Nova Lands (Steam)
Nova Lands (Steam)
Nova Lands (Steam)
Nova Lands (Steam)
Nova Lands (Steam)
Nova Lands (Steam)
Nova Lands (Steam)

Nova Lands (Steam)

Release Date: 22/06/2023 | WORLDWIDE
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Retail Price: 2,474.39 ₽ 7%
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Sobre o jogo

Construção de Base

Sua tarefa é construir um novo lar num planeta distante usando todos os tipos de recursos, como madeira e rochas e minerais raros desconhecidos. Cada nova construção desbloqueada abre novas possibilidades. Comece pequeno e descubra como elas podem trabalhar com mais eficiência e facilitar sua vida.


Uma grande parte do jogo é transformar 'trabalho duro' em 'trabalho inteligente'. Você começa criando tudo à mão e desbloqueia mais e mais níveis de automação. Seus bots são uma das principais ferramentas para isso!

O que são os bots?

São máquinas autossuficientes construídas para trabalhar duro, são simples de gerenciar e formam cadeias de produção complexas. Ao configurar seus bots, você pode decidir como cada ilha será usada e como os recursos serão movidos entre elas com base em suas necessidades de produção.

As ilhas e exploração

Conforme você progride, você logo perceberá que pode desbloquear várias ilhas. Elas têm diferentes biomas, criaturas, marcos, cavernas e NPCs para você ajudar e conversar.


O combate é algo que você pode fazer com frequência neste jogo, ou pode evitar.

As criaturas do planeta são passivas, agressivas ou reagem agressivamente se atacadas. Matá-las também possibilita extrair materiais de seus corpos, que podem fazer parte de sua produção.

Os chefes podem ser encontrados em áreas ocultas completando missões ou explorando. Eles são projetados para serem um desafio difícil, mas também existe um método pacifista para superar cada chefe através de ações como fazer uma oferenda mais cara ou resolver um quebra-cabeça nos lugares onde habitam.


Относно играта

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


O hře

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Om spillet

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Info over het spel

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


About the Game

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Tietoa pelistä

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


À propos du jeu

Si vous mélangez Factorio, Forager et Satisfactory, vous tomberez pile sur Nova Lands. Vous savez ce que ça fait de lancer une partie et de ne pas voir les heures défiler ? Alors ce jeu est fait pour vous !

Explorez, récoltez, construisez

Nouvelle planète, nouveau foyer. Construisez votre base avec toutes sortes de ressources éparpillées sur les différentes îles, depuis la pierre et le bois jusqu'aux matériaux rares et inconnus. Débloquez de nouvelles possibilités à chaque nouveau bâtiment, optimisez votre efficacité et aventurez-vous toujours plus loin dans les autres îles.

Travaillez plus malin, pas plus dur

Automatisez de plus en plus de processus en avançant dans le jeu pour mieux vous consacrer à l'exploration. Vos petits robots assistants vous seront d'une aide précieuse pour y parvenir.

Automatisez votre industrie grâce aux robots

C'est dans l'utilisation des robots que votre créativité pourra réellement s'exprimer. Ces petites machines autonomes peuvent former des chaînes logistiques entières et soutenir votre industrie à eux seuls. Ils sont faciles à configurer et à gérer, mais pensez à les protéger contre la faune hostile !

Débloquez toujours plus d'îles

Votre île de départ est la première d'une longue série ! Donnez le coup d'envoi à votre industrie afin de récupérer toutes les technologies nécessaires pour explorer sereinement les autres îles. Vous croiserez divers biomes, créatures, monuments, grottes, ainsi que des VIP qui explorent eux aussi Nova...

Tirez sur des trucs ! Ou mieux, évitez

Bien sûr, vous pouvez faire usage de votre blaster contre des créatures assez grosses pour vous en faire baver ! Livrez des combats pour obtenir des matériaux rares, ou choisissez la voie pacifique en respectant la faune locale (eh oui, même les boss). Attention quand même, vous devrez prévoir des cadeaux pour les amadouer.


Über das Spiel

Stell dir eine Mischung aus Factorio, Forager und Satisfactory vor: das ist Nova Lands, das richtige Spiel für Leute, die beim Spielen die Zeit vergessen wollen!

Erkunden, sammeln, bauen

Ein neuer Planet, ein neues Zuhause. Errichte deine neue Basis mit allen möglichen Ressourcen, die auf verschiedenen Inseln verstreut sind – von Steinen und Holz bis hin zu seltenen oder noch nicht bekannten Materialien. Schalte mit jedem neuen Gebäude neue Möglichkeiten frei, werde immer effizienter und dringe weiter auf neue Inseln vor.

