que se aventurar pelos becos mais encardidos de Karnaca para desvendar o mistério do Estranho e das suas origens, você enfrentará uma oposição mortal, poderes antigos e difíceis decisões que mudarão para sempre o mundo ao seu redor.


  • A assassina sobrenatural suprema

    Esconda-se nas sombras ou revele-se à luz do dia para enfrentar qualquer inimigo – a opção é sua. Com acesso a um conjunto único de habilidades sobrenaturais, aparatos e armas, você poderá abordar cada situação à própria maneira. Use suas técnicas e habilidades para prosseguir sem chamar a atenção ou para eliminar com brutalidade qualquer obstáculo à sua frente. 

  • O maior dos assassinatos

    Eliminar o Estranho não será fácil. Você terá que fazer uma jornada pelos podres obscuros de Karnaca, onde irá desvendar alguns dos segredos perdidos da cidade. No caminho, você terá que se infiltrar em clubes de luta do submundo e cultos de magia negra e apanhar antigos artefatos em um emocionante roubo a banco que irá preparar o palco para sua maior missão. 

  • Os alvos definitivos

    Durante sua caçada ao Estranho, você irá encontrar e enfrentar um novo elenco de inimigos. Você precisará de suas armas, aparatos e habilidades para derrotar adversários mortíferos como os imortais Visionados, as implacáveis Irmãs da Ordem Oracular e os novos soldados autômatos. Suba a aposta com contratos opcionais para localizar e eliminar alvos adicionais durante sua missão.  

  • Jogue novamente como quiser

    Aumente ainda mais o potencial para o caos criativo jogando de novo com alguns dos famosos poderes de Dishonored® 2 no modo Jogo Original Extra (JO+). 

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Относно играта


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

O hře


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Om spillet


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Info over het spel


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

About the Game


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Tietoja pelistä


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.


De nouveaux modes et bonus arrivent pour Dishonored 2 et Death of the Outsider, et pour les obtenir il vous suffit de vous connecter avec votre compte Bethesda.net depuis le menu principal des jeux. Si vous n'avez pas encore de compte, s'inscrire sur Bethesda.net est très simple. Rendez-vous ici pour commencer et obtenir votre contenu gratuit.


En vous connectant avec votre compte Bethesda.net, vous obtiendrez les modes suivants pour Dishonored 2 et Death of the Outsider :

Rejouez n'importe quelle mission de la campagne que vous avez déjà terminée et redécouvrez-la à votre rythme avec tous les pouvoirs et toutes les armes.

Noir et Blanc
Vous êtes d'humeur morose ? Le mode Noir et Blanc vous permet de redécouvrir le jeu avec un nouveau style visuel. Vous pouvez passer du mode Noir et Blanc au mode normal et vice-versa à n'importe quel moment.

En plus de ces deux modes, les joueurs de Dishonored 2 qui se connectent avec leur compte Bethesda.net obtiendront le contenu bonus de la précommande et le pack Assassin Impérial. Lorsque vous passerez par le Dreadful Wale, vous trouverez tous les objets bonus dans le paquet qui vous attendra dans votre cabine.

À propos du jeu


Les développeurs maintes fois récompensés d'Arkane® Studios reviennent avec Dishonored® : La mort de l'Outsider, un jeu à part entière qui ne requiert pas Dishonored 2. Devenez un assassin surnaturel en incarnant la célèbre Billie Lurk. Retrouvez votre mentor Daud et préparez ensemble le plus grand assassinat de tous les temps. Dishonored® : La mort de l'Outsider reprend tous les codes de la série Dishonored, notamment le système de combat fluide, une conception de niveaux exceptionnelle et un scénario évoluant suivant vos choix. La mort de l'Outsider offre une parfaite entrée en matière pour les joueurs découvrant la série Dishonored et une extension originale du gameplay et de l'univers pour les fans inconditionnels.


