Dying Light - Season Pass (DLC)
Dying Light - Season Pass (DLC)

Dying Light - Season Pass (DLC)

Release Date: 06/02/2015 | WORLDWIDE
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1,168.07 ₽ + VAT


Dying Light Season Pass

Sobre o jogo

Mergulhe de volta para mais emoções!

O passe de temporada de Dying Light inclui:


Vivencie um capítulo inédito da história de Kyle Crane, na vasta região fora da cidade de Harran. Deixe a área urbana para trás e explore o interior repleto de personagens misteriosos, novas armas mortais e missões surpreendentes. Conquiste a confiança dos moradores e infiltre-se em um culto antigo que esconde um segredo perigoso. Assuma o volante de um buggy off-road personalizável, suje suas rodas com o sangue dos zumbis e experimente a brutalidade criativa de Dying Light, em alta marcha.


É hora de ir para a ofensiva! Entre no Estádio, o mais famoso marco histórico de Harran, e mergulhe de cabeça na carnificina. Vá sozinho ou junte suas forças com outros sobreviventes para testar sua perícia de combate contra hordas incansáveis de Infectados. Desbloqueie novas habilidade e torne-se o campeão do Estádio de Harran.


Equipe seu sobrevivente com os melhores instrumentos e armas de Harran e transforme-o no Ninja, o Secret Agent ou o Urban Explorer. Crie quatro ferramentas de extrema capacidade destrutiva e leve a luta aos Infectados para outro nível. Receba todos esses itens de jogo bônus de uma vez.


Quer mais ação? Aceite o desafio de duas Zonas de Quarentena extremas. Faça uso de uma combinação de combate e ação furtiva para saquear e investigar os corredores sinistros e repletos de Infectados do mais famoso restaurante do passado de Harran e um pátio ferroviário abandonado. Acredita-se que existam ótimos itens para saquear nesses lugares, mas ninguém jamais saiu vivo para contar a história. Quer ser o primeiro?

Dying Light Season Pass

Относно играта

Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass

O hře

Pojďte do toho!

Dying Light Season Pass obsahuje:


Prožijte dosud nepoznanou kapitolu příběhu Kylea Cranea, která se odehrává v rozlehlé oblasti za branami města Harran. Opusťte městskou džungli a vydejte se prozkoumat nebezpečný venkov, na kterém potkáte tajemné postavy, najdete nové smrtící zbraně a narazíte na nečekané úkoly. Získejte si důvěru místních a infiltrujte řady staletého kultu, který skrývá jedno hrozivé tajemství. Chopte se řízení modifikovatelné buginy, obarvěte si kola krví zombíků a zařaďte nejvyšší stupeň kreativní brutality.


Je čas přejít do ofenzívy! Vstupte na stadion, nejznámější stavbu Harranu, a pusťte se do toho! Sami nebo v partě dalších přeživších ověřte své bojové know-how tváří v tvář nekonečným hordám infikovaných. Odemkněte nové schopnosti a staňte se šampióny harranského stadionu.


Vychytejte si svého přeživšího tou nejlepší výstrojí a výzbrojí v Harranu a proměňte ho v nindžu, tajného agenta nebo městského průzkumníka. Vyrobte si extrémně účinné nástroje zkázy a povyšte boj s infikovanými na vyšší úroveň. Všechny tyto herní bonusy dostanete naráz.


Umíráte touhou po další akci? Tak přijměte výzvu dvou drsných karanténních zón. Využijte kombinaci plížení a boje k prozkoumání zlověstných koridorů kdysi populární restaurace a opuštěného železničního depa. Prý tu jsou ukryty skvostné poklady, ale nikdo se odtamtud ještě nevrátil živ, aby o nich mohl vyprávět. Chcete být první?

Dying Light Season Pass

Om spillet

Kast dig ud i spændingen!

