God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater 2: Rage Burst

God Eater 2: Rage Burst

Release Date: 29/08/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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£11.30 + VAT


Edição especial

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

Sobre o jogo

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Специално издание

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

Относно играта

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Speciální edice

Složte svou přísahu jako GOD EATER a vytlačte nadpřirozené zvěstovatele zničení Země. Kupte si hru GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst a získejte GOD EATER Resurrection ZDARMA

O hře

Cestu začněte ve hře GOD EATER Resurrection jako nový člen elitního týmu GOD EATER. Vaším úkolem je porazit Aragami a shromáždit od nich materiál pro výzkum, ale potom zjistíte, že jste byli zataženi do obrovského spiknutí, které nevratně změní osud lidstva. Tři roky po událostech ve hře GOD EATER Resurrection rozpoutá tajemný červený déšť jisker smrtelnou pandemii, zvanou černý mor. K jejímu prošetření jsou vysláni členové speciální jednotky „Blood“, která je pobočkou Organizace Fenrir...

Special Edition

Aflæg ed som GOD EATER, og bekæmp de overnaturlige kræfter, der varsler jordens undergang. Køb GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst, og få GOD EATER Resurrection GRATIS {STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/GE2RB_Custom-Images-(GER-pack).png

Om spillet

Begynd din rejse i GOD EATER Resurrection som nyt medlem af GOD EATERs elitekorps. Din mission er at besejre Aragami og samle materiale fra dem til forskning, men du indser snart, at du er ved at blive trukket ind i en kæmpe sammensværgelse, der uigenkaldeligt vil ændre menneskehedens skæbne. Tre år efter begivenhederne i GOD EATER Resurrection forårsager en mystisk rød regn en dødbringende pandemi, den Sorte Pest. Medlemmer af specialenheden “Blood”, der er en underafdeling af organisationen Fenrir, sendes ud for at undersøge det ...

Speciale editie

Leg een eed af als GOD EATER en neem het op tegen de bovennatuurlijke vijanden van de aarde. Koop GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst en ontvang GOD EATER Resurrection GRATIS

Info over het spel

Begin je avontuur in GOD EATER Resurrection als nieuw lid van het GOD EATER-eliteteam. Je missie is om de Aragami te verslaan en materiaal van ze te verzamelen voor onderzoek. Je raakt echter betrokken bij een enorm complot dat het lot van de mensheid voorgoed zal bepalen. Drie jaar na de gebeurtenissen van GOD EATER Resurrection veroorzaakt een mysterieuze rode regen een dodelijke pandemie die de Zwarte Plaag wordt genoemd. Leden van de speciale eenheid "Blood", een afdeling van de Fenrir Organization, worden op onderzoek uitgestuurd...

Special Edition

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

About the Game

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Special Edition

Vanno GOD EATER -valasi ja torju koko maapalloa uhkaavat yliluonnolliset olennot. Osta GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst, niin saat GOD EATER Resurrection -pelin MAKSUTTA

Tietoja pelistä

Aloita matkasi GOD EATER Resurrection -pelissä GOD EATER -eliittijoukkojen uutena jäsenenä. Tehtäväsi on kukistaa Aragami ja kerätä kallisarvoista tutkimusaineistoa. Huomaat kuitenkin joutuvasi keskelle valtaisaa salaliittoa, joka vaikuttaa peruuttamattomasti koko ihmiskunnan kohtaloon. Kolme vuotta GOD EATER Resurrection -pelin tapahtumien jälkeen mystinen punainen sade käynnistää mustaksi surmaksi nimetyn kulkutaudin. Fenrir-organisaatioon kytkeytynyt Blood-erikoisyksikkö lähetetään tutkimaan tilannetta...

Édition spéciale

Prêtez serment en tant que GOD EATER et sauvez la Terre des monstres qui cherchent à la détruire. Achetez GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst et obtenez GOD EATER Resurrection gratuitement.