Endossez le rôle de Billie Lurk (alias Meagan Foster dans Dishonored 2), l'une des plus célèbres tueuses à gages de Dunwall et retrouvez votre ancien mentor, le légendaire Daud. Préparez ensemble le plus grand assassinat jamais envisagé : tuer l'Outsider, une divinité que Billie et Daud considèrent comme responsable des pires heures de l'Empire. À mesure que vous parcourrez les plus sombres ruelles de Karnaca pour découvrir les origines de l'Outsider, vous ferez face à des opposants mortels, des puissances antiques et des choix difficiles qui changeront pour toujours le monde qui vous entoure.


  • Armes et pouvoirs inédits

    Grâce à un nouvel ensemble de pouvoirs destructeurs, de gadgets et d'armes, abordez chaque situation à votre manière. Utilisez vos compétences et votre adresse pour traverser les environnements sans vous faire remarquer ou éliminez brutalement toute opposition.

  • Des missions uniques

    Tuer l'Outsider relève de l’impossible. Pour y arriver, vous devrez plonger dans les profondeurs les plus sombres de Karnaca. En chemin, infiltrez des clubs de combat clandestins, des cultes de magie noire, et participez à un braquage de banque digne des plus grands films d’action.

  • De nouveaux ennemis redoutables

    Dans votre traque de l'Outsider, vous affronterez de nouvelles factions ennemies. À l'aide de vos armes, gadgets et pouvoirs, éliminez de dangereux ennemis tels que l'immortel Visionnaire, les sœurs de l’Ordre oraculaire et les nouveaux soldats mécaniques. Acceptez des Contrats et éliminez des cibles secondaires au fil de vos missions.

  • Rejouez avec le New Game+

    Vous aurez la possibilité de réutiliser certains pouvoirs emblématiques de Dishonored 2 dans le mode New Game+.


Dishonored 2 und Der Tod des Outsiders erhalten neue Modi und Boni, und dafür müsst ihr euch nur bei eurem Bethesda.net-Konto in den Hauptmenüs der Spiele anmelden. Wenn ihr noch kein Konto habt, geht das ganz einfach auf Bethesda.net. Klickt einfach hier, um loszulegen und euch eure kostenlosen Inhalte zu sichern.


Wenn ihr euch bei eurem Bethesda.net-Konto anmeldet, erhaltet ihr die neuen Modi für Dishonored 2 und Der Tod des Outsiders:

Wählt eine zuvor abgeschlossene Mission aus der Kampagne und experimentiert frei mit allen Kräften und Waffen.

Ihr wollt es stimmungsvoll? Im Schwarzweiß-Modus könnt ihr das Spiel in einem neuen grafischen Stil erleben. Ihr könnt jederzeit zwischen dem Schwarzweiß- und dem Farbmodus hin- und herschalten.

Zusätzlich zu diesen zwei neuen Modi erhalten Dishonored 2-Spieler, die sich bei ihrem Bethesda.net-Konto anmelden, Zugriff auf den damaligen Vorbestellerbonus: das Paket des Kaiserlichen Assassinen. Wenn ihr auf der Dreadful Wale vorbeischaut, warten alle Bonusgegenstände des Pakets in eurer Kabine.

Das Paket des Kaiserlichen Assassinen enthält:

  • Duellantenglück-Knochenartefakt
  • „Günstling des Nichts“-Knochenartefakt
  • Antike Serkonische Gitarre, mit der Emily oder Corvo im Spiel interagieren können
  • Buch im Spiel: Lebwohl, Karnaca - Abschied eines Musikers
  • 500 Münzen