Dying Light Season Pass indeholder:


Se de ufortalte kapitler i Kyle Cranes historie udfolde sig i en vidtstrakt region udenfor byen Harran. Læg byen bag dig, og udforsk farerne på landet, hvor det vrimler med mystiske figurer, nye dødbringende våben og uventede gæster. Opbyg de lokales tillid, og infiltrér en århundreder gammel kult, der skjuler en farlig hemmelighed. Sæt dig bag rattet i den fuldt tilpasningsbare offroad-buggy, smør hjulene ind i zombieblod, og mærk Dying Lights kreative brutalitet i høj fart.


Nu skal du i offensiven! Træng ind på stadionet – den mest berømte bygning i Harran – og kast dig ud i blodbadet. Tag alene af sted, eller slut dig sammen med andre overlevende for at sætte dine kampevner på prøve mod de utrættelige horder af smittede. Lås op for nye evner, og tag sejren på stadionet i Harran.


Giv din overlever Harrans bedste udstyr og våben, ved at gøre ham til Ninja, Secret Agent, eller Urban Explorer. Fremstil fire ekstremt kraftfulde våben, og før kampen mod de smittede til et helt nyt niveau. Find alle disse bonusgenstande i spillet på vejen.


Er du ved at dø af spænding? Påtag dig udfordringen i to vanvittige karantænezoner. Udnyt en blanding af list og kampstyrke til at gennemsøge og udforske faretruende gange fyldt med fjender i Harrans mest berømte restauranter og et forladt baneterræn. Der skulle efter sigende være meget godt at finde på disse steder, men ingen er nogensinde kommet levende ud derfra. Vil du være den første?

Dying Light Season Pass

Info over het spel

Stort je in het spel voor nog meer sensatie!

De Dying Light Season Pass bevat:


Beleef het onvertelde hoofdstuk met het verhaal over Kyle Crane, dat zich afspeelt in een uitgestrekte regio buiten de stad Harran. Laat het stedelijke gebied achter je en verken het gevaarlijke platteland boordevol mysterieuze personages, dodelijke nieuwe wapens en onverwachte missies. Win het vertrouwen van de plaatselijke bewoners en infiltreer in een eeuwenoude sekte die een gevaarlijk geheim verbergt. Kruip achter het stuur van een volledig configureerbare dirt buggy, besmeur je banden met zombiebloed en ervaar de creatieve wreedheid van Dying Light in de hoogste versnelling.


Het is tijd om in het offensief te gaan! Betreed het stadion, het beroemdste gebouw van Harran, en stort je direct in het bloedbad. Ga alleen of bundel je krachten met andere overlevenden om je gevechtskennis te testen op meedogenloze hordes geïnfecteerden. Krijg toegang tot nieuwe vaardigheden en word de kampioen van Harrans stadion.


Rust je overlevende uit met de beste uitrustingen en wapens in Harran door hem in de ninja, de geheim agent of de stedelijke verkenner te veranderen. Maak vier extreem krachtige vernietigingswapens en til gevechten tegen de geïnfecteerden naar een totaal ander niveau. Pak al deze extra in-game items in één keer mee.


Hunker je naar meer actie? Ga de uitdaging aan van twee hardcore quarantaine-zones. Maak gebruik van een mix van stealth en gevechten, plunder, en onderzoek de met geïnfecteerden gevulde gangen van het ooit beroemdste restaurant van Harran en een verlaten opstelterrein. Men gelooft dat hier enorme schatten liggen, maar geen enkele bezoeker heeft het ooit kunnen navertellen. Wil jij de eerste zijn?

Dying Light Season Pass

About the Game

Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass

Tietoja pelistä

Hanki lisää jännitystä!

Dying Light Season Passin mukana tulee:


Tutustu Kyle Cranen tarinan vaiettuun lukuun valtavalla alueella Harranin kaupungin ulkopuolella. Jätä kaupunki taaksesi ja lähde tutkimaan vaarallista maaseutua, joka on täynnä salaperäisiä hahmoja, tappavan uusia aseita ja odottamattomia tehtäviä. Hanki paikallisten luottamus ja soluttaudu vuosisatoja vanhaan kultiin, jolla on vaarallinen salaisuus. Tartu täysin muokattavan rantakirpun rattiin, sotke renkaasi zombien verellä ja kohtaa Dying Lightin luova väkivalta seuraava vaihde silmässä.