À propos du jeu

Découvrez GOD EATER Resurrection, où vous intégrez l'unité d'élite des GOD EATERS. Votre mission : vaincre les aragamis pour en récupérer les matériaux et faire avancer la recherche. Au fil de vos aventures, vous mettez au jour une conspiration à grande échelle qui changera à jamais le destin de l'humanité. Trois ans après les évènements de GOD EATER Resurrection, une étrange pluie écarlate déclenche une pandémie mortelle, appelée la peste noire. L'organisation Fenrir envoie les membres de l'unité spéciale SANG pour enquêter...


Schwöre deinen Eid als GOD EATER und bekämpfe die übernatürlichen Vorboten des Weltuntergangs. Kaufe GOD EATER 2: Rage Burst und erhalte GOD EATER Resurrection GRATIS dazu!

Über das Spiel

In GOD EATER Resurrection trittst du als neues Mitglied dem Elitetrupp GOD EATER bei. Du sollst Aragami vernichten und wichtige Materialien bergen. Doch du findest dich in einer gewaltigen Verschwörung wieder, die das Schicksal der Menschheit unwiderruflich verändern wird. Drei Jahre nach den Ereignissen von GOD EATER Resurrection breitet sich durch den mysteriösen roten Regen eine tödliche Epidemie namens „Schwarzer Tod“ aus und die Mitglieder von Fenrirs Spezialeinheit „Blood“ werden zu Nachforschungen ausgesandt ...

Ειδική έκδοση

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Különleges kiadás

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

A játékról: 

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Edizione speciale

Pronuncia il giuramento dei GOD EATER e respingi i messaggeri soprannaturali della distruzione della Terra. Acquistando GOD EATER 2: Rage Burst riceverai in regalo GOD EATER Resurrection.

Informazioni sul gioco

Inizia il tuo viaggio in GOD EATER Resurrection come membro della squadra d'élite GOD EATER. La tua missione è sconfiggere gli Aragami e prelevare dai loro corpi materiale per la ricerca. Scopri, però, di essere stato coinvolto in un'enorme cospirazione che cambierà irrimediabilmente il destino dell'umanità. Tre anni dopo gli eventi di GOD EATER Resurrection, una misteriosa pioggia rossa ha scatenato una pandemia mortale chiamata "peste nera". I membri dell'unità speciale "Blood", affiliata alla Fenrir, sono inviati a indagare...


Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE


Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

스페셜 에디션

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

게임 정보

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...


Avlegg din ed som en God Eater og driv fiendene tilbake: overnaturlige vesener som fører med seg jordens ødeleggelse. Kjøp GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst og få GOD EATER Resurrection HELT GRATIS

Om spillet

Start reisen i GOD EATER Resurrection som et nytt medlem av elitetroppen GOD EATER. Oppdraget er å beseire Aragami og samle materiale fra dem for videre forskning, men du oppdager at du holder på å bli dratt inn i en stor konspirasjon som vil få permanente konsekvenser for menneskeheten. Tre år etter hendelsene i GOD EATER Resurrection starter et mystisk rødt regn den dødelige pesten Black Plague. Medlemmer av spesialenheten «Blood», fra Fenrir Organization, sendes for å etterforske saken ...

Edycja specjalna

Wstąp do GOD EATERÓW i obroń Ziemię przed nadprzyrodzonymi stworzeniami pragnącymi ją zniszczyć. Kup GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst i zyskaj GOD EATER Resurrection ZA DARMO

Informacje o grze

Rozpocznij swoją przygodę w GOD EATER Resurrection jako nowy członek elitarnego składu GOD EATERÓW. Celem twojej misji jest pokonanie aragami i zdobycie materiałów do badań. Odkrywasz jednak, że wciągnięto cię w wielki spisek, który nieodwracalnie odmieni losy ludzkości. Trzy lata po wydarzeniach z GOD EATER Resurrection tajemniczy czerwony deszcz wywołuje śmiertelną epidemię zwaną czarną plagą. Członkowie jednostki specjalnej Blood, związanej z organizacją Fenrir, rozpoczynają śledztwo...