Über das Spiel


Die mehrfach ausgezeichneten Entwickler der Arkane® Studios präsentieren mit Dishonored®: Der Tod des Outsiders das nächste, eigenständig lauffähige Kapitel der gefeierten Dishonored®-Reihe. Werden Sie zu einem übernatürlichen Assassinen und schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle der berüchtigten Billie Lurk, die sich mit ihrem Mentor Daud verbündet, um den schwierigsten Auftrag aller Zeiten vorzubereiten. Der Tod des Outsiders bedient sich dem bekannten Gameplay und Grafikstil von Dishonored® 2 und verfügt über all jene Merkmale, die die Serie so beliebt machen – vom ausgeklügelten Kampfsystem über das einzigartige Level-Design bis hin zu der fesselnden Geschichte, die auf jede Ihrer Entscheidungen reagiert. Dank vielschichtiger Charaktere und aufregender Action ist Der Tod des Outsiders der perfekte Einstieg für alle, die neu bei Dishonored sind und bietet dabei auch für langjährige Fans der Reihe neues Gameplay und neue Einblicke in die Welt.


Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle von Billie Lurk (auch bekannt als Meagan Foster), einst einer der berüchtigtsten Meuchelmörder von Dunwall. Zusammen mit Ihrem alten Mentor, dem legendären Assassinen Daud, nehmen Sie den schwierigsten Auftrag aller Zeiten in Angriff: Den Tod des Outsiders. Billie und Daud sehen in ihm die Hauptursache für die massiven Unruhen im Kaiserreich. Auf Ihrer Reise in die schmutzigsten Ecken Karnacas enthüllen Sie das Geheimnis des Outsiders und seiner Herkunft. Stellen Sie sich tödlichen Gegnern, uralten Kräften und schwierigen Entscheidungen, die die Welt für immer verändern werden.

Wichtige Features

  • Die Ultimative Übernatürliche Assassine

    Bleiben Sie in den Schatten oder treten Sie ins Tageslicht, um sich Ihren Gegnern von Angesicht zu Angesicht zu stellen – die Wahl liegt bei Ihnen. Bedienen Sie sich einer Vielzahl einzigartiger übernatürlicher Fähigkeiten, Waffen und Hilfsmittel, um jede Situation ganz nach Ihren Vorstellungen zu bewältigen. Schleichen Sie mit Ihren Fähigkeiten ungesehen durch die Straßen oder entledigen Sie sich jeglichen Widerstands – endgültig.

  • Der Schwierigste Mord

    Den Outsider zu töten wird alles andere als einfach. Sie müssen tief in die Unterwelt Karnacas eintauchen, um dort einige der verlorenen Geheimnisse der Stadt zu lüften. Unterwandern Sie illegale Boxkämpfe sowie schwarzmagische Kulte und stehlen Sie in einer aufregenden Bankraub-Mission einige uralte Artefakte, um sich auf Ihre schwerste Mission vorzubereiten.

  • Die Ziele Im Blick

    Auf Ihrer Jagd nach dem Outsider stellen sich Ihnen vollkommen neue Gegner in den Weg. Erledigen Sie mit Ihren Waffen, Fähigkeiten und Hilfsmitteln tödliche Widersacher wie die unsterblichen Steinernen, die gnadenlosen Schwestern des Ordens des Orakels und mechanische Soldaten. Und wenn Ihnen das noch nicht genug Aufregung ist, können Sie zusätzlich Aufträge annehmen, um im Lauf Ihrer Mission optionale Ziele auszuschalten.

  • Spielen Sie Auf Ihre Art

    Im „New Game+“-Modus stehen Ihnen dank den beliebten Kräften aus Dishonored 2 noch viel mehr Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, um Chaos zu verbreiten.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

A játékról: 


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.


Nuove modalità e bonus stanno per arrivare su Dishonored 2 e La Morte dell’Esterno: tutto ciò che resta da fare è prepararsi accedendo all’account Bethesda.net dal menu principale di ciascun gioco. Chi non ha ancora un account può unirsi a Bethesda.net con estrema facilità. Basta andare qui per iniziare, e avere accesso ai contenuti gratuiti!


Accedere all’account Bethesda.net garantirà nuove modalità in Dishonored 2 e La Morte dell’Esterno:

Un viaggio nel passato, in qualsiasi missione della campagna già completata, con la possibilità di sperimentare in libertà tutti i poteri e le armi.

