Napoleon: Total War Collection
Napoleon: Total War Collection

Napoleon: Total War Collection

Release Date: 23/02/2010 | WORLDWIDE
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₺590.60 + VAT


In Napoleon: Total War, aspiring generals have the chance to play as the legendary French general Napoleon Bonaparte or as one of his opposing factions. Battling through his three biggest military campaigns, the game will take you through Italy and Egypt, narrating the early years of the fearsome commander, while the third campaign will tell the story of his fateful drive towards Moscow and, ultimately, his showdown with the Duke of Wellington at one of the most famous battles of all – The Battle of Waterloo. In Napoleon: Total War you get to actually be Napoleon - to face the problems he faced, to win the battles he won, and to build the Empire he built Items included in this bundle : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
In Napoleon: Total War, aspiring generals have the chance to play as the legendary French general Napoleon Bonaparte or as one of his opposing factions. Battling through his three biggest military campaigns, the game will take you through Italy and Egypt, narrating the early years of the fearsome commander, while the third campaign will tell the story of his fateful drive towards Moscow and, ultimately, his showdown with the Duke of Wellington at one of the most famous battles of all – The Battle of Waterloo. In Napoleon: Total War you get to actually be Napoleon - to face the problems he faced, to win the battles he won, and to build the Empire he built Items included in this bundle : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
Que vous choisissiez d'incarner le général de légende ou l'un de ses adversaires, l'issue de la guerre demeure incertaine. Le cours de l'histoire repose tout entier sur votre capacité à diriger vos troupes au cours des batailles les plus intenses jamais représentées dans un jeu Total War. La célèbre franchise donne vie à l'épopée napoléonienne Napoleon: Total War devient la nouvelle référence du genre grâce à des personnages charismatiques, une narration soutenue par des cinématiques haletantes, des batailles époustouflantes et un équilibre parfait entre la stratégie au tour par tour et temps réel. Objets inclus dans ce pack : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
Geschichte wird neu geschrieben! Napoleon: Total War™ ist der neueste Teil der renommierten Total War-Serie. Von der frühen Kampagne in Italien bis hin zur Schlacht bei Waterloo deckt Napoleon zwei Jahrzehnte erbarmungsloser Kämpfe ab – die Kulisse einer Welt in Flammen, in der sich die Geschichte einer atemberaubenden militärischen Karriere entwickelt. Ob man nun die Rolle des legendären Generals übernimmt, oder gegen ihn antrittt - der Ausgang eines Kampfes ist nie vorhersehbar. Der Verlauf der Geschichte hängt von deinen Fähigkeiten ab: wie du die Truppen durch die Schlachten führst, die so erbittert wie nie zuvor in Total War sind. In diesem Paket enthaltene Produkte : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
La storia non è ancora stata scritta. Napoleon: Total War™ è il nuovo capitolo della pluri-premiata saga di Total War e sviluppa un nuovo livello narrativo all'interno della serie simbolo del genere. Dalla campagna d'Italia alla battaglia di Waterloo, Napoleon copre due decenni di battaglie senza tregua: la storia di una straordinaria carriera militare che si svolge sullo sfondo di un mondo in fiamme. Sia che tu giochi nei panni del leggendario Generale o contro di lui, l'esito della guerra non sarà mai certo. Il corso della storia dipende dalla tua capacità di guidare le tue truppe in battaglie di un'intensità mai vista prima in un gioco Total War. Oggetti inclusi in questo pacchetto : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
In Napoleon: Total War, aspiring generals have the chance to play as the legendary French general Napoleon Bonaparte or as one of his opposing factions. Battling through his three biggest military campaigns, the game will take you through Italy and Egypt, narrating the early years of the fearsome commander, while the third campaign will tell the story of his fateful drive towards Moscow and, ultimately, his showdown with the Duke of Wellington at one of the most famous battles of all – The Battle of Waterloo. In Napoleon: Total War you get to actually be Napoleon - to face the problems he faced, to win the battles he won, and to build the Empire he built Items included in this bundle : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
- Napoleon : Total War - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War - The Peninsular Campaign
La historia está aún por escribir. Napoleon: Total War™ es el nuevo capítulo de la aclamada serie Total War, y descubre una nueva línea narrativa en esta franquicia que ha marcado un género. Desde la primera campaña en Italia, hasta la Batalla de Waterloo, Napoleon cubre dos décadas de batallas incesantes desde la perspectiva de un mundo en llamas donde se desarrolla la historia de una carrera militar extraordinaria. Tanto si juegas en el bando del legendario general como si juegas contra él, el resultado de una guerra jamás está garantizado. El curso de la historia depende de tu habilidad para liderar a tus tropas a través de las batallas más intensas nunca vistas en un juego de Total War. Artículos incluidos en este pack : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
In Napoleon: Total War, aspiring generals have the chance to play as the legendary French general Napoleon Bonaparte or as one of his opposing factions. Battling through his three biggest military campaigns, the game will take you through Italy and Egypt, narrating the early years of the fearsome commander, while the third campaign will tell the story of his fateful drive towards Moscow and, ultimately, his showdown with the Duke of Wellington at one of the most famous battles of all – The Battle of Waterloo. In Napoleon: Total War you get to actually be Napoleon - to face the problems he faced, to win the battles he won, and to build the Empire he built Items included in this bundle : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™
In Napoleon: Total War, aspiring generals have the chance to play as the legendary French general Napoleon Bonaparte or as one of his opposing factions. Battling through his three biggest military campaigns, the game will take you through Italy and Egypt, narrating the early years of the fearsome commander, while the third campaign will tell the story of his fateful drive towards Moscow and, ultimately, his showdown with the Duke of Wellington at one of the most famous battles of all – The Battle of Waterloo. In Napoleon: Total War you get to actually be Napoleon - to face the problems he faced, to win the battles he won, and to build the Empire he built Items included in this bundle : - Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleon: Total War - Imperial Eagle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - Coalition Battle Pack - Napoleon: Total War™ - The Peninsular Campaign - Napoleon: Total War™

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