Nyt on aika hyökätä! Astu Stadiumille, Harranin kuuluisimmalle maamerkille, ja sukella suoraan verilöylyyn. Toimi yksin tai yhdistä voimasi muiden selviytyjien kanssa, niin voit testata taistelutaitojasi armottomia tartutettujen laumoja vastaan. Avaa uusia taitoja ja nouse Harranin stadionin mestariksi.


Pue selviytyjäsi Harranin parhaimpiin varusteisiin ja aseisiin muuttamalla hänet ninjaksi, salaiseksi agentiksi tai urbaaniksi tutkimusmatkailijaksi. Luo neljä erittäin voimakasta tuhoasetta ja vie tartutettuja vastaan taisteleminen täysin uudelle tasolle. Nappaa kaikki nämä bonusesineet yhdellä kertaa.


Kaipaatko lisää toimintaa? Ota kahden äärimmäisen karanteenialueen haaste vastaan. Yhdistä hiiviskely ja taistelu ryöstäessäsi ja tutkiessasi Harranin kuuluisimman ravintolan pahaenteisiä ja tartutettujen täyttämiä käytäviä sekä hylättyä ratapihaa. Näiden paikkojen huhutaan sisältävän upeita saaliita, mutta kukaan ei ole koskaan palannut niistä elävänä kertomaan tarinaansa. Haluatko olla ensimmäinen?

Dying Light Season Pass

À propos du jeu

Plongez pour plus de frissons ! Le Pass saison Dying Light comprend :


Découvrez un chapitre inédit dans l'histoire de Kyle Crane dans une vaste région en dehors de l'enceinte d'Harran. Quittez la ville et explorez une zone rurale dangereuse truffée de personnages mystérieux, de nouvelles armes redoutables et de quêtes inattendues. Gagnez la confiance des habitants et infiltrez une secte centenaire qui dissimule un lourd secret. Prenez le volant du buggy, maculez vos pneus de sang zombie et vivez pleins gaz toute la brutalité inventive de Dying Light.


Il est temps de passer à l'offensive ! Accédez au stade, le plus célèbre monument d'Harran, et plongez tête baissée dans le carnage. Partez seul ou faites alliance avec d'autres survivants pour tester vos talents de combattants face à des hordes incessantes d'infectés. Débloquez de nouvelles compétences et devenez le champion du stade d'Harran.


Équipez votre survivant des meilleurs équipements et armes d'Harran en faisant de lui le ninja, l'agent secret ou l'explorateur urbain. Fabriquez quatre armes dévastatrices qui vont changer radicalement vos combats contre les infectés. Vous pourrez récupérer tous ces éléments à la fois dans le jeu.


Vous mourez d'envie d'en découdre ? Relevez le défi de deux zones de quarantaine hardcore. Employez un cocktail de furtivité et d'agressivité pour piller et explorer les inquiétants couloirs grouillant d'infectés de l'ex-restaurant phare d'Harran et d'une gare de triage désaffectée. Ces lieux pourraient bien receler de véritables trésors, mais personne n'en est encore revenu vivant pour le confirmer. Ça vous dit d'être le premier ?

Dying Light Season Pass

Über das Spiel

Erleben Sie noch mehr Spannung!