Bianco e nero
Per chi sente un po’ di malinconia... la modalità Bianco e nero permette di vivere il gioco attraverso un nuovo stile visivo. La modalità Bianco e nero e i colori originali sono alternabili in qualsiasi momento.

Oltre alle due modalità elencate qui sopra, Dishonored 2 offre ai giocatori che accedono attraverso l’account Bethesda.net il bonus originale del preordine: il pacchetto Assassino imperiale. Raggiunta la Dreadful Wale, tutti gli oggetti bonus saranno collocati nella cabina, pronti per essere provati.

Il pacchetto Assassino imperiale include:

  • Amuleto d'osso "Fortuna del Duellante"
  • Amuleto d'osso "Favore dell'Oblio"
  • Antica chitarra serkoniana (oggetto di gioco) con cui Corvo ed Emily possono interagire
  • Libro di gioco: Addio, Karnaca: Saluto del musicista
  • 500 monete bonus

Informazioni sul gioco

Descrizione Del Gioco

Dagli acclamati Arkane® Studios arriva Dishonored®: La morte dell'Esterno, una nuova avventura a sé stante della premiata serie Dishonored®. Vesti i panni dell'assassina soprannaturale Billie Lurk, riunita con il suo vecchio mentore Daud per portare a termine il più grande omicidio mai concepito. Basato sulle dinamiche di gioco e sullo stile grafico peculiari di Dishonored® 2, La morte dell'Esterno presenta tutti gli elementi caratteristici della serie, tra cui un sistema di combattimento brutale, un'impostazione dei livelli unica e una storia coinvolgente che cambia a seconda delle tue scelte. Personaggi intriganti e azione frenetica caratterizzano La morte dell'Esterno, il punto di partenza ideale per chi si avvicina alla serie di Dishonored, ma anche un'importante espansione delle dinamiche e del mondo di gioco che i fan di lunga data hanno imparato ad amare.


Vesti i panni di Billie Lurk, anche nota come Meagan Foster, un tempo uno dei sicari più famigerati di Dunwall. Riunisciti con il tuo vecchio mentore, il leggendario assassino Daud, per portare a termine il più grande omicidio mai concepito: uccidere l'Esterno, una figura divina che Billie e Daud ritengono responsabile dei momenti più bui dell'impero. Avventurati negli angoli peggiori di Karnaca per svelare il mistero dell'Esterno e delle sue origini. Affronta avversari letali, antichi poteri e difficili decisioni che cambieranno per sempre il mondo che ti circonda.

Caratteristiche Principali

  • L'assassino Soprannaturale Definitivo

    Colpisci dall'ombra o affronta i nemici alla luce del sole, la scelta è tua. Grazie alle tue abilità soprannaturali e a una serie di oggetti e armi esclusivi, potrai affrontare ogni situazione come preferisci. Usa le tue abilità per intrufolarti nell'ambiente circostante senza farti vedere o elimina brutalmente tutti gli avversari che ti sbarrano la strada.

  • Il grande Omicidio

    Uccidere l'Esterno non sarà facile. Dovrai scendere nelle zone più corrotte di Karnaca, dove svelerai alcuni dei segreti perduti della città. Lungo il percorso dovrai infiltrarti in un club di boxe clandestino e tra le fila di una setta che pratica la magia nera, recuperando un antico manufatto durante un audace colpo in banca che apre la strada alla missione più importante di sempre.

  • Bersagli Importanti

    Lungo la strada che ti porta all'Esterno dovrai affrontare nuovi nemici. Con le tue armi, i tuoi oggetti e le tue abilità potrai eliminare nemici letali, come gli immortali Veggenti, le implacabili Sorelle dell'Ordine Oracolare e i nuovi meccanosoldati. Alza la posta in gioco accettando contratti che richiedono di eliminare bersagli facoltativi durante le missioni.

  • Rigioca A Modo Tuo

    Esplora il tuo potenziale creativo affrontando di nuovo il gioco con alcuni dei poteri classici di Dishonored 2 nella modalità Nuova partita+ originale.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins



Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

게임 정보


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Om spillet


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.


