Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics

Fae Tactics

Release Date: 31/07/2020 | WORLDWIDE
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8.49 € + VAT


In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

『Fae Tactics』は、若き魔法使いの少女「ピオニー」と共に、危険と謎に満ちた鮮やかな世界を冒険するシミュレーションRPGだ。仲間を召喚し、スペルを唱え、さまざまな種族のキャラクターと交流しながら、「フェイ」と呼ばれる魔法生物と人間との対立が続く世界を旅しよう!


  • - コマンド画面が存在しないユニークなターン制タクティクスゲーム。
  • 敵の魔法属性の弱点を突けるように味方の属性をコントロールしよう。
  • 味方の能力をレベルアップ&カスタマイズして臨機応変に使いこなそう!
  • あらゆる種族のフェイと戦いながら、味方として召喚できるように収集しよう。
  • 強力でユニークなスペルがあなたの戦いを手助けしてくれる。
  • アイソメトリックな世界に広がるカラフルで繊細なエリアを旅しよう。
  • 世界で起きているさまざまな対立に秘められた謎を、自分好みの順番で解き明かそう!

Fae Tactics는 젊은 마녀 소녀 "피오니"와 함께 위험과 수수께끼로 가득 찬 판타지 세계를 모험하는 시뮬레이션 RPG입니다. 동료를 소환하고 마법을 사용하고 다양한 종족의 인물들과 교류하면서 "페이"라는 마법 생물과 인간과의 대립이 계속되는 세계를 여행하세요!

먼 옛날, 마법 세계는 "엔리멘탈 게이트"라는 봉인에 의해 자연계에서 분리되어 있었습니다. 그러던 어느 날 봉인이 깨지며 전설 속의 생물인 줄만 알았던 마법 생명체 "페이"가 자연계에 넘치게 되었습니다. 두 세계는 완전히 융합하게 되었고 대지는 황폐해져 갔습니다. 이로 인하여 자연계의 생물도, 페이도 그 대부분이 목숨을 잃었습니다. 살아남은 자들은 구시대의 잔해 속에서 새로운 생활을 시작하였습니다. 그러나 인간과 페이 사이의 긴장감은 점차 높아졌고, 그 공생은 끝을 맞이하였습니다.

  • - 명령 화면이 없는 독특한 턴제 전술 전술 게임.
  • 아군의 마법 속성을 확인하여 적의 마법 속성에 대응하세요.
  • 아군의 능력을 레벨업 시키고 커스터마이징하여 임기응변으로 잘 싸워보세요!
  • 각 부족의 페이와 싸우며 아군으로 소환할 수 있도록 수집하세요.
  • 강력하고 독특한 주문이 당신의 전투에 도움을 줄 겁니다.
  • 황량한 세계에서 펼쳐진 화려하고 섬세한 지역들을 여행해보세요.
  • 세계에서 일어나고 있는 다양한 갈등에 숨겨진 수수께끼를 밝혀보세요!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!



  • 独特的无菜单回合制战术玩法。
  • 调整你的队伍的魔法元素来克制敌人。
  • 与形形色色的队友一同冒险!升级与自订队友的能力。
  • 与各式各样的精灵生物战斗,并将它们收集到你的队伍中。
  • 寻找强大和独特的魔法,帮助你扭转战况。
  • 领略各种丰富多彩的自然风景,在这个等距奇境中尽情漫游。
  • 自由探索这个世界,解开其中深藏的秘密!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

In Fae Tactics, follow a young magic user named Peony on her journey across a vibrant world full of mystery and danger. Summon allies, cast spells, and befriend a motley crew of characters as you dive into the growing conflicts between man and magical beings known as fae.

Long ago the world of magic was separated from the natural world by Elemental Gates. One day the seal on the gates was broken, flooding the natural world with magical fae creatures once thought to be myths. The worlds merging was imperfect and much of the land was torn apart. The devastation claimed the lives of most of the population of natural and fae creatures alike. Those that survived have forged new lives in the ruins of the old worlds, but growing tension between man and fae threaten to finish what began with the opening of the gates.

  • Unique menuless turn based tactical gameplay.
  • Manage the magical elements of your party to counter the enemies elements.
  • Befriend a colorful cast of allies! Level Up and customize their abilities.
  • Battle all kinds of Fae creatures and collect them into your team.
  • Find powerful and unique Spells to help tip the scales in your favor.
  • Traverse a variety of colorfully detailed environments in this isometric wonderland.
  • Unravel secrets as you explore the various conflicts in the world in any order you want!

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