Dream Alone
Dream Alone

Dream Alone

Release Date: 28/06/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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₺244.71 + VAT



  • Jogabilidade única devido a fases de realidade alternativa e o recurso de transpulsão de tempo.
  • Mecânicas de jogo variadas.
  • Gráficos em tons de cinza com efeitos de câmera originais do "horror clássico".
  • Uma história enigmática que remete aos contos de fadas sombrios.
  • Linda trilha sonora minimalista.
  • 21 fases repletas uma história perturbadora.




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Sobre o jogo

Dream Alone é um jogo de plataforma 2D com elementos clássicos, armadilhas mortais, uma história sombria e um protagonista com habilidades únicas.

Uma doença misteriosa ataca um vilarejo tranquilo. Um a um, os habitantes entram em coma. Famílias inteiras jazem inertes, como mortas. Quando a família do herói contrai a doença, ele parte em uma perigosa jornada para encontrar a mítica feiticeira chamada Sra. Morte, supostamente capaz de deter ou até mesmo reverter a doença.

O herói viaja por muitos níveis, como uma floresta, um cemitério, um campo de batalha, uma cidade fantasma etc. Quase todos os níveis têm versões em uma realidade alternativa, onde algumas coisas são diferentes, como a quantidade de objetos e localização de armadilhas. Conforme a história progride, o jogador descobre mais sobre o passado do protagonista, as motivações dele e até segredos bastante sombrios.

Um deslize, um pulo errado ou simplesmente não ter cuidado o suficiente será a sua morte. Mas saber correr rápido e pular com precisão não é o bastante. Algumas armadilhas precisam ser desativadas, e alguns objetos, como pedras ou caixotes, precisam ser colocados em certas posições. Às vezes, não é possível encontrar um objeto para mover ou ativar a menos que o herói use um dos poderes especiais, que são raros no jogo. Ele pode entrar em uma realidade alternativa. Em certas situações, o herói pode até criar um clone de si mesmo!

Use bem todas as habilidades, viaje pelas diferentes realidades e talvez encontre a Sra. Morte.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Относно играта

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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O hře

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Om spillet

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Info over het spel

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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About the Game

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Tietoja pelistä

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Une jouabilité unique grâce aux niveaux de réalité alternative et à la fonction de distorsion temporelle.
  • Des mécanismes de jeu variés.
  • Des graphismes en niveaux de gris avec des effets de caméra rappelant les « classiques de l’horreur ».
  • Une histoire énigmatique rappelant les contes de fée les plus sombres.
  • Une superbe bande-son minimaliste.
  • 21 niveaux pleins d’histoires perturbantes.




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À propos du jeu

Dream Alone est un jeu de plateforme en 2D au gameplay classique avec un scénario sombre teinté d’horreur, dans lequel vous découvrirez des compétences uniques.

Un mal mystérieux s’empare d’un village tranquille, entraînant un à un ses habitants dans un coma profond. Lorsque votre famille s’ajoute à la liste des victimes, vous entamez un dangereux périple en quête de la Mort elle-même, dont la légende dit qu’elle possède les pouvoirs nécessaires pour contenir, voire pour sauver le monde de cette affection.

Les événements vous feront traverser de nombreux lieux, des forêts aux marais, des grottes aux usines. Pour la plupart des niveaux, une réalité parallèle existe, que vous pourrez utiliser afin d’emprunter des voies auparavant inaccessibles et découvrir de nouveaux secrets. À mesure que l’histoire se dévoile, le joueur en apprendra plus sur le passé du héros, ses motivations et ses secrets.

La moindre erreur, un saut mal calculé ou un simple manque de prudence, vous mènera à votre perte. Pour autant, il ne vous suffira pas de courir et de réussir vos sauts pour survivre. Certains pièges et objets devront être désactivés ou déplacés. Il n’y aura parfois pas d’objets à déplacer sauf si le héros utilise un de ses pouvoirs spéciaux. Le héros pourra aussi entrer dans des réalités alternatives et créer des clones de lui-même !

En faisant bon usage de vos compétences et en trouvant votre chemin à travers les différentes réalités, vous aurez peut-être une chance de trouver la Mort.


  • Einzigartiges Gameplay mit Leveln in einer alternativen Realität und der Fähigkeit, die Zeit zu manipulieren.
  • Abwechslungsreiche Spielmechaniken.
  • Eine in Graustufen gehaltene Grafik mit originellen Kamera-Effekten im Stile alter Horrorfilme.
  • Eine mysteriöse Geschichte, die an düstere Märchen erinnert.
  • Ein großartiger „Minimal“-Soundtrack.
  • 21 Level, die eine verstörende Geschichte erzählen.