W Dishonored 2 i Death of the Outsider są dostępne nowe tryby i bonusy, a wszystko, co musisz zrobić, by je otrzymać, to zalogować się na swoje konto Bethesda.net z głównego menu gry. Jeśli nie masz jeszcze konta, nie ma nic prostszego niż dołączenie do Bethesda.net. Udaj się tutaj, aby rozpocząć proces i otrzymać darmową zawartość.


Zalogowanie się na Bethesda.net pozwoli ci zdobyć następujące tryby zarówno w Dishonored 2, jak i Death of the Outsider:

Wybierz się w podróż w czasie do dowolnej z ukończonych wcześniej misji kampanii i eksperymentuj swobodnie ze wszystkimi mocami i rodzajami broni.

Czerń i biel
Czujesz ten nastrój? Tryb czerni i bieli pozwala ci grać w nowym stylu graficznym. W każdej chwili możesz przełączać między trybem czerni i bieli a zwykłym, kolorowym.

Oprócz tych dwóch trybów, gracze Dishonored 2, którzy zalogują się na swoje konto Bethesda.net, otrzymają dostęp do pakietu cesarskiego zabójcy, który wchodził w zestaw dostępny w przedsprzedaży. Bonusowe przedmioty i pakiet znajdziesz na pokładzie Groźnej Wręgi.

Pakiet cesarskiego zabójcy zawiera:

  • Kościany amulet strzelecki fart
  • Kościany amulet łaska Pustki
  • Dostępna w grze stara serkonoska gitara, z której mogą korzystać Emily i Corvo
  • Dostępna w grze księga: Do widzenia, Karnaco - Pożegnanie muzyka
  • 500 dodatkowych monet

Informacje o grze


Wielokrotnie nagradzani twórcy z Arkane® Studios przedstawiają Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, następną samodzielną przygodę w odnoszącej sukcesy serii Dishonored®. Odegraj rolę obdarzonej wyczesanymi supermocami zabójczyni, Billie Lurk, i wraz ze swoim dawnym mentorem, Daudem, podejmij się największej skrytobójczej misji wszech czasów. Death of the Outsider rozbudowuje charakterystyczne dla Dishonored® 2 rozwiązania w zakresie grafiki i rozgrywki, oferując wszystko to, czego można oczekiwać od tej serii: brutalne systemy walki, niepowtarzalne projekty poziomów i wciągającą fabułę, kształtowaną na bieżąco przez twoje decyzje. Pełne życia postacie i porywająca akcja Death of the Outsider stanowią idealne wprowadzenie do Dishonored®, a jednocześnie solidnie rozbudowują rozgrywkę i świat, na co czekają weterani serii.


Wciel się w Billie Lurk (vel Meagan Foster), niegdyś jedną z najgroźniejszych najemnych morderczyń w Dunwall. Po ponownym połączeniu sił ze swoim dawnym mentorem, legendarnym zabójcą Daudem, podejmiesz najambitniejsze z wyzwań: zabicie Odmieńca, półboskiej istoty, którą Billie i Daud postrzegają jako kluczowy element wielu najczarniejszych epizodów w historii Cesarstwa. Podczas swej podróży w głąb najpodlejszych zakamarków Karnaki, gdzie odkrywać będziesz sekrety Odmieńca i jego przeszłości, zmierzysz się z zabójczymi przeciwnikami, przedwieczną potęgą i niełatwymi decyzjami, które wywrą permanentne piętno na otaczającym cię świecie. 


  • Supermoce zabójczyni doskonałej

    Kryj się w cieniach lub mierz się z wrogami w pełnym świetle, decyzja należy do ciebie. Twój niepowtarzalny zestaw superzdolności, gadżetów i uzbrojenia pozwoli ci podejść do każdej sytuacji po twojemu. Używaj swoich umiejętności i talentów, by niezauważenie przemykać obok zagrożenia lub brutalnie eliminować tych, którzy staną na twej drodze. 

