Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Informazioni sul gioco
Di questo gioco hai visto soltanto una fetta. È ORA DI GIOCARE CON L'INTERA PAGNOTTA!
Dagli autori di Surgeon Simulator, un'avventura con un protagonista mai visto prima! I am Bread è l'epica storia del viaggio intrapreso da una fetta di pane per diventare un toast. Accompagna un'intrepida e coraggiosa fetta di pane in un avventuroso viaggio oltre i naturali confini della cucina tra le stanze dell'appartamento di un ignaro proprietario e poi fuori, nel mondo esterno. Questa fetta di pane arriverà là dove nessun fetta di pane è mai giunta prima. . .
Oltre alla storia più toccante mai vista prima in un videogame, abbiamo in serbo ulteriori gustosissime opzioni in cui affondare i denti. Modalità di gioco extra e numerosi tipi di pane per soddisfare tutti i gusti! Fissa strabilianti record di velocità gareggiando in veste di ciambella tra un livello e l'altro; affronta il tuo destino di galletta di segale nella modalità caccia al formaggio; allevia lo stress da baguette facendo a pezzi tutto ciò che ti capita a tiro nella modalità furia. Ah, te l'abbiamo detto che questo pane va anche nello spazio?
- ORA DISPONIBILE! PanCapra: livello ispirato a Goat Simulator chiamato ‘modalità Capra’. Non crederai ai tuoi occhi.
- Livello Team Fortress 2: sali sulla faccia di Heavy, usa teletrasportatori cancerogeni, spara con il minigun e attraversa stanze piene di mine antipane... e tutto per diventare “‘sandvich”’.
- Rosette stellari: l'attacco dei taralli! Elimina i caccia Pitta imperiali in questo livello ispirato a un certo universo amato da tutti!
- Modalità Storia: Intraprendi l'epico viaggio per diventare un toast! Affronta i pericoli che si annidano nell'appartamento di un ignaro proprietario: dalla cucina alla sala, dal giardino all'ignoto mondo esterno.
- Caccia al formaggio: Affronta il tuo destino di galletta di segale andando a caccia di pezzi di formaggio di cui ricoprirti. Riuscirai a trovarli tutti prima di andare in pezzi?
- Corsa delle ciambelle: Soddisfa la tua passione per la velocità e le ciambelle: gareggia tra un livello e l'altro e completa le piste realizzando il miglior tempo possibile.
- Furia: Distruggi la casa facendo a pezzi tutto ciò che ti capita a tiro in veste di una (insolita) baguette infuriata. Mon dieu!
- Gravità Zero: Il pane nello spazio! Effettua un uso appropriato delle strumentazioni di cui dispone la tua fetta di pane evitando tutti i pericoli che comporta manovrarla nella modalità Gravità Zero.
- Gioco libero: Esplora il mondo e gioca con qualsiasi tipo di pane che hai sbloccato per addolcire le tue giornate con un po' di croccante divertimento.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
『Surgeon Simulator』の開発者がゲーム史上初めての主人公を世に送り出した!
『I am Bread』は、何の変哲もない一枚のパンがトーストとなるまでの英雄譚です。見慣れたキッチン周りから出発し、何も気づいていないパンの所有者の家を通り外の世界へと勇敢でフワッとした舌触りの冒険へと旅立ちましょう。他のパンが辿りつけなかった未知なる場所を目指して…
ビデオゲーム史上、類がない深いストーリー性に加え、パンであるあなたには数多くの歯応えのあるベーキングオプションがあります。多くのゲームモード、そして様々なパンの種類を全て味わい尽くせるでしょうか?ベーグルとなって全ステージを転がるスピードを競うか、クラッカーとなってチーズハントモードで運命の相手を探すか、バゲットとなってランページモードで家中の全てを叩き壊しストレス発散をするか… あと、大したことではないですが宇宙にも行けます。
- 遂に登場! ゴートブレッド - 「ゴートシミュレーター」にヒントを得た「暴走モード」という名のステージ。 思わず目を疑う突拍子のなさ。
- チーム要塞 2 ステージ...ヘビーの顔を登り、おできを誘発するテレポーターを利用して、ミニガンをぶっぱなし、ベトベトした地雷で一杯の床を進もう。そう、すべては「サンドイッチ」になるために…
- スターチウォーズ - スコーンの逆襲! あの超人気シリーズに触発されたステージで、帝国のライ麦ファイターを撃墜しろ!