Der Season Pass von Dying Light enthält:


Erleben Sie das unerzählte Kapitel von Kyle Cranes Geschichte in einer riesigen Region außerhalb von Harran. Lassen Sie die Stadt hinter sich und erkunden sie eine gefährliche ländliche Umgebung voller mysteriöser Charaktere, tödlicher neuer Waffen und unerwarteter Gäste. Verdienen Sie sich das Vertrauen der Einheimischen und infiltrieren Sie einen Jahrhunderte alten Kult, der ein gefährliches Geheimnis hütet. Setzen Sie sich hinter das Lenkrad eines komplett anpassbaren Buggys, tränken Sie Ihre Reifen in Zombieblut und erleben Sie Dying Lights Brutalität im Schnellgang.


Es wird Zeit für die Offensive! Betreten Sie das Stadion, das berühmteste Wahrzeichen von Harran, und stürzen Sie sich direkt ins Chaos. Testen Sie Ihre Kampffertigkeiten allein oder mit anderen Überlebenden gegen Horden Infizierter. Schalten Sie neue Fertigkeiten frei und werden Sie der Champion des Stadions von Harran.


Statten Sie Ihren Überlebenden mit dem Ninja Outfit, dem Special Agent Outfit oder dem Urban Explorer Outfit aus, um ihn mit der besten Ausrüstung und den besten Waffen in ganz Harran zu versorgen. Stellen Sie vier extrem starke Zerstörungswerkzeuge her und heben Sie den Kampf gegen die Infizierten auf eine neue Ebene.


Sie wollen noch mehr Action? Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung von zwei extremen Quarantänezonen: Greifen Sie auf eine Mischung aus Verstohlenheit und Kampf zurück, um die mit Infizierten verseuchten Gänge eines der berühmtesten Restaurants von Harran und einem verlassenen Depot zu untersuchen. An diesen Orten sollen unglaubliche Reichtümer zu finden sein, aber niemand, der sie jemals betreten hat, ist wieder zurückgekehrt. Werden Sie der Erste sein?

Dying Light Season Pass

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass

A játékról: 

Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass

Informazioni sul gioco

Tuffati in nuove emozioni!

Il Dying Light Season Pass include:


Vivi un capitolo inedito della storia di Kyle Crane, ambientato in una vasta regione fuori dalla città di Harran. Lasciati alle spalle l'area urbana ed esplora una zona rurale pericolosa e piena di personaggi misteriosi, nuove armi e missioni inaspettate. Ottieni la fiducia dei locali e infiltrati in un culto secolare che nasconde un pericoloso segreto. Prendi il volante di una buggy interamente personalizzabile, imbratta le ruote con il sangue di zombi e goditi la brutalità creativa di Dying Light a tutto gas.


È il momento di passare all'offensiva! Entra nello Stadio, l'edificio più famoso di Harran, e tuffati nel massacro. Combatti da solo o unisci le forze con altri sopravvissuti per mettere alla prova la tua abilità contro orde di Infetti inferociti. Sblocca nuove abilità e diventa il campione dello stadio di Harran.


Equipaggia il tuo sopravvissuto con le migliori armi e accessori di Harran e trasformalo nel Ninja, nell'Agente segreto o nell'Esploratore urbano. Crea i tuoi potentissimi strumenti di distruzione e porta a un nuovo livello la tua lotta contro gli Infetti. Accaparrati tutti questi oggetti bonus in un colpo solo.


Hai ancora fame di azione? Affronta la sfida in due pericolosissime zone di quarantena. Impiega un mix di combattimento e azione furtiva per saccheggiare e indagare in un labirinto di corridoi infestati da Infetti, in quello che un tempo era il più famoso ristorante di Harran e in un deposito ferroviario abbandonato. Corre voce che questi luoghi nascondano grandi tesori, ma nessuno è mai tornato indietro vivo. Vuoi essere il primo?

Dying Light Season Pass



Dying Light Season Passには次のコンテンツが収録されています:


ハラン市外の広大な地域を舞台に、カイル・クレイン語られざる新たな物語を体験しよう。都市部を後にして謎のキャラクター、危険な新兵器、意外なクエストがあふれる危険な地方を探索。地元住民の信頼を得ることで、数百年の歴史を誇り、危険な秘密を隠したカルト組織に潜入しましょう。完全カスタマイズ可能なダートバギーを運転し、タイヤをゾンビの血で染めて、Dying Lightならではの加虐プレイをトップギアでお楽しみください。







Dying Light Season Pass

게임 정보

더 큰 스릴감을 위해 뛰어드십시오!