Arbeite smart, nicht hart

Automatisiere im Laufe des Spiels immer mehr Dinge, damit du mehr Zeit zum Erkunden hast. Deine kleinen Helfer-Bots werden dabei eine wichtige Rolle spielen.

Automatisiere deine Vorgänge mit Bots

Durch den Einsatz von Bots kannst du deine Kreativität entfalten. Diese kleinen, autarken Maschinen können ganze Versorgungsketten bilden und deine Industrie allein aufrechterhalten. Sie sind einfach einzurichten und zu verwalten – achte nur darauf, sie vor wilden Tieren zu schützen!

Schalte immer mehr Inseln frei

Deine erste Insel ist nur eine von vielen! Bring deine Industrie in Schwung, um an die nötige Technologie zu kommen und bequem andere Inseln erkunden zu können. Dort wirst du auf verschiedene Biome, Kreaturen, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Höhlen und andere Personen stoßen, die Nova ebenfalls erkunden ...

Schieß los! Oder ... besser nicht

Natürlich hast du einen Blaster, den du auch abfeuern kannst. Und es gibt Biester, die eine echte Bedrohung für dich darstellen! Stell dich ihnen, um seltene Materialien zu erhalten, oder wähle den friedlichen Weg und bleibe ein freundlicher Gast auf diesem Planeten – selbst, wenn es sich um Boss-Kreaturen handelt. Du musst allerdings bereit sein, wertvolle Gegenstände abzugeben, wenn du Frieden mit ihnen schließen möchtest.


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


A játékról: 

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Informazioni sul gioco

Costruzione Della Base

Il tuo compito è quello di costruire una nuova casa su questo lontano pianeta usando tutti i tipi di risorse come legno, rocce e minerali rari sconosciuti. Ogni nuovo edificio sbloccato apre nuove possibilità. Inizia con poco e scopri come possono funzionare in modo più efficiente e rendere la tua vita più facile.


Gran parte del gioco consiste nel trasformare il "duro lavoro" in "lavoro intelligente". Inizierai a creare tutto a mano, poi sbloccherai sempre più livelli di automazione. I tuoi bot sono uno degli strumenti principali per fare questo!

Cosa sono i bot?

Sono macchine autosufficienti costruite per lavorare duramente, sono semplici da gestire e formano catene di produzione complesse. Configurando i tuoi bot, puoi decidere come ogni isola sarà utilizzata e come le risorse saranno spostate in base alle tue esigenze di produzione.

Le isole e l'esplorazione

Man mano che fai progressi, ti renderai presto conto che potrai sbloccare molte isole. Hanno diversi biomi, creature, punti di riferimento, grotte e PNG da aiutare e con cui parlare.


Il combattimento è qualcosa che puoi fare frequentemente in questo gioco, oppure puoi evitarlo.

Le creature del pianeta sono passive, aggressive o reagiscono in modo aggressivo se attaccate. Ucciderle permette anche di estrarre materiali dai loro corpi, che possono far parte della vostra produzione.

I boss possono essere trovati in aree nascoste completando le missioni o esplorando. Sono progettati per essere una sfida difficile, ma stiamo anche cercando di creare un metodo pacifista per superare ogni boss attraverso cose come fare un'offerta costosa, o risolvendo un puzzle nel loro dungeon.



Factorio、Forager、Satisfactoryを組み合わせたようなゲームをプレイしたいならまさにNova Landsがピッタリ。プレイし始めたら時間も忘れてハマっちゃうタイプのあなたには、まさにうってつけのゲームです!








最初の島は、数多く存在する島の1つにすぎません! 必要な技術を得るために産業をおこし、他の島を快適に探検しましょう。やがては様々なバイオームや生物、ランドマーク、洞窟にたどり着き、さらにNova探索する重要人物たちに出会うことにもなるでしょう…




게임 정보

Factorio, Forager, 그리고 Satisfactory를 섞어놓은 게임이 바로, Nova Lands입니다. 이러한 게임들을 플레이하는 동안 시간 가는 줄 모르고 즐겼다면, 여러분에겐 Nova Lands가 딱이랍니다!

탐허, 수집, 건설

새로운 행성, 새로운 집. 돌과 나무부터 희귀한 미지의 재료까지 여러 섬들에 흩어져있는 다양한 자원들로 새로운 기지를 건설하세요. 새로운 건물을 건설할 때마다 새로운 가능성을 펼치며, 효율성을 최대로 올리고 다른 섬들로 진출하세요.