  • Największe z zabójstw

    Zabicie Odmieńca nie będzie prostą sprawą. Wymaga to zagłębienia się w szemrany półświatek Karnaki, gdzie odkryjesz zaginione sekrety miasta. Na drodze do celu zinfiltrujesz nielegalną krwawą arenę i kult czarnej magii, a w emocjonującym napadzie na bank zdobędziesz pradawny artefakt, który będzie jedynie wstępem do najśmielszej spośród twoich misji. 

  • Wymagający wrogowie

    W pościgu za Odmieńcem zmierzysz się z nową gamą przeciwników. Za pomocą broni, gadżetów i zdolności pokonaj zabójczych wrogów, takich jak nieśmiertelni oświeceni, nieugięte siostry Zakonu Wyroczni czy nowi mechaniczni żołnierze. Dodatkowe wyzwania zapewnią kontrakty na opcjonalne, poboczne wobec misji cele.  

  • Prześledź własną ścieżkę

    Wyzwól dodatkowy potencjał kreatywnego chaosu, powtarzając rozgrywkę z użyciem części kluczowych mocy z Dishonored® 2 w trybie oryginalnej gry plus (OG+). 

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Acerca do Jogo


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Despre joc


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.


В Dishonored 2 и Death of the Outsider появятся новые режимы и дополнительные материалы.
Чтобы получить их, просто войдите в свою учётную запись Bethesda.net в главном меню этих игр. Если у вас ещё нет учётной записи Bethesda.net, зарегистрируйтесь здесь.


Войдите в учётную запись Bethesda.net и получите новые режимы для Dishonored 2 и Death of the Outsider.

Задание +
Выберите любое завершённое задание и пройдите его иначе, имея в своём распоряжении все умения и оружие.

Чёрно-белый режим
Включите чёрно-белый режим, и игра преобразится. Переключаться между цветным и чёрно-белым режимами можно в любое время.

Кроме этих двух режимов, игроки, вошедшие в учётную запись Bethesda.net, получат комплект имперского ассасина, ранее доступный только тем, кто оформил предзаказ Dishonored 2. Чтобы забрать его, загляните в свою каюту на борту «Падшего дома».

В комплект имперского ассасина входят:

  • костяной амулет «Удача дуэлянта»;
  • костяной амулет «Милость Бездны»;
  • старинная серконская гитара для Эмили или Корво;
  • книга «Прощай, Карнака, или Прощание музыканта», доступная в игре;
  • 500 монет.

Об игре


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins




Llegan nuevos modos y bonificaciones para Dishonored 2 y La muerte del Forastero, y para conseguirlos solo tenéis que iniciar sesión con vuestra cuenta de Bethesda.net desde el menú principal de cada juego. Si todavía no tenéis una cuenta, unirse a Bethesda.net es muy fácil. Basta con ir aquí para empezar y obtener el contenido gratuito.


Si iniciáis sesión con vuestra cuenta de Bethesda.net, recibiréis estos modos nuevos tanto en Dishonored 2 como en La muerte del Forastero:

Retroceded en el tiempo hasta cualquier misión ya completada de la campaña y experimentad a vuestro antojo con todos los poderes y las armas.

Blanco y negro
¿Tenéis el día melancólico? Con el modo Blanco y negro podéis disfrutar del juego con un nuevo estilo visual. Podéis alternar entre este modo y el original en color siempre que queráis.

Además de estos dos nuevos modos, los jugadores de Dishonored 2 que inicien sesión con su cuenta de Bethesda.net también podrán acceder al pack Asesino imperial, la bonificación original para quienes reservaron su copia antes del lanzamiento. Cuando paséis por el Dreadful Wale, encontraréis todos los objetos de bonificación esperándoos en vuestro camarote.