다잉 라이트 시즌 패스에는 다음이 포함됩니다.


하란 시 밖의 광활한 지역에서 진행되는 카일 크레인 스토리의 미공개 챕터를 경험하십시오. 도시 지역을 벗어나 수상한 캐릭터와 치명적인 신규 무기 그리고 예상하지 못한 퀘스트로 가득한 위험한 시골을 탐험하십시오. 현지인의 신뢰를 얻어 위험한 비밀을 숨기고 있는 수 세기의 역사를 가진 사이비 교단에 잠입하십시오. 완벽한 커스터마이징이 가능한 더트 버기를 타고 타이어를 좀비의 피로 물들이며 최고의 속도로 다잉 라이트의 창조적인 잔혹성을 경험하십시오.

보자크 호드

선제공격을 가할 때입니다. 하란의 가장 유명한 랜드마크인 스타디움에 들어가 대학살의 중심을 향해 직진하십시오. 혼자 싸우거나 다른 생존자와 부대를 만들어 잔혹한 감염자 무리를 상대로 전투 노하우를 시험해보십시오. 신규 스킬의 잠금을 해제시키고 하란 스타디움의 챔피언이 되십시오.

얼티밋 서바이버 번들

생존자를 닌자, 비밀 요원, 도시 탐험가로 탈바꿈시켜서 하란 최고의 장비와 무기를 갖추도록 하십시오. 매우 강력한 네 개의 파괴 도구를 제작하여 감염자와의 전투를 완전히 새로운 수준으로 끌어올리십시오. 이 보너스 인게임 아이템을 모두 손에 넣으십시오.

퀴진 & 카고

더 많은 액션을 원하십니까? 두 개의 하드코어 격리 구역 챌린지에 도전하십시오. 은신 기술과 전투 기술을 발휘하여 한 때 하란에서 가장 유명했던 레스토랑의 으스스하고 감염자로 가득한 복도와 버려진 철도역을 수색하고 조사하십시오. 이 지역에는 엄청난 전리품이 가득하다는 소문이 있지만, 들어갔다가 살아서 나와 이 소문이 사실임을 증명한 사람은 없습니다. 첫 번째 증인이 되고 싶습니까?

Dying Light Season Pass

Om spillet

Oppsøk mer spenning!

Sesongkortet til Dying Light inkluderer:


Gjenopplev det ufortalte kapittelet av Kyle Cranes historie, en fortelling som utspiller seg i et enormt område utenfor byen Harran. Forlat de asfalterte gatene i byen og utforsk den farefulle landsbygda, som er spekket med mystiske karakterer, nye og dødelige våpen samt uventede gjester. Oppnå de lokale innbyggernes tillit og infiltrer en urgammel sekt som bærer på en mørk hemmelighet. Sett deg bak rattet til din egne firehjuling, smør inn dekkene i zombie-blod og opplev Dying Lights kreative brutalitet i høygir.


Nå er tiden inne for å være på offensiven! Tre inn på Harran stadion, det mest berømte landemerket i Harran, og kast deg inn i blodbadet. Dra alene, eller slå følge med styrker bestående av andre overlevende, og test kampferdighetene dine mot horder av hensynsløse smittede. Lås opp nye ferdigheter og bli mesteren av Harran stadion.


Rust opp karakteren din med det beste utstyret og våpnene Harran har å tilby, og gjør ham til en Ninja, en Secret Agent eller en Urban Explorer. Skap fire ekstremt kraftige ødeleggelsesverktøy og ta kampen mot de smittede til et helt nytt nivå. Få alle disse ekstra spillgjenstandene samtidig.