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Über das Spiel

„Dream Alone“ ist ein 2D-Platformer, mit klassischem „Jump ’n’ Run“-Gameplay, tödlichen Fallen, einer düsteren Geschichte und einzigartigen Heldenfähigkeiten.

Ein ruhiges Dorf wird von einer mysteriösen Krankheit getroffen, woraufhin die Bewohner nach und nach in ein Koma fallen. Ganze Familien verfallen in einen todesähnlichen Zustand. Als die Familie des Helden von der Krankheit erfasst wird, begibt er sich auf eine gefährliche Reise mit dem Ziel, die mythenhafte Lady Todeshauch zu finden. Ihr wird nachgesagt, sie besitze Kräfte, mit denen die Krankheit aufgehalten oder sogar rückgängig gemacht werden kann.

Der Held durchquert auf seiner Reise verschiedene Level, wie einen Wald, einen Friedhof, ein Schlachtfeld, eine Geisterstadt und weitere spannende Orte. Die meisten Level besitzen eine alternative Version ihrer Realität. Versionen mit einigen zusätzlichen Objekten oder Fallen an unterschiedlichen Orten. Je weiter der Spieler in der Geschichte voranschreitet, desto mehr erfährt dieser über die Vergangenheit des Helden, seine Motive und einige sehr dunkle Geheimnisse.

Ein Fehler, ein falscher Sprung oder die kleinste Unachtsamkeit können den sicheren Tod bedeuten. Eine präzise Lauf- und Sprungtechnik ist jedoch nicht genug. Manche Fallen müssen deaktiviert und Objekte, wie Steinen und Kisten, müssen an bestimmte Positionen geschoben werden. Manchmal kann ein Objekt nur ausgelöst oder verschoben werden, wenn der Held eine seiner speziellen Fähigkeiten benutzt. Doch diese sind im Spiel nur begrenzt einsetzbar. Der Held kann zum Beispiel in eine alternative Realität springen. Und in manchen Fällen kann der Held sogar einen Klon von sich erstellen!

Verwende das gesamte Repertoire deiner Fähigkeiten und finde einen Weg durch die unterschiedlichen Realitäten, dann wird es dir vielleicht gelingen, Lady Todeshauch zu finden.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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A játékról: 

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Stile di gioco unico grazie ai livelli con realtà alternative e alla funzione del varco temporale.
  • Meccaniche di gioco varie e articolate.
  • Grafica basata su toni di grigio con inquadrature in stile "horror vecchia scuola".
  • Una storia enigmatica che ricorda le fiabe più cupe.
  • Bellissima colonna sonora minimalista.
  • 21 livelli pieni di storie inquietanti.




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Informazioni sul gioco

Dream Alone è un gioco platform in 2D con uno stile di gioco classico, trappole mortali, una trama tetra e abilità dell’eroe uniche.

Una misteriosa malattia colpisce un tranquillo villaggio. Gli abitanti cadono in coma, uno dopo l’altro. Intere famiglie entrano in uno stato di trance, simile alla morte. Quando la sua famiglia viene colpita da questa malattia, l’eroe intraprende un pericoloso viaggio per trovare la leggendaria fattucchiera, Lady Death, che si dice abbia poteri in grado di fermare o addirittura curare la malattia.

Tra i vari livelli che l’eroe deve attraversare durante la sua avventura vi sono una foresta, un cimitero, un campo di battaglia, una città fantasma e molti altri. Quasi tutti i livelli hanno una propria versione alternativa della realtà, versioni che differiscono di poco ma che custodiscono svariati oggetti o trappole in aree diverse. Più si avanza nella storia e più informazioni si scoprono sul passato dell’eroe, le sue motivazioni e alcuni segreti particolarmente oscuri.

Un errore, un salto sbagliato o un semplice attimo di distrazione equivalgono a morte certa. Salti precisi e corse, comunque, non sono sufficienti. Alcune trappole vanno disattivate e alcuni oggetti, come le rocce o le casse, vanno spostati in determinate posizioni. È possibile che non ci siano oggetti da spostare o da attivare, se non avvalendosi dei poteri speciali dell’eroe, che sono però rari. In certi casi può capitare che l’eroe debba addirittura clonarsi!

Avvalendoti di tutte le tue abilità e trovando la strada attraverso le realtà alternative, potresti ancora riuscire a trovare Lady Death.