Edição especial

Faz o teu juramento como GOD EATER para repelir as forças sobrenaturais que ameaçam destruir a Terra. Compra GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst e obtém GOD EATER Resurrection GRÁTIS

Acerca do Jogo

Começa a tua aventura em GOD EATER Resurrection como membro da equipa de elite GOD EATER. A tua missão é derrotar os Aragami e recolher materiais de pesquisa deles. Contudo, irás envolver-te numa enorme conspiração que alterará de modo irreversível o destino da humanidade. Três anos após os eventos de GOD EATER Resurrection, uma misteriosa chuva vermelha cria uma pandemia fatal conhecida como Peste Negra. Alguns membros da Unidade Especial "Blood", uma filial da Organização Fenrir, irão investigar o caso...

Ediţia Specială

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

Despre joc

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Специальное издание

Принесите клятву пожирателей богов и дайте отпор сверхъестественным существам, грозящим уничтожить планету. Купите игру GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst и получите GOD EATER Resurrection бесплатно.

Об игре

Ваша задача – уничтожать арагами, но постепенно вы понимаете, что втянуты в заговор, который изменит судьбу человечества. Проходит три года после событий GOD EATER Resurrection. По планете расползается паучья чума – болезнь, которую вызывает красный дождь. Бойцам отряда «Кровь» из корпорации «Фенрир» приказывают расследовать происходящее...


Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE


Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Edición especial

Presta juramento como GOD EATER y acaba con los heraldos sobrenaturales de la aniquilación terrestre. ¡Con la compra de GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst conseguirás GOD EATER Resurrection GRATIS!

Acerca del juego

¡Únete al escuadrón GOD EATER! Tu misión consiste en exterminar a los aragami y reunir los materiales que desprenden para investigación, pero te das cuenta de que formas parte de una enorme conspiración que cambiará el destino de la humanidad para siempre. Tres años después de los eventos acontecidos en GOD EATER Resurrection, una misteriosa lluvia carmesí desata una pandemia, conocida como la plaga negra. Los miembros de las fuerzas especiales «Sangre», asociados de la organización Fenrir, deberán ir a investigar...


Svär eden som GOD EATER och driv tillbaka de övernaturliga budbärarna för Jordens undergång. Köp GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst och få GOD EATER Resurrection GRATIS

Om spelet

Påbörja din resa i GOD EATER Resurrection som en ny medlem i elittruppen GOD EATER. Ditt uppdrag är att besegra Aragami och samla material från dem i forskningssyfte, men du inser snart att du håller på att dras in i en enorm konspiration som för alltid kommer att förändra mänsklighetens öde. Tre år efter händelserna i GOD EATER Resurrection sätter ett mystiskt rött regn i gång en dödlig pandemi som kallas den Svarta Pesten. Medlemmarna i specialenheten ”Blod”, som är ansluten till Fenrir-organisationen, skickas för att undersöka ...

Special Edition

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE


Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...


Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE


Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

Özel Baskı

Bir GOD EATER olarak yeminini et ve Dünya’nın yıkımının doğaüstü alametlerini defet. GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst'ü satın al ve GOD EATER Resurrection'a ÜCRETSİZ sahip ol

Oyun Açıklaması

GOD EATER Resurrection'daki yolculuğunu GOD EATER elit ekibinin yeni bir üyesi olarak başlat. Görevin Aragami'yi yenmek ve araştırma için onlardan materyal toplamaktır, ama insanlığın kaderini geri dönüşü olmaksızın değiştirecek bir komploya çekildiğini fark ediyorsun. GOD EATER Resurrection olaylarından üç yıl sonra gizemli kırmızı bir yağmur, Kara Veba isimli bir ölümcül salgına sebep oluyor. Fenrir Organizasyonunun bir üyesi olan “Kan” Özel Biriminin üyeleri araştırma için gönderildiler...

Спеціальне видання

Swear your oath as a GOD EATER and drive back the supernatural harbingers of Earth’s destruction. Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE

Про гру

Start your journey in GOD EATER Resurrection as a new member of the GOD EATER elit squad. Your mission is to defeat the Aragami and gather material from them for research, but you come to realize that you are being drawn in to a giant conspiracy that will irreversibly alter the fate of humanity. Three years after the events of GOD EATER Resurrection, a mysterious red rain sparks a fatal pandemic called the Black Plague. Members of the Special Unit “Blood”, an affiliate of the Fenrir Organization, are sent to investigate...

System Requirements


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