스마트하게 일하기

게임을 진행해나가면서 최대한 많은 일들을 자동화시켜 탐험에 할애할 시간을 늘려가보세요. 미니 봇들이 이를 성취할 수 있도록 많은 도움을 줄 거예요.

봇으로 산업 자동화하기

봇의 사용은 진정으로 창의성이 이루어지는 공간입니다. 자급자족하는 작은 기계들은 전체 공급망을 형성하고 독자적으로 산업을 유지할 수 있습니다. 설치와 관리가 쉽지만, 무서운 야생 동물로부터는 한없이 약하니, 보호막은 필수입니다!

더 많은 섬 잠금 해제하기

첫 번째 섬은 앞으로 탐험할 수많은 섬들 중 하나에 불과합니다! 산업을 활성화하여 필요한 기술들을 획득하고 편안하게 다른 섬들을 탐험하세요. 여러분은 다양한 생물군과 생물체, 랜드마크, 동굴, 그리고 Nova를 탐험하는 특별한 이들을 만나게 될 것입니다…

쏴버리세요! 그럴 필요가 없다면 더 좋겠지만.

물론, 여러분이 발사할 수 있는 폭약도 있고, 진짜 위협이 될 만큼 큰 생물체도 있습니다! 희귀한 재료를 얻기 위해 전투에 참여할 수도 있고, 아니면 평화주의 노선을 선택해 이 행성에 방문한 다정한 손님으로 남을 수도 있죠. 보스급 생물들이 나타나도 정신만 차리면 됩니다. 하지만, 거대한 생물들과 친목을 다지기 위해선 귀중품을 공물로 받쳐야 한다는 점을 잊지 마세요.


Om spillet

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Informacje o grze

Budowa bazy

Twoim zadaniem jest zbudowanie nowego domu na tej odległej planecie przy użyciu różnego rodzaju zasobów, takich jak drewno i skały, a także nieznanych rzadkich minerałów. Każdy nowy odblokowany budynek otwiera nowe możliwości. Zacznij od małych i odkryj, jak mogą one pracować wydajniej i ułatwić Ci życie.


Duża część gry polega na przekształceniu "ciężkiej pracy" w "mądrą pracę". Zaczynasz od tworzenia wszystkiego ręcznie, a następnie odblokowujesz coraz więcej poziomów automatyzacji. Twoje boty są jednym z głównych narzędzi do tego!

Czym są boty?

Są samowystarczalnymi maszynami stworzonymi do ciężkiej pracy, są proste w zarządzaniu i tworzą złożone łańcuchy produkcyjne. Konfigurując swoje boty, możesz zdecydować, jak każda wyspa będzie używana i jak zasoby będą przemieszczane w zależności od potrzeb produkcyjnych.

Wyspy i eksploracja

W miarę postępów w grze, szybko zorientujesz się, że możesz odblokować wiele wysp. Posiadają one różne biomy, stworzenia, punkty orientacyjne, jaskinie i postacie niezależne, którym możesz pomagać i z którymi możesz rozmawiać.


Walka jest czymś, co możesz robić często w tej grze, lub możesz jej unikać.

Stworzenia na planecie są pasywne, agresywne, lub reagują agresywnie, jeśli zostaną zaatakowane. Zabijając je możesz również wydobywać z ich ciał materiały, które mogą być częścią Twojej produkcji.

Bossów można znaleźć w ukrytych obszarach poprzez wykonywanie zadań lub eksplorację. Zostali oni zaprojektowani tak, aby stanowić trudne wyzwanie, ale staramy się również stworzyć pacyfistyczną metodę pokonania każdego z bossów poprzez takie rzeczy jak złożenie drogiej ofiary lub rozwiązanie zagadki w ich lochu.


Acerca do Jogo

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Despre joc

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.


Об игре

Строительство базы

Ваша задача — построить новый дом на этой далекой планете, используя всевозможные ресурсы, такие как дерево и камни, а также неизвестные редкие минералы. Каждое новое разблокированное здание открывает новые возможности. Начните с малого и узнайте, как они могут работать более эффективно и облегчить вашу жизнь.


Большая часть игры заключается в превращении "тяжелой работы" в "умную работу". Вы начинаете с создания материалов вручную, а затем открываете все новые и новые уровни автоматизации. Ваши боты — один из основных инструментов для этого!

Что такое боты?

Это самодостаточные машины, созданные для тяжелой работы, простые в управлении и формирующие сложные производственные цепочки. Настраивая своих ботов, вы можете решить, как будет использоваться каждый остров и как будут перемещаться ресурсы в зависимости от ваших производственных потребностей.