  • 古典的な美しいホラー作品
  • 不気味なおとぎ話のような世界観
  • 美しくミニマリズム感の漂うオリジナル音楽
  • ユニークなゲームシステム、時空移動やクローン生成などの特殊能力




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  • 대체 현실 레벨과 타임 워프 기능으로 구현한 독특한 게임플레이
  • 다양한 게임 메커니즘
  • 오리지널 "올드 호러" 카메라 효과를 살린 그레이스케일 그래픽
  • 어두운 동화를 연상시키는 불가사의한 스토리
  • 아름답고 미니멀한 사운드트랙
  • 충격적인 스토리를 담은 21가지 레벨




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게임 정보

Dream Alone은 클래식한 플랫폼 게임플레이, 치명적인 함정, 어두운 스토리라인, 독특한 능력을 지닌 주인공이 있는 2D 플랫폼 게임입니다.

불가사의한 질병이 조용한 마을을 덮칩니다. 마을 사람들이 한 명씩 혼수상태에 빠지면서, 마치 가족 전체가 죽은 듯한 상황이 되었습니다. 주인공의 가족이 병에 걸리자, 주인공은 신비로운 마법사, 레이디 데스를 찾아가는 위험한 여정을 떠납니다. 그녀에게 병을 멈추거나 병세를 역전시킬 힘이 있다고 여겼죠.

주인공은 숲, 묘지, 전장, 유령도시 등 수많은 레벨을 거쳐 여행합니다. 레벨 대부분이 각자 고유한 대체 현실, 즉 살짝 다른 버전을 지니고 있어 실제와 다른 위치에 더 많은 오브젝트과 함께 함정이 도사립니다. 이야기가 계속되면서 플레이어는 주인공의 과거와 동기부터 아주 어두운 비밀까지 밝혀나갑니다.

실수 한 번, 잘못 점프하거나 단순하게 조심하지 않은 것만으로도 바로 사망할 수 있습니다. 하지만, 정확하게 점프하고 빠르게 달리는 것만으로는 부족하죠. 몇몇 함정은 비활성화해야 하고, 돌이나 상자 같은 어떤 오브젝트는 특정 위치로 옮겨놓아야 합니다. 간혹 주인공이 특별한 힘을 사용하지 않으면 옮기거나 작동할 수 없는 오브젝트가 없는 경우도 존재합니다. 이런 힘은 게임에서 아주 희귀한 것이죠. 주인공은 대체 현실로 뛰어들 수도 있습니다. 몇몇 트랩을 피하려면 시간이 평소보다 느리게 흐르도록 만들어야 합니다. 어떤 경우에는 주인공이 스스로 클론을 만들어내는 것도 가능합니다!

모든 능력을 사용하여 서로 다른 현실 사이에서 길을 찾아가세요. 그래야만 레이디 데스를 만날 수 있을 겁니다.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




For limited time you can get it for free.

Om spillet

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unikatowa rozgrywka – skacz między rzeczywistością i alternatywnymi światami.
  • Zróżnicowana mechanika, czerpiąca z klasyków gatunku.
  • Oprawa graficzna utrzymana w odcieniach szarości z dodatkowymi efektami, przypominająca nagrania ze starej kamery.
  • Enigmatyczna historia pełna nawiązań do baśni.
  • Piękna, minimalistyczna ścieżka dźwiękowa.
  • 21 leveli czekających na ich eksplorację.




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Informacje o grze

Dream Alone to platformówka 2D bazująca na klasycznych mechanizmach gatunku, pełna śmiercionośnych pułapek, okraszona mroczną historią i dająca graczowi do dyspozycji unikalne umiejętności służące rozwiązywaniu zagadek.

Tajemnicza choroba dociera do cichej i pokojowej wioski. Mieszkańcy jeden po drugim zapadają w śpiączkę. Całe rodziny stają się jej ofiarami, gdy ludzie w jednej chwili padają niby martwi. Kiedy najbliżsi młodego Irry również zostają dotknięci przeklętą chorobą, chłopak natychmiast wyrusza w podróż, by odnaleźć mityczną czarodziejkę Lady Death. Mówi się, że posiada ona zdolności, które pozwalają na zatrzymanie, bądź nawet odwrócenie skutków choroby.

Bohater przemierza różnorodne miejscówki – mroczne lasy, cmentarze, pola bitwy, opuszczone miasta itp. Większość z nich ma także alternatywne, mroczne i brutalne wersje, pełne innych groźnych niebezpieczeństw. Wraz z rozwojem fabuły gracz odkryje przeszłość bohatera oraz pozna pewne mroczne sekrety.

