Lista de características
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Sobre o jogo
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Списък с възможности
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Относно играта
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
O hře
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Liste over centrale elementer
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Om spillet
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Info over het spel
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Feature List
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
About the Game
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Tietoja pelistä
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Liste des fonctionnalités
- Nouveau scénario : Fête du Canada (1860 - 1880) - L'Acte de l'Amérique du Nord Britannique
- Expansion de la carte : La région des Grands Lacs (disponible en modes libre et bac à sable)
- Nouvelles locomotives : Achilles (0-4-0) et Canadian (2-8-0)
- Nouvelles marchandises à échanger (par ex., fourrures et vêtements d'hiver) et 19 nouvelles villes
- Système météorologique amélioré pour toutes les régions nordiques du jeu
- Explorez le monde de Railway Empire dans le mode nuit exclusif
À propos du jeu
Dominé par la forêt et la toundra, le Canada des années 1860 est peu peuplé, et seules quelques colonies sont parvenues à se développer en villes plus importantes. Comblez les distances qui séparent les colonies britanniques et atteignez l'indépendance économique en créant une infrastructure ferroviaire dans la région des Grands Lacs.
- Neues Szenario: „Dominion Day“ (1860-1880) – Die British North American Acts
- Kartenerweiterung „Great Lakes“ für die Modi ‚Freies Spiel‘ und ‚Modellbau‘
- Neue Lokomotiven: Achilles (0-4-0) und Canadian (2-8-0)
- Neue Waren (z. B. Felle & Winterkleidung) und 19 neue Städte
- Überarbeitetes Wettersystem: Schnee bietet nun in allen nördlichen Regionen eine zusätzliche Herausforderung.
- Railway Empire bei Nacht: Entdecken Sie die komplette Spielwelt noch einmal neu in der Nachtansicht!
Über das Spiel
Zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wird Kanada fast ausschließlich von Wäldern und Tundra beherrscht. Nur wenige Siedlungen haben sich bereits zu größeren Städten entwickelt. In Railway Empire: The Great Lakes verknüpfen Sie die britischen Kolonien und führen Sie die Great Lakes-Region durch die Schaffung einer Gleisinfrastruktur in die wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit.
Λίστα Χαρακτηριστικών
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
A játékról:
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Elenco Caratteristiche
- Nuovo scenario: Canada Day (1860-1880) - Legge sul Nord America Britannico
- Espansione della mappa: La regione dei Grandi Laghi (disponibile nelle modalità partita Libera e Sandbox)
- Nuovi motori: Achilles (0-4-0) e Canadian (2-8-0)
- Nuovi beni scambiabili (ad es. pellicce e capi d’abbigliamento invernale) e 19 nuove città
- Sistema meteorologico migliorato per tutte le regioni settentrionali del gioco
- Esplora il mondo di Railway Empire nell’esclusiva modalità notturna
Informazioni sul gioco
Dominato dalla foresta e dalla tundra, il Canada nel 1860 è scarsamente popolato e solo pochi insediamenti sono riusciti a trasformarsi in città più grandi. Accorcia le distanze tra le colonie inglesi e raggiungi l'indipendenza economica creando un'infrastruttura ferroviaria per la regione dei Grandi Laghi.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
특징 목록
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
게임 정보
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Om spillet
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Lista funkcji
- Nowy scenariusz: dzień niepodległości (1860-1880) - ustawa o Brytyjskiej Ameryce Północnej
- Nowa mapa: Region Wielkich Jezior (dostępny w trybie swobodnej gry i piaskownicy)
- Nowe lokomotywy: Achilles (0-4-0) i Canadian (2-8-0)
- Nowe towary, którymi można handlować (np. futra i odzież zimowa) oraz 19 nowych miast
- Udoskonalony system pogodowy dla wszystkich północnych regionów gry
- Odkrywaj świat Railway Empire w wyjątkowym trybie nocnym
Informacje o grze
W latach 60. XIX wieku Kanada jest opustoszała i zdominowana przez lasy i tundrę. Jedynie kilka osad urosło do rangi większych miasteczek. Połącz brytyjskie kolonie i osiągnij niezależność gospodarczą, tworząc infrastrukturę kolejową w regionie Wielkich Jezior.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Acerca do Jogo
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Listă Caracteristici
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Despre joc
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Список возможностей
- Новый сценарий: «День провозглашения доминиона» (1860–1880 гг.) — Акт о Британской Северной Америке.
- Расширение карты: регион Великих озер (в режимах свободной игры и песочницы).
- Новые локомотивы: Ахиллес (0-4-0) и Канадец (2-8-0).
- Новые товары (например, мех и зимняя одежда) и 19 новых городов.
- Расширенная погодная система для всех северных регионов.
- Узнайте, как мир Railway Empire выглядит в новом ночном режиме!
Об игре
В 1860-х Канада была преимущественно лесами и тундрой — лишь немногие поселения стали городами. Соедините разрозненные участки британских колоний, создав путевую инфраструктуру в районе Великих озер.
- 新场景: 自治日(1860-1880) - 英治北美篇
- 地图扩展: 大湖区(自由模式和沙盒模式中皆可使用)
- 新机车: 阿基里斯(0-4-0) 与加拿大(2-8-0)
- 新商品(e.g. 皮毛与冬衣) 以及19座新城市
- 游戏中所有北方城市都将获得强化天气效果
- 在夜晚模式中探索铁路帝国的世界
Lista de características
- Nuevo escenario: Día de Dominio (1860-1880) - Ley de América del Norte Británica
- Expansión de mapa: La región de los Grandes Lagos (disponible en los modos de juego libre y experimentar)
- Nuevas locomotoras: Aquiles (0-4-0) y Canadiense (2-8-0)
- Nuevas mercancías para comerciar (pieles y ropa de invierno, por ejemplo) y 19 nuevas ciudades
- Sistema meteorológico mejorado para todas las regiones septentrionales del juego
- Explora el mundo de Railway Empire con el exclusivo modo nocturno
Acerca del juego
Dominado por el bosque y la tundra, el Canadá de los años sesenta del siglo XIX cuenta con una población muy pequeña y apenas un puñado de asentamientos ha logrado alcanzar la categoría de ciudad. Cubre la distancia entre las colonias británicas y alcanza la independencia económica creando una infraestructura de líneas ferroviarias en la región de los Grandes Lagos.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Om spelet
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Özellik Listesi
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Oyun Açıklaması
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.
Список можливостей
- New scenario: Dominion Day (1860-1880) - The British North American Act
- Map expansion: The Great Lakes region (available in Free Game and Sandbox Modes)
- New engines: Achilles (0-4-0) and Canadian (2-8-0)
- New tradeable goods (e.g. fur and winter clothing) and 19 new cities
- Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game
- Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Про гру
Dominated by forest and tundra, Canada in the 1860s is sparsely populated and only a few settlements have managed to develop into larger towns. Bridge the distance between the British colonies and reach economic independence by creating a track infrastructure for the Great Lakes region.