ストーリーモード: トーストになった自分を夢見て冒険に旅立とう!8つのレベルでキッチンの収納室から家を横切り、庭の外へと移動し、もっと美味しくなるために危険に立ち向かいましょう。あなたの美食を妨げる床やその他の邪魔な障害に気を付けつつ、パンの最終目標へとたどり着きましょう。
チーズハントモード: クラッカーとなって運命の相手を探す旅に出よう。その身が砕け散る前に全てのピースを集めることができるのか!?
ベーグルレース: スピードも味わいたいあなたに。ベーグルとなってステージのチェックポイントを周り、最速のレコードを叩きだせ!
ランページモード: 怒り狂った(ように見えないこともない)バゲットとなって、耳障りな周りの全てを破壊しつくしましょう!Mon dieu!
ゼロGモード: モードの名前のとおり、宇宙空間です!パンブースターを上手く使って、浮遊物を避けながら無重力空間を移動しましょう。
フリープレイモード: アンロックしたパンの種類を自由に選んで、好きなステージを探索しよう。
Team Fortress 2 コラボステージを追加!Heavyの顔を登り、腫瘍が生えるテレポーターを通り、ミニガンを斉射し、地雷原フロアを駆け抜けて『サンドヴィッチ』となるのだ…
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
게임 정보
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Om spillet
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Informacje o grze
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
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Acerca do Jogo
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Despre joc
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Об игре
Вы видели кусочек игры. ТЕПЕРЬ ПОЛУЧИТЕ ЦЕЛЫЙ ЛОМОТЬ!
Создатели игры Surgeon Simulator предоставляют вам приключение, не похожее ни на одно другое! I am Bread - это эпическая история о путешествии кусочка хлеба, желающего стать тостом. Отправьте бесстрашного рассыпчатого смельчака в путешествие из привычного кухонного окружения по дому ничего не подозревающего хозяина и во внешний мир. Этот хлеб смело пройдет там, где прежде бывал ни один хлеб...
Помимо того, что это самая насыщенная сюжетом видеоигра о хлебе, тут множество возможностей с пылу с жару, в которые можно вгрызаться зубами. Дополнительные игровые режимы и различные виды хлеба на любой вкус! Устанавливайте рекорды скорости, перекатываясь с уровня на уровень в роли бублика; воплотите свою судьбу хлебца в режиме "Поиски сыра"; или снимите стресс в роли багета, разнося все на своем пути в режиме "Ярость". Кстати, мы говорили, что хлеб может и в космос полететь?
- НОВИНКА! GoatBread – уровень под названием "Козлиная ярость" по мотивам игры Goat Simulator. Вы не поверите своим глазам!
- Уровень Team Fortress 2... Забирайтесь по лицу Пулеметчика, используйте радиоактивные телепорты, стреляйте из пулемета и путешествуйте по усыпанному бомбами-липучками полу – и все это ради того, чтобы стать "сэндвичем"…
- Крахмальные Войны: Атака Выпечки! На этом уровне вы сразитесь с Ржаными истребителями Империи из далекой-далекой галактики.
- Сюжетный режим (Story Mode). Пуститесь в грандиозное путешествие, чтобы стать тостом! Преодолевайте все опасности, влияющие на ваш приятный вкус, пока вы путешествуете по дому ничего не подозревающего хозяина: через кухню, по дому, в гостиную, - а затем отправляйтесь в сад и дальше.
- Поиски сыра (Cheese Hunt). Воплотите судьбу хлебца, пытаясь найти кусочки сыра, чтобы слиться с ними в экстазе. Сможете ли вы найти все кусочки, пока не рассыплетесь?
- Бубличные гонки (Bagel Race). Удовлетворите свою любовь к скорости и бубликам, проходя контрольные точки на каждом уровне и пытаясь добраться до конца трассы как можно быстрее.