Острова и исследование

По ходу игры вы обнаружите, что можете открыть множество островов. Они обладают разными биомами, существами, ориентирами, пещерами и NPC, с которыми можно поговорить или которым можно помочь.


Сражений в игре можно избегать, если вы не настроены драться.

Существа на планете бывают пассивными, агрессивными, а также могу нападать, если напасть на них. При убийстве животных можно получить материалы, которые можно использовать в производстве.

Боссов можно найти в скрытых областях, выполняя задания или при исследовании. Боссы созданы для испытаний, но мы также пытаемся создать мирные методы победы над каждым боссом, например, через щедрое предложение или решение головоломки в их подземелье.



你将可以在《Nova Lands》中见到《Factorio》、《Forager》以及《Satisfactory》这三款游戏的影子。如果你也有经历过类似“再来一个回合”的投入体验,那么千万不要错过这款游戏!












Acerca del juego

Nova Lands es lo que saldría si mezclases Factorio, Forager y Satisfactory. Si lo que te gusta es ponerte a jugar a un juego y no notar cómo pasan las horas, ¡has llegado al lugar indicado!

Explora, recolecta, construye

Un nuevo planeta es un nuevo hogar. Constrúyete una base con todo tipo de recursos que se encuentran repartidos por distintas islas, desde las clásicas piedras y madera hasta otros materiales más raros y aún desconocidos. Desbloquea nuevas posibilidades con cada nuevo edificio, maximiza la eficiencia y adéntrate más y más en las islas.

¡Más vale maña que fuerza!

Automatiza más y más procesos según progreses en el juego, dejándote a ti más tiempo libre para explorar. Tus pequeños ayudantes, los bots, serán una pieza clave para conseguirlo.

Automatiza tu industria con bots

La verdadera creatividad llega con los bots. Estas pequeñas máquinas autosuficientes pueden formar cadenas de producción enteras y mantener en funcionamiento tu industria ellos solitos. Son sencillas de montar y gestionar, ¡solo tienes que asegurarte de que estén protegidas de la fauna salvaje!

Desbloquea más y más islas

¡Tu primera isla no es más que la primera de muchas! Dale un empujón inicial a tu industria hasta conseguir toda la tecnología que necesitas y, a partir de ahí, explora otras islas a tu voluntad. Mientras exploras Nova, te irás encontrando todo tipo de biomas, criaturas, paisajes, cuevas y personas de cierta importancia...

¡Dispara todo lo que quieras! O, mejor aún: no lo hagas

Evidentemente, tienes una pistola. Y, evidentemente, puedes dispararla. ¡Úsala contra esos enormes bichos que te amenazan! Combate contra enemigos para conseguir materiales raros, o escoge la no violencia y limítate al papel de amable visitante en el planeta... aun cuando haya jefes de por medio. Eso sí: prepárate para hacerles una oferta valiosa si quieres estar en paz con ellos.


Om spelet

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.




งานของคุณคือสร้างบ้านใหม่บนดาวเคราะห์อันห่างไกลนี้โดยใช้ทรัพยากรทุกประเภทอาทิเช่น ไม้และหิน รวมถึงแร่ธาตุหายากที่ไม่รู้จัก การปลดล็อกแต่ละสิ่งปลูกสร้างใหม่เป็นการเปิดโอกาสใหม่ๆ เริ่มต้นจากสิ่งเล็กๆ และค้นพบว่าพวกเขาสามารถทำงานได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้นและทำให้ชีวิตของคุณง่ายขึ้นได้อย่างไร


ส่วนใหญ่ของเกมนี้เป็นการเปลี่ยนจาก 'การทำงานหนัก' เป็น 'การทำงานอย่างชาญฉลาด' ซึ่งคุณเริ่มสร้างทุกอย่างด้วยตัวคุณเองจากนั้นปลดล็อกระดับการทำงานอัตโนมัติมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ และบอตของคุณเป็นหนึ่งในเครื่องมือหลักในการทำเช่นนี้!


พวกเขาเป็นเครื่องจักรแบบพึ่งตัวเองที่สร้างขึ้นเพื่อทำงานหนัก ง่ายต่อการจัดการ และสร้างสายการผลิตที่ซับซ้อน โดยการกำหนดค่าบอตของคุณ ซึ่งคุณสามารถเลือกได้ว่าจะใช้เกาะแต่ละเกาะอย่างไรและจะย้ายทรัพยากรตามความต้องการในการผลิตของคุณได้อย่างไร


เมื่อคุณมีความก้าวหน้า คุณจะรู้ว่าคุณสามารถปลดล็อกเกาะต่างๆ ได้ ซึ่งพวกเขามีชีวนิเวศ สิ่งมีชีวิต สถานที่สำคัญ ถ้ำ และ NPC ที่แตกต่างกันเพื่อให้คุณช่วยเหลือและพูดคุยด้วย