Nawet najmniejsza pomyłka, np. źle wymierzony skok, oznacza tu natychmiastową śmierć. Nie zawsze jednak precyzyjne skoki czy szybkie reakcje okażą się wystarczające. Niektóre pułapki należy deaktywować lub zablokować za pomocą obiektów, tj. kamienie czy skrzynie. Na szczęście Irra odkryje w sobie magiczne zdolności, które pomogą mu mierzyć się z zagadkami. Bohater będzie przeskakiwał między różnymi wersjami rzeczywistości, naginał upływ czasu czy nawet tworzył własne klony!


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Acerca do Jogo

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




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Despre joc

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Уникальный геймплей с уровнями альтернативной реальности и функцией искажения времени.
  • Разнообразная игровая механика.
  • Черно-белая графика с оригинальными эффектами камеры в стиле «ретро-ужасы».
  • Загадочная история, напоминающая мрачную сказку.
  • Красивый минималистичный саундтрек.
  • Работает на Windows и Mac.
  • 21 уровень погружения в страшную историю.




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Об игре

Dream Alone – это 2D-платформер с классическим игровым процессом, смертельными ловушками, мрачной сюжетной линией и героем с уникальными способностями.

Таинственная болезнь поражает тихую деревню. Один за другим горожане впадают в кому, целые семьи становятся жертвами смертельного сна. Когда семья героя заражается, он отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы найти мифическую волшебницу, Леди Смерть, которая, как говорят, способна остановить болезнь или даже обратить ее вспять.

Герой путешествует по многим уровням, среди которых лес, кладбище, поле битвы, город-призрак и т. д. Почти все уровни имеют свои альтернативные варианты реальности – слегка отличающиеся версии, содержащие объекты или ловушки в других местах. По мере развития сюжета игрок узнает больше о прошлом героя, его целях и некоторых страшных тайнах.

Ошибка, неправильный прыжок или любая неосторожность означает мгновенную смерть. Однако точных прыжков и быстрого бега недостаточно. Некоторые ловушки нужно деактивировать, а некоторые предметы – например, камни или ящики – перемещать на определенные позиции. Иногда использовать какой-то предмет можно, только если герой задействует одну из своих особых способностей, которые не так просто найти в игре. Герой умеет переходить в альтернативную реальность. В некоторых случаях герой может даже создать клон самого себя!

Применив все свои способности и пройдя путь через различные реальности, вы сможете найти Леди Смерть.


  • 独特的游戏体验有赖于多重世界交错的设定。
  • 多样的游戏玩法,集合同类经典游戏作品元素。
  • 灰度画面中原汁原味的“老式惊悚”镜头效果。
  • 身临其境的故事中富含来自童话的灵感。
  • 极简风格的游戏配乐,优美动听。
  • 共21道关卡,等你来探索。




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即使是最小的错误都会足以致命。然而,精确的跳跃或快速反应还并不足够。 一些陷阱应该使用石块或木箱等物体失效或填平通过。幸好,我们的伊拉将发现能够帮助他面对谜题的神奇能力。英雄将在不同世界之间穿越、弯曲流逝的时间,甚至复制自己!


  • Experiencia de juego única gracias a los niveles en realidades paralelas y a la opción de deformar el tiempo.
  • Mecánicas de juego variadas.
  • Gráficos en escala de grises con efectos de cámara de pelis de miedo antiguas.
  • Una enigmática historia que evoca oscuros cuentos de hadas.
  • Hermosa banda sonora minimalista.
  • 21 niveles repletos de historias inquietantes.




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Acerca del juego

Dream Alone es un juego de plataformas en 2D de estilo clásico con trampas mortales, una ambientación oscura y habilidades únicas.

Una misteriosa enfermedad golpea a un tranquilo pueblo y, uno a uno, sus habitantes van cayendo en coma. Cuando la familia de nuestro héroe se ve afectada por la enfermedad, este decide embarcarse en un peligroso viaje para encontrar a la mítica lady Muerte, quien posee un poder capaz de frenar e incluso revertir los estragos de esta enfermedad.

El héroe viajará a través de muchos lugares: desde bosques a cementerios, campos de batalla, ciudades fantasma, etc. Además, la mayoría de los niveles cuentan con otra versión en una realidad alternativa, que ocultan más objetos y trampas ubicadas en lugares distintos. A medida que se desarrolla la historia, el jugador va descubriendo más elementos sobre el pasado del héroe principal, sus motivaciones y algunos secretos muy oscuros.