Sulten på flere eventyr? Ta utfordringen og test deg selv i to heftige karantenesoner. Utnytt en kombinasjon av sniking og kamp mens du undersøker og ransaker de uhyggelige og infiserte korridorene til det som en gang var den mest populære restauranten i Harran, før du fortsetter til et forlatt togdepot. Store rikdommer er antatt å befinne seg her, men ingen har kommet levende tilbake for å fortelle om dem. Vil du være den første?

Dying Light Season Pass

Informacje o grze

Jeszcze więcej emocji!

Przepustka sezonowa Dying Light obejmuje:


Poznaj nieznany dotąd rozdział opowieści Kyle’a Crane’a osadzony na rozległym obszarze poza granicami Harranu. Opuść miejskie zabudowania i zbadaj niebezpieczne wiejskie okolice wypełnione tajemniczymi postaciami, śmiercionośną nową bronią i zaskakującymi zadaniami. Zdobądź zaufanie miejscowych i zinfiltruj kilkusetletni kult skrywający niebezpieczną tajemnicę. Zasiądź za kierownicą łazika terenowego, który możesz dowolnie modyfikować, wysmaruj opony posoką zombie i poznaj kreatywną brutalność Dying Light na wysokich obrotach.


Najwyższy czas przejść do ofensywy! Wkrocz na Stadion, najbardziej rozpoznawalny obiekt w mieście Harran, i rozpocznij krwawą masakrę. Walcz sam lub połącz siły z innymi graczami, testując swoje bitewne know-how przeciwko nieustającym hordom zarażonych. Odkrywaj nowe zdolności i zostań mistrzem Stadionu.


Wyposaż się w najlepszy ekwipunek dostępny w Harran! Zamień bohatera w wojownika ninja, agenta specjalnego, lub miejskiego odkrywcę. Stwórz niezwykle potężne bronie i wprowadź walkę z zombie na zupełnie nowy poziom. Zgarnij wszystkie te bonusy w jednym pakiecie.


Spragniony wrażeń? Sprawdź swoje umiejętności w nowych, szalenie trudnych strefach kwarantanny. Skradaj się, walcz i przedzieraj przez hordy zarażonych. Plądruj i odkrywaj przerażające korytarze najsłynniejszej restauracji w Harran oraz opuszczonego magazynu kolejowego. Powiadają, że nagroda jest tego warta. Problem w tym, że nikt kto tam wszedł, nie wrócił żywy. Będziesz pierwszy?

Dying Light Season Pass

Acerca do Jogo

Explora mais novidades espetaculares!

O Season Pass de Dying Light inclui:


Descobre o capítulo desconhecido da história de Kyle Crane, situado numa enorme região no exterior de Harran. Deixa para trás a cidade e explora uma perigosa zona rural repleta de personagens misteriosas, mortíferas armas novas e missões inesperadas. Conquista a confiança dos habitantes locais e infiltra-te num culto centenário que oculta um perigoso segredo. Senta-te ao volante de um dirt buggy totalmente personalizável, mancha os pneus com o sangue de zombies e vive a brutal criatividade de Dying Light a toda a velocidade.


Está na hora de passar ao ataque! Visita o Stadium (Estádio), o lugar mais famoso de Harran, e mergulha logo na carnificina. Joga sozinho ou une forças com outros sobreviventes para testar a tua técnica de combate contra hordas implacáveis de Infected (Infetados). Desbloqueia novas técnicas e torna-te no campeão do estádio de Harran.


Prepara o teu sobrevivente com os melhores equipamentos e armas de Harran, transformando-o num Ninja, Secret Agent (Agente Secreto) ou Urban Explorer (Explorador Urbano). Cria quatro ferramentas de destruição incrivelmente poderosas e combate os Infected (Infetados) num nível totalmente novo. Obtém todos estes itens bónus de uma só vez no jogo.