สิ่งมีชีวิตบนดาวเคราะห์นี้มีทั้งอยู่เฉยๆ ก้าวร้าว หรือตอบโต้อย่างดุดันหากถูกโจมตี การฆ่าพวกเขายังทำให้สามารถดึงวัตถุดิบออกจากร่างกายซึ่งอาจเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการผลิตของคุณ
สามารถพบบอสได้ในพื้นที่ที่ซ่อนอยู่โดยทำภารกิจให้สำเร็จหรือการสำรวจ ซึ่งได้รับการออกแบบมาให้เป็นความท้าทายที่ยาก แต่เรายังพยายามสร้างวิธีการแบบสันติเพื่อเอาชนะบอสแต่ละตัวผ่านสิ่งต่าง ๆ เช่น ให้ข้อเสนอที่มีมูลค่า หรือการไขปริศนาในคุกมืดของพวกเขา



你將可以在《Nova Lands》中見到《Factorio》、《Forager》以及《Satisfactory》這三款遊戲的影子。如果你也有經歷過類似「再來一個回合」的投入體驗,那麼千萬不要錯過這款遊戲!












Oyun Açıklaması

Factorio, Forager ve Satisfactory; bu üçünü karıştırsaydık ortaya çıkacak olan şey tam olarak Nova Lands olurdu. Bir kez oynamaya başladığında zamanı bükecek ve "O kadar saat ne ara geçti?" diye sorgulatacak bir oyun arıyorsan, bu oyun tam sana göre!

Keşfet, topla, inşa et

Yeni bir gezegen, yeni bir ev. Çeşitli adalara dağılmış odun, kaya ve bilinmeyen maddeler gibi türlü kaynakları toplayarak yeni üssünü inşa et. Her yeni binayla yeni olasılıklara kapı aç, verimliliği en üst seviyeye çıkar ve diğer adalara yayıl.

Akıllı çalış, sıkı değil

Oyunda ilerledikçe otomasyon kapasiteni arttırarak keşiflerine daha fazla zaman ayır. Küçük yardımcı robotların otomasyon konusundaki en büyük destekçilerin olacak.

Robotlarla sanayini otomatikleştir

Robot kullanımı, yaratıcılığından en çok faydalanman gereken yer olacak. Kendisini idare edebilen bu küçük makineler eksiksiz ikmal hatları kurabilir ve sanayinin kendi başına işlemesini sağlayabilir. Bu robotları kurması ve yönetmesi kolaydır ama onları vahşi yaşam biçimlerinden korumayı sakın unutma!

Bir sürü adanın kilidini aç

İlk adan aslında pek çok adadan sadece bir tanesi. İhtiyacın olan teknolojilere sahip olabilmek için süratle sanayileş ve diğer adaları keşfet. Çeşitli biyomlarla, canlılarla, sembolik yapılarla, mağaralarla ve Nova'yı keşfeden diğer önemli kişilerle karşılaşacaksın.

Bir şeylere ateş et! Ya da daha iyisi, sakince hallet.

Tabii ki kullanabileceğin bir silahın ve başına bela olabilecek kadar büyük yaratıklar var! Nadir maddeler elde edebilmek için savaş veya büyük yaratıklar karşısında bile daha barışçıl bir yol izle ve gezegenin iyi kalpli misafiri olarak kal. Tabii onlarla barış yapabilmek için değerli bir şeyler teklif etmeye hazır olmalısın.


Про гру

If you were to mix Factorio, Forager, and Satisfactory, Nova Lands would be just that. Explore, build, and automate your base in this awesome, open-world 2D game!

New planet, new home. Build your new base with all sorts of resources available to you, from basic rocks and wood to rare and unknown materials. Unlock new possibilities with every new building, maximize efficiency, and push deeper to other islands.

As you progress through the game, you will be able to automate more and more things, freeing up more time to explore! Your little helper bots will be instrumental in helping you do that.

The bots are the tipping point where your ingenuity will begin to shine. These little self-sufficient machines can form entire production chains and sustain your industry all on its own. They’re easy to set up and manage.

Just like you’re not the only person to land on this planet, your started island is one of many! Kickstart your industry to get all the tech you need and comfortably explore other islands. You’ll come across various biomes, creatures, landmarks, caves, and some really important people…

Of course, there’s a blaster you can fire, and critters large enough to be a real menace! Engage in combat and gather rare materials, or, go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.

System Requirements


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