- Ярость (Rampage). Произведите как можно больше разрушений по всему дому, ломая все, что попадается на глаза этому (возможно) злому багету. Mon dieu!
- Нулевая гравитация (Zero-G). Хлеб буквально отправляется в космос! Пользуйтесь двигателями с умом, маневрируя в невесомости и избегая опасностей, которые припасены в этом режиме.
- Свободный режим (Free-play). Исследуйте мир и играйте любым из открытых вами видов хлеба, наслаждаясь этим сколько хотите.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Acerca del juego
Ya has probado una rebanada del juego. ¡AHORA PRUEBA LA BARRA ENTERA!
¡De los creadores de Surgeon Simulator llega una aventura con un héroe muy distinto! “I am Bread” es la épica historia de cómo una rebanada de pan busca convertirse en tostada. Haz buenas migas con nuestro aventurero y viaja desde su lugar habitual en la cocina al mundo exterior, a través de una vivienda cuyo dueño no sospecha nada. Este pan irá donde ningún pan había llegado antes...
Además de la historia más profunda que jamás se haya visto en un videojuego, hay un gran surtido de esponjosas opciones para abrir boca. Con otros modos de juego y diversos tipos de pan, ¡tendrás diversión para todos los gustos! Marca récords de velocidad con una rosca, ve en busca de un crujiente destino, y consigue queso para estar más rico, o empuña una baguette y deshazte del estrés a golpes. ¿Hemos mencionado ya que el pan viaja al espacio? Porque va al espacio.
- ¡YA DISPONIBLE! CabraPan, un nivel inspirado en Goat Simulator que se llama "modo CABReAdo". No te lo vas a creer
- Nivel de Team Fortress 2… Escala la cara de Heavy, usa teletransportes que provocan tumores, dispara la ametralladora y atraviesa un suelo plagado de minas lapa, todo por querer convertirse en "sandvich"…
- La Fécula de las galaxias: ¡El ataque del Pan que pones! ¡Derriba Cazas de centeno en este nivel inspirado en un universo muy querido!
- Modo historia: ¡Llega a ser una tostada en esta épica historia! Enfréntate a un sinfín de peligros y conviértete en algo delicioso a la vez que atraviesas el hogar de alguien que no sospecha nada. Desde la cocina, atraviesa la casa, el salón, y luego ve hasta el jardín, ¡y más allá!
- Caza del queso: Alcanza el destino de ser crujiente encontrando queso. ¿Podrás encontrar todos los trozos antes de hacerte migajas?
- Carrera de roscas: ¿Tienes hambre de velocidad y de roscas? Pasa por los puntos de control de cada nivel y supera las pistas tan rápido como puedas.
- Devastación: Causa tantos daños como puedas aporreándolo todo con una baguette posiblemente furiosa. ¡Mon Dieu!
- Gravedad 0: Literalmente, ¡pan en el espacio! Estudia a fondo los impulsores de tu pan en entornos sin gravedad, evitando todos los peligros que la gravedad 0 incluye.
- Juego libre: Explora el mundo con el tipo de pan que prefieras y hornea tu propia diversión.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Om spelet
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Oyun Açıklaması
Oyunun bir dilimini gördünüz. ŞİMDİ TÜM SOMUNUNU OYNAYIN!
Surgeon Simulator’ın yapımcılarından benzersiz bir kahramanın maceraları geliyor! ‘I am Bread’, tost olmak isteyen bir dilim ekmeğin destansı öyküsünü anlatıyor. Korkusuz ama ufalanan maceracı ile, doğal sınırları olan mutfaktan alıp, hiçbir şeyden haberi olmayan sahibinin evinin içinden geçip dış dünyaya açılın.Bu ekmek dilimi, daha önce hiçbir ekmek diliminin gitmediği yerlere cesurca gidecek . . .