Sedento de mais ação? Aceita o desafio de duas Quarantine Zones (Zonas de Quarentena) implacáveis. Combina uma abordagem furtiva com combate para pilhar e investigar corredores ameaçadores repletos de Infected (Infetados), que outrora pertenceram ao mais famoso restaurante de Harran e a uma estação ferroviária abandonada. Ouvem-se rumores de saques inacreditáveis nestes locais, mas nunca voltou ninguém vivo deles para contar a história. Queres ser o primeiro?

Dying Light Season Pass

Despre joc

Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass

Об игре

Этот пропуск откроет вам еще много интересного!

Season Pass для Dying Light включает:


Нерассказанная глава из жизни Кайла Крейна и просторы за стенами Харрана. Покиньте город и откройте для себя сельские пейзажи с массой загадочных персонажей, смертоносного оружия и неожиданных заданий. Завоюйте доверие местных и узнайте страшные тайны, которые уже много веков хранит странный культ. Управляйте полностью перестраиваемой машиной, наматывая зомби на колеса, и наслаждайтесь лихой жестокостью Dying Light.


Время идти в атаку! Войдите на стадион, самое знаменитое место Харрана, и вы окажетесь в самом центре резни. Идите в одиночку или объединитесь с другими выжившими, чтобы проверить свои навыки в бою с ордой безжалостных мутантов. Разблокируйте новые навыки и станьте чемпионом Харранского стадиона.


Обеспечьте своего выжившего лучшим снаряжением и оружием в Харране — станьте ниндзя, тайным агентом или знатоком города. Создайте четыре смертоносных орудия уничтожения и выведите бои с мутантами на совершенно новый уровень. Уйма дополнительных материалов в одном наборе!


Хотите еще больше драйва? Испытайте свои силы в двух карантинных зонах для самых отчаянных игроков. В одном из крупнейших ресторанов Харрана и в заброшенном железнодорожном депо вас поджидают полчища мутантов, поэтому вам придется сочетать боевые навыки с умением прятаться. Говорят, здесь можно раздобыть отличные припасы — но никто не может рассказать какие, потому что до сих пор отсюда не возвращались. Может, у вас получится?

Dying Light Season Pass












Dying Light Season Pass

Acerca del juego

iNo te vayas ahora, aún hay más!

El pase de temporada de Dying Light incluye:


Descubre un capítulo inédito de la historia de Kyle Crane ambientado en una amplia región fuera de la ciudad de Harran. Sal del casco urbano y explora una campiña repleta de personajes misteriosos, armas devastadoras y misiones sorprendentes. Gánate la confianza de los lugareños e infíltrate en una secta milenaria con un oscuro secreto. Ponte al volante de un buggy personalizable y pinta los neumáticos con sangre de zombi. Vive la brutalidad de Dying Light a todo gas.


¡Es hora de pasar al ataque! Entra al Estadio, el edificio más emblemático de Harran e investiga la matanza. Actúa en solitario o únete a otros supervivientes y pon a prueba tus conocimientos de combate contra hordas de infectados. Desbloquea habilidades nuevas y conviértete en el campeón del estadio de Harran.


Equipa a tu superviviente con las mejores armas de Harran convirtiéndolo en Ninja, Agente secreto o Explorador urbano. Crea cuatro herramientas de destrucción extremadamente potentes y lucha con los infectados a un nuevo nivel. Recoge todas las bonificaciones que puedas mientras juegas.


¿Sigues queriendo acción? Pues enfréntate a estas dos zonas de cuarentena. Combina sigilo y combate para saquear e investigar siniestros pasillos plagados de infectados en el mejor restaurante de Harran y en un patio de trenes abandonado. Se rumorea que hay gran botín en estos lugares, pero nadie ha vuelto para contarlo. ¿Serás el primero?

Dying Light Season Pass

Om spelet

Upplev mer spänning!