El pack Asesino imperial incluye:

  • Talismán de hueso Suerte del duelista
  • Talismán de hueso Favor del Vacío
  • Antigua guitarra de Serkonos con la que Emily o Corvo podrán interactuar en el juego
  • El libro Adiós, Karnaca (un músico se despide), accesible desde el juego
  • 500 monedas de bonificación
  • Los nuevos modos y las bonificaciones por reservar están disponibles en todas las plataformas.

Acerca del juego

Descripción Del Juego

De la mano de Arkane® Studios, ganadores de numerosos premios, llega Dishonored®: La muerte del Forastero™, la nueva aventura independiente de la aclamada saga Dishonored®. Asume el papel de la infame Billie Lurk, una dura asesina sobrenatural que intenta reunirse con Daud, su mentor, para llevar a cabo el asesinato más importante jamás concebido. Tomando como base la distintiva jugabilidad y el estilo artístico de Dishonored® 2, La muerte del Forastero™ incluye todas las características de la serie: unos brutales sistemas de combate, un diseño de niveles único y una historia envolvente que tiene en cuenta todas tus decisiones. Gracias a sus personajes convincentes y a su acción trepidante, La muerte del Forastero™ es el punto de partida perfecto para los recién llegados a la serie Dishonored, y ofrece una importante expansión del juego y del mundo a los más veteranos.


Asume el papel de Billie Lurk (también conocida como Meagan Foster), antaño una de las asesinas a sueldo más famosas de Dunwall. Tras reunirte con Daud, tu antiguo mentor y legendario asesino, te propones llevar a cabo el asesinato más importante jamás concebido: matar al Forastero, una figura sobrenatural que Billie y Daud consideran que ha jugado un papel clave en el desarrollo de algunos de los sucesos más deshonrosos del imperio. A medida que te adentres en los rincones más turbios de Karnaca para descubrir el misterio del Forastero y sus orígenes, tendrás que enfrentarte a adversarios letales, poderes ancestrales y complicadas decisiones que cambiarán para siempre el mundo que te rodea.


  • La Asesina Sobrenatural Suprema

    Quédate en las sombras o sal a la luz del día para enfrentarte a todos los rivales: tú decides. Al equiparte con un conjunto único de habilidades, artilugios y armas sobrenaturales, podrás enfrentarte a cada situación a tu manera. Usa tus habilidades y aptitudes para deslizarte por los alrededores sin que te vean o eliminar brutalmente a los rivales que se crucen en tu camino.

  • El Mayor asesinato

    Matar al Forastero no será fácil. Tendrás que adentrarte en los sórdidos bajos fondos de Karnaca, donde desentrañarás algunos de los secretos perdidos de la ciudad. Por el camino te infiltrarás en clubes de peleas clandestinos o sectas de magia negra, y recuperarás artefactos antiguos en una emocionante misión en la que robarás un banco y que te preparará para la tarea más importante hasta el momento.

  • Los Objetivos Definitivos

    Mientras das caza al Forastero, te enfrentarás a nuevos enemigos por el camino. Haz uso de tus armas, artilugios y habilidades para acabar con enemigos tan letales como los inmortales Imaginados, las implacables hermanas de la orden del oráculo y los nuevos soldados mecánicos. Sube el listón y acepta contratos para encontrar y eliminar objetivos opcionales a lo largo de la misión.

  • Vuelve A Jugar A Tu Manera

    Aprovecha el mayor potencial para desatar un caos creativo y vuelve a jugar con algunos de los poderes característicos de Dishonored 2 en el modo Juego original + (JO+).

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Om spelet


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins



From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins



Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Oyun Açıklaması


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

Free Bonus Content

Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:

Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.

Black and White
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.

The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:

  • Duelist’s Luck bone charm
  • Void Favor bone charm
  • In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
  • In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
  • 500 bonus coins

Про гру


From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2’s signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans.


Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you.


  • The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin

    Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes – the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way.

  • The Greatest Assassination

    Killing the Outsider won’t be easy. You’ll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you’ll unravel some the city’s lost secrets. Along the way you’ll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever.

  • The Definitive Targets

    As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission.

  • Replay Your Way

    Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode.

System Requirements


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