Bir video oyununda görülen, ve bir ekmek dilimini anlatan, en derin hikayenin yanısıra diişnizi geçirebileceğiniz birçok seçenek bulunmakta. Her damak tadı için değişik bir oyun modu, değişik bir ekmek türü! Simit olup bölümlerin tozunu atabilir, kraker olup kaderinizi peynir avı modunda arayabilir veya baget olup öfke modunda etraftaki her şeyi parçalayarak stresinizi atabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, ekme diliminin uzaya bile gittiğini söylemiş miydik?
- HEMEN DIŞARI! ''RAMpa modu'' seviyesinden esinlenilen KeçiEkmeği - Keçi Simülatörü . Gözlerine inanamayacaksın.
- Ekip Kalesi seviye 2...Heavy'nin yüzüne tırman, tümor tetikleyen ışınlayıcıları kullan, mini silahı ateşle ve yapışkan mayınlarla dolu bir yerden geçmeye çalış, hepsi ''sandvich'' ismi ile...
- Yıldız Savaşları - Çöreklerin Atağı! Belli bir sevilen evrenden esinlenilen bu seviyede İmparatorluğun Çavdar Dövüşçülerini ortaya çıkar!
- Hikaye Modu: Tost olmak için destansı bir maceraya atılın! Hiçbir şeyden haberi olmayan sahibinin evinde birbirinden tatlı zorlukları aşın: mutfaktan başlayan yolculuğunuz sizi salona, bahçeye ve daha da ötesine götürecek.
- Peynir Avı: Kraker olmanın kaderini farkedin ve kendinizi peynire bulayın. Kırılana kadar tüm parçaları bulabilecek misiniz?
- Simit Yarışı: Her bölümü en hızlı bitirmeye çalışarak hem hıza hem de simitlere olan açlığınızı giderin.
- Öfke: Evin her bir köşesine (muhtemelen) sinirli bir baget olarak olabildiğince yıkım yağdırın. Mon dieu!
- Sıfır Yerçekimi: Tam anlamıyla uzay ekmeği! Tahıl roketlerinizi sonuna kadar kullanarak sıfır yerçekiminde yolunuzu bulun ve tehlikeleri atlatın.
- Sınırsız Oyun: Açtığınız ekmek türleriyle oyun dünyasını dilediğiniz gibi, zevkinize göre araştırın.
Check Out Bossa's Latest Game - Purrfect Date!
Про гру
I am Bread! Tons of Content!
TRY BAGEL RACE!Hey there people! Did you know that there’s more than one way to indulge your crumbly fantasies? Why not race a bagel around a living room as fast as you can. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
iHazCupquake did - see what happened!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyHD22AzH4 Best Played with a Controller! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .
As you become attuned to bread’s uniquely challenging control system, you’ll progress from a fumbling slice of bread to a masterful bread ninja. Traversing your environment is intentionally demanding but reliable, making it possible to master even the most majestic and acrobatic of manoeuvres.
Added Content:
- GoatBread - Goat Simulator-inspired level called ‘RAMpage mode’. You won't believe your eyes.
- Team Fortress 2 level...climb Heavy’s face, use tumour-inducing teleporters, fire the minigun and traverse a floor filled with sticky mines, all in the name of becoming “‘sandvich”’…
- Starch Wars - Attack of the Scones! Take out the Empire's Rye Fighters in this level inspired by a certain beloved universe!
Key features:
- Story Mode: Embark on an epic journey to become toast! Take on all hazards to deliciousness as you embark on your adventure throughout the home of an unsuspecting owner: from the kitchen, through the house, to the lounge, and then venture outside into the garden and beyond.
- Cheese Hunt: Realise the destiny of crisp-bread as you hunt down pieces of cheese to smother yourself in. Can you find all the pieces before you crack up?
- Bagel Race: Satisfy your taste for speed and bagels as you race across the checkpoints in each level and complete the tracks in the fastest possible time.
- Rampage: Cause as much destruction as possible throughout the house as you smash everything in sight as (possibly) angry baguette. Mon dieu!
- Zero-G: Literally bread in space! Make studious use of your bread boosters as you manoeuvre across environments with no gravity, avoiding all the floating hazards this entails in Zero-G mode.
- Free-play: Explore the world and play as any of the bread types you have unlocked, having crumby fun in your own sweet time.
System Requirements