Dying Light Season Pass innehåller:


Upplev ett aldrig tidigare berättat kapitel i Kyle Cranes historia, som utspelar sig i de vidsträckta trakterna utanför Harran. Lämna tätbebyggelsen bakom dig och utforska en farlig landsbygd, full med mystiska figurer, dödliga nya vapen och oväntade uppdrag. Vinn befolkningens förtroende och infiltrera en sekelgammal sekt som ruvar på en farlig hemlighet. Sätt dig vid ratten i en helt anpassningsbar dirt buggy, låt däcken smörjas med zombieblod och upplev Dying Lights kreativa brutalitet på hög växel.


Det är dags att gå på offensiven! Stig in på Harrans stadion, stadens mest kända landmärke, och dyk ned i blodbadet. Gå in själv eller slå dig samman med andra överlevare för att testa dina kampkunskaper mot skoningslösa horder av infekterade. Lås upp nya färdigheter och bli en mästare i Harrans stadion.


Utrusta din överlevare med Harrans bästa utrustning och vapen när du gör honom till Ninja, Secret Agent eller Urban Explorer. Tillverka fyra extremt kraftfulla vapen som tar kampen mot de infekterade till en helt ny nivå. Skaffa alla de här bonusföremålen på en gång.


Dödssugen på mer action? Ta dig an två riktigt svåra karantänzoner. Du måste både smyga och slåss när du genomsöker och undersöker läskiga korridorer fulla av infekterade i Harrans en gång mest populära restaurang och en övergiven bangård. Det sägs att det finns många väldigt bra föremål på de här platserna, men ingen har klarat sig ur dem med livet i behåll. Blir du den första?

Dying Light Season Pass


Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass


Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

Dying Light Season Pass

Oyun Açıklaması

Sezon geçişi

Daha fazla eğlence için Harran'a git! Season Pass'i alarak üçüncü içerik paketi Dying Light: The Following'i çıktığında tamamen ücretsiz al. Hikâye bazlı bu genişletme paketinde şehri terk edip gizemli karakterlerle, ölümcül yeni silahlarla ve beklenmedik misafirlerle dolu ve daha tehlikeli olan kırsal bölgelere gideceksin. Arazi aracının direksiyonuna geç, lastiklerini zombi kanına bula ve Dying Light'ın yaratıcı vahşiliğini tam gaz yaşa. Tüm bunların yanı sıra üç Sseason Pass İİ paketinin tadını da çıkarabileceksin. Özel Cuisine & Cargo görevlerinde becerilerini test et, yeni silah ve görünümler kazan ve en iyi oyuncular için rekabetçi bir oyun modu olan The Bozak Horde'a katıl.

Dying Light

Dying Light geniş bir dünyada birinci şahıs, hayatta kalma aksiyon oyunudur. Gizemli bir salgın hastalığın tahrip ettiği şehirde vebanın meydana getirdiği aç düşmanları mağlup etmek için gıda arayın ve silah yapın. Virüs kapmış olanlar geceleri daha güçlü olurlar ve daha da ölümcül avcılar avlanmak üzere yuvalarını terkederler. Ertesi güne sağ çıkmak için yaşayın. İyi Geceler, İyi Şanslar.

Dying Light Season Pass

Про гру

Dive in for more thrills!


Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear.

It’s time for you to go on the offensive! Enter the Stadium, the most famous landmark in Harran, and delve straight into the carnage. Go alone or join forces with other survivors to test your combat know-how against relentless hordes of the Infected. Unlock new skills and become the champion of Harran’s stadium.

Suit up your survivor with the best gear and weapons in Harran by turning him into the Ninja, the Secret Agent, or the Urban Explorer. Craft four extremely powerful tools of destruction and bring fighting the Infected to a completely new level. Grab all these bonus in-game items in one go.

Dying for more action? Take up the challenge of two hardcore Quarantine Zones. Employ a mix of stealth and combat to ransack and investigate ominous, Infected-filled corridors of the once most famous restaurant in Harran and an abandoned rail yard. Great spoils are believed to be abound in these places, but no one who ever walked in made it out alive to tell the story. Want to be the first?

System Requirements


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