Cualquier fallo, salto en falso o falta de cuidado es sinónimo de una muerte segura. Aun así, tampoco tienes asegurado salvarte el pellejo corriendo y realizando los saltos correctamente. Algunas trampas tienen que desactivarse, y algunos objetos, como piedras o cajas, tienen que moverse de determinada manera. A veces no hay objetos que mover o activar a menos que el héroe use uno de sus poderes especiales, lo cual es raro que suceda. El héroe puede saltar a una realidad alternativa. ¡A veces, el héroe puede incluso clonarse!

Si usas todas tus habilidades y sabes orientarte por las diferentes realidades, a lo mejor conseguirás encontrar a Lady Muerte.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




For limited time you can get it for free.

Om spelet

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




For limited time you can get it for free.


Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.


  • 多重世界交錯的設定帶給你獨特的遊戲體驗。
  • 多種遊戲玩法,集合同類經典遊戲作品元素。
  • 灰度畫面中忠實還原「老式驚悚」鏡頭效果。
  • 身臨其境的故事中遍佈來自童話的靈感。
  • 極簡風格的遊戲配樂,優美動聽。
  • 共21道關卡,等你來探索。




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  • Alternatif gerçeklik seviyeleri ve zamanda atlama özelliği sayesinde benzersiz bir oynanış deneyimi.
  • Değişken oyun mekanikleri.
  • Gri tonlarının baskın olduğu grafikler ve klasik korku efekleri.
  • Ürkütücü masalları anımsatan esrarengiz bir hikâye.
  • Hoş minimal müzikler.
  • Rahatsız edici hikâyelerle dolu 21 seviye.




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Oyun Açıklaması

Dream Alone, içinde alışılagelmiş platform oyunu oynanışı, ölümcül tuzaklar, karanlık bir hikâye ve benzersiz kahraman yetenekleri barındıran iki boyutlu bir platform oyunudur.

Gizemli bir hastalık, sakin bir kasabayı etkisi altına alır. Kasaba sakinleri birer birer komaya girmeye başlayıp, koca aileler ölüme benzer bir durumda sıkışıp kalırlar. Kahramanımızın ailesinin de bu hastalığa yakalanması sonucu, kahramanımız, hastalığı durdurabilecek, hatta belki durumu tersine bile çevirebilecek güce sahip olan efsanevi büyücü Ölüm Leydisi’ni bulmak için tehlikeli bir yolculuğa başlar.

Kahramanımız orman, mezarlık, savaş alanı, hayalet şehir gibi birçok farklı seviyede yolculuğuna devam eder. Neredeyse tüm seviyelerin, içinde fazladan birkaç nesne barındıran ve tuzakların farklı yerlerde bulunduğu, bir de alternatif gerçeklik versiyonları vardır. Hikâye ilerledikçe, oyuncu olarak siz, ana kahramanımızın geçmişi, onun motivasyonu ve bazı karanlık sırlar hakkında daha fazla bilgi sahibi olacaksınız.

Ufak bir hatanın, yanlış yerde veya zamanda zıplamanın ya da bir anlık bir dikkatsizliğin sonucu ani ölümdür. Buna rağmen, iyi atlayışlar yapıp hızlı bir şekilde koşmak da tek başlarına yeterli değildir. Bazı tuzakların devre dışı bırakılması ve taş ya da sandık gibi bazı nesnelerin belirli konumlara taşınması gerekmektedir. Oyun içinde nadiren karşılaşılsa da, kahramanımız özel güçlerini kullanmadıkça taşınacak obje ortamda bulunmayabilir. Kahramanımız alternatif gerçekliğe geçebilir. Hatta bazı durumlarda, kahramanımız kendi klonunu bile yaratabilir!

Tüm özel güçlerinizi kullanıp farklı gerçeklikler arasında yolunuzu bularak en sonunda Ölüm Leydisi’ni bulabilirsiniz.


  • Unique gameplay due to alternative reality levels and time warp feature.
  • Varied game mechanics.
  • Grayscale graphic with original “old horror” camera effects.
  • Enigmatic story reminiscent of dark fairy tales.
  • Beautiful minimal soundtrack.
  • 21 levels full of disturbing story.




For limited time you can get it for free.

Про гру

Dream Alone is a 2D platforming game with classic platform gameplay, deadly traps, a dark storyline and unique hero abilities.

A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease.

The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.

A mistake, a wrong jump or simply not being careful enough means instant death. Precision jumps and quick running are not enough, however. Some traps need to be deactivated and some objects, like stones or crates, need to be moved into certain positions. Sometimes there’s no object to move or trigger unless the hero uses one of his special powers, which are rare in the game. The hero may jump into an alternative reality. In some cases the hero can even create a clone of himself!

By using all of your abilities and finding your way through the different realities you may yet find lady death.

System Requirements


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